When the boyfriend gets sick my Monday nights consist of:
The Voice.
The Blacklist.
2 Broke Girls.
Though sleeping almost happened about 5 things ago.
Today had its moments.
The best of which was courtesy of a tiny tiny child.
Okay, she wasn't so tiny.
I had these two girls signing up for library cards with their mother. While I'm typing in the information about the first one I say something like "whenever I see a 2008 birthday I feel super old."
The girl squints at me for a second and comes back with, "You don't look old."
Made my day.
Gave her a sticker.
Then BossLady had to ruin it.
Back when I was still at the home branch working with the Queen of Awesome I had this kid tell me I looked 31.
I was 24.
Which I brought up to BossLady and she said something to the effect of kids can't tell the age of anyone "this side of twenty."
Which cancelled out my "you don't look old" comment.
Thanks for that boss.
Other than that the day was a blur. Though I do remember submitting my monthly narrative and stats.
But that's about all.
Tomorrow is back to a half day with practicum. Yay!
New Favorite Commercial
It needs more than this, less of this.
I enjoy her. Especially when she hosted SNL, that was amusing.
Just a couple highlights from tonight's episode.
You and I - Briana Cuoco
yes that is who you think it is. if she makes it through to the live rounds she'll have her whole sister's fanbase behind her.
girl power.
Thrill is Gone - Monika Leigh
"that's great maybe ya'll can go out on a date."
still working on my top 20, but these 2 are on it.
out. legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash.
So...Saturday morning I was supposed to have a whole group of volunteers come in from 9-12 to clean the lab and do various other stuff....and then they didn't show up.
Superwoman came in special to help and everything....and then they didn't show up. So, I ended up going to the home branch to jam with the Queen of Awesome in the morning then back to the work branch in the afternoon.
After work headed out to see the boyfriend. We watched a bit of the car auction - there was this huge old car auction in Nebraska this weekend that was all over the History Channel. Basically this car dealer kept all these cars from the 50s-90s and most of them had like 1-5 miles on them total.
So I guess technically it was a new old car auction...in 2013.
But it was on History so you knew it was big.
We watched the first few cars but then got tired of it, then went out to Applebee's for appetizers.
Since I had Sunday off I slept over at the farm.
Church this morning, sat with the family. Got dinner afterward, invited Homey G as always.
I was hoping to take a nap in the afternoon but there were 3 screaming children running all over and my father who wanted me to set up his iPod so that didn't happen.
For long anyway.
We got him an iPod for his birthday cause he said he would use it. It all sounds like a grand idea until you're the one who has to set it up and teach him how to use it.
BUT I was successful cause he brought it to the softball game and was listening to it.
So take that world!
He gave me a list of songs to upload by Abba, Rod Stewart, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Carol King, Beach Boys and Duane Eddy. And that's all he wanted.
For now anyway, I'm sure he'll have a new list for me when I go back home.
And I got to teach him how to use it, though I'm guessing Mark will have to give him a refresher course tomorrow.
I didn't get time to figure out the extra speakers cause I was already running late.
FOR OUR LAST GAME OF THE SEASON! except we decided to add another one next week. Which means I'll have to talk Superwoman into letting me leave at 5. We'll see how that goes.
I played like crap - the one time Dad comes - but everyone else did okay, including my brother who pitched and actually got all three outs in a single inning. I really like hitting off this pitcher so I kept reaching for everything.
Cause I refuse to be walked. I've only walked 2 times in the what like 7 years we've been playing? I think it's 6 or 7.
Oh well, we won it 11-4, even after we gave them an extra inning.
And they wanna play again next week so we agreed to take them on. Even though we're up 2-0.
That's okay, we can make it 3-0 and then get ready for next year. I'm bummed there's only 3 games this year. Last year's was great cause we had like 6 cause we played everyone twice. This year we're down to only 2 teams total so that kind of killed that.
We think they're scared of us so that's why they all dropped out. You know, cause we're just that awesome.
When we're all here that is. We were short last week - though still won - and tonight we were still missing some key players but hopefully next week the whole gang will be back together.
After the game G and I went out for ice cream, as usual, and I headed back cause it's more work tomorrow.
Now Carter and I are jamming watching some Iron Chef.
On to the music.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Muppets
the boyfriend and i heard this at applebees and went what?
oh yeah, forgot they made one of these...
Royals - Lorde
catchy. i can't decide if i like it or not. i'm starting to. i think.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
So...Saturday morning I was supposed to have a whole group of volunteers come in from 9-12 to clean the lab and do various other stuff....and then they didn't show up.
Superwoman came in special to help and everything....and then they didn't show up. So, I ended up going to the home branch to jam with the Queen of Awesome in the morning then back to the work branch in the afternoon.
After work headed out to see the boyfriend. We watched a bit of the car auction - there was this huge old car auction in Nebraska this weekend that was all over the History Channel. Basically this car dealer kept all these cars from the 50s-90s and most of them had like 1-5 miles on them total.
So I guess technically it was a new old car auction...in 2013.
But it was on History so you knew it was big.
We watched the first few cars but then got tired of it, then went out to Applebee's for appetizers.
Since I had Sunday off I slept over at the farm.
Church this morning, sat with the family. Got dinner afterward, invited Homey G as always.
I was hoping to take a nap in the afternoon but there were 3 screaming children running all over and my father who wanted me to set up his iPod so that didn't happen.
For long anyway.
We got him an iPod for his birthday cause he said he would use it. It all sounds like a grand idea until you're the one who has to set it up and teach him how to use it.
BUT I was successful cause he brought it to the softball game and was listening to it.
So take that world!
He gave me a list of songs to upload by Abba, Rod Stewart, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Carol King, Beach Boys and Duane Eddy. And that's all he wanted.
For now anyway, I'm sure he'll have a new list for me when I go back home.
And I got to teach him how to use it, though I'm guessing Mark will have to give him a refresher course tomorrow.
I didn't get time to figure out the extra speakers cause I was already running late.
FOR OUR LAST GAME OF THE SEASON! except we decided to add another one next week. Which means I'll have to talk Superwoman into letting me leave at 5. We'll see how that goes.
I played like crap - the one time Dad comes - but everyone else did okay, including my brother who pitched and actually got all three outs in a single inning. I really like hitting off this pitcher so I kept reaching for everything.
Cause I refuse to be walked. I've only walked 2 times in the what like 7 years we've been playing? I think it's 6 or 7.
Oh well, we won it 11-4, even after we gave them an extra inning.
And they wanna play again next week so we agreed to take them on. Even though we're up 2-0.
That's okay, we can make it 3-0 and then get ready for next year. I'm bummed there's only 3 games this year. Last year's was great cause we had like 6 cause we played everyone twice. This year we're down to only 2 teams total so that kind of killed that.
We think they're scared of us so that's why they all dropped out. You know, cause we're just that awesome.
When we're all here that is. We were short last week - though still won - and tonight we were still missing some key players but hopefully next week the whole gang will be back together.
After the game G and I went out for ice cream, as usual, and I headed back cause it's more work tomorrow.
Now Carter and I are jamming watching some Iron Chef.
On to the music.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Muppets
the boyfriend and i heard this at applebees and went what?
oh yeah, forgot they made one of these...
Royals - Lorde
catchy. i can't decide if i like it or not. i'm starting to. i think.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Maybe "Thor's hammer" is a new color of nail polish.
So it worked, he was shocked.
I'm still shocked he didn't figure it out beforehand, but I think enough time had gone by that he had just assumed it was over.
You should have seen his face when he walked in the door.
He was so happy I totally cried.
Though before and immediately after that it was pure madness.
Half the world was there and we exploded out of the party room and into the main dining hall.
160 people.
But he is 70 so he's met a lot of people through the years.
It was nice, we had really good food and went through and introduced ourselves.
I got to explain that I was the baby and they kept having kids until they got perfection and then they stopped. Cause, you know, I'm perfect.
Was good to see extended family, though it was amusing because, as mentioned, I was the baby so Mom and Dad used to take me everywhere. So they all know me but it was so long ago I totally don't remember all their names. But of course you can't tell them that, especially when they ask all about the library which really implies that they know you.
Except for that one guy who didn't know who was in the picture on the invitation because when he was in their lives they only had 3 kids.
And finally the Favorite Aunties and the Cool Aunt met the boyfriend.
And they didn't give him the 3rd degree like his aunts gave me so I'm calling it a victory.
Though he was sucked into a black hole and talked trains with Dad's train friends for like an hour. Squirt got him a plate before they took the food away, it was amusing.
It was fun, he had fun, tons of pictures were taken, I'm sure many will find their way to Facebook.
And I'm out, back to work tomorrow.
I'm Gonna Take That Mountain - Reba
I'm sorry but her dancers freak me out. Good song though.
oh the title is from Big Bang. been watching that again lately when I go to sleep.
I'm still shocked he didn't figure it out beforehand, but I think enough time had gone by that he had just assumed it was over.
You should have seen his face when he walked in the door.
He was so happy I totally cried.
Though before and immediately after that it was pure madness.
Half the world was there and we exploded out of the party room and into the main dining hall.
160 people.
But he is 70 so he's met a lot of people through the years.
It was nice, we had really good food and went through and introduced ourselves.
I got to explain that I was the baby and they kept having kids until they got perfection and then they stopped. Cause, you know, I'm perfect.
Was good to see extended family, though it was amusing because, as mentioned, I was the baby so Mom and Dad used to take me everywhere. So they all know me but it was so long ago I totally don't remember all their names. But of course you can't tell them that, especially when they ask all about the library which really implies that they know you.
Except for that one guy who didn't know who was in the picture on the invitation because when he was in their lives they only had 3 kids.
And finally the Favorite Aunties and the Cool Aunt met the boyfriend.
And they didn't give him the 3rd degree like his aunts gave me so I'm calling it a victory.
Though he was sucked into a black hole and talked trains with Dad's train friends for like an hour. Squirt got him a plate before they took the food away, it was amusing.
It was fun, he had fun, tons of pictures were taken, I'm sure many will find their way to Facebook.
And I'm out, back to work tomorrow.
I'm Gonna Take That Mountain - Reba
I'm sorry but her dancers freak me out. Good song though.
oh the title is from Big Bang. been watching that again lately when I go to sleep.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
"Just because you have a purse it doesn't make you a girly girl."
"If, however, it was pink with jewels on it and had a dog inside of it then that would make you a girly girl. I would call you Paris Hilton."
Okay, so I have this bag. That I put stuff in like my wallet and datebook and pens and all that. People keep calling it my purse.
It's not a purse. It's a bag. Cause I don't own purses, I own bags. Mostly messenger bags. While this specific bag may be shaped like a purse, it is not a purse because I don't own purses. Which means it's a bag.
Did you get all that?
Can you hear me clucking, big chicken?
Anyway, the boyfriend decided to tease me about it tonight but then made up for it by saying it was okay for it to be a purse because it's black and not pink and bedazzled.
So I remain non-girly-girl-ish.
Which is my goal in life.
Another goal in life? Graduate! Had another practicum session this afternoon. That brings me to 38/90 on the Practicum Count-up. I think this is my favorite class - aside from Special Libraries and Teen Materials of course - because it's hands on experience so it doesn't feel like homework. Plus the actual homework is like a page summary that due at the end of each month and then that's it.
Just finished mine in about 20 minutes. Woohoo!
After practicum I headed out to see the boyfriend. We had a lazy night. Went out for pizza then spent most of the night driving around, buying donuts, and jamming out on the porch swing.
I know, we're so exciting. But it was good, and much needed relaxation. Tomorrow night will be just the opposite.
Remember how my dad turned 70? Well, we're throwing him a surprise birthday party and apparently almost everyone I know and/or have met at some point in my life is going to be there.
Which means it's kind of a big deal. But amusing at the same time because when the whole surprise party thing was first brought up it was followed closely by, "is it smart to surprise a 70-year-old like that?"
Apparently we don't care cause we're throwing one anyway.
The funny thing is that even though it's a surprise I don't have to worry about posting about it online because my dad is the biggest luddite you will ever meet so he won't even notice. He has never used a computer. He knows how to use his cellphone but not well enough to check his voicemail. Actually his outgoing message is just my Mom saying "don't leave him a voicemail cause he doesn't know how to check it." Now we have one of those smart combines that you have to enter all the information into the computer and then it drives for you. Guess it took him a whole day to figure out.
My brother loves it cause he can nap.
Just what I want to hear when it's my farm land he's napping on.
Anyway, so I don't have to worry about him finding out this way.
Although I'm wondering if he already knows. As mentioned basically everyone he knows is going to be there. And he's smart. Which is why we had to throw him that fake party at the cabin earlier in the month. It'll be interesting to see his reaction.
But I'll let you know tomorrow. I'm out. Totally zonked, though it is 2AM so that would explain things. Yeah, I know it says 11:50 but 99% of the posts on here say that and it's always crap.
Well, except for that one weird time when it was actually 11:50. Had to do a special "holy holy crap" tag for that one.
On to the music.
Hotel California - Eagles
So we've progressed from the Beach Boys to the Eagles during our sorting sessions of practicum. guess he's going to see them live. wondering what will be next on our list. i'm thinking...Beatles. or Elton. i'm going to see him live, i'd be good jamming to Bennie and the Jets.
Okay, so I have this bag. That I put stuff in like my wallet and datebook and pens and all that. People keep calling it my purse.
It's not a purse. It's a bag. Cause I don't own purses, I own bags. Mostly messenger bags. While this specific bag may be shaped like a purse, it is not a purse because I don't own purses. Which means it's a bag.
Did you get all that?
Can you hear me clucking, big chicken?
Anyway, the boyfriend decided to tease me about it tonight but then made up for it by saying it was okay for it to be a purse because it's black and not pink and bedazzled.
So I remain non-girly-girl-ish.
Which is my goal in life.
Another goal in life? Graduate! Had another practicum session this afternoon. That brings me to 38/90 on the Practicum Count-up. I think this is my favorite class - aside from Special Libraries and Teen Materials of course - because it's hands on experience so it doesn't feel like homework. Plus the actual homework is like a page summary that due at the end of each month and then that's it.
Just finished mine in about 20 minutes. Woohoo!
After practicum I headed out to see the boyfriend. We had a lazy night. Went out for pizza then spent most of the night driving around, buying donuts, and jamming out on the porch swing.
I know, we're so exciting. But it was good, and much needed relaxation. Tomorrow night will be just the opposite.
Remember how my dad turned 70? Well, we're throwing him a surprise birthday party and apparently almost everyone I know and/or have met at some point in my life is going to be there.
Which means it's kind of a big deal. But amusing at the same time because when the whole surprise party thing was first brought up it was followed closely by, "is it smart to surprise a 70-year-old like that?"
Apparently we don't care cause we're throwing one anyway.
The funny thing is that even though it's a surprise I don't have to worry about posting about it online because my dad is the biggest luddite you will ever meet so he won't even notice. He has never used a computer. He knows how to use his cellphone but not well enough to check his voicemail. Actually his outgoing message is just my Mom saying "don't leave him a voicemail cause he doesn't know how to check it." Now we have one of those smart combines that you have to enter all the information into the computer and then it drives for you. Guess it took him a whole day to figure out.
My brother loves it cause he can nap.
Just what I want to hear when it's my farm land he's napping on.
Anyway, so I don't have to worry about him finding out this way.
Although I'm wondering if he already knows. As mentioned basically everyone he knows is going to be there. And he's smart. Which is why we had to throw him that fake party at the cabin earlier in the month. It'll be interesting to see his reaction.
But I'll let you know tomorrow. I'm out. Totally zonked, though it is 2AM so that would explain things. Yeah, I know it says 11:50 but 99% of the posts on here say that and it's always crap.
Well, except for that one weird time when it was actually 11:50. Had to do a special "holy holy crap" tag for that one.
On to the music.
Hotel California - Eagles
So we've progressed from the Beach Boys to the Eagles during our sorting sessions of practicum. guess he's going to see them live. wondering what will be next on our list. i'm thinking...Beatles. or Elton. i'm going to see him live, i'd be good jamming to Bennie and the Jets.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
"Did you buy those boots from Aldo?" "got kind of a baloney/martini thing going on."
So, today was fun. Opened, worked on some TAB stuff, middle of check-in when my volunteer walks in and says, "you should talk to someone about that smell." "what smell?" "smells like smoke."
2 seconds later - literally 2 seconds later - alarms start going on.

Spent the next hour outside the library hearing "10 more minutes" 4 times.
