Kickoff party today.
Holy crap man.
171 kids in 2 hours packed into a single area.
Mass hysteria.
And most of the hysteria was coming from me and had been all day when my Mentor went home sick.
And you knew it was bad for her to go home because she's been in charge of this thing for years.
Since my supervisor that was gonna help out wasn't part of the planning process Superwoman turns and says, "well, you're coordinator."
Of a massive Summer Reading Event with screaming tiny children and all that.
No pressure.
Luckily I had a rockstar crew.
My TAB kids, of course, who picked out the activities, then there was one of my adult volunteers - who's fantastic - as well as Superwoman, my other supervisor, two interns, an aide and about 5 various Summer Reading volunteers.
It rocked.
After I had stopped, you know, panicking.
Some of the fun activities that the kids did was fishing for bookmarks with magnet fishing poles, getting tattoos, making carrot hats, digging for glow-in-the-dark insects, making personalized license plates, and planting seeds.
Yes, planting seeds.
In paper towels and water and put in a ziplock bag.
Modeled after our mock ones that are still hanging in the window and have started growing.
And carrot hats.
Which are basically dunce caps with green streamers.
That we of course had to wear.
Along with another coworker who's in the library program with me - I shall call her my Comrade.
Superwoman took a picture and sent it to the Library Goddess.
So, Kickoff Party: Completed.
Next up: Library Golf.
That's gonna be an even bigger ball of stress.
After work met up with the boyfriend's family to celebrate three birthdays - his dad's, his brother's and his future brother-in-law's.
Had pasta, took half of it home, will probably eat the rest later tonight.
Why are leftovers always the best after midnight?
And that was my day.
In a nutshell.
Songs of the day:
Yes, more Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them
Time Marches On - Tracy Lawrence
This Ain't No Thinkin' Thing - Trace Adkins
what happened to good country music?
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
"I'm being beaten up by a guy called Rupert?"
Question of the day: How many people drown when lifeguards run to them in slow motion?
Been watching too much Wipeout.
Okay, sad fact.
It's 11:30 and I'm totally dead tired.
I'm not gonna make it 'til midnight.
Not that I'm aiming to, I'm just usually up til 1 or 2.
Cause I get distracted and then remember I have all this stuff to do - like post - and it's like midnight when I get to it.
Which explains why this morning was awful.
Fell asleep last night around 3.
I don't even know why, I just couldn't get comfortable.
My back is still messed up.
The boyfriend gave me a massage and it's still out of whack.
Should probably do something about it but don't have the time.
Cause tomorrow is the kickoff party!!
I'm gonna die.
Holy crap, I'm nervous.
Like last year, I helped, but I wasn't in charge.
This year I came up with the list of activities for the kids to choose from, I cleared everything with the bosses, shopped for all the supplies, collaborated with outside sponsors, put everything together, came up with the flyers, and now I'm freaked that I'm missing something.
Though that's what my mentor's around for, she and I went over everything in the afternoon.
Quote of the day:
"Such a random combination for a closet, you've got coats, a laptop, and buckets of sand?"
Aside from all that planning chaos the second floor still looks like a crime scene.
Here's our computer lab currently.

The tape is appropriate, but it's a process.
Basically what's going on is we're getting new computers with a grant so our old computers are getting moved to the back corner where the biographies used to be for a computer classes/staff training lab. The new ones are gonna go where the old ones were, except without the raised floors and fishbowl walls.
However, the new computers aren't in yet.
So in the meantime the patrons are using our staff lab over in the back corner, but still have to sign in in the regular spot.
And the staff lab has the walls up around it.
But I think they're different walls than before.
Or there are less of them or something, I don't know.
It looks a lot smaller than it did.
Like I said it's a process.
A very long and delayed process that started about 2 years ago with Fearless Leader in charge.
Aaannd now she's been gone for over a year.
So that was my workday. Along with some more training.
Tonight the boyfriend came up - yes more storms and rain, that's what like 5 days in a row now?
Or is it 6?
We watched Lockout.
Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
I do like Guy Pearce.
And it was nice seeing him as the good guy after seeing him go all psycho crazy on Iron Man 3.
It had its moments but that trailer is completely misleading.
Snow actually gets betrayed by his own team and gets forced to go on this mission or he'll be stuck in that prison.
As opposed to the trailer saying people recommended him for it.
Langral: I don't like hurting you, Snow.
Snow: Is that why you're having him do it?
Langral: I can have Rupert bludgeon you all night.
Snow: I'm being beaten up by a guy called Rupert?
Snow: Ok, see here on the map?
Emilie Warnock: Yeah.
Snow: That's where the pod is. You get in it, you fly away. The good guys will come and get you, ok?
Emilie Warnock: On my own?
Snow: You're a big girl, right? Here's an apple and a gun. Don't talk to strangers, shoot them.
And that was my night.
Now I'm gonna fall asleep watching some Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.
Cause it's taking over my DVR.
Marathons are good, except when you get behind on watching them. Then it's just an overload.
Song of the day:
Someone That You're With - Nickelback
bet that video took a long time to put together.
yeah, yeah, i know, it's a Nickelback song and they're awful.
but i like this one and used to listen to it all the time in high school.
besides, he's married to Avril Lavigne so he can't be that bad...right?
*cough* right.
out at 11:59, holy crap tag in use.
Been watching too much Wipeout.
Okay, sad fact.
It's 11:30 and I'm totally dead tired.
I'm not gonna make it 'til midnight.
Not that I'm aiming to, I'm just usually up til 1 or 2.
Cause I get distracted and then remember I have all this stuff to do - like post - and it's like midnight when I get to it.
Which explains why this morning was awful.
Fell asleep last night around 3.
I don't even know why, I just couldn't get comfortable.
My back is still messed up.
The boyfriend gave me a massage and it's still out of whack.
Should probably do something about it but don't have the time.
Cause tomorrow is the kickoff party!!
I'm gonna die.
Holy crap, I'm nervous.
Like last year, I helped, but I wasn't in charge.
This year I came up with the list of activities for the kids to choose from, I cleared everything with the bosses, shopped for all the supplies, collaborated with outside sponsors, put everything together, came up with the flyers, and now I'm freaked that I'm missing something.
Though that's what my mentor's around for, she and I went over everything in the afternoon.
Quote of the day:
"Such a random combination for a closet, you've got coats, a laptop, and buckets of sand?"
Aside from all that planning chaos the second floor still looks like a crime scene.
Here's our computer lab currently.

The tape is appropriate, but it's a process.
Basically what's going on is we're getting new computers with a grant so our old computers are getting moved to the back corner where the biographies used to be for a computer classes/staff training lab. The new ones are gonna go where the old ones were, except without the raised floors and fishbowl walls.
However, the new computers aren't in yet.
So in the meantime the patrons are using our staff lab over in the back corner, but still have to sign in in the regular spot.
And the staff lab has the walls up around it.
But I think they're different walls than before.
Or there are less of them or something, I don't know.
It looks a lot smaller than it did.
Like I said it's a process.
A very long and delayed process that started about 2 years ago with Fearless Leader in charge.
Aaannd now she's been gone for over a year.
So that was my workday. Along with some more training.
Tonight the boyfriend came up - yes more storms and rain, that's what like 5 days in a row now?
Or is it 6?
We watched Lockout.
Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
I do like Guy Pearce.
And it was nice seeing him as the good guy after seeing him go all psycho crazy on Iron Man 3.
It had its moments but that trailer is completely misleading.
Snow actually gets betrayed by his own team and gets forced to go on this mission or he'll be stuck in that prison.
As opposed to the trailer saying people recommended him for it.
Langral: I don't like hurting you, Snow.
Snow: Is that why you're having him do it?
Langral: I can have Rupert bludgeon you all night.
Snow: I'm being beaten up by a guy called Rupert?
Snow: Ok, see here on the map?
Emilie Warnock: Yeah.
Snow: That's where the pod is. You get in it, you fly away. The good guys will come and get you, ok?
Emilie Warnock: On my own?
Snow: You're a big girl, right? Here's an apple and a gun. Don't talk to strangers, shoot them.
And that was my night.
Now I'm gonna fall asleep watching some Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.
Cause it's taking over my DVR.
Marathons are good, except when you get behind on watching them. Then it's just an overload.
Song of the day:
Someone That You're With - Nickelback
bet that video took a long time to put together.
yeah, yeah, i know, it's a Nickelback song and they're awful.
but i like this one and used to listen to it all the time in high school.
besides, he's married to Avril Lavigne so he can't be that bad...right?
*cough* right.
out at 11:59, holy crap tag in use.
computer lab,
diners driveins and dives,
fearless leader,
guy pearce,
holy crap,
kickoff party,
scale of awesome,
someone that you're with,
the boyfriend
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
"Was that a bird?" "Um. Yeah."
That's all I have to say about today.
I don't know what I did but when I woke up this morning my back was in a massive amount of pain.
Must have slept wrong or slept walked and injured myself, who knows.
But it hurt.
All day.
Not that I'm whining about it.
Just reminds me that I'm getting older, which is not an easy thing to adjust to.
Though my TAB kids remind me of it every day.
While we were building our golf holes yesterday one of the teens was talking about her mom using hip terminology and how it was weird.
"cause she's old, like you."
"ouch, how old do you think i am?"
"like 30?"
Okay, first off, 30 is not old.
And second, why do teens think I'm 30? That's the second one of them at the library that's told me that.
I'm 25, good God.
New topic.
So what the crap is with this weather?
Every day this week we've had massive rain showers, flood warnings, and tornado watches.
Today's included a brief tornado warning, which led my boss, the guard and myself to the basement even though it was after closing.
Though it made closing extremely easy for the like 3 people that were still in the building.
Either come to the basement with us or leave.
They left.
After grocery shopping for the kickoff party today we'd have plenty of sustenance.
I mean, if we wanted to live off of apple juice and nilla wafers.
Although apparently Queen of the Known Universe has a secret stash of cookies somewhere.
Anyway, doesn't it say something in Revelations about natural disasters taking over right before the end of days?
That was Revelations right?
My 17 years of private Lutheran schools hasn't failed me now has it?
Yes, I am one of those.
Though now I work in a very public library, and am getting my Master's at a public University, so don't give me that look.
I'm a rebel like that.
Those were basically the highlights of the day.
Back pain.
Kickoff shopping - bought 230 boxes of juice, 4 boxes of Nilla wafers, some seeds and ziplock bags and ah, crap. I forgot the napkins.
Oh well, I'm pretty sure I have some of those somewhere.
More training in the afternoon.
During which a bird divebombed the glass door.
Like there are windows galore and he chooses the door with stuff hanging all over it?
You'd think he's notice that one isn't fly-through-able.
I felt bad for laughing.
Especially when he kind of just sat there for like 20 minutes in shock next to the door.
The guard walked by and we flagged him down.
We went to show him and the bird was gone.
So that's a good sign.
The 8 - yes 8 - giant feathers in a big circle next to the door however were not such a good sign.
After the bird came the storm, after the storm I headed home - couldn't see the road in front of me for half of the drive, but I did in fact make it home. In like double the time it usually takes me.
Came home to watch Wipeout and some Iron Chef.
I'm digging this whole tournament of champions thing.
It's very exciting.
I'm watching an old one right now, where current Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli is actually still a sous-chef to Iron Chef Geoffrey Zakarian.
If you have no idea who I'm talking about this is Alex and this is Zakarian.
I usually root for the challenger, unless they're up against Cat Cora, but this time I think I'm going for the IC's because of the combination of the both of them.
And that was my day.
Exciting, yet not overly.
Song of the day:
Sitting Waiting Wishing - Jack Johnson
sweet video. no idea how they did it.
totally under-rated artist.
yes, i've posted it before, but it was back in like 2011.
good god, have i had this thing for that long?
apparently so.
Remember, Remember the 5th of November.
Got an email about classes starting next week.
I was just getting used to this whole time off thing.
Bought the textbook, it is already en-route.
For one of the classes at least, the other isn't online yet.
But that's the 1 credit class I can finish in a weekend.
Huzzah for that.
The other class may kill me.
I'm trying to down play it and not freak myself out, but it's a lot to do in a month.
Oh well, July and it'll be over.
Then it will be camp season. Then it'll be August for my last semester of classes. Then it'll be December and I'll be done.
And then it'll be times like these when I look back and say yeah no, not gonna go for the Doctorate.
I like having free time.
and i'm out.
here's to hoping tonight's sleep doesn't make my back any worse.
That's all I have to say about today.
I don't know what I did but when I woke up this morning my back was in a massive amount of pain.
Must have slept wrong or slept walked and injured myself, who knows.
But it hurt.
All day.
Not that I'm whining about it.
Just reminds me that I'm getting older, which is not an easy thing to adjust to.
Though my TAB kids remind me of it every day.
While we were building our golf holes yesterday one of the teens was talking about her mom using hip terminology and how it was weird.
"cause she's old, like you."
"ouch, how old do you think i am?"
"like 30?"
Okay, first off, 30 is not old.
And second, why do teens think I'm 30? That's the second one of them at the library that's told me that.
I'm 25, good God.
New topic.
So what the crap is with this weather?
Every day this week we've had massive rain showers, flood warnings, and tornado watches.
Today's included a brief tornado warning, which led my boss, the guard and myself to the basement even though it was after closing.
Though it made closing extremely easy for the like 3 people that were still in the building.
Either come to the basement with us or leave.
They left.
After grocery shopping for the kickoff party today we'd have plenty of sustenance.
I mean, if we wanted to live off of apple juice and nilla wafers.
Although apparently Queen of the Known Universe has a secret stash of cookies somewhere.
Anyway, doesn't it say something in Revelations about natural disasters taking over right before the end of days?
That was Revelations right?
My 17 years of private Lutheran schools hasn't failed me now has it?
Yes, I am one of those.
Though now I work in a very public library, and am getting my Master's at a public University, so don't give me that look.
I'm a rebel like that.
Those were basically the highlights of the day.
Back pain.
Kickoff shopping - bought 230 boxes of juice, 4 boxes of Nilla wafers, some seeds and ziplock bags and ah, crap. I forgot the napkins.
Oh well, I'm pretty sure I have some of those somewhere.
More training in the afternoon.
During which a bird divebombed the glass door.
Like there are windows galore and he chooses the door with stuff hanging all over it?
You'd think he's notice that one isn't fly-through-able.
I felt bad for laughing.
Especially when he kind of just sat there for like 20 minutes in shock next to the door.
The guard walked by and we flagged him down.
We went to show him and the bird was gone.
So that's a good sign.
The 8 - yes 8 - giant feathers in a big circle next to the door however were not such a good sign.
After the bird came the storm, after the storm I headed home - couldn't see the road in front of me for half of the drive, but I did in fact make it home. In like double the time it usually takes me.
Came home to watch Wipeout and some Iron Chef.
I'm digging this whole tournament of champions thing.
It's very exciting.
I'm watching an old one right now, where current Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli is actually still a sous-chef to Iron Chef Geoffrey Zakarian.
If you have no idea who I'm talking about this is Alex and this is Zakarian.
I usually root for the challenger, unless they're up against Cat Cora, but this time I think I'm going for the IC's because of the combination of the both of them.
And that was my day.
Exciting, yet not overly.
Song of the day:
Sitting Waiting Wishing - Jack Johnson
sweet video. no idea how they did it.
totally under-rated artist.
yes, i've posted it before, but it was back in like 2011.
good god, have i had this thing for that long?
apparently so.
