Lots of scrapbook worthy moments will follow in this post, but the first one I could do without. My hands are still shaking.
So I got into libraries cause they were safe.
No stuff to gross me out, no craziness, no life or death situations.
Until today.
With that last one I mean, there's gross stuff and craziness almost every day. That's why we have a security guard.
So, imagine this, if you will, Info-Man and I are on the front desk. Less than an hour left in the day when one of our regulars walks up to the counter.
I look up and something just seems off. His face is sort of sagging on one side and he looked disoriented.
Adding to that he couldn't find his library card, which was apparently right in front of him.
I noticed he was only using one of his arms and on a hunch I Googled (yes all my reference training and I still reach for Google) "symptoms of a stroke". He seemed to have every symptom on the list.
So, me being me, aka hesitant about what we're allowed to do legally, consulted with Info-Man who said I should go tell Superwoman who happened to be working in youth services.
She was of course helping a patron but when I told her it was a patron emergency she came on the run.
I pointed out the symptoms on the screen and then the patron and she went over to talk to him.
He seemed even more disoriented. She called the ambulance, I called the guard, and we all waited for the EMT's to show up.
Longest 10 minutes of my life.
By the time they got there he couldn't even tell them his own name. So I did. Along with the symptoms I noticed and other answers to various questions they had.
They loaded him up on a gurney and drove off to the hospital in the ambulance and that was that.
No idea what happened next. Am hoping he will be okay.
After my dad was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy I started to notice facial stuff like that. Glad we were able to get him an ambulance, can only imagine what would have happened if he left the building.
As mentioned above, could have lived without that one in my life's scrapbook. My hands are still shaking.
So, let's move on before I freak out more about it.
Guess what I found again at the library!


Ridiculous. I'm done looking at ceilings.
And guess what shirt I was wearing!
A blue one with a giant 3 on it.
Which was fitting as it was my third bat.
While this post is delayed that happened the day right after the previous post.
Day after that I was gonna wear a Warehouse 13 shirt but changed my mind and went with a musical festival one instead.
Figured it was safer. Didn't want any magical artifacts showing up at the library.
Seriously should go out and buy a shirt with a bag of money on it.
And now, not only am I "Batgirl" as one of the guards has so lovingly dubbed me, but also I play exterminator to damsels in distress, aka Queen of the Known Universe.
I was upstairs when I got this panic call about a big bug in youth services. She traded me desks while I went to squash it. The call was my fault technically. Earlier this week she had another big bug encounter. She got a supervisor thinking she would squash it but instead she just shooed it and then they couldn't find it. I was enlisted to help search. When it wasn't located I said if she saw it to call me and I would squish it. I'm assuming that led to this call so it was my fault.
In other news the boyfriend and I hit up the last roller derby match at Pershing. It was also the last event at Pershing before it is decommissioned so it was packed. We sat trackside cause how could you not for the last one, really?
The Road Warriors (aka the B team) dominated, but the Mad Maxines (A team) lost in the final minutes. It was a heartbreaker, but it was still a great game. Missing Flash Gloria for sure but Annamaniac and Slam Anderson are pretty good too.
We sat right next to the merchandise table so of course I had to buy some shirts. Especially since they were on sale. You can never have too many derby shirts.
Plus I bought ducks from Kelly Ripa-Nipalov which was delightful. Don't worry, they were rubber. At halftime they put buckets in the middle of the track and you have to try to throw them in one to win prizes.
Ripa is my favorite. The first bout I ever went to she decked a chick at the whistle and then took off skating. Since the refs didn't see it they didn't call it, it was fantastic.
She's my only favorite that's left that is.
It used to be Busty St. Claire then she left.
Then Princess Lay-ya-Flat then she left.
Then Anna-Wrecks-It then she left.
Then Lt. Slamher then she left.
Then Flash Gloria then she left. To play for Omaha. The rival squad.
I'm shutting up before I rant for an entire post.
Anyway, here are a few pictures from the bout.