But it was fun bonding time. And I learned the place across the street has rootbeer ice cream, so that's always good to know.
I did find it amusing that the staff was all very laid back just jamming out while the patrons were like huddled around the door waiting to get back to their internet sessions.
They were all ready to make a beeline to the lab until the fire department decided it would be hazardous to let people spend time on 2nd floor since the smell was so strong. Long story short people were not happy.
After work I met up with the sisters for dinner at the greek place. Had some beef kabob stuff, it was good stuff.
Lots of fun conversations, most of which I can't repeat. Though I will say we should do it more often. Especially when dessert is that good.
Came back, did some homework, finished The Voice then started on other new pilots I've DVR'd.
They're probably all doomed to fail but I'll watch them in the meantime.
Blacklist is one of my favorites.
Today I watched Trophy Wife, which was amusing, and also Back in the Game. I love Maggie Lawson. Now it's on to the Goldbergs. The return of Jack Gallow, yay!
Love Interruption - James Wolpert
black and gold!
do we think he's actually a basketball fan that would know that or do we think he googled it?
totally bought this one, so good.
Back to Black - Jacquie Lee
"we all do he's 6 foot 9!"
love his fascination with her boots.
nice accent xtina.
love it, she's way good for that young.
2 seconds later - literally 2 seconds later - alarms start going on.

Spent the next hour outside the library hearing "10 more minutes" 4 times.
But it was fun bonding time. And I learned the place across the street has rootbeer ice cream, so that's always good to know.
I did find it amusing that the staff was all very laid back just jamming out while the patrons were like huddled around the door waiting to get back to their internet sessions.
They were all ready to make a beeline to the lab until the fire department decided it would be hazardous to let people spend time on 2nd floor since the smell was so strong. Long story short people were not happy.
After work I met up with the sisters for dinner at the greek place. Had some beef kabob stuff, it was good stuff.
Lots of fun conversations, most of which I can't repeat. Though I will say we should do it more often. Especially when dessert is that good.
Came back, did some homework, finished The Voice then started on other new pilots I've DVR'd.
They're probably all doomed to fail but I'll watch them in the meantime.
Blacklist is one of my favorites.
Today I watched Trophy Wife, which was amusing, and also Back in the Game. I love Maggie Lawson. Now it's on to the Goldbergs. The return of Jack Gallow, yay!
Love Interruption - James Wolpert
black and gold!
do we think he's actually a basketball fan that would know that or do we think he googled it?
totally bought this one, so good.
Back to Black - Jacquie Lee
"we all do he's 6 foot 9!"
love his fascination with her boots.
nice accent xtina.
love it, she's way good for that young.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
"It's so romantic." "Mutual indemnification always is."
Went in early for training on how to deal with them if we discover them in the library.
She showed pictures and told stories.
And afterward we all wanted to go home and take showers but we couldn't, we were stuck there freaking out about every book we touched.
Or was that just me?
BUT I did get to leave early cause I went in early. Which means I got to go home for lunch and I watched The Blacklist.
Holy crap.
That's all I have to say.
Holy crap.
If you haven't seen it you should find it online, it's awesome and if the rest of the season is anything like the pilot then I'm in.
After that it was practicum.
Practicum Count-Up 35/90.
First official day staffing the women's library and dude it rocked. There were huge amounts of books checked out, I was really impressed. After that cleared out we brainstormed for a while, gonna make some flyers to advertise our opening and all that, then headed over to the men's building to figure out our shelving situation. We have way more material in the men's building and we're running out of space.
Looking forward to the booksale when we get to fill up on even more.
That's gonna be interesting...
After that I headed out to see the boyfriend. We went to see Prisoners.
This was another holy crap.
But this was more of a stand back and look on with horror holy crap, unlike Blacklist which was an on the edge of my seat holy crap.
If that makes sense.
I figured out most of it before the end - lots of twists and turns throughout the story but if you notice things from early on then you'll get it - but still, we sat in the theater after it was done and all we could think of was "that's messed up."
Scale of Awesome says 5/10, however it did have an awesome cast, obviously Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Melissa Leo, Viola Davis, Maria Bello, Terrance Howard, BUT it also had Dylan Minnette who was in Saving Grace and since has had a bunch of guest appearances in things like Grey's, SVU, Lost, Medium, Major Crimes, and Supernatural. PLUS he's in a band called The Feaver which I enjoy.
This is one of my favorites.
I find them wildly entertaining.
After the messed up movie we watched some Big Bang Theory and World's Dumbest - yay. Oh and apparently he's so happy to have a "genius girlfriend" cause I was able to help him with iTunes.
Made me smile.
It was amusing though because the episode of Big Bang that was on was the one when Sheldon got all jealous of Amy and Stuart and officially labeled her as his girlfriend.
I told him he was so romantic, but not as romantic as the Relationship Agreement.
Now I'm back and watching - you guessed it - The Voice.
Since I'm not done with tonight's episode yet I'll post 2 more from yesterday's.
These two stuck out especially which is why I'm thinking Xtina has the best team at the moment.
Cough Syrup - Matthew Schuler
i've never seen all four turn that fast. though i really don't like that song at all i do like him a lot.
Too Close - Josh Logan
really reminds me of Bryan Keith which is why I was surprised he didn't go with Adam.
and i'm out. back to The Voice before I konk out.
Went in early for training on how to deal with them if we discover them in the library.
She showed pictures and told stories.
And afterward we all wanted to go home and take showers but we couldn't, we were stuck there freaking out about every book we touched.
Or was that just me?
BUT I did get to leave early cause I went in early. Which means I got to go home for lunch and I watched The Blacklist.
Holy crap.
That's all I have to say.
Holy crap.
If you haven't seen it you should find it online, it's awesome and if the rest of the season is anything like the pilot then I'm in.
After that it was practicum.
Practicum Count-Up 35/90.
First official day staffing the women's library and dude it rocked. There were huge amounts of books checked out, I was really impressed. After that cleared out we brainstormed for a while, gonna make some flyers to advertise our opening and all that, then headed over to the men's building to figure out our shelving situation. We have way more material in the men's building and we're running out of space.
Looking forward to the booksale when we get to fill up on even more.
That's gonna be interesting...
After that I headed out to see the boyfriend. We went to see Prisoners.
This was another holy crap.
But this was more of a stand back and look on with horror holy crap, unlike Blacklist which was an on the edge of my seat holy crap.
If that makes sense.
I figured out most of it before the end - lots of twists and turns throughout the story but if you notice things from early on then you'll get it - but still, we sat in the theater after it was done and all we could think of was "that's messed up."
Scale of Awesome says 5/10, however it did have an awesome cast, obviously Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Melissa Leo, Viola Davis, Maria Bello, Terrance Howard, BUT it also had Dylan Minnette who was in Saving Grace and since has had a bunch of guest appearances in things like Grey's, SVU, Lost, Medium, Major Crimes, and Supernatural. PLUS he's in a band called The Feaver which I enjoy.
This is one of my favorites.
I find them wildly entertaining.
After the messed up movie we watched some Big Bang Theory and World's Dumbest - yay. Oh and apparently he's so happy to have a "genius girlfriend" cause I was able to help him with iTunes.
Made me smile.
It was amusing though because the episode of Big Bang that was on was the one when Sheldon got all jealous of Amy and Stuart and officially labeled her as his girlfriend.
I told him he was so romantic, but not as romantic as the Relationship Agreement.
Now I'm back and watching - you guessed it - The Voice.
Since I'm not done with tonight's episode yet I'll post 2 more from yesterday's.
These two stuck out especially which is why I'm thinking Xtina has the best team at the moment.
Cough Syrup - Matthew Schuler
i've never seen all four turn that fast. though i really don't like that song at all i do like him a lot.
Too Close - Josh Logan
really reminds me of Bryan Keith which is why I was surprised he didn't go with Adam.
and i'm out. back to The Voice before I konk out.
bedbug training,
big bang theory,
cough syrup,
dylan minnette,
josh logan,
matthew schuler,
practicum countup,
scale of awesome,
the boyfriend,
the voice,
too close
Monday, September 23, 2013
There were kicks? I missed the kicks?
Okay, I have to warn you, I'm watching Castle as I type.
Best proposal scene ever.
Okay, what the hell happened to Alexis in Costa Rica?! She went from Ashley to that?!
I want a cardboard cutout to talk to.
Yay for DVR, fast forward.
Okay, sorry. Focused.
Today was dead for no reason whatsoever. I was asleep on my feet as was the library itself, we had a mad rush at closing but that was about it for the whole day. Don't know if it was the weather or if this will represent times to come...I'm hoping it's the former rather than the latter.
But again, was able to get some projects and supply stuff done so it was okay.
THEN! - and I was super proud of myself for this one - I finished one of my MAJOR EDITING PROJECTS before I let myself watch The Voice premiere.
The freakin' premiere, I am a rockstar ninja of awesome, take that world!
And you've read my ramblings about that show for years so you know how hard that was.
I did watch it - commercial free is so much better by the way - and then went on to Castle. I'll save Blacklist and 2 Broke Girls for tomorrow since I have to go in early.
Which means I'm out early too. Training in the morning, grabbing coffee and I'm on the road.
Here are a couple of my favorites from tonight. I'll attempt to keep my ramblings to a minimum.
I've Got the Music in Me - Kat Robichaud
"there were kicks? i missed the kicks?!"
i really like her. she is badass. definitely going in my top 20. kinda reminds me of juliett simms later on in the season. man's man's world with the rasp, you know? but with the attitude of jordis who was my favorite from that season so...she could go far. Team Cee-Lo!
Here for the Party - Shelbie Z
this one blew me off my feet, seriously was not expecting this from a beauty pageant coach.
and that's what the show is about no bias whatsoever. and she deserved to be on Team Blake. as did liz davis who sang it a couple of seasons ago but shelbie did it better.
I'm slowly assembling my top 20. These 2 are on it, along with a couple of others from tonight which I will post later this week. Right now it's looking like Xtina has the strongest team with 2 really crazy talented guys, which is really surprising cause usually at this point that's more of Adam's territory. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
really should be sleeping, training tomorrow so i'm out. hope you had a good one!
Best proposal scene ever.
Okay, what the hell happened to Alexis in Costa Rica?! She went from Ashley to that?!
I want a cardboard cutout to talk to.
Yay for DVR, fast forward.
Okay, sorry. Focused.
Today was dead for no reason whatsoever. I was asleep on my feet as was the library itself, we had a mad rush at closing but that was about it for the whole day. Don't know if it was the weather or if this will represent times to come...I'm hoping it's the former rather than the latter.
But again, was able to get some projects and supply stuff done so it was okay.
THEN! - and I was super proud of myself for this one - I finished one of my MAJOR EDITING PROJECTS before I let myself watch The Voice premiere.
The freakin' premiere, I am a rockstar ninja of awesome, take that world!
And you've read my ramblings about that show for years so you know how hard that was.
I did watch it - commercial free is so much better by the way - and then went on to Castle. I'll save Blacklist and 2 Broke Girls for tomorrow since I have to go in early.
Which means I'm out early too. Training in the morning, grabbing coffee and I'm on the road.
Here are a couple of my favorites from tonight. I'll attempt to keep my ramblings to a minimum.
I've Got the Music in Me - Kat Robichaud
"there were kicks? i missed the kicks?!"
i really like her. she is badass. definitely going in my top 20. kinda reminds me of juliett simms later on in the season. man's man's world with the rasp, you know? but with the attitude of jordis who was my favorite from that season so...she could go far. Team Cee-Lo!
Here for the Party - Shelbie Z
this one blew me off my feet, seriously was not expecting this from a beauty pageant coach.
and that's what the show is about no bias whatsoever. and she deserved to be on Team Blake. as did liz davis who sang it a couple of seasons ago but shelbie did it better.
I'm slowly assembling my top 20. These 2 are on it, along with a couple of others from tonight which I will post later this week. Right now it's looking like Xtina has the strongest team with 2 really crazy talented guys, which is really surprising cause usually at this point that's more of Adam's territory. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
really should be sleeping, training tomorrow so i'm out. hope you had a good one!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
"He about sang soprano on that one..."
It was gameday in L-Town which means the library was dead. Which is okay every once in a while cause then I can work on projects and book displays. Plus we have fun keeping up with the score. This was a good one, 59-20. Got to do my victory dance.
After work I met up with the boyfriend and we went to the races. A different track this time and it was pretty fun.
I have a new favorite driver.
Never thought I'd say that.
Felt like I should get a shirt to match the crowd surrounding me.
Never thought I'd say that either.
But I held off. It's not like I would wear it to anything other than the races and since winter is coming that's basically over.
Sketch thinks it's funny that I'm going to races after she's done having to go to them.
Sketch is my best friend from college, and neither of us are race fans.
It's not that we're girly girls, we both grew up on farms, but you know, it just wasn't something we would ever go to. Then suddenly we both find ourselves dating these race-obsessed boys who drag us there.
Okay, technically I wasn't dragged, and technically hers is more obsessed since he has his own car and driver, but now I find myself becoming a fan.
I'm fine I promise, don't send an ambulance to make sure I don't have head trauma. It's just really interesting to people watch.
Granted we're in the middle of Nebraska so I'm used to seeing a bunch of rednecks, but these are serious rednecks. And drunk rednecks who yell and spill beer and all that.
Plus I like to watch them crash.
Which makes me a horrible person, I know, cause what if someone dies, etc. etc. But don't lie, that's what you look forward to too.
So that was Saturday.
So originally I had two big sporty things going today. If you can call golf a sport. It's more like an activity.
Think I might have lost some diehard golf fans there. SKIP!
But really, it's kind of like cheerleading.
Okay, it's the opposite to cheerleading, but similar to cheerleading it's not really a sport. It's an activity.
Think I lost some cheerleaders there.
Anyway, so we were supposed to golf in this tournament this afternoon but then a church member died and Pastor had to stay back and since 2G would be lost without our Fearless Leader we decided to skip out and run errands instead. I got groceries. Huzzah. Watched some Grimm season two and took a nap.
For like 20 minutes before driving out to play softball.
First game of the season since last week's got rained out.
I'm stoked, we're all pumped, and then the game is about to start and we only have 8 players.
So we're like...well, crap.
So, the Methodists being nice sent over 2 of their players to play on our team.
One of which was our neighbor. Which I didn't realize cause I haven't seen him in like decades and decades.
To be fair, neighbors when you live on a farm aren't 10 feet from you, they're more like a mile from you. Plus he didn't have kids my age so why would I know him anyway?
They also gave us a pitcher.
Who - and this is amusing - only made 1 real defensive play the entire game and it was to throw his wife out at first.
So he was walking home and/or sleeping in the truck.
Thankfully we play best when we're scrappy and were able to pull it off 13-10. Even though we were behind for most of the game, our lineup was way weird, our field positions were way weird, and we had a dude from their team pitching. Thankfully he didn't walk a lot of people cause he's a good guy.
It was actually a really intense game. We play really well in the beginning and the end, that's always our theme. Not sure what happens in the middle, but that's when they always catch up with us.
We started out 2 up, then went up to 4, then they tied us at 4, then after some homeruns they took the lead with 9 which we came back to tie...like 3 innings later...then they got another and I thought we were screwed but last at bat Pastor got a 2 run homerun and then Steve O got a 2 run homerun and we held them so we pulled it off.
I really like to hit off this pitcher cause he throws it backward so there's a spin on it.
Well, not backward, but like you know how underhand pitch usually looks like, but he throws it differently with a backspin and I can smack the crap out of it.
I had a really good one over center early on.
It was actually amusing cause I was walking to the plate and on a whim I said something like "help me out here grandpa" and then just killed it.
So I know what to do now in clutch situations.
Granted he was a pitcher, but still. Family legend says he was set to go pro and the day before he was gonna start he got hit by a foul ball and there that went.
I'm hoping next year we'll have the whole gang back together.
It's not the same without all of Who's Steve there to celebrate the good plays.
Though it was amusing to watch Favorite Sister-In-Law jump up and down after she caught the ball and then watch my brother run over and jump up and down like a girl as well.
And that's all I got for this weekend. Exhausted and it's back to work tomorrow so I'm gonna crash.
Song of the Day:
We Like To Party - Vengaboys
"who sings this song?" x4 "the vengaboys!" x4
Oh, and the title quote for this post was after my brother hit himself with a foul ball.
