Ah, Easter.
Huge day.
Woke up and headed out to the boyfriend's.
Got there earlier than planned so stopped and picked up flowers for his mom and mine.
They were excited.
Went to church with them and ran into my old college roommate.
Who I haven't seen since her wedding.
Which I was in.
And now she has a kid.
So a lot has changed.
It was amusing though cause her husband and the boyfriend's sister's fiance used to play baseball against each other so they were talking after the service.
Boyfriend's sister's fiance, you follow all that?
Also ran into an old drama buddy from high school.
Reunion central.
After church we ate out with the boyfriend's family, grandparents included.
Awesome food, had the baked steak with vegetables.
They're vegetables.
I hate the word "veggies".
Too cutesy.
Drives me nuts.
"You can't fix stupid."
More Duck Dynasty, ugh.
After dinner we headed out to the farm.
Hid some eggs - not as many as last year but still a good stash.
Pastor, wife and kids came out as well.
With the combination of those four and our millions there was a lot of tiny children running around.
The baby still loves me best, totally favorite aunt.
She walked three steps from me to Squirt so that's big potatoes.
Ate far too much for supper, combination of that plus the big lunch zonked me out.
So basically stayed on the couch for the rest of the day.
We watched the epic finale of The Bible.
It was interesting, except we were picking it apart because of specific inaccuracies.
Oh well, at least they made an effort.
Now I'm back and exhausted so I'm gonna crash.
song of the night cause i'm eating one as we speak.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
guaranteed to blow your mind, anytime.
Totally zonked.
But it was worth it.
Woke up early this morning - well, for my day off anyway - and hit up Squirt's trackmeet. Watched her throw shot and disc.
She's pretty good, for a freshman. Only girl freshman on the thrower's squad.
Also on the thrower's squad is my cousin. Though a different thrower's squad, but we were able to watch them both from the same vantage point.
After that I took a nap, whilst watching more Murder and Suburbia - don't let that reflect on the show, it's quite good.
And then headed to the roller derby with Oldest Sister, Squirt and Squirt's friend.
Oh my god, about had a heart attack.
So we were dominating in the first half, and then the announcer said something stupid - he called it a "comfortable lead" - 20 points is not a comfortable lead. Flash once got 34 in a single round.
Long story short - too late - after we were ahead the entire bout they passed us with 6 minutes left, then we had a power jam - where the other team's jammer (scorer) is in the penalty box and can do nothing to stop it - that brought us back but then they came back.
They saved Flash for the final jam, she passed just enough people to put us in the lead before calling off the jam right as the clock round down.
Final score 149-146.
The crowd went nuts.
Game would have been even better if we didn't have a bunch of Omaha players sitting behind us and talking smack about No Coast.
Rivalries ho!
They're just mad we smoked them.
And when I say smoked them I mean by over 100 points, smoked them.
About every 5 minutes they do cheesy advertisements for their sponsors, they're highly entertaining.
Though my favorite was an old one about a photography studio - "specializing in pin-up, boudoir and maternity..." or when the second announcer wasn't paying attention so it was "you know what I like?" *silence* *more silence* "Bicycles!"
"Flexibility, agility...other words that rhyme with ility."
So we were ranked 33 and the Arch Rival girls from St. Louis were 13th - this is in the world, not the nation, so I'm wondering how that will affect our rankings.
Anyway, so that was my day. And there's a big one tomorrow so I should crash.
Music Rec:
Killer Queen - Queen
But it was worth it.
Woke up early this morning - well, for my day off anyway - and hit up Squirt's trackmeet. Watched her throw shot and disc.
She's pretty good, for a freshman. Only girl freshman on the thrower's squad.
Also on the thrower's squad is my cousin. Though a different thrower's squad, but we were able to watch them both from the same vantage point.
After that I took a nap, whilst watching more Murder and Suburbia - don't let that reflect on the show, it's quite good.
And then headed to the roller derby with Oldest Sister, Squirt and Squirt's friend.
Oh my god, about had a heart attack.
So we were dominating in the first half, and then the announcer said something stupid - he called it a "comfortable lead" - 20 points is not a comfortable lead. Flash once got 34 in a single round.
Long story short - too late - after we were ahead the entire bout they passed us with 6 minutes left, then we had a power jam - where the other team's jammer (scorer) is in the penalty box and can do nothing to stop it - that brought us back but then they came back.
They saved Flash for the final jam, she passed just enough people to put us in the lead before calling off the jam right as the clock round down.
Final score 149-146.
The crowd went nuts.
Game would have been even better if we didn't have a bunch of Omaha players sitting behind us and talking smack about No Coast.
Rivalries ho!
They're just mad we smoked them.
And when I say smoked them I mean by over 100 points, smoked them.
About every 5 minutes they do cheesy advertisements for their sponsors, they're highly entertaining.
Though my favorite was an old one about a photography studio - "specializing in pin-up, boudoir and maternity..." or when the second announcer wasn't paying attention so it was "you know what I like?" *silence* *more silence* "Bicycles!"
"Flexibility, agility...other words that rhyme with ility."
So we were ranked 33 and the Arch Rival girls from St. Louis were 13th - this is in the world, not the nation, so I'm wondering how that will affect our rankings.
Anyway, so that was my day. And there's a big one tomorrow so I should crash.
Music Rec:
Killer Queen - Queen
Friday, March 29, 2013
Two librarians walk into a bookstore...
Finish that sentence.
Basically, last hour of the day, Queen of the Known Universe says she's going to the bookstore to pick up a paperback they ordered for her, meanwhile I had decided that I wanted to read Silver Linings Playbook, but that the line at the library was too long so I was just going to go and buy it.
So we raced over there after work.
I won.
You would have been proud, we didn't fix their displays, rearrange their shelves correctly or yell at the teens who were throwing legos in the kids section.
Not our problem, we don't work there.
And that took incredible talent, you have no idea.
Because the shelver in me wants to scream at their organizational methods.
And the librarian in her wants to make things look nice and neat.
But we restrained ourselves, and made snarky comments instead.
The problem with working with books is that when I don't see a barcode on the front cover I like, pause, and then I'm like, oh yeah, there's not supposed to be one.
Neither is there supposed to be a date written on the bottom or a label on the side to see if an item is actually fiction or nonfiction.
I actually covered bookstore woes a while ago here: You Know You're a Librarian When...
We found some good titles.
She got her paperback.
I bought Silver Linings Playbook.
And Star Wars, the original trilogy in book form.
The boyfriend was oh so excited.
Pretty sure he was not a fan of that movie - Silver Linings Playbook, not Star Wars. He loves Star Wars. More than me, or so he claims.
Speaking of the boyfriend, so I might be going on a motorcar ride with him at the end of the month. If I can find someone to switch shifts with me that is.
Basically it's the one he looks forward to and his dad can't make it but he doesn't want to go alone so....
I asked the boss, will see what she has to say about it.
She calls him "Stude".
Long story.
I find it highly entertaining how fascinated people at work are with my love life.
Apparently it's highly entertaining to them because before him I didn't really have one.
Aside from all the crazies who stalk me there.
Where was I?
Yes, the bookstore.
We had fun, but we always do.
They don't let us work together often.
Mostly because we plot to one day take over the library, and then the world.
And she likes my signs.
I've decided to start an album on Facebook of random signs.
I used to take pictures of them all the time.
Back when I was a nerdy teenager.
Now I'm just a nerd.
With a boyfriend who thinks taking pictures of trains is better than taking pictures of signs.
Wouldn't even pull over to let me jump out and take a picture of the genuine legitimate "Beware of Dog" sign.
Which you only see in redneck movies.
Anyway, this nerd is currently watching Murder In Suburbia, season one.
The actual season one, not the "season one" that they sent that was actually season two.
So far, so good.
*staring at boss*
Scribbs: "He plays golf."
Ash: "Why are we so deeply disappointed by that?"
Think Oldest Sister would like it - she's big into British mysteries.
Speaking of, I'm going to Squirt's track meet tomorrow morning to watch her throw and then me, Oldest Sister and Second Sister are gonna hit up the Roller Derby after.
Second Sister has never been before so I'm pretty excited.
But yes, off tomorrow, and Sunday for Easter.
Doing lunch with his family and then an egg hunt and supper with mine.
Okay, normally I would stay up and sleep until noon cause tomorrow I'm off, however, the track meet is in the morning, which means I actually have to get up at a decent time.
So I shall be crashing soon.
Quotes of the Day: these fall into the "things overheard at the library" category:
-"Oh, hand me the one with the naked dancing men."
-"Don't give me virgins, no!"
Don't ask.
Which means on to the music...
Originally the plan was to feature my favorites from Neon Trees and Owl City after Maroon 5's greatest hits, but I got distracted.
Anyway, these guys were great live, when they covered "Don't You Want Me" the crowd went nuts.
Well, the adults, all the teens were looking around bewildered going, "what the hell is this song and why do you know it?"
Here are my favorites from Neon Trees:
1983 is callin' I've been on my knees and crawlin'
In the Next Room
interesting video...
Everybody Talks
another one you probably know, i've posted it enough. though when I hear it now I think of Michaela Paige performing it on The Voice.
Wish List
probably my favorite new original christmas song, like actually original, the rest of mine are all classics.
Tomorrow you'll get Owl City highlights.
typing in the tags with autofill, and "everybody" brought up a tag for "everybody has an uncle johnny" totally forgot about that one.
Basically, last hour of the day, Queen of the Known Universe says she's going to the bookstore to pick up a paperback they ordered for her, meanwhile I had decided that I wanted to read Silver Linings Playbook, but that the line at the library was too long so I was just going to go and buy it.
So we raced over there after work.
I won.
You would have been proud, we didn't fix their displays, rearrange their shelves correctly or yell at the teens who were throwing legos in the kids section.
Not our problem, we don't work there.
And that took incredible talent, you have no idea.
Because the shelver in me wants to scream at their organizational methods.
And the librarian in her wants to make things look nice and neat.
But we restrained ourselves, and made snarky comments instead.
The problem with working with books is that when I don't see a barcode on the front cover I like, pause, and then I'm like, oh yeah, there's not supposed to be one.
Neither is there supposed to be a date written on the bottom or a label on the side to see if an item is actually fiction or nonfiction.
I actually covered bookstore woes a while ago here: You Know You're a Librarian When...
We found some good titles.
She got her paperback.
I bought Silver Linings Playbook.
And Star Wars, the original trilogy in book form.
The boyfriend was oh so excited.
Pretty sure he was not a fan of that movie - Silver Linings Playbook, not Star Wars. He loves Star Wars. More than me, or so he claims.
Speaking of the boyfriend, so I might be going on a motorcar ride with him at the end of the month. If I can find someone to switch shifts with me that is.
Basically it's the one he looks forward to and his dad can't make it but he doesn't want to go alone so....
I asked the boss, will see what she has to say about it.
She calls him "Stude".
Long story.
I find it highly entertaining how fascinated people at work are with my love life.
Apparently it's highly entertaining to them because before him I didn't really have one.
Aside from all the crazies who stalk me there.
Where was I?
Yes, the bookstore.
We had fun, but we always do.
They don't let us work together often.
Mostly because we plot to one day take over the library, and then the world.
And she likes my signs.
I've decided to start an album on Facebook of random signs.
I used to take pictures of them all the time.
Back when I was a nerdy teenager.
Now I'm just a nerd.
With a boyfriend who thinks taking pictures of trains is better than taking pictures of signs.
Wouldn't even pull over to let me jump out and take a picture of the genuine legitimate "Beware of Dog" sign.
Which you only see in redneck movies.
Anyway, this nerd is currently watching Murder In Suburbia, season one.
The actual season one, not the "season one" that they sent that was actually season two.
So far, so good.
*staring at boss*
Scribbs: "He plays golf."
Ash: "Why are we so deeply disappointed by that?"
Think Oldest Sister would like it - she's big into British mysteries.
Speaking of, I'm going to Squirt's track meet tomorrow morning to watch her throw and then me, Oldest Sister and Second Sister are gonna hit up the Roller Derby after.
Second Sister has never been before so I'm pretty excited.
But yes, off tomorrow, and Sunday for Easter.
Doing lunch with his family and then an egg hunt and supper with mine.
Okay, normally I would stay up and sleep until noon cause tomorrow I'm off, however, the track meet is in the morning, which means I actually have to get up at a decent time.
So I shall be crashing soon.
Quotes of the Day: these fall into the "things overheard at the library" category:
-"Oh, hand me the one with the naked dancing men."
-"Don't give me virgins, no!"
Don't ask.
Which means on to the music...
Originally the plan was to feature my favorites from Neon Trees and Owl City after Maroon 5's greatest hits, but I got distracted.
Anyway, these guys were great live, when they covered "Don't You Want Me" the crowd went nuts.
Well, the adults, all the teens were looking around bewildered going, "what the hell is this song and why do you know it?"
Here are my favorites from Neon Trees:
actually bought this one and their album before they hit it big - love free iTunes music, they do this single of the week thing and it was one of them, about a month later it started playing on the radio. He's blonde now, with tight pants and purple shoes.
1983 is callin' I've been on my knees and crawlin'
In the Next Room
interesting video...
Everybody Talks
another one you probably know, i've posted it enough. though when I hear it now I think of Michaela Paige performing it on The Voice.
Wish List
probably my favorite new original christmas song, like actually original, the rest of mine are all classics.
Tomorrow you'll get Owl City highlights.
typing in the tags with autofill, and "everybody" brought up a tag for "everybody has an uncle johnny" totally forgot about that one.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
we're not broken just bent, and we can learn to love again.
I hate those stupid rambling kid commercials about the more and faster is better.
I have no idea what product they're for but I hate it already.
Side note, sorry, on in the background.
So today was good. Very busy. Had 3/4 of the afternoon off desk and I still feel like I'm behind on Summer Reading stuff.
Finally got our dates nailed down for our Teen Summer Reading Events.
This year my teens are going with:
Jar Decorating - basically you put tape and stickers on a jar and then you paint the whole thing and peel the tape/stickers off to reveal the design to go with the "Beneath the Surface" theme and then also we're making paper lanterns with the jars so we have super thin paper that you draw on and then tape it around the jar, put a light in the jar and it makes a sweet nightlight.
Homemade Book Board Games - so the teens bring their favorite book to the library and we'll help them make a board game about it. So like with the Hunger Games they could do a Monopoly setup with the Capitol as Boardwalk. I did this in college with Pride and Prejudice - "Marry Mr. Collins, lose next turn" "Punch Miss Bingley in the face, move ahead three spaces" etc. - But we'll get them set up with templates for boards and then teach them how to make game pieces and all that.
Library Golf - this is the big one and it's the first event because that's the best time of year for my TAB kids to be able to help out. So we'll be starting off with a bang. As for logistics we will start on 4th floor with a couple of holes up there, ride the elevator down to 2nd (passed admin), around the nonfiction and music sections, down the back stairs and then through adult fiction and youth services.
I'm hoping the golf is especially popular just because of all the work that will go into it by the teens. Designing the holes and all that. I've been getting tips from a friend of Infoman's - things like using old mousepads to tee off of or using real golf balls instead of pingpong balls because they're easier to aim, etc.
The funny thing about the whole thing is that the mock booklets for Teen Summer Reading were sent out to the Teen Experience crew (which is basically the TAB leaders and some supervisors) to make sure the descriptions were spelled correctly and like 5 minutes after they were sent I got an email from one of the branch managers asking if she could help out with the golf.
