I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Library Selection Policy - its kind of a big deal.

I'm writing my paper for class, well taking a break from writing my paper for class, and am in need of some motivation to keep going. I finally found my angle so I know what to ramble about it's just the motivation to put the ramblings on paper that I'm lacking. Even though it's not really paper, more like 'on screen' and then upload it/submit it.

Aaannnd since I'm going through my notes that means more Library Goddess-isms.
- LG: "Who, When, What, Where and then we have another Who...ish" about citation
- LG: "That's why there are 800 books named 'Frog'!!.......I don't know where that example came from." since you can't put a copyright on a title
- LG: "The URL from hell." giant URL that I'm grateful we didn't have to copy down on paper
- LG: "You don't go up to the grocer and say, 'What the heck? Where are the beans?!'" I really wish I could remember what that was an example for. I think something about not having something in the library that we should have or something to that effect.
- Presenter: "Why do we collect statistics? Anyone?" *silence* "Okay!" that was funny. absolute silence. Reminded me of a few classes in college. Although that was usually the point in the lecture where the professor would either scream and do some weird gesture or jump on a table and just yell "hey!" Both took place in religion classes actually. The table yelling was from New Testament and the gesture was "Chicken Man!" when we were learning about Barak (thanks BFF) in Old Testament.

But I should be writing about censorship and gift policies!

Instead I'm jamming out to the Grey's musical episode soundtrack - now available on itunes - and cracking up everytime I hear Justin Chambers or Chandra Wilson sing. Not cause they're bad, they're actually quite good, I just can't see their characters singing. Or Sloan. Or Cristina. Or Meredith. Lexie sure. Maybe even Izzie. Actually, from the soundtrack, Ellen Pompeo and Chyler Leigh sound excellent. I'm impressed.

Selection policies are the backbone of every library! They can make or break you!

You know how sometimes there are random lyrics or quotes that come to you randomly during the day and just don't go away? Or is that again just me? All day I've been saying "You can call me Travie Clause minus the ho-ho." Granted it is the best line of the song but that still doesn't explain why it's stuck in my head. Oh well, at least it doesn't have a Scottish accent. "It's like graveyard jenga down here." I'm gonna have to find that on Amazon, see if they make it somewhere here in the states I can get it shipped from. It was only one season. But they should have it somewhere online.
Another line out of nowhere, "And why this frenzied chlorophyll's orgy starts in Spring is no enigma!" Which, if you get that reference without googling it, means you're either a big fan of Michelle Pfeiffer or have far too much time on your hands. Random random random. I love it even though it was spectacularly awful. In fact it got horrible reviews, which apparently means nothing to me as I'm a fan of it and Bonekickers and numerous other movies/bands that I won't list because I should be writing about selection policies and peer libraries instead.

"That's not my name" the Ting Tings 2008

I can honestly say I was a fan before they got famous famous. But that's also true for Hey Monday, Neon Trees and La Roux. Which I guess makes sense if you listen to a lot of Indie music. Since that's apparently rising to the top. It's either that or Lady Gaga and her electronic world. She's not bad. I am a fan of Ke$ha and she's got some electronic backgrounds as well.

Okay okay, back to writing about the importance of diversity in formats and topics.

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