I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, January 20, 2012

"Hey, I got flax!"

Oldest Sister screams as my brother drives away. He claimed that tonight proved who was smartest.

Oh my god.

Trivia night was awesome!

We walked in and people were decked out in costumes, apparently some sort of theme competition, we threw out some possibles for next year mostly retro TV related.

The team that one called themselves "Cheeses of Nazareth" you know, as opposed Jesus of Nazareth. They were all in yellow with cheese hats and certain types of cheese written on their backs. One of them was "Shredded" and her shirt was all cut up.

We voted for the "Almost Heroes" team, which included a guy wearing an ironing board on his back for Iron Man, one dressed as Batman who turned out to be an old friend of my brother's, and an old guy dress entirely in green carrying around a lantern for Green Lantern.

The night itself went smoothly, flew by pretty quickly even though it was like 3 hours, or longer.

There were 28 tables, and we didn't get last.

Or second to last.

Or third to last.

Notice how I'm stopping there?

But we weren't aiming to win, just to have fun.

We ended with a 63, which is actually pretty impressive because those questions were about the most obscure group of information, seriously. It was our first year, we'll do better next year. Technically we were a man down compared to the other teams, next year with the Trivia King we'll dominate.

Okay, so there were ten rounds with ten questions each. We had ten sheets of paper with lines on them, we wrote in our answer them took them to the front for the judges to keep count and put the totals on the projector.

Between rounds you were encouraged to drink at the cash bar - btw it was at the fairgrounds and not my nephew's school total bummer cause that would have been funnier - vote in the silent auction or pay to play "Dead or Alive" or "Heads or Tails". This gave the judges time to go over the answers and come up with a talley.

Here were the categories:

State of the Union

-Okay, who knows which bird is the most common State Bird in the United States? Seriously?

Syndication Nation
-We rocked this category. I think we got 9 out of 10. AND! Remember how I said in Friends Trivia we would dominate? Yeah, "Which Friends character is played by actress Lisa Kudrow?" was amongst the questions. We kind of wanted to put down Regina Falange, but refrained.
Also, remember how I had the Gilligan's Island theme song stuck in my head for like an entire day? It paid off, one of the questions was "what was the name of the ship from Gilligan's Island?" "if not for the courage of the fearless crew the Minnow would be lost, the Minnow would be lost." Rocked it.

Logo Land
-This one was cool, they put pictures up on the screen - well all the questions were put on the screen as they were asked but this was an actual image - of logos that represent certain companies or websites or cars or whatever. I think we missed like 2out of that one.

Fabric of Society
-"I got flax!" Oldest Sister was pretty proud of that answer, and seriously, as the officially knitter in our family she owned this one. Along with Second Sister and Favorite Sister-In-Law. I'm not so much for fabric, as you could probably tell as today I was dragged clothes shopping.

Acting Uncivil
-Favorite Sister-In-Law told my brother that this was his category. I don't think we did so well with this one.

Red Heads
-Yeah. Not what you think. As we are Nebraskans, it was all Husker related. Which was basically all my big brother. And me. I got the volleyball question, he was all over the football and the baseball and all that. Wrestling? Did anyone get that one right?

Faithful and True
-It was sponsored by a Lutheran grade school so you knew they'd have to throw in some bible trivia. I am proud to say that I dominated this category. Correcting Oldest Sister and the boyfriend. Which patriarch had his name changed to Israel? Abram changed to Abraham but it was JACOB that was changed to Israel after he wrestled with God. I told Sister-In-Law to change the answer as she was our scribe. They were like, "if it was Abraham..." yeah they announced it as Jacob and I rocked it.

Our Hometown
-Second Sister lives there now but yeah, I think we got like 4 out of 10 on this one. It wasn't pretty. I lived in this town for four years and I still couldn't answer a single question. Aside from bank clocks, have many clock faces can you see from the Town Square? What graphic is posted on this building? The boyfriend and I teamed up for the library question, I was proud.

The Year That Was
-These were all questions about events that happened last year, we did okay.

Grab Bag
-Was the definition of random trivia. It was like, okay these questions don't really fit into any category so we'll group them together and call it a grab bag. Makes sense.

So we all had our own specialized areas.

Oldest Sister dominated the fabric one. She was also good at the bible stuff and threw out some syndication stuff. Retro sitcoms mostly.

Second Sister was proud of her answers when she answered, though one of them was actually mine. It was about a bookstore that closed it's doors, she looks at me and says "It wasn't Barnes and Noble what's the name of the other one?" "Borders." "Woohoo!" She brought the majority of the food - cause you brought your own as they just provided drinks.

My Brother-in-Law did well with geography and also the hometown category. It was interesting because I lived there for four years and he's noticed a lot more stuff for just being there three. Granted he's more visual and observant than me, plus college was not exactly a highlight of my existence.

Favorite Sister-in-Law and I teamed up for a lot of the syndication stuff. She was also our scribe.

Older Brother rocked the sports stuff and he was good with geography and history as well.

As for me, I had book and bible-related stuff, plus some random sports and I was all over the syndication stuff. I was also what they loving referred to as "The runner" where I would grab our answers and run them up to the judges table. They picked me because I got new jeans and they apparently wanted to look at my butt. I told the boyfriend he wasn't allowed to stare at my ass in front of my siblings.

Then The Boyfriend had everything else.


They called him "Answer Boy". When he got up from the table they were scared he wouldn't be back in time for the next round.

I was super proud and very impressed. Geography, TV, car logos, husker stuff, bible stuff, Seward stuff, and history he did really well. We said that him and the Trivia King would dominate.

I was also told that if for some reason we were to break up he was still coming next year.

It was funny cause when we were introduced to Second Sister's friends he was named as my "special friend", yeah he's special alright. Joking.

And he did really well while being thrown to the vipers. Second Sister asked for his intentions right away, we told him about my ex sending her a two page letter. He joked and said he's send her a three page one, or a video.

Quotes of the Day:
Squirt: "I don't need makeup, I'm a lovely person!"
I was talked into putting some on, but this is what Second Sister at one point said to Squirt.

"Hurry up, my sparkles are freezing off!" she has sparkle butt jeans. and it was cold walking back to the car.

"I always thought it was 'Letter B'" instead of "Let It Be" by the Beatles. There will be an answer, Letter B.


"The Middle" Jimmy Eat World

"Little Bitty Pretty One" Huey Lewis and the News

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