I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Fool-Proof Diet

So we came up with a plan.

And by we I mean myself, Squirt and the awesomeness that is Megan.

To write our own diet book.

You know? One to go amongst the 613 section of the library.

These are our diet rules:

-Eating someone else's food means no calories
cause it's not your food.

-If you eat a donut it's only half the calories cause there's a big hole in the middle.

-If you eat a snickers bar while running in place it doesn't count cause they cancel each other out.

-Diet pop means you lose weight as you drink it cause it has diet in the title.

And we call our plan the "Fool-Proof Diet" because it takes fools to prove that our diet doesn't work.

But we're thinking of coming up with more rules - there were more thrown out on the car ride back from the event tonight but I've forgotten half of them. I'm sure they'll remind me tomorrow. Then I will include them in that post.

Anyway, we're thinking of writing this book, then taking before and after pictures but in reverse.

Like Before: *insert picture* we were skinny.

And After: *insert picture* we weigh 400 pounds each.

We would probably need some sort of strong disclaimer to go on the cover.

Like, "if you're serious about dieting you should seriously stay away from this book."

Or something of the sort.

Then use really cool pen names like Marsha Mellow or Chris P. Bacon.

I'm kinda digging it.

Today was like completely weird schedule-wise. 1-5, which actually were my normal hours before I was 40 hours, but then 6-9 for this big TAB event.

Friday the 13th means murder, mystery and mayhem so we had a murder mystery event for the teens over at one of the branches.

It was fun. And loaded with teens, I was impressed.

Neon cheese-puffs were included so I mean how can you say no to that?

I should add that to our diet plan.

Aside from the splitting headache - and I mean actual makes you want to crawl in the corner because this NEVER happens EVER kind of pain - it went off without any major catastophes.

About an hour into it I was alright - I'm library personnel, you just power through it. It's what you do.

It's all mental.

Freakin' Coach Otte, I blame my new life motto on you.

Anyway, the teens got pretty into the whole thing.

Some had parts and were the suspects, the rest were put into groups - I led group 3, woohoo! - and we went around to the crime scene and the detective's desk and all that. Then came back to the room and I made them round-table. They figured it out, I was pretty proud.

And the most unsuspecting person in the world was the murderer, which I LOVED! Because it was one of my coworker's kids. Well, two of my coworkers technically cause they're married and both work with me, but I usually only work with one of them.

But this girl was fantastic, she was helping me put pop and ice in the cooler before everyone arrived and was stabbing the ice pack. "I have violent tendencies." She's like the most mild-mannered girl ever, so her as the murderer just seriously made me laugh.

Especially because she was just sitting at the crime scene reading.

All innocent.

Nope, she poisoned the librarian so she could avoid being arrested for plagiarism!

The set-up was pretty sweet. We even had a taped outline of the murder victim.

I took pictures of them taping it out, but they would probably kill me if I uploaded them.

It was super cool meeting some of the other librarians.

I mean, I've seen them around, but you don't really talk because you're always in meetings or staff inservice or whatever.

These were the other TAB leaders and it was a seriously fun group.

I'm getting more excited as the process goes along.

Although my mentor was loving the fact that she just got to be the advisor tonight.

"You wanna do it?"
"Nope, I'm the mentor."

Our kids kicked butt.

I mean, so did everybody else's, but I was proud of ours and their acting skills.

And they all seemed to have fun.

Next up for TAB is a meeting for more Summer Reading activity planning.

I have a feeling that's going to become my life for the next few months.

Fantastic, just in time for CAMP planning.

And class.

Speaking of, I have my first session on Sunday afternoon.

Carpooling with an awesome classmate so the Library Goddess might have to live without her coffee from me this semester. Not sure if I'll see her anyway, unless I stop by her office.

Which I will.

Always leave the Cool Aunt a note after every class.

Lately it's been pictures.

A turkey for Thanksgiving, a tree for Christmas.

What do I draw now?


He does rock.

And we do get a three day weekend because he rocks.

Which means he rocks even more in my book.

And speaking of books and rocking and MLK, my booklist is officially out there, I'm stoked!

Go here: If You Like "The Help"

It's a super awesome website if you're looking for a good book or movie.

Info-Man and Darth Scheduler are major Star Wars fans so if you find the Star Wars booklist you'll be looking at hundreds, and I mean hundreds, of Star Wars titles.

Plain White T's Week: Day Six

Friday the 13th pretty much demands mysterious and weird music, right?

"Welcome to Mystery"

okay, i can't even focus on the song cause all i can see is that dude on the right with the blue shirt dancing like an idiot.

"Cirque Dans La Rue"

"but just remember, while you're watching us do the things that we do,
We're watching you!"

Quote of the night:

Me: Bye Fluffy.
Bubby: Bye.
Me: I was talking to the cat.
Bubby: Well that was awkward.

and she's out!


  1. Seriously? Elanor J was the killer? That's awesome. Please do post photos...that would be cool! I love live-action murder mystery events. We did two with Star Trek themes at the two science fiction conventions (Andromeda One and Andromeda Two - http://www.starbaseandromeda.com/Andromeda2.html) that my scifi club sponsored back in the 1990s. They were the best part of each convention!

  2. Yes, she was the murderer, it was fantastic. She looked all innocent, just sitting there reading a book.
    The kids seemed to have a lot of fun, I'm glad they're the fun teenagers and not the ones that think everything is lame.
