Said by the boyfriend and I after seeing a kid riding his bike down the median.
Not across it to get to the other side of the road.
Legitimately down the median.
Pretty sure that's not legal.
Sorry, just practicing for 4th of July.
"That's not legal" is a family quote, but we say it in a sing-song kind of way.
Well, Oldest Sister says it more than the rest of us.
Mostly cause her husband buys the not-so-legal stuff.
'tis the season.
Okay, I know I didn't post yesterday, but yesterday was horrible from start to finish so if I was to post it would be horrible too.
Our internet was down at work.
I got yelled at.
There were training issues.
I lost my datebook and broke open my foot in the process of retrieving it - thankfully a nice man found it and called me.
And the Mad Maxines lost by like 200 points.
Which is backwards because usually we win by 200.
Technically, we were skating against the number 2 team in the world - not the nation, the world - so it wasn't completely unexpected, but we are - well, were - ranked 25th in the world. was just awful though cause our jammers kept getting so frustrated because the refs weren't calling anything on the other team and they got called constantly for cutting the track. It got to the point where our jammer was in the penalty box for at least 50% of the entire bout.
And by the end they had just given up.
It was awful.
I actually wasn't planning on going until I walked out of the door from work. Then I got there and a lady gave me a free ticket so that sealed the deal.
I actually don't mind going to the derby by myself because I feel like my obsession out-ranges my friends' love for the sport.
So I cheer and I stand up and all that.
And it's nice not having to worry about if they're having fun.
Which they do, but you know what I mean.
It's like Del going to the Mumford & Sons concert by herself, because no one loves Mumford like Del loves Mumford. And she doesn't want anyone to hold back her love for said Mumford.
But she also knits in bars.
Cause she's a badass.
And I owe her big for She & Him.
Anyway, so yesterday was total crapsuck, but today was much better.
Ate my muffin and drank my coffee.
Was pretty busy, but not overly. Still had time to update my TAB website and send out all my reminder emails. Mock up some JPEG's for Superwoman.
Range of stats = 30s
So not bad for a Sunday.
Working the weekend means I'm off tomorrow!
I'm meeting with my practicum rep and going over details. 90 hours of that coming up in the fall and no idea what to expect.
Here are some of the precise guidelines that the Library Goddess has for us to follow:
- Make sure you dress in a professional manner and ask about a dress code during the meeting.
- Review the library's website before you go. This will support good questions and discussion during your first meeting.
- Make sure you make your hosts laugh at least 3 times during the meeting!
- Make sure you work hard to be flexible in terms of hours you're available so that you get the most out of your practicum.
Will do my best to make him laugh. And dress professionally. Should probably figure that out tonight while I'm still conscious.
Wear makeup and all that.
Oh yeah, so tonight I went out to see the boyfriend and his word of the night was women.
Not like in a sentence like "women are, you know, whatever it is we are" just women in that tone that only a man can say it in.
You know that one?
And it wasn't my fault!
For the most part.
I mean, it started when we were listening to the radio and the song "Don't Talk About Him, Tina" came on - the Pistol Annies you know?
Yes, I know, I've posted it already, get over it.
Anyway, so it came on and I told him the inspiration for the song which you can read about here:
To which he replied "women."
And then we're out eating and this employee is out in the parking lot sitting there on a bench for 15 minutes straight brushing her hair.
Just sitting there, middle of the parking lot, not talking to anybody, not on her phone, no one is with her, she's just sitting there brushing her hair.
For 15 minutes straight.
To which he replied "women."
Although that may be what average women do, who knows, maybe I've been doing it wrong all of my life.
And then we're buying fireworks - yes, more fireworks cause I needed more tanks and I got another, "women."
But I told him that since Bubby is gonna be gone it's up to him to take his place in the tank war. So we bought him tanks. And a train. And I got a boat. So it's gonna be tank on tank - and there are different types of tanks involved - and then it'll be train vs. boat.
Should have paid for it with some of those singles in my wallet, but I used my card instead.
Cause people look at you funny when you pay for things in singles.
I have all these singles and not for the normal reason a woman my age would be carrying around a wad of singles, but because our 93-year-old volunteer was in the hospital and everyone chipped in for flowers and since I'm the Volunteer Supervisor I got to be the one to buy the flowers and send them to her.
So, basically, the opposite reason of why a women my age would normally be carrying around a wad of singles.
But this woman is seriously Wonder Woman. We sent her flowers and the next day she was back volunteering.
And very grateful for her flowers.
I don't know anything about sending flowers so I had to have like 5 people look over the arrangement before I committed to it.
We're perfectionists like that.
And that's all I got for today.
