I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Joyful and Triumphant

Oh my god, just got Plain White T's CD "Wonders of the Younger" and it's so fantastic I think I'll have to dedicate a week just to it's awesomeness.

But, for now, I'll stick with Xmas music that doesn't suck. Maybe PWT's can bring in the new year.

I'm so proud of myself for today. Woke up before noon, which, for a day off and not just any day off, a SATURDAY day off waking up at 10:30 is like props to me, seriously. So there was that.

I got all my shopping done.


Okay, a lot of my shopping done.

I'm still missing Second Sister, Second Sister's husband, and Oldest Sister's husband. But at least I know what I'm getting him. Although, SS did just text me ideas for her husband. So I've got somewhere to start.

But yeah, I'm not done with all seven tiny people, my parents - with the help of Oldest Sister for that one, and most of my siblings.

I spoiled my brother a bit, but hey, he's my big brother. He's always watched out for me. Buys me Titans hats and Yankees jerseys when he can't stand the Yankees but loves me. Baby sister has the right to spoil on occasion, right?

I'm exhausted.

I hate shopping.

Christmas shopping is mildly entertaining though, so I stick with it. As long as there aren't clothes involved, I'm generally in.

Though I'm sure there will be clothes involved on other peoples' end. Hopefully it will be good stuff. Sisters have decided I need wardrobe changes. One of them even stuck me with a bunch of dress clothes, claiming she was cleaning out her closet and needed the space.

Which...okay, I'm sure they're right on that, but I like my t-shirts! That's my best present ever, just random t-shirts with funny sayings or weird graphics. It's like a visible inside joke, I love it.

And it's not like I wear them to work. Often. Just at the home branch, not the work one. If I do there's generally something over them. Cause yeah, there's some skeezy people there, and they stare. And I'm not so fond of the staring. So anything to cover up a graphic that they'd want to start a conversation over is grand for me. Plus it's probably smart to you know, semi-dress up for work. And jeans and nice shirts are my life now.

Oh my god, it was so nice today to wear my tearaways and hoodie. That's all I wore throughout 2010, 'til I got the job.

Speaking of today, so funny story. I'm in Target, and going through the toy aisles looking for kid stuff when I decide to browse the game section. I'm checking out a Big Bang Theory trivia game - which was fantastic, btw - when I hear my name, look up and see Homey-G-Wigger on the phone and giving me the "what are you doing here" look. But what was SHE doing there? I live there. So we jammed out and got some lunch. Gotta love Panera. Plus it's right next to Barnes and Noble which is where I got the majority of my other stuff.

After that it was gold. Came to the farm. Wrapped my stuff, which was nice cause that meant I didn't have to take it up to my apartment, unload it, then load it again, and unload it again. Like I said, cake. Though the wrapping took longer than expected. Mostly cause I was distracted by DVR and kept running out of paper and tape. But Mom has like a whole wrapping station set up in the living room. I had too much stuff so I stuck with the floor.

Another funny thing, Mom zones out, and then starts laughing. Says she only falls asleep in the chair when I come home.

Thanks. I must really be that boring.
No, you're not boring.

So it must be my shows that are boring. Which is funny, cause they're her shows too. I mean, all we watched were Bones, NCIS, NCIS LA, and some Castle. But she was long gone before the Castle. It was a rerun anyway, I watched the creepy cage lady one again. Still freaked me out.

But, all in all it was a good day.

Which means I should give you these and konk out.

Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Four

"Deck the Halls" Mannheim Steamroller

you will probably be getting a lot of mannheim rec's from me these next few days. probably because they're nebraska people, but mostly because they rock. Chip Davis is a genius, I especially love 2:02-2:04, with the lighting it makes him look all mad scientist on the drums.

"Oh Come All Ye Faithful" Twisted Sister

a twisted christmas is actually a pretty good album. and that chick is annoying, kind of want to hit her with my drumsticks. she deserves to get twisted. i love that
they manage to work that in from 4:04-4:16

"The Chipmunk Song aka Christmas Don't Be Late" The Chipmunks

the new version, though the classic is the best, this one rocks it as well. this has always been one of my favorites even though i've never really been a fan of the chipmunks as characters. i think alvin would just get on my nerves. though gubler did do the movie, so i guess i should give it a shot.

Tomorrow is church and practice then caroling, then gotta make it back for Squirt and Bubby's Xmas Eve service as it's Squirt's last year. I'm sad that I'm missing KJ and BekBek's. But we have gypsy caroling practice so can't really miss that. As we are going gypsy caroling right afterward. Huzzah! I enjoy our merry band of gypsys. Gypsy Leader aka my music mentor for camp and life has her guitar so we'll back her.

1 comment:

  1. OK, you're music selections are gold (see, I used it!). As to christmas shopping, in my opinion, that's why God invented the Internet- so we could sit at home in our jammies and shop! Since our family is getting so large we have gone with the 'pick a name' method for a coupld of years. This year's new twist centers on buying a gift for $50 or under, put it in a grab bag and see what you get on Christmas day. Should be interesting. I gota portable DVD player on sale so that's my contribution.

    Anyway, sounds like you're on top of it.