Remember, Remember the 5th of November.
Got an email about classes starting next week.
I was just getting used to this whole time off thing.
Bought the textbook, it is already en-route.
For one of the classes at least, the other isn't online yet.
But that's the 1 credit class I can finish in a weekend.
Huzzah for that.
The other class may kill me.
I'm trying to down play it and not freak myself out, but it's a lot to do in a month.
Oh well, July and it'll be over.
Then it will be camp season. Then it'll be August for my last semester of classes. Then it'll be December and I'll be done.
And then it'll be times like these when I look back and say yeah no, not gonna go for the Doctorate.
I like having free time.
and i'm out.
here's to hoping tonight's sleep doesn't make my back any worse.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
"I seem to do quite well for a stretch and then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry."
Oldest Sister and I went to see Iron Man 3 tonight.
If you haven't seen the movie and you plan to you probably shouldn't read this post.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10.
I liked it, I thought it was just wasn't as epic as I thought it would be.
It basically put an end to that franchise.
Or so it seems.
Which doesn't make sense, cause there's an Avengers sequel coming soon so I don't understand how he plans to rebuild the house and the suits and then run the suits without his heart as the power source, etc. etc.
I'm curious as to when that's gonna pick up.
The whole movie was super dark.
And the series has really turned sci-fi.
Even for a superhero movie.
Like the first couple movies the villains were humans with motives and access to machinery. In this one and the Avengers it's all like alien supernatural stuff.
But in the Avengers it made sense cause Thor is technically an alien.
I guess technically this one you can blame on science, but it was still....weird. Like the whole flamey people thing totally threw me off, and I think that's why it's 8/10 instead of 10/10.
And how that saved Pepper in the end...just weird.
I mean, I'm glad she's not dead! And you knew she couldn't be dead cause if she was then there was a lot of drama missing from that particular part of the scene.
Not as good as the first one, but it had its moments.
These are a few of my favorites:
Pepper Potts: This is a new level of lame.
Tony Stark: I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian...
Harley Keener: Well, my mom already left at the diner, and dad went to someone to get scratchers... I guess he won, 'cause that was six years ago.
Brandt: Is that all you've got? A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?
Tony Stark: Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography.
The Mandarin: Chinese fortune cookies. They look Chinese. They sound Chinese. But they are actually American. Which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth.
Aldrich Killian: The early bird gets the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese. what happened to the first mouse?
Pepper Potts: I am gonna be okay?
Tony Stark: You're in a relationship with me, everything will never be okay.
and then my alltime favorite, right as Tony was about to shoot him...
Dude: Honestly, I hate working here, they are so weird.
Okay, the above ramblings make it seem really bad. The movie wasn't bad, it was great, it's just the whole flames healing people and then blowing them up part that confused me.
For what it's worth Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth were awesome, as was Don Cheadle. I was excited they brought Rebecca Hall in as the botanist. The effects were good, I liked the barrel of monkeys thing and Happy's obsession with Downton Abbey.
You know what was bad today?
Judith Hill getting kicked off the Voice.
There goes my top 5.
Now I'm all for Danielle, though I would be happy if Michelle or Holly win. Or Amber. Or Sasha.
As long as it's not the Swon Brothers I'll be happy.
Seriously? Them over Judith and Sarah?
The only thing wrong with their performances was their song choice.
For Judith - The demographic that watches the show is not gonna buy an overplayed Justin Bieber cover on iTunes. Cause they don't like Justin Bieber. Only Usher likes Justin Bieber and that's cause he created him.
And for Sarah - it's a good song, but it's been sang on the Voice for seasons 2, 3 and now 4. It also didn't show off her range as much and it seemed restrained. "the story" was my favorite song choice for her.
But it makes me sad that one bad song choice and you're beaten by the Swon Brothers.
I was glad Sasha made it through...even though she shouldn't have cause she also picked a weird song for her to sing.
That's why I was surprised Sasha made it through, especially when I saw how low she was on iTunes. But people like Shakira and want to keep her in the running.
Oh my god, Shakira went nuts. Then couldn't walk back to her chair.
Now the power has completely shifted. Before tonight Blake and Adam had 3 while Usher and Shakira were down to 1. Adam's was definitely the strongest cause it was filled with powerhouses. Now Blake still has 3 and I think Danielle's gonna win it.
So, here's how my top 20 looks like now:
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Artists left after tonight:
Team Adam:
Amber Carrington
Team Blake:
Holly Tucker
Danielle Bradbery
Swon Brothers
Team Shakira:
Sasha Allen
Team Usher:
Michelle Chamuel
like i said, danielle's gonna win it. predicted right now.
it makes me wonder, do you think michelle would have made it this far if she wasn't on Team Usher?
cause she didn't have a lot to compete against for his team?
oh well, i think she's awesome and i'm glad she's still in it for the nerds of man kind.
Song of the day:
Don't Talk About Him, Tina
i love this song cause it's catchy, but mostly because of the inspiration behind it, go here: but also cause it's catchy. but mostly because of the story behind it.
you should really read that article.
and i'm out for the night.
If you haven't seen the movie and you plan to you probably shouldn't read this post.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10.
I liked it, I thought it was just wasn't as epic as I thought it would be.
It basically put an end to that franchise.
Or so it seems.
Which doesn't make sense, cause there's an Avengers sequel coming soon so I don't understand how he plans to rebuild the house and the suits and then run the suits without his heart as the power source, etc. etc.
I'm curious as to when that's gonna pick up.
The whole movie was super dark.
And the series has really turned sci-fi.
Even for a superhero movie.
Like the first couple movies the villains were humans with motives and access to machinery. In this one and the Avengers it's all like alien supernatural stuff.
But in the Avengers it made sense cause Thor is technically an alien.
I guess technically this one you can blame on science, but it was still....weird. Like the whole flamey people thing totally threw me off, and I think that's why it's 8/10 instead of 10/10.
And how that saved Pepper in the end...just weird.
I mean, I'm glad she's not dead! And you knew she couldn't be dead cause if she was then there was a lot of drama missing from that particular part of the scene.
Not as good as the first one, but it had its moments.
These are a few of my favorites:
Pepper Potts: This is a new level of lame.
Tony Stark: I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian...
Harley Keener: Well, my mom already left at the diner, and dad went to someone to get scratchers... I guess he won, 'cause that was six years ago.
Brandt: Is that all you've got? A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?
Tony Stark: Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography.
The Mandarin: Chinese fortune cookies. They look Chinese. They sound Chinese. But they are actually American. Which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth.
Aldrich Killian: The early bird gets the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese. what happened to the first mouse?
Pepper Potts: I am gonna be okay?
Tony Stark: You're in a relationship with me, everything will never be okay.
and then my alltime favorite, right as Tony was about to shoot him...
Dude: Honestly, I hate working here, they are so weird.
Okay, the above ramblings make it seem really bad. The movie wasn't bad, it was great, it's just the whole flames healing people and then blowing them up part that confused me.
For what it's worth Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth were awesome, as was Don Cheadle. I was excited they brought Rebecca Hall in as the botanist. The effects were good, I liked the barrel of monkeys thing and Happy's obsession with Downton Abbey.
You know what was bad today?
Judith Hill getting kicked off the Voice.
There goes my top 5.
Now I'm all for Danielle, though I would be happy if Michelle or Holly win. Or Amber. Or Sasha.
As long as it's not the Swon Brothers I'll be happy.
Seriously? Them over Judith and Sarah?
The only thing wrong with their performances was their song choice.
For Judith - The demographic that watches the show is not gonna buy an overplayed Justin Bieber cover on iTunes. Cause they don't like Justin Bieber. Only Usher likes Justin Bieber and that's cause he created him.
And for Sarah - it's a good song, but it's been sang on the Voice for seasons 2, 3 and now 4. It also didn't show off her range as much and it seemed restrained. "the story" was my favorite song choice for her.
But it makes me sad that one bad song choice and you're beaten by the Swon Brothers.
I was glad Sasha made it through...even though she shouldn't have cause she also picked a weird song for her to sing.
That's why I was surprised Sasha made it through, especially when I saw how low she was on iTunes. But people like Shakira and want to keep her in the running.
Oh my god, Shakira went nuts. Then couldn't walk back to her chair.
Now the power has completely shifted. Before tonight Blake and Adam had 3 while Usher and Shakira were down to 1. Adam's was definitely the strongest cause it was filled with powerhouses. Now Blake still has 3 and I think Danielle's gonna win it.
So, here's how my top 20 looks like now:
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill
Jess Kellner
Midas Whale
Caroline Glaser
Monique Abbadie
Sasha Allen
Michelle Chamuel
Sarah Simmons
Christian Porter
Jessica Childress
Jeff Lewis
Jacqui Sandell
Karina Iglesius
Holly Tucker
Garrett Gardner
Danielle Bradbery
Amber Carrington
Savannah Berry
Josiah Hawley
Audrey Karrasch
Artists left after tonight:
Team Adam:
Amber Carrington
Team Blake:
Holly Tucker
Danielle Bradbery
Swon Brothers
Team Shakira:
Sasha Allen
Team Usher:
Michelle Chamuel
like i said, danielle's gonna win it. predicted right now.
it makes me wonder, do you think michelle would have made it this far if she wasn't on Team Usher?
cause she didn't have a lot to compete against for his team?
oh well, i think she's awesome and i'm glad she's still in it for the nerds of man kind.
Song of the day:
Don't Talk About Him, Tina
i love this song cause it's catchy, but mostly because of the inspiration behind it, go here: but also cause it's catchy. but mostly because of the story behind it.
you should really read that article.
and i'm out for the night.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Not because I hang with Leonardo, Or that guy who played in "Fargo" I think his name is Steve
Just a quick post tonight to celebrate that I made it home through the storm.
Sad the weekend is over, had fun at the farmhouse.
Got my new phone, my tire fixed, watched some Body of Proof - which I guess got cancelled - then stopped at the boyfriend's on the way home.
We watched In Bruge.
It was...weird.
4/10 and that's all I'm saying.
Drove me nuts until I caved and looked it up, but Mad Eye Moody plays a main character along with Colin Farrell.
Okay, that's all I'm saying.
Now I'm back and gonna crash - but of course watch the Voice first.
Will probably fall asleep in the process but that's okay.
And, a weekend of listening to XM radio of course brings me back to these:
Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them
Hey Leonardo - Blessed Union of Souls
think this was a grade school song
Hearts Are Gonna Roll - Hal Ketchum
had to throw some country in there. forgot about this guy entirely, will have to see if i can find any of his CD's at the library.
You're So Real - Matchbox Twenty
awesome live.
Sad the weekend is over, had fun at the farmhouse.
Got my new phone, my tire fixed, watched some Body of Proof - which I guess got cancelled - then stopped at the boyfriend's on the way home.
We watched In Bruge.
It was...weird.
4/10 and that's all I'm saying.
Drove me nuts until I caved and looked it up, but Mad Eye Moody plays a main character along with Colin Farrell.
Okay, that's all I'm saying.
Now I'm back and gonna crash - but of course watch the Voice first.
Will probably fall asleep in the process but that's okay.
And, a weekend of listening to XM radio of course brings me back to these:
Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them
Hey Leonardo - Blessed Union of Souls
think this was a grade school song
Hearts Are Gonna Roll - Hal Ketchum
had to throw some country in there. forgot about this guy entirely, will have to see if i can find any of his CD's at the library.
You're So Real - Matchbox Twenty
awesome live.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Cemetery Rule #1: Don't drive over the graves.
"Is that really on the rule sign?"
Had some fun with the family today at the farmhouse and in G-Town.
Actually woke up a whole 2 hours before church - when does that ever happen?
Anyway, my aunt and uncle were out for this alumni banquet that the high school does every year and they stayed over.
Highly entertaining as always, I woke up to them laughing and making fun of my father.
Turns out, I didn't know very much about my dad as a kid.
I mean, I knew he was a prankster, but not this bad.
For legal reasons I won't share with you a majority of the stories - have I mentioned the "Kilowatt Kids" thing? - but a few are safe to share.
So apparently my family - more specifically my father - has a way of sending couples who've just gotten married off in style.
Perhaps some of you have experienced tampering with your cars - things painted on the windows, beer cans dangling from your bumper, etc.
Or is that just a hick thing?
Dad brought it up a level.
For one aunt and uncle he locked the car in low gear spilling oil all over the place. They finally make it home all frantic and Grandpa takes one look and says "go get your car they're taking it on their honeymoon."
So they got to take dad's brand new car on their honeymoon.
For another aunt and uncle - okay we have this bell.
In the backyard.
Basically, my grandparents when they moved out here bought a schoolhouse and renovated it and moved it and all that and it came with a bell.
That my dad now has mounted in the backyard.
He took out the backseat of my uncle's car and put in the bell.
And since it was so heavy and they couldn't lift it out they took it with them on their honeymoon.
Another aunt and uncle came out to their car with their front seats missing. In their place were 2 buckets.
So they got to ride in "bucket seats".
Then - the ultimate prank - for yet another uncle and aunt - this uncle knows about my dad's history with pranks and decides to take precautions.
He hides his car in a storage unit and doesn't tell anyone where it's at.
Somehow Dad finds out. Since the unit is locked they get into the one next to it and he climbs over the top of the wall.
Instead of doing anything to the car all he does is lift the hood.
Making it look like he did something.
And to prove that he could, really.
So my uncle spent hours trying to figure out what Dad did when really he did nothing.
And the funniest part is that Mom is like completely the opposite of him in that way.
Which now explains a few of my childhood moments.
Like the time I climbed all the way to the top of the quonset cause the snow was that high. While Mom was freaking out and yelling for me to get down Dad went to get the camera.
The aunt that was here is afraid of birds so I told her my bird story. Go here:
At church we met up with yet another uncle - yes I have lots but no Dad didn't mess up his car at his wedding.
As opposed to the aunt and uncle who stayed over, they were the engine in low gear one.
All-in-all it was a good day. After dinner we hit up the cemetery, which I always spell with an a, woops, fix that.
Then I took a nap - woohoo- watched a lot of Big Bang Theory and helped Mom more with Facebook. She put up pictures from the reunion. Took us a couple hours cause there were so many.
Though I can't exactly comment on that cause I have like 50 albums, all of them having close to a hundred photos in them.
What can I say? I am my mother's daughter.
Think I'm gonna watch some BBT online if it's up on Hulu.
Have a good holiday weekend.
Had some fun with the family today at the farmhouse and in G-Town.
Actually woke up a whole 2 hours before church - when does that ever happen?
Anyway, my aunt and uncle were out for this alumni banquet that the high school does every year and they stayed over.
Highly entertaining as always, I woke up to them laughing and making fun of my father.
Turns out, I didn't know very much about my dad as a kid.
I mean, I knew he was a prankster, but not this bad.
For legal reasons I won't share with you a majority of the stories - have I mentioned the "Kilowatt Kids" thing? - but a few are safe to share.
So apparently my family - more specifically my father - has a way of sending couples who've just gotten married off in style.
Perhaps some of you have experienced tampering with your cars - things painted on the windows, beer cans dangling from your bumper, etc.
Or is that just a hick thing?
Dad brought it up a level.
For one aunt and uncle he locked the car in low gear spilling oil all over the place. They finally make it home all frantic and Grandpa takes one look and says "go get your car they're taking it on their honeymoon."
