I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You are the only exception...even though I haven't met you yet.

Or maybe I have...hmmmm, the possibilites.

Time: 8:09 PM
Location: Couch
Attitude: Elated. Amused. Excited.

Today flew by pretty fast, mostly cause I was all over the place. We were pretty busy. The meeting with my boss's boss's boss went well thankfully. She's pretty awesome and everyone was able to be there so I'm actually thrilled, plus got all my questions answered. Now I can find a peer library's policies and compare for the paper, then I'll be done with it. Well, I have to physically write the paper but I have most of the stuff planned out already so it won't take too long. But it was fun, meeting with coworkers and talking about work stuff which is totally new for me. Plus they called it my "stomping ground" so that made me smile.

Quotes of the day:
- "....or at least eat cheese...." friend about mice, long story
- "You said it in one sentence, they said it in four..." meeting about library policies
- "I'll take a side of manic any day." an even longer story

Songs of the night: I'd post the songs that were stuck in my head all day but I don't want to get them stuck in yours aka "Yeah, yeah the jury...yeah, yeah the jury...." which is from a play called the Trial of the Big Bad Wolf. I was in kindergarten and was a jury member. It was an all female jury and we fawned over the wolf because he was so charming. Now everytime someone talks about a jury or says the word "jury" that comes to mind and goes on repeat.
First up Paramore's "The Only Exception"

and on a completely opposite note you get Michael Buble's "Haven't Met You Yet"
which you're gonna have to actually visit youtube for since it won't let me embed it. sad day.

Plans for tonight:
Making food without burning anything (i say it as a plan being all optimistic instead of listing it as just an idea)
Watching Bonekickers which I got from the library.
Then sleep. Lots and lots of sleep.

have a good one.

yeah yeah the jury.......yeah yeah the jury......yeah yeah the jury.....the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth....yeah yeah the jury......yeah yeah the jury....

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