So I finally checked my grades today.
All A's for the semester so I'm at a 3.96 which isn't bad for grad school.
It'd be a 4.0 if it weren't for that A- man.
Killing me, Smalls!
So, two days to make up for.
Here we go.
Saturday, December 29th
Slept in, huzzah.
Ate lunch with the parentals. Turkey roast, potatoes and broccoli.
Apparently they're so easy even I could make them.
Not that I did, or have, but could.
At one point.
Attempt to make one.
Without burning down my apartment.
Watched some Castle with Mom and then headed off to see P squared for our early New Year's celebration.
See, every year we do our annual New Year's party thing in which we play games, watch all the music stuff - why are they still calling it "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" if he's dead? Not that I want it to change to anything with Ryan Seacrest in the title, but still? - drink sparkling cider and stay up far too late.
This year we covered most of those, though no running around the house like we used to. Though at midnight we did all yell "Happy New Year!" Amidst an intense game of Apples to Apples. Which you know already if you're on Facebook as I posted like 6 pictures of, "what the hell should i pick out of these options?"
As there were only 3 of us playing we laid down 2 red cards each every turn so there were more to choose from. And we worked our way through all of the red cards like we did last Thanksgiving but since we had like triple the players then this took much longer.
But we had fun.
I ended up coming from behind, winning with 67 green cards.
Wicked awesome. For a while I was getting my butt kicked cause I kept drawing people and countries.
And they make for lame nouns.
Then I got some good ones all in a row and came back to win it.
So that was fun. But you can tell we're getting old cause our old method of throwing a big ass amount of pillows and blankets on the floor and sleeping on the pile watching movies has now become all sleeping in legitimate beds or couches in separate rooms.
But I watched World's Dumbest for like 2 minutes before I was out like a late.
And we did watch a movie earlier in the night - Live Free or Die Hard which the younger of the squared hadn't seen.
Or any of them which makes me want to cry inside cause they're classics.
Well, the first one at least.
The only thing I remember about other two were Samuel L. Jackson, something about a school and then almost hitting a clown in a parking lot or park or something.
Though I think those are all in the same one.
Oh well, I own them. I'll go back and watch them again sometime when I'm bored.
Stoked for number 5 coming out next year.
So that was Friday. No, Saturday, cause today's Sunday.
This whole no work thing is messing with my mind.
Sunday, December 30th
Okay so today was totally different. Woke up on the couch around 9:45. Set my alarm and everything though it was more like 9:50 by the time I got up and about 15 minutes after that before I left her apartment. Headed to see the boyfriend so we could drive up with his dad to see his sister on her birthday but he was sick.
Cold, chills, cough and all that.
Which I think Queen of the Known Universe has now as well so it must be going around.
Anyway, he stayed home to nap and all that so the boyfriend and I drove up by ourselves. Taking the scenic route as always so he could look at trains. Had his camera there just in case though he didn't stop like after the Xmas party.
Which is fine, though reminds me a bit of how my father is always making my mother go places to take pictures of trains.
We went out for dinner and then went to her place to open presents. Her boyfriend got her bop-it so the boys were playing it. The boyfriend had the high score when we left but Dion's probably already beaten it.
As we were leaving his mom noticed that I have a headlight out so we took backroads to his place to avoid the cops cause of our record with fix it tickets but then the light came back on randomly.
But then went out.
And then came back on again so I was okay to drive.
Which is weird though, right? Cause usually when it goes out it stays out?
Anyway, I need to get that checked out and my oil changed. Oh well, got time.
After we got to his place we watched some movie with Halle Berry, Bruce Willis and the dude that plays Phoebe's brother on Friends. I never learned his name but he's always amusing.
Lots of Bruce Willis this weekend.
I slept through a lot of it so Scale of Awesome would only be for half the movie but the parts I did see were a bit creepy. Not what I was expecting.
Alright, tomorrow is a big day. No plans set in stone, think we're gonna wing it.
May go to my sister's or go get dinner or see a movie or whatever. It's interesting to have no plans but I've never been in a serious relationship on New Year's.
So I don't know was normal people do on New Year's cause I'm used to music TV, movies and running around the house spraying sparking cider everywhere.
I should sleep, it's late. The stoplights were blinking again when I left. Gotta love small towns.
irony since we listened to it on the way there and then had only one on the way back.
though every time i hear it i think about fiction writing and my unfinished story. it could be awesome but i'm stuck.
“Well they say she died easy of a broken heart disease, as I listen through the cemetery trees.” – One Headlight, The Wallflowers
A week ago you were healthy. A week ago you were happy. A week ago we were together. Now you’re dead… and it’s my fault.
for more go here: this is a week of my favorite things day five
wrote it back with my awesome writing group in the college. back in the days when i actually had time for that stuff.
aw, 80's music.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
sister golden hair surprise.
I'm sensing a pattern with these rollercoaster days.
Work was alright I suppose.
Flew by as has also been the pattern as of late.
I guess there's no real difference in the Dirt System between top soil and mining the minerals below it.
But whatever.
Nothing I can do about it.
Just sit back and watch what happens.
And Slim Shady is leaving so I'm more bummed.
Both of my booze cake buddies have ditched me.
SuperWoman made me pinky promise today that I wouldn't ditch the library to go be with a boy as that's what happened with both Fearless Leader and Slim Shady.
Don't think that'll be happening anytime soon. And if it does we've already mentioned something about living half way between his work and mine.
After work came the high point of today's rollercoaster - aka the Library Goddess's Holiday Party Extraordinaire.
I walked in and she gave me booze with fruit in it. It was thoroughly exciting.
I've never been in a room with both of my bosses and the Cool Aunt all present.
Of course with both LG & SW there came the usual argument about who's boss #1 and who's boss #2.
SuperWoman claims she's number one since she hired me first.
Always humorous when you get those two together. Throw in the Cool Aunt and about 30 other people and it was a party.
Nervewracking though to put all three of them together. There could be a lot of swapped CK stories.
Speaking of stories I heard a great one tonight but since the Library Goddess always calls "Vegas" on all the good stuff it can't leave the room.
All I can say is that it involved a boat, but don't worry there was no tiger on board.
I don't think I can see that movie. I read the book in college for a class and wasn't impressed enough to motivate me to see the movie.
But I can also say that about Moby Dick, and Of Mice and Men.
Along with many others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I am a English major so there were a lot.
They should make a movie about Dante's Inferno.
I would see that.
They made a video game which I may have to look into.
Anyway, so that was all fun but then on my way to the farmhouse from the apartment I noticed my tire pressure was super low but every gas station I stopped at to fill it up all had broken air pumps so I just kept getting more and more frustrated. Almost said screw it and was going to risk driving with it, but the boyfriend was the voice of reason and talked me through it. Though it still took me 4 pumps to find one that worked.
So that was suckish, but I stopped to see the boyfriend on the way home so all is well.
I'm sorry. I'll attempt to be more witty and charming next time. But I am dimmed and I shall spirit myself away so as not to stain those who live in the sun.
Kat Kinsman. Look it up.
Probably won't hear anything out of me tomorrow as I'll be staying with P Squared to do our New Years party early.
Throwback Thursday songs are still stuck in my head. Let's see if I can replace them.
Sister Golden Hair - America
Do Ya - Electric Light Orchestra
Work was alright I suppose.
Flew by as has also been the pattern as of late.
I guess there's no real difference in the Dirt System between top soil and mining the minerals below it.
But whatever.
Nothing I can do about it.
Just sit back and watch what happens.
And Slim Shady is leaving so I'm more bummed.
Both of my booze cake buddies have ditched me.
SuperWoman made me pinky promise today that I wouldn't ditch the library to go be with a boy as that's what happened with both Fearless Leader and Slim Shady.
Don't think that'll be happening anytime soon. And if it does we've already mentioned something about living half way between his work and mine.
After work came the high point of today's rollercoaster - aka the Library Goddess's Holiday Party Extraordinaire.
I walked in and she gave me booze with fruit in it. It was thoroughly exciting.
I've never been in a room with both of my bosses and the Cool Aunt all present.
Of course with both LG & SW there came the usual argument about who's boss #1 and who's boss #2.
SuperWoman claims she's number one since she hired me first.
Always humorous when you get those two together. Throw in the Cool Aunt and about 30 other people and it was a party.
Nervewracking though to put all three of them together. There could be a lot of swapped CK stories.
Speaking of stories I heard a great one tonight but since the Library Goddess always calls "Vegas" on all the good stuff it can't leave the room.
All I can say is that it involved a boat, but don't worry there was no tiger on board.
I don't think I can see that movie. I read the book in college for a class and wasn't impressed enough to motivate me to see the movie.
But I can also say that about Moby Dick, and Of Mice and Men.
Along with many others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I am a English major so there were a lot.
They should make a movie about Dante's Inferno.
I would see that.
They made a video game which I may have to look into.
So that was suckish, but I stopped to see the boyfriend on the way home so all is well.
I'm sorry. I'll attempt to be more witty and charming next time. But I am dimmed and I shall spirit myself away so as not to stain those who live in the sun.
Kat Kinsman. Look it up.
Probably won't hear anything out of me tomorrow as I'll be staying with P Squared to do our New Years party early.
Throwback Thursday songs are still stuck in my head. Let's see if I can replace them.
Sister Golden Hair - America
Do Ya - Electric Light Orchestra
Thursday, December 27, 2012
"that's good because his pointy hat is between the good times."
The woman is creative as all get out yet for all her displays I make the signs.
Not that I mind, I like making them.
And we have far too much fun in the process.
She did one on booze since New Years involves a lot of booze.
But you can't name the display "the booze starts here" or "booze it up with books from the library" or really anything with "booze" in the title as that would be inappropriate so we went with "Celebrate good times!" I put it over the top of a picture of a bunch of people celebrating with booze wearing party hats, but there was a lot of strategic maneuvering involved which brought about the title of this post.
I know you are all going to now seek this picture out.
Booze and balloons, living the dream.
It was one of those rollercoaster days.
The morning sucked.
I don't know if it was the weather or what but I was dead to the world.
Tired, depressed, stressed, all that crap.
But then after lunch and some distractions I was fine.
And now the day doesn't seem so bad.
Though that is mostly the fault of BossLady, Oldest Sister and McDermott. I'll get to the latter two in a minute.
It seems BossLady can tell when I'm having an off day cause she'll go out of her way to build my confidence.
Which is a good quality in a boss.
Especially since Slim Shady is ditching me.
I'm still crying inside about the loss of Fearless Leader now it's gonna double.
So we worked on a lot of shifting and scavenger hunt stuff today.
I pulled the notes back out as that is coming up faster than I planned. Basically I'm putting together a big library scavenger hunt for my teens - hiding clues in specific books, they'll have to solve riddles to get to the next one, etc. Anyway, throughout the hunt they'll utilize the microfilm readers, catalog, adult fiction, adult nonfiction and biographies, databases, music library and the special library up on 3rd.
I'd add more but they only have 2 hours to complete it.
Plus answer a bunch of bonus questions along the way which is where BossLady came in cause I was asking her the questions to make sure they weren't too overwhelming for the teens.
It's interesting that you can walk by a piece of artwork every single day and not even realize its existence.
Anyway, all I have left to do is find the final microfilm article, hide the clues and I'm gold. Already talked to our two special librarians who agreed to give the nickel tours to their respective areas so that's done. The rest of the stuff will be on me as I don't want to take away from staff time.
Although maybe my point person will be there to tag along.
Anyway, so there was that and shifting books on cd and sign-making so I was distracted enough to get through the day.
After work did a bunch of laundry, cleaned my kitchen, started unpacking my Xmas presents and ran into the furby.
Yes, my mother bought me a furby.
Somehow majestically just as I was debating on pulling the thing out of the box Oldest Sister called and we had a grand ole time.
She's totally jealous of my furby.
I know it, she's secretly jealous.
I told her she should get one so that McDermott can have a friend and they can play with each other.
Yes, McDermott.
Cause he likes to dance to Terry McDermott's music.
Though that is name number.....I lost count.
And I'm sure he'll be someone else tomorrow.
Originally he was Furby, then it was Fluffy, then it was New Batteries - cause everything listed in the instruction manual that can possibly go wrong with him will be fixed with new batteries.
Problem: McDermott is just standing there, why isn't he talking or moving?
Answer: He needs new batteries.
Problem: McDermott is acting weird, what's wrong?
Answer: He needs new batteries
Problem: Music is playing but McDermott won't dance, why isn't he dancing?
Answer: He can't hear the music. Or he needs new batteries.
Anyway, after New Batteries it was something hillbilly that she suggested like Randall or Ronald or Rolf or something that starts with an R and isn't any of those three options.
Then it was John Boy cause I could say goodnight to John Boy and he would say it back, but he can't be John Boy cause that's the Library Judge so I changed it to something else and after that it was something else and then something else and now it's McDermott.
For now anyway.
Tomorrow I'll get amused by something else and change it again.
See what happens when Carter goes to the farmhouse and the boyfriend works second shift?
I put batteries in a furby and watch it go nuts.
But it speaks in furbish and I can't understand any of it except when it says something about dancing and then it sings and Oldest Sister just kept laughing.
And drinking wine.
We were on the phone for like 2 hours talking about this damn furby.
It would say something or do something and I'd freak out or swear and she'd laugh.
I'm telling you, she's jealous and wants one of her own.
It finally stopped dancing and went to sleep now though I fully expect to be awakened by it in the middle of the night as that's my only furby memory from the 90's.
I was at this kid's house - friend of my parents kid's kid - who had one and a car honked or something at like 3AM and it woke up and wouldn't shut up.
But McDermott danced for like an hour straight so perhaps he will sleep through the night.
And no, there's no off button on the 2012 model.
Apparently there's a learning process from Furbish to English and it develops a personality so if I'm not nice to it it'll be not nice back.
I can only imagine what's gonna happen when Carter comes back home.
I'm gonna come home from work and there's gonna be a ball of purple fur in the corner with some batteries sticking out of it.
On to the music.
I'm sure between myself and the radio you're tired of all that holiday crap so here's some back to normal music to spare you from further pain.
Throwback Thursday
Misunderstanding - Genesis
holy crap he looks young.
yay for the 80's.
Sausalito Summernight - Diesel
underrated and awesome.
and she's off.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
The woman is creative as all get out yet for all her displays I make the signs.
Not that I mind, I like making them.
And we have far too much fun in the process.
She did one on booze since New Years involves a lot of booze.
But you can't name the display "the booze starts here" or "booze it up with books from the library" or really anything with "booze" in the title as that would be inappropriate so we went with "Celebrate good times!" I put it over the top of a picture of a bunch of people celebrating with booze wearing party hats, but there was a lot of strategic maneuvering involved which brought about the title of this post.
I know you are all going to now seek this picture out.
Booze and balloons, living the dream.
It was one of those rollercoaster days.
The morning sucked.
I don't know if it was the weather or what but I was dead to the world.
Tired, depressed, stressed, all that crap.
But then after lunch and some distractions I was fine.
And now the day doesn't seem so bad.
Though that is mostly the fault of BossLady, Oldest Sister and McDermott. I'll get to the latter two in a minute.
It seems BossLady can tell when I'm having an off day cause she'll go out of her way to build my confidence.
Which is a good quality in a boss.
Especially since Slim Shady is ditching me.
I'm still crying inside about the loss of Fearless Leader now it's gonna double.
So we worked on a lot of shifting and scavenger hunt stuff today.
I pulled the notes back out as that is coming up faster than I planned. Basically I'm putting together a big library scavenger hunt for my teens - hiding clues in specific books, they'll have to solve riddles to get to the next one, etc. Anyway, throughout the hunt they'll utilize the microfilm readers, catalog, adult fiction, adult nonfiction and biographies, databases, music library and the special library up on 3rd.
