I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Just because you have a purse it doesn't make you a girly girl."

"If, however, it was pink with jewels on it and had a dog inside of it then that would make you a girly girl. I would call you Paris Hilton."

Okay, so I have this bag. That I put stuff in like my wallet and datebook and pens and all that. People keep calling it my purse.

It's not a purse. It's a bag. Cause I don't own purses, I own bags. Mostly messenger bags. While this specific bag may be shaped like a purse, it is not a purse because I don't own purses. Which means it's a bag.

Did you get all that?

Can you hear me clucking, big chicken?

Anyway, the boyfriend decided to tease me about it tonight but then made up for it by saying it was okay for it to be a purse because it's black and not pink and bedazzled.

So I remain non-girly-girl-ish.

Which is my goal in life.

Another goal in life? Graduate! Had another practicum session this afternoon. That brings me to 38/90 on the Practicum Count-up. I think this is my favorite class - aside from Special Libraries and Teen Materials of course - because it's hands on experience so it doesn't feel like homework. Plus the actual homework is like a page summary that due at the end of each month and then that's it.

Just finished mine in about 20 minutes. Woohoo!

After practicum I headed out to see the boyfriend. We had a lazy night. Went out for pizza then spent most of the night driving around, buying donuts, and jamming out on the porch swing.

I know, we're so exciting. But it was good, and much needed relaxation. Tomorrow night will be just the opposite.

Remember how my dad turned 70? Well, we're throwing him a surprise birthday party and apparently almost everyone I know and/or have met at some point in my life is going to be there.

Which means it's kind of a big deal. But amusing at the same time because when the whole surprise party thing was first brought up it was followed closely by, "is it smart to surprise a 70-year-old like that?"

Apparently we don't care cause we're throwing one anyway.

The funny thing is that even though it's a surprise I don't have to worry about posting about it online because my dad is the biggest luddite you will ever meet so he won't even notice. He has never used a computer. He knows how to use his cellphone but not well enough to check his voicemail. Actually his outgoing message is just my Mom saying "don't leave him a voicemail cause he doesn't know how to check it." Now we have one of those smart combines that you have to enter all the information into the computer and then it drives for you. Guess it took him a whole day to figure out.

My brother loves it cause he can nap.

Just what I want to hear when it's my farm land he's napping on.

Anyway, so I don't have to worry about him finding out this way.

Although I'm wondering if he already knows. As mentioned basically everyone he knows is going to be there. And he's smart. Which is why we had to throw him that fake party at the cabin earlier in the month. It'll be interesting to see his reaction.

But I'll let you know tomorrow. I'm out. Totally zonked, though it is 2AM so that would explain things. Yeah, I know it says 11:50 but 99% of the posts on here say that and it's always crap.

Well, except for that one weird time when it was actually 11:50. Had to do a special "holy holy crap" tag for that one.

On to the music.

Hotel California - Eagles

So we've progressed from the Beach Boys to the Eagles during our sorting sessions of practicum. guess he's going to see them live. wondering what will be next on our list. i'm thinking...Beatles. or Elton. i'm going to see him live, i'd be good jamming to Bennie and the Jets.

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