I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Leverage, My cat the chair thief, Crocodile vs Lawnmower, and more SYKBFYKT

I love Leverage!

Halfway through season three and I can't stop. Stoked they're on the fourth season on TV. Will have to find those online.

I was completely productive today.

So productive, in fact, that when I took the time to actually look at the clock I realized, "holy crap it's 5:30". I had to literally stop being so productive and sit at a desk, physically stop working so much. Or I would have continued another project and left it half-finished. And I can start that tomorrow. Or next week.

That's how I know I have a great job, I look at the clock and I can say "holy cow it's already" *insert number here* It doesn't drag on to the point where I would say, "Aw man, it's only" *insert number here* Big difference between that "already" and "only".

I gotta space these things out. What if I do everything now and then I won't have anything to do later? That was my fear as an Aide. If I shelve everything right away, then the rest of the day I'm screwed!

I'm kind of excited about a new display, I did one in the YA section on books to movie and tv shows. Wish there was more space, but I do what I can.

Gave Superwoman some Angry Birds. Apparently they were a big hit. I got some as Xmas presents for some of the tiny children as well. You squeeze them and they make noises. Though I'm tempted to build obstacles and throw them at it like the game, just to see if they can knock things over and kill the pigs.

But I'd need a pig.

And some wood planks.

A few glass panels.

It'd be like Ultimate Angry Birds. Sounds like a good thing to film and put up on youtube.

Which reminds me, I still need to throw out that tree and film the process.

Freakin' Christmas tree. The new one rocks. Super easy.

Time to throw out the old one and burn it.

It will bring good news of great joy which will be for all the people.

Sorry. Christmas program.

Christmas isn't over yet!! Family party 3 days and counting. Woohoo!

Though it still doesn't feel like Christmas, where is the snow? This feels like Spring or something. It was nice all day today. It's messing with my head.

Mom showed up today at the library. Scared the crap out of me. Apparently my cat likes her new furniture and steals her spot when she leaves the room.

Which, you get used to, eventually.

See, you can be sitting on the couch.

And he could be sitting right next to you.

Then you get up, leave the room, come back and he'll be sitting where you were sitting.

I don't know if it's like warmer there or something, I'm guessing he's just playing mindgames with you. See what you do next.

But beware, he will bite you if you try to move him.

But I have strategy. Cause I will just lay next to him.

And he'll get tired of it, jump off the couch and find a new spot.

HA! Victory!

Then I reclaim my old spot, he'll sit on the floor and glare at me cause I've figured him out.

Guess he gets the mindgames from me.

Alright, on to the rec's then I'm out.

Full day tomorrow then more fun at the farmhouse. Woohoo!

Remind me to pack controllers. As much fun as Road Rage was on DDR mats, it's a lot easier with actual controllers.

Songs You Know But Forget You Know Them aka SYKBFYKT continued
this may just become a recurring theme, but i did think of these today.

"New Soul" Yael Naim

i know you know this one cause it was on every ipod/ipad commercial for like a year

"A-Punk" Vampire Weekend

pretty sure i've posted this one already, i just remember them singing it on SNL, his guitar strings and giant scarf drove me nuts.
you probably know it from the hp printer commercials

check this out

Crocodile vs Lawnmower

i think the mower's dead.
i like that it's named elvis.

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