And if you aren't friends with me on Facebook then you probably think I'm lying dead somewhere on the side of the road.
Like Sensei the day I slept through my alarm back when I was an aide.
But they clapped when I showed up, cause apparently the last aide that didn't call in was actually dead.
Anyway, no, not dead, Sketch was here for Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Take Two.
Though really we've had many so I don't know that I can actually say Take Two.
Cause we were really random in college.
But on here it's gonna say Take Two.
Cause it's our second adventure as graduated mature adults.
Here is what graduated mature adults do on their days off:

Did I mention she was an artist?

So, it snowed, the whole time she was here.
Which really didn't dampen our plans cause we don't make any.
Take Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure: Take One Greetings from Boondock Iowa
We're lazy like that.
But we did watch a lot of movies and eat at some point, so I'm calling it a victory.
We actually cooked.
Emphasis on the "we" cause I totally made the brownies all by myself.
I know you're all in shock.
And my apartment survived.
However, I'm glad I covered them up before I left for work because look what I found when I came home.

Those are not my footprints.
Anyway, we had a lot of fun and while a lot of memorable quotes took place - though half I can't quote on here - I think the winner of the weekend was: "This popsicle doesn't taste like Robert Downey Jr."
I have Avengers popsicles and they're colored like the heroes. She got an Iron Man one while I ate a green and black one for The Hulk.
And then a red, white and blue one for Captain America.
Did I mention I have a thing for popsicles?
So the weekend was a success. Gonna compile a list of recipes for us to make for next time.
Gummy Bear Popsicles are gonna be on it.
I should rephrase, for her to make me as she is the master chef.
I am yet a young padawan.
She took off this morning when I left for work, then I got to come home to THE VOICE!!
I know, you're all excited.
I can hear the yay's around.
Yeah, Mom told me today that when I talk about The Voice she just skips passed that part.
Thanks Mom.
And Queen of the Known Universe yawns at me, geez.
No love for the GREATEST REALITY SHOW OF ALL TIME. Cause I hate reality shows so I really must love this one to watch it so often.
Shakira and Usher are off to a great start. They've each got a couple, along with Blake, Adam only has one but it's the winner I can tell already. She's number one on my list.
Yes, I've started one.
So far there are 5 people on it.
Which is decent for me, normally I stock up early and then run out of space, this time I'm planning carefully.
Gotta keep up my winning streak - huzzah for Cassadee for winning last year!
Picked her from the start, take that.
Here are a few of the highlights so far:
Judith Hill - What a Girl Wants
"he's selling, he's selling, he's selling. and he's gonna start going like this with the finger, and he's gonna start like showing his tattoos and stuff, Usher is gonna lift his other leg..."
I love Shakira.
Judith is the winner, number one on my list so far.
Kris Thomas - Saving All My Love For You
"I wish I knew you were a guy!!"
totally sounds like a girl, freaked them all out. their comments are the best part of his audition.
Christian Porter - Sexy and I Know It
so weird it's awesome. totally freaked adam out, do you see him in the chair?!
Alright, more to come on that after more blind auditions.
They are my favorite part.
Tonight's were especially hilarious just because of the new coaches. There's a lot of rivalries already getting started - Shakira's pretty intense.
But it was hysterical because Usher was trying to win over this country artist and says, "Nashville is a state" in an effort to make Nashville seem small compared to the world so Adam goes, "It's a of the 60 states!" and like Usher like freezes, woops.
I love it.
More auditions tomorrow.
But work and class and the boyfriend first.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
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