I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Battle of the Blogs, Gypsy Caroling, Fat Cats, Whom Shepherds Guard and Angels Sing

It seems that some people have decided to use their blogs for evil.

To which I feel I should retaliate.

But then they take me out for steak and back to their place to watch Sherlock Holmes, and it's making me have to think really hard about something mean to say back.


The time that...

You know what?

You are full of crap.

Love Mom.


Take that!

Geez, I tell them I find someone I'm actually legitimately interested in and suddenly my clothes are being banned to Narnia.

That's a closet.

But you're literate, so you knew that.

If you weren't you wouldn't be here, reading a librarian's blog.

Or, sorry, Library Service Associate's blog.

Although I still refer to myself as an LA2. Cause I like that better than LSA. LA2 sounds cool, LSA sounds like a service announcement. Though I guess I am a bit of a walking billboard for the library so it's okay.

What was I saying?

Oh yeah, so they take issue with my tearaways and sport shorts.

It's not like I wear them to work.

Or that I'd wear them on a date.

Unless we were playing softball or something that actually required them.

I did wear them this weekend, that was exciting.

Fine, bash on them all you want.

But leave my backwards hat out of it.

That's the one thing that will last forever.

Aside from all that joy, today was crazy mass hysteria. Church in the morning then practice. Yeah, we practiced at 1 - for the first time - sang at 2 - I left at 3:30 to make it for Squirt and Bubby's program at 5:00, then headed out for steak, and went over there to watch Sherlock Holmes and jam out on their couch. Cause it's comfy. and they have a dumb-as-a-post cat that snuggles with you.

She's about half the size of Carter.

And that's only cause she has lots of hair. Take that away and you have maybe a quarter of my big fat cat.

He could squish her.

But we used to say that about her other cat as well. That she would squish people. Then Second Sister got a fatter cat and that became the squisher. Now mine is the fattest, and therefore the one that will dominate. Plus he bites. He could take 'em down. He's got it going on.

I'm sorry, but the fact that Squirt said that same thing at the restaurant while completely missing the former conversation highly amuses me. She's just too smart.

So yes, Gypsy Caroling today. The Gypsy nickname and tradition started a few years ago when we were singing for family day at Heritage. Gypsy Leader had her guitar and we basically went around the building singing camp songs. This year we were stationary. It was awesome, our usual gang of course. We sang a lot of twisted carols - they were twisted cause they were carols, but had other verses being sang over the top of them as harmony. It was amusing, especially "Are you going to Bethlehemtown?" I can never keep a straight face for that one. Or "Happy Winter" which was actually just Frosty the Snowman, but had added verses.
We couldn't make it, we literally couldn't get all the way through it during practice cause we were laughing so our Gypsy Leader was basically like,
Okay, just sing Frosty. Skip the rest.
We said we'd throw in a few "Happy Winter!"s just to throw her off while she played. Didn't miss a beat.

After that it was driving back here to watch Squirt and Bubby. Bubby rocked it on the piano. It was funny cause he played two songs and you could tell he liked the second one better just cause he played it a lot faster and louder than the first one. He rocked it seriously. I made a lot of silly faces at Squirt - we couldn't even get Bubby to look at us! But I figured the faces were payback for when their parents made faces at me.

See, I'm the baby.

So, like in a certain person's blog, the older siblings feel a responsibility to tease me. It's only natural, right?

This includes events like a Christmas Eve service in which they sit in the back and wave at me when I'm in the front. And make faces. When I'm trying to be all serious. Yeah, didn't work out so well for me. Though Squirt did make it through the service without cracking up too obviously despite the attempts of both myself and the awesomeness that is Megan.

I learned - especially when I did One Act and Drama productions - that if you pick a spot in the back and focus on it you won't notice the funny faces and gestures they're aiming in your direction.

After the program was steak at a fancy place down the road. Bubby can only eat salad when it's drenched in Ranch so that was amusing.

We talked random things, library stuff, ballet and the concept of a Three-Three as opposed to a TuTu.

Though whenever I hear anything about ballet I immediately jump to a camp conversation I had with my D...R partner in which I corrected a pronunciation and he came back with "I don't freaking know ballet!!" That was the same year he claimed I shot him during a prayer. But I didn't. It was BETWEEN prayers! And it was just a tiny water pistol. He had one too. It was war.

Alright, on to the Rec's.

Figured I'd give you a few we sang today.

Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Five

"Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" Sarah McLachlan live

fantastic version, but I love all her music. it's very zen. helps on a bad day.

"Silent Night" Aly & AJ

simple and classic.

we didn't sing this next one, but it was on the list.

"What Child Is This" Charlotte Church

say what you will, this chick is impressive. She's 25 now, but this was like '07. Props man, props.
and this song - not essentially this version - but this song is probably my second favorite of the sacred Xmas songs. Only losing to O Holy Night, but we'll get there. And that's only the sacred ones. I've got a bunch of goofy ones as well. Well, one in particular. Which, if you know me, or if you read the blog last year around Xmas I'm sure you know to what song I'm referring. and if not you'll figure it out.

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