I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

She said I love the way you think but I hate the way you act.

I was totally productive today. I'm proud of myself. You would be too. Cleaned my room - like officially unpacked. I've lived here over a year now, it was time. But the boxes are gone, stuff is put away in the closet, posters are on the wall, stuff is shredded and in the trash - all while I listened to my audio book for class. Ha! Multi-tasking. I'm on disc 9 out of 14 so it was good day.
Except for the bookdrop thing. I'm all for bookdrops. I love them. They're easy and awesome, until you have to climb in one. I just felt like showering all morning. But we had so much stuff since we were closed for two days and it was overflowing. Blah. Lots and lots of checking in. But I just shelved - huzzah! And I actually shelved everything before noon so that was exciting. Then came back here intending to shower and nap but instead listening to my book and deciding it was time to unpack. I worked hard today. And actually feel a sense of accomplishment. So huzzah! to that.

But yeah, disc 9 of 14 on book #7. I'm thinking of burning the rest of them on my computer and uploading them to my ipod so I can listen on the go. A decent book so far, it's pretty intriguing but I still wish I could get through it faster so I can figure out what's really going on. There's a lot of backstory, so there's more things revealed in every chapter. I have to finish it just to figure out what everything means! I actually got this for a decent price off Amazon but a bunch of my classmates got it for free on some trial thing on there. Totally jealous. Anyway, tomorrow I need to go shopping, so then I can multitask as well if it's on my ipod. I need pop, cat food, human food, light bulbs, and more pop. I'm hoping that writing these down - well, putting these out there - will help me to remember what I need. But of course I'll forget.

Okay, one more thing, I think Facebook needs a "poke all" button. Just because so many people freaking poke me - it's a poke war basically - and it takes forever to hit "poke back". It'd be nice to just hit one button and be done.

"No Such Thing"

my favorite of his songs, other than "Daughter"

"Always" Rilo Kiley

although the song doesn't really start start until like 1:48, not sure why the intro is so long. kind of annoying. i always find myself skipping ahead. so that's my advice to you. if you actually listen to the song, skip ahead to around 1:40. from then on, awesomeness.

and since that one had a late start and was more like a half I'll hit you with another.
"Steal My Kisses" Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals

another late start, skip to 0:40.


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