I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just wave.

Oldest sister has this story that's kind of turned out to be a great life analogy. Basically, back when she was in high school, she was told not to ride on this guy's motorcycle and then of course she did it anyway. And, while riding in town, she passes our parents. Knowing she's already in trouble she just waves. It's a good life motto - along with "that's something to scrapbook". Life is crap. Or so I was told today. So the least you can do, when times are bad and you know you're in trouble, is wave. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of waving this week.

Play practice today was interesting. The performance is Thursday but there were no jitters. Actually, there was no interest at all. They wouldn't stand still, they were talking when other people were saying their lines, they didn't speak out - I was in the third row and I couldn't even hear them. I'm beginning to be glad this is only going to last 25 minutes instead of the usual 45. So, we're not doing commercials anymore and the kids gave up on their rap-off at the end. It's a whole mess. But, with all the bad timing - got the script late, during sports seasons, almost end of year and they just want to be done with school - what else should I expect? But whatever. I'll wave for that too.
And I guess there was good with the bad. They're all out of their books - except one and that's allowed because she's the reporter and can read from the script - and the songs are better than the weird versions in the script now that Nic has fixed them. I applaud her patience with kids. I only come in like once a week - well, now like once every two - but she has them every day. Yikes. See, this is why I dropped out of the Ed program. Kids...not my strong point. Good thing I direct a camp, huh?
Anyway, my camp director partner and I - because he's involved in like everything - hooked up some mics and stuck them around the stage so we should be able to hear the kids through at least the third row.

And, we got to talk about the joy that is camp, and the preparation process that goes along with and hasn't started yet even though it should have. I have people asking about information already, usually we wait to send forms out until school is out for the summer but that is coming a lot more quickly than I'd like it. So, I get the joy of coming up with new forms, sending them out, sending everything new to our website guy and hoping he has time to update it, plus do grad school stuff and work both jobs. This is going to be a fun couple of months.
After original application forms are out we work up a mock schedule and I start a spreadsheet of the campers as their applications come back. Then we have our meeting where we decide the specifics about the schedule. Then my director partner and me - and my high school friend if she still wants to help out, not sure as I haven't talked to her in a while - assign kids to counselors and counselors to cabins, finalize the schedule on an official form we give the kids, plan a packing list and send it out to all the campers along with information for the parents. After all that joy is printing out nametags for all the lanyards - and cleaning all the lanyards before we put the new ones in which is just gross - and then we're about halfway done. Haha.
Then it's songbooks with Liz - my mentor for all things music and camp - and I get the pleasure of writing and assigning skits for grades 3-8th. Oh, and assigning teen helpers to cabins and other stations. The teen helpers are always an interesting bunch. Either they're super excited to be there so we put them in cabins or they just want to get away from their parents in which case we put them at a station we think they'll be good at. I cheat because I get first pick for skits and worship with me and Liz. We get the best ones - aka play guitar and put up with our antics.
So, all that, while worrying about budgeting, volunteers, oh and this year we're going to have to find new lifeguards as ours might not make it. They're lifers like me, but all good things must come to an end.
Like I said, fun couple of months. There will be a multitude of waving.

Songs for the day:

White and Nerdy - Weird Al

So yes, I am a fan. And yes, I do sing this at work.
Sorry...Victoria....I can't pimp this video enough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkrbXvo5fVQ
Mike and Molly - Victoria steals every scene!

"Misery Business" Paramore

No she's not the brunette, hold out til the end. I was super confused. Think I'm still super confused.

But other than sleeping in - huzzah! - watching NCIS and Body of Proof, going to play practice, hanging with my family, then driving back here to my big fat cat there wasn't a lot going on today. Oh, I finished my book. Eh. I mean, it was good. But when I was done all I could think of was, "Well, that was super depressing." and "Why would you leave her journal there?" Tomorrow I have to find Book #2 and fast as I'm not sure how many pages it has. Gotta read it and write some sort of analysis question about the both of them.

Alright, out for the night. Hope you have a good week!

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