So they got to take dad's brand new car on their honeymoon.
For another aunt and uncle - okay we have this bell.
In the backyard.
Basically, my grandparents when they moved out here bought a schoolhouse and renovated it and moved it and all that and it came with a bell.
That my dad now has mounted in the backyard.
He took out the backseat of my uncle's car and put in the bell.
And since it was so heavy and they couldn't lift it out they took it with them on their honeymoon.
Another aunt and uncle came out to their car with their front seats missing. In their place were 2 buckets.
So they got to ride in "bucket seats".
Then - the ultimate prank - for yet another uncle and aunt - this uncle knows about my dad's history with pranks and decides to take precautions.
He hides his car in a storage unit and doesn't tell anyone where it's at.
Somehow Dad finds out. Since the unit is locked they get into the one next to it and he climbs over the top of the wall.
Instead of doing anything to the car all he does is lift the hood.
Making it look like he did something.
And to prove that he could, really.
So my uncle spent hours trying to figure out what Dad did when really he did nothing.
And the funniest part is that Mom is like completely the opposite of him in that way.
Which now explains a few of my childhood moments.
Like the time I climbed all the way to the top of the quonset cause the snow was that high. While Mom was freaking out and yelling for me to get down Dad went to get the camera.
The aunt that was here is afraid of birds so I told her my bird story. Go here:
At church we met up with yet another uncle - yes I have lots but no Dad didn't mess up his car at his wedding.
As opposed to the aunt and uncle who stayed over, they were the engine in low gear one.
All-in-all it was a good day. After dinner we hit up the cemetery, which I always spell with an a, woops, fix that.
Then I took a nap - woohoo- watched a lot of Big Bang Theory and helped Mom more with Facebook. She put up pictures from the reunion. Took us a couple hours cause there were so many.
Though I can't exactly comment on that cause I have like 50 albums, all of them having close to a hundred photos in them.
What can I say? I am my mother's daughter.
Think I'm gonna watch some BBT online if it's up on Hulu.
Have a good holiday weekend.
Friday, May 24, 2013
But then, you know, there's always drums, and bass, and maybe even one day a tambourine.
So, I don't know what the heck happened this morning, but when I woke up to the steam cleaning dude knocking on my door - 9:30AM - my left leg was asleep and I fell three times on the way to the door.
It's like 10 feet from the couch to the door so it was every freaking step.
I can only imagine as to what he was thinking outside my door cause every time I fell a different expletive came out.
And not quietly.
It explained the amused look on his face when the door swung open.
And Carter was just laying there like what the hell?
Like, by the time I made it to the door I was holding on to it for dear life, then stood against the wall for a while just to make sure I wasn't gonna faceplant in front of him.
The last time that happened to me in the morning - that I can remember, though a lot of my mornings are fuzzy cause I hate mornings - was in high school. And actually it was because I was injured.
So, if you know me or you've read this long enough you've probably heard of the sleeping walking incident.
If not, here's the short version.
Basically, I had this dream that I was crabwalking through a tunnel on a college visit and it turns out I was actually crabwalking down my bed. And the metal bar that I felt by my feet was real. I stepped on an office chair and it flew out from under me so naturally I grabbed the closest object to me to regain my balance, that just happened to be a dresser.
I woke up on the ground - tile floor was especially cold that night - with something really heavy on top of me and I couldn't move. About 10 minutes later, after the panic attacks had stopped - I realized that I had a roommate.
Juwanna thought the screaming was just me having a bad dream. So did I - somewhere between all the flailing and the blacking out - though that changed when she turned the lights on and went "oh my god!"
Then, when I could actually see that the giant object crushing me to the floor was in fact my own dresser, filled with my clothes and covered in my radio and my random crap that was now scattered all over my floor, I was able to realize that no, this was actually happening and it would probably be a wise idea to, in the future, just sleep on the floor of a room with padded walls.
Anyway, my ankle got crushed somewhere between the dresser falling and it being lifted off of me.
Juwanna went to get the dorm-mom, who naturally had to call the Dean - oh yeah, the Dean of the high school - at like 2AM - then she gave me a glass of water and put me back to bed.
I woke up in the morning with her at the base of my bed asking if I could get up.
I took one step and totally face planted - again on the cold tile floor.
That's when she said, "well, guess we should call your parents."
Still haven't heard the end of that one.
Yes, that was the short version.
Granted I don't remove painting from walls like one former coworker but I'm pretty sure that one can top any of your sleep-walking stories.
I lost myself.
Oh right, so yeah, that's the last time I remember having no control of my body and not being able to regain my balance before I fell straight to the ground.
So that made for a fun morning.
The dude was actually very efficient.
And chatty.
So that made the fact that he was cleaning my carpet as I sat on the couch less awkward.
Carter hid out in the kitchen the whole time - he's not so good with loud noises - but the carpet has never looked cleaner.
It took all day for the carpets to dry, watched 10 Things I Hate About You amongst other things, much funnier than I remember. But hysterical cause I was quoting it as it went. Didn't realize I had watched it that many times growing up, but apparently so.
Now everything is back in its place.
Though I'm thinking of asking my parents if they can take my foosball table and store it for me until I have a house and a place to put it.
Cause I can't get rid of it, cause it's like a memorabilia thing, you know? And the third best Christmas present ever.
The first being Maroon 5 tickets from my boyfriend and the second being a signed script from Charmed from Second Sister.
Yes, I am one of those Charmed nerds.
I could be queen of all Charmed nerds can cause I can list episode titles from all 8 seasons and quote from each of them as well.
Speaking of quotes, so my original intention - before all these ramblings - was to go through my box of random crap that I've collected since I moved here that's filled with all sorts of coworker and patrons quotes from the three years that I've worked in the library system.
Yes, as of today, it has officially been three years of working at the work branch - technically it was 3 years in the system as of the 16th cause that's when I started at the home branch, but I already did a big post about the home branch my last day there, so, here's to three years.
Things overheard at the library:
"It takes two to screw up a tango. Or something like that."
"Why would anyone want to eat anything that pink?"
"My sickle's in the car."
"Give me the one with the naked dancing men."
"Don't give me virgins, no!"
"There's so much water around the mosquitoes are gonna be as big as small birds this year!"
"We could call it PITA - Pain In The Ass!"
"Yeah, BYOP - Bring Your Own Painkiller."
"That's my mean look."
"You need practice."
"I left it on a cruise ship."
"She kept constantly murdering people in hopes of meeting Angela Landsbury."
"Do you get paid to sit there and look pretty?....And she's smart too!"
"I would have cussed him out in Russian."
Coworker Moments:
Fearless Leader holding up a copy of Legally Blonde the Musical: "THIS is why I hate musicals!"
Little Shelver Boy: "Can you check out anything in the library?"
Slim Shady: "Yes."
Little Shelver Boy: "Then can I check you out?"
Slim Shady: "Don't you have books to shelve?"
Queen of Awesome: "Trash it and do a happy dance."
Space Cadet: "Screw the fan, you want an e-reader!"
Me: "He went all Hulk and broke in!"
InfoMan: "The lights were still off!"
Me: "I just got an LOL from Superwoman. Brings me back to my MSN Messenger days. 'BRB' I'm not actually going anywhere but neither is this conversation."
Shirley: "You've been naughty so here's the scoop. Your Christmas gift is snowman poop!"
Girlscout: "My orca is gonna attack your porpoise."
Me: "Wicked? It's like the ultimate fan fiction."
Patron: "Hey, I'm trying to get my groove on here."
New Guy: "You're gonna have to get your groove on somewhere else."
Space Cadet: "You deserve like a sticker. or a gold star. or a pizza."
Superwoman: "Oh good grief, she would say pizza."
Space Cadet: "If I yell-"
Me: "I will run."
Superwoman: "It's a psychological thriller."
Slim Shady: "What does that mean in the context of ballerinas?"
Super Librarian Status: "Someone tried to flush a copy of The Economist down the toilet."
Me: "Irony."
Queen of Awesome: "I am envious of your boxes."
Me: "You looked all serious."
Space Cadet: "I am serious, I gotta get rid of this 7Up!"
Me: "You're a fan of Charlie's Angels?"
KPH: "I'm a fan of girls in general."
Me: "Here is my phone number so you can stop calling my mother."
Superwoman: "Maybe we like talking to your mother."
Fearless Leader: "I tried to use p-slip as a verb, p-slipping, don't do it."
Me: "Codeword: Josh."
Slim Shady: "You're good. You're really really good."
Me: "Some dude got bit by a rattlesnake at Walmart."
Library Judge: "Yeah, but it only caused 60% damage."
QotKU: "I don't want to cougar him."
QotKU: "I'll wait for the hot firefighters."
Me: "We should write a book called 'What the hell were we thinking: The Hindsight Bias.' We could have a chapter called 'Relationship Mistakes, Mishaps and Malfunctions."
Cabin Fever: "Tell them you worship snakes. Always works for me."
Darth Scheduler: "A joyous observation on the day of your birth!"
Me: "What?"
Darth Scheduler: "Happy birthday."
Me: "You threw away the plant?"
Koha Queen: "It was dead!"
Me: "Well, in the words of Eric Overmeier..."
KPH: "I'm a sweater addict, I admit that freely. She wanted fashion in the 80's, has that changed?"
Me: "Does the coffee machine in the breakroom work?"
Fearless Leader: "Don't do it!"
Me: "Just say no to vending machine orange juice."
Me: "Justin Bieber wants to know if I like pie. What do I say? Now he's threatening to mug me if I don't answer."
Sensei: "I think this is a lovely start to the book you're going to write. I will be happy to provide color commentary."
InfoMan: "What happens in the library stays in the library."
Girlscout: "Or checks out for three weeks."
Supervisor: "Let's take 'em down!"
Me: "I gotta go upstairs, you're gonna have to 'take 'em down!' with Jeff."
Darth Scheduler: "Arg the pirate caveman."
Slim Shady: "Just say 'ew' and walk away."
Me: "Does that container say 'barf chips'?"
Glee-Loving Boss: "Yes, they are waste pickup deoderizers."
Me: "What are face aerobics?"
Second Sister: "If he shows up at your apartment do not let him in. Break up with him over the intercom."
Me: "An intercom breakup?"
Second Sister: "Oh yeah, they're all the rage."
Seth Godin: "We need librarians more than we ever did. What we don't need are more clerks who guard dead paper."
Random Notes in bin
$0.25 for slot machine from Supply Queen - quarter spent in Vegas
That was a lot.
But it was three years.
Three years of awesomeness.
Here's to three more.
It's like 10 feet from the couch to the door so it was every freaking step.
I can only imagine as to what he was thinking outside my door cause every time I fell a different expletive came out.
And not quietly.
It explained the amused look on his face when the door swung open.
And Carter was just laying there like what the hell?
Like, by the time I made it to the door I was holding on to it for dear life, then stood against the wall for a while just to make sure I wasn't gonna faceplant in front of him.
The last time that happened to me in the morning - that I can remember, though a lot of my mornings are fuzzy cause I hate mornings - was in high school. And actually it was because I was injured.
So, if you know me or you've read this long enough you've probably heard of the sleeping walking incident.
If not, here's the short version.
Basically, I had this dream that I was crabwalking through a tunnel on a college visit and it turns out I was actually crabwalking down my bed. And the metal bar that I felt by my feet was real. I stepped on an office chair and it flew out from under me so naturally I grabbed the closest object to me to regain my balance, that just happened to be a dresser.
I woke up on the ground - tile floor was especially cold that night - with something really heavy on top of me and I couldn't move. About 10 minutes later, after the panic attacks had stopped - I realized that I had a roommate.
Juwanna thought the screaming was just me having a bad dream. So did I - somewhere between all the flailing and the blacking out - though that changed when she turned the lights on and went "oh my god!"
Then, when I could actually see that the giant object crushing me to the floor was in fact my own dresser, filled with my clothes and covered in my radio and my random crap that was now scattered all over my floor, I was able to realize that no, this was actually happening and it would probably be a wise idea to, in the future, just sleep on the floor of a room with padded walls.
Anyway, my ankle got crushed somewhere between the dresser falling and it being lifted off of me.
Juwanna went to get the dorm-mom, who naturally had to call the Dean - oh yeah, the Dean of the high school - at like 2AM - then she gave me a glass of water and put me back to bed.
I woke up in the morning with her at the base of my bed asking if I could get up.
I took one step and totally face planted - again on the cold tile floor.
That's when she said, "well, guess we should call your parents."
Still haven't heard the end of that one.
Yes, that was the short version.
Granted I don't remove painting from walls like one former coworker but I'm pretty sure that one can top any of your sleep-walking stories.
I lost myself.
Oh right, so yeah, that's the last time I remember having no control of my body and not being able to regain my balance before I fell straight to the ground.
So that made for a fun morning.
The dude was actually very efficient.
And chatty.
So that made the fact that he was cleaning my carpet as I sat on the couch less awkward.
Carter hid out in the kitchen the whole time - he's not so good with loud noises - but the carpet has never looked cleaner.
It took all day for the carpets to dry, watched 10 Things I Hate About You amongst other things, much funnier than I remember. But hysterical cause I was quoting it as it went. Didn't realize I had watched it that many times growing up, but apparently so.
Now everything is back in its place.
Though I'm thinking of asking my parents if they can take my foosball table and store it for me until I have a house and a place to put it.
Cause I can't get rid of it, cause it's like a memorabilia thing, you know? And the third best Christmas present ever.
The first being Maroon 5 tickets from my boyfriend and the second being a signed script from Charmed from Second Sister.
Yes, I am one of those Charmed nerds.
I could be queen of all Charmed nerds can cause I can list episode titles from all 8 seasons and quote from each of them as well.
Speaking of quotes, so my original intention - before all these ramblings - was to go through my box of random crap that I've collected since I moved here that's filled with all sorts of coworker and patrons quotes from the three years that I've worked in the library system.
Yes, as of today, it has officially been three years of working at the work branch - technically it was 3 years in the system as of the 16th cause that's when I started at the home branch, but I already did a big post about the home branch my last day there, so, here's to three years.
Things overheard at the library:
"It takes two to screw up a tango. Or something like that."
"Why would anyone want to eat anything that pink?"
"My sickle's in the car."
"Give me the one with the naked dancing men."
"Don't give me virgins, no!"
"There's so much water around the mosquitoes are gonna be as big as small birds this year!"
"We could call it PITA - Pain In The Ass!"
"Yeah, BYOP - Bring Your Own Painkiller."
"That's my mean look."
"You need practice."
"I left it on a cruise ship."
"She kept constantly murdering people in hopes of meeting Angela Landsbury."
"Do you get paid to sit there and look pretty?....And she's smart too!"
"I would have cussed him out in Russian."
Coworker Moments:
Fearless Leader holding up a copy of Legally Blonde the Musical: "THIS is why I hate musicals!"
Little Shelver Boy: "Can you check out anything in the library?"
Slim Shady: "Yes."
Little Shelver Boy: "Then can I check you out?"
Slim Shady: "Don't you have books to shelve?"
Queen of Awesome: "Trash it and do a happy dance."
Space Cadet: "Screw the fan, you want an e-reader!"
Me: "He went all Hulk and broke in!"
InfoMan: "The lights were still off!"
Me: "I just got an LOL from Superwoman. Brings me back to my MSN Messenger days. 'BRB' I'm not actually going anywhere but neither is this conversation."