I'd add more but they only have 2 hours to complete it.
Plus answer a bunch of bonus questions along the way which is where BossLady came in cause I was asking her the questions to make sure they weren't too overwhelming for the teens.
It's interesting that you can walk by a piece of artwork every single day and not even realize its existence.
Anyway, all I have left to do is find the final microfilm article, hide the clues and I'm gold. Already talked to our two special librarians who agreed to give the nickel tours to their respective areas so that's done. The rest of the stuff will be on me as I don't want to take away from staff time.
Although maybe my point person will be there to tag along.
Anyway, so there was that and shifting books on cd and sign-making so I was distracted enough to get through the day.
After work did a bunch of laundry, cleaned my kitchen, started unpacking my Xmas presents and ran into the furby.
Yes, my mother bought me a furby.
Somehow majestically just as I was debating on pulling the thing out of the box Oldest Sister called and we had a grand ole time.
She's totally jealous of my furby.
I know it, she's secretly jealous.
I told her she should get one so that McDermott can have a friend and they can play with each other.
Yes, McDermott.
Cause he likes to dance to Terry McDermott's music.
Though that is name number.....I lost count.
And I'm sure he'll be someone else tomorrow.
Originally he was Furby, then it was Fluffy, then it was New Batteries - cause everything listed in the instruction manual that can possibly go wrong with him will be fixed with new batteries.
Problem: McDermott is just standing there, why isn't he talking or moving?
Answer: He needs new batteries.
Problem: McDermott is acting weird, what's wrong?
Answer: He needs new batteries
Problem: Music is playing but McDermott won't dance, why isn't he dancing?
Answer: He can't hear the music. Or he needs new batteries.
Anyway, after New Batteries it was something hillbilly that she suggested like Randall or Ronald or Rolf or something that starts with an R and isn't any of those three options.
Then it was John Boy cause I could say goodnight to John Boy and he would say it back, but he can't be John Boy cause that's the Library Judge so I changed it to something else and after that it was something else and then something else and now it's McDermott.
For now anyway.
Tomorrow I'll get amused by something else and change it again.
See what happens when Carter goes to the farmhouse and the boyfriend works second shift?
I put batteries in a furby and watch it go nuts.
But it speaks in furbish and I can't understand any of it except when it says something about dancing and then it sings and Oldest Sister just kept laughing.
And drinking wine.
We were on the phone for like 2 hours talking about this damn furby.
It would say something or do something and I'd freak out or swear and she'd laugh.
I'm telling you, she's jealous and wants one of her own.
It finally stopped dancing and went to sleep now though I fully expect to be awakened by it in the middle of the night as that's my only furby memory from the 90's.
I was at this kid's house - friend of my parents kid's kid - who had one and a car honked or something at like 3AM and it woke up and wouldn't shut up.
But McDermott danced for like an hour straight so perhaps he will sleep through the night.
And no, there's no off button on the 2012 model.
Apparently there's a learning process from Furbish to English and it develops a personality so if I'm not nice to it it'll be not nice back.
I can only imagine what's gonna happen when Carter comes back home.
I'm gonna come home from work and there's gonna be a ball of purple fur in the corner with some batteries sticking out of it.
On to the music.
I'm sure between myself and the radio you're tired of all that holiday crap so here's some back to normal music to spare you from further pain.
Throwback Thursday
Misunderstanding - Genesis
holy crap he looks young.
yay for the 80's.
Sausalito Summernight - Diesel
underrated and awesome.
and she's off.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
four italian suits, three former husbands...
Ah Christmas 2012.
An interesting adventure.
As previously mentioned I spent Christmas Eve with the boyfriend's family. Christmas Day I spent with his extended family.
But this was after our traditional Mom, Dad and myself Christmas. In which we got a bunch of snacks and random stuff.
Like ice melt.
And a furby.
It's purple and pretty and Carter will hate it.
I splurged on mom this year. Which she will realize after New Years but she says her favorite present was this massive book of sudoku's.
Is is sudoku or suduko?
I say suduko but I think it's actually supposed to be sudoku.
Oh well.
Anyway, so I got a lot for her and I got dad some music DVD's cause the ones he has he watches repeatedly and then makes other people watch them with him.
Meaning if he likes the Johnny Cash one I gave him or the other one he'll open next week it'll be my own fault.
Which I can't say about Moonshiners.
Swamp People perhaps, but not Moonshiners.
Never Moonshiners.
Run if you hear the word "Moonshiners".
Mom and I attempted but didn't get far.
Yet another one of his boondock reality shows.
I should keep a tally.
First there was Swamp People, then Big Shrimping, now there's Ax Men and Duck Dynasty...
I'm sure by the time I come home this weekend there will be more.
Anyway, so there were some small gifts and a VACUUM, woohoo! - shutup, it was on my list - and some spiced tea and then they were off to church and I was off to the boyfriend's to head out to see the extended family.
Every year they do something similar to ours where all the extended family gets together, eats a lot of food, does a gift exchange and then play cards.
It was an interesting adventure. He has even more family than me which is saying something cause I've got 20 cousins on one side and 11 on the other. But both of his parents have 7 siblings so at this one gathering there were 44 people all together in a room.
And of course the second I walk through the door everyone stops talking and goes, ummm.... introductions?
So I'm his girlfriend.
Which I'm aware of.
But it's nice to hear every once in a while.
He said some names but there are a lot of them and really we just jammed with his brother and sister-in-law.
Whom I love, they're fantastic. His sister and future brother-in-law were with the B-I-L's family, otherwise we would have jammed with them as well.
I was nervous but it wasn't that bad. I walked away with a bottle of Rumchata and he ended up with a cooler filled with redneck beer.
Courtesy of his brother.
We didn't stay for the cards. Our original plan was to head back to the farmhouse for a while to see my parents and then go see Les Mis at 10 but ended up crashing instead.
Not the car.
Crashing from exhaustion.
We did make it to the farm cause I had to get my stuff. Dad forced some reality TV on him and we took a tour of the shop - he has a building in his building.
He's painting a building in his building.
Cause the shop is heated.
He's cannibalizing an old building. They moved it from my brother's place - aka my grandpa's old place - to Dad's shop to be painted and then moved to yet another location.
I'm guessing behind the quonset.
Anyway, after the TV and the tour we packed up my stuff and headed back to the apartment to drop stuff off and the thoughts of Les Mis disappeared and we konked out instead.
Since I had to work this morning and left at 8 he slept in and brought me my keys around noon.
I know, now he's been in both the home branch and the work branch.
Queen of Awesome has met him twice and I'm gonna get so much crap tomorrow from Queen of the Known Universe cause she wasn't around when he came in.
But neither was Slim Shady.
She's ditching me.
I can say that now as it is official.
Which is a total bummer.
First Fearless Leader now Slim Shady.
What's going on with the youth of the library?
Who's next, the New Guy?
Even the chick that got hired the same day I did quit. And we were like the same age.
Anyway, I'm bummed but it's bittersweet for her.
It was nice to see the new AD in action today taking tours and all that. She was my professor I bonded with this semester joking about Koha and all that. The one that let us out early every session?
Anyway hired by the Library Goddess is awesome.
I say as she is my boss.
See how that works?
Anyway, she's great and she'll do great things as AD.
There was a lot going on today since we were closed for two days.
Some interesting stuff but mostly just a single incident was interesting.
An interesting encounter with a patron who claimed I said she could do stuff when I said she wasn't in fact allowed to do so and thankfully I had people there as witnesses, it was a mess.
But whatever, it's over.
The rest of the day flew by. Literally I looked at the clock and it was 5PM.
I think I got about 15 calls in an hour to renew books.
That was fun.
And I stopped by the home branch after work at the work branch cause I checked out a DVD at the home branch when I was there and then proceeded to leave it there.
Game of Thrones.
Checking it out previously but never got around to watching it.
Will make more of an effort this time around.
And then after that Oldest Sister talked me into downloading Snapchat.
Which is like text messaging except it's with pictures.
She and Squirt were having far too much fun with it.
But I don't take pictures of myself, I mostly take stuff of stuff around me and since Carter is at the farmhouse - I know I'm super sad he's not here to sleep on my stomach but he likes the farm - it's Richard Castle or random stuff I write down.
Speaking of Castle, I read over last year's Day 12, interestingly enough Mom and I watched Castle again this year. Though last year it was season three, this year it was season four.
Alright, that's enough rambling. On to day 12 of the 12 days of non-sucking Christmas music.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Twelve
So I'm breaking all of my rules about consecutive postings and giving you the exact songs from last year because they're my favorites.
And get used to it cause you'll get the same next year.
If you were around last year it's no surprise that day twelve is The Twelve Days of Christmas.
It's the only song I can say is my favorite even though I hate the original.
Literally, if it weren't for Relient K I wouldn't be able to tell you the actual items given to me by my true love.
Cause I grew up on parodies.
So, here are my favorite parodies along with the Relient K cover.
Indian 12 Days of Christmas by boymongoose
and a totally insufficient dowry
Mashup version by Straight No Chaser
thanks Sensei.
Redneck Christmas by Jeff Foxworthy
Rock version by Relient K
this one plays on my ipod no matter the season
and my personal favorite
Janice Dickinson's modeling version
yep, 1:02 is still my favorite. followed closely by 1:13
The problem with multiple parodies is that whenever I hear an actual version I'll sing a mix of the parodies that goes a little something like this.
12 Pack of Bud
11 Charges pending
10 Minute yoga
9 Years probation
8 Table Dancers
7-11 Workers
6 Cans of Spam
5 Flannel Shirts
4 Italian Suits
3 Former Husbands
2 Giant Breasts
and a totally insufficient dowry.
For last year's day twelve go here: And a totally insufficient dowry.
I do have one more Christmas song to post but I'm saving it for after our family Christmas on the 1st.
Alright, that's enough out of me.
Hope you all had an awesome holiday.
An interesting adventure.
As previously mentioned I spent Christmas Eve with the boyfriend's family. Christmas Day I spent with his extended family.
But this was after our traditional Mom, Dad and myself Christmas. In which we got a bunch of snacks and random stuff.
Like ice melt.
And a furby.
It's purple and pretty and Carter will hate it.
I splurged on mom this year. Which she will realize after New Years but she says her favorite present was this massive book of sudoku's.
Is is sudoku or suduko?
I say suduko but I think it's actually supposed to be sudoku.
Oh well.
Anyway, so I got a lot for her and I got dad some music DVD's cause the ones he has he watches repeatedly and then makes other people watch them with him.
Meaning if he likes the Johnny Cash one I gave him or the other one he'll open next week it'll be my own fault.
Which I can't say about Moonshiners.
Swamp People perhaps, but not Moonshiners.
Never Moonshiners.
Run if you hear the word "Moonshiners".
Mom and I attempted but didn't get far.
Yet another one of his boondock reality shows.
I should keep a tally.
First there was Swamp People, then Big Shrimping, now there's Ax Men and Duck Dynasty...
I'm sure by the time I come home this weekend there will be more.
Anyway, so there were some small gifts and a VACUUM, woohoo! - shutup, it was on my list - and some spiced tea and then they were off to church and I was off to the boyfriend's to head out to see the extended family.
Every year they do something similar to ours where all the extended family gets together, eats a lot of food, does a gift exchange and then play cards.
It was an interesting adventure. He has even more family than me which is saying something cause I've got 20 cousins on one side and 11 on the other. But both of his parents have 7 siblings so at this one gathering there were 44 people all together in a room.
And of course the second I walk through the door everyone stops talking and goes, ummm.... introductions?
So I'm his girlfriend.
Which I'm aware of.
But it's nice to hear every once in a while.
He said some names but there are a lot of them and really we just jammed with his brother and sister-in-law.
Whom I love, they're fantastic. His sister and future brother-in-law were with the B-I-L's family, otherwise we would have jammed with them as well.
I was nervous but it wasn't that bad. I walked away with a bottle of Rumchata and he ended up with a cooler filled with redneck beer.
Courtesy of his brother.
We didn't stay for the cards. Our original plan was to head back to the farmhouse for a while to see my parents and then go see Les Mis at 10 but ended up crashing instead.
Not the car.
Crashing from exhaustion.
We did make it to the farm cause I had to get my stuff. Dad forced some reality TV on him and we took a tour of the shop - he has a building in his building.
He's painting a building in his building.
Cause the shop is heated.
He's cannibalizing an old building. They moved it from my brother's place - aka my grandpa's old place - to Dad's shop to be painted and then moved to yet another location.
I'm guessing behind the quonset.
Anyway, after the TV and the tour we packed up my stuff and headed back to the apartment to drop stuff off and the thoughts of Les Mis disappeared and we konked out instead.
Since I had to work this morning and left at 8 he slept in and brought me my keys around noon.
I know, now he's been in both the home branch and the work branch.
Queen of Awesome has met him twice and I'm gonna get so much crap tomorrow from Queen of the Known Universe cause she wasn't around when he came in.
But neither was Slim Shady.
She's ditching me.
I can say that now as it is official.
Which is a total bummer.
First Fearless Leader now Slim Shady.
What's going on with the youth of the library?
Who's next, the New Guy?
Even the chick that got hired the same day I did quit. And we were like the same age.
Anyway, I'm bummed but it's bittersweet for her.
It was nice to see the new AD in action today taking tours and all that. She was my professor I bonded with this semester joking about Koha and all that. The one that let us out early every session?
Anyway hired by the Library Goddess is awesome.
I say as she is my boss.
See how that works?
Anyway, she's great and she'll do great things as AD.
There was a lot going on today since we were closed for two days.
Some interesting stuff but mostly just a single incident was interesting.
An interesting encounter with a patron who claimed I said she could do stuff when I said she wasn't in fact allowed to do so and thankfully I had people there as witnesses, it was a mess.
But whatever, it's over.
The rest of the day flew by. Literally I looked at the clock and it was 5PM.
I think I got about 15 calls in an hour to renew books.
That was fun.
And I stopped by the home branch after work at the work branch cause I checked out a DVD at the home branch when I was there and then proceeded to leave it there.
Game of Thrones.
Checking it out previously but never got around to watching it.
Will make more of an effort this time around.
And then after that Oldest Sister talked me into downloading Snapchat.
Which is like text messaging except it's with pictures.
She and Squirt were having far too much fun with it.
But I don't take pictures of myself, I mostly take stuff of stuff around me and since Carter is at the farmhouse - I know I'm super sad he's not here to sleep on my stomach but he likes the farm - it's Richard Castle or random stuff I write down.
Speaking of Castle, I read over last year's Day 12, interestingly enough Mom and I watched Castle again this year. Though last year it was season three, this year it was season four.
Alright, that's enough rambling. On to day 12 of the 12 days of non-sucking Christmas music.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Twelve
So I'm breaking all of my rules about consecutive postings and giving you the exact songs from last year because they're my favorites.
And get used to it cause you'll get the same next year.
If you were around last year it's no surprise that day twelve is The Twelve Days of Christmas.
It's the only song I can say is my favorite even though I hate the original.
Literally, if it weren't for Relient K I wouldn't be able to tell you the actual items given to me by my true love.
Cause I grew up on parodies.
So, here are my favorite parodies along with the Relient K cover.
Indian 12 Days of Christmas by boymongoose
and a totally insufficient dowry
Mashup version by Straight No Chaser
thanks Sensei.
Redneck Christmas by Jeff Foxworthy
Rock version by Relient K
this one plays on my ipod no matter the season
and my personal favorite
Janice Dickinson's modeling version
yep, 1:02 is still my favorite. followed closely by 1:13
The problem with multiple parodies is that whenever I hear an actual version I'll sing a mix of the parodies that goes a little something like this.