This is after Girlscout asked if she could caddie.
And our Boss's Boss's Boss's Assistant gave me her stamp of approval today as well.
So if the teens are half as interested as the library employees are then we should be good.
I'm stoked.
I told her the more supervisors I can have on board the better as I'm still getting some apprehensive vibes.
We'll see how it goes and if it's awful then we'll learn from that and move on.
So that was the majority of my day, I finished the signs for the events - minus the kickoff party - and came up with supply lists. Anyone know where I can get 9 putters for like 3 hours on a June Wednesday afternoon?
There's a lot of golfers on staff maybe I can borrow them.
Anyway, so that was work. After work I met up with the boyfriend. We took some pictures around the train station - one of his favorite hobbies. He focused on the trains while I went more for the signs.
As in I saw the sign.

And it did open up my eyes cause I saw the sign.
Or sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

Blocking out the scenery breakin' my mind.
That one needs more words. Or be smaller. Cause it's awkward.
Quote of the night:
Boyfriend singing: I hope you're having fun, Man on the run...
Me: Band.
Boyfriend: Band on the run...
Okay, you have to watch this.
Sorry, on Facebook - multitasking - and ran across a "whaaat?" meme, stupid addictive memes, so of course I had to search it and came across that.
Still laughing uncontrollably at 0:01 and 2:10-2:13.
Anyway, after pictures we went out to dinner with his mom and brother. Pizza at Old Chicago - gotta love it.
And now I'm back and ready to crash.
Though I'm debating staying up to do some editing, awesome writer friend sent me some updates to one of my favorites of hers and I'm dying to see them.
But that means I'll get hooked and not sleep and then tomorrow I'll be miserable.
Okay, it's 12 now. I need to be out by 1. That's the deal, no later.
We're good, music and I'm off to edit.
P!nk - Just Give Me a Reason feat. Nate Ruess
yes, that is the Fun. dude.
too catchy, love the melody.
I have no idea what product they're for but I hate it already.
Side note, sorry, on in the background.
So today was good. Very busy. Had 3/4 of the afternoon off desk and I still feel like I'm behind on Summer Reading stuff.
Finally got our dates nailed down for our Teen Summer Reading Events.
This year my teens are going with:
Jar Decorating - basically you put tape and stickers on a jar and then you paint the whole thing and peel the tape/stickers off to reveal the design to go with the "Beneath the Surface" theme and then also we're making paper lanterns with the jars so we have super thin paper that you draw on and then tape it around the jar, put a light in the jar and it makes a sweet nightlight.
Homemade Book Board Games - so the teens bring their favorite book to the library and we'll help them make a board game about it. So like with the Hunger Games they could do a Monopoly setup with the Capitol as Boardwalk. I did this in college with Pride and Prejudice - "Marry Mr. Collins, lose next turn" "Punch Miss Bingley in the face, move ahead three spaces" etc. - But we'll get them set up with templates for boards and then teach them how to make game pieces and all that.
Library Golf - this is the big one and it's the first event because that's the best time of year for my TAB kids to be able to help out. So we'll be starting off with a bang. As for logistics we will start on 4th floor with a couple of holes up there, ride the elevator down to 2nd (passed admin), around the nonfiction and music sections, down the back stairs and then through adult fiction and youth services.
I'm hoping the golf is especially popular just because of all the work that will go into it by the teens. Designing the holes and all that. I've been getting tips from a friend of Infoman's - things like using old mousepads to tee off of or using real golf balls instead of pingpong balls because they're easier to aim, etc.
The funny thing about the whole thing is that the mock booklets for Teen Summer Reading were sent out to the Teen Experience crew (which is basically the TAB leaders and some supervisors) to make sure the descriptions were spelled correctly and like 5 minutes after they were sent I got an email from one of the branch managers asking if she could help out with the golf.
This is after Girlscout asked if she could caddie.
And our Boss's Boss's Boss's Assistant gave me her stamp of approval today as well.
So if the teens are half as interested as the library employees are then we should be good.
I'm stoked.
I told her the more supervisors I can have on board the better as I'm still getting some apprehensive vibes.
We'll see how it goes and if it's awful then we'll learn from that and move on.
So that was the majority of my day, I finished the signs for the events - minus the kickoff party - and came up with supply lists. Anyone know where I can get 9 putters for like 3 hours on a June Wednesday afternoon?
There's a lot of golfers on staff maybe I can borrow them.
Anyway, so that was work. After work I met up with the boyfriend. We took some pictures around the train station - one of his favorite hobbies. He focused on the trains while I went more for the signs.
As in I saw the sign.

And it did open up my eyes cause I saw the sign.
Or sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

Blocking out the scenery breakin' my mind.
That one needs more words. Or be smaller. Cause it's awkward.
Quote of the night:
Boyfriend singing: I hope you're having fun, Man on the run...
Me: Band.
Boyfriend: Band on the run...
Okay, you have to watch this.
Sorry, on Facebook - multitasking - and ran across a "whaaat?" meme, stupid addictive memes, so of course I had to search it and came across that.
Still laughing uncontrollably at 0:01 and 2:10-2:13.
Anyway, after pictures we went out to dinner with his mom and brother. Pizza at Old Chicago - gotta love it.
And now I'm back and ready to crash.
Though I'm debating staying up to do some editing, awesome writer friend sent me some updates to one of my favorites of hers and I'm dying to see them.
But that means I'll get hooked and not sleep and then tomorrow I'll be miserable.
Okay, it's 12 now. I need to be out by 1. That's the deal, no later.
We're good, music and I'm off to edit.
P!nk - Just Give Me a Reason feat. Nate Ruess
yes, that is the Fun. dude.
too catchy, love the melody.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
"Your beard is so fat not even Dora can explore it."
Oh my god, I'm not allowed to get hooked on Duck Dynasty.
It's ridiculous.
Stupid marathons.
I didn't even turn it on, the channel was already on.
I meant to turn the TV on in the background - silence drives me nuts - but then I hear "There's a bearded man starting a fire in his yard, what are we gonna do?"
Not allowed.
Stupid marathons.
Headphones going back in both ears.
We actually had this conversation in class.
Well, on a discussion board for class.
Apparently I'm not the only one who does their homework with earbuds in for music and the TV on in the background.
Generational thing.
So today was pretty good.
Got to spend the majority of it with the Glee-Loving Boss at the home branch. We jammed.
Super busy morning. Mostly because there's only ever two of us and he did two storytimes and left for a lunch so I was alone at the desk for like 3 hours.
Not. Boring.
So 9-3 there, then back to the work branch for the rest of the day. Had a lot of my list of things to do once there but got to none of them because we were swamped there too. I was there for 3 hours and got 20-something stats in 2 of them alone.
After work the boyfriend came up. We watched Splash - to see Suh get eliminated - and then Rock of Ages.
Not bad.
Catherine Zeta-Jones was my favorite.
Of course, I know, big surprise there.
Can't believe that was Tom Cruise.
It didn't seem like him at all. Maybe it was the long hair that threw me off.
Scale of Awesome rates it at about 7/10.
Now they're telling beard jokes.
Apparently they're worse than your-mama jokes.
"Your beard is so fat not even Dora can explore it."
"Your beard is so stupid it took it two hours to watch 60 minutes."
"Your beard is so dumb it sits on the TV and watches the couch."
Okay, nothing good can come of this. I'm gonna give you music and then I'm gonna crash.
Back to regular work tomorrow.
More Voice Audition Rec's.
Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Jess Kellner
battle of the newbies.
Sunday Morning - Josiah Hawley
love blake's hair.
Mean - Danielle Bradbery
"are you bribing her with justin bieber tickets?!"
"nashville is a state." "one of the sixty states!"
Boyfriend - Vedo
"i'm gonna go cry with her."
It's ridiculous.
Stupid marathons.
I didn't even turn it on, the channel was already on.
I meant to turn the TV on in the background - silence drives me nuts - but then I hear "There's a bearded man starting a fire in his yard, what are we gonna do?"
Not allowed.
Stupid marathons.
Headphones going back in both ears.
We actually had this conversation in class.
Well, on a discussion board for class.
Apparently I'm not the only one who does their homework with earbuds in for music and the TV on in the background.
Generational thing.
So today was pretty good.
Got to spend the majority of it with the Glee-Loving Boss at the home branch. We jammed.
Super busy morning. Mostly because there's only ever two of us and he did two storytimes and left for a lunch so I was alone at the desk for like 3 hours.
Not. Boring.
So 9-3 there, then back to the work branch for the rest of the day. Had a lot of my list of things to do once there but got to none of them because we were swamped there too. I was there for 3 hours and got 20-something stats in 2 of them alone.
After work the boyfriend came up. We watched Splash - to see Suh get eliminated - and then Rock of Ages.
Not bad.
Catherine Zeta-Jones was my favorite.
Of course, I know, big surprise there.
Can't believe that was Tom Cruise.
It didn't seem like him at all. Maybe it was the long hair that threw me off.
Scale of Awesome rates it at about 7/10.
Now they're telling beard jokes.
Apparently they're worse than your-mama jokes.
"Your beard is so fat not even Dora can explore it."
"Your beard is so stupid it took it two hours to watch 60 minutes."
"Your beard is so dumb it sits on the TV and watches the couch."
Okay, nothing good can come of this. I'm gonna give you music and then I'm gonna crash.
Back to regular work tomorrow.
More Voice Audition Rec's.
Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Jess Kellner
battle of the newbies.
Sunday Morning - Josiah Hawley
love blake's hair.
Mean - Danielle Bradbery
"are you bribing her with justin bieber tickets?!"
"nashville is a state." "one of the sixty states!"
Boyfriend - Vedo
"i'm gonna go cry with her."
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
"I reckon that you'll want to join Team Shakira. I'd be much obliged if you picked me."
Today has kicked ass!
And sucked all at the same time.
Mostly because my boyfriend is having a monster crapsuck day.
And I would rather be spending my night with him, but he's busy fixing everything.
But ranting on here just makes things worse headspace-wise so I'm going to focus on the good.
Woke up this morning and showed up at work pre-9:05AM.
We work 9:05-6:05 don't look at me like that.
It was food day at work.
Reference Queen brought homemade fudge and lemon bars, awesomeness.
Spent an hour in the morning checking in in the backroom.
Need my zen place.
Finally got our new library business cards in, hot off the press and out on the desks.
Been asking about those for months. Mostly because people have been asking ME about them for months.
Mom stopped by the library to pick up books for her bookclub. She brought candy, ever increasing her reputation as best library Mom ever.
Added my stash to the library's food day collective.
Got lunch from the usual joint, soup, chips and Mt. Dew.
They know my order by heart so I've started switching up the chips.
Watched half an episode from season four of Total Wipeout (the UK version) during lunch.
Will watch second half during tomorrow's lunch like usual.
Met one of my volunteer's supervisors who had to do a site visit and interview myself and Superwoman in the process. Was nervous but she was cool. She asked me for my qualifications and was impressed by my answer.
This whole Master's thing actually stops people in their tracks. That was my favorite part of meeting the boyfriend's family on his dad's birthday. His aunts literally paused their inquisition. But hey! That does not mean I'm going back for a Doctorate, no matter what Superwoman says.
Got off early to go to Special Libraries class at the Library Commission where I got to jam with David, Jennifer and some other cool library mates.
Got to tour their recording studio - they do their own audio books, it's sweet.
Stopped for a Southwest grilled chicken salad from McDonald's on the way home.
I love drive-thrus.
Got two thank you cards in the mail, both for birthdays, one with cash.
Woohoo, more fun from Mom.
Watched part two of the Voice's Blind Auditions. More amusing banter between coaches.
I'm loving Shakira's added personality, but Adam has the strongest team so far.
Posted my final thesis statement for Special Libraries Class: "Special Librarians Dominate Dewey by Cataloging for Their Customers Instead of Other Librarians." Presentation in the works, I'm thinking of direct quoting from this post here: Rockin' Reference with the Shelver's Curse
Thanks Girlscout for the inspiration. Weight off my mind seriously. Statement was due tomorrow but the presentation isn't until the 11th. I have a bunch of ideas, I'm trying to through them together while I still have the inspiration. I'll give you a practice speech before I give it to them on the 11th, how's that?
Checked grades while on Blackboard and found this comment on my most recent assignment. Remember the professor that hates me? And the assignment FROM HELL? "Spot on perfect on #8a. I know you were frustrated on #5 and 6 by not being able to ask questions of the patron, but I have to tell you...you did great!! I really appreciated that you included a response for each question with your impressions. Well done. Your research methods in the deep web were very good. You worked hard on this assignment, and your grade reflects that effort."
A+ Holy crap. I have no words. Like literally, was stunned. And then of course started to overanalyze everything because she hates me so now I'm thinking she says I worked hard on this one, so does that mean she thinks I don't work hard on the others, etc. etc. But maybe she doesn't hate me and it's all in my head. Wouldn't be the first time.
The boyfriend just texted that he loved me before going into work for the night.
And on that note, my day is complete.
So, on to the music.
More Voice Blind Auditions, here are a few of my favorites from tonight.
Folsom Prison Blues - Midas Whale
"i hate it when they can speak spanish, damnit!"
Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys - Tawnya Reynolds
"I ride horses." "She's not even from this country!" "I play the harmonica... and I got something you guys don't have... it's is an English to Country dictionary... I reckon that you'll want to join Team Shakira. I'd be much obliged if you picked me."
One of Us - Sarah Simmons
"pick BLAKE!!" love the voice crack.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
And sucked all at the same time.
Mostly because my boyfriend is having a monster crapsuck day.
And I would rather be spending my night with him, but he's busy fixing everything.
But ranting on here just makes things worse headspace-wise so I'm going to focus on the good.
Woke up this morning and showed up at work pre-9:05AM.
We work 9:05-6:05 don't look at me like that.
It was food day at work.
Reference Queen brought homemade fudge and lemon bars, awesomeness.
Spent an hour in the morning checking in in the backroom.
Need my zen place.
Finally got our new library business cards in, hot off the press and out on the desks.
Been asking about those for months. Mostly because people have been asking ME about them for months.
Mom stopped by the library to pick up books for her bookclub. She brought candy, ever increasing her reputation as best library Mom ever.
Added my stash to the library's food day collective.
Got lunch from the usual joint, soup, chips and Mt. Dew.
They know my order by heart so I've started switching up the chips.
Watched half an episode from season four of Total Wipeout (the UK version) during lunch.
Will watch second half during tomorrow's lunch like usual.
Met one of my volunteer's supervisors who had to do a site visit and interview myself and Superwoman in the process. Was nervous but she was cool. She asked me for my qualifications and was impressed by my answer.
This whole Master's thing actually stops people in their tracks. That was my favorite part of meeting the boyfriend's family on his dad's birthday. His aunts literally paused their inquisition. But hey! That does not mean I'm going back for a Doctorate, no matter what Superwoman says.
Got off early to go to Special Libraries class at the Library Commission where I got to jam with David, Jennifer and some other cool library mates.
Got to tour their recording studio - they do their own audio books, it's sweet.
Stopped for a Southwest grilled chicken salad from McDonald's on the way home.
I love drive-thrus.