It was gameday in L-Town which means the library was dead. Which is okay every once in a while cause then I can work on projects and book displays. Plus we have fun keeping up with the score. This was a good one, 59-20. Got to do my victory dance.
After work I met up with the boyfriend and we went to the races. A different track this time and it was pretty fun.
I have a new favorite driver.
Never thought I'd say that.
Felt like I should get a shirt to match the crowd surrounding me.
Never thought I'd say that either.
But I held off. It's not like I would wear it to anything other than the races and since winter is coming that's basically over.
Sketch thinks it's funny that I'm going to races after she's done having to go to them.
Sketch is my best friend from college, and neither of us are race fans.
It's not that we're girly girls, we both grew up on farms, but you know, it just wasn't something we would ever go to. Then suddenly we both find ourselves dating these race-obsessed boys who drag us there.
Okay, technically I wasn't dragged, and technically hers is more obsessed since he has his own car and driver, but now I find myself becoming a fan.
I'm fine I promise, don't send an ambulance to make sure I don't have head trauma. It's just really interesting to people watch.
Granted we're in the middle of Nebraska so I'm used to seeing a bunch of rednecks, but these are serious rednecks. And drunk rednecks who yell and spill beer and all that.
Plus I like to watch them crash.
Which makes me a horrible person, I know, cause what if someone dies, etc. etc. But don't lie, that's what you look forward to too.
So that was Saturday.
So originally I had two big sporty things going today. If you can call golf a sport. It's more like an activity.
Think I might have lost some diehard golf fans there. SKIP!
But really, it's kind of like cheerleading.
Okay, it's the opposite to cheerleading, but similar to cheerleading it's not really a sport. It's an activity.
Think I lost some cheerleaders there.
Anyway, so we were supposed to golf in this tournament this afternoon but then a church member died and Pastor had to stay back and since 2G would be lost without our Fearless Leader we decided to skip out and run errands instead. I got groceries. Huzzah. Watched some Grimm season two and took a nap.
For like 20 minutes before driving out to play softball.
First game of the season since last week's got rained out.
I'm stoked, we're all pumped, and then the game is about to start and we only have 8 players.
So we're like...well, crap.
So, the Methodists being nice sent over 2 of their players to play on our team.
One of which was our neighbor. Which I didn't realize cause I haven't seen him in like decades and decades.
To be fair, neighbors when you live on a farm aren't 10 feet from you, they're more like a mile from you. Plus he didn't have kids my age so why would I know him anyway?
They also gave us a pitcher.
Who - and this is amusing - only made 1 real defensive play the entire game and it was to throw his wife out at first.
So he was walking home and/or sleeping in the truck.
Thankfully we play best when we're scrappy and were able to pull it off 13-10. Even though we were behind for most of the game, our lineup was way weird, our field positions were way weird, and we had a dude from their team pitching. Thankfully he didn't walk a lot of people cause he's a good guy.
It was actually a really intense game. We play really well in the beginning and the end, that's always our theme. Not sure what happens in the middle, but that's when they always catch up with us.
We started out 2 up, then went up to 4, then they tied us at 4, then after some homeruns they took the lead with 9 which we came back to tie...like 3 innings later...then they got another and I thought we were screwed but last at bat Pastor got a 2 run homerun and then Steve O got a 2 run homerun and we held them so we pulled it off.
I really like to hit off this pitcher cause he throws it backward so there's a spin on it.
Well, not backward, but like you know how underhand pitch usually looks like, but he throws it differently with a backspin and I can smack the crap out of it.
I had a really good one over center early on.
It was actually amusing cause I was walking to the plate and on a whim I said something like "help me out here grandpa" and then just killed it.
So I know what to do now in clutch situations.
Granted he was a pitcher, but still. Family legend says he was set to go pro and the day before he was gonna start he got hit by a foul ball and there that went.
I'm hoping next year we'll have the whole gang back together.
It's not the same without all of Who's Steve there to celebrate the good plays.
Though it was amusing to watch Favorite Sister-In-Law jump up and down after she caught the ball and then watch my brother run over and jump up and down like a girl as well.
And that's all I got for this weekend. Exhausted and it's back to work tomorrow so I'm gonna crash.
Song of the Day:
We Like To Party - Vengaboys
"who sings this song?" x4 "the vengaboys!" x4
Oh, and the title quote for this post was after my brother hit himself with a foul ball.
Friday, September 20, 2013
"Sure you wanna do this?" "Course I'm not, let's go!"
Playing mom again this weekend.
Although babysitting teenagers is much easier than babysitting tiny screaming children.
I mean, these ones scream but only when they're chasing each other around the kitchen.
Okay, so it's not really different from babysitting tiny screaming children.
First on our list was movie night.
Bubby and I watched World War Z.
Gotta say, I'm not really a zombie fan - didn't see I Am Legend or any of the Walking Dead seasons - but it had an interesting storyline.
Even if it was nasty....
Scale of Awesome says 6/10. Not something I'll watch again but it was entertaining at the moment.
And gross.
And gross.
And gross.
Now we're watching cartoons.
Best fake mom ever.
Though I should probably crash soon. Dropping Squirt off at the bus tomorrow at 6:30. Before going back to bed and then going to work at 9.
Today was good until after work. Then it was not so good. But hanging out with Bubby and Squirt is lots of fun so feeling better now.
Though that may change at 6AM tomorrow morning. aka 6 hours from now so I'm gonna shut up and go to sleep.
Oh and I finished that paper and sent it in a whole day early.
Actual Huzzah!
Find your own song of the day and let me know what it is.
I have faith in you.
Although babysitting teenagers is much easier than babysitting tiny screaming children.
I mean, these ones scream but only when they're chasing each other around the kitchen.
Okay, so it's not really different from babysitting tiny screaming children.
First on our list was movie night.
Bubby and I watched World War Z.
Gotta say, I'm not really a zombie fan - didn't see I Am Legend or any of the Walking Dead seasons - but it had an interesting storyline.
Even if it was nasty....
Scale of Awesome says 6/10. Not something I'll watch again but it was entertaining at the moment.
And gross.
And gross.
And gross.
Now we're watching cartoons.
Best fake mom ever.
Though I should probably crash soon. Dropping Squirt off at the bus tomorrow at 6:30. Before going back to bed and then going to work at 9.
Today was good until after work. Then it was not so good. But hanging out with Bubby and Squirt is lots of fun so feeling better now.
Though that may change at 6AM tomorrow morning. aka 6 hours from now so I'm gonna shut up and go to sleep.
Oh and I finished that paper and sent it in a whole day early.
Actual Huzzah!
Find your own song of the day and let me know what it is.
I have faith in you.
scale of awesome,
world war z
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm, I know it's been coming for some time.
Should I be worried that someone got to my blog by Googling someone's name with the subtitle "the KFC slut"?
What kind of stuff am I posting on here?!
So my dad got struck by lightning today.
Dead serious.
I'm just glad he's not dead period.
Apparently being on the four-wheeler saved him cause of rubber wheels. I don't know if that's true or not - science was never my strong-point.
I do know that usually when someone is struck by lightning they go to the hospital to get checked out.
My dad on the other hand refused. Even after his favorite/pharmacist daughter told him that was a bad idea.
Not all that surprising. Remember the months and months of white walls and sterilized equipment posts? He seems to go to the hospital once a decade and then gets stuck there to fix everything that he neglected to go there for through the years.
This time there might be long term damage. Oldest Sister said the effect was immediate cause he went home and told Mom to stop mowing - you know, before he went back to work - and he never tells anyone to stop working so something must be wrong. She thinks his next hobby will be flower arranging.
It was interesting because I found out right before practicum so I walk in in this weird state of shock, not fully believing that he actually got struck by lightning.
Cause c'mon, who of you knows someone who was struck by lightning? Show of hands? Granted I can't see you raising your hands, but I'm guessing it's slim to none.
Besides my family who can now raise their hands of course.
Anyway, so I tell Mr. BossMan Tom and then go on to explain his other famous injuries.
Drill-bit through the hand, falling out of a tree while chainsawing, and my personal favorite running himself over with a car.
Which also, show of hands on that one? Anyone? Anyone? Nope, didn't think so. I mean, people get run over all the time, but do they ever run themselves over?
He was washing it and he put it in neutral and tried to walk it and his foot got caught and- it's a whole long story, whatever, the point is I'm listing all these things out to Mr. BossMan Tom and I finally realize where I get all my klutziness from.
I mean, Mom has her blonde moments every once in a while - "what's the abbreviation for 'no'?" "Um, no?"
But Dad truly takes the cake on injuries.
Though I'm not the only sibling in my family with klutzy injuries, I mean Oldest Sister blew out her knee doing laundry so...
Aside from that the day was interesting on its own. Worked at the home branch this morning. Listened to their new supervisor do a Toddler Time where she sang a song from Barney.
Which was then stuck in my head all day.
I hate Barney.
With passion.
Stupid purple dinosaur.
Queen of the Known Universe tried to fix it with her own headphones, thanks for that.
Plus, I made up these posters for the libraries we're building for practicum and had them laminated by the place across the street. It was funny cause I uploaded them last night then got this phone call from the lady all frantic this morning saying she's not going to have them done. Then when I go over there on my break I'm like right outside their door when she calls to say they're done. AND I KNOW HER! Cause she comes into the work branch all the time so that was amusing.
It decided to rain today, but only when I was outdoors walking to my car to leave for practicum and then when arriving at practicum - stopping in between while I was driving, which was crap cause it started again right as I was getting out of my car to go in.
Practicum Count-Up 32/90. Flying by. Today I made our check-out slips and decorated the boxes they'll go in. We put up the signs in the women's library and then went over to the men's to work more on that. Still not finished shelving, but the slips and box are there if they want to start checking stuff out.
We listened to a rain playlist today instead of the Beach Boys. It ranged from Jack Johnson to Gun-N-Roses. Huzzah for YouTube.
After that I came home to do homework. The boyfriend is still sick which means I haven't seen him since like this weekend.
Was it this weekend? I can't even remember I just know it's been too long.
When did I turn into one of those girls.
When did that happen?
I used to be so independent.
I still am mostly, but I do like spending time with him and wish he would just propose already so we can stop driving back and forth!
I know, it's not romantic at all, but it would be practical!
Which is sort of quasy...ish romantic.
Okay maybe not.
BUT I did get a lot of homework done tonight. Which is good cause it's done Sunday night. I wrote the paper, all that's left is citing and graphs. Which I may or may not do after I post this depending on my energy level.
Oh and I watched the new Star Trek movie.
I love Benedict, he's awesome.
Oh, I mean, go Starfleet!
Or whoever it is you root for in Trek... I'm sorry, not a Trekkie, more of a Wars girl.
Speaking of Wars, that whole "we'll fit" thing, total Millenium Falcon reference.
Just saying.
But it was good, I'd say 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Worthy of purchase, though I don't have the first one so there's one for the Xmas list.
On to the Music:
Have You Ever Seen The Rain - CCR
also on the playlist and the one that stuck with me as i drove home.
you know, after it had stopped raining cause i wasn't outside.
What kind of stuff am I posting on here?!
So my dad got struck by lightning today.
Dead serious.
I'm just glad he's not dead period.
Apparently being on the four-wheeler saved him cause of rubber wheels. I don't know if that's true or not - science was never my strong-point.
I do know that usually when someone is struck by lightning they go to the hospital to get checked out.
My dad on the other hand refused. Even after his favorite/pharmacist daughter told him that was a bad idea.
Not all that surprising. Remember the months and months of white walls and sterilized equipment posts? He seems to go to the hospital once a decade and then gets stuck there to fix everything that he neglected to go there for through the years.
This time there might be long term damage. Oldest Sister said the effect was immediate cause he went home and told Mom to stop mowing - you know, before he went back to work - and he never tells anyone to stop working so something must be wrong. She thinks his next hobby will be flower arranging.
It was interesting because I found out right before practicum so I walk in in this weird state of shock, not fully believing that he actually got struck by lightning.
Cause c'mon, who of you knows someone who was struck by lightning? Show of hands? Granted I can't see you raising your hands, but I'm guessing it's slim to none.
Besides my family who can now raise their hands of course.
Anyway, so I tell Mr. BossMan Tom and then go on to explain his other famous injuries.
Drill-bit through the hand, falling out of a tree while chainsawing, and my personal favorite running himself over with a car.
Which also, show of hands on that one? Anyone? Anyone? Nope, didn't think so. I mean, people get run over all the time, but do they ever run themselves over?
He was washing it and he put it in neutral and tried to walk it and his foot got caught and- it's a whole long story, whatever, the point is I'm listing all these things out to Mr. BossMan Tom and I finally realize where I get all my klutziness from.
I mean, Mom has her blonde moments every once in a while - "what's the abbreviation for 'no'?" "Um, no?"
But Dad truly takes the cake on injuries.
Though I'm not the only sibling in my family with klutzy injuries, I mean Oldest Sister blew out her knee doing laundry so...
Aside from that the day was interesting on its own. Worked at the home branch this morning. Listened to their new supervisor do a Toddler Time where she sang a song from Barney.
Which was then stuck in my head all day.
I hate Barney.
With passion.
Stupid purple dinosaur.
Queen of the Known Universe tried to fix it with her own headphones, thanks for that.
Plus, I made up these posters for the libraries we're building for practicum and had them laminated by the place across the street. It was funny cause I uploaded them last night then got this phone call from the lady all frantic this morning saying she's not going to have them done. Then when I go over there on my break I'm like right outside their door when she calls to say they're done. AND I KNOW HER! Cause she comes into the work branch all the time so that was amusing.
It decided to rain today, but only when I was outdoors walking to my car to leave for practicum and then when arriving at practicum - stopping in between while I was driving, which was crap cause it started again right as I was getting out of my car to go in.
Practicum Count-Up 32/90. Flying by. Today I made our check-out slips and decorated the boxes they'll go in. We put up the signs in the women's library and then went over to the men's to work more on that. Still not finished shelving, but the slips and box are there if they want to start checking stuff out.
We listened to a rain playlist today instead of the Beach Boys. It ranged from Jack Johnson to Gun-N-Roses. Huzzah for YouTube.
After that I came home to do homework. The boyfriend is still sick which means I haven't seen him since like this weekend.
Was it this weekend? I can't even remember I just know it's been too long.
When did I turn into one of those girls.
When did that happen?
I used to be so independent.
I still am mostly, but I do like spending time with him and wish he would just propose already so we can stop driving back and forth!
I know, it's not romantic at all, but it would be practical!
Which is sort of quasy...ish romantic.
Okay maybe not.
BUT I did get a lot of homework done tonight. Which is good cause it's done Sunday night. I wrote the paper, all that's left is citing and graphs. Which I may or may not do after I post this depending on my energy level.
Oh and I watched the new Star Trek movie.
I love Benedict, he's awesome.
Oh, I mean, go Starfleet!
Or whoever it is you root for in Trek... I'm sorry, not a Trekkie, more of a Wars girl.
Speaking of Wars, that whole "we'll fit" thing, total Millenium Falcon reference.
Just saying.
But it was good, I'd say 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Worthy of purchase, though I don't have the first one so there's one for the Xmas list.
On to the Music:
Have You Ever Seen The Rain - CCR
also on the playlist and the one that stuck with me as i drove home.
you know, after it had stopped raining cause i wasn't outside.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I can't lie you're on my mind. Stuck inside my head. I wanna feel your heartbeat for me instead.
Okay, so...interesting situation.
Superwoman says, "I read your blog and bought the book for my pregnant daughter. It better be good."
Many questions arise.
Question one: What book is she referring to?
Question two: What if the book isn't good?
Question three: Should I be paranoid that my boss reads my blog?
So I get this information while working with BossLady - aka my other supervisor - who gave me a funny look and asked if there was something I needed to tell her.
No. I'm not pregnant.
Let's make that abundantly clear.
But it's driving me nuts trying to figure out what book she's referring to. The last book I remember recommending is Silver Linings Playbook. Which was like 4 months ago.
Which, coming from a librarian - oh sorry, a Library Service Associate - is actually quite sad.
I'm sorry, worst LSA ever. I don't read a book a day and I don't blog about the books that I'm not reading daily.
In my defense, I really don't have time to read cause I'm too busy working, taking classes, and driving back and forth to see my boyfriend. Plus I'm surrounded by books all day, it's nice to go home and get away from all that.
But that's part of the "Well, it's not like I go home and do drugs" theory mentioned here.
It's not like I don't read anything at all. I read textbooks for class, online articles for class, more textbooks for class, more online articles for class, and then my editing projects.