12 Pack of Bud
11 Charges pending
10 Minute yoga
9 Years probation
8 Table Dancers
7-11 Workers
6 Cans of Spam
5 Flannel Shirts
4 Italian Suits
3 Former Husbands
2 Giant Breasts
and a totally insufficient dowry.
For last year's day twelve go here: And a totally insufficient dowry.
I do have one more Christmas song to post but I'm saving it for after our family Christmas on the 1st.
Alright, that's enough out of me.
Hope you all had an awesome holiday.
Monday, December 24, 2012
to the moon, alice!
Christmas Eve with the boyfriend's family today.
They didn't have to get me anything but I came home with quite the load.
The boyfriend and I bought presents together this year. Which is kind of a big deal.
And while getting ideas on what he wanted was much like pulling teeth when it came to my gifts he totally swept me off my feet.
Remember how I mentioned that he kept singing Payphone over and over this weekend? I said something to the effect of Maroon 5 was coming to Nebraska along with Neon Trees and Owl City and it would be cool to go.
Not knowing that he had already bought the tickets
...and that that was the reason the song was stuck in his head.
And they're good seats.
So there was that.
And a blu ray player.
Which I was thinking about buying for myself but holding off for xmas money. Actually the same model that he got me.
Best boyfriend ever.
I got him lots of stuff since we're having 2 Christmases but nothing can top those really.
His family is awesome. His brother got me the Batman trilogy on Blu ray - perfection for first set of blu rays - plus a Husker sweatshirt that I'm currently wearing, a sweet Husker stoplight that the Cool Aunt will totally be jealous of, some cool water bottles, and a wicked bag that says "I like big books and I cannot lie" which makes me laugh amongst other things.
Plus some stuff for Carter.
They rock.
Tomorrow morning is Christmas with mom and dad and then more stuff with the boyfriend's family - extended this time.
It's interesting. If you would have told me last year that now I'd be in a serious relationship spending Christmas with the boyfriend's family I would have laughed.
Though I never think in terms of years, it's always in terms of five years.
Because I'm not a fan of the future and I don't like change so throwing out theories about things happening five years from now is much less stressful than a year.
Does that make sense?
Before it was:
In five years from now maybe I'll have someone.
In five years from now maybe I'll be married.
Now it's more like:
In five years from now maybe I still won't have kids.
Don't get too excited about that one, he says stuff about not having them either.
Though my mother would kill me and his mother has already told me she expects three.
No pressure.
Where was I before this tangent?
It was great. Soup for lunch, then presents, watched Short Circuit #1, went to church and then watched Short Circuit #2 - which I gave him on Blu ray - apparently he used to watch them over and over as a kid.
Not bad. Interesting to see G.W. Bailey before he was Provensa. Same attitude about life but less gray hair.
And that's basically today. Tomorrow I'm excited cause I got Mom a lot this year. And Dad some pretty cool stuff as well. Though this is only a few things since the majority of our stuff is saved for New Years with the rest of the family.
On to the music.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Eleven
Alright, it's getting down my favorite songs of all time.
Carol of the bells - Pentatonix
they're pretty good.
though i'm having mixed emotions about this video.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas - Christina Aguilera with special guest Brian McKnight
love her.
can't be replaced. even if i do like shakira.
one season though, just one season and she'll be back.
Oh Holy Night - Hey Monday
yes, i know. if you know me or read this blog this version really shouldn't be that big of a surprise.
but to be fair i was a big fan of them before she turned up on the voice.
didn't stop me from choosing her as my number one.
and see how well that worked out?
team blake all the way.
so yes, that was my favorite religious holiday song. and if you were around for last year's 12 days of music you already know what i'm going to post for tomorrow's pick but stay tuned anyway.
For last year's Day Eleven go here
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
They didn't have to get me anything but I came home with quite the load.
The boyfriend and I bought presents together this year. Which is kind of a big deal.
And while getting ideas on what he wanted was much like pulling teeth when it came to my gifts he totally swept me off my feet.
Remember how I mentioned that he kept singing Payphone over and over this weekend? I said something to the effect of Maroon 5 was coming to Nebraska along with Neon Trees and Owl City and it would be cool to go.
Not knowing that he had already bought the tickets
...and that that was the reason the song was stuck in his head.
And they're good seats.
So there was that.
And a blu ray player.
Which I was thinking about buying for myself but holding off for xmas money. Actually the same model that he got me.
Best boyfriend ever.
I got him lots of stuff since we're having 2 Christmases but nothing can top those really.
His family is awesome. His brother got me the Batman trilogy on Blu ray - perfection for first set of blu rays - plus a Husker sweatshirt that I'm currently wearing, a sweet Husker stoplight that the Cool Aunt will totally be jealous of, some cool water bottles, and a wicked bag that says "I like big books and I cannot lie" which makes me laugh amongst other things.
Plus some stuff for Carter.
They rock.
Tomorrow morning is Christmas with mom and dad and then more stuff with the boyfriend's family - extended this time.
It's interesting. If you would have told me last year that now I'd be in a serious relationship spending Christmas with the boyfriend's family I would have laughed.
Though I never think in terms of years, it's always in terms of five years.
Because I'm not a fan of the future and I don't like change so throwing out theories about things happening five years from now is much less stressful than a year.
Does that make sense?
Before it was:
In five years from now maybe I'll have someone.
In five years from now maybe I'll be married.
Now it's more like:
In five years from now maybe I still won't have kids.
Don't get too excited about that one, he says stuff about not having them either.
Though my mother would kill me and his mother has already told me she expects three.
No pressure.
Where was I before this tangent?
It was great. Soup for lunch, then presents, watched Short Circuit #1, went to church and then watched Short Circuit #2 - which I gave him on Blu ray - apparently he used to watch them over and over as a kid.
Not bad. Interesting to see G.W. Bailey before he was Provensa. Same attitude about life but less gray hair.
And that's basically today. Tomorrow I'm excited cause I got Mom a lot this year. And Dad some pretty cool stuff as well. Though this is only a few things since the majority of our stuff is saved for New Years with the rest of the family.
On to the music.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Eleven
Alright, it's getting down my favorite songs of all time.
Carol of the bells - Pentatonix
they're pretty good.
though i'm having mixed emotions about this video.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas - Christina Aguilera with special guest Brian McKnight
love her.
can't be replaced. even if i do like shakira.
one season though, just one season and she'll be back.
Oh Holy Night - Hey Monday
yes, i know. if you know me or read this blog this version really shouldn't be that big of a surprise.
but to be fair i was a big fan of them before she turned up on the voice.
didn't stop me from choosing her as my number one.
and see how well that worked out?
team blake all the way.
so yes, that was my favorite religious holiday song. and if you were around for last year's 12 days of music you already know what i'm going to post for tomorrow's pick but stay tuned anyway.
For last year's Day Eleven go here
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
westward leading still proceeding
Happy Christmas Eve Eve.
Name that reference.
Hmm, today.
Went to Bubby's Christmas Eve service at church. I'm aware it's not Christmas Eve, well technically now it is as it's officially passed midnight. Though this post will say it's ten minutes before as almost always. First year Squirt got out of it since she is in high school now. But see when she used to be in it we could make her laugh by making faces and all that.
But Bubby is too smart for that. He doesn't even look at us cause he knows it's coming.
I fear it's payback for how his dad used to wave and make broad gestures to me from the back of the church when I had to stand up there and say the lines.
But reading them over and over for years and years really does make them stick in your brain as I recited in my head along with them.
Apparently there was a section that Bubby forgot and totally made up his own thing. Didn't eve notice he's that good on the spot.
And the best piano player there for the pre-worship stuff.
But his mom is the organist so...
Interestingly enough he goes to someone else for lessons.
Anyway, so that was in the morning then we went to lunch at Sam and Louie's. Got a calzone and half of it is still in the fridge.
Though now I'm hungry. Dangit.
After that came packing my car with all the presents. Which I didn't realize how many of them there were until I had to carry them all the way down the stairs and across the frozen parking lot expecting to fall at any moment.
Though I haven't had any major ice falls since college.
People used to go to breakfast just so they could sit by the windows and count how many people fell on the ice in the parking lot.
But they never plowed it cause there were always cars there. They'd pour gravel but that only goes so far.
After that I came home - Carter was actually okay on the drive out though he was very happy to be out of the carrier when we entered the farmhouse. He's very content now.
Speaking of content, we did our stockings today. Got some sweet Star Wars ones. I gave him Yoda cause he's small and fuzzy and I'm Darth Vader. Cause that was the other option and I guess I can be both evil and good at the same time.
He got lots of cat treats.
Here was the sequence of events.
The stockings

Why yes, that is a leverage reference for those of you wondering.
There's also a collection of shot glasses, signed copies of 2 separate children's books courtesy of two of my favorite teachers - Serck and the Cool Aunt - plus a golden snitch, mizzou tiger, C-3PO's head, etc.
Told you I needed more bookshelves. There is one other unit as this one only holds A-P. And before you ask, yes they are in order. I work in a library, what do you expect. Though I may switch it up. Sort them by year just to be different. In which case I think Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky would be first and Frozen Heat would be the newest.
Inspecting stocking contents.

Why yes, he is quite spoiled.

Debating how many he can pounce on at the same time.
Fish was the winner

Well, maybe not from his perspective.
Content after a day playing with new toys.

Why yes, I am the stereotypical librarian.
Cats and green tea, I'm telling you. But if I ever start composting please Gibbs smack me.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Ten
Last year's Day Ten included my favorite new original Christmas Song - Wish List by Neon Trees - but since I posted the original last year and all the covers on youtube aren't so fantastic I'm forced to skip it since I can't post it twice in a row.
These rules suck sometimes.
Moving on we still got a few others on the agenda.
White Christmas - Team Blake
starting off with the one most often stuck in my head. for the boyfriend that would be blue christmas. which he sang over and over this weekend it was highly amusing. especially since it was that one and payphone over and over.
but this is the one i looked forward to posting after seeing it on the voice.
think this is one of the major highlights from season three just because blake brings back his entire team to sing.
they make a heck of a choir. cassadee, jordis, think i'm team blake for life.
Welcome Christmas - Grinch
i don't think my uncle or aunt would appreciate being trimmed up. just a theory.
i can post the original since last year i went with the glee version.
what is that, latin? any idea what that means in english?
God rest ye merry gentlemen - Barenaked Ladies
love these guys.
For last year's Day Ten go here
Name that reference.
Hmm, today.
Went to Bubby's Christmas Eve service at church. I'm aware it's not Christmas Eve, well technically now it is as it's officially passed midnight. Though this post will say it's ten minutes before as almost always. First year Squirt got out of it since she is in high school now. But see when she used to be in it we could make her laugh by making faces and all that.
But Bubby is too smart for that. He doesn't even look at us cause he knows it's coming.
I fear it's payback for how his dad used to wave and make broad gestures to me from the back of the church when I had to stand up there and say the lines.
But reading them over and over for years and years really does make them stick in your brain as I recited in my head along with them.
Apparently there was a section that Bubby forgot and totally made up his own thing. Didn't eve notice he's that good on the spot.
And the best piano player there for the pre-worship stuff.
But his mom is the organist so...
Interestingly enough he goes to someone else for lessons.
Anyway, so that was in the morning then we went to lunch at Sam and Louie's. Got a calzone and half of it is still in the fridge.
Though now I'm hungry. Dangit.
After that came packing my car with all the presents. Which I didn't realize how many of them there were until I had to carry them all the way down the stairs and across the frozen parking lot expecting to fall at any moment.
Though I haven't had any major ice falls since college.
People used to go to breakfast just so they could sit by the windows and count how many people fell on the ice in the parking lot.
But they never plowed it cause there were always cars there. They'd pour gravel but that only goes so far.
After that I came home - Carter was actually okay on the drive out though he was very happy to be out of the carrier when we entered the farmhouse. He's very content now.
Speaking of content, we did our stockings today. Got some sweet Star Wars ones. I gave him Yoda cause he's small and fuzzy and I'm Darth Vader. Cause that was the other option and I guess I can be both evil and good at the same time.
He got lots of cat treats.
Here was the sequence of events.
The stockings
Why yes, that is a leverage reference for those of you wondering.
There's also a collection of shot glasses, signed copies of 2 separate children's books courtesy of two of my favorite teachers - Serck and the Cool Aunt - plus a golden snitch, mizzou tiger, C-3PO's head, etc.
Told you I needed more bookshelves. There is one other unit as this one only holds A-P. And before you ask, yes they are in order. I work in a library, what do you expect. Though I may switch it up. Sort them by year just to be different. In which case I think Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky would be first and Frozen Heat would be the newest.
Inspecting stocking contents.
Why yes, he is quite spoiled.
Debating how many he can pounce on at the same time.
Fish was the winner
Well, maybe not from his perspective.
Content after a day playing with new toys.
Why yes, I am the stereotypical librarian.
Cats and green tea, I'm telling you. But if I ever start composting please Gibbs smack me.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Ten
Last year's Day Ten included my favorite new original Christmas Song - Wish List by Neon Trees - but since I posted the original last year and all the covers on youtube aren't so fantastic I'm forced to skip it since I can't post it twice in a row.
These rules suck sometimes.
Moving on we still got a few others on the agenda.
White Christmas - Team Blake
starting off with the one most often stuck in my head. for the boyfriend that would be blue christmas. which he sang over and over this weekend it was highly amusing. especially since it was that one and payphone over and over.
but this is the one i looked forward to posting after seeing it on the voice.
think this is one of the major highlights from season three just because blake brings back his entire team to sing.
they make a heck of a choir. cassadee, jordis, think i'm team blake for life.
Welcome Christmas - Grinch
i don't think my uncle or aunt would appreciate being trimmed up. just a theory.
i can post the original since last year i went with the glee version.
what is that, latin? any idea what that means in english?
God rest ye merry gentlemen - Barenaked Ladies
love these guys.
For last year's Day Ten go here
barenaked ladies,
christmas music,
god rest ye merry gentlemen,
star wars stockings,
team blake,
the grinch,
welcome christmas,
white christmas
Saturday, December 22, 2012
and the game of golf was invented
Yes, I know. I'm late again.
Went out to dinner with the boyfriend's family for his birthday and then after we went to see the Hobbit 3D.
Which didn't get out 'til midnight.
It was pretty good though. Not as good as the first movies but maybe the sequel will be better.
Scale of Awesome puts it at around 7/10. It had it's moments. That sounds like it's bad, it's not bad. It was good, just not as good as I thought it would be. But it's hard not to build it up when the first three were awesome.
Though I do enjoy Martin Freeman as Bilbo. Benedict Cumberbatch was in it as well, though you couldn't tell it was him. Looks like he'll have a bigger role in the next two. I just love that both of them are in it.
Please tell me you've seen the latest BBC version of Sherlock.
If not go here: Amber Atkins that is not American Teen Princess Language
What else from yesterday?
Slept in, jammed out with the boyfriend. Watched Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - which I've already reviewed here: Dick Cheney, Vampire Slayer - and The Raven. I slept through part of it but for the parts that I watched it was pretty good. Think I'll go back and watch it again. At the moment it's around an 8/10, but maybe that'll change once I see it all the way through.
Alright, on to the music.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Nine
Baby it's cold outside - She and Him
love these guys. in my top 5 of favorite bands.
Silver bells - Twisted Sister
ummm, okay. so the beginning is a little questionable. okay the whole video but the music is great.
