I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lutherans in the Outfield

Emotional Rollercoaster.

Battle of the Lutherans Take Two. We dominated.

AND, apparently it's possible to be both cursed and play good defense as I caught three pop flies, but got out every freaking time I went up to bat.

But we won! For the first time...ever! We've officially beaten every team and it's awesome!

Or it was awesome, until we played with E-Free and my defensive skills completely disappeared. I was, however, able to bat, it was backward. Well, normal actually. Usually that's how it is.

But they were super short on people tonight so my brother and sister-in-law stayed to play with them as well. And, we were all in the outfield with Nic, so it was literally Lutherans in the Outfield. Awesomeness. We're mercenaries, get used to it.

Oh well, it was a fun game. And they brought us hot apple cider. We jammed after the game, shook everybodies hand, talked about icecream, I got asked out, talked some more about icecream, joked around with the Pastor, then Nic and me went for ice cream...

Yeah, you read that right.

Although I said no. As I don't go out there all that often anymore.

Plus it's doomed from the start as he is not Catholic.

Neither am I, but that's not the point.

I'm destined to marry a Catholic. It's KFC. Kimbrough Family Clan tradition.

All my siblings have married Catholics. And, at one point, have had two kids, two pets, big houses, the whole white picket fence and all that.

Oldest Sister married the first Catholic. They have two kids, two cats and a dog. I'm not counting the dragon or the fish as they belong to the children. Yes, a dragon, it's a long story.

Big Brother married a Catholic, has three kids, and a dog.

Second Sister married a Catholic, has 2.5 kids, and two dogs.

Therefore, I'm destined to marry a Catholic, have at least 2.5 kids, and get another animal somewhere along the way. Although I don't know how Carter would take that. He is larger than most small dogs. Even though he's a cat. And currently sitting on my lap. He sleeps on me as well.

But who knows? Maybe I'll break the tradition. I am the odd one out in our family. Came 11 years after the other three. Went to private schools all my life while they went public. Getting my Master's - first public school experience ever along with working in a very public library.

Maybe I'll start my own traditions. Nah. At this point it's a nice excuse for when my mother asks me about guys. "Nope, wouldn't work. He's not Catholic." I'm sticking with it. Until I find one that's Catholic, then I'm screwed.

Quotes of the night:

"Are they glittens? or Mloves?"

sister-in-law has gloves inside mittens. she says they are mloves. i said they'd be glittens if it was church-league-cheerleading.

"Yeah, she's not an athlete. I see pom-poms in her future."
i died laughing at this point. e-free member talking about her children. cheerleading is not a sport. period.

All in all it was a good day. Shelved for three hours, watched some NCIS on Mom's DVR - although I was tempted to watch Swamp People. Dad even called me this week to tell me he had taped some new ones.

Aannnd got my wrapping paper for this year. Last year it was black, year before that it was Charlie Brown, year before that it was red and silver candycane stripes. This year I'm back with the silver but it's with blue. Stoked. I'm big on Christmas. And when they start putting the candycanes out on the shelves it pretty much takes over my life. But I love it. Because I love my family. And our crazy traditions. KFC included.

"Centerfield" John Fogerty

Softball gloves go back in the trunk in anticipation of next year, next to the camp stuff. According to Oldest Sister it's weird that I'm still not unpacked from a camp that took place in July. It's not like a lot, it's just some blankets and a pillow and then all the boardgames and a tent. And they stayed in my old car, why not Jarvis?

Alright, should probably crash and burn. Long day tomorrow.


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