I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, December 30, 2011

a sure fire way to speed things up when all it does is slow me down...

I love small town fast food places.

"Please pull up to the first window."

I pull up to the first window and there's no one there.


Still no one there.

I pull up to the second window.

Chick at second window takes my money to the register at the first window then brings me change at the second window.

"Sorry, there was no one there."
"Yeah, I don't know where they went."

Well that's professional.

It was one of those oddball days.

Well, oddball weeks.

2 Incident Reports in 2 days.

And a potential 3rd today!

Good thing I have the weekend off!

I sent out a Q&A e-mail about the YA project and Fearless Leader called it cute.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

But the project is a mess.

I scanned the whole YA aka Young Adult section and now we're having to deal with the things that were checked out when I scanned the rest.

Basically they're pulling all the incoming stuff and I'm dealing with it individually before shelving it with the rest.

It's gonna be a mess.

It already is a mess.

But I'll handle it, I have a plan.

And I sent out like 5 e-mails about it so hopefully people have some sort of understanding on why there are piles and carts of YA material spread throughout the first floor when the YA area is on the second floor.

Like I said, mess, but I'm handling it.

Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them - SYKBFYKT

yes this is an ongoing series but like i said, ipod on shuffle you run into a lot of these.

"Run-Around" Blues Traveler

sound so similar to barenaked ladies that it just blends in with their music. even though it's not them. hence the forgetting part.
the music video freaks me out. the whole first half is zoomed out so far that you have no idea if this is the real video cause it looks like he's singing something completely different. but i guess that's kind of the point...if you watch it all the way to the end.
anybody else tempted to throw in "and i love the java jive and it loves me" at 3:22? or is that just me. might be me. high school choir. long story.

and then one you probably don't know at all. it's pretty much anti-that song. just cause that is like happy happy joy joy with its rhythm and upbeat melody and this is more like death and destruction with its yelling and drum overload

"The Kill" 30 Seconds to Mars

the video is like a mix of the backstreet boys "everybody" and the movie 1408. plus some titanic last scene of the movie at 4:38. weird factor.

I'm officially off until the 3rd, huzzah! Getting spoiled with another 3 day weekend. I could get used to this. Tomorrow is comedy show and some ddr, next day is family christmas, after that it's the husker game and then back to work.

I'm off to sleep in.

Just glad I get to jam with my cat again, he was excited to see me. Watched Castle season three with me and mom. Just finished the alien invasion firefly reference episode, love it!

I'd let him sleep in my room but I have a feeling he'd do more knocking things over in my closet than sleeping on the bed. So he's in the basement teasing the outdoor cats.


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