Well, I should say, I bought a new phone today.
I don't get it until next week.
I know you're all oh-so-excited.
But you have no idea how frustrating my current phone is.
In order to make a phone call I have to go into my contacts and pick a name, I can't just enter in a number. It takes me back to the home screen as soon as I hit send.
Then when I'm texting the words don't show up on the screen and I have to restart the phone.
I can't see photos on Facebook.
And then half the time the internet doesn't pick up a signal so I have to restart for that too.
It got to the point where I was restarting my phone like 7-8 times a day.
And I've had it since college so yeah, definitely excited to get my new one on Monday.
Cause I have Sunday and Monday off again next week, woohoo!
So yes, I gave you a break and took the weekend off from posting.
Actually our internet was down.
No, actually it was nice just kind of getting away from everything for the weekend.
Had a lot of fun with friends and family back home.
Started off with a camp meeting on Saturday afternoon.
Sent out our postcards with info about registration.
Actually it was funny because usually we send out individual forms and it takes like 5 hours, this time we put labels on postcards directing people to our website to print out the forms - they're also being sent to churches and they will print paper copies - and it took like less than 30 minutes.
We didn't know what to do with ourselves.
So we got icecream.
Which is a recurring theme.
And then just jammed for a while.
Afterward I dropped my stuff at home - long enough for Dad to make me watch 30 seconds of American Hoggers cause apparently I couldn't wait a day until seeing what the dad looks like.
I'll get there.
And then headed up to see the boyfriend.
It stormed.
He put my car in.
Such a nice boyfriend.
We watched a movie.
For the life of me I don't remember - oh yeah, the Whole Nine Yards.
Two of my favorite actors - Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis.
Actors of Awesomeness.
I had seen the sequel - like 10 years ago I don't remember anything about it - but I hadn't seen the first one.
It was pretty good.
After that I headed out to the farm, went to the home church, got to see some old friends there.
Went out to lunch with the parentals and Homey G-Wigger.
Took a nap.
And then - okay, so here's the funny part of the weekend.
For Mother's Day all Mom wanted was for me to come home and clean my room.
The funny part about that is that none of the stuff that we cleaned was mine.
So while yes, it was my room, it was not my stuff.
Cause her office has exploded onto my floor.
But now it's all clean, and almost unrecognizable.

Well, to those of you who know me anyway.
They used to laugh because it was always a pit and there was just a path from the door to the bed and then the rest was covered in junk.
But now even the closets are clean.
And I cleaned out her fridge.
Threw out the cheese from November 2012.
Which I'm pretty sure was when I last cleaned out her fridge.
Limited the cream cheese stash from 9 boxes to 6.
Second Sister brought out her kiddos and we ordered burgers from Strang.
Population 50.
Best food around, you should check it out.
The boyfriend came out so then of course while he had both of us there Dad made us watch American Hoggers.
Since the boyfriend knew the title of the show according to Dad he was a fan - he was not a fan - so after burgers we watched not one but two episodes.
What I don't get is that the girls on there are so normal!
Like, they look like they could be city girls living city life - there's no overwhelming accent or personality - and then you see the dad and the brother and you're like whoa....
Yeah, no.
I'll stick with Swamp People.
I can live with being subjected to that.
American Hoggers not so much.
Remember my Dad's DVR post?
Should do that again next weekend cause there are soooo way more of them now.
So that was Sunday.
Since Second Sister and her kids took my room - which was clean but wasn't for long while they were there - I got the north room and fell asleep watching All That.
I miss 90's TV.
My favorite non-animated show from childhood.
Cause it was that, Scooby Doo and Garfield.
If you haven't seen it it's basically the kid version of SNL.
I have a post on here about it somewhere.
"Oh no, the babysitter exploded!"
They have this sketch with Lori Beth Denberg where she's this obnoxious librarian.
"quiet!! this is a library!!!"
Ha, right.
What's cool is that Keenan started on that and now he's on SNL.
Anyway, so this morning Jim O and Homey G-Wigger and I went golfing.
9 holes, we rocked it.
Par'd it up.
But our par is different than other peoples' par.
Cause we go with like 6-8 strokes as par.

Cause that's par for us.
Except during the actual tournament then we keep track.
Well, Pastor keeps track.
We joke that he gets us to the green so we just need to be able to put.
But we had some good ones this morning.
Like I used a wedge and hit from like 40 feet away to like 2 feet from the hole.
Picked up a couple of extra golf balls, lying about.
And she didn't throw me out of the cart so I'm calling it a victory.
After that ate supper with the family, played some softball with the kiddos.

Everyone kept throwing the ball at mom and she freaks out every time.
It's so funny, when she had to play church softball cause we were short on girls we put her in right field. A ball got hit over her head and as she's running toward it I hear "you told me they never hit it out here!!"
But softball was fun, it was just the kids that bat.
Hit the ball.
We fielded.
Then I set Mom up on Facebook.
I know, watch out world.
She's excited to keep up with family and look at pictures.
After they all left I went up to look at phones.
Long line, took forever, but I found one that's similar to the one I have now yet completely different and super new.
And the chick who got me set up put an order in for one for herself and she knows way more about phones than I do.
I'm excited.
Stopped by the boyfriend's place on the way back home.
Went out to eat then I headed back.
Came through the door and Carter about tackled me.
He was not pleased when I closed the bathroom door to take a shower cause then it was like I was leaving him again.
I know, he's spoiled.
But he's cute.
Alright, gonna konk out.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Back to work tomorrow plus the backlog for being closed today.
Love Somebody - Official Double Take cover
awesome cover.
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