I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, August 31, 2012

Vienna waits for you.

Remember how I was so excited about having a day off and all the stuff I could do cause it was my day off which implied that there would be off-ness, meaning off of stress and off of work and off of people and off of just general life-ness.

You know, just off?

Spent my day "off" doing homework.

So now it's just more like off-balance cause all I did was read and post and read and post and read some more and post some more. And none of it is textbook reading, just online journals, which I was grateful for earlier cause it means it's less expensive and easier to access but I was at the point where I couldn't stand to stare at my screen any longer SO I took a shower, made a smoothie, and watched Battleship.

Whilst the movie itself was complete crap - I love Liam Neeson, I do, but it was so choppy scene-wise with really crappy dialogue, and seemed basically like "Battle: Los Angeles" but set in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and focused on the Navy instead of Marines  - it re-upped my sanity because it was a break from my computer screen. Granted it was yet another screen but that one is bigger and farther away and didn't have written dialogue I had to follow along with.

Though I did learn that with their database system you can set it so it reads it to you and you can make them read it in an accent, so that part was enjoyable.

Anyway, Battleship gets about a 5/10 on the Scale of Awesome - it had its moments but they were few and far between.

Seriously, it is Battle: Los Angeles but on water, look at this:

Battleship 2012

Battle: Los Angeles 2011

Both have the two token females - aka one that's in the trenches and the other is the love interest
Both have one big named actor plus one semi-known actor and then a bunch of little people
Both involve aliens landing coming in gigantor ships
Both involve military members as the main characters
Both have cheesy looking aliens
Both have crappy dialogue

And Liam Neeson is in more of Clash of the Titans than he is in this - which means barely 10 minutes, but that's okay cause they made up for that in Wrath of the Titans.

And I can't take Rihanna seriously in an acting role, I'm sorry.

Okay, as I'm apparently quite rambly at the moment I will now find some music and post this before I move on to things like community analysis in the New York public libraries, social contracts, reference databases, ALA standards, or RUSA guidelines because I'm sure you'd tune out.

"Vienna" - Billy Joel

love this one.

or check out this awesome cover by Steve Dalton

he has a lot of good ones on his channel

and, in honor of it's return:

10 days and counting...

when will you realize, vienna waits for you?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I have a big head and little arms.

Okay, I've been super crappy blogger lady lately I'm aware, so that ends now.

Before it was either not posting or posting about nothing, but now I actually have stuff to post about so we're good.

Yeah, you know it's bad when your mom texts you and asks if you're okay.


I'm fine.

Just been busy.

Okay, where were we?

Ah yes, so Fearless Leader had her last day and the next day all hell broke loose when the mail didn't show up and the delivery truck broke down meaning today we were just swamped and had like a holds cart in the morning and then another in the afternoon.

After the madness Smo came out and stayed over last night - which is why there was not post-age so you get double tonight - ordered some burgers, watched some Warehouse 13, and pulled out the yearbooks going, "wait, who was that guy again?" Our class started as 32 and ended at like 26, but sadly the class above us lost even more people and graduated with like 13 or something. It was super small.

Speaking of the class above me, my roommate from college was in that class and she texted me this morning a quote from Grey's - actually scared the crap out of me cause usually when I get Grey's quotes they're from Sketch. I hit reply and went, wait, what? I get random ones from her every once in a while but now she is all married and pregnant and working so she's busy.

But that's okay cause I'm busy too.

Anyway, so Smo was here and we jammed out and had fun cause she's always fun. Reminisced about a bunch of high school stuff, actually realized that there's just three of us girls left that aren't engaged/married/parents out of the...eh, there were only like ten of us. But still, amusing.

Then she started making fun of Frank.

Remember Frank? Go here 

He's cute. And he has a big head and little arms. Which reminded us of this:

and I found one that repeated it and we seriously watched it over and over

and then in the "related" field we ran across this one

"it's so fluffy i'm gonna die!!" and then proceeded to watch that over and over

and then again, in the "related" field came this one

so yes, they are making a second. And sort of a 1 1/2 cause there's one called Minion Madness as well.

Anyway, after some burgers and Warehouse we both konked out, then she took off this morning when I left for work.

And speaking of leaving for work - no, none of this will be in order - so you know when you wake up and you're like half asleep? Not yesterday morning, but the day before totally broke my toilet. Well, the handle. Cause you know you pull and then it's there and then you're like wait, that's not supposed to come off, but you're half asleep so you don't really understand what just happened?

So yeah, that was a fun voicemail to leave for my apartment people, basically, um, this is broken and I don't know what to do and I have to go to work so I'll check in later.

And then never did cause I got swamped.

And speaking of never did - apparently yesterday my dentist called - no, not my cellphone, they called me at work - and I was on break so they said they'd call back - and then never did, so I don't know if I'm supposed to call them or like wait for them to call me....I don't know why they called my work, they have my cell number as my main contact.

I think.

I'll call tomorrow cause I have the day off.

So much to do tomorrow, finish editing, read for homework stuff, post homework stuff, go shopping to buy more page protector things, and at some point I would like to sleep, though right now it's already 2AM - which isn't a big deal since I'm off tomorrow - but in order to sleep in you need to actually first fall asleep.

Let's see, so we got Wednesday, that was the broken toilet, hell breaks loose at work, Smo comes over - oh yeah, and it was all fixed by the time I got home. Which rocked cause that would've been awkward.

So that was Wednesday.

Thursday was today? Right.

Yes, Thursday was today. So she left this morning and I have this whole like free week of XM radio in my car cause they want me to sign up but I never do, anyway, so I didn't realize that I had forgotten my ipod - and I didn't realize how much I actually listen to music during the day cause there's lunch and there's off desk for projects and stuff so I totally had to update Pandora on my phone and listen to that instead with my backup/broken headphones that was miraculously still in my bag.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm pathetic cause I couldn't last one day without some sort of substitute for my ipod, but I don't have any music stored on my phone and then Pandora is internet radio so it kept killing my battery so I had to pull out the charger and take that with me like through lunch and then at my desk.

And I needed that to be charged cause I knew I'd need it later because I only have one charger in my car and I was using it for my GPS - Squirt had her first volleyball game tonight, she started and she rocked and they won so it was fun - anyway, but it was an away game and the high school they played is way up north and I had no idea how to get there so I tried to plug it in to Thomas my GPS but I never update Thomas so Thomas had no idea what the hell I was talking about so I ended up calling the library for directions!!

Don't you just love reference?

And I called the home branch - because for some reason I always call the home branch instead of the work branch for directions but I think that's more because when I need directions it means I'm not at work and when I'm not there it means we're closed - yes I do work too much - so I called the home branch and talked to the newest employee there who I get to work with every once in a while, she's fantastic, was talking me through it.

Totally found it and made it without driving in circles like an idiot.

So, they won 2 sets out of 3, Squirt rocked and the red hair was sweet cause they have green uniforms. Which means I should get a green shirt so I can like blend in and stuff.

After that I headed out to see the boyfriend - though the majority of the time he was working on motorcar stuff and then loading them up and all that.

I felt like the trophy girlfriend cause I couldn't do anything - my knowledge of mechanics is slightly limited - shutup Sketch - so I basically held the flashlight and made commentary. But he's very handy so he knew what he was doing. And he's smart because I'm clumsy so I'm sure I would screw something over.

But he is leaving to go on a trip with his dad until Tuesday so I knew if I didn't see him tonight it wouldn't be 'til like midweek next week, which made me realize how much I actually am in love with him because the thought of that just made me think, nope, that's too long to be apart so I'll go out there tonight and see him for like 2 hours.

So I did and it was fun and now I'm back, and after talking to Sketch for an hour did some homework and posted it though stuck on some other stuff - that isn't due 'til later - but it won't let me login to their library databases page and I know my way around our databases but theirs are different and their login thing is weird and I don't know what I'm doing so I got to send yet another dumb question email to our fantastic professor - I think that's actually the fourth email I've sent her this week and I'm supposed to know stuff cause I'm a GA but apparently I know nothing so I am sucking at that job.

Perhaps I should stop rambling and sleep.

Carter is staring at me going, do you know what time it is. Put down the computer so I can sleep. Cause he sleeps on my stomach at night. Like it's ridiculous cause he's really fat like 21 pounds of fat cat and I'm pretty sure my back looks something like this when I sleep

          ^ Carter

Yes that is a head and those are feet.

Just go with it.

Like I said, sleep, I need sleep.

No matter what the Barenaked Ladies may claim, people do need sleep or we would all go crazy. So I shall sleep now.

I mean, after these, then I'll sleep.

So, the joys of Pandora is that it's internet radio so you can like pick your genre. Today I went with '90s pop and ran into a bunch of random songs that I'd completely forgotten about, such as these:

"Torn" - Natalie Imbruglia

"Iris" - Goo Goo Dolls


Enough for a couple of missed days and nothing posts?

