All of us readers know just how to act.
Hit the library, pull books from the stacks.
Pass up on those by literary hacks.
None of them abridged!
Go ahead, read more of it.
Why yes that was a spin on a Justin Timberlake "classic."
Sorry, nerd.
But yes they're bringing it back. Apparently even as an adult you can get free pizza. Did anyone else do that in grade school? You read so many pages and then you get free stuff from Pizza Hut. It was awesome. Will have to look into that. that's gonna be stuck in my head all night. Moving on.
Interesting couple of weeks with lots to post about. Will attempt to cover them in some semblance of order.
First up: Leadership Award
So, remember when that library patron was having a stroke and we had to call 911 and all that? If not, go here.
Superwoman decided that we handled it well so she nominated me for this leadership award. I didn't win - not that I was expecting to - but I got to go to this luncheon and be honored and all that. She wrote up a very nice summary of what happened and other stuff I'm involved in and they read it all outloud.
It was fun - I got free food, woohoo! Plus Mom came up which was nice. It was amusing cause afterwards Superwoman was like "I thought we had it in the bag!" and Girlscout after asking if I won said "well, did anyone else save someone's life?!"
Really not that big of a deal, but entertaining that they were so passionate about it.
Honestly I'm just glad he came to us and we were able to get him help, I can only imagine what would have happened if he went somewhere else.
Anyway, it's nice to feel appreciated every once in a while. Plus it was a good opportunity to meet people who also work for the city/county and hear their stories and all that.
Next up: Motley Crue/Alice Cooper/Raskins
I don't know what it is with us and concerts lately, but there's been a lot of drama. See this.
Last time it was "I will shoulder a 12-year-old for you, that's love."
This time it was "I would punch that girl in the face for you, that's love."
I took off work early so we could get there with plenty of time to check in to our hotel and find our seats. Hotel room was nice, had a hot tub and all that, huzzah.
Then when we got to the concert we found our seats and watched the first band. People starting filling in around us and suddenly we hear this girl say "they're in our seats." We double check our tickets and they're correct so we assume she's talking about someone else. Suddenly the usher shows up wanting to see our tickets. He confirms they're legit and goes back to the girl. Hers also say the same seats. Turns out she had booked that entire row for her family and we were in the middle of it all. The usher made us get up and go to guest services. We went and they claimed they can't do anything without both sets of tickets and that there's no possible way to have duplicate tickets if they're legit. Since the other people with the tickets didn't come with us they wrote down different seat numbers on the tickets and told us to sit there. They were just a few seats down, but still in the middle of the family. When we pointed that out and that they had that whole row booked the lady said that those two seats were unsold so that wasn't possible.
I assume that means the error was on the family's end if the event center has no record of them having all the tickets, but whatever.
We went back to our section and on the way ran into that girl. I asked if she would go to guest services, she said no and walked away. When we got back to our section we told the usher. He confirmed there were people in that entire row and offered to go to guest services with us. After talking it through with the usher there to back us up they moved us to the opposite side of the concert. Meanwhile we're missing Alice Cooper - not that I'm a huge fan, but the boyfriend missed a song he liked. When we got to our new seats there were people in those too! That meant getting yet another usher who kicked them out and we finally got to sit down and watch the concert. We were glad to be way on the opposite side as that family, but our seats were right behind the exit so there were constantly people standing up in front of us going in and out.
But whatever, eventually it calmed down and it was a good show. Lots of pyrotechnics, though my favorite part was when Tommy Lee and his drumset went into the audience.
Look at this:

See that lighted box toward the left attached to the red bars? That's him strapped on to his drums, doing flips and drumming upside down.
Cool right?
Here are some of my other favorite shots.

After the madness that was the concert we got back to the hotel, ordered pizza - so did everyone else getting back from the concert according to the woman on the phone - and relaxed in our hot tub watching Pawn Stars 'til the pizza arrived.
After having a hot tub in that hotel and the Luxor I have decided that once we're married and have a house our first major purchase should be a hot tub.
Sounds reasonable, right?
Third is a visit from one half of P Squared.
So after a weekend filled with all of our teams losing we have come to the conclusion that we are no longer allowed to watch sports together. Went to the hockey game and we lost against our rivals. Went to the Husker game and we lost to Minnesota. Watched the Bruins play and they lost to the Canadiens. The only team that did win this weekend was the Blackhawks and that was because - you guessed it - we didn't watch it. So no more sports for us when we're together. Otherwise we'll have to start rooting for teams we don't like so they'll lose. Hmm... Was good to see her though. With the exception of a random lunch a few months ago it's been years since we've hung out which is weird cause we used to all the time. She's a friend from back home and by back home I mean when we were little on the farm. Used to ride the bus together every day. Got separated in high school but still did every New Years together. Yes she's one of P Squared who I did all the New Years, Dance Dance Revolution, running around the house with sparkling cider and shooting it all over the place at midnight with. But I've already rambled to you about that. Was good to hang out though especially now that she's got this fancy new job and is moving yet again. Crazy!
Fourth is Mockingjay Part One.
When putting together our schedule for this year's TAB events the first thing on their wishlist was to do a Mockingjay party like we did for Catching Fire last year. I got it cleared so we went and it was great. Went to the library early, set stuff up then we all met at the theater. We were in the new one with those fancy seats - I don't know if they have these at your theater or not but in this one they're like barcaloungers. You can put your feet up and they've got cupholders and all that. Just ridiculously cool. The movie was great, then we walked back to the library for trivia, games and snacks. For trivia this year I added something special - if you got your question right you had the opportunity to shoot an arrow at a target for more points. The team that won hit the bullseye twice so in the end it wasn't even close. The string obstacle course was Level 2 compared to last year - much harder. I think I posted pictures of that last year - here's the one from this year.

