I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Something tells me I'm into something good...

Dear Facebook,

Why must you constantly evolve? Don't you know how much people hate change? Your changes to be exact?

I feel like I should give you a heads up on where this came from before I go into the ramble-zone. Dangerous territory.

Oldest Sister called and we talked Facebook. Right after Second Sister called and we had also talked about Facebook.

But it was Oldest Sister's conversation that brings the joy of Facebook into this post.

Okay, so I love Facebook. I was the first one to have it in high school and share it with everyone else. Blame Katie Jo, she invited me. And I got all my family on and involved and all that so they blame me. We have a page for Camp J and it's fantastic for getting information out to people. It's fun and it's an excellent form of communication for projects and presentations.

But, the thing about the new Facebook is that you know everything about everybody you're friends with. Because it feeds you information about them. All the time. Second-by-second status updates are on your homepage. It's constantly recommending things and wanting you to update your friendships. Are you close friends or aquaintances? Do you want to put them into their own specific friend group? Here, chat with this person, they're online!

This is where Oldest Sister's conversation comes in. We enjoy a hint of mystery. We don't want to know everything about everyone. Especially certain people. Just because we're friends with them on Facebook doesn't mean we're actually friends with them in real life.

We would enjoy a bit of Shrodinger's Cat in that situation. Maybe they're alive and kicking, or maybe they're dead in a box in the corner. And we're okay with the not knowing. But then we get a status update on the side of OUR homepage proving that the chemical still hasn't gone off and they're alive and well. And frankly, that was not the option we would have chosen.

Okay, that sounds really bad. Does anyone else know Shrodinger's Cat? I mean, from something other than simply watching Big Bang Theory? If you have no idea to what concept I'm referring to watch this:
Big Bang Theory - Sheldon compares Leonard and Penny's Relationship to Schrodinger's Cat
He explains it pretty well.

Anyway, we like that element of mystery. We don't want to be overloaded with peoples' personal information. Sometimes we just don't want to be social, period. So stop with all the oversharing.

I'm having flashbacks to the original Facebook. See, I've had it so long that I actually remember a time when there was no newsfeed whatsoever. Yeah! You had to actually go to someone's profile page to see what they were up to! I remember when newsfeed first came around and everyone hated it. "I don't need to know that Jimmy's favorite color is yellow!" was a post I read quite frequently. But eventually it turned out okay. So maybe these will eventually. But at the moment, do I really need up-to-the-second updates on people who like other people's wall posts? When I have no idea who those other people are?
My main problem is that I have over 600 friends. But that's what happens when you go to college and Facebook is your main way of communication. Who actually checked their college email? Anyway, you add someone as a friend if you have a presentation or a project with them because then you can get in touch with them. But then class ends and you move on. And you're still friends. And it just adds up.

Add to the fact that most of those projects/presentations happened more than 4 years ago and half of the girls I knew in college are now married with different last names... It's like, every time I go to my home page and see all these birthdays I'm like "Who the crap is that?!" then I have to go to their page and I don't recognize their picture. Like I said, 1 class, 4 years ago. Messes with my brain. "I should know you but I don't." So I leave it as it is, thinking that I'll figure it out eventually.

So, my plan is, sometime within the next few weeks, to weed through who I actually know and I actually don't. If you are someone that I haven't spoken to in more than a year but read this thing then let me know and I won't delete you.

Anyway, after Shrodinger's Cat came the
Things We'd Actually Like To See Added to Facebook conversation.
1. A "Bitchslap" Button. You know, instead of poking them. I've had this conversation on multiple occasions. It's not like the other person would have to know they've been bitchslapped, but having it there to push can give you a nice piece of sanity and humor.
2. A "Not in a Million Freakin' Years" option when you see someone you're not on such good terms with in the People You May Know section.

there are more but I won't repeat them. if you can think of more that are repeatable send them my way.

Song of the night: I'm only giving you one tonight because I think it's freaking fantastic and love it so much that it's worth two recommendations instead of one. So yes, actually listen to this one. It's worth it.

love love love this song. every version. but this one especially.

"I'm Into Something Good" The Bird and The Bee

Oldest Sister: "Is there someone in your apartment?"
Me: "It's called music."
she heard the whistling. i should have called "Shrodinger's Cat" and left her wondering. think i'll make that my new thing. calling it at random occasions. sounds fun.

Okay, I apologize if by reading the title of this post you were expecting that it was actually going to be about something good. I'll work on that for the future.

that's all she wrote!

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