Tomorrow is that meeting and then cleaning and homework.
And trying to get this smoke smell out of my apartment.
Stupid burnt popcorn.
I keep bringing in more fireworks, my neighbors are probably like, ummm....
Alright, song of the day...was already posted, so let me find another one.
Barefoot and Buckwild - Lauren Alaina
heard this song tonight and was jamming.
apparently she was runner-up on American Idol from last year or the year before or something.
i don't know, i don't watch it.
neither does the rest of america either apparently.
fired 2 of the judges because their ratings sucked - but seriously? mariah carey and nicky minaj? what were they thinking in the first place? - and then randy left so all that's left is keith.
now they're flailing and looking for new judges.
Cause THE VOICE rocks.
and they can't compete.
okay, i'll shut up now as i promised my Voice ramblings were over 'til next season.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Sunday, June 30, 2013
"What the heck?" "That's what I was gonna ask." "Is that legal?" "That's what I was gonna ask."
american idol,
barefoot and buckwild,
don't talk about him tina,
lauren alaina,
library goddess,
pistol annies,
roller derby,
that's not legal,
the boyfriend,
Friday, June 28, 2013
no i couldn't help but fall in love again.
The half hour lunches suck, but they make two weekdays off worth it.
That was today.
Slept in, watched X-Games, did laundry and dishes.
Though my apartment still smells like smoke.
Attempted to spray stuff, overpower it with other food smells, but it's never ending.
At least the hallways are clear.
Maybe I need to air it out some more.
Went out to see the boyfriend tonight and we went to my TRUE MOTHERSHIP.
aka the Dormmom's fireworks stand.
Got the essentials, but still haven't done inventory on last year's stuff so I have a feeling I'm going to be flailing back closer to the date.
The boyfriend was impressed that I spent like half the amount of money I spent last year. But I do have the Missouri stuff too. Though I didn't get much there, just stuff I couldn't get here.
Thinking about doing fireworks at the farmhouse like last year. Parade in the morning and all that.
Sister and her family won't be there - which sucks - but that's okay. We'll have enough to cover.
Hopefully the boyfriend will be able to make an appearance as he will be working.
After fireworks we watched Broken City.
Marky Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kyle Chandler.
It was...interesting.
Was confused most of the time, but I guess it might be entertaining if you're into political drama.
Alright, off to bed.
More She & Him week.
In the Sun
I Thought I Saw Your Face Today
love these guys.
That was today.
Slept in, watched X-Games, did laundry and dishes.
Though my apartment still smells like smoke.
Attempted to spray stuff, overpower it with other food smells, but it's never ending.
At least the hallways are clear.
Maybe I need to air it out some more.
Went out to see the boyfriend tonight and we went to my TRUE MOTHERSHIP.
aka the Dormmom's fireworks stand.
Got the essentials, but still haven't done inventory on last year's stuff so I have a feeling I'm going to be flailing back closer to the date.
The boyfriend was impressed that I spent like half the amount of money I spent last year. But I do have the Missouri stuff too. Though I didn't get much there, just stuff I couldn't get here.
Thinking about doing fireworks at the farmhouse like last year. Parade in the morning and all that.
Sister and her family won't be there - which sucks - but that's okay. We'll have enough to cover.
Hopefully the boyfriend will be able to make an appearance as he will be working.
After fireworks we watched Broken City.
Marky Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kyle Chandler.
It was...interesting.
Was confused most of the time, but I guess it might be entertaining if you're into political drama.
Alright, off to bed.
More She & Him week.
In the Sun
I Thought I Saw Your Face Today
love these guys.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
"Omaha, I command you to dance!"
It was a "command and demand."
Woke up to yet another family banter session by text message.
Mom is on vacation and is sending us all these pictures of her and her friends.
Oldest Sister says that must mean that what happens in Branson doesn't stay in Branson.
To which Mom claimed she was only sharing them with us, though my brother said he forwarded all the drinking pictures to Grams.
She would love those.
Actually she probably would.
Oldest Sister tried to play the favorite. She says she has to be nice since she can't pop out a kid on Mom's birthday (like my brother's wife did) or provide her with prescription meds in her old age (like Second Sister can).
Second Sister is proud that her greatest attribute is providing prescription meds, but claims she can't pop out a kid so we shouldn't bet the farm on that.
I don't know where that leaves me.
My 17 years of private school left me with no sex education classes, but I'm pretty sure you can't just pop one out at will.
Yeah, we Lutherans don't believe in that kind of education.
The only thing that came close was a really awkward conversation with a dorm mom and my freshman roommate who danced with a box on her head to cheer me up.
Go here: Jack Harper, Tech 49
For the box story.
