2 seconds later - literally 2 seconds later - alarms start going on.

Spent the next hour outside the library hearing "10 more minutes" 4 times.
But it was fun bonding time. And I learned the place across the street has rootbeer ice cream, so that's always good to know.
I did find it amusing that the staff was all very laid back just jamming out while the patrons were like huddled around the door waiting to get back to their internet sessions.
They were all ready to make a beeline to the lab until the fire department decided it would be hazardous to let people spend time on 2nd floor since the smell was so strong. Long story short people were not happy.
After work I met up with the sisters for dinner at the greek place. Had some beef kabob stuff, it was good stuff.
Lots of fun conversations, most of which I can't repeat. Though I will say we should do it more often. Especially when dessert is that good.
Came back, did some homework, finished The Voice then started on other new pilots I've DVR'd.
They're probably all doomed to fail but I'll watch them in the meantime.
Blacklist is one of my favorites.
Today I watched Trophy Wife, which was amusing, and also Back in the Game. I love Maggie Lawson. Now it's on to the Goldbergs. The return of Jack Gallow, yay!
Love Interruption - James Wolpert
black and gold!
do we think he's actually a basketball fan that would know that or do we think he googled it?
totally bought this one, so good.
Back to Black - Jacquie Lee
"we all do he's 6 foot 9!"
love his fascination with her boots.
nice accent xtina.
love it, she's way good for that young.
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