Shirley: "You've been naughty so here's the scoop. Your Christmas gift is snowman poop!"
Girlscout: "My orca is gonna attack your porpoise."
Me: "Wicked? It's like the ultimate fan fiction."
Patron: "Hey, I'm trying to get my groove on here."
New Guy: "You're gonna have to get your groove on somewhere else."
Space Cadet: "You deserve like a sticker. or a gold star. or a pizza."
Superwoman: "Oh good grief, she would say pizza."
Space Cadet: "If I yell-"
Me: "I will run."
Superwoman: "It's a psychological thriller."
Slim Shady: "What does that mean in the context of ballerinas?"
Super Librarian Status: "Someone tried to flush a copy of The Economist down the toilet."
Me: "Irony."
Queen of Awesome: "I am envious of your boxes."
Me: "You looked all serious."
Space Cadet: "I am serious, I gotta get rid of this 7Up!"
Me: "You're a fan of Charlie's Angels?"
KPH: "I'm a fan of girls in general."
Me: "Here is my phone number so you can stop calling my mother."
Superwoman: "Maybe we like talking to your mother."
Fearless Leader: "I tried to use p-slip as a verb, p-slipping, don't do it."
Me: "Codeword: Josh."
Slim Shady: "You're good. You're really really good."
Me: "Some dude got bit by a rattlesnake at Walmart."
Library Judge: "Yeah, but it only caused 60% damage."
QotKU: "I don't want to cougar him."
QotKU: "I'll wait for the hot firefighters."
Me: "We should write a book called 'What the hell were we thinking: The Hindsight Bias.' We could have a chapter called 'Relationship Mistakes, Mishaps and Malfunctions."
Cabin Fever: "Tell them you worship snakes. Always works for me."
Darth Scheduler: "A joyous observation on the day of your birth!"
Me: "What?"
Darth Scheduler: "Happy birthday."
Me: "You threw away the plant?"
Koha Queen: "It was dead!"
Me: "Well, in the words of Eric Overmeier..."
KPH: "I'm a sweater addict, I admit that freely. She wanted fashion in the 80's, has that changed?"
Me: "Does the coffee machine in the breakroom work?"
Fearless Leader: "Don't do it!"
Me: "Just say no to vending machine orange juice."
Me: "Justin Bieber wants to know if I like pie. What do I say? Now he's threatening to mug me if I don't answer."
Sensei: "I think this is a lovely start to the book you're going to write. I will be happy to provide color commentary."
InfoMan: "What happens in the library stays in the library."
Girlscout: "Or checks out for three weeks."
Supervisor: "Let's take 'em down!"
Me: "I gotta go upstairs, you're gonna have to 'take 'em down!' with Jeff."
Darth Scheduler: "Arg the pirate caveman."
Slim Shady: "Just say 'ew' and walk away."
Me: "Does that container say 'barf chips'?"
Glee-Loving Boss: "Yes, they are waste pickup deoderizers."
Me: "What are face aerobics?"
Second Sister: "If he shows up at your apartment do not let him in. Break up with him over the intercom."
Me: "An intercom breakup?"
Second Sister: "Oh yeah, they're all the rage."
Seth Godin: "We need librarians more than we ever did. What we don't need are more clerks who guard dead paper."
Random Notes in bin
$0.25 for slot machine from Supply Queen - quarter spent in Vegas
That was a lot.
But it was three years.
Three years of awesomeness.
Here's to three more.
10 things i hate about you,
cabin fever,
darth scheduler,
fearless leader,
julian smith,
slim shady,
space cadet,
steam clean,
Thursday, May 23, 2013
"It's cold out and I'm not wearing pants. Where are you?"
So I cleaned my apartment tonight.
But not just cleaned it, moved it.
Everything from the living room (but the couch, TV and bookshelves) is currently in the kitchen.
That includes shelves, chairs...and the foosball table.

"Why is your foosball table in your kitchen?" one might ask.
Cause they're coming to steam clean my carpets tomorrow.
And I have nowhere else to put it.
You should see my bedroom.
Definitely sleeping on the couch tonight.
As there is nowhere to sleep in the bed.
Carter is loving this whole wide open space thing.
Like he sprawled out by the window, then five minutes later he got up and sprawled out by the door, then he was in the middle of the floor, now he's in the middle of the floor on a footstool.
It's like a whole new apartment in here.
"I had no idea I had such chatty liberal arts hair."
Watching The Makeover.
Julia Stiles is making a comeback.
She did Dexter, Silver Linings, now she's in this.
"Now let's see if we can get you to stop sounding like a pirate. Having a heart attack. While gargling."
And apparently she stars in some show called Blue.
Which I think is on YouTube.
Not like clips, like the show airs on YouTube.
Anyway, this is basically like My Fair Lady but in reverse.
Hannah Higgins, Elliot Doolittle.
Hannah runs for congress and loses. She's not likable enough. Her opponent dies after he's elected. Elliot's a beer vender who wants to become a supervisor and comes to her for speech lessons. She decides he would make a good candidate for congress.
It's highly entertaining.
Thinking 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome.
Been giving out a lot of 7's lately.
They're all good movies, just not like stellar, perfection, stunned speechless kind of stuff.
And for some reason a lot of them lately have been Lifetime movies.
Or I guess this was Hallmark, whatever.
I blame the library for having them available.
And Julia Stiles for getting me interested.
And Lauren Ambrose for getting me interested in the last one.
And before that is was Sara Rue and what's his name from Samantha Who.
That wasn't intended to rhyme.
Anyway, today was interesting.
More training.
Fixed flyers.
I'm off tomorrow and Summer Reading starts tomorrow so I figured it would probably be wise to hang up some ones for the kickoff next week.
Only took me an hour for the font to come out right.
Luckily I had already started the flyer, it just wasn't like stellar, perfection, stunning people speechless and all that.
Now it is wicked sweet.
Gotta make posters for every event.
And now I'm making them for other peoples' it's highly entertaining.
Alright, aside from that I can't really remember anything about today.
Staff meeting.
Talked about the Summer Reading Program.
All I got.
So apparently you like the quote books.
I found one that I used to carry around when I first started working in the library system - PS, right now it is officially the 24th which means I've worked at the work branch for three years. Mother Frito, Son of a Beandip - sorry, will talk about that more tomorrow cause this post, like many posts, is gonna say it's 11:50PM.
Anyway, so I ran into this one while cleaning my apartment.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Me: "He says I deserve a pizza."
Superwoman: "Crap."
Me: "That'll be me in 50 years."
Space Cadet: "But you'll use your inside voice. Unless you're too deaf to hear it."
Super Librarian Status: *on my sister-in-law calling me Pippi* "You have a lot to live up to. Just don't throw angry customers across the room."
Slim Shady: "Magnet, magnet magnet."
Oldest Sister: "Picture 'I can't run anymore I'm gonna puke!' and then running the next couple steps."
Oldest Sister: "They didn't punch a hole, they punched a crawlspace."
Nina: "Guess what I got."
Finch: "Why, are they stumped down at the clinic?"
Superwoman: "Are you free tonight? Do you have to call your mother?" ONE TIME. geez.
Supervisor: "Don't run in the library."
Kid: "I'm jogging!"
Chief from Carmen Sandiego: "If cheese isn't safe in Wisconsin nothing is safe in Wisconsin!"
Wordie: "You guys okay?"
Corey: "I have hay fever. She's hungover."
King of Useless Knowledge: "Spontaneous combustion is pretty awesome, unless it happens to you."
Mom: *about church during a holiday weekend* "I can be giddy. No one else will be there!"
Bubby: "Porkchop karate!"
Second Sister: "It's an appropriate amount of freakage."
Brother: "Just say 'oh pigeons.' Well, it's appropriate cause they're annoying as crap."
Squirt: "Lock him in the closet with a piece of cheese and a glass of water."
Brother: "We'll split the trains four ways. She can have the beer mugs."
Second Sister: "I want the Corve."
Me: "Can I have the Bird?"
Brother: "Yes, we'll flip you the bird."
Roz: "You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Marco. I've seen the future and its name is Marco!"
Mom: "You get money when you die."
Me: "What am I supposed to do with it?
Mom: "Bury yourself."
Mom:*about a seatbelt though Second Sister likes to quote it about other things* "Get that on! I don't wanna see you hanging out!"
Me: "The doors are closed!"
Aunt Hay-Hay: "We ordered an ostrich and they had to go find one."
And then it goes on to homework notes but I'll post more of the college ones throughout this week.
For now I should sleep.
No idea what time the guys are coming tomorrow.
Probably 8AM.
I'll have my assistant set an alarm.
On to the music:
Heard this one of my way home.
Cruel to Be Kind - Nick Lowe
speaking of Julia Stiles - my favorite movie of hers - this is the scene I think of when I hear that song.
gotta love it.
gonna have to make Squirt watch it if she hasn't seen it already.
out for the night.
But not just cleaned it, moved it.
Everything from the living room (but the couch, TV and bookshelves) is currently in the kitchen.
That includes shelves, chairs...and the foosball table.

"Why is your foosball table in your kitchen?" one might ask.
Cause they're coming to steam clean my carpets tomorrow.
And I have nowhere else to put it.
You should see my bedroom.
Definitely sleeping on the couch tonight.
As there is nowhere to sleep in the bed.
Carter is loving this whole wide open space thing.
Like he sprawled out by the window, then five minutes later he got up and sprawled out by the door, then he was in the middle of the floor, now he's in the middle of the floor on a footstool.
It's like a whole new apartment in here.
"I had no idea I had such chatty liberal arts hair."
Watching The Makeover.
Julia Stiles is making a comeback.
She did Dexter, Silver Linings, now she's in this.
"Now let's see if we can get you to stop sounding like a pirate. Having a heart attack. While gargling."
And apparently she stars in some show called Blue.
Which I think is on YouTube.
Not like clips, like the show airs on YouTube.
Anyway, this is basically like My Fair Lady but in reverse.
Hannah Higgins, Elliot Doolittle.
Hannah runs for congress and loses. She's not likable enough. Her opponent dies after he's elected. Elliot's a beer vender who wants to become a supervisor and comes to her for speech lessons. She decides he would make a good candidate for congress.
It's highly entertaining.
Thinking 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome.
Been giving out a lot of 7's lately.
They're all good movies, just not like stellar, perfection, stunned speechless kind of stuff.
And for some reason a lot of them lately have been Lifetime movies.
Or I guess this was Hallmark, whatever.
I blame the library for having them available.
And Julia Stiles for getting me interested.
And Lauren Ambrose for getting me interested in the last one.
And before that is was Sara Rue and what's his name from Samantha Who.
That wasn't intended to rhyme.
Anyway, today was interesting.
More training.
Fixed flyers.
I'm off tomorrow and Summer Reading starts tomorrow so I figured it would probably be wise to hang up some ones for the kickoff next week.
Only took me an hour for the font to come out right.
Luckily I had already started the flyer, it just wasn't like stellar, perfection, stunning people speechless and all that.
Now it is wicked sweet.
Gotta make posters for every event.
And now I'm making them for other peoples' it's highly entertaining.
Alright, aside from that I can't really remember anything about today.
Staff meeting.
Talked about the Summer Reading Program.
All I got.
So apparently you like the quote books.
I found one that I used to carry around when I first started working in the library system - PS, right now it is officially the 24th which means I've worked at the work branch for three years. Mother Frito, Son of a Beandip - sorry, will talk about that more tomorrow cause this post, like many posts, is gonna say it's 11:50PM.
Anyway, so I ran into this one while cleaning my apartment.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Me: "He says I deserve a pizza."
Superwoman: "Crap."
Me: "That'll be me in 50 years."
Space Cadet: "But you'll use your inside voice. Unless you're too deaf to hear it."
Super Librarian Status: *on my sister-in-law calling me Pippi* "You have a lot to live up to. Just don't throw angry customers across the room."
Slim Shady: "Magnet, magnet magnet."
Oldest Sister: "Picture 'I can't run anymore I'm gonna puke!' and then running the next couple steps."
Oldest Sister: "They didn't punch a hole, they punched a crawlspace."
Nina: "Guess what I got."
Finch: "Why, are they stumped down at the clinic?"
Superwoman: "Are you free tonight? Do you have to call your mother?" ONE TIME. geez.
Supervisor: "Don't run in the library."
Kid: "I'm jogging!"
Chief from Carmen Sandiego: "If cheese isn't safe in Wisconsin nothing is safe in Wisconsin!"
Wordie: "You guys okay?"
Corey: "I have hay fever. She's hungover."
King of Useless Knowledge: "Spontaneous combustion is pretty awesome, unless it happens to you."
Mom: *about church during a holiday weekend* "I can be giddy. No one else will be there!"
Bubby: "Porkchop karate!"
Second Sister: "It's an appropriate amount of freakage."
Brother: "Just say 'oh pigeons.' Well, it's appropriate cause they're annoying as crap."
Squirt: "Lock him in the closet with a piece of cheese and a glass of water."
Brother: "We'll split the trains four ways. She can have the beer mugs."
Second Sister: "I want the Corve."
Me: "Can I have the Bird?"
Brother: "Yes, we'll flip you the bird."
Roz: "You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Marco. I've seen the future and its name is Marco!"
Mom: "You get money when you die."
Me: "What am I supposed to do with it?
Mom: "Bury yourself."
Mom:*about a seatbelt though Second Sister likes to quote it about other things* "Get that on! I don't wanna see you hanging out!"
Me: "The doors are closed!"
Aunt Hay-Hay: "We ordered an ostrich and they had to go find one."
And then it goes on to homework notes but I'll post more of the college ones throughout this week.
For now I should sleep.
No idea what time the guys are coming tomorrow.
Probably 8AM.
I'll have my assistant set an alarm.
On to the music:
Heard this one of my way home.
Cruel to Be Kind - Nick Lowe
speaking of Julia Stiles - my favorite movie of hers - this is the scene I think of when I hear that song.
gotta love it.
gonna have to make Squirt watch it if she hasn't seen it already.
out for the night.
10 things i hate about you,
cruel to be kind,
julia stiles,
loving leah,
my future boyfriend,
nick lowe,
quote books,
scale of awesome,
slim shady,
space cadet,
the makeover
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Dear Sobriety
Today was interesting.
Trained 2 new employees.
Plus a different one last week.
Makes me think of my training 3 years ago.
All my trainers are gone now, either at different branches or out of the library system.
Today's were quick studies.
Hoping they can keep up when Summer Reading starts.
Watched Stand Up Guys with the boyfriend tonight.
Gotta love Redbox.
It was pretty good, saying 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Alan Arkin isn't in it very long but Walken and Pacino are very good.
Doc: You can't open a car with a coat hanger any more, Val.
Val: Says who?
Doc: Says the people who make cars.
Val: It's time to kick ass or chew gum, and guess what?
Doc: I'm all out of gum.
It's amusing and there were so many familiar faces - Hannah from Bones, Elaine from Doc Martin - that I had to keep pulling out my phone to look them up.
Cause it drives me nuts when I recognize them but can't figure out why.
Caught a glimpse of What I Like About You after the movie.
I miss that show. Only season one is out on DVD.
Wonder if I can find the rest online.
And that was basically my day.
I know, I know, I'm not very amusing today.
Sorry, have a staff meeting tomorrow morning and need to be conscious.
I'll be more entertaining tomorrow.