Got two thank you cards in the mail, both for birthdays, one with cash.
Woohoo, more fun from Mom.
Watched part two of the Voice's Blind Auditions. More amusing banter between coaches.
I'm loving Shakira's added personality, but Adam has the strongest team so far.
Posted my final thesis statement for Special Libraries Class: "Special Librarians Dominate Dewey by Cataloging for Their Customers Instead of Other Librarians." Presentation in the works, I'm thinking of direct quoting from this post here: Rockin' Reference with the Shelver's Curse
Thanks Girlscout for the inspiration. Weight off my mind seriously. Statement was due tomorrow but the presentation isn't until the 11th. I have a bunch of ideas, I'm trying to through them together while I still have the inspiration. I'll give you a practice speech before I give it to them on the 11th, how's that?
Checked grades while on Blackboard and found this comment on my most recent assignment. Remember the professor that hates me? And the assignment FROM HELL? "Spot on perfect on #8a. I know you were frustrated on #5 and 6 by not being able to ask questions of the patron, but I have to tell you...you did great!! I really appreciated that you included a response for each question with your impressions. Well done. Your research methods in the deep web were very good. You worked hard on this assignment, and your grade reflects that effort."
A+ Holy crap. I have no words. Like literally, was stunned. And then of course started to overanalyze everything because she hates me so now I'm thinking she says I worked hard on this one, so does that mean she thinks I don't work hard on the others, etc. etc. But maybe she doesn't hate me and it's all in my head. Wouldn't be the first time.
The boyfriend just texted that he loved me before going into work for the night.
And on that note, my day is complete.
So, on to the music.
More Voice Blind Auditions, here are a few of my favorites from tonight.
Folsom Prison Blues - Midas Whale
"i hate it when they can speak spanish, damnit!"
Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys - Tawnya Reynolds
"I ride horses." "She's not even from this country!" "I play the harmonica... and I got something you guys don't have... it's is an English to Country dictionary... I reckon that you'll want to join Team Shakira. I'd be much obliged if you picked me."
One of Us - Sarah Simmons
"pick BLAKE!!" love the voice crack.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Monday, March 25, 2013
"Nashville is a state." "One of the 60 states."
I know, I know, it's been like 3 days.
And if you aren't friends with me on Facebook then you probably think I'm lying dead somewhere on the side of the road.
Like Sensei the day I slept through my alarm back when I was an aide.
But they clapped when I showed up, cause apparently the last aide that didn't call in was actually dead.
Anyway, no, not dead, Sketch was here for Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Take Two.
Though really we've had many so I don't know that I can actually say Take Two.
Cause we were really random in college.
But on here it's gonna say Take Two.
Cause it's our second adventure as graduated mature adults.
Here is what graduated mature adults do on their days off:

Did I mention she was an artist?

So, it snowed, the whole time she was here.
Which really didn't dampen our plans cause we don't make any.
Take Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Take One Greetings from Boondock Iowa
We're lazy like that.
But we did watch a lot of movies and eat at some point, so I'm calling it a victory.
We actually cooked.
Emphasis on the "we" cause I totally made the brownies all by myself.
I know you're all in shock.
And my apartment survived.
However, I'm glad I covered them up before I left for work because look what I found when I came home.

Those are not my footprints.
Anyway, we had a lot of fun and while a lot of memorable quotes took place - though half I can't quote on here - I think the winner of the weekend was: "This popsicle doesn't taste like Robert Downey Jr."
I have Avengers popsicles and they're colored like the heroes. She got an Iron Man one while I ate a green and black one for The Hulk.
And then a red, white and blue one for Captain America.
Did I mention I have a thing for popsicles?
So the weekend was a success. Gonna compile a list of recipes for us to make for next time.
Gummy Bear Popsicles are gonna be on it.

I should rephrase, for her to make me as she is the master chef.
I am yet a young padawan.
She took off this morning when I left for work, then I got to come home to THE VOICE!!
I know, you're all excited.
I can hear the yay's around.
Yeah, Mom told me today that when I talk about The Voice she just skips passed that part.
Thanks Mom.
And Queen of the Known Universe yawns at me, geez.
No love for the GREATEST REALITY SHOW OF ALL TIME. Cause I hate reality shows so I really must love this one to watch it so often.
Shakira and Usher are off to a great start. They've each got a couple, along with Blake, Adam only has one but it's the winner I can tell already. She's number one on my list.
Yes, I've started one.
So far there are 5 people on it.
Which is decent for me, normally I stock up early and then run out of space, this time I'm planning carefully.
Gotta keep up my winning streak - huzzah for Cassadee for winning last year!
Picked her from the start, take that.
Here are a few of the highlights so far:
Judith Hill - What a Girl Wants
"he's selling, he's selling, he's selling. and he's gonna start going like this with the finger, and he's gonna start like showing his tattoos and stuff, Usher is gonna lift his other leg..."
I love Shakira.
Judith is the winner, number one on my list so far.
Kris Thomas - Saving All My Love For You
"I wish I knew you were a guy!!"
totally sounds like a girl, freaked them all out. their comments are the best part of his audition.
Christian Porter - Sexy and I Know It
so weird it's awesome. totally freaked adam out, do you see him in the chair?!
Alright, more to come on that after more blind auditions.
They are my favorite part.
Tonight's were especially hilarious just because of the new coaches. There's a lot of rivalries already getting started - Shakira's pretty intense.
But it was hysterical because Usher was trying to win over this country artist and says, "Nashville is a state" in an effort to make Nashville seem small compared to the world so Adam goes, "It's a city...one of the 60 states!" and like Usher like freezes, woops.
I love it.
More auditions tomorrow.
But work and class and the boyfriend first.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
And if you aren't friends with me on Facebook then you probably think I'm lying dead somewhere on the side of the road.
Like Sensei the day I slept through my alarm back when I was an aide.
But they clapped when I showed up, cause apparently the last aide that didn't call in was actually dead.
Anyway, no, not dead, Sketch was here for Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Take Two.
Though really we've had many so I don't know that I can actually say Take Two.
Cause we were really random in college.
But on here it's gonna say Take Two.
Cause it's our second adventure as graduated mature adults.
Here is what graduated mature adults do on their days off:

Did I mention she was an artist?

So, it snowed, the whole time she was here.
Which really didn't dampen our plans cause we don't make any.
Take Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Take One Greetings from Boondock Iowa
We're lazy like that.
But we did watch a lot of movies and eat at some point, so I'm calling it a victory.
We actually cooked.
Emphasis on the "we" cause I totally made the brownies all by myself.
I know you're all in shock.
And my apartment survived.
However, I'm glad I covered them up before I left for work because look what I found when I came home.

Those are not my footprints.
Anyway, we had a lot of fun and while a lot of memorable quotes took place - though half I can't quote on here - I think the winner of the weekend was: "This popsicle doesn't taste like Robert Downey Jr."
I have Avengers popsicles and they're colored like the heroes. She got an Iron Man one while I ate a green and black one for The Hulk.
And then a red, white and blue one for Captain America.
Did I mention I have a thing for popsicles?
So the weekend was a success. Gonna compile a list of recipes for us to make for next time.
Gummy Bear Popsicles are gonna be on it.
I should rephrase, for her to make me as she is the master chef.
I am yet a young padawan.
She took off this morning when I left for work, then I got to come home to THE VOICE!!
I know, you're all excited.
I can hear the yay's around.
Yeah, Mom told me today that when I talk about The Voice she just skips passed that part.
Thanks Mom.
And Queen of the Known Universe yawns at me, geez.
No love for the GREATEST REALITY SHOW OF ALL TIME. Cause I hate reality shows so I really must love this one to watch it so often.
Shakira and Usher are off to a great start. They've each got a couple, along with Blake, Adam only has one but it's the winner I can tell already. She's number one on my list.
Yes, I've started one.
So far there are 5 people on it.
Which is decent for me, normally I stock up early and then run out of space, this time I'm planning carefully.
Gotta keep up my winning streak - huzzah for Cassadee for winning last year!
Picked her from the start, take that.
Here are a few of the highlights so far:
Judith Hill - What a Girl Wants
"he's selling, he's selling, he's selling. and he's gonna start going like this with the finger, and he's gonna start like showing his tattoos and stuff, Usher is gonna lift his other leg..."
I love Shakira.
Judith is the winner, number one on my list so far.
Kris Thomas - Saving All My Love For You
"I wish I knew you were a guy!!"
totally sounds like a girl, freaked them all out. their comments are the best part of his audition.
Christian Porter - Sexy and I Know It
so weird it's awesome. totally freaked adam out, do you see him in the chair?!
Alright, more to come on that after more blind auditions.
They are my favorite part.
Tonight's were especially hilarious just because of the new coaches. There's a lot of rivalries already getting started - Shakira's pretty intense.
But it was hysterical because Usher was trying to win over this country artist and says, "Nashville is a state" in an effort to make Nashville seem small compared to the world so Adam goes, "It's a city...one of the 60 states!" and like Usher like freezes, woops.
I love it.
More auditions tomorrow.
But work and class and the boyfriend first.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Friday, March 22, 2013
If your neighbor's not laughing explain that joke to him.
Ah inservice.
So, a lot of us were worried, because there was just one speaker like the whole day.
Normally we do breakout sessions so there's no time to get bored cause they're each like half an hour.
But with a guest speaker, and the same speaker all day, if they suck, then you're screwed.
Surprisingly, the chick rocked.
For serious.
And apparently, according to a branch manager, reminded her of me.
So perhaps that's why I thought she rocked.
But no, she was great, very funny, very engaging, didn't stand in the front and speak at us ever, she was always in the crowd walking through, cracking jokes.
And she definitely changed my perspective on poverty vs. middle class.
The short version is that in poverty what matters most is relationships while in middle class it's more about achievement. Once you understand that then you are better able to help people.
Sat with the Queen of Awesome, Mentor, Queen of the Known Universe, Music Librarian, Awesome Aide, Super Librarian Status and some other cool people. We jammed in the back, close to the food and the exit.
We had some killer snacks. I ate a lot of bagels with flavored cream cheese.
Went to lunch with the Queen of Awesome. Ate some barbecue, had a brisket, it was awesome. Fries and coleslaw. We finished early so we went back and played cards.
See, see what would happen if I cleaned out my car?
Again, usage of the board game box.
Take that everyone who keeps telling me to clean it out! That's like 3 times since camp.
So there.
Anyway, we played Go Fish and Old Maid - which she had never played before - she kicked my butt, beginner's luck. Then Queen of the Known Universe and I played Kings on the Corner. We left it tied 1-1 so next week it's gonna be on man.
Yet to be decided what the loser has to do. We'll think of something.
Some quotes of the day include one from Boss's Boss's Boss: "I get to follow hand sanitizer..."
and then the rest from our Guest Speaker:
-"If your neighbor's not laughing explain that joke to him."
-"We have disposable cars."
-"Thank you for cheering for that, people in Minnesota don't even cheer for that anymore." (about Vikings going to championship)
-"You don't call AAA, you call Uncle Ray!"
-"You might read a book! *mumbles* librarians...."
-"Middle class has made alcohol good for you, thank you! Exercise? No thanks, I've got red wine!"
-"What the? How the? Who the?"
But it was fun. Even though I had to leave the apartment at 7:15 in the AM.
And just got back at like 10:15 PM, but that's a longer story.
After inservice I headed out to Second Sister's house for Mom's birthday party. It was more like a Mom's/Abby's/Bek Kate's bash. They all got presents, as did I. More purple kitchen stuff from Second Sister. Man, was excited for those boots - see post here: Yippee-ki-yay! No, I like it, I will use them.
Was fun, even the boyfriend made it out. I got to play with the baby.
Who's not really a baby anymore.
I asked him if he wanted one of those, he claims he's too broke.
Then says we shouldn't have one because it would suck to be an only child so then he says we should have two and if we're gonna have two then we should have four and if we have four then we should have eight and when the number got to 64 I said I wasn't popping that many out cause I'm too queasy and then the conversation changed to me cringing at the Manchurian Candidate when he stabbed himself and pulled out the probe.
But that was gross!
Anyway, we jammed.
Ate some good food.
Joked about Dad turning 70 and what to do for his birthday in September.
-"A card shower?"
-"How about a surprise party?"
-"I don't know if you want to surprise a 70-year-old."
Was relaxing, but now I'm zonked.
So I'm gonna post this and then crash.
Big day tomorrow, Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure, take two.
Maybe - Sick Puppies
aaannd i'm out.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
So, a lot of us were worried, because there was just one speaker like the whole day.
Normally we do breakout sessions so there's no time to get bored cause they're each like half an hour.
But with a guest speaker, and the same speaker all day, if they suck, then you're screwed.
Surprisingly, the chick rocked.
For serious.
And apparently, according to a branch manager, reminded her of me.
So perhaps that's why I thought she rocked.
But no, she was great, very funny, very engaging, didn't stand in the front and speak at us ever, she was always in the crowd walking through, cracking jokes.
And she definitely changed my perspective on poverty vs. middle class.
The short version is that in poverty what matters most is relationships while in middle class it's more about achievement. Once you understand that then you are better able to help people.
Sat with the Queen of Awesome, Mentor, Queen of the Known Universe, Music Librarian, Awesome Aide, Super Librarian Status and some other cool people. We jammed in the back, close to the food and the exit.
We had some killer snacks. I ate a lot of bagels with flavored cream cheese.
Went to lunch with the Queen of Awesome. Ate some barbecue, had a brisket, it was awesome. Fries and coleslaw. We finished early so we went back and played cards.
See, see what would happen if I cleaned out my car?
Again, usage of the board game box.
Take that everyone who keeps telling me to clean it out! That's like 3 times since camp.
So there.
Anyway, we played Go Fish and Old Maid - which she had never played before - she kicked my butt, beginner's luck. Then Queen of the Known Universe and I played Kings on the Corner. We left it tied 1-1 so next week it's gonna be on man.
Yet to be decided what the loser has to do. We'll think of something.
Some quotes of the day include one from Boss's Boss's Boss: "I get to follow hand sanitizer..."
and then the rest from our Guest Speaker:
-"If your neighbor's not laughing explain that joke to him."
-"We have disposable cars."
-"Thank you for cheering for that, people in Minnesota don't even cheer for that anymore." (about Vikings going to championship)
-"You don't call AAA, you call Uncle Ray!"
-"You might read a book! *mumbles* librarians...."
-"Middle class has made alcohol good for you, thank you! Exercise? No thanks, I've got red wine!"
-"What the? How the? Who the?"
But it was fun. Even though I had to leave the apartment at 7:15 in the AM.
And just got back at like 10:15 PM, but that's a longer story.
After inservice I headed out to Second Sister's house for Mom's birthday party. It was more like a Mom's/Abby's/Bek Kate's bash. They all got presents, as did I. More purple kitchen stuff from Second Sister. Man, was excited for those boots - see post here: Yippee-ki-yay! No, I like it, I will use them.
Was fun, even the boyfriend made it out. I got to play with the baby.
Who's not really a baby anymore.
I asked him if he wanted one of those, he claims he's too broke.
Then says we shouldn't have one because it would suck to be an only child so then he says we should have two and if we're gonna have two then we should have four and if we have four then we should have eight and when the number got to 64 I said I wasn't popping that many out cause I'm too queasy and then the conversation changed to me cringing at the Manchurian Candidate when he stabbed himself and pulled out the probe.