A rambling mess, for sure, but hey it's something.

when everything's made to be broken i just want you to know who i am.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Okay, here it is. We go home. We vomit." "And?" "That's all I got so far."

So, it's official.

Fearless Leader has officially left us for greener pastures.

I wish her good luck, but will miss her just the same.

Walked out with her for the last time, sad day. Took a picture in front of the sign and all that jazz.

Will definitely miss our food and movie nights as they actually understood the day-to-day life stuff. Oh well, Slim Shady is still around, and maybe we'll take a road trip down to see her at her new job.

Today? Flew by pretty quickly. More website stuff, still waiting for approval by two more supervisors and then I'm gold - though they both just got back from vacation so I don't know how long it will be.

Kind of stoked, I have "teen scenes" page where I list a bunch of events in town that they might be interested in. Taking forever to find stuff though cause the paper's website only includes so many.

Google helps.

Had 3 volunteers come in - well, technically 4 but I haven't really worked with that one and he only comes in 4 hours a month.

Other than her leaving and website updates I really got nothing.

Here, take some more useless information

Funkspiel - was the name given to a counter-espionage operation carried out by the Nazi's during the second World War.

Horrible meaning, but fantastic word.

I'm totally exhausted and my heart is racing. No idea why. Like it won't stop.

Not that I want it to stop completely.

Should lie down, happens pretty often though, goes with that weird circulation thing. I'm gonna shutup and move on.

Yes I AM aware that this post is incredibly boring. Let me fix it with some Charmed quotes.

Though I'm sure some or most of you are probably thinking that will in fact just add to the boringness in which case I could totally take you on. Got 8 years worth of ammunition to handle it.

Pretty sure my Mom is tired of the show, along with either of the two Mummy movies.

Yes, there were only 2, I'm not counting the crappy 3rd edition.

Moving on.

Well because it's your damn fairy tale and it's alive and frozen in our kitchen.

So I take it you guys heard about Chicken.

Holly Marie Combs was my favorite. She kicked ass. She's in Pretty Little Liars now, though as much as she rocks I don't have an urge to look into that one.

Still looking for one with the "i'm gonna save your ass so I can kick it myself later" reference. She always had the best one-liners, even before Shannon left.

Will find it eventually, have a gigantor print out of all my favorites cause I'm a serious nerd. Actually went through and marked down all the episodes they're in.

Did I mention I'm a gigantor nerd?

Might go get that now. Can't do anything but lay down anyway. Will most likely pass out before I reach them. Tomorrow perhaps.

Okay, more boringness. I'm out.

Monday, August 27, 2012

If I had legs, I would kick you.

Wearing black tomorrow for Fearless Leader's last day.

Still crying inside.

Today was good.


Well, my website at least, which means tomorrow I get to send out the link asking for their feedback and a photo to add to the profiles page. Figure I'll send out the link to the members and prospective members. Kind of their own cool place, will attempt to keep it updated as much as possible. Much easier than overloading their inboxes with random news. Though I'll probably still keep sending out quite a few reminder emails.

Mom brought me some fruit. Think this is still part of her making sure I'm actually eating campaign. Still remember her opening my fridge one day, seeing nothing but alcohol, turning around and saying, "let's go grocery shopping!" It's not that I drink a lot, it's more of the opposite. I keep receiving it and it adds up quickly.

She's got me googling the eagle. There used to be an eagle on the building across from work but when the office moved to somewhere else - theirs not ours - they took it with them.

Other highlights of the day...hmmm...oh got to plug BossLady's meter. I was stuck on an e-book question and she was on her way out the door. We switched. It was amusing though cause she gave me the right car model but the wrong license plate number. It didn't help that it was parked next to something similar and with  a few of the letters she gave me originally.

Only way I could tell it was the right car was because the other had an hour left on it and this was completely gone.

What else?

Oh, Carter has been semi-sane tonight. He's quite calm and sitting next to me as opposed to his behavior as of late.

Woops, I lied. Pulled out the cereal and now he's all ticked cause I moved.


Super tired at the moment. Did some editing, probably should have been working on some homework but as I am the worst editor ever I chose that instead. And now I have "time", yes I have time even though I'm working, taking classes, doing homework and GA stuff I still have more time than when I was doing camp stuff and work. Granted the GA stuff and class is just starting.

Will work on homework tomorrow.

I know, this is boring. I'm sorry.

Here, fun fact for you:

Take any number, double it, add 10, divide it by 2, subtract your original number - it will always equal 5. 

For example 11x2 = 22+10 = 32/2 = 16-11 = 5

or 7x2 = 14+10 = 24/2 = 12-7 = 5

Food day tomorrow, perhaps I'll take some fruit. I've got a fridgefull.

Clip of the day:

Helped a guy with some computer stuff and he brought up Charmed, like a super obscure reference. I was like, "you're a fan?" awesomeness.

"and get my hair wet?"

Oh right, Old New Guy and I are on a crusade to make "sour" a new trend. As in, "that's sour man" meaning "that rocks man."

While sour seems like it would be a bad thing it's similar to "wicked sweet" or "mad skills".

"and why is the g silent?"

Sunday, August 26, 2012

We're just like you, only prettier.

Geez, a girl has a crappy day and doesn't post for a couple days and you guys go all crazy.

Think I got more phone calls, texts, emails and Facebook messages than I got for the "life sucks and then you die" fiasco a few months ago.

Yes Thursday was for crap but it's not the reason I've been off the radar, I actually had some semblance of a life the past couple days. Don't worry, I won't be going off the grid anytime soon. Even if I am banished up north.

Friday: Worked 9-6, Fearless Leader is on her last few days so we got together at Slim Shady's place after. Though we were all super zonked out so booze cakes with the girls turned into order pizza, drink beer and vedge out of Slim Shady's couch. We turned on Hunger Games but as it was a library DVD it skipped out a few scenes in. We saw it in theaters so were going to throw out some commentary. Didn't really matter though, by the time it started skipping we weren't watching anyway. Spent the majority of the time talking and joking around. I'll miss that. Stupid Kansas.

Quotes of the night: 

-"How many library service associates does it take to find parking?"

-"How many library service associates does it take to roll up a window?"

-"Do you know what it's about?"
-"It has pretty pictures."

-"They had fancy pugs."
-"That's an oxymoron."

Since I had class the next morning and had to leave at 6:30 I figured getting back to my apartment past midnight was probably staying up late enough so I crashed figuring I would post the next day.

Didn't happen.

Saturday: First official day as a Graduate Assistant. Intro to Info Tech was supposed to start in the library at 8:30. As I'm the GA I got there at 8, which was actually good since when I showed up the doors were locked. I texted the Library Goddess and she came over like, "what?!" Yup, all doors locked even though they had just double checked on Thursday. Left us all flailing so we moved to the new building instead. However, since we moved and there was no advanced warning the Library Goddess stayed and directed people from there and I got to loiter in the hallway directing traffic in the building.

It was amusing cause one of the professors thought that I was lost cause I was like walking back and forth and I'm like, nope I'm good. Then she squints and was like, "oh you're _____ niece!" Yep, I get that a lot around there. It's rather amusing. The Cool Aunt is pretty popular.

Anyway, after the flailage was my first class of the semester. Also amusing is that my professor works for the same library system as I do so there was a lot of LCL references at which I had to smirk. It was a good class. She's a good teacher, skipped the parts that weren't necessary so we got out early.

Got to hand out some contact forms, today as well, along with library barcode numbers. And I got to erase a board and bring Library Goddess coffee....GA life is good.

Hey, it pays for my tuition. It's easy for now, there will be more in the upcoming weeks.

So early morning plus class meant I was pretty zonked by the time the boyfriend came over in the afternoon. But that's okay cause he was out as well. Basically watched part of the Hunger Games, some Wipeout, Shawshank, Silence of the Lambs - oh my god nightmare central, disgusting - and then some standup.

Did I mention we were zonked? By the time we looked at the clock it was far past midnight and since the weather was crap he slept here.

On the couch.

Though I don't know how much he actually slept since he works nights and sleeps days.

Sunday: Left around 11:30 for class today since I had to be there early again. Dressed up and all that, stopped for coffee, huzzah.

Reference 'til 4:30. Only 13 in the class so it was some good discussion. Yesterday's was 12, I'm liking these smaller class sizes but I guess that happens as you get farther into the program, similar to college.

Plus I know pretty much everybody there so that's cool. The Authentically Awesome One and Only KB is in it, along with one of our interns from this summer - she's in Info Tech with me as well - plus Sam who I've taken the last like 4 classes with. I think this is the first semester I don't have a class with David - face to face anyway, he is in my online one.

After that I came home, did some editing, watched some NCIS and jammed with Carter.