Much more challenging. Not a single kid made it through without knocking down a string. The rule was you can touch them but if you knock one down 10 seconds was added to your time. The one who got through the fastest was one of mine so I was proud. While some were doing that others were eating snacks and discussing book vs. movie. I was proud that most of them had read it, which made the trivia a lot better cause most of it was from the book instead of the movie.
Fifth is a family reunion.
My cousin just retired after 20 years in the airforce and is making the rounds. Was the first time I've seen him in at least a decade. I can't even remember the last time which probably means it was a funeral back in 2003. He missed out on our Vegas trip a few years back cause he was God knows where. Was good to see him and actually amusing because he flies military airplanes and the boyfriend makes parts for them so they had plenty to talk about.
Sixth is a visit from my favorite team - Stars at the library!
Two players came for storytime and read hockey picture books to the kids. They even danced and signed posters for them. It was super cute and the kids got really into it. I took a bunch of pictures for the website and then of course had to get a picture with them myself. Not a stalker I promise, though I was wearing my signed jersey. It was awesome. Posted that picture to my Twitter, now one of them follows me, the other one favorited it, and it got retweeted by the team. Then this morning I learned that the team's official Twitter starting following me. Take that Bembridge Scholars.
Don't ask.
Seventh is the Code Word.
I've been doing a bunch of training lately for two of our new employees. I explained to them our code word to get away from the desk and told them some of my horror/amusing stories from the past. Most notable being "likes ass or jazz" and the double emergency when Queen of the Known Universe coded me so I could get away and then the same guy latched on to her and I had to code her out too. Soon after telling them about the code I was talking to the female security guard and a guy came up to her claiming he was a musician and needed a security guard to escort him around the library so he wouldn't be mobbed by crazy fans. I didn't recognize him but Wordie did and said he was full of crap. Soon after she returned and said he did it to get her alone cause he asked if she was single. Cheesy but slick, I can dig it.
Eighth is Thanksgiving/Day After.
Did lunch with his family and then afternoon/supper with mine. Lunch was good. The restaurant was packed but I'm glad we went because the other part of the family that was planning to come couldn't make it. After lunch we headed to my sister's place where we watched football, looked through Christmas ads, and then he slept cause he went to work that night afterwards. Voluntarily. Cause he's crazy like that. I stayed over at the farmhouse and the next day set up the trees. I took a break mid-tree to eat lunch with mom and my great aunt at her nursing home. They did a baked potato bar and then had the game going for the residents that wanted to watch. The staff there was quite passionate about the game, chanting the Go Big Red cheer, leading the wave (regular and slow motion with the residents), playing the fight song over the loudspeaker, and then singing Kum-ba-ya when we were doing awful. It was highly entertaining.
Ninth is a list of miscellaneous stuff that I found amusing or interesting:
The Queen of Awesome and I have decided to start eating healthier. We're calling our diet "Hot Babes Getting Hotter: You'll See Less of Us Soon."
While stocking supplies last week I stopped by third floor. I passed our new Supply Queen and told her "I'm here to steal your kleenex's." She paused and then said "All I could think of in response to that was 'blow me' but I didn't think it would be appropriate." I told her I would have given her a thumbs up.
Have done a plethora of exciting displays at work recently. Turned a triangle display into a turkey:

and then a snowman:

And then upstairs we had Movember - I stuck mustaches on books with faces on them -

and Readbox - made up of books that were turned into movies.

