I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I hear you knocking, go back where you been.

Halfday at work, staff meeting, then back room then public service, public service. Then I finished both Book #5 and #6 plus did the whole homework for #5 plus started on homework for book #6 all in 10 hours. I just gotta finish posting wiki stuff for #6 tonight before I crash. Then I'll do the concrete poem tomorrow. We basically have to write a poem but make it appealing visually in some sort of shape that fits the poem. I'm thinking of writing mine on one of the side characters and putting it in the shape of a camera as she is a photographer. However, I am artistically challenged - ask Sketch - so that may change as I write the thing. Maybe I'll post it on here if it doesn't totally suck.

So, that said, it was homework and reading central this afternoon although I did break for food sometime this evening and watched some 30 Rock - hysterical. Loving Liz Lemon.

Songs for the night:

"I Hear You Knocking" Wynonna Judd

My favorite version of the song - karaoke classic, btw. fantastic jam out song.
Although the whole gospel music channel thing made me laugh.

"Rescue Me" Fontella Bass

sorry about the screaming in the beginning. you may have to adjust your volume.

Tomorrow I think I'm at both places all day, I'll have to check my book before I go anywhere. And we are closed Sunday and Monday! Huzzah! So it's just Friday and Saturday left. But yeah, work then homework. That's life.

sorry, couldn't resist. one of my favorite scenes, and yes, add in the headphones and that is totally how i clean everything. dancing like an idiot. it makes cleaning fun.


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