Many pictures were taken.
Most against our will.
I'm sure it will be all over Facebook eventually. Mom races everyone to put her pictures up first.
It was a lot of fun. I worked all day - started off at the home branch with Joe Studley then got off early so I could go to the farm. Picked up the boyfriend on the way. We had steak and hamburgers, corn, potatoes, smores, cake and all that. It was awesome.
And since it was my particularly snarky and sarcastic family many memories were made.
I don't know why but every time Bubby and I are at the cabin we have a tendency to quote Finding Nemo.
Not the whole movie, just two lines. "You touched the butt." and "You guys made me ink."
Pretty sure I covered that here: I Speak Whale
So that was constant.
And then of course, the boyfriend likes to tease me.
And there's this freaking electronic horse that Dad has at the cabin that moves and like looks at you and stuff.

Anyway, I'm convinced that it's eyes just follow me around. Like literally, I'll walk in front of it and its head will follow me.
So I shared my creeped-out-ness with the boyfriend and then when I'm not looking he picks up the freakin' horse from hell, stands behind me and waits for me to turn around. I, not realizing this, turn around and come face to face with it and scream bloody murder.
It was not very ladylike.
But it was censored.
Which is rare in terms of my screaming.
So there was that.
Also, the boyfriend has decided that since I make more money than he does that he's going to quit his job and become a stay-at-home dad.
I'm fine with that. He can stay home and clean the house and change all the diapers.
Though when he starts using the phrase, "hey kid, bring me another beer and i'll give you a candy bar" that may change.
Oldest Sister says there aren't enough candy bars in the world because he would also be eating them.
One day I'll come home and he'll have gained 100 pounds.
Maybe I should reconsider that offer.
Also, Mom has decided we need to take new family pictures cause the last ones we had professionally done were when Bubby was 2.
He is now 13.
We are supposed to pick different colors for our sub families.
So like the boyfriend and I are supposed to wear a color and then Oldest Sister's family will wear a different color and then Second Sister's family will wear a different color, etc. etc.
So the debate is who gets what color.
The boyfriend wants pink.
Remember how much I hate pink?
And how he likes to tease me?
At least I hope he's teasing, otherwise I'd be worried.
Brother has black.
Mom has red.
Bubby says he wants his family to wear rainbow wigs.
I'm thinking blue.
Or green maybe.
I don't know, suggestions?
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Dad got some cool stuff. I gave him a Duck Dynasty book and some snacky food. He loves snacky foods.
And yesterday was Oldest Sister's birthday so I brought her present as well. Couple of books - "Why Mommy Drinks" is my favorite of the two cause it includes drink recipes along with parenting horror stories - and then Ripper Street on DVD.
Quotes of the Day:
Bubby: "It was like chloroform but she did it wrong."
Brother: "It's not made for this. Neither are my shoes."
Boyfriend: "Showing a lot of leg there."
and one overheard at work:
"See, doesn't that remind you of bondage?"
not even gonna try to explain that one.
Song of the Day: Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
Hand in My Pocket - Alanis Morissette
heard this one on the way back and jammed out.
and then one played at the cabin
Four Wheel Drive - CW McCall
don't hit that fella with the banjo.
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