I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

"That's just Joe's finger and pandemonium!"

Today's Highlights:

-Pretty sure my Boss's Boss thinks I'm a total nerd. First time I met him I went all fangirls. Then I hugged him when he told me I got the job. Today we talked about drawing mazes. I did it a lot in grade school, but stopped in high school as that's nerdy. Today I was on break and bored and had a notebook and with all the writer's block going on in my head what else was I supposed to put on the paper?
So yeah, he probably thinks I'm a total nerd. But what's wrong with being a total nerd? I work in a library anyway, I mean, that's kind of nerd-central anyway. That's why I like it!

-Staff meeting in the morning, I'm really liking this whole parking space thing. I don't have to freak out about finding a space and paying and all that jazz. Much easier this way.

-Worked more on the YA project, got through to the C's. Which is exciting, since they started at the Z's.

-Sent in my insurance paperwork, huzzah! Administration people were teasing me and calling me an adult. I told them to take it back. I like being a kid.
Apparently working 40 hours, going to grad school and directing a children's camp makes one old. I was not aware.

-Squirt has decided she wants to volunteer at the library so they stopped by this afternoon to get signed up. It's pretty exciting, I think she'll pull it off.
And I'll have people watching out for her since she's my niece and all that. They know they'll have to deal with me. But books and all that are kind of her forte so I think she'll have fun with it.

-Met up with Oldest and Second Sisters after work. They were shopping, of course, I'm way behind on all that so I need to work on that soon. Maybe this weekend. I do have it off. A whole weekend off?! What?! I know right?! It's usually because I have class. But I'm free of that until mid-January. Shocker to have really nothing planned. Other than going to the farm.
But yes, I should get some of my shopping done as well. I have some of the kids done, but there are like 16 of us. Well, 16.5 soon to be 17.
I was told I'm supposed to make a list, because apparently just going somewhere and picking things out there is crazy.
But I don't make lists. I make lists of things after I've bought them, to make sure I've got everyone covered.
Do you all really know exactly what you're buying for people before you buy it? I just kind of roll with it.

-Apparently I need new clothing. Or so they say. Always. But I like my clothes. They're comfortable. and I dress up when I need to! I got a full-time job, I'm in school, I direct a camp, I'm professional, what more do you want from me?!
and no there will be no "I've got it going on"s when I walk through a door. I'll just watch as you do that and take pictures.

-And speaking of taking pictures, so yeah. There was some interesting dancing going on by Squirt and Bubby. and I filmed a majority of it. and I will upload them...when the formatting decides to work.

I could post them now but all you will get is a black box. With nothing in it.

I'll figure it out tomorrow night when I'm not falling asleep as I type.

Quotes of the Day:
-"and you walk through the door and go, I've got it going on!" dance included. don't ask. cause i've got nothing. no way that dance is coming from me.

-"that's just joe's finger and pandemonium!" while filming bubby grabbed my ipod and ran with it. but you get some great exterior shots, so it's nice.

There's more, but I'll post them with the videos when I upload them. For now you'll get these.

Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Two

"Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" Elmo and Patsy

love it.

"Little Drummer Boy" Sean Kingston

interesting take on the song. while obnoxious at first, it turns out okay. i actually like this one.

"Santa Baby" Pussycat Dolls
and snoop dogg. in a santa suit. random, but okay, i'll go there.

alright, off to bed. full day tomorrow.


  1. I parked in the open air lot just kitty corner from the library and really liked it. I could zip in and out really quick and didn't have to hunt for a parking place after getting back from a meeting.

    OK, a music critique. "Grandma got run Over by a Reindeer" belongs in the suck category. Did you know that the Craqcker Barrel has a creepy hunter's cap that plays this? Also, no one compares to Eartha Kit in the Santa Baby category. I'm just sayin'

    Drawing Mazes-no comment.

  2. yes, i love that parking lot.

    oh, poor grandma, the song just cracks me up. i was not aware there was a singing hat dedicated to it, but that's funny as well.

    eartha kitt is classic, and actually as is kylie minogue, but i wanted to branch out this year and post some versions people don't know. but yes, she's by far the greatest.

  3. aww, what you got against my mazed, they're awesome!