However, I do have plans to read after graduation.
Four bookshelves full of plans to read after graduation.
And one of those four is that mammoth one I built myself. Go here.
So, as I skim through previous blog entries from the past month I start thinking...she says I'm gullible. What if she's messing with my head talking about some mystical book that better be good and then it makes me realize that I don't read enough so I should start reading more and then I do start reading more and it makes me an even better LSA.
Cause that is totally something she would do.
Oh well. I'm going to assume it's SLP until directed otherwise. I did love that one and carried it around for weeks before finally giving in and finishing it. I have problems finishing good ones because then they're over and you don't get that sense of mystery back.
Again, library nerd. Who reads on occasion. And has many books on her bookshelf with one page left to read because she stubbornly refuses for it to be over.
Anyway...kind of lost my train of thought....but really all I have to say about today. So on to the music.
I Can't Lie - AudyChannel cover of Maroon 5
Superwoman says, "I read your blog and bought the book for my pregnant daughter. It better be good."
Many questions arise.
Question one: What book is she referring to?
Question two: What if the book isn't good?
Question three: Should I be paranoid that my boss reads my blog?
So I get this information while working with BossLady - aka my other supervisor - who gave me a funny look and asked if there was something I needed to tell her.
No. I'm not pregnant.
Let's make that abundantly clear.
But it's driving me nuts trying to figure out what book she's referring to. The last book I remember recommending is Silver Linings Playbook. Which was like 4 months ago.
Which, coming from a librarian - oh sorry, a Library Service Associate - is actually quite sad.
I'm sorry, worst LSA ever. I don't read a book a day and I don't blog about the books that I'm not reading daily.
In my defense, I really don't have time to read cause I'm too busy working, taking classes, and driving back and forth to see my boyfriend. Plus I'm surrounded by books all day, it's nice to go home and get away from all that.
But that's part of the "Well, it's not like I go home and do drugs" theory mentioned here.
It's not like I don't read anything at all. I read textbooks for class, online articles for class, more textbooks for class, more online articles for class, and then my editing projects.
However, I do have plans to read after graduation.
Four bookshelves full of plans to read after graduation.
And one of those four is that mammoth one I built myself. Go here.
So, as I skim through previous blog entries from the past month I start thinking...she says I'm gullible. What if she's messing with my head talking about some mystical book that better be good and then it makes me realize that I don't read enough so I should start reading more and then I do start reading more and it makes me an even better LSA.
Cause that is totally something she would do.
Oh well. I'm going to assume it's SLP until directed otherwise. I did love that one and carried it around for weeks before finally giving in and finishing it. I have problems finishing good ones because then they're over and you don't get that sense of mystery back.
Again, library nerd. Who reads on occasion. And has many books on her bookshelf with one page left to read because she stubbornly refuses for it to be over.
Anyway...kind of lost my train of thought....but really all I have to say about today. So on to the music.
I Can't Lie - AudyChannel cover of Maroon 5
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
I've got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
I hate homework.
I know it has a purpose and all that, but that doesn't make it any more fun.
So, I've decided to start a countdown, look to the right.
Days until graduation.
Although technically I'm done before then.
Comps Week - October 19-27th
Practicum Due Date - December 1st
Youth Services final assignment - December 6th
So I could change it to the 6th, but I feel Graduation is a more appropriate countdown.
Today was good.
I really like these half days, though it makes full days like tomorrow go really slow.
Spent the morning at work on the desk and checking in, then it was over to the practicum adding labels to the women's library shelves and starting to sort our men's collection.
We divided up fiction/nonfiction, now it's just about shelving them in the right places. He sorted through the nonfiction and shelved them by category while I started on the fiction.
There's a lot of fiction.
We got about halfway done but should finish on Thursday.
Had the Beach Boys playing in the background again, this time we got all the way through the concert. Go here: Catch a Wave
Best practicum ever.
Practicum Count-Up: 29/90
After that it was all about homework.
Well that and Wipeout.
I have like 18 of them recorded that I need to get through so I can clear space for actual shows coming up this fall so they were playing in the background.
But I got sick of that so now it's Iron Chef.
Go Alex!
I was pretty productive with the homework, I'm just waiting to hear back from the professor about something.
And it's not due until Sunday at midnight anyway but I figure we have class tomorrow, Thursday I'm hoping to see my boyfriend, Friday I'm babysitting, Saturday I'm hoping to see my boyfriend and I didn't want to put it all off until Sunday afternoon so I might as well get started.
Another demographics study. I feel like I've done 4 of these now within the past 3 years with exactly the same data so I just keep copy and pasting. This time I'm switching it up though and just focusing on one zipcode instead of the whole county like I always do so it's a bit different.
I know, I'm boring, I'm sorry.
Hopefully I'll have more exciting things to talk about tomorrow after class. That's always interesting. Especially the sign-in process since I have to call in.
Here, enjoy some dumb popsicle stick jokes.
What kind of flower doesn't sleep at night?
The Day-ZZZ
That doesn't make sense.
Why couldn't the elephant use the computer?
He was afraid of the mouse.
Have I mentioned how dumb popsicle stick jokes are?
Pretty sure that's on here somewhere.
And I would know. I only eat 2 boxes a month.
If it helps it used to be a box a week, I'm cutting down.
Alright, on to the music and I'm out.
Roar - Katy Perry
this video reminds me of Hatchet.
but that's just the book nerd in me.
i really like her. some people don't but i do. especially after watching that Part of Me documentary, it was very cool.
I know it has a purpose and all that, but that doesn't make it any more fun.
So, I've decided to start a countdown, look to the right.
Days until graduation.
Although technically I'm done before then.
Comps Week - October 19-27th
Practicum Due Date - December 1st
Youth Services final assignment - December 6th
So I could change it to the 6th, but I feel Graduation is a more appropriate countdown.
Today was good.
I really like these half days, though it makes full days like tomorrow go really slow.
Spent the morning at work on the desk and checking in, then it was over to the practicum adding labels to the women's library shelves and starting to sort our men's collection.
We divided up fiction/nonfiction, now it's just about shelving them in the right places. He sorted through the nonfiction and shelved them by category while I started on the fiction.
There's a lot of fiction.
We got about halfway done but should finish on Thursday.
Had the Beach Boys playing in the background again, this time we got all the way through the concert. Go here: Catch a Wave
Best practicum ever.
Practicum Count-Up: 29/90
After that it was all about homework.
Well that and Wipeout.
I have like 18 of them recorded that I need to get through so I can clear space for actual shows coming up this fall so they were playing in the background.
But I got sick of that so now it's Iron Chef.
Go Alex!
I was pretty productive with the homework, I'm just waiting to hear back from the professor about something.
And it's not due until Sunday at midnight anyway but I figure we have class tomorrow, Thursday I'm hoping to see my boyfriend, Friday I'm babysitting, Saturday I'm hoping to see my boyfriend and I didn't want to put it all off until Sunday afternoon so I might as well get started.
Another demographics study. I feel like I've done 4 of these now within the past 3 years with exactly the same data so I just keep copy and pasting. This time I'm switching it up though and just focusing on one zipcode instead of the whole county like I always do so it's a bit different.
I know, I'm boring, I'm sorry.
Hopefully I'll have more exciting things to talk about tomorrow after class. That's always interesting. Especially the sign-in process since I have to call in.
Here, enjoy some dumb popsicle stick jokes.
What kind of flower doesn't sleep at night?
The Day-ZZZ
That doesn't make sense.
Why couldn't the elephant use the computer?
He was afraid of the mouse.
Have I mentioned how dumb popsicle stick jokes are?
Pretty sure that's on here somewhere.
And I would know. I only eat 2 boxes a month.
If it helps it used to be a box a week, I'm cutting down.
Alright, on to the music and I'm out.
Roar - Katy Perry
this video reminds me of Hatchet.
but that's just the book nerd in me.
i really like her. some people don't but i do. especially after watching that Part of Me documentary, it was very cool.
Monday, September 16, 2013
stabilized, motorized, insecure or fableized, curious or furious, picked apart like prometheus, legalized, penalized, don't you cry, dry out your eyes
So today was suckish.
Morning started out bad.
Afternoon I felt like I was gonna fall over.
Just nauseous and tired. And was burning up earlier. And my coworkers felt weird today too so I'm interested to see how we feel tomorrow.
Tonight I had absolutely no motivation to do anything of substance whatsoever cause I still feel like I'm gonna fall over.
But the difference between falling over at work and falling over here is that here I have a nice couch to fall upon.
And then just not get up from until I have to let the pizza delivery dude in.
I have no food in my fridge.
And I'm slightly obsessed with these spinach and feta breadsticks, they're fantastic.
Which is saying something because I am the breadstick queen, ask Sketch.
I'll order the pizza but I won't eat it. It's all about the breadsticks.
Plus, for some reason, I'll be starving and then when it gets here I'm not hungry for it at all.
I don't know, I'm weird like that.
So I really don't have a lot to say about today other than it drug on and I'm glad tomorrow is back to a halfday and more practicum work. We'll be on to the men's library, probably for a couple of days, they have about double the material and space than the women's.
I should take before and after shots. I just took after ones for the women's.
Carter is mad at me.
I kicked him off my stomach so I could sit up and post this. He was so happily sleeping on me as we finished Elementary season one.
I'd like to say that I predicted that ending, but I really didn't.
I do like this version's twists and turns, however I also enjoy Benedict Cumberbatch's version of the series as well.
It's hard to choose between the two cause I really like both of the Watson's.
Though I do find it amusing that Sherlock Holmes has been around for decades and it's like all of the sudden he's all over the place media-wise.
You've got Sherlock on BBC, you've got Elementary on CBS, you've got the Robert Downey Jr. movies, and there's also a web based series called No Place Like Holmes in which they are frozen in time and emerge in 2010. Along with many other standalone projects.
I'm wondering what the next big thing will be...
Oooh, they should make a series about Miss Marple. But like younger. That'd be cool.
Alright, those are all my sane-sounding-thoughts and some of my not-so-sane-sounding-ones at the moment.
Feel as if I'm gonna pass out so perhaps if I continue to lay on the couch and it happens I can call it sleep.
Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time.
Not even on this couch.
How Am I To Be - Watson Twins
hard to talk about two Watson's and not jump to The Watson Twins. unless you're not an indie fan like i am.
in which case you're severely missing out.
i really like when they collaborate with Jenny Lewis.
here's one of my favorites. the other favorite i've already posted here and here.
awesome dance moves.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Morning started out bad.
Afternoon I felt like I was gonna fall over.
Just nauseous and tired. And was burning up earlier. And my coworkers felt weird today too so I'm interested to see how we feel tomorrow.
Tonight I had absolutely no motivation to do anything of substance whatsoever cause I still feel like I'm gonna fall over.
But the difference between falling over at work and falling over here is that here I have a nice couch to fall upon.
And then just not get up from until I have to let the pizza delivery dude in.
I have no food in my fridge.
And I'm slightly obsessed with these spinach and feta breadsticks, they're fantastic.
Which is saying something because I am the breadstick queen, ask Sketch.
I'll order the pizza but I won't eat it. It's all about the breadsticks.
Plus, for some reason, I'll be starving and then when it gets here I'm not hungry for it at all.
I don't know, I'm weird like that.
So I really don't have a lot to say about today other than it drug on and I'm glad tomorrow is back to a halfday and more practicum work. We'll be on to the men's library, probably for a couple of days, they have about double the material and space than the women's.
I should take before and after shots. I just took after ones for the women's.
Carter is mad at me.
I kicked him off my stomach so I could sit up and post this. He was so happily sleeping on me as we finished Elementary season one.
I'd like to say that I predicted that ending, but I really didn't.
I do like this version's twists and turns, however I also enjoy Benedict Cumberbatch's version of the series as well.
It's hard to choose between the two cause I really like both of the Watson's.
Though I do find it amusing that Sherlock Holmes has been around for decades and it's like all of the sudden he's all over the place media-wise.
You've got Sherlock on BBC, you've got Elementary on CBS, you've got the Robert Downey Jr. movies, and there's also a web based series called No Place Like Holmes in which they are frozen in time and emerge in 2010. Along with many other standalone projects.
I'm wondering what the next big thing will be...
Oooh, they should make a series about Miss Marple. But like younger. That'd be cool.
Alright, those are all my sane-sounding-thoughts and some of my not-so-sane-sounding-ones at the moment.
Feel as if I'm gonna pass out so perhaps if I continue to lay on the couch and it happens I can call it sleep.
Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time.
Not even on this couch.
How Am I To Be - Watson Twins
hard to talk about two Watson's and not jump to The Watson Twins. unless you're not an indie fan like i am.
in which case you're severely missing out.
i really like when they collaborate with Jenny Lewis.
here's one of my favorites. the other favorite i've already posted here and here.
awesome dance moves.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Slow it down, read the sign so you know just where you're going.
Well, my car was clean.
Until I had to drive it on wet gravel.
Then that all went away.
So the plan for tonight was softball, remember?
Was supposed to be the first game of our regular season, however, the game got rained out.
BUT I still ended up at the farmhouse because of yet another adventure involving white walls and sterilized equipment.
I feel like I use that phrase so often that it should have its own tag.
So, I'm starting one.
Basically, Grams is in the hospital and Mom is staying over but she doesn't have any extra clothes SO since I was going out for the game anyway I said I would pick up her stuff. THEN the game was cancelled but I was on my way anyway so I went to get it.
I called Dad beforehand and asked him to pack the bag so that I could just grab it and drive back.
I was there for a total of five minutes and this was all that he said:
-I packed my robe cause hers is ugly.
-Can a woman wear the same bra two days in a row?
-They're dresses because she doesn't wear pants anymore. She looks prettier in a dress anyway.
-When do I get that music thing?
I drove all the way back and brought Mom her stuff. The Cool Aunt was there with Grams and then Oldest Sister and her husband came to visit as well.
This was their reaction:
-His robe is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
-No she can't, it deflates overnight.
-You'll be the best dressed person on the floor.
-Give it to him for Christmas.
I get the dress thing cause Mom currently has to wear a boot cause her foot is messed up, but the rest is questionable.
Though he did remember to pack her toothbrush and all that so you've got to give him credit.
We watched a bit of the Miss American Pageant while we were there.
You know they're supposed to be the most talented women in America.
Or so the commercial said.
Though watching their "talents" really made me question that.
Not that I wasn't already questioning it.
We were rooting for Kansas since she was kind of the anti-contestant-type.
Army. Boots. Tattoos.
Of course she lost, but still! that was our pick.
It's amusing to watch and make colorful commentary.
Alright, back to work tomorrow so I should get some sleep.
Hope you all had rockstar weekends.
Stop - Spice Girls
i love that the crowd goes nuts when posh starts to sing. though she is the one with the clothing line so i guess it makes sense.
and yes i know the dance. it's the same one in the actual video.
get over it.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Until I had to drive it on wet gravel.
Then that all went away.
So the plan for tonight was softball, remember?
Was supposed to be the first game of our regular season, however, the game got rained out.
BUT I still ended up at the farmhouse because of yet another adventure involving white walls and sterilized equipment.
I feel like I use that phrase so often that it should have its own tag.
So, I'm starting one.
Basically, Grams is in the hospital and Mom is staying over but she doesn't have any extra clothes SO since I was going out for the game anyway I said I would pick up her stuff. THEN the game was cancelled but I was on my way anyway so I went to get it.
I called Dad beforehand and asked him to pack the bag so that I could just grab it and drive back.
I was there for a total of five minutes and this was all that he said:
-I packed my robe cause hers is ugly.
-Can a woman wear the same bra two days in a row?
-They're dresses because she doesn't wear pants anymore. She looks prettier in a dress anyway.
-When do I get that music thing?
I drove all the way back and brought Mom her stuff. The Cool Aunt was there with Grams and then Oldest Sister and her husband came to visit as well.
This was their reaction:
-His robe is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
-No she can't, it deflates overnight.
-You'll be the best dressed person on the floor.
-Give it to him for Christmas.
I get the dress thing cause Mom currently has to wear a boot cause her foot is messed up, but the rest is questionable.
Though he did remember to pack her toothbrush and all that so you've got to give him credit.
We watched a bit of the Miss American Pageant while we were there.
You know they're supposed to be the most talented women in America.
Or so the commercial said.
Though watching their "talents" really made me question that.
Not that I wasn't already questioning it.
We were rooting for Kansas since she was kind of the anti-contestant-type.