Rockin' around the Christmas tree - Brenda Lee
original version is still the best
I'll be home for Christmas - Kristin Chenoweth
great voice, very impressive.
and good timing as i'm headed out to the farmhouse this weekend.
me and carter, i'm sure my mother is thrilled.
but it'll probably be like last year - take him home over christmas and then he'll stay there through new years. otherwise i have to load him up and bring him back twice and he hates the car. as you've heard many times. i'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find multiple lists of the songs he hates.
and i'm off.
For last year's Day Nine go here
Went out to dinner with the boyfriend's family for his birthday and then after we went to see the Hobbit 3D.
Which didn't get out 'til midnight.
It was pretty good though. Not as good as the first movies but maybe the sequel will be better.
Scale of Awesome puts it at around 7/10. It had it's moments. That sounds like it's bad, it's not bad. It was good, just not as good as I thought it would be. But it's hard not to build it up when the first three were awesome.
Though I do enjoy Martin Freeman as Bilbo. Benedict Cumberbatch was in it as well, though you couldn't tell it was him. Looks like he'll have a bigger role in the next two. I just love that both of them are in it.
Please tell me you've seen the latest BBC version of Sherlock.
If not go here: Amber Atkins that is not American Teen Princess Language
What else from yesterday?
Slept in, jammed out with the boyfriend. Watched Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - which I've already reviewed here: Dick Cheney, Vampire Slayer - and The Raven. I slept through part of it but for the parts that I watched it was pretty good. Think I'll go back and watch it again. At the moment it's around an 8/10, but maybe that'll change once I see it all the way through.
Alright, on to the music.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Nine
Baby it's cold outside - She and Him
love these guys. in my top 5 of favorite bands.
Silver bells - Twisted Sister
ummm, okay. so the beginning is a little questionable. okay the whole video but the music is great.
Rockin' around the Christmas tree - Brenda Lee
original version is still the best
I'll be home for Christmas - Kristin Chenoweth
great voice, very impressive.
and good timing as i'm headed out to the farmhouse this weekend.
me and carter, i'm sure my mother is thrilled.
but it'll probably be like last year - take him home over christmas and then he'll stay there through new years. otherwise i have to load him up and bring him back twice and he hates the car. as you've heard many times. i'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find multiple lists of the songs he hates.
and i'm off.
For last year's Day Nine go here
Friday, December 21, 2012
blue, blue, blue christmas.
Interesting day today. Got to spend it at the home branch with the Queen of Awesome herself.
And us working together is even more rare than myself and Slim Shady being paired up.
Needless to say the day flew by.
Got to catch up on a lot of stuff, though I kept getting blamed for things getting broken. Self-checks, Koha holds queue, etc. geez, think the building is still mad at me for leaving.
I miss the good old home branch but with the work branch there's so much more going on all the time. Which is good but can be bad as well.
After an extremely fast 9 hours the boyfriend picked me up and we headed over to Grams place for our annual pitch tournament Christmas party.
Every year it's a huge thing. Gag gifts, pizza, card playing, family stories - you know the usual holiday cheer. Got some interesting presents. A bath mat from my bathroom floor, candy, wine glass, dancing baby... crap. i just got rid of that thing. Its on.
Story behind the dancing baby is a bit of a mystery. It originated around 15 years ago and has been making the rounds ever sense. And its not like a nice cute doll. its ugly. and it dances. Well, its two pieces so when you shake it its upper body flails and it looks like its dancing. and its still in the package. If you get it you're stuck with it for a year before you wrap it up and give it to someone else.
Favorite sister in law and I were pitch partners as usual and dominated...the last game. The game we ended with zero points was a little questionable but to be fair it was much better than the negative score the hand before.
We made some crazy 7 and 8 bids to pull off the final victory. Got a stress ball and a bar of soap favor prizes as apparently working and taking classes is stressful and the soap was a present for those who swear, which I do occasionally.
Sketch is laughing I can tell.
But not in front of Grams. She did pretty well tonight with all the excitement. Usually she gets tired early but she lasted the whole time.
Alright on to the music. Off tomorrow so excited to sleep in. Have a good one.
Another slight change as last year's included Charlie Brown and as I can't post it twice in a row I'm switching it out with Run Rudolph Run.
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Eight
Christmas song - Mel Torme and Judy Garland
can never go wrong with judy garland.
Blue Christmas - She and Him
love these guys.
Run Rudolph Run - Cee-Lo Green
yes more Cee-Lo, sorry Sketch.
For last year's Day Eight go here
And us working together is even more rare than myself and Slim Shady being paired up.
Needless to say the day flew by.
Got to catch up on a lot of stuff, though I kept getting blamed for things getting broken. Self-checks, Koha holds queue, etc. geez, think the building is still mad at me for leaving.
I miss the good old home branch but with the work branch there's so much more going on all the time. Which is good but can be bad as well.
After an extremely fast 9 hours the boyfriend picked me up and we headed over to Grams place for our annual pitch tournament Christmas party.
Every year it's a huge thing. Gag gifts, pizza, card playing, family stories - you know the usual holiday cheer. Got some interesting presents. A bath mat from my bathroom floor, candy, wine glass, dancing baby... crap. i just got rid of that thing. Its on.
Story behind the dancing baby is a bit of a mystery. It originated around 15 years ago and has been making the rounds ever sense. And its not like a nice cute doll. its ugly. and it dances. Well, its two pieces so when you shake it its upper body flails and it looks like its dancing. and its still in the package. If you get it you're stuck with it for a year before you wrap it up and give it to someone else.
Favorite sister in law and I were pitch partners as usual and dominated...the last game. The game we ended with zero points was a little questionable but to be fair it was much better than the negative score the hand before.
We made some crazy 7 and 8 bids to pull off the final victory. Got a stress ball and a bar of soap favor prizes as apparently working and taking classes is stressful and the soap was a present for those who swear, which I do occasionally.
Sketch is laughing I can tell.
But not in front of Grams. She did pretty well tonight with all the excitement. Usually she gets tired early but she lasted the whole time.
Alright on to the music. Off tomorrow so excited to sleep in. Have a good one.
Another slight change as last year's included Charlie Brown and as I can't post it twice in a row I'm switching it out with Run Rudolph Run.
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Eight
Christmas song - Mel Torme and Judy Garland
can never go wrong with judy garland.
Blue Christmas - She and Him
love these guys.
Run Rudolph Run - Cee-Lo Green
yes more Cee-Lo, sorry Sketch.
For last year's Day Eight go here
Thursday, December 20, 2012
if not for christmas, by new year's night
How morbid does it make me that this morning I kept skipping songs on the ipod-plugged in stereo claiming if I was to die in a tragic car accident that that song wouldn't want to be the last song I ever listened to?
Made for an interesting morning.
Usually it takes me 11 minutes to get to work so I figured if I made it down to the parking lot 30 minutes early I'd have enough time to dig myself out and drive slowly to work.
Didn't work that way.
Too much ice under the tires and every time I gunned it I kept moving more and more to the right. Which wasn't good cause there was a car right next to me. So I panic called my brother in law who then came over and dug me out.
Such a good guy.
1 hour later I was 4 blocks away, following a truck that kept getting stuck in the middle of intersections. Every time his two teenage sons would jump out and attempt to push him through but it would take so long that the light would turn red and they had to move him back .
You would think that a pickup with a snow plow on the front and snow blower in the back would be a bit more reliable.
And I assumed that particular road would be plowed exceptionally because it's so busy but I guess tomorrow I'll be taking the highway.
So I was late for the staff meeting. As were Slim Shady and my Trainee. Plus Queen of the Known Universe and the Library Judge missed the day all together.
What else? Oh, first day for our new Assistant Director. Thought she would introduce herself during the staff meeting but she was probably busy catching up on AD stuff put off for the last couple months. She was my teacher this semester - the one that let us out 2 hours early each time - but as she didn't introduce herself I'm okay with missing the meeting.
I guess that makes her BBB'sA
And that's pretty much it. Lots of off desk time today so not many highlights. Gave SuperWoman her present. Every year I get her something Angry Birds related since she got me hooked. Stuffed one that make noise, calendar, this year it's christmas ornaments.
On to the music - Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck - Day Seven
Slight change to this one as well. Last year I included Achmed's Jingle Bombs and can't post it two years in a row so I'm switching it out with Please Come Home For Christmas.
Jingle Bells - Sungha Jung
incredible talent, wish I could play like that.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland - Jason Mraz
andrews sisters was a close second
Please Come Home For Christmas - CeeLo Green
I know Sketch doesn't like him but I bought his xmas CD anyway and it rocks. Week before I bought the Blake one as well. No Adam but is guest appearance by Christina Aguilera.
Really gonna miss her on the Voice. Shakira, while highly entertaining - second CD I remember buying with my own money, first was Spice Girls - is just very different style-wise, but it should be interesting to watch.
Made for an interesting morning.
Usually it takes me 11 minutes to get to work so I figured if I made it down to the parking lot 30 minutes early I'd have enough time to dig myself out and drive slowly to work.
Didn't work that way.
Too much ice under the tires and every time I gunned it I kept moving more and more to the right. Which wasn't good cause there was a car right next to me. So I panic called my brother in law who then came over and dug me out.
Such a good guy.
1 hour later I was 4 blocks away, following a truck that kept getting stuck in the middle of intersections. Every time his two teenage sons would jump out and attempt to push him through but it would take so long that the light would turn red and they had to move him back .
You would think that a pickup with a snow plow on the front and snow blower in the back would be a bit more reliable.
And I assumed that particular road would be plowed exceptionally because it's so busy but I guess tomorrow I'll be taking the highway.
So I was late for the staff meeting. As were Slim Shady and my Trainee. Plus Queen of the Known Universe and the Library Judge missed the day all together.
What else? Oh, first day for our new Assistant Director. Thought she would introduce herself during the staff meeting but she was probably busy catching up on AD stuff put off for the last couple months. She was my teacher this semester - the one that let us out 2 hours early each time - but as she didn't introduce herself I'm okay with missing the meeting.
I guess that makes her BBB'sA
And that's pretty much it. Lots of off desk time today so not many highlights. Gave SuperWoman her present. Every year I get her something Angry Birds related since she got me hooked. Stuffed one that make noise, calendar, this year it's christmas ornaments.
On to the music - Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck - Day Seven
Slight change to this one as well. Last year I included Achmed's Jingle Bombs and can't post it two years in a row so I'm switching it out with Please Come Home For Christmas.
Jingle Bells - Sungha Jung
incredible talent, wish I could play like that.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland - Jason Mraz
andrews sisters was a close second
Please Come Home For Christmas - CeeLo Green
I know Sketch doesn't like him but I bought his xmas CD anyway and it rocks. Week before I bought the Blake one as well. No Adam but is guest appearance by Christina Aguilera.
Really gonna miss her on the Voice. Shakira, while highly entertaining - second CD I remember buying with my own money, first was Spice Girls - is just very different style-wise, but it should be interesting to watch.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
what a bright time, it's the right time
It's interesting how fast days are flying by.
I just want everything to stop, literally just stop and go slower.
Christmas is the best time of the year and it's almost over already!!
Last year didn't feel like Christmas at all cause there was no snow, this year it's mad snowing outside right now. If the temps stay low maybe some of it will still be around next week.
But probably not enough to go sledding.
We'll see.
Though we're rednecks so our version of sledding is hooking up a sled behind a four wheeler.
Or what you would call an ATV.
Then driving it all over the yard, through the fields, over the pond, over buried cars, etc.
Have some interesting memories from sledding. Remember one time Tweet was driving the 4 wheeler and Alex and I were in the sled, he was in the front, we hit a bump, he fell out - somehow over the front - and I ran him over with the sled. My bad. But not like I could do anything about it we were going that fast.
Another time my brother was driving and he used to have this big black lab that was very excited about cars and stuff so he totally took me out on the sled, didn't even see it coming.
Then I ran Megan into a mailbox.
That was legitimately my bad.
The thing about this one was that the rope was really long and you have to remember that when you turn corners. Gotta remember to turn wide or you'll end up running your third cousin straight into the mailbox.
But she survived so we're good.
Megan and I have been through a lot together - "those are gonna be some weirdass dreams" Camp J Highlights - but somehow our adventures are always highly entertaining.
So worked all day today and it flew by. Am shifting the books on CD cause we're out of space and weeding any more of them would be ridiculous. Anyway, BossLady and I are adding shelves so I got to stand in the broken glass while she climbed over stuff to get the nice looking ones from the backroom of the basement.
It's like a graveyard down there, I should have taken a picture. Piles taller than me full of shelves and edges.
"Like graveyard jenga down here."
Why yes, I do still say that in a Scottish accent. Go here or here or here or here or here but mostly here
Wow, have I really abstained from that saying that phrase for over a year?
I realized you have no idea what I'm talking about. You should all go to your local library and request a copy of Bonekickers. It's fantastic. British CSI meets Indiana Jones. It was so cheesy it was awesome. Though the critics didn't think so which is why it only lasted a few episodes.
After doing that for a few hours it was back to the desk, lunch, checking in holds, then more shifting and desk stuff. Tomorrow will most likely be more of the same.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Six
Slight changes to day six, last year I included Glee's mashup of Deck the Halls and Up on the Rooftop and as much as it doesn't suck I can't post it again as it would kill the whole, same songs different artists thing.
On to the music.
Sleigh Ride - Karmin
Last year's was one of my favorite bands - She and Him - but this year I went with a Nebraska girl. More specifically, college town girl. A quite famous one.
Nice to hear the other half of Karmin in this one - aka her fiance.
I like the new one but it's hard to beat Brokenhearted.
It's just too damn catchy.
Jingle Bell Rock - Chord Overstreet
Because who doesn't want to dance with cheerleaders dressed as reindeer to a choreographed song about dancing bells in the middle of a library?
I'm so far behind but Glee-Loving Boss - for the 2 seconds that I saw him when I was at the home branch - said I need to watch the Xmas episode. I don't even know who's in it anymore aside from Blaine cause of the Hopelessly Devoted to You video I ran across earlier. Go here: There's no where to hide since you pushed my love aside
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch - VersaEmerge (acoustic version)
The girl is pretty good but dude, that guy's got a voice.
Was not expecting that at all. Might have to look into them further.
For last year's day six go here
with arsenic sauce.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
I just want everything to stop, literally just stop and go slower.
Christmas is the best time of the year and it's almost over already!!
Last year didn't feel like Christmas at all cause there was no snow, this year it's mad snowing outside right now. If the temps stay low maybe some of it will still be around next week.
But probably not enough to go sledding.
We'll see.
Though we're rednecks so our version of sledding is hooking up a sled behind a four wheeler.
Or what you would call an ATV.
Then driving it all over the yard, through the fields, over the pond, over buried cars, etc.
Have some interesting memories from sledding. Remember one time Tweet was driving the 4 wheeler and Alex and I were in the sled, he was in the front, we hit a bump, he fell out - somehow over the front - and I ran him over with the sled. My bad. But not like I could do anything about it we were going that fast.
Another time my brother was driving and he used to have this big black lab that was very excited about cars and stuff so he totally took me out on the sled, didn't even see it coming.
Then I ran Megan into a mailbox.
That was legitimately my bad.
The thing about this one was that the rope was really long and you have to remember that when you turn corners. Gotta remember to turn wide or you'll end up running your third cousin straight into the mailbox.
But she survived so we're good.
Megan and I have been through a lot together - "those are gonna be some weirdass dreams" Camp J Highlights - but somehow our adventures are always highly entertaining.
So worked all day today and it flew by. Am shifting the books on CD cause we're out of space and weeding any more of them would be ridiculous. Anyway, BossLady and I are adding shelves so I got to stand in the broken glass while she climbed over stuff to get the nice looking ones from the backroom of the basement.