Not the other story.
In other news, I went to see She & Him tonight with an old library friend.
She won tickets over the radio.
We had planned to go but they were sold out by the time we got around to it.
So it was fate she called in when she did.

It was awesome!
If you weren't aware of my obsession they are in my top five favorite bands of all time.
The other four being Maroon 5, The Wreckers, Eminem and Lily Allen.
Superwoman let me off early so I could make it in time.
Tilly and The Wall opened for them.
We were a bit confused because if you see the girl in the middle in the gray dress and pink tights, she was just up there dancing and singing without a mic.
And we were like, does she get paid to be up there and dance in the middle of their show?
I want that job.
Do you think she's "Tilly" or "The Wall"?
Then we realized that she was actually tap dancing and the box she was tap dancing on was mic'd and she was basically their percussion section.
Which was awesome.
And very creative.
And they're from Omaha, and went on tour with She & Him.
Which is awesome.
Speaking of Omaha, so both bands - them and She & Him - kept yelling out "Omaha!"
...even though we were in Council Bluffs.
So, technically, Iowa.
Which was amusing.
Apparently they had the day off yesterday and spent it in Omaha.
My library friend watched their backup band play in a bar.
I wonder what it's like for celebrities to have the day off.
Like, what would you do while on tour?
Sightsee in Omaha?
So like psuedo-Rosenblatt and....
Oh, maybe they went to the zoo.
That's kind of a big thing.
The drained out Platte River.
That's all I got.
They were awesome live though.
Can't believe we were that close to them onstage, it was so cool.
They did a mix of their songs from volumes 1-3.
Plus an acapella cover of Unchained Melody.
Which was incredible.
Her backup singers were pretty great in themselves.
And you can tell the songs that they really liked because they would jump and dance and clap and hula, it was amusing.
Zooey herself was awesome.
M. didn't say much, which isn't unusual.
And their whole band was just great.
As was their opening act, I'm gonna have to buy Heavy Mood, that was awesome.
Speaking of their music, on to the music of the day.
She & Him Week continues, with the addition of 2 of my favorites from Tilly and the Wall.
Heavy Mood
the big surprise of the night, these guys really rocked. a couple questionable songs at the start but once this one came on we were all jamming.
then i went a bit nuts when they started this one
Pot Kettle Black
cause i didn't realize it was them that sang it and that they were from omaha.
yay for Drew's mixtape, good choice.
and on to a couple of my favorites from tonight.
I've Got Your Number Son
they're just really good live.
and of course the finale was epic
Sweet Darlin'
love the enthusiasm after the technical difficulties.
They sang my favorite - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here - but I've posted that one already. That's the one where she commanded us to dance.
Though we were already anyway.
And that was my day.
Met some cool people.
Concert was a huge adrenaline rush and it flew by way too fast - not gonna be able to sleep for a while. Gonna turn on X-Games.
Huzzah for DVR.
Carter has decided that he likes chips and now steals them from me.
Like, when I'm not looking he will stick his head in the bag and steal one.
If I wasn't so amazed I'd be pissed.
Freakin' cat.
and i'm out.
off tomorrow. was originally supposed to meet with my practicum manager but he had to reschedule so looks like i'm gonna be spending my day off working on that freakin' takehome test.
due on the 5th.
ps - my apartment still smells like smoke.
Woke up to yet another family banter session by text message.
Mom is on vacation and is sending us all these pictures of her and her friends.
Oldest Sister says that must mean that what happens in Branson doesn't stay in Branson.
To which Mom claimed she was only sharing them with us, though my brother said he forwarded all the drinking pictures to Grams.
She would love those.
Actually she probably would.
Oldest Sister tried to play the favorite. She says she has to be nice since she can't pop out a kid on Mom's birthday (like my brother's wife did) or provide her with prescription meds in her old age (like Second Sister can).
Second Sister is proud that her greatest attribute is providing prescription meds, but claims she can't pop out a kid so we shouldn't bet the farm on that.
I don't know where that leaves me.
My 17 years of private school left me with no sex education classes, but I'm pretty sure you can't just pop one out at will.
Yeah, we Lutherans don't believe in that kind of education.
The only thing that came close was a really awkward conversation with a dorm mom and my freshman roommate who danced with a box on her head to cheer me up.
Go here: Jack Harper, Tech 49
For the box story.
Not the other story.
In other news, I went to see She & Him tonight with an old library friend.
She won tickets over the radio.
We had planned to go but they were sold out by the time we got around to it.
So it was fate she called in when she did.

It was awesome!
If you weren't aware of my obsession they are in my top five favorite bands of all time.