But that was gross!
Anyway, we jammed.
Ate some good food.
Joked about Dad turning 70 and what to do for his birthday in September.
-"A card shower?"
-"How about a surprise party?"
-"I don't know if you want to surprise a 70-year-old."
Was relaxing, but now I'm zonked.
So I'm gonna post this and then crash.
Big day tomorrow, Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure, take two.
Maybe - Sick Puppies
aaannd i'm out.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
go fish,
holy crap,
kings on the corner,
old maid,
sick puppies,
the boyfriend
Thursday, March 21, 2013
everybody's gone surfin', surfin' usa
Got yelled at by an old lady today.
Cause we're closed tomorrow for inservice.
Which is not my fault.
Neither is the fact that her books are still in transit and that all the branches are closed tomorrow so there won't be anyone in to mail them to her.
About inservice, "that's the dumbest thing I've ever hear of."
Guess we'll see if she's right tomorrow.
The boyfriend and I watched the Manchurian Candidate tonight.
Scale of awesome says around 5/10. It was seriously twisted, I was lost for a while but the ending cleared things up. Not what I was expecting at all. Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington, Jon Voigt and my favorite Liev Schreiber.
Theoretically, if you go to the past in the future, then your future lies in the past. This is a picture of you in the future - in the past.
Love it, was just talking about that movie today with Girlscout.
Team Awesome dealt with some major drama today.
But that's why we're Team Awesome cause we have to be awesome to get through it.
Surfin' USA - Beach Boys
interesting to think that these guys were the heartthrobs of that decade.
i enjoy their synchronized swaying during the 1:40's.
Cause we're closed tomorrow for inservice.
Which is not my fault.
Neither is the fact that her books are still in transit and that all the branches are closed tomorrow so there won't be anyone in to mail them to her.
About inservice, "that's the dumbest thing I've ever hear of."
Guess we'll see if she's right tomorrow.
The boyfriend and I watched the Manchurian Candidate tonight.
Scale of awesome says around 5/10. It was seriously twisted, I was lost for a while but the ending cleared things up. Not what I was expecting at all. Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington, Jon Voigt and my favorite Liev Schreiber.
Theoretically, if you go to the past in the future, then your future lies in the past. This is a picture of you in the future - in the past.
Love it, was just talking about that movie today with Girlscout.
Team Awesome dealt with some major drama today.
But that's why we're Team Awesome cause we have to be awesome to get through it.
Surfin' USA - Beach Boys
interesting to think that these guys were the heartthrobs of that decade.
i enjoy their synchronized swaying during the 1:40's.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
"I'd rather take advice from a ham sandwich."
I don't know how, but Carter just knows.
Like when I'm having a bad day and I'm all emotional he just sits with me and doesn't bite or anything.
Sleeps all curled up on my stomach facing me to make sure I'm okay or something.
Last night was ridiculous. I hate throwing up, it's gross and awkward.
But what makes it even worse was that I think it was me and my messed up headspace that was making me sick in the first place.
Because I was fine all day - I felt off, but that's not unusual - and then I start freaking out about stuff and throw up. And then it just doesn't stop and I start burning up.
Just blah.
So I was up pretty late doing that, and then I was too hot to sleep so I watched Storage Wars.
Oh the excitement, I know.
Crashed about 3 or 4, woke up at 8 and Superwoman told me to stay home.
Which means tomorrow I'm gonna have a mega workload cause of all the stuff that needed to get done yesterday.
Mostly program planning stuff, need to submit everything to my bosses to they can approve it and send it on.
So today I slept it all off.
Woke up around noon. Watched Dredd.
4/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Oh my god cheesy. Like bad cheesy. I gave it a chance cause of Karl Urban but totally not worth it.
and Alex Cross
6/10 for that one, not so great either. More cheesy acting. I just can't take Tyler Perry seriously after all the Madea stuff. It's like taking Eddie Murphy seriously. Just doesn't happen.
After that I did homework.
Started at 4:30, just finished at 10:30.
All for the same assignment.
And freakin' furby McDermott decides that he's gonna wake up and talk nonstop in the middle of it.
Yay headphones.
But now it's done.
And submitted.
So now I'm gonna watch some Winter X-Games, thanks Instacake. DVR'ing the rest of them.
We're kind of nerds for all things X-Games.
oh my god, watch this commercial.
Alright, women's halfpipe. I'm out.
oh, and remind me to not post again when i'm all emotional and rambly cause it causes people to call and panic.
like my mother.
pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Like when I'm having a bad day and I'm all emotional he just sits with me and doesn't bite or anything.
Sleeps all curled up on my stomach facing me to make sure I'm okay or something.
Last night was ridiculous. I hate throwing up, it's gross and awkward.
But what makes it even worse was that I think it was me and my messed up headspace that was making me sick in the first place.
Because I was fine all day - I felt off, but that's not unusual - and then I start freaking out about stuff and throw up. And then it just doesn't stop and I start burning up.
Just blah.
So I was up pretty late doing that, and then I was too hot to sleep so I watched Storage Wars.
Oh the excitement, I know.
Crashed about 3 or 4, woke up at 8 and Superwoman told me to stay home.
Which means tomorrow I'm gonna have a mega workload cause of all the stuff that needed to get done yesterday.
Mostly program planning stuff, need to submit everything to my bosses to they can approve it and send it on.
So today I slept it all off.
Woke up around noon. Watched Dredd.
4/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Oh my god cheesy. Like bad cheesy. I gave it a chance cause of Karl Urban but totally not worth it.
and Alex Cross
6/10 for that one, not so great either. More cheesy acting. I just can't take Tyler Perry seriously after all the Madea stuff. It's like taking Eddie Murphy seriously. Just doesn't happen.
After that I did homework.
Started at 4:30, just finished at 10:30.
All for the same assignment.
And freakin' furby McDermott decides that he's gonna wake up and talk nonstop in the middle of it.
Yay headphones.
But now it's done.
And submitted.
So now I'm gonna watch some Winter X-Games, thanks Instacake. DVR'ing the rest of them.
We're kind of nerds for all things X-Games.
oh my god, watch this commercial.
Alright, women's halfpipe. I'm out.
oh, and remind me to not post again when i'm all emotional and rambly cause it causes people to call and panic.
like my mother.
pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
alex cross,
farmers only,
holy crap,
scale of awesome,
sick day,
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
but the tigers come at night.
I think I'm getting sick.
Well, I don't need to think, I've spent the past hour puking and burning up.
So I guess I am sick.
I felt off today, but I just figured that was stress cause of tax stuff and TAB stuff and other work stuff.
So I should be sleeping but I can't because I have a MASSIVE assignment due this weekend.
And I can't work on it Thursday cause that's date night with the boyfriend - I don't care what you have to say about my priorities I need some aspect of sanity and he gives me that - and Friday is Mom's birthday party with the family and then this weekend Sketch will be here in person so it is tonight and tomorrow for me to get it done.
I hate the census website with a passion.
And then there's all this math stuff and then her math doesn't match up so I can't use it as an example.
I literally want to throw my computer against the wall.
The frustration is just adding to the nausea.
I don't understand it and I don't understand what she wants and I'm going to fail and it's making me all emotional which is just making me throw up more.
So I should really text Superwoman telling her I can't make it tomorrow and then go to sleep
Like we're out of receipt paper at like every station, one of the printers needs a new cartridge, NESU is out of a certain tax form - that I don't know where to get cause my Trainee is gone on vacation - I have the Old New Guy's flashdrive cause I forgot to put it on his desk - he left it at the computer and I put it in my pocket to take down to his desk but I was so flustered about the tax form thing that I totally spaced it. And then my program descriptions are due on the 21st.
We finally picked the dates but I don't have anything close to ready with those things, I passed them on to Girlscout for her opinion cause my descriptions always suck but that's as far as I've gotten.
I don't understand it. Everything was fine. I watched NCIS and Splash - ridiculous, by the way, but I'm going to keep watching anyway - then I pick up my laptop to start the assignment due Saturday and I start puking nonstop.
So I'm taking a break from the homework but I'm still burning up and nauseous.
The boyfriend told me to go to sleep but I CAN'T cause I need to get this done.
But I can't get it done because I don't understand the assignment.
And I can't ask the professor because I have this feeling that she hates me - just something about how she words her comments on my stuff it makes me feel inadequate - so I don't feel comfortable asking questions and then that makes me feel even more like a failure and that's making more more sick.
So I quit.
I'm going to bed.
And then I'm gonna fail the assignment.
But hey, life sucks and then you die.
This is really not what I was expecting out of this post.
Today was fine, I mean aside from the stuff that sucked, which a lot of it did, but nothing to the extent of how crappy I feel at the moment.
I don't know what's going on with me, apparently I get all emotional when I'm sick so I should really stop typing and just crash.
I just need someone to sit down with me and go over the assignment. Normally with professors I feel comfortable asking questions but not with this class. I hate math and I hate that website so I'm just gonna fail.
Sounds good.
I'm out.
Well, I don't need to think, I've spent the past hour puking and burning up.
So I guess I am sick.
I felt off today, but I just figured that was stress cause of tax stuff and TAB stuff and other work stuff.
So I should be sleeping but I can't because I have a MASSIVE assignment due this weekend.
And I can't work on it Thursday cause that's date night with the boyfriend - I don't care what you have to say about my priorities I need some aspect of sanity and he gives me that - and Friday is Mom's birthday party with the family and then this weekend Sketch will be here in person so it is tonight and tomorrow for me to get it done.
I hate the census website with a passion.
And then there's all this math stuff and then her math doesn't match up so I can't use it as an example.
I literally want to throw my computer against the wall.
The frustration is just adding to the nausea.
I don't understand it and I don't understand what she wants and I'm going to fail and it's making me all emotional which is just making me throw up more.
So I should really text Superwoman telling her I can't make it tomorrow and then go to sleep
Like we're out of receipt paper at like every station, one of the printers needs a new cartridge, NESU is out of a certain tax form - that I don't know where to get cause my Trainee is gone on vacation - I have the Old New Guy's flashdrive cause I forgot to put it on his desk - he left it at the computer and I put it in my pocket to take down to his desk but I was so flustered about the tax form thing that I totally spaced it. And then my program descriptions are due on the 21st.
We finally picked the dates but I don't have anything close to ready with those things, I passed them on to Girlscout for her opinion cause my descriptions always suck but that's as far as I've gotten.
I don't understand it. Everything was fine. I watched NCIS and Splash - ridiculous, by the way, but I'm going to keep watching anyway - then I pick up my laptop to start the assignment due Saturday and I start puking nonstop.
So I'm taking a break from the homework but I'm still burning up and nauseous.
The boyfriend told me to go to sleep but I CAN'T cause I need to get this done.
But I can't get it done because I don't understand the assignment.
And I can't ask the professor because I have this feeling that she hates me - just something about how she words her comments on my stuff it makes me feel inadequate - so I don't feel comfortable asking questions and then that makes me feel even more like a failure and that's making more more sick.
So I quit.
I'm going to bed.
And then I'm gonna fail the assignment.
But hey, life sucks and then you die.
This is really not what I was expecting out of this post.
Today was fine, I mean aside from the stuff that sucked, which a lot of it did, but nothing to the extent of how crappy I feel at the moment.
I don't know what's going on with me, apparently I get all emotional when I'm sick so I should really stop typing and just crash.
I just need someone to sit down with me and go over the assignment. Normally with professors I feel comfortable asking questions but not with this class. I hate math and I hate that website so I'm just gonna fail.
Sounds good.
I'm out.
bad day,
holy crap,
i dreamed a dream,
kill me now,
Monday, March 18, 2013
"You just killed a helicopter with a car." "I was out of bullets."
On to Live Free or Die Hard.
aka Die Hard 4.0
aka my favorite of the series so far.
Bruce Willis likes it better than 2 or 3 as the sequel.
Watched an exclusive interview between Bruce and Kevin Smith.
He plays Warlock but you probably know him from Clerks.
or Jay and Silent Bob.
He's highly entertaining, but he pointed out that Bruce has done a Die Hard movie in the 80's, 90's the 00's and now the 10's.
The boyfriend is convinced Willis is gonna be in a wheelchair for the next movie.
So yes, finishing up my marathon. Watched 1 last night and started number 2 - fell asleep so finished that one and number 3 this morning. Now I'm on 4 but can't watch 5 cause it's still in theaters, but I've rambled about that one already anyway go here: You asked for a large bag of hair on the way to Taganskaya Courthouse.
Just starting this one, he's currently picking up Matt Farrell - I love Justin Long, another one of my top favorites mentioned yesterday.
And now his apartment's being blown to pieces.
I do like all 5 but this is my favorite. Mostly because of the actors involved - Justin Long, Timothy Olyphant, Mary Elizabeth Winstead (who makes an appearance in number 5) - and I like the whole government fire sale aspect to it.
The boyfriend likes the 2nd one best. My favorite scenes in that movie are the ones with his wife on the plane cause of her back and forth with the reporter who has a restraining order against her (after she punched him in the 1st movie.)
I've only seen it twice, along with number 3.
Which I also like a lot because of the Simon Says stuff along with Samuel L. Jackson as Zeus.
Here are a few of my favorites from this one:
Matt Farrell: [to Lucy] Wow, I know that tone. It's just weird hearing it come from someone... with hair.
Just one of the many reasons I love it.
Today was good.
Aside from the all the Die Hard I mean, went in to work for a couple of hours. Was swamped the first and dead the next. But was good bonding time with Girlscout.
We talked pets.
Showed her the picture of Carter with the snowpeople.
Cause he's like monstrous in comparison.
And he sleeps on my stomach.
It would be adorable if it wasn't killing my back.
He's currently decked out beside me.
But anyway, so yes, slept in, watched Die Hard's 2 and 3, went to work, went grocery shopping.
Came home, unpacked groceries, ate supper, now on to Die Hard 4.
And that was my day.
Tomorrow will be much different I'm sure. Back to the regular 9-6, plus gotta call the dentist to set up an appointment.
I actually started flossing, aren't you proud?
Although by "started" I mean like twice.
This week.
But that's better than nothing.
I'll start doing it until the appointment and then quit again until next time.
And there's a TAB meeting.
Get to plan out logistics for SR events and the kickoff party.
Alright, on to the music, then back to the movie.
Just a Fool - Christina Aguilera Feat. Blake Shelton
love this song.
and that it debuted on the voice.
which starts next week, get ready.
love her.
will of course miss Xtina and Cee-Lo, but I've always loved Shakira. and Usher is alright I guess, so we'll see how this goes.
aka Die Hard 4.0
aka my favorite of the series so far.
Bruce Willis likes it better than 2 or 3 as the sequel.
Watched an exclusive interview between Bruce and Kevin Smith.
He plays Warlock but you probably know him from Clerks.
or Jay and Silent Bob.
He's highly entertaining, but he pointed out that Bruce has done a Die Hard movie in the 80's, 90's the 00's and now the 10's.
The boyfriend is convinced Willis is gonna be in a wheelchair for the next movie.
So yes, finishing up my marathon. Watched 1 last night and started number 2 - fell asleep so finished that one and number 3 this morning. Now I'm on 4 but can't watch 5 cause it's still in theaters, but I've rambled about that one already anyway go here: You asked for a large bag of hair on the way to Taganskaya Courthouse.
