I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

take these broken wings and learn to fly...

I love Tuesdays. Broken up day, go in in the morning, work for three hours then run errands, take a nap, clean more of the apartment, go back in to work then come home and crash. I'm diggin' in. Just thought I should mention it.
Tomorrow will be a longer day, 9-5 then a meeting with my boss's boss's boss. Serious stuff. With a few members of my class to talk about our selection policy and its history. Totally gonna look like comic relief. Again. In front of my boss's boss's boss. No pressure. But I get to see my friends at the other branch, who I feel like I haven't seen in forever even though it's only been since like Friday.
Yes, I'm a nerd. Deal.

I feel like I should post this since I'm on a Maroon 5 kick and I love Glee.

Diggin' the whole pounding the table thing. Was stoked to see them do Maroon 5. Is it me or are there different Warblers in every episode? Like I know the council. And that blonde one, I think his name is Ryker or something. And then the dude that does bass. But everyone else looks new to me, and far too similar to Blaine.
And I'm sorry but I totally love Mercedes' "Hell to the No" song. Was totally crackin' up the whole time. "Loser like Me" is cool as well.
And hooray for Pink! I totally screamed...big fan of that song.

And yes it is mandatory that I post this song. Because I love it.

We attempted it in high school but it wasn't as good as Kurt and these guys' version. Yay Beatles.
And all I can think of when I see Kurt in this outfit is Johnny Cash as the Man in Black. I'll spare you the spouting of "Cocaine Blues" lyrics. Probably not appropriate anyway. The benefits of older parents is growing up listening to artists like Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, the Beach Boys, the Beatles, Carole King, Joni Mitchell, etc.

Speaking of childhood music, here's a favorite:

1983 John Anderson's "Swingin'" was kind of a family song. Ask the older sisters. Pretty sure we have some interesting/embarrassing/blackmail material recordings from them... "phone.....pie.....fry.....garden hose...."

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