Today was the 2nd Annual WELS Area Softball Tournament, and we dominated.
Last year's was a lot of fun - Unhook the Plow - but this year was extra special because we beat the team that beat us twice a month ago.
Sort of.
I mean, we did beat them.
In the morning.
However, we tied them in the afternoon.
But that's more of a longer story. I'll get there.
So, morning game against Plymouth - a developing rivalry - as mentioned, they beat us twice last month but this was our turf, our field, our team, our... whatever, you get the point. So it was on. And you knew it was on when Pastor showed up and greeted us with, "Good morning, Team Awesome!"
Homey G and I had planned to go early to warm up so I was there half an hour early followed closely by Megz and Tyler.
We threw the ball around for a while until the rest of the team joined us then headed in for the big game. A few changes to the lineup, this time Scuba Steve-O was working so he couldn't make it but we were joined by Tash - one of my old play kids - and Jordan who's Pastor's brother-in-law.
Both were welcomed and both showed some serious skills throughout the day so we're keeping them.
Our first challenge of the day?
The lineup.
We didn't have paper, so what do I flail to when I don't have paper?
That's right, my phone.
Make fun all your want, real life big brother, it was the ONLY PAPER WE HAD!
Until Tyler went to his car, got an old bill and we wrote on the back of that.
We switched it up a bit. I realized that we were putting most of our power hitters in a row so we spaced them out and it turned out really well. We won the first game like 9-5 or something like that. I should have written it down on my electronic paper, sorry.
All I cared about was that we won, which sounds horrible, but when you're playing your rivals that's all you would care about too.
After that victory they played Kearney/Grand Island. Two churches who had formed into one team, cause they didn't have enough people interested. Plymouth won like 19-10 and then we took a lunch break.
Jim O makes a mean burger, especially when you top it with sauteed onions and surround it with chips, watermelon, potato salad and deviled eggs.
I ate far too much which I didn't realize until we were out on the field again.
We were worried because the K/GI team had 7 guys and only 4 girls, but it actually worked out okay cause we won our afternoon game against them as well. We're nice and didn't make them take an out every time two men batted in a row.
That's the rule for our slow pitch league, you have to alternate boy/girl when you bat, along with each man can only hit one home run per game, however a woman can hit as many as she wants.
This game had a bit of a bigger spread than the morning one. They were up 2-0 after their first bat but then we batted all the way around the order right after that. Becky being the first out then someone else being the second and then around to Becky again who claimed the third out.
We gave her crap about that for the rest of the day.
But it's okay cause she gave us crap right back.
After that it was Plymouth again for the re-match.
We were zonked from our previous game, but knew that this would be the game of the day so we put our game faces on.
We were ahead for most of the game but they made a comeback around the 5th inning. Then it was tied 9-9. Until around the 11th inning when it was tied 10-10, until around the 15th inning when we said, um, okay. Let's call it a draw.
We're only supposed to play 7 innings.
But we're competitive so we had to keep going until there was a winner.
However, 4:15 rolled around and Pastor had to leave at 4:30 and when the other team's pastor wouldn't agree to a footrace against our Pastor to determine the winner we decided to leave it as a tie.
Which means next year it's gonna be even more of a rivalry.
But I claimed us the champions since we had beat them that morning.
I had some good hits throughout the day. Getting on base more than getting out, which is always the goal. Actually, I think the entire day I only got out three times. Which is pretty good since we played three games and they had some wicked good fielders on each team.
But so did we. And I got to be in the outfield with Pastor, Tash and my brother. I switched off innings with Megz until I was sidelined for an injury, though I still batted.
An injury which I'm sure you all expected.
The obligatory "I slid and broke my leg open again" one.

6 years and counting.
Or is it 7?
Same spot, same leg, 7 years and counting.
And usually the same base - stupid second.
The problem with this year's though was that when I broke it open it wasn't all that bad. Jim O cleaned it and I went back in the game.
But you know me, I slid again, breaking it back open and then it was just gross.
Instead of having him clean it again, cause it hurts, I went home to take a shower.
Which ended up hurting even worse.
But now it's clean and all wrapped up.
Though tomorrow I'll have to wake up early to re-do it I'm sure.
I know, I know, I bring it on myself. And I'll get yelled at tomorrow by not only Sketch - who I'm surprised hasn't "middle-named" me yet, but also Queen of the Known Universe and the Queen of Awesome.
Who's exact words when I told her I'd be playing softball this weekend were "try not to rip open you leg again."
My bad.
To be fair it is tradition.
You'd think I'd have enough scar tissue built up by now.
Anyway, it was a great day.
"Who's Steve" dominated. Go here for the team name explanation if you don't already know.
And we're having t-shirts made for our regular season which hopefully starts soon.

Quotes of the Day:
Pastor: "Good morning, Team Awesome!"
Me: "It's the only paper we had!"
Mike: "Anything that can move without feet freaks me out."
Pastor: "So good he caught it twice."
and then a completely unrelated one,
Me: "Your couch is unplugged?"
ask Mom about that one.
Song of the Day: Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
All I Really Want - Alanis Morissette
heard this one on the way there this morning and have been singing it ever since.
classic Alanis.
Now I'm off to re-wrap my leg before crashing and hard. I'm exhausted. Half and half day tomorrow which means I'll be on my feet the whole afternoon. Gonna need all the sleep I can get.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
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