I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I've liked you for a thousand years, a thousand years.

Yes, I continued to have moves like Jagger today.

I'm sure you were all wondering.

I moved from my predecessor's old desk to a desk of my own - for some reason I had two desks even though technically I had no desk at all. Which doesn't make sense, but it does make sense if I explain it correctly.

I wasn't assigned a desk - they just needed a place to put incoming supplies since I'm in charge of it, so it went to the desk it was going to before. Then Mentor cleaned off an area for me in a youth workroom so then I had that desk, but not really as it was never assigned.

Now it's assigned.

Sort of.

Superwoman is still figuring stuff out.

Doesn't matter, I don't really need a desk, I don't know that I'd actually sit at it and use it, I just need a place they can put the supplies that I will know to check so I can grab them and distribute them. It's easier than running up to 3rd floor all the time just to check.

Moving desks was just one of my off-desk hours, the other I spent cleaning up the YA area. Now all the shelves are edged nicely and the displays are full and in the right places with the right statuses...I give it about 12 more hours before it's back to destruction.

And I won't even be there to fix it, that's right! I'm at the home branch tomorrow! All day!! With the new new guy, who I guess is actually an new old guy since he worked there before but that was before my time. I have yet to meet him though I hear he's awesome.

It'll be cool going back and getting to work there again. Plus it'll be nice since it's a little slower there I can actually make progress on my The Help booklist. I've got my titles, now I just have to come up with short summaries to go along with them. Plus a main thing about the original book. Maybe throw in something about the movie. Who knows. I'll send it to Info-Man when I'm done, he's the genius with this stuff so he can fix it if it sucks. Which I don't think it will. I've got plenty to choose from. There's a serious amount of material on civil rights fiction - especially with the southern states.

I'm sorry, nerd moment.

Aside from that I talked to Sketch and we continued planning for Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Year One. We picked a weekend between our birthdays and a location halfway between our current locations to meet up, jam out, take pictures, troll the streets of whatever the name of the town is that we're staying in. And the countdown has begun. 22 days. Then it's on.

We are talking hotels, she found one that has a log cabin theme. Then there's one with a Victorian theme. Which led us to a discussion on whorehouses. Not sure why. Which led me to explaining the difference between a whorehouse and a whore's house. Cause you gotta have more than one living there to make it a whorehouse, right? Cause otherwise it's just a whore's house.

All the while avoiding the decision about choosing a room - which is what we do best. We're all about avoidance. I told her to pick whatever, I'm fine with it. She didn't like that.

So maybe I'll stick you guys with the choice.

What's the best option for a hotel in the middle of Iowa?

Log cabin theme?

Victorian theme?

Regular room?

See, a normal person would pick a regular room. Cause the others are weird.

And yes, we're weird but not that weird. We wouldn't stay in it cause we prefer it that way, we'd stay in it cause it's weird. And I could take pictures.

And we could make jokes about having cabin fever.

Or about whores in Victorian England.

So I'll send it your way.

What would you choose?

Quotes of the night:
"Do I have to write you something for your birthday?"
"That didn't make sense, but it did make sense."

see, i'm the writer she's the artist - hence sketch and edit - and i write her things and she draws me things. we might take the year off. not because we're lazy, okay, sometimes we're lazy, but mostly because we're busy.

"I'm leaving this conversation before I say something stupid and you make me sleep on the couch of a log-cabin-themed room."
and i tried. multiple times. yet ended up leaving the conversation after i said something stupid, which is kind of the norm for us.

Music Rec for the night:

Moves Like Jagger was stuck in my head ALL DAY! drove me nuts. yet it's still a good song. usually if something drives me nuts all day i end up hating it. hmmm.

"Scott Pilgrim" Plumtree

the song that inspired the book series title which then inspired the movie.
props to low budget 90's music in Canada. awesomeness. i keep rewinding it, at 1:48 it totally looks like Deb from Napoleon Dynamite. guess that's just a part of the awesome 90's fashion statements.
originally i thought she was singing a dozen years, but then when you watch the video she says a thousand. but it still sounds like a dozen.


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