Jim O showing his mad tree breaking skills so Jim C. can park his camper properly. It only took then like 10 minutes to realize they needed something tall to stand on or an extended saw. Either way we got the failed efforts on tape.

But that's cause we're a bunch of goofballs.

Speaking of goofballs, this was the first attempt at fans al-la-carte. Guess how long that strategy worked.
And last but not least was the "gotta take advantage of storage options" theory such as boxes in the shower, open oven space for tiny children, and a microwave to shove your purse into.
Those are only a few, there will be many more after Sunday.
Quote of the day:
Superwoman: You'll only win back Facebook friend status if you have a baby and I can see pictures.
Library Goddess: No! No babies anytime soon!
yeah. cause i don't already have enough stuff coming up.
Been watching a lot of olympics - you should vote in the pole on the right side. I'm hooked and will be sad when they're done though I've DVR'd enough of them to last me a while.
Watched The Closer with mom when I got home and was horribly, horribly depressed. Even though I saw it coming I was still horribly horribly depressed. Even though I knew these last few episodes are going to be tragic. Cause they have to be in order for Fritz to still be in it, but she's gone. Still going with shootout with Stroh and she dies. And then Raydor takes over.
I know I got the second part right. Or at least that's what the commercials are saying. I'm just hoping it won't suck and kill the franchise.
Turned on some old ones. Oh how I miss the moments of comedy. SALSA!
Golf tourney tomorrow, so I should sleep. Long day in our orange shirts, huzzah!
Gotta remember my camera.
And my clubs.
Unlike last time.
because sadly it doesn't get old.
i wish it would.
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