Though lately jamming with Carter has just been annoying. For this entire week straight all he does is bite. Like literally, I get home and I feed him and then he just keeps pouncing on me. I put him in the cage when it happens so it seems he spends more time in there then out here when I'm actually home. Frustrating. Will have to use my excellent reference skills to figure out what the heck his problem is.

So that was my weekend. Tomorrow is back to work, the same with the rest of this week. Will have to finish up that website, hopefully our tech guy will either approve it or tell me to change it and I can actually publish it before our first meeting.

Song of the day:

Only Prettier - Miranda Lambert
love the country music star cameos in that one.

Was totally jamming to that one on the way to the car after class and didn't hear the Authentically Awesome One and Only KB honk her car at me.


The headphones are loud.

Space Cadet says her hearing at 70 will be my hearing at 35. Actually I'm pretty sure that's in here somewhere.

It's okay, I caught her waving and we joked around for a while.

Was amusing, even though technically the AA1&O:KB - that's a tag for ya - left before I did she was in my rearview for most of the drive home. Only because the Cool Aunt taught me a shortcut for how to get out of there. Think I lost her around Gretna. Construction and all that.

Well, tomorrow is tomorrow so I'm going to crash.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

i have no title for this post.

Okay, so I should have saved the headspace music for today.

Plain and simple, today sucked. Black out of the crevices and all over the chicken feathers as I sit back and wave. Any other life mottos I can kill? Go here or there,

Staff meeting this morning was not what I was expecting. Yes, we're building a new library - if we can get the funding - so all that was explained, but then it turned to budgets and reallocating hours and since I'm the newest employee - technically even though I've been with them since May 2010 I've only been full-time since November - I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get banished to up north.

Not that there's anything wrong with up north, it's just that I finally feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be, you know? Like I love TAB - I just built an entire website for it, and I'm finally used to the supplies and damages routine, plus backup aide supervisor is a fun position so far - but that's mostly cause Slim Shady is the boss boss and she's been doing all the stuff I just take over when she's not there - and as for volunteer coordinating I had four volunteers in today, one of them for his second day since he trained yesterday and they rocked. I like the location, pace, staff, patrons, it just fits.

Immediately after the meeting I went to the home branch for an hour and was talked down by my trainee who is fantastic and logical and reliable and all that and made me see things that I might have missed cause I was upset. If it all works out I owe her dinner.

So today sucked yes, but I had some great people to talk to, Trainee, Joe Studley, the authentically awesome one and only KB, Slim Shady, even BossLady searched me out cause she could tell I was freaked. I'm sure it'll be fine and I'm over-reacting,

Anyway, so after that whole crapfest I headed out to see the boyfriend and we hit up the new Bourne movie.  He's fantastic - the boyfriend, not Jeremy Renner though he's great too - because pretty sure no one else was really looking forward to seeing that movie since it's not actual Jason Bourne - but he put up with it anyway cause my day sucked and he loves me. Talked for a while after but now I'm back and ready to crash.

I'd give Bourne about a 6/10. It was alright but mostly because it had Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz, two of my favorites though Jeremy more recently than Rachel. She was pretty kickass, had a few Mummy Returns flashbacks but it was him that did the majority of the fighting.

I will have to go back and watch the original trilogy though to remind me all of the ins and outs of Treadstone and Black Briar and all that. I recognized the faces but the last time I watched any of the movies was on New Years like 3-4 years ago.

Alright, music then crash.

Songs of the day:

More headspace.

Hurtful - Erik Hassle
he's swedish, just go with the hairstyle.

Bury Me - Thirty Seconds to Mars
video is weird but the song is good.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

feels so good to hit the ground.

It has been brought to my attention that people don't know the "Tonto" dance.

This is wildly depressing to me.

So, here, educate yourselves:

Will the Thrill and Boogaloo Shrimp

Or you can watch them do it here - before the taping of their last show - Fresh Prince Final Episode Pre-Show

Basically the Fresh Prince and Carlton go broke in Vegas so they have to come up with some money and enter themselves into a dance competition.

And no, I have no idea why someone would put video game characters on the side of their video but it was the best quality so I'm sticking with it.

C'mon people, even the marines know the dance.

Apparently training was boring that day.

Don't ask, don't tell.

Although the song is actually called "Apache" really the only known words to the song are "Tonto, jump on it, jump on it, jump on it." and repeat.

Originally released as instrumental in the '60s in Britain by the Shadows, then the Incredible Bongo Band added some more hiphop-ish elements to it in the '70s and the version you're hearing is actually the 1981 take on it by the Sugarhill Gang who added the lyrics.

It's also been remade by Sir-Mix-Alot, Fatboy Slim, and more recently Beck - but no, he doesn't loser-rap in it.

Yes, I'm a nerd. Look it up.

More website progress today, gotta remember to get it cleared by end of tomorrow. I'd like to have it up and running by next week since the first TAB meeting is on the 4th.

A little harder to build one when you're at the front desk for three hours but it reminded me why I started at the library in the first place, which lately has been interesting because I've had more time off-desk than anything else.

Not that I'm complaining, it's nice to actually have time to work the stuff that I've been assigned and elected for. Speaking of, first volunteer came in today so I got to give him the tour and get him started on random projects. And of course that's when both pencil sharpeners decide to break - weird, and as I thought that was boring anyway I got him started on some computer stuff that he picked up fairly quickly.

What else? Umm, got to jam with Fearless Leader today for like 3 hours which rocked, worked with BossLady and The New Girl - we were shocked and couldn't remember the last time that happened. Though she's stuck in the basement cause she's half cataloger and half public service. Well, more like 30/10, sad day.

My cat is driving me nuts. He's on some sort of biting rampage even though I'm covered with blankets and wearing sleeves. No idea what his problem is but he was like this yesterday too. Missing the farm perhaps, but it's keeping me up at night and makes me frustrated in the morning. I put him the cage and he whines. I close the door to the bedroom and he pounces on it.


Yes, erg.

It was either that or arg but I'm not much for pirate talk as of late.

I'm falling behind on that version of Mango Language though I did at one point attempt it.

We have this language database that teaches you language at your own pace so you've got like Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin and then at the bottom... Pirate. You should look into it, it's free through the library man.

I wanna learn sign language, I think that would be fun.

Alright, I'm off to do some more editing. Final touches and then I'll send it. Huzzah!

Couple of old favorites I haven't mentioned yet:

Frequently played when I'm in my head as random music such as this tends to bring me out of my head.

Not that I'm in my head today, I just heard the first one and it went from there.

Falling Down - Avril Lavigne
yes, old school. well, not really, but it is for me. and really all I can think of is Sweet Home Alabama when I hear it, but it's still a good song. you can actually watch that whole movie on youtube.

Actually I'm pretty sure I brought this next one up back in Favorites Week. Or should have at least as it is one of mine. I know it's been posted at least once cause it's got a tag.

Shattered - Trading Yesterday
there are two versions to this song, this is the longer and wordier version. the other is just instrumental from 2:15 'til the regular verse which is usually at 3:23 but this one repeats, hence the reason it's longer.

see how i can do math?

look mom, no hands.

i like them both but find this one more satisfying. if that makes sense?

it's a headspace kind of thing.

but give it a shot, it's worth it.

Alright, edit then sleep. Staff meeting tomorrow morning so I gotta be semi-conscious.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

but you don't worry, you don't worry, cause you got soul.

"I'm not gonna stop praying for rain because your feet are gonna get wet."

So, I have this thing about routines.

Go to the same place for lunch, usually order the same thing, wear the same style of clothes - own the same shirt in like 8 colors, wear the same shoes until they're totally busted.

My previous shoes were blue and comfortable, but I stepped on the back to take them off - I don't untie them intentionally though they tend to untie themselves during the day - and the back ripped open and eventually ripped the sides.

So I bought the same shoes, different color.

Now it's backward, sides are ripped and headed to the back.

It would be a problem except there's been no rain, just heat, heat, and more heat.

BossLady says duct tape.

Think I'll keep them 'til they split more and then transfer to my red ones. Which I actually wear frequently as well but I figure I'll wear these until they burst and then make those permanent.

Today was interesting, Mom showed up freaked because they stole her eagle.

Basically there used to be this gianormous eagle on the building across the street but then the bank it was attached to got a new location and it took it with them even though it had nothing to do with the bank in the first place.

Anyway, with all the one way streets it's a little hard to find the building so you gotta use your landmarks. Since they took that away I guess she'll finally have to learn the real address.

She brought me a dress.


I'm starting to take the hint, though I did tell Tweet I'd wear a dress to his wedding. After he asked. But then again the boyfriend is in it so I have to be semi-dressed up.

What else from today?

