I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm the star of the keytar.

Apparently I need a social life. That's what I was told today. But I work in public service. What is more social than that really? By the time I get home I don't want to be social anymore! I'm exhausted and all I want to do is turn on a movie and crash. Apparently that's abnormal. Must be another quirk. Like having the urge to talk back to someone who has an accent in that accent. Or mis-matching my socks as my one workplace rebellion. Or wearing 8 rings, 3 necklaces and a giant watch. Or carrying around the same piece of concrete in my pocket for 2 years. Random lucky charm, I'm aware, moving on. All of these things are abnormal, but they're me.
And I have friends, but that's not the social life he was referring to. I don't have time to date! I have books to shelve, classes to study for, a camp to direct, skits to write, forms and schedules to reconfigure, a play to direct. Plus, this whole dating thing... you know, when someone flies 2000 miles just to break up with you, it gives you a whole new perspective on relationships. And the last relationship I was in...let's not even go there. I don't have time for the drama. And I'm fine with that. If he's not then that's his problem.

What else is new, oh Koha is officially up and running. After shelf-reading and organizing carts all day it finally started working my last hour. Hooray! Tomorrow I will have carts and carts to shelve. I'm excited. Wow, I really do need a life outside of work. But when you've been sitting around doing like nothing for the past week because there's been nothing to shelve this is big news. Something to do! And I get to go to both libraries tomorrow instead of just the one like I've been doing since Monday.

Music recs for the night are pure awesomeness.
Okay, so if you haven't seen Yes Man you have no idea who this band is. Munchausen by Proxy is a fantastic combination of Zooey Deschanel and Von Iva's musical stylings with awesome lyrics and fantastic costumes.

Here are a couple of their videos and link to a third if you're interested.

"Yes Man"

badass birds man.


i especially enjoy 2:16.

which is pretty much my thoughts on dating right now.

Also, the movie is pretty funny as well. Jim Carrey is always fun to watch, and they come to Nebraska! Well, they filmed it in LA but they watch a Huskers game - nevermind that we got womped by Oklahoma and it was back in the Callahan era. It was funny, when we saw it in theaters everyone booed when they saw him.

As for homework I got almost halfway through my first book this afternoon - now just have to finish that one and locate/read the second one. Which I think is longer. But it should be interesting. I'll give you my thoughts on them later.

Oh, speaking of the Scale of Awesome - Black Swan 8/10. Creepyfest man. Natalie Portman was brilliant, as always, but dude, there was some weird creepy stuff in there. Loved watching the behind the scenes stuff listening to Mila, too funny.

Okay, gonna make food, turn on the tv and then crash. you gonna judge me too?

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