Army. Boots. Tattoos.
Of course she lost, but still! that was our pick.
It's amusing to watch and make colorful commentary.
Alright, back to work tomorrow so I should get some sleep.
Hope you all had rockstar weekends.
Stop - Spice Girls
i love that the crowd goes nuts when posh starts to sing. though she is the one with the clothing line so i guess it makes sense.
and yes i know the dance. it's the same one in the actual video.
get over it.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Like I'd ever dry myself with something that has a possessive pronoun on it.
You knew it was gonna be an off day when I woke up an hour early to go to work early and sit in the basement jamming to Red Solo Cup with the Queen of the Known Universe.
My mother would be so proud.
She loves that song.
Husker gameday.
As a fan I love it.
As someone who works downtown where they sell my parking lot out to the public even though I've already paid for it I'm not so much of a fan.
So, woke up way early - cause it was a morning game - got my coffee from the vending machine and jammed in the basement listening to country music.
She had the same plan that I did and actually got there about half an hour earlier than me.
Jammed for a while before heading upstairs for actual work.
Where it was dead.
We joked in the morning about how many people were going to come in today.
I said 20.
Though when they changed that to how many not including those just on the internet or just to use the bathroom my number changed to 2.
My 2 volunteers.
It was a sad day for Husker Nation.
We're were rocking, up 21-3 at one point and then the second half came and they beat us 41-21.
Eerily similar to last year's game against them, though this time it was in our house.
Was totally bummed.
As was most of Nebraska I'm sure.
We're all nerds like that.
BUT I got to spend the last part of my day at the home branch with the Queen of Awesome so it evened out.
Now I'm at home with tomorrow off!
Softball game in the afternoon, the first of our regular season.
Though I guess our regular season has been cut down to just us vs. the Methodist's 3 times.
The other flavor Lutherans are scared of us and the E-Free don't have enough players.
Or at least that's the story I'm telling people.
I'll miss being mercenaries while playing on their team.
But it's on for tomorrow man!
Though, whilst comparing war wounds yesterday with my brother - he slid too - I was reminded I should wear pants so as not to break open my leg yet again.
He did it once and complained about how gross it is then called me crazy cause he would never do it again yet I continue to do it every year.
So. Pants.
Sketch wins.
I predict a college anecdote is headed my way soon.
And I'm out.
I will deny this later.
Back to Big Bang Theory.
I love Sheldon.
My mother would be so proud.
She loves that song.
Husker gameday.
As a fan I love it.
As someone who works downtown where they sell my parking lot out to the public even though I've already paid for it I'm not so much of a fan.
So, woke up way early - cause it was a morning game - got my coffee from the vending machine and jammed in the basement listening to country music.
She had the same plan that I did and actually got there about half an hour earlier than me.
Jammed for a while before heading upstairs for actual work.
Where it was dead.
We joked in the morning about how many people were going to come in today.
I said 20.
Though when they changed that to how many not including those just on the internet or just to use the bathroom my number changed to 2.
My 2 volunteers.
It was a sad day for Husker Nation.
We're were rocking, up 21-3 at one point and then the second half came and they beat us 41-21.
Eerily similar to last year's game against them, though this time it was in our house.
Was totally bummed.
As was most of Nebraska I'm sure.
We're all nerds like that.
BUT I got to spend the last part of my day at the home branch with the Queen of Awesome so it evened out.
Now I'm at home with tomorrow off!
Softball game in the afternoon, the first of our regular season.
Though I guess our regular season has been cut down to just us vs. the Methodist's 3 times.
The other flavor Lutherans are scared of us and the E-Free don't have enough players.
Or at least that's the story I'm telling people.
I'll miss being mercenaries while playing on their team.
But it's on for tomorrow man!
Though, whilst comparing war wounds yesterday with my brother - he slid too - I was reminded I should wear pants so as not to break open my leg yet again.
He did it once and complained about how gross it is then called me crazy cause he would never do it again yet I continue to do it every year.
So. Pants.
Sketch wins.
I predict a college anecdote is headed my way soon.
And I'm out.
I will deny this later.
Back to Big Bang Theory.
I love Sheldon.
big bang theory,
church softball,
red solo cup
Friday, September 13, 2013
"It was like chloroform but she did it wrong."
On the 11th my dad turned 70 so today myself and all my siblings went out to the cabin to help him celebrate.
Many pictures were taken.
Most against our will.
I'm sure it will be all over Facebook eventually. Mom races everyone to put her pictures up first.
It was a lot of fun. I worked all day - started off at the home branch with Joe Studley then got off early so I could go to the farm. Picked up the boyfriend on the way. We had steak and hamburgers, corn, potatoes, smores, cake and all that. It was awesome.
And since it was my particularly snarky and sarcastic family many memories were made.
I don't know why but every time Bubby and I are at the cabin we have a tendency to quote Finding Nemo.
Not the whole movie, just two lines. "You touched the butt." and "You guys made me ink."
Pretty sure I covered that here: I Speak Whale
So that was constant.
And then of course, the boyfriend likes to tease me.
And there's this freaking electronic horse that Dad has at the cabin that moves and like looks at you and stuff.

Anyway, I'm convinced that it's eyes just follow me around. Like literally, I'll walk in front of it and its head will follow me.
So I shared my creeped-out-ness with the boyfriend and then when I'm not looking he picks up the freakin' horse from hell, stands behind me and waits for me to turn around. I, not realizing this, turn around and come face to face with it and scream bloody murder.
It was not very ladylike.
But it was censored.
Which is rare in terms of my screaming.
So there was that.
Also, the boyfriend has decided that since I make more money than he does that he's going to quit his job and become a stay-at-home dad.
I'm fine with that. He can stay home and clean the house and change all the diapers.
Though when he starts using the phrase, "hey kid, bring me another beer and i'll give you a candy bar" that may change.
Oldest Sister says there aren't enough candy bars in the world because he would also be eating them.
One day I'll come home and he'll have gained 100 pounds.
Maybe I should reconsider that offer.
Also, Mom has decided we need to take new family pictures cause the last ones we had professionally done were when Bubby was 2.
He is now 13.
We are supposed to pick different colors for our sub families.
So like the boyfriend and I are supposed to wear a color and then Oldest Sister's family will wear a different color and then Second Sister's family will wear a different color, etc. etc.
So the debate is who gets what color.
The boyfriend wants pink.
Remember how much I hate pink?
And how he likes to tease me?
At least I hope he's teasing, otherwise I'd be worried.
Brother has black.
Mom has red.
Bubby says he wants his family to wear rainbow wigs.
I'm thinking blue.
Or green maybe.
I don't know, suggestions?
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Dad got some cool stuff. I gave him a Duck Dynasty book and some snacky food. He loves snacky foods.
And yesterday was Oldest Sister's birthday so I brought her present as well. Couple of books - "Why Mommy Drinks" is my favorite of the two cause it includes drink recipes along with parenting horror stories - and then Ripper Street on DVD.
Quotes of the Day:
Bubby: "It was like chloroform but she did it wrong."
Brother: "It's not made for this. Neither are my shoes."
Boyfriend: "Showing a lot of leg there."
and one overheard at work:
"See, doesn't that remind you of bondage?"
not even gonna try to explain that one.
Song of the Day: Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
Hand in My Pocket - Alanis Morissette
heard this one on the way back and jammed out.
and then one played at the cabin
Four Wheel Drive - CW McCall
don't hit that fella with the banjo.
Many pictures were taken.
Most against our will.
I'm sure it will be all over Facebook eventually. Mom races everyone to put her pictures up first.
It was a lot of fun. I worked all day - started off at the home branch with Joe Studley then got off early so I could go to the farm. Picked up the boyfriend on the way. We had steak and hamburgers, corn, potatoes, smores, cake and all that. It was awesome.
And since it was my particularly snarky and sarcastic family many memories were made.
I don't know why but every time Bubby and I are at the cabin we have a tendency to quote Finding Nemo.
Not the whole movie, just two lines. "You touched the butt." and "You guys made me ink."
Pretty sure I covered that here: I Speak Whale
So that was constant.
And then of course, the boyfriend likes to tease me.
And there's this freaking electronic horse that Dad has at the cabin that moves and like looks at you and stuff.

Anyway, I'm convinced that it's eyes just follow me around. Like literally, I'll walk in front of it and its head will follow me.
So I shared my creeped-out-ness with the boyfriend and then when I'm not looking he picks up the freakin' horse from hell, stands behind me and waits for me to turn around. I, not realizing this, turn around and come face to face with it and scream bloody murder.
It was not very ladylike.
But it was censored.
Which is rare in terms of my screaming.
So there was that.
Also, the boyfriend has decided that since I make more money than he does that he's going to quit his job and become a stay-at-home dad.
I'm fine with that. He can stay home and clean the house and change all the diapers.
Though when he starts using the phrase, "hey kid, bring me another beer and i'll give you a candy bar" that may change.
Oldest Sister says there aren't enough candy bars in the world because he would also be eating them.
One day I'll come home and he'll have gained 100 pounds.
Maybe I should reconsider that offer.
Also, Mom has decided we need to take new family pictures cause the last ones we had professionally done were when Bubby was 2.
He is now 13.
We are supposed to pick different colors for our sub families.
So like the boyfriend and I are supposed to wear a color and then Oldest Sister's family will wear a different color and then Second Sister's family will wear a different color, etc. etc.
So the debate is who gets what color.
The boyfriend wants pink.
Remember how much I hate pink?
And how he likes to tease me?
At least I hope he's teasing, otherwise I'd be worried.
Brother has black.
Mom has red.
Bubby says he wants his family to wear rainbow wigs.
I'm thinking blue.
Or green maybe.
I don't know, suggestions?
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Dad got some cool stuff. I gave him a Duck Dynasty book and some snacky food. He loves snacky foods.
And yesterday was Oldest Sister's birthday so I brought her present as well. Couple of books - "Why Mommy Drinks" is my favorite of the two cause it includes drink recipes along with parenting horror stories - and then Ripper Street on DVD.
Quotes of the Day:
Bubby: "It was like chloroform but she did it wrong."
Brother: "It's not made for this. Neither are my shoes."
Boyfriend: "Showing a lot of leg there."
and one overheard at work:
"See, doesn't that remind you of bondage?"
not even gonna try to explain that one.
Song of the Day: Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
Hand in My Pocket - Alanis Morissette
heard this one on the way back and jammed out.
and then one played at the cabin
Four Wheel Drive - CW McCall
don't hit that fella with the banjo.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
"If he was easy to find the books would be called 'There's Waldo!'"
Today I was a Ninja of Awesome.
That's right, I rocked it.
Showed up early, worked with some volunteers, put together shelves - though to be fair, BossLady did most of the work.
She enjoys her mallet.
And dropping shelves so the ends fall off.
Though that is highly enjoyable.
But loud.
But highly enjoyable.
After that I put together my TAB minutes, sent them off by email, and talked to 3 of the 4 bosses who will need to approve when I ask them if I can take the kids to see Catching Fire as part of the Catching Fire party.
I think if they pay their own way and find their own transportation to get there it might actually work.
So far I'm 3 for 3.
Though one of the big pushes for it is if I challenge the kids to read the book beforehand so we can discuss the differences between the movie and the book afterward.
Which means I'll have to read it.
I know, I know, I'm horrible. I was the one who read Hunger Games in college before it got big then recommended it to everyone and then got 2 jobs and started school so there was no time for me to read the rest of the series.
The worst part being the people I recommended it to - Slim Shady & Fearless Leader - read it immediately along with the rest of the series.
So it's just me.
No, I don't know who she ends up with - if you tell me I will scream and throw things - and no I have no idea what happens in the next book but I'm assuming it has something to do with the President being pissed off about how that last one ended.
So I should probably read that and soon.
After all that I headed over to the practicum.
Practicum Count-Up 26/90.
Today we spent actually shelving our libraries.
The nice people from maintenance moved our boxes (and boxes and boxes) of books from the main building to the men's and women's buildings that we're setting up our remote libraries in so today we spent in the women's building going through all the boxes and shelving the items.
I pulled them all out and made piles - fiction and nonfiction - then divided up the fiction into groups - and I blame this on our DVD organization at work, but hey I was the one to pick those so I'm allowed, A-F, G-N, O-Z - while he sorted and shelved the nonfiction.
And because I am a ninja of awesome the fiction fit perfectly.
Like literally, it went to the very end of the shelf with room for no more.
It was like we planned it that way.
See? Proof positive. Ninja of Awesome.
Then we went back to the main library for rootbeer floats - best practicum ever - and made plans for Tuesday. Which is when we'll officially set up the men's library.
After that it'll be staffing the desk and all that.
Should be fun.
He always has uplifting catchphrases for when I leave, "catch a wave" etc. This time it was "Go Big Red!"
Yes, he's a Husker fan as well, which makes it even more enjoyable cause we can talk Husker football.
Which I can't do at work cause clearly no one is as diehard as me.
Though I did skip the awesome game last week because I went to the races with the boyfriend.
Cause I'm such a nice girlfriend like that.
I'm hoping we play against UCLA the same way we played this past weekend. But we shall see. Last year's was not pretty.
After practicum I went shopping and bought birthday presents for my father and sister.
And called and sang horribly, as is tradition.
Tomorrow we're having dinner at the cabin to celebrate. There will be steaks and much rejoicing.
He did turn 70 afterall.
After shopping came back here, did some editing, wrapped the presents and turned on Big Bang Theory.
Got season six today while shopping, bazinga!
Clips of the Day:
Here's what happens when double date night turns into game night.
Girls vs. Boys
That's good but the next one's better.
took me twice to realize she looks straight at the camera at 2:11.
but I keep watching it over and over to hear Sheldon scream at 1:07.
think i found my new text message alert.
and I'm out.
That's right, I rocked it.
Showed up early, worked with some volunteers, put together shelves - though to be fair, BossLady did most of the work.
She enjoys her mallet.
And dropping shelves so the ends fall off.
Though that is highly enjoyable.
But loud.
But highly enjoyable.
After that I put together my TAB minutes, sent them off by email, and talked to 3 of the 4 bosses who will need to approve when I ask them if I can take the kids to see Catching Fire as part of the Catching Fire party.
I think if they pay their own way and find their own transportation to get there it might actually work.
So far I'm 3 for 3.
Though one of the big pushes for it is if I challenge the kids to read the book beforehand so we can discuss the differences between the movie and the book afterward.
Which means I'll have to read it.
I know, I know, I'm horrible. I was the one who read Hunger Games in college before it got big then recommended it to everyone and then got 2 jobs and started school so there was no time for me to read the rest of the series.
The worst part being the people I recommended it to - Slim Shady & Fearless Leader - read it immediately along with the rest of the series.
So it's just me.
No, I don't know who she ends up with - if you tell me I will scream and throw things - and no I have no idea what happens in the next book but I'm assuming it has something to do with the President being pissed off about how that last one ended.
So I should probably read that and soon.
After all that I headed over to the practicum.
Practicum Count-Up 26/90.
Today we spent actually shelving our libraries.
The nice people from maintenance moved our boxes (and boxes and boxes) of books from the main building to the men's and women's buildings that we're setting up our remote libraries in so today we spent in the women's building going through all the boxes and shelving the items.
I pulled them all out and made piles - fiction and nonfiction - then divided up the fiction into groups - and I blame this on our DVD organization at work, but hey I was the one to pick those so I'm allowed, A-F, G-N, O-Z - while he sorted and shelved the nonfiction.
And because I am a ninja of awesome the fiction fit perfectly.
Like literally, it went to the very end of the shelf with room for no more.
It was like we planned it that way.
See? Proof positive. Ninja of Awesome.
Then we went back to the main library for rootbeer floats - best practicum ever - and made plans for Tuesday. Which is when we'll officially set up the men's library.
After that it'll be staffing the desk and all that.
Should be fun.
He always has uplifting catchphrases for when I leave, "catch a wave" etc. This time it was "Go Big Red!"
Yes, he's a Husker fan as well, which makes it even more enjoyable cause we can talk Husker football.
Which I can't do at work cause clearly no one is as diehard as me.
Though I did skip the awesome game last week because I went to the races with the boyfriend.
Cause I'm such a nice girlfriend like that.
I'm hoping we play against UCLA the same way we played this past weekend. But we shall see. Last year's was not pretty.
After practicum I went shopping and bought birthday presents for my father and sister.
And called and sang horribly, as is tradition.
Tomorrow we're having dinner at the cabin to celebrate. There will be steaks and much rejoicing.