Election day came and went. My coworkers and I discussed how many people were running unopposed and my boss said that her daughter is a hardcore democrat so if there were any republicans running unopposed instead of voting for them she was going to write her mother's (aka my boss's) name in the box. I decided that was entertaining so I wrote her in for county sheriff. As that's basically what she does here.
A TAB member told me she learned how to parallel park from a video on Youtube. The problem? It was a British video so she had to learn how to do it backwards.
Got my hair dyed and one of the first people to notice was a security guard. Even before the boyfriend who has yet to say anything about it. It's darker red with blonde highlights. Working away from the fire engine red hair even though I miss it...But it was hilarious, the guard comes up to me, does a double-take and says, "you changed your hair." "yep." "it's red." "yep." "and short." "yep." "looks nice." then walks away.
The boyfriend and I finally watched Jersey Boys.
Was excellent, loved the music, though I fell asleep during part of it. Scale of Awesome says 7/10.
We also watched A Million Ways To Die in The West
It was interesting...had its moments though they were few and far between. People die at the fair. Cameo by Doc Brown. That's about it. Scale of Awesome says 5/10.
And There's Something About Mary
Another one of those movies that my brother and I would have left to get popcorn during the awkward parts. It's amusing that we're similar like that. I just can't sit there and watch when people are in awkward uncomfortable situations, it makes me cringe. If I'm by myself I will fast forward but if I'm with others I'll just leave. Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
And Old School
Interesting to see Ellen Pompeo in this one since I'm so used to her as Meredith. Like a flashback to her college tequila days or something. The boyfriend loved it. It had its moments. Scale of Awesome says 7/10.
Last is: The Voice
Finally we're to the finals. Here's where my top 20 stands.
Damien - Adam - won battle – won knockout - survived 1st/2nd/3rd/4th lives - WILDCARD WINNER
James David Carter - Blake - won battle – won knockout - eliminated in lives
Kelli Douglas - Adam - eliminated in battles
Anita Antoinette - Gwen - won battle – won knockout - survived 1st/2nd lives - eliminated in 3rd lives
Luke Wade - Pharrell - won battle – won knockout - survived 1st/2nd/3rd lives - eliminated in 4th lives
Toia Jones - Pharrell - stolen by Adam – lost in knockouts
Maiya Sykes - Pharrell - eliminated in battles
Joe Kirk - Adam - eliminated in battles
Jessie Pitts - Gwen - stolen by Blake – won knockout - saved by Blake in 1st lives - eliminated in 2nd lives
Taylor Phelan - Pharrell - won battle – stolen by Adam - eliminated in lives
Chris Jamison - Adam - won battle – won knockout - saved by Adam in 1st lives - survived 2nd/3rd lives - saved in 4th lives
Mia Pfirrman - Adam - won battle – won knockout - eliminated in lives
Fernanda Bosch - Blake - eliminated in battles
Beth Spangler - Adam - stolen by Gwen – eliminated in knockouts
Matt McAndrew - Adam - won battle – won knockout - survived 1st/2nd/3rd/4th lives
Taylor John Williams - Gwen - won battle – won knockout - survived 1st/2nd/3rd/4th lives - eliminated in 5th lives
Katriz Trinidad - Pharrell - won battle – eliminated in knockouts
Jean Kelley - Gwen - stolen by Pharrell – won knockout - eliminated in lives
Troy Ritchie - Gwen - won battle – lost in knockouts
Taylor Brashears - Blake - won battle – won knockout - eliminated in lives
Damien got eliminated but then brought back as the WILDCARD! Awesomeness! So not bad since I have 3 out of the 4 remaining. I would have all 4 but for some reason I switched out Craig Wayne Boyd from my top 20 even though his was only one of the few blind audition singles I actually bought.
Even though I'm happy for Damien I'm guessing either Craig or Matt will win. Most likely Matt, but maybe Craig. Right now I'm happy with whoever.
On to the music, here are my rec's for the week:
Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars
new theme song for the Queen of the Known Universe...fitting for our Hot Babes Hotter plan. love mark ronson. reminds me a bit of Ladies Night or James Brown.
Lips are Moving - Meghan Trainor
the more i hear from her the more i love her. she's more than all about that bass, honestly, look into her other stuff, it's fantastic. dear future husband, close your eyes, title, and now this. i'm stoked for the new album coming out soon!
in fact i think she has officially reached Current Top 5 Favorites status, bumping out Eminem cause I don't like his new stuff.
that puts us at:
1. Maroon 5
2. She & Him
3. Lily Allen
4. Karmin
5. Meghan Trainor
and guess what, SHE'S TOURING this spring!! so exciting. now if only Lily Allen were to come back to the US sometime soon....this time not as miley cyrus' opening act...honestly i would have gone to see her and then left before miley. she's too much of a wrecking ball for me.
Hanging Tree - Jennifer Lawrence
heard this in mockingjay and haven't stopped singing it since. totally haunting moment but complete momentum shift in the storyline.
God Only Knows - Matt McAndrew
was so excited since it's one of my favorite songs from my youth. he covered it very well.
i grew up on their music, and mr. tom and i listened to it many times while i was doing my practicum internship. lots of beach boys, eagles, and halloween music playing in the background, it was highly entertaining.
Back Home Baller - Saturday Night Live
i just have the "bowls, bowls, all type of bowls" part stuck in my head. driving me nuts but i love it!
Alright that's all I got. More soon. Already planning out my 12 Days of Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck - woohoo!
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