I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"I left it on a cruise ship."

I've heard a lot of - well, I left the book on the plane, or the bus, or the train, or at a friend's house, but I'd never heard "I left it on a cruise ship" until this morning. That was new. And kind of funny. It helped drown out the "Not checked out" status that kept flashing on my screen.
-Not checked out
-I'm aware, this is delivery
-Not checked out
-Yes, you're coming from a different branch and were checked in there
-Not checked out
-Yeah, I know, moving on
-Not checked out
-Make it stop!

I'm posting early because I finally got my book and as soon as I'm done with this and eat something I plan on reading it until I fall asleep.

Today's highlights aside from delivery and the cruise ship - Had an interesting conversation with the guard. And as fun as pressing charges and waiting for everything to go through the system sounds, I've decided to just drop it and move on. It's not like that stuff was essential to my existence anyway. The experience was something to scrapbook and let's leave it at that. So, for those of you on some sort of crusade for me to date again - yes there are multiples of you - drop it. I'm done for now. 17 exes is enough for me. There are more but they didn't last longer than a week. It took me 17 years and 13 exes to figure out why they don't stick. The person I want to be with doesn't want to be with me. There's no one to compare to them and there's no one to replace them. I'll let you know when that changes.

The play is tomorrow. That's another thing I have to do tonight - text Nic and ask about practice today. I'm scared for her answer. I mean, I'm sure it will be fine. We have microphones so even if they mumble we will be able to hear something. It might just be their mumbling, but whatever. It's something. And it's not a big of a deal as it usually is since it's in with awards night and all that. I'm not going to freak out over it like I usually do. Just wave.

Songs for the night:

"Gives You Hell" - Glee version of All American Rejects

gotta love it - and first season because Matt's still there, i have yet to watch yesterday's episode. that'll be on my lineup of things to do this weekend after class

"Lot of Leavin' Left to Do" Dierks Bentley

i'm sensing a theme. catchy tune, awesome lyrics.

Tomorrow is work then the play, Friday is work then finalize homework, Saturday is class then going to see my friend's band play! woohoo! and after that is fluff.

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