I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, January 23, 2012

but you locked me out of your mind, and left me standing here behind...


Pete from Private Practice is a priest on SVU.

But then Bob Saget was a murderer, Bernadette Peters was a lawyer, Paget Brewster was a grieving daughter...

The list goes on.

Though when I saw Paget I actually screamed at the TV. "Awesome!"

It's always fun to see your favorite people as guest stars on random shows.

Like when Angie Harmon turned all evil assassin chick on Chuck, totally did not expect that.

Anyway, SVU. I've made it through to season eight from the beginning.

Got them through the library, I don't think I could own them.

It's a great show, just nothing I want to watch over and over cause it's depressing.

So, Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure takes place in like less than a week.

We're meeting up halfway to celebrate our birthdays.


First vacation vacation I've taken since...oh jeez. I don't even remember the last time I left the state.

Well, that's depressing.

Think it was camping with Second Sister's family. And that was like 5 years ago.

All my other "vacations" are for camp - and that's everything but a vacation. Oh well, it's worth it.

So yes, I'm taking my camera - or my "hand attachment" as she calls it. Though I haven't taken pictures with it in like a year.

Like I said, not much time for a vacation when you're working 40 hours a week, plus taking classes, plus family stuff, plus camp stuff...

So I'm stoked.

Started my homework today, though I had more questions than answers. Glad I have smart friends also taking the class - that's helpful. We just started and I'm already totally lost.

Oh well, I just gotta figure out what books they're talking about so I can figure out how to catalog them. It's a group thing, they divided us up and we're all supposed to add in a bunch of stuff, work together and catalog items.

So if I do something wrong they can fix it. Huzzah!

Once I get that all sorted out I'll be ready to roll on the other stuff. Evaluating catalogs and making a chart.

Easy enough, I just gotta get it done before this weekend since I'll be gone.

I know, sorry, boring ramblings.

What else is exciting?

Umm...went in to work today for two hours. Taught Squirt how to do a trace list.

I used to love doing them at the home library. Kept me entertained for hours.

Though you rarely find anything.

Which is good and bad.

Good cause it means you're doing your job, bad because it gets old fast.

But, on the rare occasion you do find something - and these are things that were supposed to be pulled at one time or another and they weren't where they were supposed to be - you grab it and do a victory dance.

That was our motto when we were done with the lists as well.

Toss it and do a happy dance.

That's what I'll do when I'm finally able to graduate and be done done with school.

No homework, just work work. Though a doctorate sounds like fun.

Hey, a girl can dream.

But I don't want to be one of those lifetime students.

Be overloaded all the time.

Even though it'd be cool to throw "dr" in front of my name. or "phd" at the end of it.

Moving on, Carter and I are gonna jam out to some more Benson and Stabler kicking ass.

How they thought they could replace them I'll never know.

I think I'll stop working my way through the seasons when I get to that point.

They are the show.

Though I am curious as to how they have both Cabot and Novak as lawyers at the same time. Then they're turning into regular Law and Order.

But no, watching that would be promoting the new cast and I refuse.

It's like when all the Criminal Minds fans boycotted until they brought back both AJ and Paget.

I'm old fashioned like that.

More boring ramblings, sorry.

On to the music rec's before I think of something else to bore you with.

"Silver Wings" Merle Haggard LIVE

slowly fading out of sight

"Somebody Like You" Keith Urban

Hey, it's Sloan from Grey's.

Not like Mark Sloan, like Sloan Sloan, the obnoxious gets pregnant daughter.

Plus Sarah Drews in the same episode. Huh.

So far behind on Grey's it's ridiculous.

Apparently they're doing some alternate reality episode.

Or maybe they did and I'm behind on that too.

Anyway, Karev is supposed to be some total nerd.

Plus Bailey in dreadlocks.

Gonna have to tune in to that one.

More boring ramblings.


1 comment:

  1. Call me crazy, but I like the new cast on SVU. Danny Pino is as hunky as Elliot but not so intense. Honestly, the stuff Elliot was puling would get him fired in the real world.

    I also love the 'Hag' and Keith Urban is mighty fine.

    Enjoy your vacation!!!