Just starting this one, he's currently picking up Matt Farrell - I love Justin Long, another one of my top favorites mentioned yesterday.
And now his apartment's being blown to pieces.
I do like all 5 but this is my favorite. Mostly because of the actors involved - Justin Long, Timothy Olyphant, Mary Elizabeth Winstead (who makes an appearance in number 5) - and I like the whole government fire sale aspect to it.
The boyfriend likes the 2nd one best. My favorite scenes in that movie are the ones with his wife on the plane cause of her back and forth with the reporter who has a restraining order against her (after she punched him in the 1st movie.)
Richard Thornburg: [sits down and sees Holly looking at him]
Stewardess: Mr. Thornburg, you cannot monopolize my time.
Richard Thornburg: You cannot put me near that woman.
Stewardess: Excuse me?
Holly McClane: He means he's filed a restraining order
against me. I'm not allowed within 50 feet of him.
Richard Thornburg: 50 yards. So by keeping me in the section
you are violating a court order. I can sue you and this airline. That woman
assaulted me and she humiliated me in public.
Stewardess: [walks over to Holly and whispers] What did you
Holly McClane: Knocked out two of his teeth.
Stewardess: Would you like some champagne?
I've only seen it twice, along with number 3.
Which I also like a lot because of the Simon Says stuff along with Samuel L. Jackson as Zeus.
Zeus: Why you keep calling me Jésus? I look Puerto Rican to
John McClane: Guy back there called you Jésus.
Zeus: He didn't say Jésus. He said, "Hey, Zeus!"
My name is Zeus.
John McClane: Zeus?
Zeus: Yeah, Zeus! As in, father of Apollo? Mt. Olympus?
Don't fuck with me or I'll shove a lightning bolt up your ass? Zeus! You got a
problem with that?
John McClane: No, I don't have a problem with that.
[McClane and Zeus are speeding through Central Park]
Zeus: Are you aiming for these people?
John McClane: No. Well, maybe that mime.
Here are a few of my favorites from this one:
Matt Farrell: Awww, great! There goes the cell phone.
John McClane: They knocked the satellites out of the skies,
Matt Farrell: No, your battery ran out.
The Warlock: [to Matt] Why did you bring a cop to my command
John McClane: [laughs] Command center? It's a basement.
The Warlock: [angrily] Who is this man?
[standing next to a stand-up cardboard cut-out of Boba Fett]
The Warlock: What, like, you a big fan of the Fett?
John McClane: No. I was always more of a Star Wars guy.
Thomas Gabriel: I can't talk this guy. You talk to him. See
if you can get him to focus.
[hands cell phone to Lucy]
Lucy McClane: Dad?
John McClane: Hi, baby.
Lucy McClane: Now there are only five of them.
[to terrorists over radio]
John McClane: Hey, Metro, how's your day goin' over there?
Yeah, you gotta be pretty, uh, crazy over there, what with all those 5-87's,
Mai Lihn: Yes, sir, we've had to dispatch all units.
John McClane: Yeah, you had to dispatch all units for all
the naked people walkin' around?
[after the presidential montage]
Casper: That was creepy.
Trey: I tried to find more Nixon.
Matt Farrell: [to Lucy] Wow, I know that tone. It's just weird hearing it come from someone... with hair.
Just one of the many reasons I love it.
Today was good.
Aside from the all the Die Hard I mean, went in to work for a couple of hours. Was swamped the first and dead the next. But was good bonding time with Girlscout.
We talked pets.
Showed her the picture of Carter with the snowpeople.
Cause he's like monstrous in comparison.
And he sleeps on my stomach.
It would be adorable if it wasn't killing my back.
He's currently decked out beside me.
But anyway, so yes, slept in, watched Die Hard's 2 and 3, went to work, went grocery shopping.
Came home, unpacked groceries, ate supper, now on to Die Hard 4.
And that was my day.
Tomorrow will be much different I'm sure. Back to the regular 9-6, plus gotta call the dentist to set up an appointment.
I actually started flossing, aren't you proud?
Although by "started" I mean like twice.
This week.
But that's better than nothing.
I'll start doing it until the appointment and then quit again until next time.
And there's a TAB meeting.
Get to plan out logistics for SR events and the kickoff party.
Alright, on to the music, then back to the movie.
Just a Fool - Christina Aguilera Feat. Blake Shelton
love this song.
and that it debuted on the voice.
which starts next week, get ready.
love her.
will of course miss Xtina and Cee-Lo, but I've always loved Shakira. and Usher is alright I guess, so we'll see how this goes.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
I love my boyfriend.
He bought me the Die Hard collection on Blu-ray for my birthday (as previously mentioned) so now I'm having a marathon.
Up first, movie one.
Not bad for 1988.
The best thing about these new DVDs?
Things I've learned from the Die Hard commentary so far:
The movie is based off a book by Roderick Thorp called "Nothing Lasts Forever" which is actually a sequel to another book - "The Detective" - which was made into a movie in 1968 and it starred Frank Sinatra. Sinatra's contact gave him the right to reprise his role if there was ever a sequel so he was the first person offered the role even though he was 73 at the time the movie was being made. Coincidentally, Bruce Willis made his movie debut in "The First Deadly Sin". He was an extra who walked out of a bar when Sinatra was walking in.
The cinematography is big on triangles. The placement of villains (they often stand in threes), the set layout, and camera shots (also in threes) all show this. Which you don't notice until you're told. The only non-pointed aspect of the entire movie is the vault that they're trying to break into cause it is a round tube.
Other people offered the role before Willis were Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds, Richard Gere, Harrison Ford and then Mel Gibson. Richard Gere? Really?
The protagonist in this movie is actually Hans Gruber, the bad guy (aka Alan Rickman aka Snape), while the antagonist is Willis' character John McClane. People seem to mix up protagonist, antagonist with hero, villain - the hero isn't always the protagonist. The protagonist is the person who starts the ball rolling so the protagonist is Hans Gruber when he decides to rob the building. And then the antagonist's job is to thwart him, so that's Willis when he tries to stop him from robbing said building. "once you've realized that the hero in these movies is usually making the second chess move you realize your obligation to give serious credence to the plans of the criminal." It's all about the back and forth.
"Dog heavy" is an old Hollywood term that refers to the third villain from the top. It goes back to Westerns, the main villain kills the sheriff, the second villain kills the deputy, and then the third villain does something generically mean, like kick a dog.
only halfway thru, the idiot is about to get shot for saying he knows john.
oh there's another triangle camera shot, ellis to karl to karl's gun.
dig it.
So today was fun.
Sunday at the library.
Morning was dead silent, afternoon picked up...in awkward ways. Internet computers turned off at some of the branches mid-day, there was a hygiene issue which led us to writing up awkward incident reports, Second Sister has decided to get me a stripper pole and leather boots for birthday, just weird stuff.
The last part was a joke.
I hope.
She's held off on buying me something for my birthday until she finds something I will actually like - which I appreciate. Now she's just making stuff up.
I hope.
Excited to sleep in tomorrow. Don't go in until 4 for a whole 2 hours. Afterwards I need to go shopping.
I'm down to just liquor to drink.
Out of both pop and water bottles.
And tap water here tastes weird.
I'm used to water from the farm, this stuff is gross.
See, sounds like excuses from an alcoholic, but the only reason I have a fridge door full of liquor is cause I don't drink it so it builds up.
Not really a big drinker, never have been.
The boyfriend makes fun of me cause I'll have like one drink and it'll last for hours.
I like Amaretto Sours and Margaritas. Possibly wine, mostly Asti. Sometimes other mixed stuff.
Other than that it's pop for me.
But I'll put some flavoring in the water and live with it for a night.
On to the music and then it's back to the movie for me.
It's amusing, you can tell how far into the movie you are by the state of John's clothes. Like first he's in a suit, then he ditches the jacket (and the shoes) so it's a white tanktop, then the tanktop turns red with blood and black with dirt. Eventually he ditches it so it's just the pants. Now he's got the firefighter jacket.
I love Bruce Willis. Definitely in my top ten of male actors.
Others being Brendan Fraser, Adam Sandler, David Spade, Jim Parsons, the list goes on.
On to number movie two.
Songs of the day:
you will know neither of these, but give them a chance.
well, the second one at least.
Until You - Dave Barnes
Hurtful - Erik Hassle
posted this one twice already through the years, but still love it.
Some of my favorites:
[Karl smashes a table of glasses in fury]
and my personal favorite...
[after McClane sets off massive explosion]
He bought me the Die Hard collection on Blu-ray for my birthday (as previously mentioned) so now I'm having a marathon.
Up first, movie one.
Not bad for 1988.
The best thing about these new DVDs?
Things I've learned from the Die Hard commentary so far:
The movie is based off a book by Roderick Thorp called "Nothing Lasts Forever" which is actually a sequel to another book - "The Detective" - which was made into a movie in 1968 and it starred Frank Sinatra. Sinatra's contact gave him the right to reprise his role if there was ever a sequel so he was the first person offered the role even though he was 73 at the time the movie was being made. Coincidentally, Bruce Willis made his movie debut in "The First Deadly Sin". He was an extra who walked out of a bar when Sinatra was walking in.
The cinematography is big on triangles. The placement of villains (they often stand in threes), the set layout, and camera shots (also in threes) all show this. Which you don't notice until you're told. The only non-pointed aspect of the entire movie is the vault that they're trying to break into cause it is a round tube.
Other people offered the role before Willis were Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds, Richard Gere, Harrison Ford and then Mel Gibson. Richard Gere? Really?
The protagonist in this movie is actually Hans Gruber, the bad guy (aka Alan Rickman aka Snape), while the antagonist is Willis' character John McClane. People seem to mix up protagonist, antagonist with hero, villain - the hero isn't always the protagonist. The protagonist is the person who starts the ball rolling so the protagonist is Hans Gruber when he decides to rob the building. And then the antagonist's job is to thwart him, so that's Willis when he tries to stop him from robbing said building. "once you've realized that the hero in these movies is usually making the second chess move you realize your obligation to give serious credence to the plans of the criminal." It's all about the back and forth.
"Dog heavy" is an old Hollywood term that refers to the third villain from the top. It goes back to Westerns, the main villain kills the sheriff, the second villain kills the deputy, and then the third villain does something generically mean, like kick a dog.
only halfway thru, the idiot is about to get shot for saying he knows john.
oh there's another triangle camera shot, ellis to karl to karl's gun.
dig it.
So today was fun.
Sunday at the library.
Morning was dead silent, afternoon picked up...in awkward ways. Internet computers turned off at some of the branches mid-day, there was a hygiene issue which led us to writing up awkward incident reports, Second Sister has decided to get me a stripper pole and leather boots for birthday, just weird stuff.
The last part was a joke.
I hope.
She's held off on buying me something for my birthday until she finds something I will actually like - which I appreciate. Now she's just making stuff up.
I hope.
Excited to sleep in tomorrow. Don't go in until 4 for a whole 2 hours. Afterwards I need to go shopping.
I'm down to just liquor to drink.
Out of both pop and water bottles.
And tap water here tastes weird.
I'm used to water from the farm, this stuff is gross.
See, sounds like excuses from an alcoholic, but the only reason I have a fridge door full of liquor is cause I don't drink it so it builds up.
Not really a big drinker, never have been.
The boyfriend makes fun of me cause I'll have like one drink and it'll last for hours.
I like Amaretto Sours and Margaritas. Possibly wine, mostly Asti. Sometimes other mixed stuff.
Other than that it's pop for me.
But I'll put some flavoring in the water and live with it for a night.
On to the music and then it's back to the movie for me.
It's amusing, you can tell how far into the movie you are by the state of John's clothes. Like first he's in a suit, then he ditches the jacket (and the shoes) so it's a white tanktop, then the tanktop turns red with blood and black with dirt. Eventually he ditches it so it's just the pants. Now he's got the firefighter jacket.
I love Bruce Willis. Definitely in my top ten of male actors.
Others being Brendan Fraser, Adam Sandler, David Spade, Jim Parsons, the list goes on.
On to number movie two.
Songs of the day:
you will know neither of these, but give them a chance.
well, the second one at least.
Until You - Dave Barnes
Hurtful - Erik Hassle
posted this one twice already through the years, but still love it.
Some of my favorites:
Hans Gruber: "And when Alexander saw the breadth of his
domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." Benefits of a
classical education.
Hans Gruber: What idiot put you in charge?
Holly Gennero McClane: You did. When you murdered my boss.
[Karl smashes a table of glasses in fury]
Ginny: God. That
man looks *really* pissed.
Holly Gennero McClane: He's still alive.
Ginny: What?
Holly Gennero McClane: Only John can drive somebody that
Hans: The following people are to be released from their
captors: In Northern Ireland, the seven members of the New Provo Front. In
Canada, the five imprisoned leaders of Liberte de Quebec. In Sri Lanka, the
nine members of the Asian Dawn movement...
Karl: [mouthing silently] Asian Dawn?
Hans: [covers the radio] I read about them in Time magazine.
and my personal favorite...
[after McClane sets off massive explosion]
John McClane: Is
the building on fire?
Sergeant Al Powell: No, but it's gonna need a paint job and
a shit load of screen doors.
and i'm out.
and i'm out.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Screw Beauty and the Beast, that's the love story Disney should tell.
Am totally zonked so gonna keep this short.
Super busy today at work. Only 5 of us there on staff but everyone and their dog seemed to stop by.
Was semi-productive. Did a lot of TAB stuff - planned an agenda, updated the website.
Not so excited because apparently there may be copyright issues with our Reader's Theater videos so they're gonna have to go through the city attorney, and that's just a mess.
So I'm guessing those are going down which the kids won't like, but really nothing I can do about it.
Other than that the day was okay. Good group of coworkers for the weekend shift.
Ever since the concert I've had the song "Just a Friend" by Biz Markie stuck in my head - it was playing on the radio before the concert - and apparently I'm crazy because no one else knows it.
Like, I was singing it at work and they had no idea what I was talking about.
But it's an 80's song.
A classic.
Please tell me someone else knows this song.
And if you don't be prepared to learn it cause some mini-rapper just remade it.
The refrain over and over, I'm going nuts.
But I can't be the only person in the world that knows this song.
After work the boyfriend came up and we watched the rest of Enemy at the Gates and then some Big Bang Theory.
How romantic.
I meant us, not the radium.
I'm really liking this whole dating thing. It seems to be working very well with him. It's amusing because one of the episodes that we watched was the 100th episode where Leonard asks Penny out and they date again.
He laughed.
But so far, so good.
Alright, so that was my music rec, and my amusing anecdotes for the day.
As for right now I am half asleep so I'm gonna post and crash.
Have a good night.
OH BABY YOU, you got what I neeeeeeeeeeed, but you say he's just a friend, but you say he's just a friend...
Super busy today at work. Only 5 of us there on staff but everyone and their dog seemed to stop by.
Was semi-productive. Did a lot of TAB stuff - planned an agenda, updated the website.
Not so excited because apparently there may be copyright issues with our Reader's Theater videos so they're gonna have to go through the city attorney, and that's just a mess.
So I'm guessing those are going down which the kids won't like, but really nothing I can do about it.
Other than that the day was okay. Good group of coworkers for the weekend shift.
