I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, May 16, 2011

For a while, maybe longer if I do.

I'm sorry my 80s music was stuck in your head. I sincerely hope that tonight's music won't get stuck there as well, mostly because of the first rec. Or anti-rec. But we'll get there.

What a day for your left arm to fail you. Seriously. Okay, I have this big fat Garfield-like cat. And he bites. A lot. You get used to it. I have marks all over my legs, whatever you move on. But last night, middle of the night, just out of nowhere, he bites my arm and draws blood. Like right on the muscle. It hurt like an expletive all day. And it was all swollen and gross this morning. Seriously hurt like an expletive. And, of course, on the day I would actually need it, is when it hurts to do like anything. Basically, I got to hang up artwork at the library today. At both branches. Not just one, but both. I felt special. It got delegated to me. Thank God I had Superwoman and both of our YS Goddesses to help out. I have no artistic vision - ask Sketch. But this way, I think they're sort of straight. Or they look straight from an angle. Hmmm... I guess we'll see tomorrow.
Anyway, we used the stapler at the first branch and I'm standing on this step stool thing with one good arm, trying to hold up the picture with the bad arm while stapling with the good one. It must have been a sight to see. I'm just shocked and proud that I didn't totally wipe out, taking a bunch of our computers with me. Gotta love bulletin board placement.
But now the swelling has gone down. "Big Brother" said I should get it checked out cause it might be infected, but I think it's good now. If I wake up and it's all like red and gross again then I'll call Second Sister as she's the smart and medical one in the family. Technically I am certified so I'm not like a total clueless dweeb. Well. Maybe not in that aspect of life. Moving on.

Tomorrow is split shift and during the split I gotta read at least one of my books. We get a short one and a long one, as seems to be the theme. I'll let you know how that goes.

Songs for the night:

Okay, is there such thing as an ANTI-Music Recommendation?
If there is then here it is.

"Friday" Rebecca Black

SERIOUSLY? I can't tell if this is like a serious song or if it's supposed to be awful... I just, I can't. I don't understand. And the dude? that comes in with his big watch driving his car? Seriously?!
It's not just that she doesn't have a voice meant for singing. It's the lyrics and it's just a cheesefest. I just. I can't. Just no. And does that kid look legal to drive to you?!
Just say no. Totally killed the best day of the week. Geez.

this version however...

ya it's backwards - ignore the reverse screen. hysterical. they! could pull this off.

Whatever. THIS! is real music.
"Amie" Pure Prairie League

back to the classics.

"My Sharona" The Knack


and just as a bonus:

"I Can't Do It Alone" Chicago

you know you've seen the movie too many times when you're jammin' to the song on your ipod and doing the dance moves.
Is it me, or does Catherine Zeta-Jones playing Velma Kelly seem similar style-wise to Naya Rivera playing Santana Lopez? Maybe it's the attitude.

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