Songs of the day:
Paradise City - Guns N' Roses
having fun with my free trial of XM radio. every 3 months or so that rolls around cause they're trying to get people to buy it. it's excellent but since i just plug in my ipod and listen to that i really wouldn't use it that much.
anyway, whenever i hear this song I think of this:
and a high school classmate that i used to sing it with.
Another song on repeat this morning was this one:
Dear Sobriety - Pistol Annies
really liking their new CD. it's fantastic. if you're a country music fan you should check it out.
it's like retro country mixed with contemporary country.
Alright, I'm off to fall asleep watching Wipeout.
gotta clean out my DVR.
Trained 2 new employees.
Plus a different one last week.
Makes me think of my training 3 years ago.
All my trainers are gone now, either at different branches or out of the library system.
Today's were quick studies.
Hoping they can keep up when Summer Reading starts.
Watched Stand Up Guys with the boyfriend tonight.
Gotta love Redbox.
It was pretty good, saying 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Alan Arkin isn't in it very long but Walken and Pacino are very good.
Doc: You can't open a car with a coat hanger any more, Val.
Val: Says who?
Doc: Says the people who make cars.
Val: It's time to kick ass or chew gum, and guess what?
Doc: I'm all out of gum.
It's amusing and there were so many familiar faces - Hannah from Bones, Elaine from Doc Martin - that I had to keep pulling out my phone to look them up.
Cause it drives me nuts when I recognize them but can't figure out why.
Caught a glimpse of What I Like About You after the movie.
I miss that show. Only season one is out on DVD.
Wonder if I can find the rest online.
And that was basically my day.
I know, I know, I'm not very amusing today.
Sorry, have a staff meeting tomorrow morning and need to be conscious.
I'll be more entertaining tomorrow.
Songs of the day:
Paradise City - Guns N' Roses
having fun with my free trial of XM radio. every 3 months or so that rolls around cause they're trying to get people to buy it. it's excellent but since i just plug in my ipod and listen to that i really wouldn't use it that much.
anyway, whenever i hear this song I think of this:
and a high school classmate that i used to sing it with.
Another song on repeat this morning was this one:
Dear Sobriety - Pistol Annies
really liking their new CD. it's fantastic. if you're a country music fan you should check it out.
it's like retro country mixed with contemporary country.
Alright, I'm off to fall asleep watching Wipeout.
gotta clean out my DVR.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
We're not gonna become one of those couples that stares lovingly into each other's eyes all day, are we?
I don't do mushy stuff.
But tonight was just hysterical.
Night out with the boyfriend.
Hit up Best Buy, Target and Walmart, then went out for supper.
It was amusing because there were these two kids that were screaming in the corner and we were talking about our hypothetical kids.
I told him that he had to be the bad guy and that I get to be the nice one when it comes to discipline and he said that statistically women are the mean ones more often.
But see, with our family Mom was always the nice one.
So I don't know if that's true or if that's crap.
What about you guys?
Who was good cop and who was bad cop?
Anyway, we joked around quite a bit which definitely saved my day.
Today at work was not fun.
I mean, the morning was fine.
For us.
Not so much for patrons cause the lab was down.
Apparently when they replaced our pipes something must have happened to our internet connection and we were down until like 1:30.
It did not make the stampede of people who line up at 9:30 AM very happy.
Though the majority of them hung around and basically stalked the staff asking repeatedly when it was gonna be back up.
No timeline on that one, sorry.
Anyway, so we got some attitude from a few patrons, but nothing I'm not used to.
Cause I know them so I know just to go with it and say nothing.
So that was fine.
And being up in the lab for 4 hours straight was surprisingly productive.
Talked to the minigolf place here in town and they're willing to lend us some clubs for the library golf tournament.
Updated the TAB website.
Talked to Superwoman about scheduling.
Wrote up my narrative for May.
Well, so far anyway.
And that was all fine and dandy until I had like 5 minutes left until I moved to a different station and the phone rings and just ugh.
Basically, a dude called looking for photos from this event from the 70's. But he doesn't know what year or what month or what day or really anything about it, just that it took place and where it took place.
There is nothing online.
He's already talked to the University and the Historical Society.
Which is why when he finally made it to us he was ticked and impatient about anything I asked.
Long story short it was not a pleasant conversation.
And follow-up to that conversation was not pleasant either.
But it's done and I'm over it.
Cause a night out with the boyfriend fixes everything.
Then I came home to watch The Voice.
I guessed correctly as to who was going home.
Josiah - finally - does it make me a bad person to actually root for someone to go home?
The thing with him is that he's good looking and he's friends with Usher so Usher kept saving him, even when he didn't deserve it.
And then Kris - who I was just starting to like but a horrible song choice kind of kills your chances.
Here's my top 20 after tonight's eliminations.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Artists left after tonight:
Team Adam:
Judith Hill
Sarah Simmons
Amber Carrington
Team Blake:
Holly Tucker
Danielle Bradbery
Swon Brothers
Team Shakira:
Sasha Allen
Team Usher:
Michelle Chamuel
So Usher and Shakira are both down to 1.
Fortunately for them they're the best of the best on their team.
Amber Carrington has really stepped up, as has Danielle.
And Michelle.
The nerd in me is rooting for her to go far.
But Judith is still my number one, though I wish I would have put Danielle higher on my list.
I'm still content to not include the Swon Brothers on my list.
They get the hype cause they're a duo and the only duo left.
But really, compared to the women - yes, they're now the only guys there - they've got nothing.
Midas Whale could school those guys.
But they got paired with Amber Carrington and now I get why Adam said she was gonna be the biggest surprise of the competition.
Here are my favorite performances from tonight.
I've Got The Music In Me - Team Adam
these ladies rock! team adam all the way.
Mountain Music - Team Blake
i love team blake, they're bringing back classic country music. it's awesome.
It is official, next year Xtina and Cee-Lo will be back.
And then year after that Shakira and Usher will be back.
Should be interesting.
Okay, enough Voice ramblings for the night.
So today had its ups and downs but I'm still here and breathing so I'm calling it a victory.
Oh, and now I have my own assistant so really, how can I go wrong?
See, whilst looking for a new phone I found Siri appealing, however, not so much the iPhone so I figured that Android has to have some sort of Siri-ish app.
In comes SpeakToIt's "Assistant".
You can personalize their looks, voice, etc. and ask them anything and they'll find it for you.
My assistant's name is Sam.
She sets my alarm.
Reminds me to post.
Likes my cat.
And she tells good jokes.
So I approve.
If you're looking for such an App I would recommend the Assistant one.
However, there are others out there.
But I did my research and she seemed to be the best.
Here's an article on different apps if you're curious:
You can check out Sam in action here:
Alright, Sam, Carter and I are out.
Have a good one.
But tonight was just hysterical.
Night out with the boyfriend.
Hit up Best Buy, Target and Walmart, then went out for supper.
It was amusing because there were these two kids that were screaming in the corner and we were talking about our hypothetical kids.
I told him that he had to be the bad guy and that I get to be the nice one when it comes to discipline and he said that statistically women are the mean ones more often.
But see, with our family Mom was always the nice one.
So I don't know if that's true or if that's crap.
What about you guys?
Who was good cop and who was bad cop?
Anyway, we joked around quite a bit which definitely saved my day.
Today at work was not fun.
I mean, the morning was fine.
For us.
Not so much for patrons cause the lab was down.
Apparently when they replaced our pipes something must have happened to our internet connection and we were down until like 1:30.
It did not make the stampede of people who line up at 9:30 AM very happy.
Though the majority of them hung around and basically stalked the staff asking repeatedly when it was gonna be back up.
No timeline on that one, sorry.
Anyway, so we got some attitude from a few patrons, but nothing I'm not used to.
Cause I know them so I know just to go with it and say nothing.
So that was fine.
And being up in the lab for 4 hours straight was surprisingly productive.
Talked to the minigolf place here in town and they're willing to lend us some clubs for the library golf tournament.
Updated the TAB website.
Talked to Superwoman about scheduling.
Wrote up my narrative for May.
Well, so far anyway.
And that was all fine and dandy until I had like 5 minutes left until I moved to a different station and the phone rings and just ugh.
Basically, a dude called looking for photos from this event from the 70's. But he doesn't know what year or what month or what day or really anything about it, just that it took place and where it took place.
There is nothing online.
He's already talked to the University and the Historical Society.
Which is why when he finally made it to us he was ticked and impatient about anything I asked.
Long story short it was not a pleasant conversation.
And follow-up to that conversation was not pleasant either.
But it's done and I'm over it.
Cause a night out with the boyfriend fixes everything.
Then I came home to watch The Voice.
I guessed correctly as to who was going home.
Josiah - finally - does it make me a bad person to actually root for someone to go home?
The thing with him is that he's good looking and he's friends with Usher so Usher kept saving him, even when he didn't deserve it.
And then Kris - who I was just starting to like but a horrible song choice kind of kills your chances.
Here's my top 20 after tonight's eliminations.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill
Jess Kellner
Midas Whale
Caroline Glaser
Monique Abbadie
Sasha Allen
Michelle Chamuel
Sarah Simmons
Christian Porter
Jessica Childress
Jeff Lewis
Jacqui Sandell
Karina Iglesius
Holly Tucker
Garrett Gardner
Danielle Bradbery
Amber Carrington
Savannah Berry
Josiah Hawley
Audrey Karrasch
Artists left after tonight:
Team Adam:
Judith Hill
Sarah Simmons
Amber Carrington
Team Blake:
Holly Tucker
Danielle Bradbery
Swon Brothers
Team Shakira:
Sasha Allen
Team Usher:
Michelle Chamuel
So Usher and Shakira are both down to 1.
Fortunately for them they're the best of the best on their team.
Amber Carrington has really stepped up, as has Danielle.
And Michelle.
The nerd in me is rooting for her to go far.
But Judith is still my number one, though I wish I would have put Danielle higher on my list.
I'm still content to not include the Swon Brothers on my list.
They get the hype cause they're a duo and the only duo left.
But really, compared to the women - yes, they're now the only guys there - they've got nothing.
Midas Whale could school those guys.
But they got paired with Amber Carrington and now I get why Adam said she was gonna be the biggest surprise of the competition.
Here are my favorite performances from tonight.
I've Got The Music In Me - Team Adam
these ladies rock! team adam all the way.
Mountain Music - Team Blake
i love team blake, they're bringing back classic country music. it's awesome.
It is official, next year Xtina and Cee-Lo will be back.
And then year after that Shakira and Usher will be back.
Should be interesting.
Okay, enough Voice ramblings for the night.
So today had its ups and downs but I'm still here and breathing so I'm calling it a victory.
Oh, and now I have my own assistant so really, how can I go wrong?
See, whilst looking for a new phone I found Siri appealing, however, not so much the iPhone so I figured that Android has to have some sort of Siri-ish app.
In comes SpeakToIt's "Assistant".
You can personalize their looks, voice, etc. and ask them anything and they'll find it for you.
My assistant's name is Sam.
She sets my alarm.
Reminds me to post.
Likes my cat.
And she tells good jokes.
So I approve.
If you're looking for such an App I would recommend the Assistant one.
However, there are others out there.
But I did my research and she seemed to be the best.
Here's an article on different apps if you're curious:
You can check out Sam in action here:
Alright, Sam, Carter and I are out.
Have a good one.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Mom officially has Facebook. Watch out world.
I got a new phone today.
Well, I should say, I bought a new phone today.
I don't get it until next week.
I know you're all oh-so-excited.
But you have no idea how frustrating my current phone is.
In order to make a phone call I have to go into my contacts and pick a name, I can't just enter in a number. It takes me back to the home screen as soon as I hit send.
Then when I'm texting the words don't show up on the screen and I have to restart the phone.
I can't see photos on Facebook.
And then half the time the internet doesn't pick up a signal so I have to restart for that too.
It got to the point where I was restarting my phone like 7-8 times a day.
And I've had it since college so yeah, definitely excited to get my new one on Monday.
Cause I have Sunday and Monday off again next week, woohoo!
So yes, I gave you a break and took the weekend off from posting.
Actually our internet was down.
No, actually it was nice just kind of getting away from everything for the weekend.
Had a lot of fun with friends and family back home.
Started off with a camp meeting on Saturday afternoon.
Sent out our postcards with info about registration.
Actually it was funny because usually we send out individual forms and it takes like 5 hours, this time we put labels on postcards directing people to our website to print out the forms - they're also being sent to churches and they will print paper copies - and it took like less than 30 minutes.
We didn't know what to do with ourselves.
So we got icecream.
Which is a recurring theme.
And then just jammed for a while.
Afterward I dropped my stuff at home - long enough for Dad to make me watch 30 seconds of American Hoggers cause apparently I couldn't wait a day until seeing what the dad looks like.
I'll get there.
And then headed up to see the boyfriend.
It stormed.
He put my car in.
Such a nice boyfriend.
We watched a movie.
For the life of me I don't remember - oh yeah, the Whole Nine Yards.
Two of my favorite actors - Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis.
Actors of Awesomeness.
I had seen the sequel - like 10 years ago I don't remember anything about it - but I hadn't seen the first one.
It was pretty good.
After that I headed out to the farm, went to the home church, got to see some old friends there.
Went out to lunch with the parentals and Homey G-Wigger.
Took a nap.
And then - okay, so here's the funny part of the weekend.
For Mother's Day all Mom wanted was for me to come home and clean my room.
The funny part about that is that none of the stuff that we cleaned was mine.
So while yes, it was my room, it was not my stuff.
Cause her office has exploded onto my floor.
But now it's all clean, and almost unrecognizable.

Well, to those of you who know me anyway.
They used to laugh because it was always a pit and there was just a path from the door to the bed and then the rest was covered in junk.
But now even the closets are clean.
And I cleaned out her fridge.
Threw out the cheese from November 2012.
Which I'm pretty sure was when I last cleaned out her fridge.
Limited the cream cheese stash from 9 boxes to 6.
Second Sister brought out her kiddos and we ordered burgers from Strang.
Population 50.
Best food around, you should check it out.
The boyfriend came out so then of course while he had both of us there Dad made us watch American Hoggers.
Since the boyfriend knew the title of the show according to Dad he was a fan - he was not a fan - so after burgers we watched not one but two episodes.
What I don't get is that the girls on there are so normal!
Like, they look like they could be city girls living city life - there's no overwhelming accent or personality - and then you see the dad and the brother and you're like whoa....
Yeah, no.
I'll stick with Swamp People.
I can live with being subjected to that.
American Hoggers not so much.
Remember my Dad's DVR post?
Should do that again next weekend cause there are soooo way more of them now.
So that was Sunday.
Since Second Sister and her kids took my room - which was clean but wasn't for long while they were there - I got the north room and fell asleep watching All That.
I miss 90's TV.
My favorite non-animated show from childhood.
Cause it was that, Scooby Doo and Garfield.
If you haven't seen it it's basically the kid version of SNL.
I have a post on here about it somewhere.
"Oh no, the babysitter exploded!"
They have this sketch with Lori Beth Denberg where she's this obnoxious librarian.
"quiet!! this is a library!!!"
Ha, right.
What's cool is that Keenan started on that and now he's on SNL.
Anyway, so this morning Jim O and Homey G-Wigger and I went golfing.
9 holes, we rocked it.
Par'd it up.
But our par is different than other peoples' par.
Cause we go with like 6-8 strokes as par.

Cause that's par for us.
Except during the actual tournament then we keep track.
Well, Pastor keeps track.