Ever since the concert I've had the song "Just a Friend" by Biz Markie stuck in my head - it was playing on the radio before the concert - and apparently I'm crazy because no one else knows it.
Like, I was singing it at work and they had no idea what I was talking about.
But it's an 80's song.
A classic.
Please tell me someone else knows this song.
And if you don't be prepared to learn it cause some mini-rapper just remade it.
The refrain over and over, I'm going nuts.
But I can't be the only person in the world that knows this song.
After work the boyfriend came up and we watched the rest of Enemy at the Gates and then some Big Bang Theory.
Amy Farrah Fowler: We can be like Marie Curie and her
husband Pierre, who spent their days working side by side bathed in the glow of
their love and the radium that ultimately killed her. Screw Beauty and the
Beast, *that's* the love story Disney should tell.
How romantic.
I meant us, not the radium.
I'm really liking this whole dating thing. It seems to be working very well with him. It's amusing because one of the episodes that we watched was the 100th episode where Leonard asks Penny out and they date again.
Leonard Hofstadter: So, uh, do they have a name for a first
date with someone you used to go out with?
Penny: Oh, that's a good question. How about 'awkward'?
He laughed.
But so far, so good.
Alright, so that was my music rec, and my amusing anecdotes for the day.
As for right now I am half asleep so I'm gonna post and crash.
Have a good night.
OH BABY YOU, you got what I neeeeeeeeeeed, but you say he's just a friend, but you say he's just a friend...
Friday, March 15, 2013
"You got hit by a car. Are you even human?" "The trick is to just relax your legs. I read it on wikiHow."
Et tu, Smo?
We give her crap cause her birthday's on the Ides of March.
Welcome to the world of twenty-five-dom.
Now you can feel old like the rest of us.
A day off, huzzah.
Needed one of those.
Slept in, did some cleaning, swapped a TV out with another TV.
Switched the one in my closet with the one in my bedroom. So now the one that was in the bedroom is on the dresser where the other one previous sat.
And these are like the old massive box style TVs so that was a bit of a workout.
But this one has a remote.
And I can plug both my PS2 and DVD player in it, whereas with the other one, it was bigger but there was no remote and I had to choose between my PS2 and DVD player.
After that my professor called - nightmare scheduling that one - and we talked about my final project. That I'm actually basically done with. She was shocked, apparently I'm the furthest along - score.
But it's a poster session, so basically we get one powerpoint slide and we have to put all of our information on it like an actual poster and then we'll have to present electronically, cause the class is all online. Curious as to how that's gonna work, but I guess we shall see.
After that I headed out to see the boyfriend. We ate and then went to see Identity Thief.
Which we wanted to see for a while, but were waiting for it to come to the theater out there. Usually the blockbusters aren't this delayed but they only have three screens.
Hilarious, 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. I love Melissa McCarthy and find it humorous when her husband makes cameo appearances. They have a production company called On The Day, looking forward to their movies.
She's great, loved her since Gilmore Girls, which was long before her Bridesmaids fame. Which then led to Mike and Molly and then the whole Queen of Comedy thing. But she's hilarious and deserves it. I do love that she's the sane one in a family of crazies in Mike and Molly. Which is unusual cause in most of her roles she's the weird one.
Afterward we watched an episode of World Dumbest. I'm tempted to get the next package up with Dish just so I can get TruTV, I miss that show. Fell asleep watching it almost every night in college, love it.
Love it.
Alright, I'm off to sleep. Back to work tomorrow.
Song of the night
Feel This Moment - Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera
super cool video but a weird collaboration of artists.
We give her crap cause her birthday's on the Ides of March.
Welcome to the world of twenty-five-dom.
Now you can feel old like the rest of us.
A day off, huzzah.
Needed one of those.
Slept in, did some cleaning, swapped a TV out with another TV.
Switched the one in my closet with the one in my bedroom. So now the one that was in the bedroom is on the dresser where the other one previous sat.
And these are like the old massive box style TVs so that was a bit of a workout.
But this one has a remote.
And I can plug both my PS2 and DVD player in it, whereas with the other one, it was bigger but there was no remote and I had to choose between my PS2 and DVD player.
After that my professor called - nightmare scheduling that one - and we talked about my final project. That I'm actually basically done with. She was shocked, apparently I'm the furthest along - score.
But it's a poster session, so basically we get one powerpoint slide and we have to put all of our information on it like an actual poster and then we'll have to present electronically, cause the class is all online. Curious as to how that's gonna work, but I guess we shall see.
After that I headed out to see the boyfriend. We ate and then went to see Identity Thief.
Which we wanted to see for a while, but were waiting for it to come to the theater out there. Usually the blockbusters aren't this delayed but they only have three screens.
Hilarious, 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. I love Melissa McCarthy and find it humorous when her husband makes cameo appearances. They have a production company called On The Day, looking forward to their movies.
She's great, loved her since Gilmore Girls, which was long before her Bridesmaids fame. Which then led to Mike and Molly and then the whole Queen of Comedy thing. But she's hilarious and deserves it. I do love that she's the sane one in a family of crazies in Mike and Molly. Which is unusual cause in most of her roles she's the weird one.
Afterward we watched an episode of World Dumbest. I'm tempted to get the next package up with Dish just so I can get TruTV, I miss that show. Fell asleep watching it almost every night in college, love it.
Love it.
Alright, I'm off to sleep. Back to work tomorrow.
Song of the night
Feel This Moment - Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera
super cool video but a weird collaboration of artists.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
i'm singing along like there's no tomorrow.
Find this video highly amusing.
So I posted it on Squirt's wall cause she likes accents.
Coolest Aunt, 15 years running.
Just saying.
PS - She got her Learner's permit the other day, makes me feel SUPER old.
Wordie says he's gonna put foam all around his car just in case.
Stay off the sidewalks people.
I told her not to take driving lessons from her uncle.
He gave me my first driving lesson.
Here's how that went.
"I just did three illegal things, what were they?"
Changed lanes in an intersection.
Did it without signaling.
I have a lot of weird early driving memories.
Second Sister parked her car in the ditch once - she and Favorite Sister-In-Law had a place in town - and Mom was coming so she wanted to convince Mom it was my doing.
Then there was my brother-in-law - the King of Useless Knowledge - letting me drive a car for the first time.
aka putting it in neutral and letting it roll like 3 feet in a driveway, it was AWESOME!
Hitting a deer with Smo and Shel in the car. With cappuccino. Yeah, those went everywhere. Best part we were like 1 mile from home. Called Dad, "does it run?" "yeah." "drive it home." To be fair it was like 10PM.
Driving over a hill with an ex and the yoyo in the cupholder flipping over and landing in place.
Dirt road in the rain, slid off that one with same ex and friend Jess.
Getting pickup stuck in mud at brother's place whilst attempting to go swim in his pond with friends.
I'm sensing a trend.
Perhaps these incidents were not my fault, there's always people involved.
Been in 3 accidents - none of them my fault.
Once on the farm, got hit by some dude my age who had - the month previously - put the same car in the ditch (in a giant snowpile) about half a block from where he hit me. My brother pulled him out. He suggested we not call the cops, because apparently, not only was he just in that ditch a month before but he also hit his friend's car not long before that and it was a cheap fix. After convincing him that I was calling my parents - well, my brother - he decided then was a good time to tell me his life story. Apparently he had a kid. Guess how he found out. "Merry Christmas, I'm pregnant."
That text came after they had broken up.
Meanwhile in my head I'm screaming, "where the hell is my brother?" If he were at home he could have been there in 30 seconds but instead he was in town with my mother so it took 10 minutes.
While that may sound like a super fast response time, it really doesn't feel that way when you're hearing someone's life story.
Cops showed up, gave him a ticket and he paid for the damage.
Accident number 2 was here, way north on 27th, got rear-ended by a guy named Kory.
Yes, he spelled it with a K.
Think his number is still in my phone.
Anyway, it was barely a scratch, more of a shock factor than anything else. I told him I'd have my brother-in-law look at it and then contact him.
3rd one Mom was driving. We were driving through Oldest Sister's neighborhood on ice, dude coming in opposite direction was going too fast, couldn't slow down, ended up spinning and hitting us.
Got to call the non-emergency number.
Good thing I work where I work.
Otherwise it would have been 911, emergency.
You learn so much from working at a library filled with crazies, drunks, and other festive personalities.
He was like half a block from his house, sad day for him.
Mom's car sat in my parking lot for a while 'til it could get checked out.
It snowed and someone made a smiley face on the hood.
Oh the joys.
But none of them were my fault. Much more cautious now with the new car.
I used to speed, a lot. Now I don't really see the point - not that I did then, it was just something you did when you're a teenager and stupid.
But now I have to watch out for freakin' cops who hide in alleys, then walk in the middle of the road pointing their speed gun at you and then point to a sidestreet you're supposed to turn off on.
Or the joy and excitement that was my birthday last year when I got pulled over in Second Sister's driveway. "Happy birthday, here's a warning." That was an adventure. But the speeding wasn't intentional, thought it was 35 when it was in fact 25.
No, I actually don't speed now cause I have to pay for the insurance, ha! And as much fun as Stop Class is - been there twice - I can really do without another 8 hours of "don't speed" "wear your seatbelt" "don't drink and drive" "don't text and drive" etc. etc. Although, the more recent one was more like watch these amusing video clips because the cop who's supposed to be here is sick.
How did I get here?
Oh right, Squirt and her driving capabilities.
They need to take her out to the farm and let her loose.
I never took Driver's Ed. I actually got my license when I was 14, or was it 13?
Cause you get your school permit at like 15 but then I could get it when I was 14 cause I lived more than 10 miles away from school and then instead it was 13 cause I lived on a farm too or some weird law thing.
I don't remember.
I was supposed to do like 50 hours of supervised driving but I'm pretty sure the parentals just signed at the bottom and called it good.
Speaking of signing, apparently the Library Goddess has perfected my signature. Good thing she knows how to spell my name. Ask her about that later.
And as for the parentals, today is Mom's birthday. I called, yay me.
And also Abby Cadabra's birthday. I called, yay me.
I asked her if she wanted me to sing and she replied, with absolutely no excitement whatsoever, "sure". No faith in my birthday-singing skills. So I sang anyway.
It was amusing, we - as siblings - banter frequently.
So this morning I get this text from my brother saying:
"Don't forget today is Mom's birthday. As I have already given her the continuous gift of having a child with her birthday no call is necessary. You less thoughtful children must call."
To which Oldest Sister replied:
"U r taller than ur hair." (We give him crap cause he shaved his head in college and the hair never grew back.)
And then Second Sister added:
"I don't claim to be the most thoughtful offspring, that much is certain. Just the best looking."
I WAS WORKING so being the responsible adult that I am, refused to participate. (actually I didn't get them until lunch and by then we had moved on to talk of burning farm ground so we can start from scratch. on purpose don't worry.)
Apparently the only skills needed to participate are being able to beat stuff with a stick with a mud flap on it.
And there must be beer on hand.
No, we're not redneck whatsoever.
I missed out on last time so I'm hoping to make it this year. Last year it was just the boys. Driving 4 wheelers around the fires.
Taking a break from their day jobs.
No, we're not idiots whatsoever either.
but that's enough family hijinks...
is it hijinks or hyjinks?
either way i'm getting those annoying red edit lines.
Got to see 2 of my favorite home branch friends today as they made an appearance at the work branch. Does that mean I can call them my "homies" cause they're from the home branch? or would that make them the "home branchies"?
I like "homies" better. Congratulations.
Didn't get to talk to Joe Studley for very long but it was good to catch up with Sensei as I haven't seen her since working at the home branch on a regular basis, cause she used to come in and check stuff out even after she retired. So that's what like November of last year, not like this past one though, the year before that.
Has it been that long?
But I guess yeah, cause I started May 2010.
Alright, on to the music before I find something else to ramble about.
Up to the last of Maroon 5's greatest hits, so take like 11?
Heard the first one live, would have loved if they sang Doin' Dirt, that's one of my favorites.
Love Somebody
amateur music video, but cute.
Doin' Dirt
love it.
Beautiful Goodbye
fitting end.
Aaannd I just realized that I don't work tomorrow.
So I don't have to go to bed immediately, whoa.
All day yesterday it felt like Thursday. Now that it is Thursday I don't feel like I'm off tomorrow.
Oh well, taking advantage. Will sleep in, do some homework, watch some movies and hopefully see the boyfriend at some point.
Oh, and Carter and I made snowpeople.

The one on the left is Norman. Haven't decided on a name for his friend yet.

So I posted it on Squirt's wall cause she likes accents.
Coolest Aunt, 15 years running.
Just saying.
PS - She got her Learner's permit the other day, makes me feel SUPER old.
Wordie says he's gonna put foam all around his car just in case.
Stay off the sidewalks people.
I told her not to take driving lessons from her uncle.
He gave me my first driving lesson.
Here's how that went.
"I just did three illegal things, what were they?"
Changed lanes in an intersection.
Did it without signaling.
I have a lot of weird early driving memories.
Second Sister parked her car in the ditch once - she and Favorite Sister-In-Law had a place in town - and Mom was coming so she wanted to convince Mom it was my doing.
Then there was my brother-in-law - the King of Useless Knowledge - letting me drive a car for the first time.
aka putting it in neutral and letting it roll like 3 feet in a driveway, it was AWESOME!
Hitting a deer with Smo and Shel in the car. With cappuccino. Yeah, those went everywhere. Best part we were like 1 mile from home. Called Dad, "does it run?" "yeah." "drive it home." To be fair it was like 10PM.
Driving over a hill with an ex and the yoyo in the cupholder flipping over and landing in place.
Dirt road in the rain, slid off that one with same ex and friend Jess.
Getting pickup stuck in mud at brother's place whilst attempting to go swim in his pond with friends.
I'm sensing a trend.
Perhaps these incidents were not my fault, there's always people involved.
Been in 3 accidents - none of them my fault.
Once on the farm, got hit by some dude my age who had - the month previously - put the same car in the ditch (in a giant snowpile) about half a block from where he hit me. My brother pulled him out. He suggested we not call the cops, because apparently, not only was he just in that ditch a month before but he also hit his friend's car not long before that and it was a cheap fix. After convincing him that I was calling my parents - well, my brother - he decided then was a good time to tell me his life story. Apparently he had a kid. Guess how he found out. "Merry Christmas, I'm pregnant."
That text came after they had broken up.
Meanwhile in my head I'm screaming, "where the hell is my brother?" If he were at home he could have been there in 30 seconds but instead he was in town with my mother so it took 10 minutes.
While that may sound like a super fast response time, it really doesn't feel that way when you're hearing someone's life story.
Cops showed up, gave him a ticket and he paid for the damage.
Accident number 2 was here, way north on 27th, got rear-ended by a guy named Kory.
Yes, he spelled it with a K.
Think his number is still in my phone.
Anyway, it was barely a scratch, more of a shock factor than anything else. I told him I'd have my brother-in-law look at it and then contact him.
3rd one Mom was driving. We were driving through Oldest Sister's neighborhood on ice, dude coming in opposite direction was going too fast, couldn't slow down, ended up spinning and hitting us.
Got to call the non-emergency number.
Good thing I work where I work.
Otherwise it would have been 911, emergency.
You learn so much from working at a library filled with crazies, drunks, and other festive personalities.
He was like half a block from his house, sad day for him.