Oh yeah, I'm building a website for my teens. Figured it'd be a cool way to communicate with TAB kids and those interested. Got some slideshows, calendar, forms and all that - work in progress and of course I gotta get it cleared before it's published. Kinda fun actually. Not that I'm not already swamped and all that, but it's been a fairly slow week. Only thing I'm behind on at work is the booklist and that doesn't have a due date. Besides, just some formatting left.

Same with the editing, halfway thru my second readthru then I can send it back and work some more on the other. After that it's school central. Got my first classes this weekend.

Was a good night, hit up a saltdogs game with oldest sister. We got hosed, unfortunately, but it was still fun. We have this thing about obnoxious fans though, like the ones that yell. I kind of just want to turn around and say, "go out there and show us how you'd do it better" but I'm doubting they would. We wonder if they used to play so they think they know something but were never good enough to do anything about it.

Cause those are the worst ones.

Alright, I'm off.

Song of the night:

"Soul" - Matchbox 20

love it. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday morning, rain is falling...

Technically it's Monday, but the song is in my head.

Skipped yesterday.

Didn't really have anything to talk about except a crazy dude rambling about Mike Tyson, black magic and computer hackers.

Surprisingly that's more common than you think. Don't remember that from the contract I signed, so I skipped.

Not that I have much more from today, only went in for 2 hours. Though I did fly through some more editing, on my second read-through now to make sure everything makes sense.

Also made some progress on more Sketch and Edit stuff. Will post them next week after Sketch gets her copy, she'd kill me if they were posted on here first.

My problem is that I get all these ideas or quotes and I try to include them or base something off them but then I get another quote and work on that completely forgetting the previous entry.

Oh well, hopefully something good will happen and spark something or whatever.

So, my apartment smells like syrup, and not in a good way.

Got these waffle things that comes with syrup that you put on it and microwave it, but now it's overpowering. I tried to overpower it with noodles and marinara but that just turned the smell into something like lasagna pancakes.

Which would be gross.

I used to not like pancakes.

No idea why, was probably just being stubborn. Though I'm still that way with brussels sprout, melted cheese and more recently pistachios.

"you say tomato I say pimp."

Back to Burn Notice. Have it on in the background while I finish editing. Should be done with both stories by the end of the week. I'm hoping anyway. Saltdogs game tomorrow, see boyfriend either Wednesday or Thursday, Friday I'm in bed early cause I gotta drive an hour to be at class Saturday morning at 8.

Should have had these done ages ago, but to be fair I am working 40 hours, taking classes and then there was camp. Still, I'm on it.

Speaking of being on it, gotta sleep soon. Back to regular work hours tomorrow. Today was nice cause I slept in and went in for two hours. Though it was madness since I didn't even get a chance to check my email and accounts for library and ILL.

But that's what tomorrow is for.

And no I have no idea how that's anything like being "on it".

Song of the day:

"Sunday Morning" Maroon 5

yes, i know this is boring. i'll make up some more stuff just to appease you.

Saw this somewhere but their suggestions were lame.

Okay, so here's how it works: come up with categories, turn on iTunes, put it on shuffle, play a song and list it next to the first category, second song on shuffle goes with second category, etc. no skipping around and must answer honestly.

Did that make sense?

If not hopefully this will.

And the categories are:

Personal Anthem: High-Tech Redneck - George Jones - hey that one actually made sense

Wedding Song: I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden - okay what's wrong, usually these are way off

Work Theme Song: Nature Boy - David Bowie - okay that's more like it

Exercise Jam: Grenade - Bruno Mars - that could work

Favorite Love Song: 12 Days of Christmas - Relient K - well, i guess you have to be in love to buy all that crap

Favorite Headbanging Song: Ladies Night - Kool and the Gang - yeah, no.

First Dance At Prom With Date Song: Faith - George Michael - hahahaha, that's fantastic.

Mother's Favorite Song: Rhythm of Love - Plain White T's - i could see that one.

Song You Listen To When You're Sad: Strangers Like Me - Everlife remake of Disney classic- perhaps but not likely

Go-To Jam: White Trash Wedding - Dixie Chicks - would have been funnier if it was the wedding or love song

Favorite TV Show's Theme: You & Me - The Cranberries - hm, don't see that playing in the background while images of Angie Harmon, Aubrey Dollar, Laura Harris and Paula Newsome roll across the screeen

Song Playing In The Background When You Were Born: Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - Roberta Flack - well that's a bit depressing, though i guess it could be worse and end up with the next category

Family's Theme Song: Nowadays - Renee Zellweger on Chicago - and that's good, isn't it grand, isn't it great, isn't it swell, isn't it-

Song That Makes You Cry - Somewhere Only We Know - The Warblers - that one is actually spot on and is only played on three specific dates each year, but that's a longer story. though i guess this year it'll be four to include today.

Song You Sing In The Shower - Move Along - All American Rejects - never saw it that way, but i guess it's worth considering

Song That Is Always Stuck In Your Head - Hotel California - The Eagles - that one is partially true, it's one of those catchy ones that sticks with you

Song You'd Like To Sing On Broadway - Barracuda - Heart - don't see that one happening since i was supposed to learn the guitar part as a dare from mak like 4 years ago and it still hasn't happened

Song You Think Weird Al Should Remake - Yakety-Yak - The Coasters - now that'd be interesting

Song That Reminds You Of Your Best Friend - Chop Suey - System Of a Down - haha, well sometimes we do throw in some commentary or finish each other's sentences

Song That Makes You Laugh: That's The Way I Like It - KC & The Sunshine Band - this is quite humorous

Song That Makes You Mad: Honey, Honey - Amanda Seyfried, Mamma Mia - another true one cause i hate it and it's frequently in my head, "oh he makes me dizzy"

Least Favorite Song: Breathe - Prodigy - well that's just mean, i love that song

Sang At Your Funeral: The Transition - Hawthorne Heights - sort of, kind of makes sense. ish.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

all she wants to do is dance

Okay, so the plan for this morning was get up at 7:30, drive to G-Town and golf with G-Wigger and Obi-Wan.

However, when my alarm went off at 7:30 I basically groaned and hit snooze.

The combination of going out the night before, not sleeping because my cat was being a pain in the butt, and that I got to bed late in the first place didn't bode well for me.

So I called/texted and they said sleep.

Didn't phase them though, they went anyway. I think they're becoming die-hards. Which is amusing, cause the first year we went we seriously seriously sucked and Pastor carried us. Maybe it's the Packers golfbag. Spurred them on.

Oh well, we're going in a couple of Saturdays so we can jam out then.

Anyway, totally went back to sleep and stayed in bed 'til about noon. Then did all my laundry - shocking - cleaned my apartment, watched "Big Miracle" Scale of Awesome says about 7/10, it was okay and based on a true story, but mostly it had Drew Barrymore in it and since she's just pure awesome every movie, including her crappy ones - not that she has any, rate at least a 5/10.

did I mention i'm a nerd.

Flew through a bunch of editing which was good.

I also finalized the camp picture CD which was apparently too large to burn before even though it worked on one. Apparently a thousand pictures are a bit much so I cut it down to about 750.

Which is still excessive I guess, but it works. And the kids enjoy them.

Oh and finally got all the way through the olympics, closing ceremony included. Loved the Spice Girls reunion though it was amusing to watch them attempt to sing and dance while standing on a car in motion. Like they had to choose between holding on for their life or dancing.

Which would you choose?

Okay, think I'm gonna crash. Not that it was a long day, but I do have to work tomorrow.

Song of the day:

"All She Wants To Do Is Dance" Don Henley
no, i don't know why they set it to Doctor Who clips, but I find it humorous so it's the version i'm choosing to post.

Friday, August 17, 2012

That's not it either.

Weirdest of days.

It started out fine, met up with the library goddess to talk scheduling over a cup of coffee that she totally bought, she rocks. Was relaxed and all that afterward, then 2:05 hit and I was helping this lady find a book in the biography section - totally normal - except on my way out I see this plastic bag so I lean over and see it's got like bottles of shampoo and conditioner in it.

Since it's a weird thing and I didn't want to touch it I naturally called the guard.

Cause apparently that's what everyone does when they don't want to touch something.

Well, that or Colliers.

Anyway, called the guard, he came up and when I leaned over to grab the bag I noticed that there were other things under the surrounding shelves.

Here's a list of things we found under the surrounding shelves:

-Bag of fresh tomatoes
-Box of donuts
-2 Twinkies still in their wrappers, only slightly smashed
-Empty bottles of shampoo and conditioner
-Glass cleaner
-Old Spice deodorant

And since we ran into Superwoman on the way downstairs I got the pleasure of writing an incident report about it.

I await commentary that I'm sure I'll read when I go in on Sunday.

So there was that, then I discovered that BossLady doesn't like rootbeer.

And neither does Queen of the Known Universe.

But Rootbeer, especially rootbeer floats are like a staple in America. It's like apple pie, baseball or the national anthem. You know?