He did turn 70 afterall.
After shopping came back here, did some editing, wrapped the presents and turned on Big Bang Theory.
Got season six today while shopping, bazinga!
Clips of the Day:
Here's what happens when double date night turns into game night.
Girls vs. Boys
That's good but the next one's better.
took me twice to realize she looks straight at the camera at 2:11.
but I keep watching it over and over to hear Sheldon scream at 1:07.
think i found my new text message alert.
and I'm out.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
I'm not staying here for dramatic effect I really don't know how to get down.
First TAB Meeting of the year and feeling good.
Got 7 new applications since last summer, 4 of which made it to today's meeting.
Most of which was spent joking around, try to keep it as laid back as possible.
Cause you know, they're teens. And they're here voluntarily. So I don't want to scare them off.
Did some introductions - Cod Sparkles and all that - then voted on some activity ideas for this year.
Thinking game night - but like life-sized games so candyland with color spaces on the floor, and angry birds with the pigs as balloons stacked up on cardboard boxes while we throw darts at them, jenga with real boards, etc. etc. - movie night - whatever is new and exciting at the time - and then a murder mystery night.
Those are just the spring, the fall stuff is more crafty - they're making sculptures to celebrate Day of the Dead in a collaborative event with the art museum, and painting faces in yet another collaborative event this time with local schools.
And our Catching Fire party of course. Though they think that we should actually go see the movie and then come back and do all that other stuff.
Which means I have to talk to my boss.
I keep getting more and more bosses to report to. I wish there was just one, but that would be too easy.
Other than that my work day was pretty boring.
Except debating one of my bosses on why a whole section got missed when the aides scanned the collection.
She kept poking holes at my theories - maybe they were checked out, maybe they were mis-shelved, maybe they got pulled, maybe the scanner was broken - she had answers for them all but then I went with maybe the library gremlins took them and she had no rebuttal.
Cause there are library gremlins and they do meddle with things.
They enjoy messing with our heads, it brings them great amounts of joy and entertainment.
Itza monsta!
After work I went out to see the boyfriend. Drove around for a while in the rain, went to Walmart, watched some TV. We're getting old and boring, but Friday will be more active.
Dad's 70th birthday party at the cabin.
His cabin. That he built. And painted. And then moved half a mile before putting concrete under it and filling it with endless amounts of what I've dubbed "redneck rustic" items.
I'll take pictures and upload them so you'll know what I'm talking about.
Ducks, retro golf clubs, electric horses, minks, and movie theater seats.
Yeah, that last one didn't fit to me either but they are quite comfortable.
And that's all I got.
Early morning tomorrow working with volunteers before I head over to the practicum.
Clip of the Day:
and that's all I've got to say.
Got 7 new applications since last summer, 4 of which made it to today's meeting.
Most of which was spent joking around, try to keep it as laid back as possible.
Cause you know, they're teens. And they're here voluntarily. So I don't want to scare them off.
Did some introductions - Cod Sparkles and all that - then voted on some activity ideas for this year.
Thinking game night - but like life-sized games so candyland with color spaces on the floor, and angry birds with the pigs as balloons stacked up on cardboard boxes while we throw darts at them, jenga with real boards, etc. etc. - movie night - whatever is new and exciting at the time - and then a murder mystery night.
Those are just the spring, the fall stuff is more crafty - they're making sculptures to celebrate Day of the Dead in a collaborative event with the art museum, and painting faces in yet another collaborative event this time with local schools.
And our Catching Fire party of course. Though they think that we should actually go see the movie and then come back and do all that other stuff.
Which means I have to talk to my boss.
I keep getting more and more bosses to report to. I wish there was just one, but that would be too easy.
Other than that my work day was pretty boring.
Except debating one of my bosses on why a whole section got missed when the aides scanned the collection.
She kept poking holes at my theories - maybe they were checked out, maybe they were mis-shelved, maybe they got pulled, maybe the scanner was broken - she had answers for them all but then I went with maybe the library gremlins took them and she had no rebuttal.
Cause there are library gremlins and they do meddle with things.
They enjoy messing with our heads, it brings them great amounts of joy and entertainment.
Itza monsta!
After work I went out to see the boyfriend. Drove around for a while in the rain, went to Walmart, watched some TV. We're getting old and boring, but Friday will be more active.
Dad's 70th birthday party at the cabin.
His cabin. That he built. And painted. And then moved half a mile before putting concrete under it and filling it with endless amounts of what I've dubbed "redneck rustic" items.
I'll take pictures and upload them so you'll know what I'm talking about.
Ducks, retro golf clubs, electric horses, minks, and movie theater seats.
Yeah, that last one didn't fit to me either but they are quite comfortable.
And that's all I got.
Early morning tomorrow working with volunteers before I head over to the practicum.
Clip of the Day:
and that's all I've got to say.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Multivitamins are the gateway to exercise John, everybody knows that.
You know how sometimes you think there's someone in your apartment so you call 911 in the middle of the night?
Cause you don't want to go and see if there's someone in the apartment by yourself and be screwed if there actually is someone in your apartment?
So then you get the courage to go see if there's someone in your apartment and of course there's not someone in your apartment so you sound like an idiot when talking to the operator?
Combined with the fact that it's the middle of the night and you're half asleep so you probably sounded like an idiot to begin with?
So you apologize profusely and go back to bed then wake up hoping it was all a dream, check your phone and see nothing listed on your call history?
Yet you're 98% sure that it actually happened, but completely confused as to why it's not showing up in your call history?
Anyone? Anyone?
Just me?
Thought so.
Pretty sure there's some sort of note in my record now noting this occurrence, though I'm still really hoping it was all just a messed up dream.
Though I'm sure it wasn't.
98% sure that is.
It made for a weird morning.
Added to the fact that I had my volunteer training scheduled wrong - which BossLady attempted to tell me earlier but I had written it down wrong so I must have just told her and then forgot about the change - and then I was only there half a day.
Came home and did some practicum stuff.
Made some cool library signs and rules and all that.
AND I got to do that while watching Elementary in the background.
Best practicum ever.
Then Carter and I took a nap.
It was awesome.
Now I'm working on some editing and will go back to that as soon as this is posted.
Tomorrow is back to work.
Songs of the Day go to Elton
Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word
Rocket Man
Got the official text from the boyfriend this morning - he got our tickets to see him in November.
I know you're all jealous.
Will probably be surrounded by people 40 years our senior. But that's fine by me.
As you can see he's awesome live.
Or you know, you could get tickets too.
I'm sorry, the Miss America 2014 commercial just called their contestants the most talented women in America.
I've never watched one of their pageants but I can guarantee they're not the most talented women in America.
I'm sorry.
Though now I'm temped to watch one just to see what their "talents" are.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
and i think it's gonna be a long long time.
Cause you don't want to go and see if there's someone in the apartment by yourself and be screwed if there actually is someone in your apartment?
So then you get the courage to go see if there's someone in your apartment and of course there's not someone in your apartment so you sound like an idiot when talking to the operator?
Combined with the fact that it's the middle of the night and you're half asleep so you probably sounded like an idiot to begin with?
So you apologize profusely and go back to bed then wake up hoping it was all a dream, check your phone and see nothing listed on your call history?
Yet you're 98% sure that it actually happened, but completely confused as to why it's not showing up in your call history?
Anyone? Anyone?
Just me?
Thought so.
Pretty sure there's some sort of note in my record now noting this occurrence, though I'm still really hoping it was all just a messed up dream.
Though I'm sure it wasn't.
98% sure that is.
It made for a weird morning.
Added to the fact that I had my volunteer training scheduled wrong - which BossLady attempted to tell me earlier but I had written it down wrong so I must have just told her and then forgot about the change - and then I was only there half a day.
Came home and did some practicum stuff.
Made some cool library signs and rules and all that.
AND I got to do that while watching Elementary in the background.
Best practicum ever.
Then Carter and I took a nap.
It was awesome.
Now I'm working on some editing and will go back to that as soon as this is posted.
Tomorrow is back to work.
Songs of the Day go to Elton
Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word
Rocket Man
Got the official text from the boyfriend this morning - he got our tickets to see him in November.
I know you're all jealous.
Will probably be surrounded by people 40 years our senior. But that's fine by me.
As you can see he's awesome live.
Or you know, you could get tickets too.
I'm sorry, the Miss America 2014 commercial just called their contestants the most talented women in America.
I've never watched one of their pageants but I can guarantee they're not the most talented women in America.
I'm sorry.
Though now I'm temped to watch one just to see what their "talents" are.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
and i think it's gonna be a long long time.
Monday, September 9, 2013
I think that was a compliment, buried in a double negative, so… thanks.
Have you ever noticed how when you're only scheduled to come in half a day, that the day before that half a day is eternal?
1. Write down the second syllable of your middle name.
2. Write down the name of a plant.
3. If you are a female above the age of 30, write down the word "less." If you are a female under the age of 30, write down the word "met." If you are a man of any age, A) welcome! and B) write down the word "petra." see it's amusing.
4. Write down the first initial of the last name of your favorite English teacher from school.
5. Write down one simple action verb (i.e. "run," "jump," etc).
Combine the answer from #1 with the answer from #3. That is your first name.
Your middle initial is the answer to #4.
Your last name is your answer to #5 with your answer to #2 added to the end.
Call me Garmet H. Climbcactus.
Think I could get that on a business card?
Anyway, I'm excited about the Catching Fire Party. It'll be the Saturday after the movie comes out in theaters. We'll have a costume contest, there will be obstacle courses set up in our "arena", have some Panem-themed snacks, we'll make bows and arrows out of licorice and pretzels sticks (a coworker asked if they would be sugar free licorice sticks to which I smirked. but that's another snackage meeting reference) and we'll have the first movie playing in the background for those that want to watch it.
After the eternity that was today I'm looking forward to the half day that is tomorrow.
Final prep for my TAB meeting on Wednesday and then I have the afternoon off because Mr. Bossman Tom has a meeting so he's letting me work from home.
Huzzah for more practicum count-up hours.
I get to make cool looking rule signs for our libraries.
I'm really getting excited for these ones. We're thinking of manning - sorry, staffing - staffing the desk at the women's library on Tuesdays and then the men's on Thursdays.
That way we'll be able to cover both places, though we're still looking at ways to keep track of stats since we're not barcoding things.
I'm thinking spreadsheet. Or maybe a box of cards they fill out.
But that's another thing I'll research tomorrow after I finish my signs.
Told him I would make a few and he could choose.
No pressure, right?
But more on that tomorrow.
At the moment I'm all about Elementary.
It's bad timing really to be obsessed with this since I have multiple DVDs checked out from the library due next week and they keep piling up.
But this isn't the first time that's happened.
There was Lie to Me, before that it was Leverage, before that it was Chuck, before that it was any of the following: Big Bang Theory, Castle, Charlie's Angels, NCIS, NCIS:LA, Major Crimes, The Voice, Wipeout, Burn Notice
I can't believe that one is ending.
They're slowly cancelling all my favorites. Burn Notice, Warehouse 13, and all of those mentioned above before the word "following".
What's next?
Sorry, tangent.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, Elementary. It's fantastic.
Love the female Watson twist. And Lucy Liu is one of my favorites anyway. Loved her in Charlie's Angels, Kill Bill, Cashmere Mafia, Dirty Sexy Money, plus she voices one of the characters in my favorite video game of all time - SSX Tricky.
Granted I never play as Elise, but still, she voices her.
A lot of famous people voice in that game, David Arquette, Macy Gray, Bif Naked, Billy Zane
Tempted to play it now.
Actually might before I go to bed. But gotta finish this episode first.
Sorry, more tangents. I should stop before I find more.
Clip of the Day:
good to know if i ever needed to fake a coma that i need to smack myself when prompted.
and i'm out.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
That was today.
For some reason it felt like I was there much longer than 9 hours.
Which is confusing because we were quite busy.
And I had a teen experience meeting.
And I had 4 volunteers come in at once.
Actually there were more there at the moment but those are the ones still in training.
I have two others that were supposed to be there but weren't.
Interested to see if they will come back.
Anyway, at least the meeting was fun.
Well, entertaining, not so much fun from the topics of discussion.
But that's more of a longer story.
Involving snackage at TAB meetings.
Lots and lots of talk of snackage at TAB meetings.
BUT I was able to plug my Catching Fire party and this afternoon Queen of the Known Universe and I had fun picking out her Hunger Games name.
Here is a simple formula for those of you who are curious - yes, I found it online, go here for the longer (and funnier) version.
1. Write down the second syllable of your middle name.
2. Write down the name of a plant.
3. If you are a female above the age of 30, write down the word "less." If you are a female under the age of 30, write down the word "met." If you are a man of any age, A) welcome! and B) write down the word "petra." see it's amusing.
4. Write down the first initial of the last name of your favorite English teacher from school.
5. Write down one simple action verb (i.e. "run," "jump," etc).
Combine the answer from #1 with the answer from #3. That is your first name.
Your middle initial is the answer to #4.
Your last name is your answer to #5 with your answer to #2 added to the end.
Call me Garmet H. Climbcactus.
Think I could get that on a business card?
Anyway, I'm excited about the Catching Fire Party. It'll be the Saturday after the movie comes out in theaters. We'll have a costume contest, there will be obstacle courses set up in our "arena", have some Panem-themed snacks, we'll make bows and arrows out of licorice and pretzels sticks (a coworker asked if they would be sugar free licorice sticks to which I smirked. but that's another snackage meeting reference) and we'll have the first movie playing in the background for those that want to watch it.
After the eternity that was today I'm looking forward to the half day that is tomorrow.
Final prep for my TAB meeting on Wednesday and then I have the afternoon off because Mr. Bossman Tom has a meeting so he's letting me work from home.
Huzzah for more practicum count-up hours.
I get to make cool looking rule signs for our libraries.
I'm really getting excited for these ones. We're thinking of manning - sorry, staffing - staffing the desk at the women's library on Tuesdays and then the men's on Thursdays.
That way we'll be able to cover both places, though we're still looking at ways to keep track of stats since we're not barcoding things.
I'm thinking spreadsheet. Or maybe a box of cards they fill out.
But that's another thing I'll research tomorrow after I finish my signs.
Told him I would make a few and he could choose.
No pressure, right?
But more on that tomorrow.
At the moment I'm all about Elementary.
It's bad timing really to be obsessed with this since I have multiple DVDs checked out from the library due next week and they keep piling up.
But this isn't the first time that's happened.
There was Lie to Me, before that it was Leverage, before that it was Chuck, before that it was any of the following: Big Bang Theory, Castle, Charlie's Angels, NCIS, NCIS:LA, Major Crimes, The Voice, Wipeout, Burn Notice
I can't believe that one is ending.
They're slowly cancelling all my favorites. Burn Notice, Warehouse 13, and all of those mentioned above before the word "following".
What's next?
Sorry, tangent.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, Elementary. It's fantastic.
Love the female Watson twist. And Lucy Liu is one of my favorites anyway. Loved her in Charlie's Angels, Kill Bill, Cashmere Mafia, Dirty Sexy Money, plus she voices one of the characters in my favorite video game of all time - SSX Tricky.
Granted I never play as Elise, but still, she voices her.
A lot of famous people voice in that game, David Arquette, Macy Gray, Bif Naked, Billy Zane
Tempted to play it now.
Actually might before I go to bed. But gotta finish this episode first.
Sorry, more tangents. I should stop before I find more.
Clip of the Day:
good to know if i ever needed to fake a coma that i need to smack myself when prompted.
and i'm out.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
As I fall into the darkness it's impossible to express
Yes, I skipped yesterday. But I got home way late from the races and by the time I got home I was half out of it anyway.
Was an excellent weekend. Worked yesterday with some cool people, caught the highlights of the game - see, now that's how we're supposed to play! - and then went to the races with the boyfriend and his bestest friend Steven.
It was fun, though the whole time I kept thinking of Vic Henley, "they're making a left turn!!"
He's a comedian that Sketch and I watched in college and then I actually DVR'd his special last year so I got to watch it again.
This is a different show but it's highly entertaining.
"and Jesus said..."
"white trash flotilla"
After the races we went over to his other friend's house to play video games.
Well, they played video games, I posted random stuff on Facebook.
Went back to my place to sleep and then woke up and went BACK out there today. We got lunch and watched a lot of movies.
He's dogsitting - it's his dog but he's actually in charge of it this weekend - so we had to stick around the house. Though we did go out to eat and stopped at Walmart.