Mom's car sat in my parking lot for a while 'til it could get checked out.
It snowed and someone made a smiley face on the hood.
Oh the joys.
But none of them were my fault. Much more cautious now with the new car.
I used to speed, a lot. Now I don't really see the point - not that I did then, it was just something you did when you're a teenager and stupid.
But now I have to watch out for freakin' cops who hide in alleys, then walk in the middle of the road pointing their speed gun at you and then point to a sidestreet you're supposed to turn off on.
Or the joy and excitement that was my birthday last year when I got pulled over in Second Sister's driveway. "Happy birthday, here's a warning." That was an adventure. But the speeding wasn't intentional, thought it was 35 when it was in fact 25.
No, I actually don't speed now cause I have to pay for the insurance, ha! And as much fun as Stop Class is - been there twice - I can really do without another 8 hours of "don't speed" "wear your seatbelt" "don't drink and drive" "don't text and drive" etc. etc. Although, the more recent one was more like watch these amusing video clips because the cop who's supposed to be here is sick.
How did I get here?
Oh right, Squirt and her driving capabilities.
They need to take her out to the farm and let her loose.
I never took Driver's Ed. I actually got my license when I was 14, or was it 13?
Cause you get your school permit at like 15 but then I could get it when I was 14 cause I lived more than 10 miles away from school and then instead it was 13 cause I lived on a farm too or some weird law thing.
I don't remember.
I was supposed to do like 50 hours of supervised driving but I'm pretty sure the parentals just signed at the bottom and called it good.
Speaking of signing, apparently the Library Goddess has perfected my signature. Good thing she knows how to spell my name. Ask her about that later.
And as for the parentals, today is Mom's birthday. I called, yay me.
And also Abby Cadabra's birthday. I called, yay me.
I asked her if she wanted me to sing and she replied, with absolutely no excitement whatsoever, "sure". No faith in my birthday-singing skills. So I sang anyway.
It was amusing, we - as siblings - banter frequently.
So this morning I get this text from my brother saying:
"Don't forget today is Mom's birthday. As I have already given her the continuous gift of having a child with her birthday no call is necessary. You less thoughtful children must call."
To which Oldest Sister replied:
"U r taller than ur hair." (We give him crap cause he shaved his head in college and the hair never grew back.)
And then Second Sister added:
"I don't claim to be the most thoughtful offspring, that much is certain. Just the best looking."
I WAS WORKING so being the responsible adult that I am, refused to participate. (actually I didn't get them until lunch and by then we had moved on to talk of burning farm ground so we can start from scratch. on purpose don't worry.)
Apparently the only skills needed to participate are being able to beat stuff with a stick with a mud flap on it.
And there must be beer on hand.
No, we're not redneck whatsoever.
I missed out on last time so I'm hoping to make it this year. Last year it was just the boys. Driving 4 wheelers around the fires.
Taking a break from their day jobs.
No, we're not idiots whatsoever either.
but that's enough family hijinks...
is it hijinks or hyjinks?
either way i'm getting those annoying red edit lines.
Got to see 2 of my favorite home branch friends today as they made an appearance at the work branch. Does that mean I can call them my "homies" cause they're from the home branch? or would that make them the "home branchies"?
I like "homies" better. Congratulations.
Didn't get to talk to Joe Studley for very long but it was good to catch up with Sensei as I haven't seen her since working at the home branch on a regular basis, cause she used to come in and check stuff out even after she retired. So that's what like November of last year, not like this past one though, the year before that.
Has it been that long?
But I guess yeah, cause I started May 2010.
Alright, on to the music before I find something else to ramble about.
Up to the last of Maroon 5's greatest hits, so take like 11?
Heard the first one live, would have loved if they sang Doin' Dirt, that's one of my favorites.
Love Somebody
amateur music video, but cute.
Doin' Dirt
love it.
Beautiful Goodbye
fitting end.
Aaannd I just realized that I don't work tomorrow.
So I don't have to go to bed immediately, whoa.
All day yesterday it felt like Thursday. Now that it is Thursday I don't feel like I'm off tomorrow.
Oh well, taking advantage. Will sleep in, do some homework, watch some movies and hopefully see the boyfriend at some point.
Oh, and Carter and I made snowpeople.

The one on the left is Norman. Haven't decided on a name for his friend yet.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
but i just couldn't break your heart, like you did mine yesterday.
So yesterday sucked.
But today was alright.
I was so zonked that I fell asleep for the past like 3 hours.
Which is nice cause I fell asleep watching HGTV so I rewound like all the way back and now I'm watching all the demo programs and get to see them all without commercials.
Yay Property Brothers.
So, today.
What happened?
I'm thinking.
Oh right, so yeah it was alright. Early lunch and then headed off to one of the branches for an hour to cover for an all staff meeting. It was myself, Girlscout, one of the women that originally interviewed and hired me, and then a branch manager from a completely different library.
Between the four of us we were able to run the place as one fully functional person.
Which was impressive with next to no training about locations of materials and all that.
I told the manager she was in charge cause her library is a mirror image of the one we were in.
Which actually probably made it harder for her...but she and I took the front desk. My interviewer worked reference and Girlscout floated. We made it an hour without setting off the fire alarms or calling the cops so I'm calling it a victory.
I was a bit nervous. I've been in that building less than 10 times so to run the place was big. Yeah, not even 10 times it was like once for a TAB event within the past few months, before that it was dropping off barrels and picking them up for the Food Drive, so let's see that would be 4 times cause I did it 2 years. And then I stopped by once to take pictures of the food drive sculptures so that's what, 7 including today?
Not bad. Not bad.
But it was amusing cause we were like, "we made it 20 minutes!" "we made it half an hour!" "we made it 45 minutes!" and then staff starts piling out of the conference room after an hour so did a celebration dance and then headed back to the work branch for the rest of the day.
I'm trying to think of other stuff from today.
Oh, so remember those Reader's Theatre videos? We did one called "The Killer" by Tom Hinshelwood and his dad commented on our video on Facebook thanking us for including his son's book.
So that was a shock of sorts.
It did go really well, I'm proud of them and look forward to doing it again.
Meeting coming up on Tuesday to talk more about it, but mostly plan out our Summer Reading Events for the teen program. Gotta get those all written up and sent in by the 21st to be approved and entered in the schedule booklet.
No pressure.
But I have a pretty good idea of which events we'll be doing and how to write them up.
And that was my day.
Aside from coming home, laying on the couch and falling asleep to HGTV.
I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should. Proven by the fact that I need to be up and across town by 7:30 tomorrow morning and it's already passed midnight and I'm still up.
So I'm gonna crash. That way I can be semi-conscious for tomorrow's meeting with the Library Goddess. Thank God for coffee shops. Working on our last newsletter, sad day.
This whole GA thing has just totally flown by. Can't believe I'm gonna be completely done with the program in December. All A's so far, like a 3.96 GPA - for a Master's program that's not bad. Only 4 more classes after this semester, practicum included.
Okay, sleep. Right. Now. K.
Music and I'm out.
Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 10?
Officially on to their latest album now. The last two are in my top 10.
interesting concept for video, playing for change. heard this one live, awesomeness.
Lucky Strike
heard this one live as well, loved it.
and just cause i like it...
original duo are the best.
The Man Who Never Lied
love this one.
I'm actually proud of how the concert pics turned out. Scroll down a few and you'll see them.
and i'm gone.
But today was alright.
I was so zonked that I fell asleep for the past like 3 hours.
Which is nice cause I fell asleep watching HGTV so I rewound like all the way back and now I'm watching all the demo programs and get to see them all without commercials.
Yay Property Brothers.
So, today.
What happened?
I'm thinking.
Oh right, so yeah it was alright. Early lunch and then headed off to one of the branches for an hour to cover for an all staff meeting. It was myself, Girlscout, one of the women that originally interviewed and hired me, and then a branch manager from a completely different library.
Between the four of us we were able to run the place as one fully functional person.
Which was impressive with next to no training about locations of materials and all that.
I told the manager she was in charge cause her library is a mirror image of the one we were in.
Which actually probably made it harder for her...but she and I took the front desk. My interviewer worked reference and Girlscout floated. We made it an hour without setting off the fire alarms or calling the cops so I'm calling it a victory.
I was a bit nervous. I've been in that building less than 10 times so to run the place was big. Yeah, not even 10 times it was like once for a TAB event within the past few months, before that it was dropping off barrels and picking them up for the Food Drive, so let's see that would be 4 times cause I did it 2 years. And then I stopped by once to take pictures of the food drive sculptures so that's what, 7 including today?
Not bad. Not bad.
But it was amusing cause we were like, "we made it 20 minutes!" "we made it half an hour!" "we made it 45 minutes!" and then staff starts piling out of the conference room after an hour so did a celebration dance and then headed back to the work branch for the rest of the day.
I'm trying to think of other stuff from today.
Oh, so remember those Reader's Theatre videos? We did one called "The Killer" by Tom Hinshelwood and his dad commented on our video on Facebook thanking us for including his son's book.
So that was a shock of sorts.
It did go really well, I'm proud of them and look forward to doing it again.
Meeting coming up on Tuesday to talk more about it, but mostly plan out our Summer Reading Events for the teen program. Gotta get those all written up and sent in by the 21st to be approved and entered in the schedule booklet.
No pressure.
But I have a pretty good idea of which events we'll be doing and how to write them up.
And that was my day.
Aside from coming home, laying on the couch and falling asleep to HGTV.
I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should. Proven by the fact that I need to be up and across town by 7:30 tomorrow morning and it's already passed midnight and I'm still up.
So I'm gonna crash. That way I can be semi-conscious for tomorrow's meeting with the Library Goddess. Thank God for coffee shops. Working on our last newsletter, sad day.
This whole GA thing has just totally flown by. Can't believe I'm gonna be completely done with the program in December. All A's so far, like a 3.96 GPA - for a Master's program that's not bad. Only 4 more classes after this semester, practicum included.
Okay, sleep. Right. Now. K.
Music and I'm out.
Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 10?
Officially on to their latest album now. The last two are in my top 10.
interesting concept for video, playing for change. heard this one live, awesomeness.
Lucky Strike
heard this one live as well, loved it.
and just cause i like it...
original duo are the best.
The Man Who Never Lied
love this one.
I'm actually proud of how the concert pics turned out. Scroll down a few and you'll see them.
and i'm gone.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
but even the sun sets in paradise.
This was my day.
While it may not have been caused by a breakup, that was pretty much my headspace, all day.
So miserable all I wanted to do was go cry in a corner.
But see, last time I did that I ended up in Superwoman's office and she sent me home.
Which only made things worse.
So, I said screw it, pretended all was okay - like normal - put on a happy face and did my freakin' job.
See, Slim Shady and I had this pact.
And this was, of course, before she and Fearless Leader ditched me.
That if we turned into bitter, angry, complaining about everything employees that we would either shoot each other or quit.
I'm still debating.
I'm just tired of the drama.
Life would be so much easier on the farm.
And it wasn't just today, it's built up to this point. Today was just the breaking point.
See, I'm not good with change.
Yeah, big surprise, I'm sure.
But so many things are changing it's making my head spin.
And I know change is important and if we don't evolve then the library dies, but the routine is what makes me good at my job, it's the reason I love it.
Loved it.
It was actually amusing, I went to dinner with the boyfriend and all I kept repeating was "I'll love my job... tomorrow."
Because really, at this moment in time, I cannot think of a single thing keeping me there, aside from TAB.
And while that may sound dramatic, it's been a long time coming.
Multiplied exponentially by the fact that I DON'T HAVE ANYONE THERE ANYMORE.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my coworkers, they're great. Queen of the Known Universe especially, but it's not the same as having Slim Shady and Fearless Leader there.
But, like I said, tomorrow. I'll act like nothing's wrong, I'll find a reason to love my job again and everything will be just fine.
Unless something changes with TAB.
That is where I draw the line.
I care about those kids, I will advocate for them until the day I die, but if that changes then I'm done.
Speaking of TAB, the only good thing that happened during the workday was that our awesome webmaster - and also proud father of a TAB member - uploaded the Reader's Theater videos to our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel. I'll post the link on Facebook. I'm proud of those kids, they were excellent.
And then tonight after work was better. The boyfriend fixes all, as always. Went out to eat and then watched Enemy of the State.
I love Gene Hackman. Scale of Awesome puts it at around 8/10, was totally on the edge of my seat.
Am, it's running in the background now. He sent it home with me cause we didn't get all the way through it before he had to leave for work.
Jack Black, Seth Green and Jason Lee is serious roles, I'm in shock.
So far, so good. I'll let you know after I finish if that holds up.
Geez, already an hour in. I've drafted and re-drafted this post so many times I've lost count.
Had it playing on mute in the background 'til I'm done then I'll skip to where we left off.
Doesn't really matter, I'll probably delete it tomorrow anyway.
Just like all my other ranting ones.
So, I'll move on to the music. Aside from Miranda's which I sang all afternoon in my head, btw.
Where was I....Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 8? I think.
One more from Hands All Over and then moving on to their last album Overexposed.
Moves Like Jagger
One More Night
saw all three of these live, they were fantastic. originally not a huge fan of payphone like i was immediately of the former two, however it's grown on me, especially cause the boyfriend sings it all the time.
How is it that Moms know when you're gonna have a bad day?
Came home to a box full of chocolate in the mail.
While it may not have been caused by a breakup, that was pretty much my headspace, all day.
So miserable all I wanted to do was go cry in a corner.
But see, last time I did that I ended up in Superwoman's office and she sent me home.
Which only made things worse.
So, I said screw it, pretended all was okay - like normal - put on a happy face and did my freakin' job.
See, Slim Shady and I had this pact.
And this was, of course, before she and Fearless Leader ditched me.
That if we turned into bitter, angry, complaining about everything employees that we would either shoot each other or quit.
I'm still debating.
I'm just tired of the drama.
Life would be so much easier on the farm.
And it wasn't just today, it's built up to this point. Today was just the breaking point.
See, I'm not good with change.
Yeah, big surprise, I'm sure.
But so many things are changing it's making my head spin.
And I know change is important and if we don't evolve then the library dies, but the routine is what makes me good at my job, it's the reason I love it.
Loved it.
It was actually amusing, I went to dinner with the boyfriend and all I kept repeating was "I'll love my job... tomorrow."
Because really, at this moment in time, I cannot think of a single thing keeping me there, aside from TAB.
And while that may sound dramatic, it's been a long time coming.
Multiplied exponentially by the fact that I DON'T HAVE ANYONE THERE ANYMORE.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my coworkers, they're great. Queen of the Known Universe especially, but it's not the same as having Slim Shady and Fearless Leader there.
But, like I said, tomorrow. I'll act like nothing's wrong, I'll find a reason to love my job again and everything will be just fine.
Unless something changes with TAB.
That is where I draw the line.
I care about those kids, I will advocate for them until the day I die, but if that changes then I'm done.
Speaking of TAB, the only good thing that happened during the workday was that our awesome webmaster - and also proud father of a TAB member - uploaded the Reader's Theater videos to our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel. I'll post the link on Facebook. I'm proud of those kids, they were excellent.
And then tonight after work was better. The boyfriend fixes all, as always. Went out to eat and then watched Enemy of the State.
I love Gene Hackman. Scale of Awesome puts it at around 8/10, was totally on the edge of my seat.
