I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

"He was allergic to chocolate so I had to beat him."

I don't think I've laughed this hard in a long time.

Things that amused me today:

-The Reference Queen: we worked together today pretty much on and off, but at one point there was a patron who walked through, and like 5 seconds after he had passed by everyone in the area just cringed. Suddenly she gets up and gets this de-odor spray and basically follows him through the building. I died.

-Squirt and Bubby: they're always funny stuff, but I always have fun taking them places. This time we hit up "Tower Heist" cause Bubby didn't want to see Twilight, yay! Anyway, oh man, the ride over there was hilarious by itself. "What are they feeding those birds?!" "Those must be some big seeds."

-Tower Heist: this movie was hysterical. I was stoked cause I still hadn't seen it. I used to go to movies all the time, but now that I'm working I rarely make any. I'm just going to have to start going again, stag or something. Or not. But that's a
longer story and internal debate. ANYWAY, Tower Heist, I give it a 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome, purely because of one line, although the rest of it was pretty funny as well. And a good storyline. I wasn't able to predict it, I thought I knew what would happen but was nowhere near it.

The Maid going rogue was my favorite part of the movie.
*minor spoiler alert*
She rammed a guard with her cart after he wouldn't eat the drugged cake, and when they asked her response was, "He was allergic to chocolate so I had to beat him." and that was it. I laughed so hard I cried. and left the theater that way.

THEN! We try getting out of the parking garage and it won't read my ticket, keeps saying transaction cancelled - obnoxious - so we had to use the intercom and the dude says the one in the middle is always doing that, so if you use that garage, take the one on the right, don't use the middle lane. It just makes the kids in the car laugh at you.

Anyway, it was a really amusing day.

And tomorrow is only a partial day, I just gotta finish with the paperwork I keep putting off, go sign up for a parking spot, send some mail, and work for 2 hours with GLB. Woohoo!

Alright, so we did the T and the U so I guess that puts us at V.

"Vanilla Twilight" Owl City

is that Shaq? a fitting video for this time of year.
I was reluctant to listen to their music because everyone was fawning over that fireflies song. I heard it once and wasn't all that impressed, then I bought some of the songs off itunes and they're actually pretty good. and the Fireflies song has grown on me as well.

"Valerie" Amy Winehouse live and acoustic

stupid forever 27 club. she was fantastic.

Get to sleep in. Will turn on some more Leverage Season two and konk out.

"oh if my voice could reach back through the past i'd whisper in your ear,
'oh darling i wish you were here.'"

1 comment:

  1. Haha Carrie, that line "he's allergic to chocolate i had to beat him" made my whole day. thanks for taking me to the movie! ur the awesomest auntie ever!
