I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I seem to be saying that a lot lately. I'm not sure why, but it works in any situation - like there's an actual Huzzah! which is you know, worthy of a Huzzah! because it's awesome. And then there's the sarcastic huzzah. Minus the explanation point for when things aren't actually awesome.

Anyway, Huzzah! for the mother of all jP Weed lists! Weed list aka items that need to be weeded out of the collection and are put on a list to be pulled off the shelves. Anyway, I got all the way to the M's today and there's actually space on the shelves for new picture books now! Huzzah! I know you probably don't care and think it's weird that I'm this excited but seriously, I'm like ecstatic. Mostly because I'm a nerd but also because there's space to actually put things away now.
It was funny, we had this discussion in one of my Managing Collection classes with the Library Goddess about librarians who dread weed lists and those that enjoy them. Some librarians are like stuck on their collection. They think there are benefits of every item and that they should all stay. Which, I guess I can see. But then there's another type of librarian who isn't just interested in getting new material but also enjoys cleaning off the shelves. I've classified myself and Space Cadet as the latter. We are serious weeders. Is that a word? I'm making it one.
It's not like we go to the shelves and say, okay, all of these go. We have criteria...for the most part. But ultimately it's up to the awesomeness that is Collection Management. Huzzah! to them, seriously. They put up with a lot.

And yes, I'm aware you probably don't care, but that was my day. Weed lists and a night shift when we got people who came in five minutes before closing and wouldn't leave.
Oh, and I have a sore throat. Sort of. But my voice is gone. That was fun.
My arm is better though so it kind of evens out.

So, before I ramble more about work stuff or sick/injury stuff, I'll hit you with some music recs and finish my book/write up online. I'm about 3/4 done with Book #3, only about 50 pages left. It's cool, we're doing these online wikis for the books we're reading. I'm stoked. But, as previously mentioned, I'm a nerd. Which is funny, because I was told today that I'm popular. I literally laughed out loud at that. But, I have noticed that, because high school never ends - ask Bowling For Soup - there is actually kind of a popularity pyramid within the library system. And it's amusing.

Songs for the night:

I'd post BFS's high school never ends but I posted it here: My Life in Closed Captions: High School Never Ends
a while ago.

Instead I'll hit you with one of my favorite guitar songs. It's simple but I love it anyway.

"Daughters" - John Mayer

which is based off of this song:
"Isn't She Lovely" - Stevie Wonder

which gave us this song:
"Isn't She Lovely" - Glee version

more reverse screen action
Finn totally cracks me up at 0:56. or really throughout the whole song...

alright, finish book, write wiki stuff - or maybe i'll wait til i'm done with book #4 and do them at once, sleep. huzzah!


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