As mentioned we sat trackside. Since it was the last event at Pershing they brought back a bunch of the alumni skaters who happened to sit in front of us.
Best part of the whole derby was them screaming "I hope your wheel falls off!" at the other team's jammer.
Like I said, sad we lost, but it was a great couple of games.
The boyfriend and also went to see Karmin at the State Fair. They were excellent, played all my favorite songs. We went out to meet them afterward but were surrounded by tiny children and screaming teenage girls.
Quote of the day was: "I will shoulder a 12-year-old for you. That's love."
Thanks babe.
We decided we no longer want to have children after that experience. I should rephrase, we decided we no longer want to have children that grow up to be teenage girls after that experience.
Low maintenance boys would be okay.
But since there's no guarantee it will be a low maintenance boy we're just going to hold off for a while.
Until our mothers push us to the breaking point that is. According to his mother we're supposed to have three. According to mine she'll be happy if I have one. Actually I think she'll just be happy if I get married to begin with.
Anyway, here are some pictures from the concert.

Fabulous. Nebraska pride. So proud, for serious.
What else? Oh yeah, finally did the Ice Bucket Challenge. After being challenged 3 times. First was Smo, then Oldest Sister, then Abby-Cadabra my niece. Thanks for that, by the way.
In return I nominated Liz - a friend from the library - Anna - aka Chief my best friend from grade school - and SuperHumann - a teacher from my high school.
Was smart enough not to challenge Sketch - she'd drive all the way out here just to smack me - or the boyfriend who would also not be a fan.
The video is on Facebook if you want to see it.
Been spending a lot of time with my sisters the past week. Went out for sushi and all that.

Tada! Isn't it pretty?
Not according to Queen of the Known Universe.
But we had fun. Basically closed the place down the one night.
The boyfriend and I have been playing a lot of retro MarioKart lately. By retro I mean N64. Which I like better than the Wii version, but that's just me.
I used to play it with my cousins all the time. I'm always Toad. I like Toad. Liz was always Peach, Jake was Yoshi, I think Justin was Mario.
The boyfriend is always Luigi.
Or "weejee" as myself and my family calls him. I have no idea why he picks him, but he does.
I was pretty proud cause I beat him a few times in both battles and races.

Documented proof.
I'm so excited hockey season is coming up. Before the first pre-season hockey game season ticket holders get to tour the locker room and meet the players - I'm stoked! But the boyfriend will be out of town so I'm taking Smo. He'll also be gone for the first actual season game so I'm taking Queen of the Known Universe.
She says if she goes it's gotta be the whole date experience. Dinner and a t-shirt from the gift shop.
Reminds me of when we went to Info-Man's play. That was date night at well with dinner and driving all the way across town to make it in time.
PS - the woman drives like a man woman.
I was reminded of that when we went to a funeral this week for a coworker's father.
Not a fun way to start the day but I was glad I went in support.
Scale of Awesome's for you:
Okay, I knew I shouldn't have watched this because I had heard about the rock monsters and all that, but I was bored and needed something on in the background when I took a nap.
I was so mad that I couldn't sleep.
It lasted a whole 30 seconds before it was wrong.
And then it just got worse.
The destruction of the world by water is dramatic enough, did you really have to add in rock monsters?
I was so frustrated by the end of it (full of more lies than just the stupid rock monsters, btw) that I still couldn't sleep so I put on some Blacklist to calm me down.
I'm giving it a -10/10.
That's Rushmore and Mummy 3 level which is saying something.
The boyfriend and I caved and finally watched it. Scale of Awesome says 7/10. It was alright, but predictable. I'm sure the book is better. However it didn't give me enough motivation to read the books so that will remain just a guess.
On to the music:
Gotta go with Karmin of course. Here are my favorites...
Look At Me Now
the song that started it all. 92 million views and counting.
years later and it's still my favorite song.
love it. and its acoustic version...also on youtube if you're interested.
There are more but I don't want to overload you.
But I'm excited, I have officially seen 3 of my top 5 favorite bands.
Maroon 5, She & Him and now Karmin.
Now just missing Lily Allen - who is touring the US btw, awesomeness, want to go so bad - and Eminem who is also touring with Rihanna at the moment.
Monster Tour. They did the Ice Bucket challenge, it was hilarious.
Anyway, back to Karmin. I loved it, it was epic and awesome. Nebraska Pride man.
And that's all I got.
Wow, a lot for just two weeks. Should really go back to posting more. At least once a week to keep my ramblings manageable. Maybe I'll attempt for "My Life Mondays" or something.
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