I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Now all I do is look around for you

When did I become the girl that needs so many hangers?

I have essentially run out and need to go buy more.

I can almost hear Amos cheer as I say that.

But seriously?

I miss the olden days of t-shirts and tear-aways.

That wasn't supposed to rhyme, but it's fitting.

Now it's all jeans and nice shirts.

But there are plenty of fun t-shirts to go along with them.

Will probably pair one up with a nice shirt for tomorrow.

Don't want to look too dressed up for the meeting and all that.

There are few things that scare me anymore.

Which is a big change from before.

But tomorrow...I'm a little freaked about.

Which I shouldn't be.

It's my first TAB meeting.

And I'm not even leading it, just sitting in and getting introduced.

But they're teens.

And they don't like change.

And they like my mentor as a leader.

And they don't want her to leave.

So I'm apprehensive.

Which, I mean, I shouldn't be.

I direct a freaking summer camp, I can handle teens.

And it's not like I'm going to change anything.

It's running fine as it is.

I'm sure it will be fine.

And I'm overreacting.

I think I just need to sleep.


Stop thinking.

Turn on some NCIS Los Angeles.

Though today was fantastic.

Slept in. Ate pizza. Watched a lot of NCIS Los Angeles. Went to work for two hours. Squirt came in to volunteer. Dropped her off and ate supper. Such a sacrifice to take her home when Oldest Sister makes me food.

But geez, LSU got smoked. Sad day.

I like their baseball team so I feel like I should root for their football team.

On to the music rec's

Plain White T's Week: Day Two

Tim Lopez takes over the vocals on these two instead of Tom Higgenson.

"Body Parts"

one of my favorites, though not originally. it grew on me.


relaxing tempo with awesome harmony

And I'm out for the night.

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