I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, December 16, 2011

You better not pout, I'm telling you why

Alright, it's on.

The weekends are posted - of coures they're posted the one day i left my planner at home - so Sketch and I picked out our weekend. A weekend between our birthdays we're gonna meet up halfway, so basically somewhere in the middle of Iowa, and hang there for a weekend jamming out, taking pictures of random things, and calling it Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure. I'm stoked.

But it's really funny because we were looking for hotels and there's this one next to a shopping mall, and neither of us are shoppers so we were like, eh. Whatever. Then a different one has a waterpark, again, eh. Whatever. So I guess there's one with a bar next door, so that's probably the one where we'll end up.

I'm excited, I think it will be fun.

Alright, on the rec's before I ramble you into insanity.

Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Three

Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses

see, i'm used to the spice girls very british version of this, so when i first heard this one the actual lyrics threw me way off. both versions are fantastic, and brittany did pull it off pretty well on the glee soundtrack.

Santa Claus is Coming To Town - Glee cast version

speaking of glee, i like finn and puck, mostly puck because i think his voice it better especially if he's playing guitar, but this one is excellent for both of them.
but i love this version cause it's like santa claus the rock and roll version.

Let It Snow - Michael Buble

this man could remake anything and make it fantastic. not that this wasn't already fantastic, but i'm saying all of michael's music is pretty fantastic. so you really can't go wrong posting something of his, even if it is just a cover.

tomorrow is shopping central. gotta wake up before noon for this one, shop 'til i drop then head to the farm. i'm way behind, gotta keep going before it's the 23rd already and i've got nothing!

Still having some formatting issues with the dancing videos. might have to upload them to facebook and then embed from there, ugh.

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