Am, it's running in the background now. He sent it home with me cause we didn't get all the way through it before he had to leave for work.
Jack Black, Seth Green and Jason Lee is serious roles, I'm in shock.
So far, so good. I'll let you know after I finish if that holds up.
Geez, already an hour in. I've drafted and re-drafted this post so many times I've lost count.
Had it playing on mute in the background 'til I'm done then I'll skip to where we left off.
Doesn't really matter, I'll probably delete it tomorrow anyway.
Just like all my other ranting ones.
So, I'll move on to the music. Aside from Miranda's which I sang all afternoon in my head, btw.
Where was I....Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 8? I think.
One more from Hands All Over and then moving on to their last album Overexposed.
Moves Like Jagger
One More Night
saw all three of these live, they were fantastic. originally not a huge fan of payphone like i was immediately of the former two, however it's grown on me, especially cause the boyfriend sings it all the time.
How is it that Moms know when you're gonna have a bad day?
Came home to a box full of chocolate in the mail.
Monday, March 11, 2013
your whisper so clear, the world disappears...
Have you ever had one of those days that you hear something so unexpected that it just completely and totally throws off your entire day?
It didn't help that it was in the middle of the night.
And then I woke up thinking I dreamed it, cause it's one of those way-out-there-never-see-it-coming kind of things.
And then I checked my phone and realized it wasn't a dream.
So then today was just all wonky.
Plus I woke up early to dig out my car, ended up spinning sideways out of the parking space and drove right out, apparently parking diagonal actually works.
Even when it wasn't on purpose.
So I didn't get as much sleep as I should have which made said day even more wonky.
It was just...unexpected.
I have no other words.
But you know, it's a good thing.
My problem is that I'm protective right, to a fault really.
Sketch doesn't even tell me about her boyfriends, let alone introduce us.
Anyway, I'm just protective and I want the best for her, but I'm staying out of it.
Cause she's grown and all that.
And she's happy.
Giddy really.
So we'll see where this goes.
Anyway, aside from all that wonky stuff, I finished Lie To Me.
What the crap?! Seriously.
Clearly they were expecting to do another season because there was no end to that ending.
And at the same time, no real cliffhanger either.
Just a general, unsolved-ness.
If that makes sense.
But with how crappy that last season was there was no way it was getting renewed.
Which didn't help my wonky day.
So now I'm watching Red in search of some sense of normalcy.
Since I fell asleep watching it every night for like a month.
Or two.
Okay it was three.
But anyway, am in need of some normal routine stuff, and since I could think of no other solutions and I had a craving to watch it ever since I saw the preview for the sequel...tada!
What else from today?
Sent our webmaster the Reader's Theater videos and photos. He's gonna upload them to the website, huzzah!
I'm really proud of how they turned out. Especially the pigeon one.
Long story.
But they were great and we shall do it again next year.
And Teen Tech Week is coming along. I had to go out and buy the freakin' candy in the snow yesterday and made it in time for delivery this morning.
That was another huzzah moment.
So my job, for now, is done. End of the week they'll send all the forms back and then Cabin Fever will draw the winner for the iTunes card and we'll be good until next year.
When someone else can take charge and come up with something better.
Even though the "teen experience" crew said it was great.
Ummmm....did some homework. Wrote up the overview of that interview, now gotta wait for other classmates to write up theirs so we can do a discussion board.
Oh yeah, speaking of class, totally crashed one today.
In Special Libraries you know, and today they stopped by the work branch to visit one of our in-house special libraries. It was amusing, they all walked in and went, you work here? It was amusing.
So I crashed their class for my 15 minute break.
Asked my question and ran.
Professor found it humorous.
Actually encouraged my crashing of class.
So does that take away the "crash" when the professor is okay with it?
Cause I feel like the whole point of crashing something is to show up unannounced in like an unapproved manner.
You know, cause like people crash weddings they're not invited to. But I was in fact, invited, so perhaps crashed isn't the best word.
Even though, during my introduction, the professor said I was crashing class.
So she not only approved of said crashing, but she also called it crashing so then I think that re-confirms that it was a crash afterall.
Cause she said it.
I'm going around in circles and none of that made sense whatsoever so skip it please.
I told you my day was wonky, this was my thought process ALL DAY.
"Open the pig!"
Sorry, Red.
"Poop to that" has become a common phrase between myself and Oldest Sister.
Okay so that's wonkyness, the class crashing, more wonkyness, Lie to Me, teen tech week, oh I made spaghetti for supper and then did the homework and now I'm watching Red. Oh and then the car thing this morning and yep, think that's all.
So now I'm gonna go back to watching Red, almost an hour in already and quoting the whole thing while it plays in the background.
Did I mention it was practically every night for three months?
Almost as bad as the Mummy or Returns except not quite to those extremes.
Which goes to show why my mother so is tired of those movies.
"This again?!"
Alright, on to the music and then I'm out.
Before midnight, holy Frank Moses man.
Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 7
wish i could see this one live. another one of my top 5, and totally underrated.
Get Back in My Life
love this one, great dance mix.
interesting that this one has a video and the others don't. isn't exactly their most popular. not that i don't love it. cause if i didn't i wouldn't post it.
"Listen Plastic-Man."
alright, off to bed. pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
It didn't help that it was in the middle of the night.
And then I woke up thinking I dreamed it, cause it's one of those way-out-there-never-see-it-coming kind of things.
And then I checked my phone and realized it wasn't a dream.
So then today was just all wonky.
Plus I woke up early to dig out my car, ended up spinning sideways out of the parking space and drove right out, apparently parking diagonal actually works.
Even when it wasn't on purpose.
So I didn't get as much sleep as I should have which made said day even more wonky.
It was just...unexpected.
I have no other words.
But you know, it's a good thing.
My problem is that I'm protective right, to a fault really.
Sketch doesn't even tell me about her boyfriends, let alone introduce us.
Anyway, I'm just protective and I want the best for her, but I'm staying out of it.
Cause she's grown and all that.
And she's happy.
Giddy really.
So we'll see where this goes.
Anyway, aside from all that wonky stuff, I finished Lie To Me.
What the crap?! Seriously.
Clearly they were expecting to do another season because there was no end to that ending.
And at the same time, no real cliffhanger either.
Just a general, unsolved-ness.
If that makes sense.
But with how crappy that last season was there was no way it was getting renewed.
Which didn't help my wonky day.
So now I'm watching Red in search of some sense of normalcy.
Since I fell asleep watching it every night for like a month.
Or two.
Okay it was three.
But anyway, am in need of some normal routine stuff, and since I could think of no other solutions and I had a craving to watch it ever since I saw the preview for the sequel...tada!
What else from today?
Sent our webmaster the Reader's Theater videos and photos. He's gonna upload them to the website, huzzah!
I'm really proud of how they turned out. Especially the pigeon one.
Long story.
But they were great and we shall do it again next year.
And Teen Tech Week is coming along. I had to go out and buy the freakin' candy in the snow yesterday and made it in time for delivery this morning.
That was another huzzah moment.
So my job, for now, is done. End of the week they'll send all the forms back and then Cabin Fever will draw the winner for the iTunes card and we'll be good until next year.
When someone else can take charge and come up with something better.
Even though the "teen experience" crew said it was great.
Ummmm....did some homework. Wrote up the overview of that interview, now gotta wait for other classmates to write up theirs so we can do a discussion board.
Oh yeah, speaking of class, totally crashed one today.
In Special Libraries you know, and today they stopped by the work branch to visit one of our in-house special libraries. It was amusing, they all walked in and went, you work here? It was amusing.
So I crashed their class for my 15 minute break.
Asked my question and ran.
Professor found it humorous.
Actually encouraged my crashing of class.
So does that take away the "crash" when the professor is okay with it?
Cause I feel like the whole point of crashing something is to show up unannounced in like an unapproved manner.
You know, cause like people crash weddings they're not invited to. But I was in fact, invited, so perhaps crashed isn't the best word.
Even though, during my introduction, the professor said I was crashing class.
So she not only approved of said crashing, but she also called it crashing so then I think that re-confirms that it was a crash afterall.
Cause she said it.
I'm going around in circles and none of that made sense whatsoever so skip it please.
I told you my day was wonky, this was my thought process ALL DAY.
"Open the pig!"
Sorry, Red.
"Poop to that" has become a common phrase between myself and Oldest Sister.
Okay so that's wonkyness, the class crashing, more wonkyness, Lie to Me, teen tech week, oh I made spaghetti for supper and then did the homework and now I'm watching Red. Oh and then the car thing this morning and yep, think that's all.
So now I'm gonna go back to watching Red, almost an hour in already and quoting the whole thing while it plays in the background.
Did I mention it was practically every night for three months?
Almost as bad as the Mummy or Returns except not quite to those extremes.
Which goes to show why my mother so is tired of those movies.
"This again?!"
Alright, on to the music and then I'm out.
Before midnight, holy Frank Moses man.
Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 7
wish i could see this one live. another one of my top 5, and totally underrated.
Get Back in My Life
love this one, great dance mix.
interesting that this one has a video and the others don't. isn't exactly their most popular. not that i don't love it. cause if i didn't i wouldn't post it.
"Listen Plastic-Man."
alright, off to bed. pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
i'm tired of proving you right by doing everything so wrong...
Holy snowstorm, Batman.
Didn't see this one coming.
Thought it'd be a couple inches, it's still freakin' snowing.
Libraries closed early today apparently - I wasn't there, but it's the second time this year.
But I'm sure we'll be open tomorrow.
The Powers That Be are stubborn like that.
So I'll have to get up like an hour earlier than normal cause I know I'm gonna get stuck.
Even with my brand new shovel and ice melt.
I did leave and go to Target at one point today. I made it there and back fine, it was parking in my parking lot that was a problem cause it was all drifted. So tomorrow's really gonna suck.
But I needed to get the damn candy bars and iTunes card for Teen Tech Week.
Went with those hershey's, mr. goodbar, etc etc mixes. krackle? Is that another one in there? I can't remember and they're in the car so I ain't going to check.
Anyway, nothing major, not sure how many teens are actually going to participate anyway, but I'm hoping more than two. I'll call that a victory if I get more than two.
Which reminds me that I need to send out a reminder email tomorrow when I go in.
What else did I do today?
Oh yeah, so there was supposed to be that practicum meeting with the Library Goddess at the grad school but she cancelled it so we're just gonna do it during our usual meet on Thursday along with our last newsletter.
Sad day, this went by far too fast.
I remember actually back when it all started, I had first entered the program and we were putting together my schedule and she's like okay "so you'll take three then and then and what? I only get your for two semesters?!" Cause you have to be a fulltime student taking 9 credits to be a graduate assistant.
And then I went to the Volunteer Appreciate Banquet and met her first graduate assistant who just happens to be one of our libraries' branch managers now and she was like, "oh yeah, I got 2-4 hours of sleep per night but you can handle it for a couple of months." "I'm actually doing it for two semesters." "oh....well good luck."
Ha, well it turned out okay. I was really expecting it to be more, like constant work and stuff but she's really good with scheduling and working around my job job, and she has another GA for the UNO program as well who's physically there. Works across from her and the Cool Aunt.
I'm gonna miss it, along with the program.
But again, don't take that as a statement about going on for a Doctorate. Our family can live with one doctor.
So anyway, the meeting got cancelled so I went back to sleep.
Woke up in the afternoon to type of the transcript of yesterday's interview and sent that in. Tomorrow I'll write the overview and comment on others' posts.
Meanwhile I finished Murder in Suburbia. Season Two.
I requested the first but they sent me the second.
Which I didn't notice until further inspection. The case says series 2 but the sticker on top season 1.
But I enjoyed it, gotta love British humor and Ash and Scribbs are an amusing duo.
"What are my rules about fun?"
"Not here, not now?"
So now I'll re-request it.
Now it's on to Lie To Me.
Carter's sitting in his chair staring at me. Usually he's konked out next to me by now but I think he's tired of me cause I was home all day. So now I just get the glare.
It is his place, I just stay here.
Alright, I'm off to bed. Early morning tomorrow cause of the snow.
More of Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 6.
Don't Know Nothing
catchy give it a chance.
Never Gonna Leave This Bed
I Can't Lie
another catchy one, one of those songs that brightens your day, quickens your steps and makes you wanna dance. gotta listen to it to get what i'm talking about.
Didn't see this one coming.
Thought it'd be a couple inches, it's still freakin' snowing.
Libraries closed early today apparently - I wasn't there, but it's the second time this year.
But I'm sure we'll be open tomorrow.
The Powers That Be are stubborn like that.
So I'll have to get up like an hour earlier than normal cause I know I'm gonna get stuck.
Even with my brand new shovel and ice melt.
I did leave and go to Target at one point today. I made it there and back fine, it was parking in my parking lot that was a problem cause it was all drifted. So tomorrow's really gonna suck.
But I needed to get the damn candy bars and iTunes card for Teen Tech Week.
Went with those hershey's, mr. goodbar, etc etc mixes. krackle? Is that another one in there? I can't remember and they're in the car so I ain't going to check.
Anyway, nothing major, not sure how many teens are actually going to participate anyway, but I'm hoping more than two. I'll call that a victory if I get more than two.
Which reminds me that I need to send out a reminder email tomorrow when I go in.
What else did I do today?
Oh yeah, so there was supposed to be that practicum meeting with the Library Goddess at the grad school but she cancelled it so we're just gonna do it during our usual meet on Thursday along with our last newsletter.
Sad day, this went by far too fast.
I remember actually back when it all started, I had first entered the program and we were putting together my schedule and she's like okay "so you'll take three then and then and what? I only get your for two semesters?!" Cause you have to be a fulltime student taking 9 credits to be a graduate assistant.
And then I went to the Volunteer Appreciate Banquet and met her first graduate assistant who just happens to be one of our libraries' branch managers now and she was like, "oh yeah, I got 2-4 hours of sleep per night but you can handle it for a couple of months." "I'm actually doing it for two semesters." "oh....well good luck."
Ha, well it turned out okay. I was really expecting it to be more, like constant work and stuff but she's really good with scheduling and working around my job job, and she has another GA for the UNO program as well who's physically there. Works across from her and the Cool Aunt.
I'm gonna miss it, along with the program.
But again, don't take that as a statement about going on for a Doctorate. Our family can live with one doctor.
So anyway, the meeting got cancelled so I went back to sleep.
Woke up in the afternoon to type of the transcript of yesterday's interview and sent that in. Tomorrow I'll write the overview and comment on others' posts.
Meanwhile I finished Murder in Suburbia. Season Two.
I requested the first but they sent me the second.
Which I didn't notice until further inspection. The case says series 2 but the sticker on top season 1.
But I enjoyed it, gotta love British humor and Ash and Scribbs are an amusing duo.
"What are my rules about fun?"
"Not here, not now?"
So now I'll re-request it.
Now it's on to Lie To Me.
Carter's sitting in his chair staring at me. Usually he's konked out next to me by now but I think he's tired of me cause I was home all day. So now I just get the glare.
It is his place, I just stay here.
Alright, I'm off to bed. Early morning tomorrow cause of the snow.
More of Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 6.
Don't Know Nothing
catchy give it a chance.
Never Gonna Leave This Bed
I Can't Lie
another catchy one, one of those songs that brightens your day, quickens your steps and makes you wanna dance. gotta listen to it to get what i'm talking about.
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