It's like a graveyard down there, I should have taken a picture. Piles taller than me full of shelves and edges.
"Like graveyard jenga down here."
Why yes, I do still say that in a Scottish accent. Go here or here or here or here or here but mostly here
Wow, have I really abstained from that saying that phrase for over a year?
I realized you have no idea what I'm talking about. You should all go to your local library and request a copy of Bonekickers. It's fantastic. British CSI meets Indiana Jones. It was so cheesy it was awesome. Though the critics didn't think so which is why it only lasted a few episodes.
After doing that for a few hours it was back to the desk, lunch, checking in holds, then more shifting and desk stuff. Tomorrow will most likely be more of the same.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Six
Slight changes to day six, last year I included Glee's mashup of Deck the Halls and Up on the Rooftop and as much as it doesn't suck I can't post it again as it would kill the whole, same songs different artists thing.
On to the music.
Sleigh Ride - Karmin
Last year's was one of my favorite bands - She and Him - but this year I went with a Nebraska girl. More specifically, college town girl. A quite famous one.
Nice to hear the other half of Karmin in this one - aka her fiance.
I like the new one but it's hard to beat Brokenhearted.
It's just too damn catchy.
Jingle Bell Rock - Chord Overstreet
Because who doesn't want to dance with cheerleaders dressed as reindeer to a choreographed song about dancing bells in the middle of a library?
I'm so far behind but Glee-Loving Boss - for the 2 seconds that I saw him when I was at the home branch - said I need to watch the Xmas episode. I don't even know who's in it anymore aside from Blaine cause of the Hopelessly Devoted to You video I ran across earlier. Go here: There's no where to hide since you pushed my love aside
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch - VersaEmerge (acoustic version)
The girl is pretty good but dude, that guy's got a voice.
Was not expecting that at all. Might have to look into them further.
For last year's day six go here
with arsenic sauce.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
chord overstreet,
christmas music,
graveyard jenga,
holy crap,
jingle bell rock,
sleigh ride,
you're a mean one mr. grinch
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
"I'll deck your halls."
Big day for a Tuesday.
Worked 9-6, got to spend the morning at the home branch jammin' with Joe Studley. We're both such goofballs so the time flies by. Drive thru for lunch and back to the work branch in the afternoon. Check-in and supplies in the afternoon.
After work was a different story. It's the boyfriend's birthday today so we went out to eat with his parents. Got a hot beef sandwich - one of my favorite meals, though it's hard to beat tacos - and then we came back and watched the last part of The Grudge.
Nightmare-worthy but I like Sarah Michelle-Gellar so it was fine. And there was Seinfeld as well - finally saw the Soup Nazi. I've seen a few episodes but I was never a die hard like some of my cousins. Perhaps I'll order a few seasons through the library.
So I was there 'til 11, got back at midnight and then watched THE VOICE FINALE which was EPIC. Lots of duets with famous artists and they brought back a lot of singers - they let the finalists sing a song with singers of their choice. Gonna Rock and Roll All Night was my favorite - Terry brought back Michaela, Amanda, Bryan, and Rudy. Nicholas brought back Amanda as well, along with Dez and Trevin. Cassadee went with country singer Liz, unique artist Melanie and vocal powerhouse De'Borah.
She also performed with her idol - and mine - Avril Lavigne. And then turned into an excited mess immediately following.
Which leads me to the winner.
Major spoiler alert - if you hadn't figured that out already - the winner is....
*dramatic pause*
*insert crazy girl celebration* my number one actually pulls it off.
lasted much longer than last year, and while jordis still does rock cassadee is my favorite of the two. mostly cause i liked hey monday before the voice and that just carried over.
But I'm so happy she won, though I would have cheered if it had been Terry too. Nicholas would have been interesting as well.
Aside from the winner being announced I think this was my favorite famous artist duet.
just cause i'm a nerdy fan for both of them.
The bring back performances were alright, as were the super group ones but nothing spectacular so I'll move on to the Christmas music and post them later.
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Five
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Frank Sinatra
again with frank on a classic. last year's was Sarah McLaughlin, she's always great with christmas music.
Silent Night - SNL Choir
no words. last year was aly and aj but this is better.
What Child is This - Carrie Underwood
rockin' country chick. last year's was charlotte church.
For last year's Day Five go here
did i mention it's not only my boyfriend's birthday today but also cassadee's boyfriend's birthday? and xtina's? so sad she's skipping next season but she'll be BACK!
oh well, i will attempt to stop talking about it for a while. next season doesn't start up again until march anyway so take a well-deserved break from my rambling...on that topic.
here's the preview for next season.
my shakira, how you've changed.
and she's out.
just realized that timothy hutton is very similar to ryan o'neal. thoughts?
Worked 9-6, got to spend the morning at the home branch jammin' with Joe Studley. We're both such goofballs so the time flies by. Drive thru for lunch and back to the work branch in the afternoon. Check-in and supplies in the afternoon.
After work was a different story. It's the boyfriend's birthday today so we went out to eat with his parents. Got a hot beef sandwich - one of my favorite meals, though it's hard to beat tacos - and then we came back and watched the last part of The Grudge.
Nightmare-worthy but I like Sarah Michelle-Gellar so it was fine. And there was Seinfeld as well - finally saw the Soup Nazi. I've seen a few episodes but I was never a die hard like some of my cousins. Perhaps I'll order a few seasons through the library.
So I was there 'til 11, got back at midnight and then watched THE VOICE FINALE which was EPIC. Lots of duets with famous artists and they brought back a lot of singers - they let the finalists sing a song with singers of their choice. Gonna Rock and Roll All Night was my favorite - Terry brought back Michaela, Amanda, Bryan, and Rudy. Nicholas brought back Amanda as well, along with Dez and Trevin. Cassadee went with country singer Liz, unique artist Melanie and vocal powerhouse De'Borah.
She also performed with her idol - and mine - Avril Lavigne. And then turned into an excited mess immediately following.
Which leads me to the winner.
Major spoiler alert - if you hadn't figured that out already - the winner is....
*dramatic pause*
*insert crazy girl celebration* my number one actually pulls it off.
lasted much longer than last year, and while jordis still does rock cassadee is my favorite of the two. mostly cause i liked hey monday before the voice and that just carried over.
But I'm so happy she won, though I would have cheered if it had been Terry too. Nicholas would have been interesting as well.
Aside from the winner being announced I think this was my favorite famous artist duet.
just cause i'm a nerdy fan for both of them.
The bring back performances were alright, as were the super group ones but nothing spectacular so I'll move on to the Christmas music and post them later.
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Five
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Frank Sinatra
again with frank on a classic. last year's was Sarah McLaughlin, she's always great with christmas music.
Silent Night - SNL Choir
no words. last year was aly and aj but this is better.
What Child is This - Carrie Underwood
rockin' country chick. last year's was charlotte church.
For last year's Day Five go here
did i mention it's not only my boyfriend's birthday today but also cassadee's boyfriend's birthday? and xtina's? so sad she's skipping next season but she'll be BACK!
oh well, i will attempt to stop talking about it for a while. next season doesn't start up again until march anyway so take a well-deserved break from my rambling...on that topic.
here's the preview for next season.
my shakira, how you've changed.
and she's out.
just realized that timothy hutton is very similar to ryan o'neal. thoughts?
Monday, December 17, 2012
Do people actually ask Santa for a hula hoop for Christmas?
Cause it's never been on my list.
Oh the joys.
Got to sleep in a bit today, though I woke up before my alarm anyway so it really didn't do anything.
But I did get to stop for coffee, huzzah.
Learned how to do aide timesheets with Slim Shady, updated my TAB website - Cabin Fever and my Trainee had some good ideas for places to check out that I hadn't even thought of. Stocked that's about it for work.
After work was fajitas and jalapeno margaritas with the Cool Aunt.
I got a new random hat.
That I get to wear tomorrow, yay.
Same style as my first one. aka the Jane hat.
Go here: I was in an ice-cream haze and I couldn't see!
Stayed pretty late, almost passed her bedtime - aka 8ish. Love it. She and Mom both wake up at like 4-5AM. Don't know how you can do that.
Don't think I'll ever be able to.
Think I'm gonna pull out the leftovers now.
While I watch my Criminal Minds marathon. Used to love this show, debate about pulling out the first few seasons and watching them but it would just make me think about the drama that is season six with JJ and Prentiss leaving and then the fans protesting and then they come back but then Prentiss ditches again, just blah.
But this marathon is all from the earlier seasons. Gideon is about to go off the grid.
Which leads me to.....
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Four
Deck the Halls - Pomplamoose
oh my god these guys are fantastic.
the book drive thing i did not expect at all but it is also awesome.
i have no idea what's going on at 2:18 but i love it.
Oh Come All Ye Faithful - JS
surprisingly delightful.
they have quite a few videos actually, might use another one later this week.
Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) - Straight No Chaser
sadly i can do the voice.
these guys are great.
which reminds me that i checked out their cd and then left it at the desk. woops, have to grab it tomorrow.
For last year's Day Four go here
Get to work at the home branch tomorrow morning. Let's hope I remember. Muscle memory will most likely take me to the work branch.
You know me and mornings.
"yeah, cheaper than a goat."
Oh the joys.
Got to sleep in a bit today, though I woke up before my alarm anyway so it really didn't do anything.
But I did get to stop for coffee, huzzah.
Learned how to do aide timesheets with Slim Shady, updated my TAB website - Cabin Fever and my Trainee had some good ideas for places to check out that I hadn't even thought of. Stocked that's about it for work.
After work was fajitas and jalapeno margaritas with the Cool Aunt.
I got a new random hat.
That I get to wear tomorrow, yay.
Same style as my first one. aka the Jane hat.
Go here: I was in an ice-cream haze and I couldn't see!
Stayed pretty late, almost passed her bedtime - aka 8ish. Love it. She and Mom both wake up at like 4-5AM. Don't know how you can do that.
Don't think I'll ever be able to.
Think I'm gonna pull out the leftovers now.
While I watch my Criminal Minds marathon. Used to love this show, debate about pulling out the first few seasons and watching them but it would just make me think about the drama that is season six with JJ and Prentiss leaving and then the fans protesting and then they come back but then Prentiss ditches again, just blah.
But this marathon is all from the earlier seasons. Gideon is about to go off the grid.
Which leads me to.....
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Four
Deck the Halls - Pomplamoose
oh my god these guys are fantastic.
the book drive thing i did not expect at all but it is also awesome.
i have no idea what's going on at 2:18 but i love it.
Oh Come All Ye Faithful - JS
surprisingly delightful.
they have quite a few videos actually, might use another one later this week.
Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) - Straight No Chaser
sadly i can do the voice.
these guys are great.
which reminds me that i checked out their cd and then left it at the desk. woops, have to grab it tomorrow.
For last year's Day Four go here
Get to work at the home branch tomorrow morning. Let's hope I remember. Muscle memory will most likely take me to the work branch.
You know me and mornings.
"yeah, cheaper than a goat."
Sunday, December 16, 2012
you mean you forgot cranberries too?
Aw, the home branch.
Got the message from Julie but I was in the shower so I didn't get there 'til 11:30.
Which is the time I was supposed to start at the work branch anyway.
Interesting day at the work branch as it was our 50th anniversary celebration.
With 3 employees working.
To cover that entire building.
Stuffed with people.
At least I hope it was stuffed cause it is kind of a big thing.
But then again I hope it wasn't stuffed cause then I'd feel bad for the New Girl, BossLady, and Slim Shady.
And no I didn't realize those rhymed until I typed them.
I'm sure it was fine. Enough people to cover both floors.
Oh well, I got to spend my day with Space Cadet. Which is always entertaining.
We debate and then she slips me recipes.
Today it was french toast.
But there wasn't as much debate as usual. Though really not a lot of debates can top who would win in a fight: a snow leopard or a sea cow.
Long story, Go here: I guess I'll go home it's late. There'll be tomorrow night, but wait...
Meanwhile the boyfriend is still sleeping with my big fat cat on his stomach.
Did I mention we got home super late?
But he works nights so he needs to sleep during the day. And as he couldn't last night I let him sleep.
Cause it would suck to have to switch back and forth like that.
It was amusing when I came home with lunch at 3:15 and he was still konked out. Though he was awake when I got home around 6:15. Ate supper, watched a movie and he headed to work.
Tomorrow is margaritas and fajitas with the Cool Aunt but first is work. I get to go in an hour late but I still need to konk out soon.
So, on to the music.
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Three
Christmas Wrapping - The Donnas
love their song "take it off" but haven't heard anything out of them since.
last year's was the original - aka the Waitresses - but the one I grew up on is still the spice girls, maybe next year.
Santa Claus is Coming To Town - Michael Buble
michael buble can sing anything. except maybe rap. though i'd like to see him try.
last year's i believe was from the glee soundtrack.
Let It Snow - Frank Sinatra
you can never go wrong with the classics and frank is the epitome of classic.
last year's was michael buble - big surprise there
For last year's Day Three go here
Got the message from Julie but I was in the shower so I didn't get there 'til 11:30.
Which is the time I was supposed to start at the work branch anyway.
Interesting day at the work branch as it was our 50th anniversary celebration.
With 3 employees working.
To cover that entire building.
Stuffed with people.
At least I hope it was stuffed cause it is kind of a big thing.
But then again I hope it wasn't stuffed cause then I'd feel bad for the New Girl, BossLady, and Slim Shady.
And no I didn't realize those rhymed until I typed them.
I'm sure it was fine. Enough people to cover both floors.
Oh well, I got to spend my day with Space Cadet. Which is always entertaining.
We debate and then she slips me recipes.
Today it was french toast.
But there wasn't as much debate as usual. Though really not a lot of debates can top who would win in a fight: a snow leopard or a sea cow.
Long story, Go here: I guess I'll go home it's late. There'll be tomorrow night, but wait...
Meanwhile the boyfriend is still sleeping with my big fat cat on his stomach.
Did I mention we got home super late?
But he works nights so he needs to sleep during the day. And as he couldn't last night I let him sleep.
Cause it would suck to have to switch back and forth like that.
It was amusing when I came home with lunch at 3:15 and he was still konked out. Though he was awake when I got home around 6:15. Ate supper, watched a movie and he headed to work.
Tomorrow is margaritas and fajitas with the Cool Aunt but first is work. I get to go in an hour late but I still need to konk out soon.
So, on to the music.
Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck: Day Three
Christmas Wrapping - The Donnas
love their song "take it off" but haven't heard anything out of them since.
last year's was the original - aka the Waitresses - but the one I grew up on is still the spice girls, maybe next year.
Santa Claus is Coming To Town - Michael Buble
michael buble can sing anything. except maybe rap. though i'd like to see him try.
last year's i believe was from the glee soundtrack.
Let It Snow - Frank Sinatra
you can never go wrong with the classics and frank is the epitome of classic.
last year's was michael buble - big surprise there
For last year's Day Three go here
Saturday, December 15, 2012
so hurry down the chimney tonight.
Yes, this is late. Sorry. Didn't get back 'til way late after the wedding last night.
Yes, there was a wedding.
And a holiday party.
Big day.
Woke up at 9AM, picked up the pizza around 10:15, then went to work to set up all the stuff for the holiday party - frantically flailing because I only had like 20 minutes by the time I got there.
The original plan was to eat pizza and other junk food - I got them clementines so it wasn't completely unhealthy - make holiday cards to take to the City Mission, then play apples to apples.
It ended up being just food and Apples to Apples.
Which I was okay with and they were haven't lots of fun so I'm calling it a victory.