We joke that he gets us to the green so we just need to be able to put.
But we had some good ones this morning.
Like I used a wedge and hit from like 40 feet away to like 2 feet from the hole.
Picked up a couple of extra golf balls, lying about.
And she didn't throw me out of the cart so I'm calling it a victory.
After that ate supper with the family, played some softball with the kiddos.

Everyone kept throwing the ball at mom and she freaks out every time.
It's so funny, when she had to play church softball cause we were short on girls we put her in right field. A ball got hit over her head and as she's running toward it I hear "you told me they never hit it out here!!"
But softball was fun, it was just the kids that bat.
Hit the ball.
We fielded.
Then I set Mom up on Facebook.
I know, watch out world.
She's excited to keep up with family and look at pictures.
After they all left I went up to look at phones.
Long line, took forever, but I found one that's similar to the one I have now yet completely different and super new.
And the chick who got me set up put an order in for one for herself and she knows way more about phones than I do.
I'm excited.
Stopped by the boyfriend's place on the way back home.
Went out to eat then I headed back.
Came through the door and Carter about tackled me.
He was not pleased when I closed the bathroom door to take a shower cause then it was like I was leaving him again.
I know, he's spoiled.
But he's cute.
Alright, gonna konk out.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Back to work tomorrow plus the backlog for being closed today.
Love Somebody - Official Double Take cover
awesome cover.
Well, I should say, I bought a new phone today.
I don't get it until next week.
I know you're all oh-so-excited.
But you have no idea how frustrating my current phone is.
In order to make a phone call I have to go into my contacts and pick a name, I can't just enter in a number. It takes me back to the home screen as soon as I hit send.
Then when I'm texting the words don't show up on the screen and I have to restart the phone.
I can't see photos on Facebook.
And then half the time the internet doesn't pick up a signal so I have to restart for that too.
It got to the point where I was restarting my phone like 7-8 times a day.
And I've had it since college so yeah, definitely excited to get my new one on Monday.
Cause I have Sunday and Monday off again next week, woohoo!
So yes, I gave you a break and took the weekend off from posting.
Actually our internet was down.
No, actually it was nice just kind of getting away from everything for the weekend.
Had a lot of fun with friends and family back home.
Started off with a camp meeting on Saturday afternoon.
Sent out our postcards with info about registration.
Actually it was funny because usually we send out individual forms and it takes like 5 hours, this time we put labels on postcards directing people to our website to print out the forms - they're also being sent to churches and they will print paper copies - and it took like less than 30 minutes.
We didn't know what to do with ourselves.
So we got icecream.
Which is a recurring theme.
And then just jammed for a while.
Afterward I dropped my stuff at home - long enough for Dad to make me watch 30 seconds of American Hoggers cause apparently I couldn't wait a day until seeing what the dad looks like.
I'll get there.
And then headed up to see the boyfriend.
It stormed.
He put my car in.
Such a nice boyfriend.
We watched a movie.
For the life of me I don't remember - oh yeah, the Whole Nine Yards.
Two of my favorite actors - Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis.
Actors of Awesomeness.
I had seen the sequel - like 10 years ago I don't remember anything about it - but I hadn't seen the first one.
It was pretty good.
After that I headed out to the farm, went to the home church, got to see some old friends there.
Went out to lunch with the parentals and Homey G-Wigger.
Took a nap.
And then - okay, so here's the funny part of the weekend.
For Mother's Day all Mom wanted was for me to come home and clean my room.
The funny part about that is that none of the stuff that we cleaned was mine.
So while yes, it was my room, it was not my stuff.
Cause her office has exploded onto my floor.
But now it's all clean, and almost unrecognizable.

Well, to those of you who know me anyway.
They used to laugh because it was always a pit and there was just a path from the door to the bed and then the rest was covered in junk.
But now even the closets are clean.
And I cleaned out her fridge.
Threw out the cheese from November 2012.
Which I'm pretty sure was when I last cleaned out her fridge.
Limited the cream cheese stash from 9 boxes to 6.
Second Sister brought out her kiddos and we ordered burgers from Strang.
Population 50.
Best food around, you should check it out.
The boyfriend came out so then of course while he had both of us there Dad made us watch American Hoggers.
Since the boyfriend knew the title of the show according to Dad he was a fan - he was not a fan - so after burgers we watched not one but two episodes.
What I don't get is that the girls on there are so normal!
Like, they look like they could be city girls living city life - there's no overwhelming accent or personality - and then you see the dad and the brother and you're like whoa....
Yeah, no.
I'll stick with Swamp People.
I can live with being subjected to that.
American Hoggers not so much.
Remember my Dad's DVR post?
Should do that again next weekend cause there are soooo way more of them now.
So that was Sunday.
Since Second Sister and her kids took my room - which was clean but wasn't for long while they were there - I got the north room and fell asleep watching All That.
I miss 90's TV.
My favorite non-animated show from childhood.
Cause it was that, Scooby Doo and Garfield.
If you haven't seen it it's basically the kid version of SNL.
I have a post on here about it somewhere.
"Oh no, the babysitter exploded!"
They have this sketch with Lori Beth Denberg where she's this obnoxious librarian.
"quiet!! this is a library!!!"
Ha, right.
What's cool is that Keenan started on that and now he's on SNL.
Anyway, so this morning Jim O and Homey G-Wigger and I went golfing.
9 holes, we rocked it.
Par'd it up.
But our par is different than other peoples' par.
Cause we go with like 6-8 strokes as par.

Cause that's par for us.
Except during the actual tournament then we keep track.
Well, Pastor keeps track.
We joke that he gets us to the green so we just need to be able to put.
But we had some good ones this morning.
Like I used a wedge and hit from like 40 feet away to like 2 feet from the hole.
Picked up a couple of extra golf balls, lying about.
And she didn't throw me out of the cart so I'm calling it a victory.
After that ate supper with the family, played some softball with the kiddos.

Everyone kept throwing the ball at mom and she freaks out every time.
It's so funny, when she had to play church softball cause we were short on girls we put her in right field. A ball got hit over her head and as she's running toward it I hear "you told me they never hit it out here!!"
But softball was fun, it was just the kids that bat.
Hit the ball.
We fielded.
Then I set Mom up on Facebook.
I know, watch out world.
She's excited to keep up with family and look at pictures.
After they all left I went up to look at phones.
Long line, took forever, but I found one that's similar to the one I have now yet completely different and super new.
And the chick who got me set up put an order in for one for herself and she knows way more about phones than I do.
I'm excited.
Stopped by the boyfriend's place on the way back home.
Went out to eat then I headed back.
Came through the door and Carter about tackled me.
He was not pleased when I closed the bathroom door to take a shower cause then it was like I was leaving him again.
I know, he's spoiled.
But he's cute.
Alright, gonna konk out.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Back to work tomorrow plus the backlog for being closed today.
Love Somebody - Official Double Take cover
awesome cover.
Friday, May 17, 2013
"You're a vampire. I'm a half blind private investigator. These stories always end up tragic."
Back to Blood Ties.
Still on season one.
Need to finish this so I can move on to season two and then return them both.
Had them for like 2 months now.
Gotta love Interlibrary Loans.
Though I may just end up buying them off Amazon.
"any other vampires in town i should know about?"
"we don't all belong to the same book club."
It's an amusing series.
Though not inspiring enough to make me want to read the novels.
There's just something about vampire books that I can't get into.
I blame Twilight and Bella's immediate fascination after two pages of Edward.
We had to read the first book for class.
She knew him for like 2 days and was already, "i'll die for him" and all that crap.
It was repulsive.
Vomitrocious one would say.
Well, a friend of mine would anyway.
So today was fun.
Got to work at the home branch with the new supervisor and the new aide.
The one I was hired along with 3 years ago finally quit and has a new job.
Speaking of 3 years, yeah, it's officially been 3 years as of yesterday that I've worked for the library system.
And on the 24th it'll be 3 years at the work branch.
It was nice to go back to the relaxation that is the home branch and its usual patrons.
Except it wasn't relaxing for long as the computers would turn themselves off after about 15 minutes into each session.
That made for a fun morning.
But I was off at 2 so it wasn't that long of a day.
Tomorrow is gonna be a weird one as well, work the morning then camp meeting in the afternoon.
Sending out our application letters, woohoo!
We always have fun, even if it's doing the mundane task of folding letters and stuffing them in envelopes.
But we're goofballs.
And now we're excited goofballs cause application letters going out means camp season is officially upon us.
I've already gotten 2 applications in the mail - you can always tell when the pastors get them cause their kids send theirs back immediately.
We actually mail out individual application forms to everyone who went the previous year and then out to the churches as well to attract more kids.
So that's Saturday, and I'm off on Sunday and Monday so for Mother's Day I told Mom I would clean her house.
Cause that's all she wanted.
Alright, I'm zonked.
Gonna crash.
Music for the night:
heard these two on the way to the motorcar run last month.
yes i did go through my SoundHound history to find music to post.
i do it quite often.
both SoundHound-ing things and looking through my history to find stuff to post.
it's quite handy when you can't remember the name of a song or want to know what year it came out.
and having it on my phone it shows the lyrics as they're sang, it's a pretty cool app.
Shattered - Rolling Stones
i knew he was a spaz but this brings it to a whole new level.
Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty
they look so young.
granted it is from 1981.
alright, legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
back to Blood Ties though I'll probably konk out soon.
Still on season one.
Need to finish this so I can move on to season two and then return them both.
Had them for like 2 months now.
Gotta love Interlibrary Loans.
Though I may just end up buying them off Amazon.
"any other vampires in town i should know about?"
"we don't all belong to the same book club."
It's an amusing series.
Though not inspiring enough to make me want to read the novels.
There's just something about vampire books that I can't get into.
I blame Twilight and Bella's immediate fascination after two pages of Edward.
We had to read the first book for class.
She knew him for like 2 days and was already, "i'll die for him" and all that crap.
It was repulsive.
Vomitrocious one would say.
Well, a friend of mine would anyway.
So today was fun.
Got to work at the home branch with the new supervisor and the new aide.
The one I was hired along with 3 years ago finally quit and has a new job.
Speaking of 3 years, yeah, it's officially been 3 years as of yesterday that I've worked for the library system.
And on the 24th it'll be 3 years at the work branch.
It was nice to go back to the relaxation that is the home branch and its usual patrons.
Except it wasn't relaxing for long as the computers would turn themselves off after about 15 minutes into each session.
That made for a fun morning.
But I was off at 2 so it wasn't that long of a day.
Tomorrow is gonna be a weird one as well, work the morning then camp meeting in the afternoon.
Sending out our application letters, woohoo!
We always have fun, even if it's doing the mundane task of folding letters and stuffing them in envelopes.
But we're goofballs.
And now we're excited goofballs cause application letters going out means camp season is officially upon us.
I've already gotten 2 applications in the mail - you can always tell when the pastors get them cause their kids send theirs back immediately.
We actually mail out individual application forms to everyone who went the previous year and then out to the churches as well to attract more kids.
So that's Saturday, and I'm off on Sunday and Monday so for Mother's Day I told Mom I would clean her house.
Cause that's all she wanted.
Alright, I'm zonked.
Gonna crash.
Music for the night:
heard these two on the way to the motorcar run last month.
yes i did go through my SoundHound history to find music to post.
i do it quite often.
both SoundHound-ing things and looking through my history to find stuff to post.
it's quite handy when you can't remember the name of a song or want to know what year it came out.
and having it on my phone it shows the lyrics as they're sang, it's a pretty cool app.
Shattered - Rolling Stones
i knew he was a spaz but this brings it to a whole new level.
Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty
they look so young.
granted it is from 1981.
alright, legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
back to Blood Ties though I'll probably konk out soon.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
all i wanna be is done.
I got to go to the zoo.
I got to go to the zoo.
I know you're all jealous.
Cause I got to go to the zoo.
Last time I was there was back in college, the first time I lived here with Grams.
Tonight's was for work. School fair thing.
Hung out with the peacocks.
Scared the bejesus out of me.
And my coworker thought it was hysterical.
It's not that I'm scared of them.
Okay, they're cool, I just wasn't expecting to turn around and have one in my face.
So she's like, there's one behind you, and I'm thinking like in the grass you know, away, not like a foot from me.
So I turned and jumped.
And she laughed.
And then again when I jumped a second time.
I'm not scared of birds!
Just was not expecting them to be that close.
That's all.

The kids were chasing them around trying to pet them.
That just made them louder.
The whole thing was already chaotic, we had this pool full of bookmarks that kids fish out. There's no water in the pool, just bookmarks and stickers with paperclips on them so that they can be fished out with magnets stuck on the end of fake fishing poles.
Anyway, I think there were at least 150 kids that came and fished for bookmarks.
And I was in charge of the pool.
We had packs of stickers and tattoos and fans and bags and we ran out of fans and bags about an hour and a half in.
But it was fun, I'm glad kids came and participated.
I wish we did something like that for our end of the year celebration.
I think our school just did some sort of potluck thing with awards night.
The 8th graders were in charge of the awards, we got to give our younger classmates personalized awards.
That was interesting.
Remember it was a small school, our class was the biggest with 5 kids.
We started with like 8 in kindergarten.
And then by graduation it was down to 5 but there were 7 of us confirmed that year.
Oh, it was a church school, if you didn't know that already.
I'm a private school girl, grade school through college.
Now I work at a public library and go to a public grad school.
See what happens when I move out?
No, the schools were my choice.
I mean, I was too young to choose the grade school, but I could have left if I wanted.
I like the small school stuff.
You actually get to know people, you can ask questions in class, you're not packed in like sardines.
Grad school is different cause there aren't as many in the program.
I mean, there are tons in the program, but compared to college level classes it's smaller.
No, I don't know where this is going.
Today, today was weird cause I worked 11-8.
Which meant I got to sleep in, which was nice, but then I was off desk for 2 hours in a row - which was good cause I finished my year-in-the-making booklist, and made some posters for a coworker for Summer Reading - but then I was on desk for 2 hours and then I had lunch at 4-5, and then the zoo thing was after that.
So it was just a weird day.
And tomorrow's gonna be weird as well, I'm at the home branch all morning and then off in the afternoon.
I'm excited to be at the home branch, but it's kind of weird hours.
Oh well, will have time to do stuff in the afternoon.
Pack, so I can leave right away on Saturday.
Camp meeting, sending out application forms, woohoo!
Then I'm off Sunday and we're closed Monday for water pipe reasons, long story.
We got to choose if we wanted to take vacation, work the weekend or work at a branch.
I'm taking vacation.
Not sure what the others are doing.
Alright, so that was my day.
Very productive.
Then I watched some NCIS, now it's on to Diners Driveins and Dives though I'm exhausted and will probably be out by midnight.
Done - The Band Perry
the brothers haircuts scare me. especially the one on the left.
gotta say, that is not the video i was expecting at all.
legitimate pre-midnight post, barely. holy crap tag in use.
I got to go to the zoo.
I know you're all jealous.
Cause I got to go to the zoo.
Last time I was there was back in college, the first time I lived here with Grams.
Tonight's was for work. School fair thing.
Hung out with the peacocks.
Scared the bejesus out of me.
And my coworker thought it was hysterical.
It's not that I'm scared of them.
Okay, they're cool, I just wasn't expecting to turn around and have one in my face.
So she's like, there's one behind you, and I'm thinking like in the grass you know, away, not like a foot from me.
