I have no idea what product they're for but I hate it already.
Side note, sorry, on in the background.
So today was good. Very busy. Had 3/4 of the afternoon off desk and I still feel like I'm behind on Summer Reading stuff.
Finally got our dates nailed down for our Teen Summer Reading Events.
This year my teens are going with:
Jar Decorating - basically you put tape and stickers on a jar and then you paint the whole thing and peel the tape/stickers off to reveal the design to go with the "Beneath the Surface" theme and then also we're making paper lanterns with the jars so we have super thin paper that you draw on and then tape it around the jar, put a light in the jar and it makes a sweet nightlight.
Homemade Book Board Games - so the teens bring their favorite book to the library and we'll help them make a board game about it. So like with the Hunger Games they could do a Monopoly setup with the Capitol as Boardwalk. I did this in college with Pride and Prejudice - "Marry Mr. Collins, lose next turn" "Punch Miss Bingley in the face, move ahead three spaces" etc. - But we'll get them set up with templates for boards and then teach them how to make game pieces and all that.
Library Golf - this is the big one and it's the first event because that's the best time of year for my TAB kids to be able to help out. So we'll be starting off with a bang. As for logistics we will start on 4th floor with a couple of holes up there, ride the elevator down to 2nd (passed admin), around the nonfiction and music sections, down the back stairs and then through adult fiction and youth services.
I'm hoping the golf is especially popular just because of all the work that will go into it by the teens. Designing the holes and all that. I've been getting tips from a friend of Infoman's - things like using old mousepads to tee off of or using real golf balls instead of pingpong balls because they're easier to aim, etc.
The funny thing about the whole thing is that the mock booklets for Teen Summer Reading were sent out to the Teen Experience crew (which is basically the TAB leaders and some supervisors) to make sure the descriptions were spelled correctly and like 5 minutes after they were sent I got an email from one of the branch managers asking if she could help out with the golf.
This is after Girlscout asked if she could caddie.
And our Boss's Boss's Boss's Assistant gave me her stamp of approval today as well.
So if the teens are half as interested as the library employees are then we should be good.
I'm stoked.
I told her the more supervisors I can have on board the better as I'm still getting some apprehensive vibes.
We'll see how it goes and if it's awful then we'll learn from that and move on.
So that was the majority of my day, I finished the signs for the events - minus the kickoff party - and came up with supply lists. Anyone know where I can get 9 putters for like 3 hours on a June Wednesday afternoon?
There's a lot of golfers on staff maybe I can borrow them.
Anyway, so that was work. After work I met up with the boyfriend. We took some pictures around the train station - one of his favorite hobbies. He focused on the trains while I went more for the signs.
As in I saw the sign.

And it did open up my eyes cause I saw the sign.
Or sign, sign, everywhere a sign.

Blocking out the scenery breakin' my mind.
That one needs more words. Or be smaller. Cause it's awkward.
Quote of the night:
Boyfriend singing: I hope you're having fun, Man on the run...
Me: Band.
Boyfriend: Band on the run...
Okay, you have to watch this.
Sorry, on Facebook - multitasking - and ran across a "whaaat?" meme, stupid addictive memes, so of course I had to search it and came across that.
Still laughing uncontrollably at 0:01 and 2:10-2:13.
Anyway, after pictures we went out to dinner with his mom and brother. Pizza at Old Chicago - gotta love it.
And now I'm back and ready to crash.
Though I'm debating staying up to do some editing, awesome writer friend sent me some updates to one of my favorites of hers and I'm dying to see them.
But that means I'll get hooked and not sleep and then tomorrow I'll be miserable.
Okay, it's 12 now. I need to be out by 1. That's the deal, no later.
We're good, music and I'm off to edit.
P!nk - Just Give Me a Reason feat. Nate Ruess
yes, that is the Fun. dude.
too catchy, love the melody.
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