After that I came home then n the boyfriend picked me up to go to his cousin's wedding reception. Got to meet some of the extended family and hung out with his siblings - danced with Rachel to the Cha Cha Slide and Gangam Style then did the Cotton Eyed Joe with his and Rebecca so I officially got my exercise.
That song is always so much longer than I remember. You get halfway through and go, ah crap.
They played Call Me Maybe but I was too lazy to go out there. It was funny though cause the dance floor was empty and then that started and people flocked out there.
The majority of the music played was country.
When I say majority I think the only ones that weren't country were 1 polka song and then previously mentioned ones.
We debated on making a list of music that will be banned from our wedding. Anything by Jason Aldean - sorry sketch - and the Chicken Dance.
Sorry but just no. We both run for the hills whenever that makes an appearance.
But we'll see.
We headed home around 10:15ish but it's a long drive so it was well after midnight before we got to the parking lot.
An interesting drive home, apparently glass caps are illegal on a truck.
Long story.
And our music taste is apparently similar cause half the stuff on his ipod is on mine as well.
So that was that.
Moving on to day two of the annual: Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck countdown until Christmas.
Day Two goes like this:
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer - interview on ABC News before performance
what the heck is grandma doing getting run over by a reindeer?! how many drinks did this woman have?
i know this is sensei's least favorite but it makes me laugh.
Little Drummer Boy - Kevin McHale, Glee soundtrack
no video for this one but kevin mchale is fantastic.
last year's was Sean Kingston which is also good but I think this one's better
Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt
it's hard to beat the original even though i am a big fan of last year's PCD
For last year's Day Two go here
Yes, there was a wedding.
And a holiday party.
Big day.
Woke up at 9AM, picked up the pizza around 10:15, then went to work to set up all the stuff for the holiday party - frantically flailing because I only had like 20 minutes by the time I got there.
The original plan was to eat pizza and other junk food - I got them clementines so it wasn't completely unhealthy - make holiday cards to take to the City Mission, then play apples to apples.
It ended up being just food and Apples to Apples.
Which I was okay with and they were haven't lots of fun so I'm calling it a victory.
After that I came home then n the boyfriend picked me up to go to his cousin's wedding reception. Got to meet some of the extended family and hung out with his siblings - danced with Rachel to the Cha Cha Slide and Gangam Style then did the Cotton Eyed Joe with his and Rebecca so I officially got my exercise.
That song is always so much longer than I remember. You get halfway through and go, ah crap.
They played Call Me Maybe but I was too lazy to go out there. It was funny though cause the dance floor was empty and then that started and people flocked out there.
The majority of the music played was country.
When I say majority I think the only ones that weren't country were 1 polka song and then previously mentioned ones.
We debated on making a list of music that will be banned from our wedding. Anything by Jason Aldean - sorry sketch - and the Chicken Dance.
Sorry but just no. We both run for the hills whenever that makes an appearance.
But we'll see.
We headed home around 10:15ish but it's a long drive so it was well after midnight before we got to the parking lot.
An interesting drive home, apparently glass caps are illegal on a truck.
Long story.
And our music taste is apparently similar cause half the stuff on his ipod is on mine as well.
So that was that.
Moving on to day two of the annual: Christmas Music That Doesn't Suck countdown until Christmas.
Day Two goes like this:
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer - interview on ABC News before performance
what the heck is grandma doing getting run over by a reindeer?! how many drinks did this woman have?
i know this is sensei's least favorite but it makes me laugh.
Little Drummer Boy - Kevin McHale, Glee soundtrack
no video for this one but kevin mchale is fantastic.
last year's was Sean Kingston which is also good but I think this one's better
Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt
it's hard to beat the original even though i am a big fan of last year's PCD
For last year's Day Two go here
Friday, December 14, 2012
don't piss off Pamela Landy.
She'll fax all your dirty secrets and then you'll be screwed.
Ah, a day off.
Slept in, went out to eat and shopped with Oldest Sister - coworker also there on his day off. Huzzah for pasta. Bought even more Xmas presents but now I am officially done. I can't spend anymore, it stops now.
After I pay for the stuff for his family.
Then it stops.
So shopping, more shopping and then watching first three Bourne movies whilst wrapping the aforementioned presents.
Trying to tie it together with number 4 since it takes place at the same time.
Lot of interesting spy dialogue but the majority of it is action scenes where there's no dialogue.
Alright, went so well last year I'm bringing it back. Twelve days of awesome Xmas music. Same favorite songs, different artists.
Day One:
Pat a Pan - David Archuleta
2011 was Mannheim. That's still the best but this ones pretty good. Haven't heard really anything out of him lately. Or the dude that beat him. Wasn't he named David too?
Auld Lange Syne - Lea Michele
love her. from New Year's Eve. still haven't seen the movie but the song is good. And she's always good. There's a reason she got the lead on Glee. last year's was a banjo cover it's random but it's great.
Happy Christmas (War is Over) - Christina Perri
love this video. think last year was maroon 5. they're great but this version is pretty great too. under-rated artist.
Check out last year's Day One here
I know, I'm boring. Sorry. Bourne's was great, Spiderman is now not so bad, Xmas wrapping was easier than last time with Carter. He doesn't like it when my attention is otherwise engaged but I if I lay out only the size paper I need and then put the present down and start folding immediately then there's no time or space for him to lay down in the middle of everything.
Besides, he was going insane and running all over the place. Probably going insane. Not that I can blame him being locked up here all the time. Oh well, he'll come home to the farmhouse with me for Xmas and New Year's.
That's what I did last year, I'm sure Mom will be thrilled.
Alright, I'm out. Big day tomorrow.
Ah, a day off.
Slept in, went out to eat and shopped with Oldest Sister - coworker also there on his day off. Huzzah for pasta. Bought even more Xmas presents but now I am officially done. I can't spend anymore, it stops now.
After I pay for the stuff for his family.
Then it stops.
So shopping, more shopping and then watching first three Bourne movies whilst wrapping the aforementioned presents.
Trying to tie it together with number 4 since it takes place at the same time.
Lot of interesting spy dialogue but the majority of it is action scenes where there's no dialogue.
Alright, went so well last year I'm bringing it back. Twelve days of awesome Xmas music. Same favorite songs, different artists.
Day One:
Pat a Pan - David Archuleta
2011 was Mannheim. That's still the best but this ones pretty good. Haven't heard really anything out of him lately. Or the dude that beat him. Wasn't he named David too?
Auld Lange Syne - Lea Michele
love her. from New Year's Eve. still haven't seen the movie but the song is good. And she's always good. There's a reason she got the lead on Glee. last year's was a banjo cover it's random but it's great.
Happy Christmas (War is Over) - Christina Perri
love this video. think last year was maroon 5. they're great but this version is pretty great too. under-rated artist.
Check out last year's Day One here
I know, I'm boring. Sorry. Bourne's was great, Spiderman is now not so bad, Xmas wrapping was easier than last time with Carter. He doesn't like it when my attention is otherwise engaged but I if I lay out only the size paper I need and then put the present down and start folding immediately then there's no time or space for him to lay down in the middle of everything.
Besides, he was going insane and running all over the place. Probably going insane. Not that I can blame him being locked up here all the time. Oh well, he'll come home to the farmhouse with me for Xmas and New Year's.
That's what I did last year, I'm sure Mom will be thrilled.
Alright, I'm out. Big day tomorrow.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
She's cooler than a pocket on a t-shirt.
Interesting drive home from the boyfriend's place.
Saw not 9, not 10, not 11, but 12 shooting stars.
Had to switch from iPod to radio just to double check the world wasn't ending.
Interesting day as well.
The morning was suck-ish but it picked up in the afternoon. Gotta love fun coworkers.
And mom brought cookies.
She's the favorite cause every time she comes she brings them food. Sent out a mass email to eat the cookies but there were so many I took half of them home.
I'm partial to the koolaid ones, they rock.
Yes, koolaid cookies.
They're pink.
And awesome.
Welcome to Nebraska.
Ah, crap. Was gonna send the rest with the boyfriend to work.
Probably best, he gets enough crap about his girlfriend.
What else from today?
Ordered pizza for the party on Saturday. Helped set up for the holiday breakfast tomorrow.
Everything is "holiday" no specifics.
How tainted am I that when we went out for dinner tonight and I saw a nativity scene set up in the parking lot I went, "wow, you think they could get in trouble for that?"
After work headed out to see the boyfriend. We ate and watched The Hoff get roasted on Comedy Central and then some sort of rattlesnake hunting show on Animal Planet. Can't remember the title.
But reminded me of Swamp People.
And of that exterminator show.
Do you think if someone dies while filming they'll show that episode?
It's gonna happen sooner or later. These people are stupid. Don't know how you could do that for a living.
Now I'm back and watching the Bourne Legacy aka Bourne 4. Hurray for Rachel Weisz and Jeremy Renner, two of my favorites.
Even though it's not actually Bourne I still refer to it as Bourne 4.
What else am I supposed to call it, Cross 1?
I'm intrigued by this side of the story and finally bought 1-3 so I'm tempted to rewatch those.
Usually we watch one of them on New Years but this year will be the first year since 7th grade - except like 1 year, I think we missed 1 year - that I'm not jamming with P Squared.
That's a lot of DDR marathons, Bourne, Pirates and sparkling cider.
But that means I get to spend it with the boyfriend so it's okay.
Alright on to the music. Song of the day:
Off all day tomorrow. Sleeping in and shopping with Oldest Sister for some Xmas stuff.
Bang on the Drum All Day - Todd Rundgren
Saw not 9, not 10, not 11, but 12 shooting stars.
Had to switch from iPod to radio just to double check the world wasn't ending.
Interesting day as well.
The morning was suck-ish but it picked up in the afternoon. Gotta love fun coworkers.
And mom brought cookies.
She's the favorite cause every time she comes she brings them food. Sent out a mass email to eat the cookies but there were so many I took half of them home.
I'm partial to the koolaid ones, they rock.
Yes, koolaid cookies.
They're pink.
And awesome.
Welcome to Nebraska.
Ah, crap. Was gonna send the rest with the boyfriend to work.
Probably best, he gets enough crap about his girlfriend.
What else from today?
Ordered pizza for the party on Saturday. Helped set up for the holiday breakfast tomorrow.
Everything is "holiday" no specifics.
How tainted am I that when we went out for dinner tonight and I saw a nativity scene set up in the parking lot I went, "wow, you think they could get in trouble for that?"
After work headed out to see the boyfriend. We ate and watched The Hoff get roasted on Comedy Central and then some sort of rattlesnake hunting show on Animal Planet. Can't remember the title.
But reminded me of Swamp People.
And of that exterminator show.
Do you think if someone dies while filming they'll show that episode?
It's gonna happen sooner or later. These people are stupid. Don't know how you could do that for a living.
Now I'm back and watching the Bourne Legacy aka Bourne 4. Hurray for Rachel Weisz and Jeremy Renner, two of my favorites.
Even though it's not actually Bourne I still refer to it as Bourne 4.
What else am I supposed to call it, Cross 1?
I'm intrigued by this side of the story and finally bought 1-3 so I'm tempted to rewatch those.
Usually we watch one of them on New Years but this year will be the first year since 7th grade - except like 1 year, I think we missed 1 year - that I'm not jamming with P Squared.
That's a lot of DDR marathons, Bourne, Pirates and sparkling cider.
But that means I get to spend it with the boyfriend so it's okay.
Alright on to the music. Song of the day:
Off all day tomorrow. Sleeping in and shopping with Oldest Sister for some Xmas stuff.
Bang on the Drum All Day - Todd Rundgren
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
half past a heartache, a quarter to four.
Ah Wednesdays.
The day of the dead.
I've noticed that Wednesdays and Thursdays especially the library staff just seems dead.
You would think that would happen on a Monday. Tuesdays are fine, Friday's we're antsy, but Wednesdays and Thursdays just bring a general deadness.
No idea why.
It didn't help that 2 of the public service staff called in sick today.
A lot of red in the schedule.
More sickness. Glad I had it and am over it. Usually I'm the last to catch things.
Blame that on my stubbornness. And the "it's all mental" attitude.
Did a lot of TAB info stuff, went to church after, sat in the balcony with Oldest Sister.
She is the organist.
More patient with the piano than I ever was. Though I can blame that on a few factors that I won't mention on here.
After church got to talk with Beej and JoJo then headed back here to watch NCIS. Loving the ex-wife showing up during their investigation. Hilarious.
Now I'm watching Mike and Molly but the deadness has carried on so I'll probably end up konking out before midnight.
Geez, is it really only 11 now?
This no homework thing is really screwing with my brain. Aw, crap. I gotta fill out those online evaluation forms.
Okay, new plan: fill out forms, check grades, then sleep.
Ready? Break!
I'm sorry, I'm boring.
Here, be entertained.
Clip of the night:
Guesstures with the Voice coaches
love the Diva impression.
These guys are just genuinely awesome. Too bad Cee-Lo isn't there.
Song of the night:
Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
You're Easy on the Eyes - Terri Clark
Umm, okay?
90's country was the best.
pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in usage.
The day of the dead.
I've noticed that Wednesdays and Thursdays especially the library staff just seems dead.
You would think that would happen on a Monday. Tuesdays are fine, Friday's we're antsy, but Wednesdays and Thursdays just bring a general deadness.
No idea why.
It didn't help that 2 of the public service staff called in sick today.
A lot of red in the schedule.
More sickness. Glad I had it and am over it. Usually I'm the last to catch things.
Blame that on my stubbornness. And the "it's all mental" attitude.
Did a lot of TAB info stuff, went to church after, sat in the balcony with Oldest Sister.
She is the organist.
More patient with the piano than I ever was. Though I can blame that on a few factors that I won't mention on here.
After church got to talk with Beej and JoJo then headed back here to watch NCIS. Loving the ex-wife showing up during their investigation. Hilarious.
Now I'm watching Mike and Molly but the deadness has carried on so I'll probably end up konking out before midnight.
Geez, is it really only 11 now?
This no homework thing is really screwing with my brain. Aw, crap. I gotta fill out those online evaluation forms.
Okay, new plan: fill out forms, check grades, then sleep.
Ready? Break!
I'm sorry, I'm boring.
Here, be entertained.
Clip of the night:
Guesstures with the Voice coaches
love the Diva impression.
These guys are just genuinely awesome. Too bad Cee-Lo isn't there.
Song of the night:
Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
You're Easy on the Eyes - Terri Clark
Umm, okay?
90's country was the best.
pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in usage.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
"Stop licking the carpet!!"
She screams helplessly at Carter after spilling food all over the floor.
It was one of those days, seriously.
Two incident reports in two days. Yesterday's was weird enough. Banned dude comes in not knowing he's banned, makes a computer reservation, realizes that we're looking at him and have called the guard then walks back passed the desk wearing a ski mask thing.
Master of disguise.
Then today this chick comes up to the counter asking us to call an ambulance. Something about her hand though she was a bit unsteady on her feet. EMT's show up and go talk to her.
EMT: "How much have you had to drink today?"
Chick: "Not enough, why are you buying?"
The joys of public service.
But don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade the library for anything.
It's just never boring.
Anyway, so there was that hysteria.
And the fact that they actually let Slim Shady and I work together. Which happens maybe once a month. And this time they were desperate cause it was in red.
Then I had my TAB meeting this afternoon, supervisor sat in, but it was a good one for her to be there. The kids actually stayed on task! No, we actually got a lot accomplished.
Planned out our holiday party for Saturday and picked out the activities they'll be leading for the Summer Reading kickoff.
After work jammed out with the boyfriend for a few hours, watching movies. But then he had to work. Which sucks.