Inbody-ism: "Some dums" as in some of the dum-dums are rootbeer flavored, while some of the dums are chocolate flavored. Apparently she was sad when what she thought was chocolate was actually rootbeer and it scarred her for life.

After work I met up with the boyfriend and we drove over to the stadium for our annual August birthdays Saltdogs game. Basically it's myself, the boyfriend, and my siblings - sans children - and we go and eat and drink and cheer and dance and basically humiliate ourselves but have fun while we're doing it.

You can find last year's entry here: Extra Innings Victory I don't remember it going to overtime but I guess it did. We did tonight as well, but they lost after the other team scored one and they couldn't come back.

And then Oldest Sister's entry about it here: A Family Tradition

So we were still loud and obnoxious but there wasn't as much dancing as usual. That's okay, we made up for it with interesting conversation.

Including the quotes of the night:

-A big pickle doesn't go well with beer. 

-Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.

-PCPA - principle commander of what now? camp stuff

-Usually I wait 'til 5th of 6th inning but I'm in dire need for some dip-n-dots. she did make it to like inning number 5 at least. and that's only cause her husband got them for her. We discussed having a "text the loudspeaker" option so you could have him announce, "Hey, make that a large fry!" Would be awesome.

-But here's my lover, so call me maybe. *Bek Kate's version of but here's my number so call me maybe*

-Makes more sense to yell 'dogs' *instead of charge since they are the saltdogs*

-Schweddy balls? Sounds delicious. *yes it is an actual icecream flavor and i was forced to google it cause they didn't believe me. I don't know how we got there, someone started in on SNL stuff. Go here: B&J new flavor  *

-I'm glad you're my brother cause you'd make a really ugly sister. *birthday card which reminds me i need to send mine*

-Did you say scrip? Yeah, 15% of that goes to nelhs! *you don't want to know, let's just say what happens in vegas stays in vegas*

-Bahoobies *apparently "bajoingas" isn't the only term in use by our family. this came from 3 year old abby cadabra after trying on her sister's swimsuit. i like it and it's going to stick. Repetition made me want to do a facebook search to see if the guy on facebook in front of us put his status as "what the hell is a bahoobie?" as we started yelling it as a battle cry, did i mention there was liquor involved?*

now everytime i think of that word i do this:

More on that later.

Other interesting observances:

-Oldest Sister bought a bag of cotton candy all for herself, a few rows down a kid - maybe like 2 - sits facing her and stared at her as she ate it. Apparently, she has become accustomed to that because she has a dog that begs for scraps, so she basically just sat there staring at him and proceeded to eat it all. that's just mean.

-Someone in the box seats brought a fishnet and stuck it out the window when there was a foul ball. "That's just lazy." cause he missed so it was okay.

-We are deciding on our theme for trivia night, go here: Hey, I got flax! But it's in January so we still got time. We're leaning toward That 70's Show. I would be Donna cause I have the red hair which makes the boyfriend Eric Foreman. Since Oldest Sister is the mother of the group she'd be Kitty, sister-in-law would be Jackie, brothers-in-law would be Hyde and Michael, Second Sister would be FES, and brother would be Red.

Should be fun.

Anyway, so when we discussed that Oldest Sister should be Kitty she did the laugh. You remember the laugh from above, right?

But then she tried to do it again later and failed epically. So we all tried it and failed as well, saying "That's not it" after each attempt. I told them I'd go home, record it and send it to them and they'd send me back, "That's not it either."

Pretty sure I nailed the :02 one, though toward the end it was more like the :28.

Then it got all quiet and Second Sister and I busted out laughing at the exact same time.

Other things I learned:

-Apparently no one has seen the Evolution of Dance video because they don't know the "Tonto" dance

-Staying away from the giftshop means less money spent on random shirts that I wear maybe 3 times a year.

-There is such thing as too much dough in a pretzel.

Check out these sweet moves.

dig it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Feel good. Feel good. Feel good. Feel good.

Remember yesterday when I said I was going to "brave the lab"?

I braved it.

And then some.

Cause you know what happens when you get on a roll.

It all started first hour. Showed up at 9, started cleaning keyboards and screens at 9:05, finished the lab at exactly 10:04 when the stampede began up the stairs.

Missed it by that much.

Yes, the second the doors open to the public there are like 10, okay more like 20, people that all run up the stairs to get to the computer lab and the filtered outside the lab.

Not so much the express 15 minute ones.

Anyway, they were gross. I won't go into details because I don't want to scar you for life.

But yeah, gross.

Super, uber gross.

And sadly according to Fearless Leader it had just been done a few months ago.

So after that came desk stuff and all that, ran a Lost in Transit list which reminded me of myself and my home branch coworkers' plan to form a band and call ourselves the "Joe Studley and the Lost in Transit". Listed all the instruments we can play between the, well at the time there were 7 of us, but that was as far as it got.

After lunch I got tired of walking past three carts overflowing with crap and I had a free hour so I cleaned more and got it down to one highly organized cart against the wall so there's space.


Then went back to search lists, and checking in. At that point I was ready to fall over so I took a break, told Queen of the Known Universe to wake me in 15 minutes and crashed on the basement floor. Unbeknownst to me that responsibility was passed on to Girlscout once QOTKU's break was over.

The thing was though when I heard her get up I set my alarm to make sure I'd wake up and when it went off I headed upstairs forcing Girlscout to track me down to make sure I was conscious and all that.

If I'd known I would have given her the headsup though it was rather amusing.

One thing I learned: basement floor, not so comfortable though surprisingly more sanitary than the computer lab.

After that I went back to check-in and youth services avoiding a tiny screaming child.

That's meant to be interpreted as a tiny child who screams, not a child screaming "tiny" over and over again.

Finished work, came home to watch "Man On a Ledge" Scale of Awesome says about 7/10, it was a lot better than I expected. After that I went back to editing, made a lot of progress on that lately, will work on it more tonight until I crash and pass out with my laptop on my lap with olympics on in the background.

I keep watching the men's basketball game over and over cause I want to actually watch it but I get distracted and only make it through like half of the first quarter or the last few minutes.

So yes I know what happens but that's not the point.

Speaking of points, didn't get any from Superwoman today even though I was super productive. Will have to remind her of that tomorrow.

But when I ask for points she gives me none claiming it'll make me more motivated to do even more.

A boss making me actually work and strive to be better?

Well, that's just mean.

Early morning tomorrow for a meeting with the Library Goddess to come up with a schedule and life plan and all that.

Song of the night:

Check out this cover of the Gorillaz, it's fantastic.

for the original go here:

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Don't all freak on me at once.

Yes it's different.

Same blog, new layout.

It was time for a change - I've had that setup for like a year and a half.

At least.

All the pink was weirding me out.

I'm not a pink person.

Which is where the humor was in the beginning, but now it's just annoying.

But if you can't read this then I'll change it to something else.

So, today?

Panic call from Oldest Sister when I was pulling into work, apparently Squirt's life was on edge since volleyball tryouts were today and all that.


She'll be fine.

And she was, she made the reserve team, which is between freshman and JV. So that's great, she did work pretty hard for it this summer. I'm proud, she's all grown up and has her own locker and all that.

Makes me feel old.

But then I go to work and I'm reminded that I'm the youngest one there and then I'm okay again.


There are many times at work that I feel old as well, though the majority of those times involve the Teen Advisory Board or Summer Reading Programs. And those are mostly over, until September that is when we have our Hunger Games party. But it'll be fun, stale baguette toss, tribute fashion shows which reminds me that I need to pilfer the clothes from the camp stash sometime soon.

What else from today?

Um, ordered calendars.

That was exciting.

Cleaned keyboards - they were nasty. At some point this week I'm going to brave the lab.

But I'll be wearing gloves cause I'm not that brave.

Not that big of deal, can of air spray - it's thoroughly amusing - to clean the keyboards and screen cleaner spray for the monitors. Unfortunately there are 12 in the lab, plus 5 outside and I'll only have an hour to do it.

I might drag someone else into it with me, hmmm....who to choose.

Nah, they wouldn't like me very much after that.

Early lunch so I got to jam with Slim Shady, ummm oh yeah I got yelled at by a patron - well it was a generic yell aimed at all the employees in the area - saying that she was doing our job for us.

We're not perfect, I'll admit that, but we're not completely hopeless.

Thank you.

Aaannd that was pretty much my day. So not super boring, but not completely madhouse crazy either.

I did get to jam with BossLady for a while so that was fun. And they trusted Slim Shady and I to work together which is a rarity. We joke because the only time we see each other - even though we're in the same building - is either walking in in the morning or walking out at closing and that's only cause we park in the same parking lot.

It's a conspiracy man.

Okay, I will end this before I ramble you into oblivion.

