Been watching too much Wipeout.
Okay, sad fact.
It's 11:30 and I'm totally dead tired.
I'm not gonna make it 'til midnight.
Not that I'm aiming to, I'm just usually up til 1 or 2.
Cause I get distracted and then remember I have all this stuff to do - like post - and it's like midnight when I get to it.
Which explains why this morning was awful.
Fell asleep last night around 3.
I don't even know why, I just couldn't get comfortable.
My back is still messed up.
The boyfriend gave me a massage and it's still out of whack.
Should probably do something about it but don't have the time.
Cause tomorrow is the kickoff party!!
I'm gonna die.
Holy crap, I'm nervous.
Like last year, I helped, but I wasn't in charge.
This year I came up with the list of activities for the kids to choose from, I cleared everything with the bosses, shopped for all the supplies, collaborated with outside sponsors, put everything together, came up with the flyers, and now I'm freaked that I'm missing something.
Though that's what my mentor's around for, she and I went over everything in the afternoon.
Quote of the day:
"Such a random combination for a closet, you've got coats, a laptop, and buckets of sand?"
Aside from all that planning chaos the second floor still looks like a crime scene.
Here's our computer lab currently.

The tape is appropriate, but it's a process.
Basically what's going on is we're getting new computers with a grant so our old computers are getting moved to the back corner where the biographies used to be for a computer classes/staff training lab. The new ones are gonna go where the old ones were, except without the raised floors and fishbowl walls.
However, the new computers aren't in yet.
So in the meantime the patrons are using our staff lab over in the back corner, but still have to sign in in the regular spot.
And the staff lab has the walls up around it.
But I think they're different walls than before.
Or there are less of them or something, I don't know.
It looks a lot smaller than it did.
Like I said it's a process.
A very long and delayed process that started about 2 years ago with Fearless Leader in charge.
Aaannd now she's been gone for over a year.
So that was my workday. Along with some more training.
Tonight the boyfriend came up - yes more storms and rain, that's what like 5 days in a row now?
Or is it 6?
We watched Lockout.
Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
I do like Guy Pearce.
And it was nice seeing him as the good guy after seeing him go all psycho crazy on Iron Man 3.
It had its moments but that trailer is completely misleading.
Snow actually gets betrayed by his own team and gets forced to go on this mission or he'll be stuck in that prison.
As opposed to the trailer saying people recommended him for it.
Langral: I don't like hurting you, Snow.
Snow: Is that why you're having him do it?
Langral: I can have Rupert bludgeon you all night.
Snow: I'm being beaten up by a guy called Rupert?
Snow: Ok, see here on the map?
Emilie Warnock: Yeah.
Snow: That's where the pod is. You get in it, you fly away. The good guys will come and get you, ok?
Emilie Warnock: On my own?
Snow: You're a big girl, right? Here's an apple and a gun. Don't talk to strangers, shoot them.
And that was my night.
Now I'm gonna fall asleep watching some Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.
Cause it's taking over my DVR.
Marathons are good, except when you get behind on watching them. Then it's just an overload.
Song of the day:
Someone That You're With - Nickelback
bet that video took a long time to put together.
yeah, yeah, i know, it's a Nickelback song and they're awful.
but i like this one and used to listen to it all the time in high school.
besides, he's married to Avril Lavigne so he can't be that bad...right?
*cough* right.
out at 11:59, holy crap tag in use.
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