Notice how loving I am that I didn't force him to watch The Voice?
Even though it was the semi-finals?
And Cassadee Pope's fate was in the air?
PS - stoked that she's safe but totally depressed that Trevin got the boot. He seriously could have won the whole thing. Think his song choice screwed him over. Or the bad notes at the end. Either way it's suckish that he's toast. And I like Nicholas, he's got a certain flair to him. Very actual real-life dude, but I still can't believe he beat out Trevin.
But Cassadee and Terry are still in it. Way to go Team Blake! Speaking of Team Blake, Raelynn from last year made an appearance along with Team Cee-Lo's Juliet Simms - totally rocked it!! Both with new singles, and Chris Mann as well. Tony Lucca made an appearance with Adam so that makes 3 finalists plus Jermaine who was on the show a couple weeks ago. Wonder if they'll come back next week.
Was a little random that Raelynn came back to sing and Tony did not. But I guess she has a single and he does not.
Co-written by two other Voice contestants from last year.
Anyway, Cassadee and Terry rocked it and I'm stoked they're both moving on. Hopefully Cassadee will win the whole thing as my number 1. Make up for the fact that Jordis got kicked out far too early last year.
Sorry, rambling and you don't care.
Next week is the finals. Big potatoes. That's all.
Song of the night:
Two artists that Nicholas beat out who could have easily won this competition.
Shocking we lost them in the quarter and semi-finals.
It was one of those days, seriously.
Two incident reports in two days. Yesterday's was weird enough. Banned dude comes in not knowing he's banned, makes a computer reservation, realizes that we're looking at him and have called the guard then walks back passed the desk wearing a ski mask thing.
Master of disguise.
Then today this chick comes up to the counter asking us to call an ambulance. Something about her hand though she was a bit unsteady on her feet. EMT's show up and go talk to her.
EMT: "How much have you had to drink today?"
Chick: "Not enough, why are you buying?"
The joys of public service.
But don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade the library for anything.
It's just never boring.
Anyway, so there was that hysteria.
And the fact that they actually let Slim Shady and I work together. Which happens maybe once a month. And this time they were desperate cause it was in red.
Then I had my TAB meeting this afternoon, supervisor sat in, but it was a good one for her to be there. The kids actually stayed on task! No, we actually got a lot accomplished.
Planned out our holiday party for Saturday and picked out the activities they'll be leading for the Summer Reading kickoff.
After work jammed out with the boyfriend for a few hours, watching movies. But then he had to work. Which sucks.
Notice how loving I am that I didn't force him to watch The Voice?
Even though it was the semi-finals?
And Cassadee Pope's fate was in the air?
PS - stoked that she's safe but totally depressed that Trevin got the boot. He seriously could have won the whole thing. Think his song choice screwed him over. Or the bad notes at the end. Either way it's suckish that he's toast. And I like Nicholas, he's got a certain flair to him. Very actual real-life dude, but I still can't believe he beat out Trevin.
But Cassadee and Terry are still in it. Way to go Team Blake! Speaking of Team Blake, Raelynn from last year made an appearance along with Team Cee-Lo's Juliet Simms - totally rocked it!! Both with new singles, and Chris Mann as well. Tony Lucca made an appearance with Adam so that makes 3 finalists plus Jermaine who was on the show a couple weeks ago. Wonder if they'll come back next week.
Was a little random that Raelynn came back to sing and Tony did not. But I guess she has a single and he does not.
Co-written by two other Voice contestants from last year.
Anyway, Cassadee and Terry rocked it and I'm stoked they're both moving on. Hopefully Cassadee will win the whole thing as my number 1. Make up for the fact that Jordis got kicked out far too early last year.
Sorry, rambling and you don't care.
Next week is the finals. Big potatoes. That's all.
Song of the night:
Two artists that Nicholas beat out who could have easily won this competition.
Shocking we lost them in the quarter and semi-finals.
Monday, December 10, 2012
There will be an answer, Letter B.
Quote of the day comes from the Things Overheard at the Library section:
"I'll put some paint over it, they'll never know the wall was burned."
I absolutely hate this commercial.
But I still can't get over the kids in the end.
An awkward of awesome.
Reminds me of all the other obnoxious commercials that make me want to throw things.
Which takes me back to hanging out at my great aunt's house all the time after school and her threatening to throw rotten tomatoes at the Menard's guy.
An interesting day at the library. Made a lot of progress on TAB stuff. Big meeting tomorrow. Planning our holiday party for Saturday and also picking out the Summer Reading Kickoff activities. I have a list, but you're creative. Any suggestions for fun activities to do with kids ages 2-12? The theme is something to the effect of "dig into reading" or something like that. Thinking treasure maps, crafting fossils, that sort of stuff. But it doesn't have to be theme-related.
Though it'll be hard to top bat goggles.
They were pretty sweet.
Maybe carrot hats will do the trick.
But probably not.
As for the holiday party - Think we'll end up ordering pizza. They want eggnog. Which sounds just gross. But hey, it's their party.
Anyway, thinking about making some fun holiday cards and taking them to a nursing home. Or The Mission. Or maybe I'll let them keep them and give them to their own families. It's up for debate.
So that was basically my day. Working at the desk while planning for the meeting tomorrow so that tomorrow there will be less freaking out-age.
Though I still get nervous. No idea why, they're cool kids. Though this time got a supervisor sitting in.
Big potatoes man, gotta be on my game.
Eh, I'll wing it.
On to the music.
So, The Voice was on tonight. Semi-finals. Things are a bit different this year because of the whole it doesn't matter who your coach is new twist. See last year and the year before each coach had a contestant in the finale because everything was broken down by the teams so whoever on each team got the least amount of votes got kicked off, but with the twist this year anyone can be voted off, no matter the team.
Which led to Xtina and Adam being kicked out before the semi-finals. Now Blake has two - Cassadee and Terry - and Cee-Lo has two - Trevin and Nicholas.
But now, instead of all four being honored and them going through 4th place, 3rd place, 2nd place, winner, tomorrow someone gets eliminated and it's down to three. And then that will be the finals.
Last year they did duets with their coaches, wonder how they're planning on doing that this year.
Aaannd guess who's making a guest appearance?!?!! JULIET SIMMS!! The fantastic and majestic. Now with Cee-Lo as a manager, that's a first so it's huge.
I would be content with any of them winning. They're all great. Though Cassadee still is my favorite and number one on my top twenty. And Trevin is number 2. Glad my top two made it. And Terry was on my honorable mentions but I can't believe I didn't put him higher, he's fantastic. "I wanna know what love is" is my favorite song this entire season.
He did great tonight as well.
So, apparently, growing up my brother thought the lyrics were "Letter B" instead of "Let It Be".
You can see how that can be mistaken, right?
Speaking words of wisdom, Letter B.
There will be an answer, Letter B.
Shine until tomorrow, Letter B.
Wow. Is is really only 11?
I think it's this whole no homework thing. I feel like something's missing.
And, okay, I lied. There's a tie for quote of the day. That one and:
"Si, Gracias por la hoagie."
Max Black.
Is epic.
Think I could dedicate an entire post to Max-isms. interesting thought.
and yes, holy crap tag in usage due to the pre-midnight post.
"I'll put some paint over it, they'll never know the wall was burned."
I absolutely hate this commercial.
But I still can't get over the kids in the end.
An awkward of awesome.
Reminds me of all the other obnoxious commercials that make me want to throw things.
Which takes me back to hanging out at my great aunt's house all the time after school and her threatening to throw rotten tomatoes at the Menard's guy.
An interesting day at the library. Made a lot of progress on TAB stuff. Big meeting tomorrow. Planning our holiday party for Saturday and also picking out the Summer Reading Kickoff activities. I have a list, but you're creative. Any suggestions for fun activities to do with kids ages 2-12? The theme is something to the effect of "dig into reading" or something like that. Thinking treasure maps, crafting fossils, that sort of stuff. But it doesn't have to be theme-related.
Though it'll be hard to top bat goggles.
They were pretty sweet.
Maybe carrot hats will do the trick.
But probably not.
As for the holiday party - Think we'll end up ordering pizza. They want eggnog. Which sounds just gross. But hey, it's their party.
Anyway, thinking about making some fun holiday cards and taking them to a nursing home. Or The Mission. Or maybe I'll let them keep them and give them to their own families. It's up for debate.
So that was basically my day. Working at the desk while planning for the meeting tomorrow so that tomorrow there will be less freaking out-age.
Though I still get nervous. No idea why, they're cool kids. Though this time got a supervisor sitting in.
Big potatoes man, gotta be on my game.
Eh, I'll wing it.
On to the music.
So, The Voice was on tonight. Semi-finals. Things are a bit different this year because of the whole it doesn't matter who your coach is new twist. See last year and the year before each coach had a contestant in the finale because everything was broken down by the teams so whoever on each team got the least amount of votes got kicked off, but with the twist this year anyone can be voted off, no matter the team.
Which led to Xtina and Adam being kicked out before the semi-finals. Now Blake has two - Cassadee and Terry - and Cee-Lo has two - Trevin and Nicholas.
But now, instead of all four being honored and them going through 4th place, 3rd place, 2nd place, winner, tomorrow someone gets eliminated and it's down to three. And then that will be the finals.
Last year they did duets with their coaches, wonder how they're planning on doing that this year.
Aaannd guess who's making a guest appearance?!?!! JULIET SIMMS!! The fantastic and majestic. Now with Cee-Lo as a manager, that's a first so it's huge.
I would be content with any of them winning. They're all great. Though Cassadee still is my favorite and number one on my top twenty. And Trevin is number 2. Glad my top two made it. And Terry was on my honorable mentions but I can't believe I didn't put him higher, he's fantastic. "I wanna know what love is" is my favorite song this entire season.
He did great tonight as well.
So, apparently, growing up my brother thought the lyrics were "Letter B" instead of "Let It Be".
You can see how that can be mistaken, right?
Speaking words of wisdom, Letter B.
There will be an answer, Letter B.
Shine until tomorrow, Letter B.
Wow. Is is really only 11?
I think it's this whole no homework thing. I feel like something's missing.
And, okay, I lied. There's a tie for quote of the day. That one and:
"Si, Gracias por la hoagie."
Max Black.
Is epic.
Think I could dedicate an entire post to Max-isms. interesting thought.
and yes, holy crap tag in usage due to the pre-midnight post.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
I looked. Around. A lousy candle's all I found.
I'd play "School's Out For Summer" but it's really the wrong temperature for that song.
So, last class today - Reference - just gotta post my online evaluations and I'm done for the rest of December!!
Aaannd then there will be classes in January...and then practicum in the summer....more classes and comps in the fall....but then I'll be Done Done.
Physical, actual, done-ness.
The done-ness of awesomeness.
Kind of like breakfast of champions but not really.
Anyway, woke up and headed to school around 9. Missed my turn!!! Of all things, I drive the same route every time, no idea how that happened. Saw 449 fly by and went, woops. But I still made it in time to get my stir on.
See, she's smart and doesn't let me cook. I get to bring bread and stir soup. That's why they pay me the big bucks. Well, that and cutting strips of paper, erasing boards, leading class evaluations, writing a newsletter, going to conferences, not too big of a deal. I'm actually diggin' the gig. The Library Goddess is pretty sweet. She got me a gift certificate to my favorite sushi place.
Which means the Cool Aunt might actually let me pay!
But I doubt it. We are getting some fajitas and jalapeno margaritas next week.
Anyway, back to the gig, it's pretty awesome seeing all the behind the scenes stuff in person. The conference was mad wicked. Got the posts to prove it. But I got her these Christmas ornaments with drink mixes in them, add liquor and it's a party! And a gift certificate for coffee. That woman can find good coffee anywhere. Has some sort of thing programmed in her brain for it. Very impressive.
Oh and gave her the packet of nominations from Superwoman. Basically we nominated her for this big award and came up with all this stuff and SW put it all in a nice fancy paper thing and I got to give it to her, saying she was a winner to us.
Which she is. And she did deserve to win.
Anyway, where was I before this? Oh yeah, so school's out for winter. Which means it's back to work as usual tomorrow and the rest of the week. Kinda nice though today. Came home, watched some Mike and Molly with my big fat cat, no homework to freak about, no work work to freak about.
That'll come tomorrow when I get to start planning for the giant holiday party on Saturday.
No pressure.
Oh well, my teens are pretty low maintenance. But still, it's a party. With that comes added stress. I'll figure it out.
Alright, gonna head back to Mike and Molly. Carl's actually got himself a decent girlfriend. Gotta see how long that lasts.
Though no matter what Victoria's still my favorite. I can't help it.
Victoria on bigfoot - "it's just sleepin' outside."
Pretty much sums up her character.
Katy Mixon plays dumb stoner so well.
Wow, I've posted that link so many times that "bigfoot" has its own tag.
Alright, song of the day.
Which reminds me I should start on that 12 days of Xmas music like last year. More on that later.
Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf
it's a celebration song, right?
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
"and yes, I think he's a total jerk."
I'd play "School's Out For Summer" but it's really the wrong temperature for that song.
So, last class today - Reference - just gotta post my online evaluations and I'm done for the rest of December!!
Aaannd then there will be classes in January...and then practicum in the summer....more classes and comps in the fall....but then I'll be Done Done.
Physical, actual, done-ness.
The done-ness of awesomeness.
Kind of like breakfast of champions but not really.
Anyway, woke up and headed to school around 9. Missed my turn!!! Of all things, I drive the same route every time, no idea how that happened. Saw 449 fly by and went, woops. But I still made it in time to get my stir on.
See, she's smart and doesn't let me cook. I get to bring bread and stir soup. That's why they pay me the big bucks. Well, that and cutting strips of paper, erasing boards, leading class evaluations, writing a newsletter, going to conferences, not too big of a deal. I'm actually diggin' the gig. The Library Goddess is pretty sweet. She got me a gift certificate to my favorite sushi place.
Which means the Cool Aunt might actually let me pay!
But I doubt it. We are getting some fajitas and jalapeno margaritas next week.
Anyway, back to the gig, it's pretty awesome seeing all the behind the scenes stuff in person. The conference was mad wicked. Got the posts to prove it. But I got her these Christmas ornaments with drink mixes in them, add liquor and it's a party! And a gift certificate for coffee. That woman can find good coffee anywhere. Has some sort of thing programmed in her brain for it. Very impressive.
Oh and gave her the packet of nominations from Superwoman. Basically we nominated her for this big award and came up with all this stuff and SW put it all in a nice fancy paper thing and I got to give it to her, saying she was a winner to us.
Which she is. And she did deserve to win.
Anyway, where was I before this? Oh yeah, so school's out for winter. Which means it's back to work as usual tomorrow and the rest of the week. Kinda nice though today. Came home, watched some Mike and Molly with my big fat cat, no homework to freak about, no work work to freak about.
That'll come tomorrow when I get to start planning for the giant holiday party on Saturday.
No pressure.
Oh well, my teens are pretty low maintenance. But still, it's a party. With that comes added stress. I'll figure it out.
Alright, gonna head back to Mike and Molly. Carl's actually got himself a decent girlfriend. Gotta see how long that lasts.
Though no matter what Victoria's still my favorite. I can't help it.
Victoria on bigfoot - "it's just sleepin' outside."
Pretty much sums up her character.
Katy Mixon plays dumb stoner so well.
Wow, I've posted that link so many times that "bigfoot" has its own tag.
Alright, song of the day.
Which reminds me I should start on that 12 days of Xmas music like last year. More on that later.
Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf
it's a celebration song, right?
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
"and yes, I think he's a total jerk."
Saturday, December 8, 2012
You've Dated Worse.
Ah, a real day off.