Song of the night:

Paris - Ashley De La Rosa

was literally singing it all day.

well, that and this:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Can't read my polka face.

So The Voice is coming back for a fall season.

I'm sure my boyfriend is thrilled to hear that.

Apparently I'm all crazy obsessive about the show, though I doubt I'll have time for it with class and work and life and all that.

This year is a bit different, I mean the basics are still the same, except now when a coach cuts somebody the other coaches can pick that person up - but they have to win them over first, it's basically blind auditions all over again, they hit a button and fight for them.

Should be fun to watch.


Speaking of DVR, currently skimming through more old olympics. Up to USA men's basketball taking on Spain for the championship.

Just got done watching Haywire - eh, I mean it was alright, I was hoping it would be better. I could see a lot of Bourne tie-ins, but there was just something missing. Scale of Awesome puts it somewhere around 6/10.

And it had some major names in it so I'm surprised it didn't get as much press, Ewan McGregor, Antonio Banderas, Channing Tatum, Michael Douglas, and of course American Gladiator Gina Carano - I gotta give it to her, she was pretty badass.

Can you tell the boyfriend is sick?

It doesn't help that I have like 8 movies checked out and they're all due this week.

Why is it that the ones I get fined for turning in late are the ones I don't watch? Like, I check it out cause I think it looks vaguely interesting, but then something else comes in that's more interesting and I watch that instead and push the other to the back-burner and then it sits there until I show up for work and go crap, that was due yesterday. Woops.

Yes I have fines.

I'm aware that it's pathetic cause I'm there everyday.

But if I didn't have fines I couldn't use the line, "it's okay, i have fines too and i'm here everyday. at least you have an excuse." So really, it's a win.

Not really.

And I gotta pay it down so it's under $10 before the changeover from under $15 in September.

I'm also attempting to order ILL stuff before September cause after that I'll get charged. Guessing that's gonna kill that program, but I guess we'll see. Just put in a request for Daria complete series, I loved that show.

Old MTV rocked.

New MTV sucks.

Alright, enough TV crap, life today was good.

Starting training on volunteer stuff for that transition. Oh yeah, they made me Volunteer Coordinator for our branch. It's like a promotion without a raise.

So basically more work, which is fine, work is work.

And I like it so we're good.

It does make things easier since I was already in charge of the Teen Advisory Board which is basically a bunch of teens who volunteer for library stuff. This way there's crossover and I'll know what's going on.

What else is going on? Um, had a burrito for lunch, that was fun.

The boyfriend is sick, that's not fun.

Umm....what else?

Nope that's all I got.

Songs of the day: Weird Al - Polka Remakes

Blame these on random ILL's that I'm getting out of the way before I have to pay for stuff.

Polka Face
love animated P!nk, that's fantastic.

Angry White Boy Polka
but now i just wanna listen to SOAD chop suey actual version.

Out for the night.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Looks like love.

Okay, so this post will be filled with The Closer and Major Crimes spoilers. 

If you are a fan and haven't watched them yet then read this later.

So, finale, thoughts?

Things I liked:

-Didn't kill off the main characters - my prediction was that it would end with a shootout and Gabriel would die and Brenda would be stuck in witness protection since killing her off would bring nothing but outrage and boycott of Major Crimes. Hopefully they'll make guest appearances at some point. Loved the "hi chief!" yell from Tao when she called Fritz.

-Ties to the pilot with the "looks like love" reference (that probably no one but diehard fans like myself and apparently the Cool Aunt caught. We were texting back and forth during the finale but she crashed before the Major Crimes debut)
and "that bag" which was also referenced a lot in season one. Shooting Stroh through it was fantastic and reminded me a bit of Kill Bill Vol. 1 when Uma Thurman's character shoots Vernita Green through the cereal box - ironically the brand was named "Kaboom"
There's also the similarity between everyone hating Brenda in the pilot and now they all hate Raydor.

-I actually kind of like Rusty and am intrigued to see how he's included in Major Crimes since he's listed as a major character in the series and have the publicity photos to prove it. Was good to see the human side of Raydor as well.

-Intrigued about the female detective, "i need at least one person working here who actually likes me", hoping she'll last longer than Daniels did. She rocked.

-Didn't mind the ending, though it helps that it isn't officially over and Major Crimes doesn't suck so that's muchly appreciated.

Since Commander Taylor is now Assistant Chief Taylor I'm wondering if JK Simmons (Pope) is going to be in this at all since you never saw the actual chief in The Closer until he was retiring and handed it off to Delk.

I'm guessing with all the lawyers it's gonna turn into a Law and Order kind of thing - not sure I like the who pleas and deals thing.

Anyway, it was good and I'm glad it ended well and there weren't major loose ends which happens a lot with popular shows such as LOST and all that.

Though I actually didn't watch that one. Heard something about a smoke monster and went, eh.

Alright, so that was good today, also got to sleep in and went in for only 2 hours, tomorrow I'm back to 8 hours but I can take it. Was starting to get spoiled with all this sleeping in stuff but now I'm finally recovered from camp.

Think I'm gonna eat a popsicle and crash.

Song you know but forgot you knew it:

and yes, i'm aware that this post officially labels me as a nerd - like many others - but i've been with the show since the very beginning 7 years ago getting a bunch of other people hooked so it's worth it to look like a nerd.

out for the night.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

she walks like she talks and she talks like she walks...

Short day today at work, went in at 11:35, had a lunch break somewhere around 2, got done at 6:05.

Super slow today, mostly cause there was no parking due to a very loud and crowded event on the street directly outside the library.

Queen of the Known Universe was not amused.

Even though the crowd was slow the day actually moved by fairly quickly.

And I got to work with some of my favorite people, Slim Shady, Queen of the Known Universe, Girlscout, Mentor - there's usually just five of us on Sundays, though today it got cut down to 4 at around 3 since Mentor headed out for the Summer Reading event at the Saltdogs game.

At least it was nice weather for them, I was worried it was going to rain.

So yes, my day was fine and normal and then I check my phone and read that Grams is in the ER cause she fell twice.

So I called all frantic and the Cool Aunt and Mom and Grams are sitting around laughing it up attempting to distract her with funny relative stories. Apparently no injuries, just a walker for the prescription which...okay Grams is a tough woman and a bit stubborn so when I heard that I laughed because I knew that she would be ticked.

Like seriously ticked.

"He's gonna get it back in his face" ticked.

Sorry, favorite quote of hers though I'm pretty sure Mom was mortified when she yelled it at the de-suited Santa.

Go here: She deserved the truck and a load to go with it.

Hey, the woman hates spinach.

Lay off.

Anyway, so I stopped by after work.

The beauty of Alzheimer's - notice it's just "the" as there's really only one - is that she also forgets the bad stuff so by that time she was over the whole ER waiting for the doctor to sign off thing.

Mom said that I needed to talk up the walker so I commented on it's red-and-shiny-ness.

She was less than enthused about it.

And attempted to pawn it off on me as I left, but that's a longer story.

We decided today at work that I'm screwed.

On one side I've got Alzheimer's and the other I've got dementia.

So basically I'll be seeing horses in the chicken coop but forgetting about them a few minutes later.

Hopefully I've got some time before that takes over.

My brother, on the other hand, just turned the big 4-0.

It's birthday season in our family, there's 3 in August and 2 in September. To celebrate the August birthdays we - my siblings and I - hit up a Saltdogs game. The boys prefer it to be dollar hotdog night - one year my brother got 4 hotdogs and ate 2 of them by the time he got back to the chair.

But that's always fun, pretty sure you've got 2 entries on here alone talking about our exploits - "love mom" - and then one on Oldest Sister's blog as well.

Alright, emotional rollercoaster of a day and seriously, I'm on a roll because I don't go in until 4 tomorrow so there's been a lot of actual sleep lately which rocks cause I feel like I'm finally getting over the madness that was camp.

Clip of the day:

cause i find it amusing, especially the bus driver dance at the end.

love the background music. that's niiice.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

it's a party in the USA

Today was fantastic.

No work, no camp, no school, no stress.

Slept in, only 'til like 11:30 so that was interesting. Usually it's much later.

Did some writing and some editing, making progress as I need to be done before classes start up again.

More progress on some Sketch and Edit's plus a some work on the apartment story.

Library aspect to this one.

Figured I should actually have some ideas to go with the Thomas Family in apartment 10.

Go here: Troll the ancient yuletide, Carol. 

Had the olympics on in the background, there's a lot of water polo and diving which really you can only watch for so long. I did just watch the women's team win semi-finals so they're headed to the championship in volleyball. Jordan Larson's kickin' butt showing off her Nebraska skills.

Delayed olympics, I'm aware.

Women are kickin' butt this year. USA soccer and water polo rocked it.

I don't know about you but I like the first half of the olympics better than the second half.

For some reason I like watching swimming more than running.