Broke down and bought Now You See Me.
Which means it's really good cause it's the first one I've bought in a long time. Mostly I just get them through the library, this one I actually wanted to keep.
We watched a boatload of movies today, some of which are The Mighty Ducks, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Office Space and I think there were bits and pieces of others.
Along with some SVU and Cold Case.
They need to release that on DVD.
The second time we've watched Mighty Ducks, though neither time have we caught the whole thing. I should just order the series through interlibrary loan so we can watch them all.
Though I hate the quacking thing. Drives me nuts.
But it was a good and relaxing weekend. Which is good and just what I needed.
Tomorrow is back to work so I'm out. Looking forward to Tuesday, my half day and then Wednesday for our first TAB meeting of the year. Woohoo!
Song of the Day:
jammed to this one on the way back
Get Back in My Life - Maroon 5
love this song. no idea why there's an eagle in the corner.
Watching Iron Chef, yay Alex! She's my new favorite. I used to always root for the challenger but now that I know them better I go for the IC's.
Unless Bobby Flay turns into a jerk to his sous-chefs. Which happens frequently.
Was an excellent weekend. Worked yesterday with some cool people, caught the highlights of the game - see, now that's how we're supposed to play! - and then went to the races with the boyfriend and his bestest friend Steven.
It was fun, though the whole time I kept thinking of Vic Henley, "they're making a left turn!!"
He's a comedian that Sketch and I watched in college and then I actually DVR'd his special last year so I got to watch it again.
This is a different show but it's highly entertaining.
"and Jesus said..."
"white trash flotilla"
After the races we went over to his other friend's house to play video games.
Well, they played video games, I posted random stuff on Facebook.
Went back to my place to sleep and then woke up and went BACK out there today. We got lunch and watched a lot of movies.
He's dogsitting - it's his dog but he's actually in charge of it this weekend - so we had to stick around the house. Though we did go out to eat and stopped at Walmart.
Broke down and bought Now You See Me.
Which means it's really good cause it's the first one I've bought in a long time. Mostly I just get them through the library, this one I actually wanted to keep.
We watched a boatload of movies today, some of which are The Mighty Ducks, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Office Space and I think there were bits and pieces of others.
Along with some SVU and Cold Case.
They need to release that on DVD.
The second time we've watched Mighty Ducks, though neither time have we caught the whole thing. I should just order the series through interlibrary loan so we can watch them all.
Though I hate the quacking thing. Drives me nuts.
But it was a good and relaxing weekend. Which is good and just what I needed.
Tomorrow is back to work so I'm out. Looking forward to Tuesday, my half day and then Wednesday for our first TAB meeting of the year. Woohoo!
Song of the Day:
jammed to this one on the way back
Get Back in My Life - Maroon 5
love this song. no idea why there's an eagle in the corner.
Watching Iron Chef, yay Alex! She's my new favorite. I used to always root for the challenger but now that I know them better I go for the IC's.
Unless Bobby Flay turns into a jerk to his sous-chefs. Which happens frequently.
Friday, September 6, 2013
First rule of magic: Always be the smartest guy in the room.
The boyfriend and I finally watched Now You See Me.
Holy crap.
That's all I can say.
Holy crap.
I did not see that ending coming whatsoever.
Scale of Awesome says 9/10 which is high high praise.
You can guess all you want, you'll never get it.
Now I want to watch it all over again. Knowing the ending I'll catch more the second time.
Actually I might do that now.
But I should sleep. It's late, I work tomorrow and we're going to the races after.
Eh, oh well.
I'll probably be asleep by the second act anyway.
That's all I have for today. Work went by super slow. Tomorrow will most likely be slower cause it's Saturday.
And Game Day.
Stoked. Though I'm skipping it to go to the races.
I have faith in my Huskers. I don't have to watch to know they'll win.
I'll catch the replay later.
On to the music.
We're skipping music, let's go with Clip of the Day instead.
Check this, 40 magic tricks in 4 minutes - LeclericShow
He actually has a cool channel, did a video a day basically all of magic tricks. And some other random stuff, but mostly magic.
Yes, I know I'm boring tonight.
But you should all watch Now You See Me. I challenge you to figure it out before the end.
And I'm out.
Holy crap.
That's all I can say.
Holy crap.
I did not see that ending coming whatsoever.
Scale of Awesome says 9/10 which is high high praise.
You can guess all you want, you'll never get it.
Now I want to watch it all over again. Knowing the ending I'll catch more the second time.
Actually I might do that now.
But I should sleep. It's late, I work tomorrow and we're going to the races after.
Eh, oh well.
I'll probably be asleep by the second act anyway.
That's all I have for today. Work went by super slow. Tomorrow will most likely be slower cause it's Saturday.
And Game Day.
Stoked. Though I'm skipping it to go to the races.
I have faith in my Huskers. I don't have to watch to know they'll win.
I'll catch the replay later.
On to the music.
We're skipping music, let's go with Clip of the Day instead.
Check this, 40 magic tricks in 4 minutes - LeclericShow
He actually has a cool channel, did a video a day basically all of magic tricks. And some other random stuff, but mostly magic.
Yes, I know I'm boring tonight.
But you should all watch Now You See Me. I challenge you to figure it out before the end.
And I'm out.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Underwater Basket Weaving in Mesopotamia
So, Mr. Bossman Tom must be the cool kid on campus cause today not only did he have an entire tour of new employees come through, but also two of what seem like his "besties" stopped by after.
Checking out our piles heading to the other buildings.
I call them his "besties" because they seem to be the only people to keep reappearing throughout our process. They're cool guys, actually everyone there is really nice. I'm diggin' it.
We're still debating the best process of keeping stats over books we really have no control over. We expect them to disappear so we're not barcoding them, but we still need some way of keeping track of what gets checked out. One of his besties says one day we're only going to have one book left.
"Underwater Basket Weaving in Mesopotamia"
Cause who would want to steal that?
Although apparently people do weave baskets underwater.
There are pictures of it online so it must be true.
So says my brother-in-law, the King of Useless Knowledge.
Actually that's not the exact quote he uses, it's more like "I read it on the internet so it must be true."
Where was I? Oh right, practicum, yes more sorting and stamping. I don't know where these books keep coming from. I don't think he does either. But it was fun. And now the Practicum Count-Up is at 20/90.
But that was this afternoon.
The morning started with a staff meeting. Then it was off to the desk, some off desk time to work on TAB stuff - so not ready for our first meeting next week - and then upstairs to the lab to answer reference phone calls.
Reference Question of the Day: What is the average temperature of March in Dublin, Ireland.
I actually found it online. Huzzah for Google!
After work was the practicum, after practicum the boyfriend came up and we went out to dinner.
Lazlo's for rainbow chicken, fries, apple sauce, and The Situation.
It's a fruity drink that tastes like orange juice. With a kick. Of, you know, liquor.
Half of the chicken and fries are in my fridge. Love leftovers from that place. They even gave me a special container to put my honey mustard sauce in so it wouldn't get all over everything.
After dinner we walked around the new arena.
Or as we call it "the spaceship".
Have you seen that thing?
We walked all the way around it, it's gigantor.
Though apparently from the inside it seems much smaller. And since it can't be bigger than the Quest Center it has exactly one seat less.
Congratulations Omaha.
You win.
Was nice to go out and do stuff. Dinner was good. Walk was fun.
Came back and did my homework while he went off to work.
But now it's done so after this post I can go directly to bed.
Much more relaxing than going "directly to jail."
That was a Monopoly reference for those of you culturally challenged.
On to the music:
Song You Knew But Forgot You Knew It
All Around the World - ATC
Remember this one? I think I was in grade school at this point but I still remember jamming out to it at the time.
Check out that choreography, or more specifically the dance sequence starting at 1:45.
I really like it when the guys sing but all you can hear is her voice.
Alright, off to bed.
Or to watch some Elementary.
Whichever happens first.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Checking out our piles heading to the other buildings.
I call them his "besties" because they seem to be the only people to keep reappearing throughout our process. They're cool guys, actually everyone there is really nice. I'm diggin' it.
We're still debating the best process of keeping stats over books we really have no control over. We expect them to disappear so we're not barcoding them, but we still need some way of keeping track of what gets checked out. One of his besties says one day we're only going to have one book left.
"Underwater Basket Weaving in Mesopotamia"
Cause who would want to steal that?
Although apparently people do weave baskets underwater.
There are pictures of it online so it must be true.
So says my brother-in-law, the King of Useless Knowledge.
Actually that's not the exact quote he uses, it's more like "I read it on the internet so it must be true."
Where was I? Oh right, practicum, yes more sorting and stamping. I don't know where these books keep coming from. I don't think he does either. But it was fun. And now the Practicum Count-Up is at 20/90.
But that was this afternoon.
The morning started with a staff meeting. Then it was off to the desk, some off desk time to work on TAB stuff - so not ready for our first meeting next week - and then upstairs to the lab to answer reference phone calls.
Reference Question of the Day: What is the average temperature of March in Dublin, Ireland.
I actually found it online. Huzzah for Google!
After work was the practicum, after practicum the boyfriend came up and we went out to dinner.
Lazlo's for rainbow chicken, fries, apple sauce, and The Situation.
It's a fruity drink that tastes like orange juice. With a kick. Of, you know, liquor.
Half of the chicken and fries are in my fridge. Love leftovers from that place. They even gave me a special container to put my honey mustard sauce in so it wouldn't get all over everything.
After dinner we walked around the new arena.
Or as we call it "the spaceship".
Have you seen that thing?
We walked all the way around it, it's gigantor.
Though apparently from the inside it seems much smaller. And since it can't be bigger than the Quest Center it has exactly one seat less.
Congratulations Omaha.
You win.
Was nice to go out and do stuff. Dinner was good. Walk was fun.
Came back and did my homework while he went off to work.
But now it's done so after this post I can go directly to bed.
Much more relaxing than going "directly to jail."
That was a Monopoly reference for those of you culturally challenged.
On to the music:
Song You Knew But Forgot You Knew It
All Around the World - ATC
Remember this one? I think I was in grade school at this point but I still remember jamming out to it at the time.
Check out that choreography, or more specifically the dance sequence starting at 1:45.
I really like it when the guys sing but all you can hear is her voice.
Alright, off to bed.
Or to watch some Elementary.
Whichever happens first.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
What happens in the Kremlin stays in the Kremlin!
FINALLY saw Red 2 tonight with the boyfriend.
I say finally because the original Red is in my top five movies of all time.
I watched it every night for almost 3 months. Maybe longer.
Scale of Awesome for this one says 8/10.
Wasn't as good as the original - but that's true for most sequels - however it did have a lot of good moments.
These were a few of my favorites:
Marvin: You haven't killed anybody in months!
Frank: That's a positive thing!
Marvin: If it makes you feel better, bring the girl.
Frank: Not bringing the girl!
Sarah: Don’t bring the girl where?
Marvin: Mommy just slapped Daddy at the dinner table!
Frank: Stop teaching her things!
Victoria: Just rent ‘Dirty Dancing’ and tell her you love her.
Katja: She's cute. Where did you find her? Nebraska?
Sarah: Kansas!
Katja: Oh...Kansas.
Sarah: I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to kill him!
Frank: So you chose to kiss him?
Sarah: Where did you get the bodies?
Victoria: From my freezer.
Man: I've never heard of you. Must be a little bit before my time.
Victoria after kicking his ass: Well you've heard of me now.
All-in-all I liked it a lot and will buy it when it comes out.
Just like its predecessor.
Today was good. Was super busy with volunteer stuff so the day flew by pretty quickly. Tomorrow is another half and half day.
I actually look forward to those cause neither parts drag on.
Looking for ways to keep track of stats on books that aren't barcoded.
Aside from a clipboard or a spreadsheet?
I'll look into it more tomorrow.
On to the music:
I'm Into Something Good - Herman's Hermits
Classic, though I really like the remake by The Bird and The Bee posted here.
So glad to have my car back. I switched back with Mom tonight after the movie. Though I will miss the XM radio.
Only almost wrecked her car like 2 times.
It was more like 3.
But it's not my fault L-Town drivers are idiots.
No, am kidding, cause I know if I put a scratch on it I'd never hear the end of it from my siblings.
Speaking of, I woke up to like 34 missed texts this morning all revolving around plans for dad's birthday.
But you know me at that time of day. Barely able to tie my shoes so I had no clever responses to send back.
I did buy him a present. A Duck Dynasty book. It's thoroughly exciting.
For him at least, I don't watch the show.
I tried once, it didn't stick.
Anyway, off to bed. Need my sleep to function tomorrow. And there's a staff meeting in the morning. Fake it 'til you make it I guess.
I say finally because the original Red is in my top five movies of all time.
I watched it every night for almost 3 months. Maybe longer.
Scale of Awesome for this one says 8/10.
Wasn't as good as the original - but that's true for most sequels - however it did have a lot of good moments.
These were a few of my favorites:
Marvin: You haven't killed anybody in months!
Frank: That's a positive thing!
Marvin: If it makes you feel better, bring the girl.
Frank: Not bringing the girl!
Sarah: Don’t bring the girl where?
Marvin: Mommy just slapped Daddy at the dinner table!
Frank: Stop teaching her things!
Victoria: Just rent ‘Dirty Dancing’ and tell her you love her.
Katja: She's cute. Where did you find her? Nebraska?
Sarah: Kansas!
Katja: Oh...Kansas.
Sarah: I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to kill him!
Frank: So you chose to kiss him?
Sarah: Where did you get the bodies?
Victoria: From my freezer.
Man: I've never heard of you. Must be a little bit before my time.
Victoria after kicking his ass: Well you've heard of me now.
All-in-all I liked it a lot and will buy it when it comes out.
Just like its predecessor.
Today was good. Was super busy with volunteer stuff so the day flew by pretty quickly. Tomorrow is another half and half day.
I actually look forward to those cause neither parts drag on.
Looking for ways to keep track of stats on books that aren't barcoded.
Aside from a clipboard or a spreadsheet?
I'll look into it more tomorrow.
On to the music:
I'm Into Something Good - Herman's Hermits
Classic, though I really like the remake by The Bird and The Bee posted here.
So glad to have my car back. I switched back with Mom tonight after the movie. Though I will miss the XM radio.
Only almost wrecked her car like 2 times.
It was more like 3.
But it's not my fault L-Town drivers are idiots.
No, am kidding, cause I know if I put a scratch on it I'd never hear the end of it from my siblings.
Speaking of, I woke up to like 34 missed texts this morning all revolving around plans for dad's birthday.
But you know me at that time of day. Barely able to tie my shoes so I had no clever responses to send back.
I did buy him a present. A Duck Dynasty book. It's thoroughly exciting.
For him at least, I don't watch the show.
I tried once, it didn't stick.
Anyway, off to bed. Need my sleep to function tomorrow. And there's a staff meeting in the morning. Fake it 'til you make it I guess.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Rootbeer Floats = Best Practicum Ever
I'm really liking these half and half days.
They don't drag on and I'm able to escape after getting yelled at by crazy old ladies.
They're the worst because they belittle you.
With men they're just mad and yell, but women calmly hurl insult after insult making you feel like a tiny defenseless being.
So that was fun.
Reference Questions of the Day:
Question: What's a five letter word for small silvery fish?
Answer: Smelt
Question: Do roaches lay eggs in books?
Answer: Dear God, I hope not.
So I'm at the practicum right, and we're doing more sorting and stamping when all the sudden this bug crawls out of a book.
And not just any bug, a big huge roach bug creature thing that's all crawling and disgusting and just blah.
Needless to say we put that book outside - and when I say "we" I mean "he" cause clearly I wasn't going to pick it up - and then when we left it was gone.
So either someone stole it or roaches ate it.
Either way I want nothing to do with it.
Other than that the practicum is going awesome. We were in the women's building today going through our collection. We're actually out of a shelves - which is a good problem to have in a smaller library - so we're going to have to do a bit of shifting.
Practicum Count-Up: 17/90
We got done a bit early so we went back to the main building and he asks, "do you like rootbeer?"
Heck yeah I like rootbeer.
Apparently he had brought rootbeer and icecream for some event earlier and there were leftovers.
So we ate rootbeer floats as we made plans for Thursday.
Which will put me at 20 of my hours, woohoo!
Is flying by and I'll miss it when it's over.
Tonight I had a meeting with the Library Goddess plus Comrade and then another classmate/former coworker. He did a stint in our music library for his practicum and the three of us will be taking Comps in October.
