I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So you'll remember what I forgot to say...

Write this down!

Class today was awesome, as always. Had to stop for gas on the way. See, Maggie used to beep at me when I was running out of gas, Jarvis just has this light in the corner of the dash. And I'm soooo good at checking the dash...not. Ask my parents. "How long as that oil gage been broken?" "Um, a while?" "WHAT?!"

So, 12 books in 6 weeks. 2 down, 2 for next week. Soon it'll be an audio book, got it off Amazon.com and apprently it's really long but since I'm not driving back and forth between practice and here anymore I'll have to load it on my computer and put it on my ipod. That's always in my pocket...along with a quotebook, flashdrive with my grandpa's journals and all my camp stuff on it, chunk of concrete from junior year of college (long story), a business card and a bunch of slips of paper that seem to accumulate as the day goes on. I used to write notes on my arms and hands to remember things but it's probably unprofessional to do it in public service so I write them on paper instead.

Okay so now I can officially review them.
Book #1 = "Hold Still" by Nina LaCour
Caitlin finds her best friend's journal under her bed after she commits suicide. Story follows her journey dealing with grief and moving on with her life.
It was okay, nothing I plan on reading again because it was depressing. But it was quick read with a lot of journal entries and some cool pictures.

Book #2 = "Revolution" by Jennifer Donnelly
After her brother dies and her mother goes crazy Andi's father decides to take her to Paris where she finds this diary in an old guitar case that belonged to a girl from the French Revolution. The girl was the official companion to the Dauphin of France - the son of the King and Queen during the French Revolution.
You MUST read this book. I can't say anything more about the plot without giving things away. But you MUST read this book. If you like Historical Fiction it's the perfect read. Even if you don't like Historical Fiction it's a great way to get you interested. I rarely read it but I was hooked from the start. It's funny, it's educational - I seriously looked up facts on the French Revolution and Louis-Charles after I was finished reading it because I had to know - because it's based on a true story. Read this book.

Library Goddess-isms...wait, do I have to do citation for these too?
-"Learning lamaze" lots of deep breathing
-"They don't believe in vowels, what's with that?" roster last names
-"What color was the car?...blue..." a totally indepth question...not.
-"Ha! plus five!" pronounced a difficult last name correctly
-"Donkey Hotey" okay...I can't explain that one
-"I don't care if you have a girl middle and a boy high or a boy middle and a girl high...school! High school!" yeah...haha, gotta include school on that one.
-"Take the call but go down the hall, don't say Hey by the door. We don't care about your hey." but it was like "Hey" as in "Hey, Ho, Hey, Ho" hysterical.
-"Have your dog look at it, I don't care." there were a lot of dog references
-"You will not get a handout for your marriage." true dat.
-"iPad, uPad, we all pad" I don't remember what we were talking about but it was funny
-"There's language we use with our friends and language we don't use with our grandmother." yeah.

Songs for the day:

"Write This Down" George Strait

think I posted this one during 90s week but it's been a while

Tonight I'm going with Grandma (26-year-old-coworker) who I, from now on, will refer to as "Slim Shady" because it's shorter and funnier, are going to see a friend from work's band play. It's Slim Shady because at inservice they made the people who were working on the software transition stand up. I said Stand up Slim Shady and it was funny because that's like anti-her. I'll make it work.


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