Though Usain Bolt and Sanya Richards-Ross are also fantastic.

Oh well, only a few days left so I should enjoy them while they last.

So tomorrow is back to work meaning I should head to bed soon.

Carter seemed excited that I was home today. He basically slept on top of me all day.

And then I'd move him and he'd give me the glare.

It's a bit difficult to type with all 21 pounds of him on my lap.

He's a bit bigger than the keyboard.

Yes 21 pounds, and sadly he's only 6 years old.

Oh well, he's fluffy and he's cute and he seems to love me on occasion so it's okay.

Alright, clip of the day:

USA Women's soccer team lip-syncs Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA"


Friday, August 10, 2012

i'm so excited and i just can't hide it.

Not much to say for today other than had a great lunch with Fearless Leader.

She's back for a couple weeks before she leaves us for Kansas.

We're still crying inside.

Other than that the major highlight of the day was the realization that I have all day off tomorrow and I don't have to spend it working on camp stuff or school stuff.

I get to sleep in, watch some olympics, work on some editing that I should have been done with months ago...I'm stoked.

And really, that's all I got.


You don't realize how long it's been since I've had a day off that's an actual day off.

Not like a week's vacation that I spent at camp and then had to take extra vacation just to recover from it.

This is a real actual day off from life.

No screaming children, no messes to clean up, no applications to process, no frantic parents, no stress, just sleep.


So I'm out, yes watching more delayed olympics. Watching the Americans compete against Americans for gold in beach volleyball. Kerri and Misty are up one set - they're my favorites.

love the sunglasses in the bathtub. that's nice.

PS - still loving "Guts" on audio, it makes even 15 minute waits in the Runza drivethru bearable.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

2 buddhas and a bonzai

Was kind of a weirdass day.

It started with a pack of cookies and ended with a bag of catfood and some leftover sushi.

Basically we never have snack-age in the backroom. Well, our backroom that is. There are plenty of snacks throughout the other back rooms so I brought cookies.

Cause I'm an enabler like that.

The morning flew by but that's only because I went to lunch from 11:45-12:45, and when I say I went to lunch I mean I grabbed lunch from the place across the street and drove across town to a different branch where we were supposed to meet at 1PM. The plan was to eat on the way and then go in, but it took shorter than I thought - construction is a mess there - so I ended up eating and staying in the car until like 12:50 listening to the awesomeness that is Kristen Johnston's autobiography "Guts" which chronicles her drug addictions and recovery and life in comedy and all that.

I know, yet another celebrity drug horror story and it actually reminds me a bit of Carrie Fisher's "Wishful Drinking" which I also loved the audio of.

There's something about listening to the author's themselves reading the books they slaved over.

Anyway, it's hysterical because she's hysterical and it's open and honest and really I had no idea that she was hooked on Morphine and all that, but then she was on Anderson Cooper after the olympics reading her faux-obituary and since I loved her on 3rd Rock I figured I'd look into it.

Definitely worth it. On disc three and still loving it.

Okay, so after lunch with the meeting. Us TAB leader-folk decided to get together before the actual TAM - scroll to yesterday and you'll get the abbreviation - to talk about our Hunger Games party. Basically we're getting all of our kids together at a park to celebrate the awesomeness that is the Hunger Games by competing in random games and all that, should be fun I'm excited for it.

After our pow-wow was the actual meeting, mostly Summer Reading stuff - booklets, programs and the sadness that was the lone bunny at the home branch but that's a longer story - then I headed back to the work branch to finish off the day, taking down our artwork covering the ELL room window and working two consecutive hours with the Queen of the Known Universe. We were in shock, mostly because yesterday we decided they never stick us together because they know we'll probably take over the library in some sort of hostile manner.

But we're better than hostile, we're sneaky, and came up with our plan during hour 2 of our afternoon.

After closing up the lab I headed out to meet the sisters for sushi. I was there first - think that's a first for our dinners but there's usually some element of carpool - we talked Vegas, camp, significant others and tiny children.

Some highlights include:
-"2 Buddhas and a Bonzai" - so my boyfriend thinks that I don't drink. Which I guess lately, I haven't so much. Not that I keep track, but we do lean toward an adult beverage when we do our monthly dinners. This time it was sushi so we tried their fruity drinks and they turned out pretty well.

-"Salmon in the coffee aisle" - I hate Hyvee. Well, not the chain, just the one in particular, but apparently even Oldest Sister disagrees with their customer service. My angst revolves around their organizational system, okay so they don't have salmon in the coffee aisle, but they might as well.

-"What happened in there?"
-"I don't know, but it hurt." - as I was told by my mother as I cringed in fear, "if your 6 year old nephew can get his cavities filled you can get your cavities filled" So my nephew had cavities that needed filled and as his mother's wonderful pain-free theory of ignorance is bliss resounds when it comes to getting your cavities filled she didn't tell him about the shots. Famous story in our family - which I told on here a while ago during the "on nitrus" post is that the dentist told her that she was being pinched and that's what hurt, my brother then explained, "it's not a pinch you idiot it's a shot" and changed her dentist visits forever. I told this story to my dentist after he told me I'd "feel a slight pinch" and then he changed it to "okay, it's not a pinch".

The catfood that this day ended with actually came about after supper, apparently when I picked up Carter from the farmhouse I grabbed the tub of food, but neglected to grab the bag of food which must have been somewhere in the general vicinity. So Mom brought it to the zoo today - the family went while I was at work, which I'm fine with. Now the only thing that comes to mind when I think of the zoo is the lonely bunny at the home branch, smooth. Long story. Anyway, so she brought it to the zoo and gave it to Oldest Sister who stuck me with it after dinner.

So I got to carry that up the stairs along with my sushi leftover that I will probably pull out immediately following this post.

For some reason leftover sushi always tastes better after midnight.

Alright, I'll leave you with this clip of Kristen reading the epilogue to her book. I really do recommend it, I'll wait 'til I finish to give it an accurate Scale of Awesome rating. But if you like comedy, strong women and tales of unfortunate events then this is the book for you.

rock solid.

killed my pre-11:50 postings, bummer.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I hate myself for loving you

So apparently, a guard cat Carter is not.

I mean, he can meow tough and stare boldly, but when it comes down to someone breaking into my apartment - someone being my sister and the breaking in was actually her using my spare key - his only defense mechanism was to lift his head, see it was her and go back to sleep.

Like eh, yes, I see you rifling through things, but I'm cute and fluffy and chasing you down would just bring great stress and tiredness and I just don't have the energy right now. I mean, I only slept like 7 hours last night, then went back to bed immediately after she left for work. I need my full 15 hours or I'm just not functional.

I know, his life is so rough.

So yes, I forgot my wallet this morning, which I didn't realize until I pulled up to the parking lot, reached for the key card in my wallet and went, well crap.

Then of course the library is blocked off for this big event so I had to park in the garage - making me late - but I don't have cash so I had to panic call Oldest Sister to see if she could bring my wallet so I could get out of the garage and into my actual lot.

So yes, I was late, by like a minute, think I walked in at 9:06 instead of 9:05 but I stayed late tonight helping this dude check out music books so we're covered.

Talk to Queen of the Known Universe, she's got my back.

As does the New New Guy (not to be mistaken with the Old New Guy)  He is now the damages king - aka Sir Damaged - so I was going over training stuff with him and that's just basically stuff that Fearless Leader and Queen of Awesome have taught me throughout the years.

Plus I got to see some of my favorite people, Oldest Sister came to bring my wallet, Adopted Little Sister stopped by as she does every month or so and I got a glimpse of the great KB this morning but after that she vanished. Will have to get lunch at some point or another when we're actually both there and available at the same time. 

Water polo? Really?

Got a lot of air time, is it worth it?

Maybe it's just cause I haven't actually watched it. I just fast forward to like swimming, beach volleyball or gymnastics. Haven't watched any archery, though it does look interesting. You can thank Katniss for that spike in popularity.

Alright, aside from the forgotten wallet I did fairly well today, and look yet another pre-11:50 post time, but don't get used to it.

Song of the night:


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Politics is the art of postponing a decision until they are no longer relevant"

Watched "Red Tails" with the boyfriend tonight.

It was incredibly cheesy. 

Even for George Lucas. 

And I say that in the nicest possible way, I'm a Star Wars nerd. 

But even that has moments of cheesiness. 

It was interesting because if you closed your eyes you could still hear Star Wars.... if that makes sense, I don't know there was a lot of shooting and flying vehicles and all that.

Cuba Gooding Jr. and Terrence Howard did fairly well, but they weren't in it all that much. 

I like Daniela Ruah from NCIS:LA so it was interesting seeing her in a non-English-speaking role. 

And I mean it was a good story, it was, it's just that okay *SPOILER ALERT* like none of them died. 

Until the end. 

