I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Right on walking on down the line...

It was a fantastically crappy day. Not just a crappy one, but fantastically crappy. You know the ones where like it starts out totally crappy and then people try to distract you by taking you out for food and then you actually have the afternoon off for the first time in like weeks and instead of napping as was your plan you spend it instead attempting to do homework but can't focus, so then you put on music but then your mind wanders back to the crapfest so you finally just give up and put in a movie, staring fruitlessly at the screen? You know, fantastically crappy days? Or is that just me too. And did I mention the part where you come home and look at the mail on your couch and read the letter from your vet about taking your cat for shots. A cat you no longer have. And don't actually know its current location because when your mom took it away you said you didn't want to know? Super sucks. Another new theme. Super sucks. It's something to scrapbook.

Aside from the suckfest I did get halfway through season two of Law and Order SVU - intro to Tutuola, bringing back Harper Anderson! hooray for that one, she's my favorite victim. And then of course Callie aka Sara Ramirez playing the crying mother after her kid shoots another kid. You know you watch too much tv when you can associate guest stars with other shows they're guest starred in. Like oh, he was the bad guy in that show, I bet he'll be the bad guy in this one. And bam! He is! total shocker.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be all super suckfest on you. Here, listen to a fun song that I find amusing.

"Your Disco Needs You" Kylie Minogue

And no, I have no idea what she's saying from 2:30-2:45, but I'm going to assume it's something about your disco. and how it needs you.
totally missing old school Kylie right now.

and watch this, it's funny.

The Nanny cast does the Hustle

I'm sorry but CC totally steals the scene. She's the blonde on the far left if you didn't know. I kept watching the show purely for the CC vs. Niles aspect. Hysterical.

Then read one of these, totally hysterical.

Time Magazine tells us how to survive in a horror movie
http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2065475_2065470_2065456,00.html I enjoy #6, when haunted, just move out of the damn house

Top 10 Nerdy Competitions
http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2023019_2023018_2023037,00.html yes, there is such thing as muggle quidditch.

Dance lessons

now if only they could teach us how to do the stanky legg.

okay, that's all the funny i've got for you. serious music rec then i'm out.
apparently, when it comes to music, i can ramble forever and people have no idea who i'm talking about. or so i've been told recently by my oldest sister. she's says that i'm the queen of useless info about music and movies. which is funny, since her husband is the king of useless information in general. i'm wondering what that makes her.

music recs:
Never Going Back Again - Glee version of Fleetwood Mac's classic

backwards screen so it looks like they're playing guitars lefthanded. impressive.

another FM "I don't want to know"

I did a lot of 0:31-0:32's and 1:06's today.
perfect ending to a perfect day.

sorry. just had to.

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