I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

You can feed the fish?

Spent the day at my old high school watching Squirt and Bubby play in a volleyball tournament and they won the championship game for their division, woohoo!

It all came down to the final game. Every other game they'd never lost a set so when they lost the first one their spirits were down, were totally depressed, getting smoked when suddenly the teacher stands up, points to Bubby who's about to serve and yells "alright bubbalicious! yeah!" and it was just like David's ball stealing play in the Husker game a couple of weeks ago - the momentum just shifted. They were goofy and excited and it worked. Social Psychology at its greatest. Thank you groupthink. flashbacks.

Needless to say we came from behind and pulled it off in the second and third set. Huzzah!

Plus Squirt and Bubby rocked it. As always.

But you know how when you're playing a sport you feel like it's super intense, but then when you go back to watch the same game 10 years later with kids the same age as you were at that time it seems like a whole different game? Like speedwise? and intensity? Like they played really well tonight and they were big games, but I feel like we were a lot more aggressive and the game was more intense when we played. But we did have the biggest class of 8th graders and a lot of us started our freshman year of high school when we came in. And a lot of my old roommates hold records for things that are still up on the boards that I checked out today, it's exciting. I was there for that, and that, and that, oh and that I had to listen about for days...So it was interesting to watch it now as comparing it to playing it then.

After that it was sushi with the Queen of Awesome. We ate and we drank and we were merry and it was awesome. And will hopefully happen again soon as I miss her lots.

We were excited when the dude gave fish food to the kids to throw in. Totally jealous. I want to feed their kickass fish. In their kickass fountain. But I'm guessing there's an age limit on that one.

Watching more 3rd Rock. It's just so short and amusing. I have so many things that I need to to catch up on though. QofA and I talked about this. So many new good shows it's hard to keep up with all the old ones.

Alright, I'm off to bed. Have a good one. I'll try to get some sleep with my big fat cat sleeping on my stomach as we speak.

ps- ignore any typos. i can't exactly see the keyboard.

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