Even though I've been to 2 of these review sessions and led 1 myself it's a rule that I attend the one right before I take them.
So I got to review all the tips and rules for The Week From Hell.
Or so I'm calling it.
We get our questions on a Saturday so we're thinking of meeting up - the three of us - on Sunday to brainstorm.
It's allowed. So long as we don't copy each other's papers.
Which would be stupid because then we would both fail - they go to the same person.
Having someone proofread your papers is also allowed so I'm thinking of asking Superwoman - cause she knows all about the subjects - or The Cool Aunt or Oldest Sister because they're accomplished writers.
Or perhaps a combination of the both.
I don't know. I have a month and a half to figure that out, but the hints and tips are already online so I should really get started on researching those early.
So that was my day.
That lady calling and yelling shadowed everything else from work - except for that fish thing - so I don't have any other highlights from this morning. Afternoon was practicum, evening was meeting, after which I went grocery shopping and picked up Elementary Season One.
Cause I love Lucy Liu, and Sherlock Holmes, and think the twist that Watson is Joan instead of John is intriguing.
It's actually quite lovely.
And the cause for this entire post being written with a British accent.
But you know all about that quirk.
I hear someone speak in an accent and I speak back in that accent.
Which is why I have to pause at work whenever I hear someone talk in an accent. Because that would just be disastrous.
So, tomorrow, full day at work, volunteer training in the afternoon and then I get to switch cars with Mom.
Oh yeah, been driving her car this week since mine is in the shop getting new tires.
It's nice to have a boyfriend who notices things like the need for new tires so I don't get stranded somewhere in the middle of winter.
Lord knows I know nothing about cars or tires or when they need changing. Or how to change them.
Not a skill I possess I'm afraid.
On the music:
American Girl - Bonnie McKee
because I know that whenever my car explodes i use the fire to roast marshmallows.
it scares me that she's 29.
Now back to Elementary.
You should really watch that clip, it's delightful.
Plus I should you know, do something with these bandages. For the fourth time today.
This one hurts a lot more than previous years. Perhaps breaking it open twice was a bad idea.
You'd think I'd have enough scar tissue built up by now that it shouldn't even bust open.
The classmate/former coworker says soon it'll just turn into zombie-mode and stay that way.
They don't drag on and I'm able to escape after getting yelled at by crazy old ladies.
They're the worst because they belittle you.
With men they're just mad and yell, but women calmly hurl insult after insult making you feel like a tiny defenseless being.
So that was fun.
Reference Questions of the Day:
Question: What's a five letter word for small silvery fish?
Answer: Smelt
Question: Do roaches lay eggs in books?
Answer: Dear God, I hope not.
So I'm at the practicum right, and we're doing more sorting and stamping when all the sudden this bug crawls out of a book.
And not just any bug, a big huge roach bug creature thing that's all crawling and disgusting and just blah.
Needless to say we put that book outside - and when I say "we" I mean "he" cause clearly I wasn't going to pick it up - and then when we left it was gone.
So either someone stole it or roaches ate it.
Either way I want nothing to do with it.
Other than that the practicum is going awesome. We were in the women's building today going through our collection. We're actually out of a shelves - which is a good problem to have in a smaller library - so we're going to have to do a bit of shifting.
Practicum Count-Up: 17/90
We got done a bit early so we went back to the main building and he asks, "do you like rootbeer?"
Heck yeah I like rootbeer.
Apparently he had brought rootbeer and icecream for some event earlier and there were leftovers.
So we ate rootbeer floats as we made plans for Thursday.
Which will put me at 20 of my hours, woohoo!
Is flying by and I'll miss it when it's over.
Tonight I had a meeting with the Library Goddess plus Comrade and then another classmate/former coworker. He did a stint in our music library for his practicum and the three of us will be taking Comps in October.
Even though I've been to 2 of these review sessions and led 1 myself it's a rule that I attend the one right before I take them.
So I got to review all the tips and rules for The Week From Hell.
Or so I'm calling it.
We get our questions on a Saturday so we're thinking of meeting up - the three of us - on Sunday to brainstorm.
It's allowed. So long as we don't copy each other's papers.
Which would be stupid because then we would both fail - they go to the same person.
Having someone proofread your papers is also allowed so I'm thinking of asking Superwoman - cause she knows all about the subjects - or The Cool Aunt or Oldest Sister because they're accomplished writers.
Or perhaps a combination of the both.
I don't know. I have a month and a half to figure that out, but the hints and tips are already online so I should really get started on researching those early.
So that was my day.
That lady calling and yelling shadowed everything else from work - except for that fish thing - so I don't have any other highlights from this morning. Afternoon was practicum, evening was meeting, after which I went grocery shopping and picked up Elementary Season One.
Cause I love Lucy Liu, and Sherlock Holmes, and think the twist that Watson is Joan instead of John is intriguing.
It's actually quite lovely.
And the cause for this entire post being written with a British accent.
But you know all about that quirk.
I hear someone speak in an accent and I speak back in that accent.
Which is why I have to pause at work whenever I hear someone talk in an accent. Because that would just be disastrous.
So, tomorrow, full day at work, volunteer training in the afternoon and then I get to switch cars with Mom.
Oh yeah, been driving her car this week since mine is in the shop getting new tires.
It's nice to have a boyfriend who notices things like the need for new tires so I don't get stranded somewhere in the middle of winter.
Lord knows I know nothing about cars or tires or when they need changing. Or how to change them.
Not a skill I possess I'm afraid.
On the music:
American Girl - Bonnie McKee
because I know that whenever my car explodes i use the fire to roast marshmallows.
it scares me that she's 29.
Now back to Elementary.
You should really watch that clip, it's delightful.
Plus I should you know, do something with these bandages. For the fourth time today.
This one hurts a lot more than previous years. Perhaps breaking it open twice was a bad idea.
You'd think I'd have enough scar tissue built up by now that it shouldn't even bust open.
The classmate/former coworker says soon it'll just turn into zombie-mode and stay that way.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Good morning, Team Awesome! So good he had to catch it twice.
Ah, church league softball.
Today was the 2nd Annual WELS Area Softball Tournament, and we dominated.
Last year's was a lot of fun - Unhook the Plow - but this year was extra special because we beat the team that beat us twice a month ago.
Sort of.
I mean, we did beat them.
In the morning.
However, we tied them in the afternoon.
But that's more of a longer story. I'll get there.
So, morning game against Plymouth - a developing rivalry - as mentioned, they beat us twice last month but this was our turf, our field, our team, our... whatever, you get the point. So it was on. And you knew it was on when Pastor showed up and greeted us with, "Good morning, Team Awesome!"
Homey G and I had planned to go early to warm up so I was there half an hour early followed closely by Megz and Tyler.
We threw the ball around for a while until the rest of the team joined us then headed in for the big game. A few changes to the lineup, this time Scuba Steve-O was working so he couldn't make it but we were joined by Tash - one of my old play kids - and Jordan who's Pastor's brother-in-law.
Both were welcomed and both showed some serious skills throughout the day so we're keeping them.
Our first challenge of the day?
The lineup.
We didn't have paper, so what do I flail to when I don't have paper?
That's right, my phone.
Make fun all your want, real life big brother, it was the ONLY PAPER WE HAD!
Until Tyler went to his car, got an old bill and we wrote on the back of that.
We switched it up a bit. I realized that we were putting most of our power hitters in a row so we spaced them out and it turned out really well. We won the first game like 9-5 or something like that. I should have written it down on my electronic paper, sorry.
All I cared about was that we won, which sounds horrible, but when you're playing your rivals that's all you would care about too.
After that victory they played Kearney/Grand Island. Two churches who had formed into one team, cause they didn't have enough people interested. Plymouth won like 19-10 and then we took a lunch break.
Jim O makes a mean burger, especially when you top it with sauteed onions and surround it with chips, watermelon, potato salad and deviled eggs.
I ate far too much which I didn't realize until we were out on the field again.
We were worried because the K/GI team had 7 guys and only 4 girls, but it actually worked out okay cause we won our afternoon game against them as well. We're nice and didn't make them take an out every time two men batted in a row.
That's the rule for our slow pitch league, you have to alternate boy/girl when you bat, along with each man can only hit one home run per game, however a woman can hit as many as she wants.
This game had a bit of a bigger spread than the morning one. They were up 2-0 after their first bat but then we batted all the way around the order right after that. Becky being the first out then someone else being the second and then around to Becky again who claimed the third out.
We gave her crap about that for the rest of the day.
But it's okay cause she gave us crap right back.
After that it was Plymouth again for the re-match.
We were zonked from our previous game, but knew that this would be the game of the day so we put our game faces on.
We were ahead for most of the game but they made a comeback around the 5th inning. Then it was tied 9-9. Until around the 11th inning when it was tied 10-10, until around the 15th inning when we said, um, okay. Let's call it a draw.
We're only supposed to play 7 innings.
But we're competitive so we had to keep going until there was a winner.
However, 4:15 rolled around and Pastor had to leave at 4:30 and when the other team's pastor wouldn't agree to a footrace against our Pastor to determine the winner we decided to leave it as a tie.
Which means next year it's gonna be even more of a rivalry.
But I claimed us the champions since we had beat them that morning.
I had some good hits throughout the day. Getting on base more than getting out, which is always the goal. Actually, I think the entire day I only got out three times. Which is pretty good since we played three games and they had some wicked good fielders on each team.
But so did we. And I got to be in the outfield with Pastor, Tash and my brother. I switched off innings with Megz until I was sidelined for an injury, though I still batted.
An injury which I'm sure you all expected.
The obligatory "I slid and broke my leg open again" one.

6 years and counting.
Or is it 7?
Same spot, same leg, 7 years and counting.
And usually the same base - stupid second.
The problem with this year's though was that when I broke it open it wasn't all that bad. Jim O cleaned it and I went back in the game.
But you know me, I slid again, breaking it back open and then it was just gross.
Instead of having him clean it again, cause it hurts, I went home to take a shower.
Which ended up hurting even worse.
But now it's clean and all wrapped up.
Though tomorrow I'll have to wake up early to re-do it I'm sure.
I know, I know, I bring it on myself. And I'll get yelled at tomorrow by not only Sketch - who I'm surprised hasn't "middle-named" me yet, but also Queen of the Known Universe and the Queen of Awesome.
Who's exact words when I told her I'd be playing softball this weekend were "try not to rip open you leg again."
My bad.
To be fair it is tradition.
You'd think I'd have enough scar tissue built up by now.
Anyway, it was a great day.
"Who's Steve" dominated. Go here for the team name explanation if you don't already know.
And we're having t-shirts made for our regular season which hopefully starts soon.

Quotes of the Day:
Pastor: "Good morning, Team Awesome!"
Me: "It's the only paper we had!"
Mike: "Anything that can move without feet freaks me out."
Pastor: "So good he caught it twice."
and then a completely unrelated one,
Me: "Your couch is unplugged?"
ask Mom about that one.
Song of the Day: Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
All I Really Want - Alanis Morissette
heard this one on the way there this morning and have been singing it ever since.
classic Alanis.
Now I'm off to re-wrap my leg before crashing and hard. I'm exhausted. Half and half day tomorrow which means I'll be on my feet the whole afternoon. Gonna need all the sleep I can get.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
Today was the 2nd Annual WELS Area Softball Tournament, and we dominated.
Last year's was a lot of fun - Unhook the Plow - but this year was extra special because we beat the team that beat us twice a month ago.
Sort of.
I mean, we did beat them.
In the morning.
However, we tied them in the afternoon.
But that's more of a longer story. I'll get there.
So, morning game against Plymouth - a developing rivalry - as mentioned, they beat us twice last month but this was our turf, our field, our team, our... whatever, you get the point. So it was on. And you knew it was on when Pastor showed up and greeted us with, "Good morning, Team Awesome!"
Homey G and I had planned to go early to warm up so I was there half an hour early followed closely by Megz and Tyler.
We threw the ball around for a while until the rest of the team joined us then headed in for the big game. A few changes to the lineup, this time Scuba Steve-O was working so he couldn't make it but we were joined by Tash - one of my old play kids - and Jordan who's Pastor's brother-in-law.
Both were welcomed and both showed some serious skills throughout the day so we're keeping them.
Our first challenge of the day?
The lineup.
We didn't have paper, so what do I flail to when I don't have paper?
That's right, my phone.
Make fun all your want, real life big brother, it was the ONLY PAPER WE HAD!
Until Tyler went to his car, got an old bill and we wrote on the back of that.
We switched it up a bit. I realized that we were putting most of our power hitters in a row so we spaced them out and it turned out really well. We won the first game like 9-5 or something like that. I should have written it down on my electronic paper, sorry.
All I cared about was that we won, which sounds horrible, but when you're playing your rivals that's all you would care about too.
After that victory they played Kearney/Grand Island. Two churches who had formed into one team, cause they didn't have enough people interested. Plymouth won like 19-10 and then we took a lunch break.
Jim O makes a mean burger, especially when you top it with sauteed onions and surround it with chips, watermelon, potato salad and deviled eggs.
I ate far too much which I didn't realize until we were out on the field again.
We were worried because the K/GI team had 7 guys and only 4 girls, but it actually worked out okay cause we won our afternoon game against them as well. We're nice and didn't make them take an out every time two men batted in a row.
That's the rule for our slow pitch league, you have to alternate boy/girl when you bat, along with each man can only hit one home run per game, however a woman can hit as many as she wants.
This game had a bit of a bigger spread than the morning one. They were up 2-0 after their first bat but then we batted all the way around the order right after that. Becky being the first out then someone else being the second and then around to Becky again who claimed the third out.
We gave her crap about that for the rest of the day.
But it's okay cause she gave us crap right back.
After that it was Plymouth again for the re-match.
We were zonked from our previous game, but knew that this would be the game of the day so we put our game faces on.
We were ahead for most of the game but they made a comeback around the 5th inning. Then it was tied 9-9. Until around the 11th inning when it was tied 10-10, until around the 15th inning when we said, um, okay. Let's call it a draw.
We're only supposed to play 7 innings.
But we're competitive so we had to keep going until there was a winner.
However, 4:15 rolled around and Pastor had to leave at 4:30 and when the other team's pastor wouldn't agree to a footrace against our Pastor to determine the winner we decided to leave it as a tie.
Which means next year it's gonna be even more of a rivalry.
But I claimed us the champions since we had beat them that morning.
I had some good hits throughout the day. Getting on base more than getting out, which is always the goal. Actually, I think the entire day I only got out three times. Which is pretty good since we played three games and they had some wicked good fielders on each team.
But so did we. And I got to be in the outfield with Pastor, Tash and my brother. I switched off innings with Megz until I was sidelined for an injury, though I still batted.
An injury which I'm sure you all expected.
The obligatory "I slid and broke my leg open again" one.

6 years and counting.
Or is it 7?
Same spot, same leg, 7 years and counting.
And usually the same base - stupid second.
The problem with this year's though was that when I broke it open it wasn't all that bad. Jim O cleaned it and I went back in the game.
But you know me, I slid again, breaking it back open and then it was just gross.
Instead of having him clean it again, cause it hurts, I went home to take a shower.
Which ended up hurting even worse.
But now it's clean and all wrapped up.
Though tomorrow I'll have to wake up early to re-do it I'm sure.
I know, I know, I bring it on myself. And I'll get yelled at tomorrow by not only Sketch - who I'm surprised hasn't "middle-named" me yet, but also Queen of the Known Universe and the Queen of Awesome.
Who's exact words when I told her I'd be playing softball this weekend were "try not to rip open you leg again."
My bad.
To be fair it is tradition.
You'd think I'd have enough scar tissue built up by now.
Anyway, it was a great day.
"Who's Steve" dominated. Go here for the team name explanation if you don't already know.
And we're having t-shirts made for our regular season which hopefully starts soon.

Quotes of the Day:
Pastor: "Good morning, Team Awesome!"
Me: "It's the only paper we had!"
Mike: "Anything that can move without feet freaks me out."
Pastor: "So good he caught it twice."
and then a completely unrelated one,
Me: "Your couch is unplugged?"
ask Mom about that one.
Song of the Day: Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
All I Really Want - Alanis Morissette
heard this one on the way there this morning and have been singing it ever since.
classic Alanis.
Now I'm off to re-wrap my leg before crashing and hard. I'm exhausted. Half and half day tomorrow which means I'll be on my feet the whole afternoon. Gonna need all the sleep I can get.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
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