I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Troll the ancient yuletide, Carol!

Alright, so it's official.

Library Fever has spread even farther in our family.

Squirt is officially a volunteer at the work branch.

It was amusing because when I asked people if they had met her they commented on the red highlights. Yes, I take full credit for those. Especially since Oldest Sister blames them on me.

I can't help it if I'm just that awesome that people want to be like me.

She has inherited a lot from me though, besides the red hair. She's got the snark, the blog, and the tom-boyishness (from time to time when she's not wearing spandex to play volleyball or screaming about snakes in the grass while playing soccer), and now she's got the library.

Could be a foot in the door kind of thing. If she likes it maybe she'd want to be an Aide. But that's far far in the future.

No one believes it when I tell them she's only 14. She's taller than me. She's also not allowed to stand next to me in pictures. Cause I feel short. Though I still call her Squirt. It's catching on, Slim Shady did as well.

But she's excited about her nametag - of all things - and she seemed to do pretty well with shelf-reading, so who knows.

I've got people watching out for her, favorite patron included. He was excited to meet her. I'm scared they will bond and swap stories. Maybe this was a bad idea.

All in all it was a fantastic day. Made a lot of progress on both ongoing projects aka YA section and supplies list. Though it took me half an hour just to list everything sitting on two shelves of one cabinet. And that's just one cabinet. This is gonna take forever. I'm making a spreadsheet, I figured that was the easiest way to figure out what we have and what we need. Plus I can send it out so others will know where to find things.

Aside from all that I hung out at Oldest Sister's house for a while, ate with them and then came back here to write. AND IT WORKED! I've been writing for almost two hours straight now. This whole apartment story is taking shape. No idea what I'll do with it when it's done, well, if it gets done. There's still a lot to do. Out of the 10 tenants all the stories have been started, but there is like one that's finished. And that's not even finished finished, it's just slightly finished. Cause it's at the end of a scene. So I could end it there, but people would kill me. They already attempted it in college when they wanted to know what happened next. Yes, I'm pilfering my college stuff. But only the good ones. It's amusing with the change of scenery to be thrown in since the apartment complex is in LA. Brings a whole new element to all of them.

Okay, so far I've got
Apartment 1: The Exotic Dancers Next Door, I blame this idea completely on a night out watching a friend's band with Superwoman, the awesomeness that is Barb and Slim Shady in which there literally were exotic dancers next door.

2: Sketch and Edit, which I have plenty of. Though I feel like I should reformat them so they'll fit in with the rest of the story. But then I can't cause they wouldn't be Sketch and Edit.
Though I really don't need to since each story is different in formatting, person, tense, and all that jazz. The only reason I'm tying them all together in the first place is because I'm making them all live in the same apartment building that gets mentioned at least once in each story and then I'll bring them together in the end when I either decide to burn down the building from the kid in apartment 7's mad science experiment, or when the tenants in 4 and 8 get married. But I'm still deciding on the end. Like I said, work in progress.

3: Kris's awkward 4th of July experience entitled "Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave", this is the one from college everyone wants me to add to. But it's hard as I like it the way it is. So did the prof, she said read the whole thing through because she was so into it, then had to go back and make comments.

4: Is a chick in love with the dude in apartment 8. They have their own balcony scene, it's a comedy go with it.

5: This is Lindsay, she breaks up a wedding, confusion ensues.

6: Jake lives here, he moved here from a rural town after, well, okay the only clue I'm giving you with this story is that it's entitled "One Headlight" turn on some Wallflowers and you'll figure it out. It's the only one of them so far that's completely emotional and not funny at all.

7: The insane teenager living with his mom. The first scene takes place at the shrink's office after he punched the lights out of the school bully.

8: The landscaper by day, waiter by night who has bad luck in love until he meets the upstairs neighbor in apartment 4. Balcony scene included.

9: Is Jax. He's an assassin. This is the sole story that's actually finished. And that's only because I can absolutely not add anything more to it's ending. If I do it will screw over the entire story. Inspiration for that one came after I got smashed by an idiot at an intersection, which is funny because the car crash scene is just a mere page compared to the rest of it. Anyway, so there was that but I also got it from a story we read in college about an office building, each person there had their own story - sound familiar? almost like an apartment complex, hmm - one of them was a serial killer. Everyone knew but he didn't kill any of them so they didn't care. Jax is a bit more discreet about it so they're not aware.

10: Thomas Family. Mom, Dad, Teenage Girl, Tween Boy. Teenage girl has a thing for a library boy. That's as far as I've gotten. But at least it's written down!

So yes, they're completely different stories about completely different people in completely different writing styles, and maybe it's a completely stupid idea but I'm up for the challenge. and it keeps me entertained.

But it's ongoing, so I'll keep you posted.

Alright, music rec's of the night, let's see. We went with sacred yesterday so let's throw in some silly. I live my life behind the tab. Sorry, obscure camp reference, I get those daily.
Speaking of obscure references, I quoted Caddyshack today and pretty sure no one had any idea what I was talking about.
Superwoman said I should help out with the TAB program at one of the branches in January and I said, "Oh, Das all I need! Tanks for nuthin' Danny Noonan!" and got nothing.
Not surprising, there's a lot of quotes that float around in my head throughout the day, I'm sure half of them are obscure enough to only be recognized by hard-core fans of either Friends, Charmed, or Just Shoot Me.

Moving on.

Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Six

"Sleigh Ride" She and Him

i cannot pimp this album any more, it's fantastic, buy it! or check it out! somewhere! this is one of the few songs in which he actually does vocals. and i'm not talking few on this album, i mean few period. it's usually just Zooey, which is fine as and she is fantastic, but it's cool to hear his voice as well.

"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"

classic movie is the best, no offense to jim carrey, who's also fantastic but not as fantastic as boris karloff. i watch it every christmas and read the book, though i have them both memorized.
oh my god, just saw this and loved it. You're a Mean One, Emperor Palpatine and the dark side really does wonders for your complexion.

"Jingle Bell Rock" Brenda Lee

while Bobby Helms version is good as well, I like this one better. or i could have posted the Mean Girls version, but that just makes me laugh.

"Deck the Rooftop" Glee Cast

so, if you were ever in a dire place in life when you couldn't choose between "up on the housetop" and "deck the halls" you could simply turn on this mashup.


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