I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Treading trodden trails for a long long time

Called in sick, spent the day on the couch.

Couldn't even stand up this morning, was all light-headed, burning up and just dead.

Second Sister says that it must be serious as I never call in even if I am sick. Even Mom was worried.

But I figured Superwoman would take away points if I crashed at the public service desk.

Called Girlscout and she took care of it, then took my temperature and ended up with 100.1 - probably best I called in.

No idea where it came from.

Hope it's not the flu. Then Glee-Loving Boss will give me even more crap about that flu shot thing. I told him I'd rather get the flu than the shot. Probably shot myself in the foot with that.

So it was a lazy day, the only semi-productive things I did all day were open the door for the repairman who came to fix my water heater - I've been living on cold showers, not cool in winter - and talked to my sister-in-law on the phone about a Christmas present thing.

The rest of the day I slept, didn't even turn on the TV until the repair guy got here. Figured it would be awkward if I was sleeping while he was here.

Now I'm up again. Figured I should eat something. Chicken noodle it is. Though I don't have much of an appetite.

And my cat isn't even here to keep me company, he's living it up at the farm. He stayed there since I'm just going back out again this weekend and packing him up and driving him back didn't seem all that appealing since I would just be taking him back again in a few days. Plus he likes it there. As long as he doesn't go outside and have to deal with the gangwar between the North Side and South Side cats.

Anyway, of all the days to be sick, I actually had plans tonight.

Shocking, I know.

But it's true.

I'm headed back to bed after the soup, should be back to at least 90% by tomorrow.

If not I'll probably go anyway.

Coach Otte, our high school assistant basketball coach, used to say "It's all mental."

I used to hate it when he said that.


We all did.

Now I live by it.

I'm a workaholic and love my job. Get used to it.

Alright, a music rec and I'm out.

"So Much to Say" Dave Matthews Band

stuck in my head.

no idea where that came from either.

and now i'm singing jimmy fallon. dangit sarah, i blame you.

must turn on movie or something to get music out of head.

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