I got to go to the zoo.
I know you're all jealous.
Cause I got to go to the zoo.
Last time I was there was back in college, the first time I lived here with Grams.
Tonight's was for work. School fair thing.
Hung out with the peacocks.
Scared the bejesus out of me.
And my coworker thought it was hysterical.
It's not that I'm scared of them.
Okay, they're cool, I just wasn't expecting to turn around and have one in my face.
So she's like, there's one behind you, and I'm thinking like in the grass you know, away, not like a foot from me.
So I turned and jumped.
And she laughed.
And then again when I jumped a second time.
I'm not scared of birds!
Just was not expecting them to be that close.
That's all.

The kids were chasing them around trying to pet them.
That just made them louder.
The whole thing was already chaotic, we had this pool full of bookmarks that kids fish out. There's no water in the pool, just bookmarks and stickers with paperclips on them so that they can be fished out with magnets stuck on the end of fake fishing poles.
Anyway, I think there were at least 150 kids that came and fished for bookmarks.
And I was in charge of the pool.
We had packs of stickers and tattoos and fans and bags and we ran out of fans and bags about an hour and a half in.
But it was fun, I'm glad kids came and participated.
I wish we did something like that for our end of the year celebration.
I think our school just did some sort of potluck thing with awards night.
The 8th graders were in charge of the awards, we got to give our younger classmates personalized awards.
That was interesting.
Remember it was a small school, our class was the biggest with 5 kids.
We started with like 8 in kindergarten.
And then by graduation it was down to 5 but there were 7 of us confirmed that year.
Oh, it was a church school, if you didn't know that already.
I'm a private school girl, grade school through college.
Now I work at a public library and go to a public grad school.
See what happens when I move out?
No, the schools were my choice.
I mean, I was too young to choose the grade school, but I could have left if I wanted.
I like the small school stuff.
You actually get to know people, you can ask questions in class, you're not packed in like sardines.
Grad school is different cause there aren't as many in the program.
I mean, there are tons in the program, but compared to college level classes it's smaller.
No, I don't know where this is going.
Today, today was weird cause I worked 11-8.
Which meant I got to sleep in, which was nice, but then I was off desk for 2 hours in a row - which was good cause I finished my year-in-the-making booklist, and made some posters for a coworker for Summer Reading - but then I was on desk for 2 hours and then I had lunch at 4-5, and then the zoo thing was after that.
So it was just a weird day.
And tomorrow's gonna be weird as well, I'm at the home branch all morning and then off in the afternoon.
I'm excited to be at the home branch, but it's kind of weird hours.
Oh well, will have time to do stuff in the afternoon.
Pack, so I can leave right away on Saturday.
Camp meeting, sending out application forms, woohoo!
Then I'm off Sunday and we're closed Monday for water pipe reasons, long story.
We got to choose if we wanted to take vacation, work the weekend or work at a branch.
I'm taking vacation.
Not sure what the others are doing.
Alright, so that was my day.
Very productive.
Then I watched some NCIS, now it's on to Diners Driveins and Dives though I'm exhausted and will probably be out by midnight.
Done - The Band Perry
the brothers haircuts scare me. especially the one on the left.
gotta say, that is not the video i was expecting at all.
legitimate pre-midnight post, barely. holy crap tag in use.
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