So I turned and jumped.
And she laughed.
And then again when I jumped a second time.
I'm not scared of birds!
Just was not expecting them to be that close.
That's all.

The kids were chasing them around trying to pet them.
That just made them louder.
The whole thing was already chaotic, we had this pool full of bookmarks that kids fish out. There's no water in the pool, just bookmarks and stickers with paperclips on them so that they can be fished out with magnets stuck on the end of fake fishing poles.
Anyway, I think there were at least 150 kids that came and fished for bookmarks.
And I was in charge of the pool.
We had packs of stickers and tattoos and fans and bags and we ran out of fans and bags about an hour and a half in.
But it was fun, I'm glad kids came and participated.
I wish we did something like that for our end of the year celebration.
I think our school just did some sort of potluck thing with awards night.
The 8th graders were in charge of the awards, we got to give our younger classmates personalized awards.
That was interesting.
Remember it was a small school, our class was the biggest with 5 kids.
We started with like 8 in kindergarten.
And then by graduation it was down to 5 but there were 7 of us confirmed that year.
Oh, it was a church school, if you didn't know that already.
I'm a private school girl, grade school through college.
Now I work at a public library and go to a public grad school.
See what happens when I move out?
No, the schools were my choice.
I mean, I was too young to choose the grade school, but I could have left if I wanted.
I like the small school stuff.
You actually get to know people, you can ask questions in class, you're not packed in like sardines.
Grad school is different cause there aren't as many in the program.
I mean, there are tons in the program, but compared to college level classes it's smaller.
No, I don't know where this is going.
Today, today was weird cause I worked 11-8.
Which meant I got to sleep in, which was nice, but then I was off desk for 2 hours in a row - which was good cause I finished my year-in-the-making booklist, and made some posters for a coworker for Summer Reading - but then I was on desk for 2 hours and then I had lunch at 4-5, and then the zoo thing was after that.
So it was just a weird day.
And tomorrow's gonna be weird as well, I'm at the home branch all morning and then off in the afternoon.
I'm excited to be at the home branch, but it's kind of weird hours.
Oh well, will have time to do stuff in the afternoon.
Pack, so I can leave right away on Saturday.
Camp meeting, sending out application forms, woohoo!
Then I'm off Sunday and we're closed Monday for water pipe reasons, long story.
We got to choose if we wanted to take vacation, work the weekend or work at a branch.
I'm taking vacation.
Not sure what the others are doing.
Alright, so that was my day.
Very productive.
Then I watched some NCIS, now it's on to Diners Driveins and Dives though I'm exhausted and will probably be out by midnight.
Done - The Band Perry
the brothers haircuts scare me. especially the one on the left.
gotta say, that is not the video i was expecting at all.
legitimate pre-midnight post, barely. holy crap tag in use.
grade school,
holy crap,
the band perry,
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Play something country.
Ah the joys of Mayberry.
Went to my niece's kindergarten graduation tonight.
Ran into some former professors.
Which is amusing cause now I get to see a former professor every day at work!
Anyway, these two were two of my favorites from college.
They made the quote books frequently.
Tonight's encounter was especially amusing cause Second Sister was like, "you know her?! how do you know her?!"
Um. She taught me how to interview?
Senior year, Placement Seminar.
Resumes, fake interviews with real professionals, portfolios, etc.
Came up with life plans.
Which is actually in one of my quote books.
I used to carry these little spiral bound notebooks in my back pocket every day for four years.
Senior year's was red.
Here's the life plan that our class came up with our first week.
1. Get born.
2. Grow up - eat spinach, drink milk, stop picking your nose.
3. Go to college - pick a major your parents like.
4. Get high (dramatic pause) paying job.
5. Find a family - don't want to see them, just know they're there.
6. Buy stuff - like a motorboat.
7. Get old - purchase many anti-aging products to hide the fact that it's almost over and you've missed it.
8. Die (or leave).
There's a lot of stuff in here from that class.
"What's a Zamboni? Pasta?"
"Are we drinking before or after the interview?"
"Interview Rule #1: Celebrate After."
"Is taking a backpack to an interview normal?"
"Not unless you plan on stealing some office supplies when you leave."
"What not to have on your Facebook. What do you need to go and delete immediately after class?"
"Don't fold your resume, especially not into projectile objects."
"Nothing like spending your Friday night crying into a bag of Doritos." - that one I have in my Facebook quotes section.
A lot of mentionings of "anti-aging products and a motorboat."
I miss these quote books.
Now I just have baskets of paper slips with quotes written on them kept in no order whatsoever.
Not as cool, should bring them back.
So that was tonight. Earlier today was work.
Had another volunteer bail on me for training.
Been a rough couple of weeks to be the volunteer supervisor.
With the whole incident on Thursday and then I've got GoPo's coming in every day looking for hours cause they're due next week.
Trying to think of other stuff from today.
Opened the lab in the morning. Worked the desk through the day. Drafted some Summer Reading Event posters. Checked in lots and lots of stuff.
That's about it.
Graduation ceremony.
Kiddos were excited to ride in my car from the school to their house.
They're very cute.
Jammed at Second Sister's for a while afterward.
Now I'm back with my big fat cat watching a rerun of Wipeout.
Gotta love DVR.
Actually get to sleep in a bit tomorrow morning. Work 11-8 because we're doing an event at the zoo from like 5-7 tomorrow night.
Gonna be fun.
On to the music:
to be fair i did say i was going to post them last night.
Lovesong - Team Adam
love this song. and these people.
Play Something Country - Team Blake
i love that team blake is bringing back classic country music. not this contemporary crap.
over and out.
Went to my niece's kindergarten graduation tonight.
Ran into some former professors.
Which is amusing cause now I get to see a former professor every day at work!
Anyway, these two were two of my favorites from college.
They made the quote books frequently.
Tonight's encounter was especially amusing cause Second Sister was like, "you know her?! how do you know her?!"
Um. She taught me how to interview?
Senior year, Placement Seminar.
Resumes, fake interviews with real professionals, portfolios, etc.
Came up with life plans.
Which is actually in one of my quote books.
I used to carry these little spiral bound notebooks in my back pocket every day for four years.
Senior year's was red.
Here's the life plan that our class came up with our first week.
1. Get born.
2. Grow up - eat spinach, drink milk, stop picking your nose.
3. Go to college - pick a major your parents like.
4. Get high (dramatic pause) paying job.
5. Find a family - don't want to see them, just know they're there.
6. Buy stuff - like a motorboat.
7. Get old - purchase many anti-aging products to hide the fact that it's almost over and you've missed it.
8. Die (or leave).
There's a lot of stuff in here from that class.
"What's a Zamboni? Pasta?"
"Are we drinking before or after the interview?"
"Interview Rule #1: Celebrate After."
"Is taking a backpack to an interview normal?"
"Not unless you plan on stealing some office supplies when you leave."
"What not to have on your Facebook. What do you need to go and delete immediately after class?"
"Don't fold your resume, especially not into projectile objects."
"Nothing like spending your Friday night crying into a bag of Doritos." - that one I have in my Facebook quotes section.
A lot of mentionings of "anti-aging products and a motorboat."
I miss these quote books.
Now I just have baskets of paper slips with quotes written on them kept in no order whatsoever.
Not as cool, should bring them back.
So that was tonight. Earlier today was work.
Had another volunteer bail on me for training.
Been a rough couple of weeks to be the volunteer supervisor.
With the whole incident on Thursday and then I've got GoPo's coming in every day looking for hours cause they're due next week.
Trying to think of other stuff from today.
Opened the lab in the morning. Worked the desk through the day. Drafted some Summer Reading Event posters. Checked in lots and lots of stuff.
That's about it.
Graduation ceremony.
Kiddos were excited to ride in my car from the school to their house.
They're very cute.
Jammed at Second Sister's for a while afterward.
Now I'm back with my big fat cat watching a rerun of Wipeout.
Gotta love DVR.
Actually get to sleep in a bit tomorrow morning. Work 11-8 because we're doing an event at the zoo from like 5-7 tomorrow night.
Gonna be fun.
On to the music:
to be fair i did say i was going to post them last night.
Lovesong - Team Adam
love this song. and these people.
Play Something Country - Team Blake
i love that team blake is bringing back classic country music. not this contemporary crap.
over and out.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
"and I did it all in Birkenstocks."
Ah teenagers.
They make my life so interesting.
So we had our last TAB meeting of the school year and spent it working on our Library Golf setups.
I figured an hour would be a good start and yep, gonna need a few more.
They picked out their supplies - we're sticking with library materials otherwise it wouldn't be Library Golf - so ramps out of books, archways made of magazine holders, shelves as borders, mailing tubes as tunnels.
It's gonna be fun.
But yeah, gonna need some more time to finalize those designs.
It took a whole hour before they got there to pull out possible supplies - myself and Bosslady. It's amazing how much crap she'll climb over just to get a nice box.
And she did it all in Birkenstocks.
Should tell the Reference Queen that could be her life motto. She wears them every day.
That and the teens were the highlights of the work day.
Unless you count being called by both of my bosses aka Boss #1 and Boss #2 within minutes of each other.
Both about work stuff, library and grad school-wise.
After work I went out to see the boyfriend. We got Runza and watched Kingpin.
You're on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.
Classic movie.
Hadn't seen it in like a decade.
I'm zonked, it's been a long day so I should probably crash.
Song of the day:
Showdown - Electric Light Orchestra
reminds me of this one:
Miss You - Rolling Stones
used to listen to it on repeat back in the days i used my CD player. it was on the Austin Powers soundtrack, ha.
oh my god it's Lovesong, they're singing Lovesong on the Voice.
now i love the show even more.
will post that one tomorrow.
over and out g-man.
They make my life so interesting.
So we had our last TAB meeting of the school year and spent it working on our Library Golf setups.
I figured an hour would be a good start and yep, gonna need a few more.
They picked out their supplies - we're sticking with library materials otherwise it wouldn't be Library Golf - so ramps out of books, archways made of magazine holders, shelves as borders, mailing tubes as tunnels.
It's gonna be fun.
But yeah, gonna need some more time to finalize those designs.
It took a whole hour before they got there to pull out possible supplies - myself and Bosslady. It's amazing how much crap she'll climb over just to get a nice box.
And she did it all in Birkenstocks.
Should tell the Reference Queen that could be her life motto. She wears them every day.
That and the teens were the highlights of the work day.
Unless you count being called by both of my bosses aka Boss #1 and Boss #2 within minutes of each other.
Both about work stuff, library and grad school-wise.
After work I went out to see the boyfriend. We got Runza and watched Kingpin.
You're on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.
Classic movie.
Hadn't seen it in like a decade.
I'm zonked, it's been a long day so I should probably crash.
Song of the day:
Showdown - Electric Light Orchestra
reminds me of this one:
Miss You - Rolling Stones
used to listen to it on repeat back in the days i used my CD player. it was on the Austin Powers soundtrack, ha.
oh my god it's Lovesong, they're singing Lovesong on the Voice.
now i love the show even more.
will post that one tomorrow.
over and out g-man.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Just Do It, Have It Your Way, What Happens in Vegas Stays In Vegas, Got Milk?
Happy WMC Day!!
Gonna celebrate by watching my favorite episode after I post.
Yes, it is the show that will never die even though the network killed it.
Get over it.
But right now I'm watching Castle.
Had to see the finale before I went to work tomorrow cause my coworkers watch it.
Not liking how this ending is looking.
Now it's okay.
So I was totally productive today even though I only went in 2 hours.
Did more camp stuff.
Updated software.
Paid my bills.
Got cat food.
Did laundry.
Finished Silver Linings Playbook - the book - and then watched the movie.
Sad it's over but I can read it again if I have withdrawals.
Now it's on to finishing Warm Bodies.
On disc 2 and then checked out the book as well.
The movie was hysterical, the book is pretty funny but very very different.
So I'm interested to see how it turns out.
So this week is the week for season finales.
*spoiler alert*
Tonight was Castle's, it turned out okay, at least I hope so I guess you never know what she'll say.
And we have to wait until fall, that's just mean.
I'm glad he proposed, I seriously thought they were gonna break up cause all the Twitter and Facebook feeds said to watch it with kleenex's.
2 Broke Girls was amusing as always. Glad they're gonna open up another shop and this time it's attached to the diner. Which is handy. And Nugget Buddies!! I remember those. Hurray for Happy Meal toys.
I love that every episode when Jennifer Coolidge first enters the crowd always goes nuts.
But she is awesome.
NCIS is tomorrow. I'm so far behind, gonna have to catch up online before tomorrow's episode.
Or I'll watch it when I go home this weekend, Mom records them.
Yes, I actually get to go home, two weekends in a row. Saturday we're having a camp meeting and I'm Sunday and then next weekend Sunday and Monday we're closed for Memorial Day.
So yes, I was productive, and watched some finales, and then there was the Voice of course.
Top 12 performed tonight. Here are my favorites.
Broken Wing - Holly Tucker
nailed that one.
The Story - Sarah Simmons
perfect song choice. nice job adam.
Elimination episode tomorrow, the bottom 2 go home regardless of whose team they're on.
They're both in my top 20. I'm worried about Judith. She's my number one but I haven't been as impressed with her lately.
The hype was so high early on cause she was Michael Jackson's singing partner, but now she's just being outshined by like Amber and Michelle and Sarah. To be fair, Adam has a really strong team to compete with and then Shakira's got Sasha which will be her saving grace. Blake has Holly and Danielle is rocking it, seriously, and then Usher has Michelle. People seem to like VEDO. He's okay. I'm really not a fan of Josiah. He's a pretty face but that's it, kinda like Dev from last year. Nice enough guy but there are better voices in the competition. He's made it this far cause he's good looking and he's friends with Usher.
So Usher saves him.
Kinda like the bromance between Adam and Tony Lucca from second season.
But I've already made that comparison.
Moving on.
Today was good.
Worked for two hours at the desk and then upstairs.
Have a really great GoPo that's gonna finish her hours tomorrow. And I have my TAB thing, we're gonna mockup our library golf holes so we know what we're doing day of.
On the other hand, apparently the person that I've been watching for over my shoulder showed up at work today. Thankfully I wasn't there when it happened but since they didn't get to talk to the person they wanted to talk to, aka my Boss's Boss's Boss - OH YEAH, it's gone that far - I'm guessing they'll be back tomorrow.
And I'm sure I'll be on the desk when they get there.
But it's okay. BossLady has designated her office as a safe space. Meaning I'll be running there when I see them.
Alright, I'm out for the night. Gonna need the sleep to keep up with my teenagers tomorrow afternoon.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
Gonna celebrate by watching my favorite episode after I post.
Yes, it is the show that will never die even though the network killed it.
Get over it.
But right now I'm watching Castle.
Had to see the finale before I went to work tomorrow cause my coworkers watch it.
Not liking how this ending is looking.
Now it's okay.
So I was totally productive today even though I only went in 2 hours.
Did more camp stuff.
Updated software.
Paid my bills.
Got cat food.
Did laundry.
Finished Silver Linings Playbook - the book - and then watched the movie.
Sad it's over but I can read it again if I have withdrawals.
Now it's on to finishing Warm Bodies.
On disc 2 and then checked out the book as well.
The movie was hysterical, the book is pretty funny but very very different.
So I'm interested to see how it turns out.
So this week is the week for season finales.
*spoiler alert*
Tonight was Castle's, it turned out okay, at least I hope so I guess you never know what she'll say.