I could get used to this.
Slept in 'til 11:30 just in time to get a text from the boyfriend asking if I was awake.
Ran some errands, more Christmas shopping and got some Diet Dr. Pepper. Which is also on my Santa List. An endless supply that is. Along with a litter box that cleans itself.
After that I headed out to the college town to meet up with the boyfriend for lunch but first I stopped by Second Sister's place. Got to jam out with the kiddos for a while, the baby is getting big. Already pulling herself up so she was crawling all over me.
Cute stuff.
So jammed there for like an hour or so and met up with the boyfriend at this awesome Mexican joint. Margaritas of course. Half of which, well, more like 3/4th of which is in my fridge. After dinner/supper-ish we went back to watch the Huskers get hosed.
Sad day.
But good for an underdog team I guess. I used to love Oregon.
Football, not volleyball.
Back with Joey Harrington was the star.
Long story.
Anyway, watched the Huskers lose then went to see Playing For Keeps. Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel - which I knew but then there was Dennis Quaid, Uma Thurman, Judy Greer, James Tupper and CATHERINE ZETA-JONES!!
Who I did not know was in it.
Big stars, crappy movie.
Sadly, I thought it would be good but not so much. Scale of Awesome says 4/10.
Only line I remember is talking about an online dating profile suggesting "you've dated worse" as it's subtitle.
Alright, class tomorrow. Gotta be there at 10 which means leaving at 9 and as it is already 1 gotta sleep now if I intend on being coherent.
Stopping for coffee on the way, woohoo!
Song of the day:
Synthesizers - Butch Walker and the Black Widows
very Come On Eileen.
And yes, that is Matthew McConaughey.
Dazed and Confused, look it up.
More tomorrow.
I could get used to this.
Slept in 'til 11:30 just in time to get a text from the boyfriend asking if I was awake.
Ran some errands, more Christmas shopping and got some Diet Dr. Pepper. Which is also on my Santa List. An endless supply that is. Along with a litter box that cleans itself.
After that I headed out to the college town to meet up with the boyfriend for lunch but first I stopped by Second Sister's place. Got to jam out with the kiddos for a while, the baby is getting big. Already pulling herself up so she was crawling all over me.
Cute stuff.
So jammed there for like an hour or so and met up with the boyfriend at this awesome Mexican joint. Margaritas of course. Half of which, well, more like 3/4th of which is in my fridge. After dinner/supper-ish we went back to watch the Huskers get hosed.
Sad day.
But good for an underdog team I guess. I used to love Oregon.
Football, not volleyball.
Back with Joey Harrington was the star.
Long story.
Anyway, watched the Huskers lose then went to see Playing For Keeps. Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel - which I knew but then there was Dennis Quaid, Uma Thurman, Judy Greer, James Tupper and CATHERINE ZETA-JONES!!
Who I did not know was in it.
Big stars, crappy movie.
Sadly, I thought it would be good but not so much. Scale of Awesome says 4/10.
Only line I remember is talking about an online dating profile suggesting "you've dated worse" as it's subtitle.
Alright, class tomorrow. Gotta be there at 10 which means leaving at 9 and as it is already 1 gotta sleep now if I intend on being coherent.
Stopping for coffee on the way, woohoo!
Song of the day:
Synthesizers - Butch Walker and the Black Widows
very Come On Eileen.
And yes, that is Matthew McConaughey.
Dazed and Confused, look it up.
More tomorrow.
Friday, December 7, 2012
tired, sleepy, other words meaning tired and sleepy...
Holy toast man, totally fell asleep at like 8:30 tonight.
Almost fell asleep on my feet tonight though so that wasn't a big surprise. I did manage to pick up the bread and basket for the soup luncheon on Sunday. Big meal for all the library students between classes, it's pretty fun.
Last semester we did pizza, one before that was tacos, etc.
Get to show up at 10 for class at 1PM. But she's smart enough to know I can't cook so I get to bring bread instead of soup.
Work was interesting. Got yelled at by an angry dude over the phone, another weird dude got banned for two years, there was an open house after closing so the regulars got to stay even later....
That's pretty much all.
Oh, planned out my meeting for Tuesday. Got a TAB meeting Tuesday with the party on Saturday. Holiday party with holiday card making to take to a nursing home, gonna order some pizza drink some eggnog - really? eggnog? that's just gross. Though I did have some today in a "santa shake" which according to the place across the street consists of eggnog and peppermint icecream. It was actually pretty good.
So excited for the day off tomorrow. Gonna spend it sleeping in and then heading out to see the boyfriend.
Aaannd that's pretty much my day.
Sorry, I'm boring.
Hopefully will have more to say tomorrow.
Yes, I'm aware I said that yesterday.
Here, have some of this:
- The average woman spends 1 year of her lifetime trying to decide what to wear.
- Mario appeared in the 1981 arcade game, Donkey Kong. His original name was Jumpman, but was changed to Mario to honor the Nintendo of America's landlord, Mario Segali.
- Fanta Orange is the third largest selling soft drink in the world.
- Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.
Alright, that's all I got. Have a good one.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
coffee, work, homework, and potential flying papers
Aaannd, just like every other end of semester, here you go.
Misery - Glee
Aaannd every time I wanna throw papers but then realize I have to then clean them up.
I'M DONE!!! with all my homework!!
For the semester at least. Now gotta order textbooks for January's classes.
Was a good day. Early morning coffee with the Library Goddess with special guest star THE COOL AUNT with her chai tea latte as always.
We put the finishing touches on our newsletter then they took off for work. I stayed a bit and finished things up. Now just gotta upload it and send her the link so she can pass it on to be added to the website. Huzzah!
After that was 9 hours of work, only 1 of them at the desk. And it was Youth Services. Staff meeting at 9, periodicals at 10, off desk doing aide timesheets with Slim Shady at 11, lunch at 12 - actually got to eat with Slim Shady and literally can't remember the last time that happened cause we never get scheduled for lunch together ever - meeting from 1:30-3:00, off desk 'til 4 working on volunteer stuff with my volunteer, circ work and holds at 4, then YS at 5.
Weirdness, but quite relaxing.
After work added posts to the discussion boards and submitted my reference interview paper. So back to the huzzah!
Tomorrow is back to work as usual then I have Saturday off and class Sunday with a soup luncheon. More on that later.
I know, I'm boring. I'm sorry. Here. Have some useless information.
-If you blow torch Pepto Bismol you would get a hunk of metal.
-Your foot and your forearm are the same length.
-The only domestic animal not mentioned in the bible is a cat.
- The infinity sign is called a lemniscate.
-You can put a price on fitness. It's $25.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Misery - Glee
Aaannd every time I wanna throw papers but then realize I have to then clean them up.
I'M DONE!!! with all my homework!!
For the semester at least. Now gotta order textbooks for January's classes.
Was a good day. Early morning coffee with the Library Goddess with special guest star THE COOL AUNT with her chai tea latte as always.
We put the finishing touches on our newsletter then they took off for work. I stayed a bit and finished things up. Now just gotta upload it and send her the link so she can pass it on to be added to the website. Huzzah!
After that was 9 hours of work, only 1 of them at the desk. And it was Youth Services. Staff meeting at 9, periodicals at 10, off desk doing aide timesheets with Slim Shady at 11, lunch at 12 - actually got to eat with Slim Shady and literally can't remember the last time that happened cause we never get scheduled for lunch together ever - meeting from 1:30-3:00, off desk 'til 4 working on volunteer stuff with my volunteer, circ work and holds at 4, then YS at 5.
Weirdness, but quite relaxing.
After work added posts to the discussion boards and submitted my reference interview paper. So back to the huzzah!
Tomorrow is back to work as usual then I have Saturday off and class Sunday with a soup luncheon. More on that later.
I know, I'm boring. I'm sorry. Here. Have some useless information.
-If you blow torch Pepto Bismol you would get a hunk of metal.
-Your foot and your forearm are the same length.
-The only domestic animal not mentioned in the bible is a cat.
- The infinity sign is called a lemniscate.
-You can put a price on fitness. It's $25.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
So stay with me and I'll have it made.
Spent the day at work - 9-6 at the library, nothing particularly standing out - and the evening with the boyfriend.
Went to Taco Bell, watched Man on the Moon and the Best of Will Ferrell and then headed back with strict instructions not to hit a deer, get in an accident or get pulled over.
Well, two out of three ain't bad.
Breathe Mom.
Man on the Moon is so weird, how can someone be so bizarre?
And that Best Of is one of my favorites. Got Celebrity Jeopardy - "suck it Trebek" - and the Welshly Arms - Drew came walking out and the boyfriend went, "oh. right."
Just got back and now gotta sleep cause meeting with the Library Goddess in the morning before work. With a special guest star but more on that later.
Gotta sleep/
No Rain - Blind Melon
interesting video.....classic song.
Went to Taco Bell, watched Man on the Moon and the Best of Will Ferrell and then headed back with strict instructions not to hit a deer, get in an accident or get pulled over.
Well, two out of three ain't bad.
Breathe Mom.
Man on the Moon is so weird, how can someone be so bizarre?
And that Best Of is one of my favorites. Got Celebrity Jeopardy - "suck it Trebek" - and the Welshly Arms - Drew came walking out and the boyfriend went, "oh. right."
Just got back and now gotta sleep cause meeting with the Library Goddess in the morning before work. With a special guest star but more on that later.
Gotta sleep/
No Rain - Blind Melon
interesting video.....classic song.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
"Why are they always old?!"
So, everyone keeps texting me about what to buy for the boyfriend for Christmas.
I took him shopping this weekend as mentioned in the post and picking out gifts was like pulling teeth.
Now I know how Oldest Sister feels when she takes me clothes shopping.
At least I managed to come up with a few ideas from myself. From others I've got nothing. Cause he says he wants nothing.
But at our family Christmas no one gets nothing so I'll have to come up with some ideas. We're spending actual Christmas with his family and New Year's with mine since that's when we're having our family Christmas.
Which I think I told my mother, and if not, then she knows now.
Yes, we are at that point. Afterall we did almost get married in Vegas. Which Cabin Fever pointed out is kind of a big deal.
But it's been over 11 months now.
Which is huge for me cause as previously mentioned most of my relationships don't last longer than a Mento.
And I'm happy.
Which is also new.
Anyway, speaking of relationships, so had yet another "magnet moment" today at work. I helped this dude in the lab and he kept coming up with reasons to come to the desk like to borrow a pen and then to bring back a pen and then to ask about a newspaper and then to borrow the pen again and then he needed my help in the lab again and THEN he hits me with "can I show you something" and says something about how I'm beautiful or something, I don't even remember I was too "get me the heck out of here"-d at the moment. Anyway, so then he goes back into the lab, finishes his session and when putting the pen back in the holder on the desk slips me a note asking for my number.
Needless to say I did not give it to him.
The Library Judge says I'm 6, Queen of the Known Universe says I should have said 12.
6 is props cause she's a badass. Speaking of, "The Rise of Nine" is finally out and I added it to my wishlist - aka I told Favorite Sister in Law to buy it for me. But if she doesn't perhaps Mom will. And then Homey G will immediately borrow it.
I'm wondering if they'll ever make a sequel but wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. I don't think it had the greatest following.
Where was I going again? Oh right, so then this drunk lady started hitting on our security guard, and the poor dude is so young you just feel bad. But he handled it really well. Though later he came up to me and was like, "why are they always old?!"
So apparently if they were younger and hotter he wouldn't mind as much.
I have finally come up with somewhat of a Christmas list.
The first few are boring.
-Curtains Hung Up - still unsuccessful on that front
But then I ran into some fun stuff
-Burn Notice season five
-Charlie's Angels season five
-Once Upon a Time season one
-Pittacus Lore books "Rise of Nine" and then the one about lost legacies
Well, I called it. Sort of, no I did. Picked the final four mentioning Nicholas might slip through just cause he's got people in his corner. I'll miss Amanda, she was great. As was Melanie she just had a bad night. People are ticked. Much like when Pip got kicked off last year. Bowtie and all.
But they're young and hipster-ish and the teens love them.
But my top 2 are STILL IN IT!
And I'm rooting for Terry now as well. He was in my honorable mentions when I was originally crafting the list. And I listened to his song almost 50, well, probably well over 50 times last night while falling asleep.
And then again today.
Second year in a row for Team Blake cause of Jordis last year.
It's interesting now though that it doesn't matter your team, just your number of votes so actually Adam and Xtina don't have any of their team left in the competition. Cee-Lo has Trevin and Nicholas, Blake has Cassadee and Terry.
Alright, should crash. More work tomorrow.
What does it mean?!?
I took him shopping this weekend as mentioned in the post and picking out gifts was like pulling teeth.
Now I know how Oldest Sister feels when she takes me clothes shopping.
At least I managed to come up with a few ideas from myself. From others I've got nothing. Cause he says he wants nothing.
But at our family Christmas no one gets nothing so I'll have to come up with some ideas. We're spending actual Christmas with his family and New Year's with mine since that's when we're having our family Christmas.
Which I think I told my mother, and if not, then she knows now.
Yes, we are at that point. Afterall we did almost get married in Vegas. Which Cabin Fever pointed out is kind of a big deal.
But it's been over 11 months now.
Which is huge for me cause as previously mentioned most of my relationships don't last longer than a Mento.
And I'm happy.
Which is also new.
Anyway, speaking of relationships, so had yet another "magnet moment" today at work. I helped this dude in the lab and he kept coming up with reasons to come to the desk like to borrow a pen and then to bring back a pen and then to ask about a newspaper and then to borrow the pen again and then he needed my help in the lab again and THEN he hits me with "can I show you something" and says something about how I'm beautiful or something, I don't even remember I was too "get me the heck out of here"-d at the moment. Anyway, so then he goes back into the lab, finishes his session and when putting the pen back in the holder on the desk slips me a note asking for my number.
Needless to say I did not give it to him.
The Library Judge says I'm 6, Queen of the Known Universe says I should have said 12.
6 is props cause she's a badass. Speaking of, "The Rise of Nine" is finally out and I added it to my wishlist - aka I told Favorite Sister in Law to buy it for me. But if she doesn't perhaps Mom will. And then Homey G will immediately borrow it.
I'm wondering if they'll ever make a sequel but wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. I don't think it had the greatest following.
Where was I going again? Oh right, so then this drunk lady started hitting on our security guard, and the poor dude is so young you just feel bad. But he handled it really well. Though later he came up to me and was like, "why are they always old?!"
So apparently if they were younger and hotter he wouldn't mind as much.
I have finally come up with somewhat of a Christmas list.
The first few are boring.
-Curtains Hung Up - still unsuccessful on that front
But then I ran into some fun stuff
-Burn Notice season five
-Charlie's Angels season five
-Once Upon a Time season one
-Pittacus Lore books "Rise of Nine" and then the one about lost legacies
Well, I called it. Sort of, no I did. Picked the final four mentioning Nicholas might slip through just cause he's got people in his corner. I'll miss Amanda, she was great. As was Melanie she just had a bad night. People are ticked. Much like when Pip got kicked off last year. Bowtie and all.
But they're young and hipster-ish and the teens love them.
But my top 2 are STILL IN IT!
And I'm rooting for Terry now as well. He was in my honorable mentions when I was originally crafting the list. And I listened to his song almost 50, well, probably well over 50 times last night while falling asleep.
And then again today.
Second year in a row for Team Blake cause of Jordis last year.
It's interesting now though that it doesn't matter your team, just your number of votes so actually Adam and Xtina don't have any of their team left in the competition. Cee-Lo has Trevin and Nicholas, Blake has Cassadee and Terry.
Alright, should crash. More work tomorrow.
What does it mean?!?
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