I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wake me when it's in the yard.

I stick true to my grandma’s philosophy on storms. We live in Tornado Alley for Christ’s sake. If we went to the basement every time there was a storm warning we’d never leave! Everyone would be freaking out about the tornados and the wind and the hail and Grandma would just go to bed. “Wake me when it’s in the yard.” Sounds good to me.
So, after hanging at Subway, eating icecream with some of the family we finally decided to just drive back through the storm warnings and the hail and the rain. Oldest sister followed me - M has school tomorrow and I have to work so staying there wasn’t an option.
And I don’t listen to the radio so for all I know we could have been driving straight into storm central. It could have been like a “That 70’s Show” moment. Have you seen the one where Eric has to go pick up Donna at the radio station and he puts in a cassette tape while he’s driving? Meanwhile, you can see the tornado in the background like tearing up houses and stuff. He’s just totally dancing and singing the whole time. Then when he gets there Donna makes a big deal out of him coming to get her and driving through it and he totally freaks out because he’s scared of tornados.

What a day, seriously. Worked 9-1 - staff meeting, backroom, backroom, public service. Got yelled at by an Aide, nicknamed by a supervisor - “big brother” and I are now the “Gruesome Twosome”. I told you we ask a lot of questions, she probably wants to run and hide when we come downstairs, then basically took off as soon as I could to head out for practice.
Practice was good, they were into it, I could hear them, they sang the right words, only needed to be cued a few times. We were like, they’re gonna pull this off! Like shocked. Sent them home and came back for supper in the basement. Lots of parents and family came so that was cool. Then upstairs to the classroom where we hung out, talked things over with them and all that, walked down to the stage together. Start like right away. I’m barely in the door when the first song starts. Song goes great, I’m thinking, alright this is going to work.
After the song…okay, imagine 14 kids wanting to be anywhere else. Now put them all together on a stage, staring off into space, whispering back and forth, arms crossed, messing with their clothes, it was like - people could have slept through it. Seriously. But, there were only a few times they needed to be cued so they were paying attention. Somewhat. I don’t know if it was nerves because of the audience or if they were just tired of it but I could not get any eye contact. Usually, I do motions and dance in the back and distract them so that they’re looking up and smiling and stuff - no, no one would look at me. It was crazy.
But it’s done, and I waved and it’s done. Back to having free time. HA! More time for homework maybe.

Speaking of, duuude. Have you ever read a book or watched a movie that you’re so into that when you turn it off or put it down you have to re-adjust to life as you were living it before the experience? This is one of those books. A book that makes me ignore the music that’s blaring in my headphones so I don’t even hear it because I’m so focused on what happens next. So it doesn’t matter that the play could have gone better. Much better. Because now I get to finish the book. Damn you Library Goddess. You and your good taste in literature. I’m toast for this class. I’m not going to have any time to do anything else but read Young Adult novels. But this one…makes that totally worth it. I’ll give you a Scale of Awesome when I’m done with it. 100 pages left, actually less than that, I could barely put it down before the play. I was late to the beginning of the potluck - which is fine because it’s a potluck so you come and go - because I couldn’t put it down.

Currently, I just feel like an emotional wreck. Completely exhausted. Work was awesome - til I got yelled at - but after that it was good again, the practice was good I was excited for that, then I went home and read so I was totally zombie mode for that zoning out everything but the book, then I started to get a headache at supper, but I got to see my mentor and hang out with some friends so I ignored it, the play was just an experience - something to scrapbook let’s go with that - I totally started crying during one of the songs not because it was good or bad just because of the melody and the lyrics which makes me a cheese ball but it didn’t matter, because no one was looking up at me anyway! HA! After the play was the awards, Nic is always good with that kind of stuff, then they started taking down the set decorations, we headed to get ice cream, I almost puked in the bathroom - when I have a headache for a long time I get nauseous. Ask Oldest sister, she’s got a fun experience involving me in a mall parking lot after seeing “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” with its shaking camera and my going in with a headache. And I love that movie! “Baby, you couldn’t find the button with both hands and a map” but now when I see it all I can think of is a bucket and a parking lot. After the ice cream it was the drama of sitting around waiting for the storms to move on. Which they didn’t so we drove through them. Then I was debating which was worse for my car - driving through the hail and the pressure of it against a moving car, or for it to be in a parking lot like a sitting duck with no where to hide. Which do you think would do more damage? I guess I’ll see what it looks like tomorrow. Then, driving back with Oldest Sister was amusing because for some reason, even though she’s older and has 4 wheel drive, I was the leader, or maybe those are the reasons why she wanted to follow me - who knows - so we were like waving when we got into town and I was going to turn so we were in the lane next to each other and then this other car was between us - pretty sure we weirded them out. But whatever. Now I’m finally back at my apartment, writing this, will post it, then read my book until I fall asleep like last night - I woke up with my book and my big fat cat in my lap. And like, he’s a big cat. So I don’t know how I didn’t wake up when he jumped on me, but I was out. Like out.

Now this is really long so post, then read, then sleep, then work, then finalize homework then get ready for class. Huzzah!

Song for the night - because it’s the same song, well kind of.

“Smells like Teen Spirit” - Nirvana

Here we are now, Entertain us.
Ah, the mosh pit. There were plenty of you at Warped. “She tried to crowd surf and the tide went out.”

Or the Moulin Rouge version

Outside it may be raining, but in here it’s entertaining!

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