But they were rookie pilots pulling crazy stunts against experienced ones with better planes.

Even the one whose plane leaked gas and caught fire when it crash-landed survived. 

He was like, "wait, is one of them really going to die?" 


Eventually yes, but even the dialogue was cheesy. There were a lot of moments when I stopped watching and was like, really?

Scale of Awesome says about 4/10. There were some good lines, and they meant well, so I've got to give them something, you know?

They just didn't pull it off. 

So that was a bit disappointing, but at least I got to see the boyfriend since he was gone this weekend and he'll be gone again this upcoming weekend.

Now I'm back to delayed olympics - US women's basketball just beat China, and US women's volleyball is currently up one set to Turkey.

Work was better today, I didn't screw up as often as yesterday so that's a bonus. Made a lot of progress on a booklist that got back-burnered because of camp and other library-related stuff, mostly Summer Reading. But now that's okay, well it's supposed to be over but apparently we're still handing out prizes until like Winter.

Which is fine, I don't want to turn kids away, I'm all about kids in the library, but now things have slowed down enough that I can focus on the fact that TAB is starting soon and that I'm still completely unprepared. Hopefully Thursday will help, we're getting together for TAM, which I've learned stands for "Thursday Afternoon Meeting".

Though it usually says "TAM Meeting" on the schedule so kind of kills that whole abbreviation thing with redundancy.

Anyway, I'm going to flail to the fellow leaders of TAB - aka other branch leaders - and ask them for advice on activities and meetings. I have lots of tips from Mentor but she's encouraged me to talk to others as well so learn about their different approaches.

So I can find one that works for me, basically.

But they're good kids and actually show up for meetings and participate so I'm grateful.

Alright, enough about that, I'm gonna crash. Starving actually, just realize I haven't eaten anything since that polish dog at lunch. Should probably work on that, popsicles or something. That's basically all that's in my fridge since I emptied it out before camp and haven't went shopping since.

I think there's some icecream cake in there from my birthday, should probably toss that.

Which just reminds me that I'm old.

Well, older than I was February 18th, I don't know where I'm going with this. Gonna get food and watch some more olympics before I crash.

Song of the day:

"Pontoon" Little Big Town
too catchy for its own good.

3 days in a row with legitimate pre-11:50 times, what's wrong with this picture?

Monday, August 6, 2012

It's 3AM, I must be lonely.

Actually, it's only like 11:30.

And I got Carter.

Super klutzy today.

I mean, I'm klutzy every day, but this was excessive.

I'm blaming it on camp.

Must have lost some of my smarts and coordination along the way.

Wouldn't be all that surprising.

But got through the day alright, was actually off desk for the majority of it working on TAB stuff.

Trying to come up with a schedule, we're having a Hunger Games themed party on the 8th - more on that upcoming this week - which means I should have a meeting before that so that the new kids can meet everyone and know people at the party.

But, I'll have to have my schedule in place before the first meeting and I'm flailing.

September will be meeting and Hunger Games party, October I'm thinking we'll decorate the YA area we talked about painting some murals or something to that effect. They don't like that the only non-colored wall in the building is behind the YA shelves. Maybe we can do some stained glass stuff and hang it above the shelves.

So that's October, for November I'm wanting to do something with the community and thankfulness, but I'm still working on activity ideas. Got any for me?

December will most likely be Christmas cards or something, I think last year they did a systemwide TAB thing, in which case that month will be covered. January/February I'm blanking, though it would probably be smart to start on kickoff planning. We're in charge of the Summer Reading kickoff party aka picking activities and putting them together. Plus Summer Reading events will need to be picked and all that. I'm sure I'll have plenty to do.

It's just a bit overwhelming at the moment.

I have to be all like supervisory and professional.

And apparently I lost all my skills at camp.

If I had any to begin with.

Hoping to get them back soon, otherwise I'm screwed.

Look at this, another legitimate pre-11:50PM entry.

But that's only cause I don't know what to write about.

I'm enjoying that life has slowed down since camp.

It won't last long since school is upcoming.

Speaking of, I should sleep now. Cause I won't then.

And you probably don't want to read any more of my ramblings.

Especially since I'm all boring tonight.

Told you, camp stole all my skills.

If I had any to begin with.

3AM - Matchbox Twenty

Here's to more exciting things to talk about tomorrow.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

I'll think of a reason later.

The contents of my Yellow Castle Bag:

-Nametag from Children's Lit
-Pink Nike golf ball
-Menu from La Cerreta restaurant
-2 Garden stakes for free salads from Noodles valid through August 31st, 2012
-Unused VIP parking pass and 2 tickets to Saltdogs game from July 2nd, 2012
-Ibuprofen bottle - half-full
-Grade School basketball tournament program
-Packs of gum: 2
-Pens: 2
-Sharpie marker
-USB adapter for car and wall
-CPR kit - don't mix those up
-Fingerless gloves
-Nametag lanyard

Finalized camp stuff today. Picture CD's were burned, thank you's were written. All that's left is for Jim to send them and he's on that.


Until like MAY!!

Which means I get to focus on other stuff in life, like the fact that the boyfriend and I have officially been together for 7 months, or that Fearless Leader is ditching us meaning we get to pick up the excessive amount of duties that she acquired throughout her 3ish years of service.

I'm still crying inside, I think we all are.

Or that school starts in a couple weeks which means I gotta get together with the Library Goddess to come up with a schedule for grad assistant stuff aka comp sessions, conference specifics, etc.

And then the three classes and homework to go along with them.

I foresee more carpool sessions with the awesomeness that is KB upcoming.

But for now I'm going to enjoy my "time off" aka just work.

Meaning I need to finish editing all of the stuff that I should have done months ago but had everything from camp hit me at once.

I look forward to Spring of 2013.

Should be all graduated and done by then.

Much less stress in life, I should start a countdown or something. Those are fun.

Okay, more olympics.

Delayed olympics.

I'm about to watch Gabby win gold.

Well, technically, she did the vault, up next is the bars.

That's how far I'm behind.

Yes, I know she wins but I gotta watch it.

I taped them, I gotta at least skim through them.

Then I'll turn on some Wipeout and crash.


Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It

"I'll Think of a Reason Later" - Lee Ann Womack

"did i mention i don't particularly care for her?"

Carter is pretty zenned out for being forced out of his favorite farmhouse and dragged back to the apartment.

He actually didn't spaz out in the car either, I think he's secretly a Lily Allen fan. That's who we jammed to on the way back.

"He Wasn't There" live on sirius

Look, I haven't posted this in like a whole 8 months.

Look, a legitimate post before "11:50 PM".

Shut the front door. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bob of Sponge, won't you come? won't you come?

Things I took away from today's golf tournament:

-Pocket socks
-2G orange shirts for the second year
-Spongebob golfballs
-Crazy cart driving
-Jim angrily swinging his club at anything in sight
-Earthquake golfcarts
-Belch justice
-Pastor hitting balls into the cornfield out of frustration
-Black Cherry Mike's
-Jansen fore calls
-Sand people sound effects
-Losing every single one of those Bob of Sponge golfballs
-Yellow PING hat
-Endless explanations of what 2G stands for
-and the nicknames: "Beardy & Bride", "Mr. & Mrs. Slow" and "the Putz"

There's more but I'll spare you.

So yes, we hit up the annual "Tee it up for Tuition" fundraiser for my old high school with our usual 2G team aka Pastor - Blackstone - Jim O - Dash Riprock - Nic - Homey G Wigger - and me - Choot 'em Lizbet. 

For some reason we always get put behind slow people so it took us longer than we'd like to finish, but we pulled it off with a score of 74. Not bad for us non-professionals.

While we did have a lot of fun and laughed often, the majority of our time was spent waiting on the group ahead of us which brought a lot of frustration into our game. To be fair we did only almost hit them once. And it wasn't even on purpose so I'm calling it a victory.

The former librarian at the high school and the new(ish) dorm mom made the rounds in their golfcart taking pictures and jokingly referred to us as prisoners cause we were wearing our bright orange shirts. She said they better hurry up cause we have curfew and if we don't make it in our ankle bracelets were gonna go crazy.

That was at hole like 6 - we started at 2 - and we were still out there like 4 hours later.

While last year we were a little more goofy in our golfing approach - go here - Our drinking team has a golfing problem. - this year we'd actually been practicing so we had honed our skills.

Though we couldn't make a long put to save our lives.

But I didn't get thrown out of the cart like last year.

And the year before that.

Even with the frustration and the waiting it was still a blast and I look forward to next year's with new t-shirts to go with it.

We're thinking lime green.


Tomorrow is church then more post-camp processing. Hoping to get it all done in one afternoon and then be good until like April of 2013, huzzah!

But we'll see about that.

Sleep first, then tomorrow so I'm off for the night.

Have a good one.

"Black Hole Sun" Soundgarden