I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

You'll probably move right through me on my way to you.

Okay, it's official, I've been at both branches for a year. Woohoo! Huzzah! And other celebration declarations!

Spent the morning shelving, then the afternoon watching more DVDs that are checked out and due soon plus did a little reading. I'm hoping to get down to only a hundred pages left in Book #5 by the end of the night. But that's just hoping, I might fall asleep in the meantime. I've been exhausted all day. Was up way too late last night. But Bridesmaids was hysterical and you know when you're on like an emotional high and you just can't sleep? That was me. So I watched half a season of Frasier, seriously like two discs worth of episodes to zen me out but it didn't work. I think I was out by maybe 3 or so. Then, at like 7AM, somebody like buzzed or beeped - I guess it's more of a loud beep - me and I don't know if they were intentionally hitting my button or if they just needed in or what but I totally just laid there hoping they would go away. And I checked my phone to make sure it wasn't like my mother saying why aren't you awake and letting me in? But no messages and no second beeps so I think it was just someone forgetting their keys or something. Cause, clearly, if it was meant for me and it's before 10AM they're crazy. Unless they're my mother, who usually gives some level of forewarning. And she brings things like coffee or bananas. So it's worth it.

Was that more thunder? Seriously? Although I guess I shouldn't be complaining as my apartment building is still intact unlike some houses and things that were destroyed earlier this week. YIKES! Must be natural disaster season.

"Paralyzer" - finger eleven

See, at first I thought he was just a spy. But dancing spy ninja-looking person, so much cooler.

"Beautiful Girls" Sean Kingston

awesome video.

Alright, tomorrow is a short day then dinner with some family so I'm gonna read and konk out. Have a good night.

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