I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, October 31, 2011

They did the mash.

"You should rephrase that, she'll think we're sending her poop!"
"Yes, that's how I felt about the money drawer this morning.
i love my trainee

"That'd be like SPF 666."
sunscreen for vampires.

Oh Halloween. Candy and costumes galore but the highlight was definitely seeing my brother in law dressed as Joe Dirt in flannel and a blonde wig.

We jammed at the house watching Clue and Scooby Doo. "To make a long story short" "TOO LATE!" Both classic Halloween shows. We watch Clue every year at camp on the last night after our cheesy movies. It's just so fantastic, Tim Curry at his finest. Well, that and Rocky Horror. He's good with the Halloween cult movies.

I will have to watch Hocus Pocus tomorrow night after work. Along with writing my narrative. But it's only a page so I can handle that. Should probably figure out what class I want to take next semester as well, just waiting to hear back from Library Goddess.

Alright, off to watch Castle on DVR. Gonna be sweet!

"Monster Mash" - Bobby 'Boris' Pickett

dig it.

"Abracadabra" Steve Miller Band

karaoke classic

So... tomorrow. Should be interesting.


  1. My favortie Halloween movie is "Arsenic and Old Lace." Still funny after all these years.

    Hey, good to see you today. Hope the M & M's were good!

  2. I played Elaine when we did Arsenic and Old Lace senior year of high school. Loved it.