And we have to wait until fall, that's just mean.
I'm glad he proposed, I seriously thought they were gonna break up cause all the Twitter and Facebook feeds said to watch it with kleenex's.
2 Broke Girls was amusing as always. Glad they're gonna open up another shop and this time it's attached to the diner. Which is handy. And Nugget Buddies!! I remember those. Hurray for Happy Meal toys.
I love that every episode when Jennifer Coolidge first enters the crowd always goes nuts.
But she is awesome.
NCIS is tomorrow. I'm so far behind, gonna have to catch up online before tomorrow's episode.
Or I'll watch it when I go home this weekend, Mom records them.
Yes, I actually get to go home, two weekends in a row. Saturday we're having a camp meeting and I'm Sunday and then next weekend Sunday and Monday we're closed for Memorial Day.
So yes, I was productive, and watched some finales, and then there was the Voice of course.
Top 12 performed tonight. Here are my favorites.
Broken Wing - Holly Tucker
nailed that one.
The Story - Sarah Simmons
perfect song choice. nice job adam.
Elimination episode tomorrow, the bottom 2 go home regardless of whose team they're on.
They're both in my top 20. I'm worried about Judith. She's my number one but I haven't been as impressed with her lately.
The hype was so high early on cause she was Michael Jackson's singing partner, but now she's just being outshined by like Amber and Michelle and Sarah. To be fair, Adam has a really strong team to compete with and then Shakira's got Sasha which will be her saving grace. Blake has Holly and Danielle is rocking it, seriously, and then Usher has Michelle. People seem to like VEDO. He's okay. I'm really not a fan of Josiah. He's a pretty face but that's it, kinda like Dev from last year. Nice enough guy but there are better voices in the competition. He's made it this far cause he's good looking and he's friends with Usher.
So Usher saves him.
Kinda like the bromance between Adam and Tony Lucca from second season.
But I've already made that comparison.
Moving on.
Today was good.
Worked for two hours at the desk and then upstairs.
Have a really great GoPo that's gonna finish her hours tomorrow. And I have my TAB thing, we're gonna mockup our library golf holes so we know what we're doing day of.
On the other hand, apparently the person that I've been watching for over my shoulder showed up at work today. Thankfully I wasn't there when it happened but since they didn't get to talk to the person they wanted to talk to, aka my Boss's Boss's Boss - OH YEAH, it's gone that far - I'm guessing they'll be back tomorrow.
And I'm sure I'll be on the desk when they get there.
But it's okay. BossLady has designated her office as a safe space. Meaning I'll be running there when I see them.
Alright, I'm out for the night. Gonna need the sleep to keep up with my teenagers tomorrow afternoon.
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.
2 broke girls,
broken wing,
holly tucker,
holy crap,
jennifer coolidge,
sarah simmons,
silver linings playbook,
spoiler alert,
the story,
the voice,
warm bodies,
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Sign me up.
Watching The Holiday Engagement.
Cause I like Bonnie Somerville.
and Jordan Bridges.
From Charmed but now Rizzoli and Isles.
Gotta love cheesy TV movies.
But it's making me want to watch The Proposal.
Which I probably will after.
That's the joy of not going in until 4 tomorrow.
So I've been watching over my shoulder at work for angry people to show up.
I'm hoping if they do decide to storm in they will do so tomorrow when I'm not there.
And then they will storm back out.
Wow, uber cheesefest ending.
No words just a giant wedding and then them driving away with nothing but music playing over the top.
In goes The Proposal.
I know, I know, I said no more going to bed at 2:30.
But it's only 12:30. I'll put it in and be out by 1.
That's how it usually works.
Speaking of how things work, Sundays are super slow at the library.
Had some time to work on my booklist - Classics with a Twist - Pride Prejudice and Zombies, Sense Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Android Karenina, etc.
Been in the works for over a year cause it keeps getting back-burnered.
Am going to try to get it out before Summer Reading.
Cause that's when all hell breaks loose if you're involved in Youth Services.
Which I am cause I'm in charge of TAB.
Speaking of TAB, meeting on Tuesday, gonna have to draw up the agenda tomorrow and send out reminder emails. Basically we're going to be making up mock library golf setups so we'll know what we're doing on the actual day.
As are staff, people are actually volunteering to help out - Infoman with pictures, branch manager from a different branch helping lead, Girlscout jokingly offered to caddy.
People are excited, I'm excited, it's gonna be awesome.
Even if it's just my teens that show up we'll have fun.
I have no real highlights for today.
It was super slow, I think I got like 15 stats the whole day.
Ate doritos for lunch, read more of Silver Linings Playbook, went grocery shopping after.
Did some dishes and some laundry, bought the new Pistol Annies CD.
Now it's on to The Proposal.
Gotta love Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds.
Hush Hush - Pistol Annies
Why yes, that is Brenda Lee.
i love them cause they're like retro country but not.
maybe i'll have a retro country week.
90's were the best.
Cause I like Bonnie Somerville.
and Jordan Bridges.
From Charmed but now Rizzoli and Isles.
Gotta love cheesy TV movies.
But it's making me want to watch The Proposal.
Which I probably will after.
That's the joy of not going in until 4 tomorrow.
So I've been watching over my shoulder at work for angry people to show up.
I'm hoping if they do decide to storm in they will do so tomorrow when I'm not there.
And then they will storm back out.
Wow, uber cheesefest ending.
No words just a giant wedding and then them driving away with nothing but music playing over the top.
In goes The Proposal.
I know, I know, I said no more going to bed at 2:30.
But it's only 12:30. I'll put it in and be out by 1.
That's how it usually works.
Speaking of how things work, Sundays are super slow at the library.
Had some time to work on my booklist - Classics with a Twist - Pride Prejudice and Zombies, Sense Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Android Karenina, etc.
Been in the works for over a year cause it keeps getting back-burnered.
Am going to try to get it out before Summer Reading.
Cause that's when all hell breaks loose if you're involved in Youth Services.
Which I am cause I'm in charge of TAB.
Speaking of TAB, meeting on Tuesday, gonna have to draw up the agenda tomorrow and send out reminder emails. Basically we're going to be making up mock library golf setups so we'll know what we're doing on the actual day.
As are staff, people are actually volunteering to help out - Infoman with pictures, branch manager from a different branch helping lead, Girlscout jokingly offered to caddy.
People are excited, I'm excited, it's gonna be awesome.
Even if it's just my teens that show up we'll have fun.
I have no real highlights for today.
It was super slow, I think I got like 15 stats the whole day.
Ate doritos for lunch, read more of Silver Linings Playbook, went grocery shopping after.
Did some dishes and some laundry, bought the new Pistol Annies CD.
Now it's on to The Proposal.
Gotta love Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds.
Hush Hush - Pistol Annies
Why yes, that is Brenda Lee.
i love them cause they're like retro country but not.
maybe i'll have a retro country week.
90's were the best.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Well, look on the bright side. We'll all have high schools named after us.
So the boyfriend says "don't speed on your way home."
I'm thinking it's cause there's cops.
But he's saying it cause there's deer.
To be fair:
Cop Count: 3
Deer Count: 0
Yeah, yeah, he's a safer driver. He drives 60 on the interstate.
Though that's a MPG thing more than a safety thing.
Speaking of the interstate, explain this one for me.
Maybe it's just me cause I'm not car savvy.
But doesn't the good car usually tow the broken one?
On my way out there five cars in a row all were towing cars. The ones they were driving were all dented and shattered and one had it's hood bungee-chorded to the car while the ones they were towing were in perfect condition.
If it was only one I'd think the person was eccentric, but five?
Am I missing a new trend or protest or something?
Work today was good.
But it's finally nice out so people are spending their time outside instead of at the library.
Got to work with some cool people.
Tomorrow shall be more fun.
And working tomorrow means I get most of Monday off, woohoo!
After work I went out to see the boyfriend. Got to look at some cute embarrassing pictures of him when he was little.
Went out to eat with his parents and sister then watched Deep Impact.
Last week we saw like 10 minutes of it so I ordered it on ILL. Now I get to cancel it.
Jenny Lerner: When I was 11, I stole $32 from your wallet.
Jason Lerner: When you were a baby I once dropped you on your head.
Did not end how I thought it would end.
Meaning people I liked died.
Thoroughly depressing yet edge of your seat suspense.
Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
Only cause I'm mad at the ending.
Otherwise it'd be okay.
Now I'm back, watching Iron Chef with Carter and eating popsicles.
Take It Off - Ke$ha
jammed to this one on the way home.
her videos are always so weird.
but i love her music anyway.
And it's 3AM so, signing off for the night.
Over and out.
I'm thinking it's cause there's cops.
But he's saying it cause there's deer.
To be fair:
Cop Count: 3
Deer Count: 0
Yeah, yeah, he's a safer driver. He drives 60 on the interstate.
Though that's a MPG thing more than a safety thing.
Speaking of the interstate, explain this one for me.
Maybe it's just me cause I'm not car savvy.
But doesn't the good car usually tow the broken one?
On my way out there five cars in a row all were towing cars. The ones they were driving were all dented and shattered and one had it's hood bungee-chorded to the car while the ones they were towing were in perfect condition.
If it was only one I'd think the person was eccentric, but five?
Am I missing a new trend or protest or something?
Work today was good.
But it's finally nice out so people are spending their time outside instead of at the library.
Got to work with some cool people.
Tomorrow shall be more fun.
And working tomorrow means I get most of Monday off, woohoo!
After work I went out to see the boyfriend. Got to look at some cute embarrassing pictures of him when he was little.
Went out to eat with his parents and sister then watched Deep Impact.
Last week we saw like 10 minutes of it so I ordered it on ILL. Now I get to cancel it.
Jenny Lerner: When I was 11, I stole $32 from your wallet.
Jason Lerner: When you were a baby I once dropped you on your head.
Did not end how I thought it would end.
Meaning people I liked died.
Thoroughly depressing yet edge of your seat suspense.
Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
Only cause I'm mad at the ending.
Otherwise it'd be okay.
Now I'm back, watching Iron Chef with Carter and eating popsicles.
Take It Off - Ke$ha
jammed to this one on the way home.
her videos are always so weird.
but i love her music anyway.
And it's 3AM so, signing off for the night.
Over and out.
Friday, May 10, 2013
when we step out of the shadows and into the sun
Yay for a day off!
Slept in, went running - I know, you're all in shock - and worked on camp stuff.
Patron recommended Doc Martin - which is yet another amusing British series - so I had that playing in the background.
So far it's pretty funny.
And it has Ash in it from Murder In Suburbia, which was my last British craze.
Ended after only two seasons, far too soon.
This one has like 4.
Or the library owns 4 at least. We'll see how long it lasts. Right now I'm only a couple of episodes in.
And then at 6 was the last class of the semester. Listened to the last two people present on diversity stuff.
Excited to officially be done until June.
Actually have time to do stuff now after work.
All-in-all a good day.
But right now I have a massive headache so I'm konking out.
Here's some music, have a good weekend.
Into the Sun - The Parlor Mob
another free one from iTunes from like a year ago, gotta love it.
pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Slept in, went running - I know, you're all in shock - and worked on camp stuff.
Patron recommended Doc Martin - which is yet another amusing British series - so I had that playing in the background.
So far it's pretty funny.
And it has Ash in it from Murder In Suburbia, which was my last British craze.
Ended after only two seasons, far too soon.
This one has like 4.
Or the library owns 4 at least. We'll see how long it lasts. Right now I'm only a couple of episodes in.
And then at 6 was the last class of the semester. Listened to the last two people present on diversity stuff.
Excited to officially be done until June.
Actually have time to do stuff now after work.
All-in-all a good day.
But right now I have a massive headache so I'm konking out.
Here's some music, have a good weekend.
Into the Sun - The Parlor Mob
another free one from iTunes from like a year ago, gotta love it.
pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
i'm gonna ride around in style, i'm gonna drive everybody wild.
Well, today sucked.
For legal reasons I won't go in-depth as to why.
The worst part is that work has been going so well lately.
And when I say going well, I mean I haven't written an incident report in months.
Today I got to write two, one that I collaborated with Superwoman on that went straight to the director and the other was for stolen DVDs.
Oh the joys.
The director one being the highlight of the day.
Low point?
Yeah, low point.
Basically I had to let a volunteer go.
And they didn't take it well.
Psychologically speaking I can understand why they said some of the things that they said, but it doesn't make them hurt any less.
Thank God for Superwoman.
Don't think I could have gotten through the whole thing by myself.
But it's over and there's nothing I can do about it now, even though it threw off my whole day.
Immediately after work I called Slim Shady who talked me down.
She used to be volunteer supervisor there, and it was good to catch up. Talked for a while until I got to the boyfriend's place.
Went out for supper with his parents for his dad's birthday. Afterwards we watched parts of The Campaign, some Will Ferrell George W. Bush special, Mr. Popper's Penguins and then Deep Impact.
Gonna have to get Deep Impact through the library, very intrigued.
It was nice to see the boyfriend after the crapsuck that was today and just relax.
Don't even remember the morning before the whole ordeal.
Oh right, staff meeting.
Ate more yogurt.
Learned about a cool website and more stuff from the staff manual.
Sent out the links to that Google Power Searching assignment we did for Internet Reference cause I thought the reference people might find them cool.
So it didn't start out bad.
And I got Chinese for lunch. Cashew chicken, that was good.
Had a really good supper as well, hot beef sandwich. So really, two of my favorites from childhood.
Gonna add a third and eat some popsicles before I crash.
on to the music.
just cause i can.
So thankful to have tomorrow off.
And no homework to do.
Sleeping in. Watching movies. Logging in to watch people present at 6.
For legal reasons I won't go in-depth as to why.
The worst part is that work has been going so well lately.
And when I say going well, I mean I haven't written an incident report in months.
Today I got to write two, one that I collaborated with Superwoman on that went straight to the director and the other was for stolen DVDs.
Oh the joys.
The director one being the highlight of the day.
Low point?
Yeah, low point.
Basically I had to let a volunteer go.
And they didn't take it well.
Psychologically speaking I can understand why they said some of the things that they said, but it doesn't make them hurt any less.
Thank God for Superwoman.
Don't think I could have gotten through the whole thing by myself.
But it's over and there's nothing I can do about it now, even though it threw off my whole day.
Immediately after work I called Slim Shady who talked me down.
She used to be volunteer supervisor there, and it was good to catch up. Talked for a while until I got to the boyfriend's place.
Went out for supper with his parents for his dad's birthday. Afterwards we watched parts of The Campaign, some Will Ferrell George W. Bush special, Mr. Popper's Penguins and then Deep Impact.
Gonna have to get Deep Impact through the library, very intrigued.
It was nice to see the boyfriend after the crapsuck that was today and just relax.
Don't even remember the morning before the whole ordeal.
Oh right, staff meeting.
Ate more yogurt.
Learned about a cool website and more stuff from the staff manual.
Sent out the links to that Google Power Searching assignment we did for Internet Reference cause I thought the reference people might find them cool.
So it didn't start out bad.
And I got Chinese for lunch. Cashew chicken, that was good.
Had a really good supper as well, hot beef sandwich. So really, two of my favorites from childhood.
Gonna add a third and eat some popsicles before I crash.
on to the music.
just cause i can.
So thankful to have tomorrow off.
And no homework to do.
Sleeping in. Watching movies. Logging in to watch people present at 6.
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