The other four being Maroon 5, The Wreckers, Eminem and Lily Allen.
Superwoman let me off early so I could make it in time.
Tilly and The Wall opened for them.
We were a bit confused because if you see the girl in the middle in the gray dress and pink tights, she was just up there dancing and singing without a mic.
And we were like, does she get paid to be up there and dance in the middle of their show?
I want that job.
Do you think she's "Tilly" or "The Wall"?
Then we realized that she was actually tap dancing and the box she was tap dancing on was mic'd and she was basically their percussion section.
Which was awesome.
And very creative.
And they're from Omaha, and went on tour with She & Him.
Which is awesome.
Speaking of Omaha, so both bands - them and She & Him - kept yelling out "Omaha!"
...even though we were in Council Bluffs.
So, technically, Iowa.
Which was amusing.
Apparently they had the day off yesterday and spent it in Omaha.
My library friend watched their backup band play in a bar.
I wonder what it's like for celebrities to have the day off.
Like, what would you do while on tour?
Sightsee in Omaha?
So like psuedo-Rosenblatt and....
Oh, maybe they went to the zoo.
That's kind of a big thing.
The drained out Platte River.
That's all I got.
They were awesome live though.
Can't believe we were that close to them onstage, it was so cool.
They did a mix of their songs from volumes 1-3.
Plus an acapella cover of Unchained Melody.
Which was incredible.
Her backup singers were pretty great in themselves.
And you can tell the songs that they really liked because they would jump and dance and clap and hula, it was amusing.
Zooey herself was awesome.
M. didn't say much, which isn't unusual.
And their whole band was just great.
As was their opening act, I'm gonna have to buy Heavy Mood, that was awesome.
Speaking of their music, on to the music of the day.
She & Him Week continues, with the addition of 2 of my favorites from Tilly and the Wall.
Heavy Mood
the big surprise of the night, these guys really rocked. a couple questionable songs at the start but once this one came on we were all jamming.
then i went a bit nuts when they started this one
Pot Kettle Black
cause i didn't realize it was them that sang it and that they were from omaha.
yay for Drew's mixtape, good choice.
and on to a couple of my favorites from tonight.
I've Got Your Number Son
they're just really good live.
and of course the finale was epic
Sweet Darlin'
love the enthusiasm after the technical difficulties.
They sang my favorite - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here - but I've posted that one already. That's the one where she commanded us to dance.
Though we were already anyway.
And that was my day.
Met some cool people.
Concert was a huge adrenaline rush and it flew by way too fast - not gonna be able to sleep for a while. Gonna turn on X-Games.
Huzzah for DVR.
Carter has decided that he likes chips and now steals them from me.
Like, when I'm not looking he will stick his head in the bag and steal one.
If I wasn't so amazed I'd be pissed.
Freakin' cat.
and i'm out.
off tomorrow. was originally supposed to meet with my practicum manager but he had to reschedule so looks like i'm gonna be spending my day off working on that freakin' takehome test.
due on the 5th.
ps - my apartment still smells like smoke.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
You do me wrong now, My love is strong now.
So if you thought that yesterday's post was awkward and ended suddenly, it was and it did.
But that's cause of the chaos that was currently going on in the apartment at that time.
Let me give you the whole story.
Okay, so, I don't know what time it was that I wrote that but it was far after midnight and I decided that I wanted popcorn so I put some in the microwave and hit the "popcorn" button.
Or so I thought.
Then I started posting and watching baseball and got all distracted and like 10 minutes later I'm like, is that popcorn done yet? I can still hear the microwave but it's not popping.
So I look up and HOLY CRAP.
Like billows of smoke coming from the kitchen.
I ran to stop the microwave, grabbed a towel and waved it in front of the smoke detector for like 5 minutes.
Meanwhile Carter is just sitting there staring at me going, what the hell did you do now, you idiot?
I turn on like every fan in the apartment and open the doors so the smoke will filter out then go back to fanning the smoke detector cause the last thing I want to do is set that off and then all the neighbors will wake up.
So, anyway, I can barely breathe and give up like 5 minutes later and Carter and I escape to the balcony which is where that post ended.
Right after it ended I thought I heard knocking on my apartment door, so thinking it was a neighbor coming to check if everything is okay I get up to go inside and run straight into the screen door.
Cause you know, forgot that I closed that.
By the time I get to the door the person is gone.
So then I freaked out like, what if they called fire and rescue?
I have to change.
Can't have them showing up when I'm wearing this.
Cause you know, you're never supposed to wear anything you don't want emergency personnel to see.
Or anything that panics the cat.
Sometimes those two coincide.
So I change but it still smells like smoke so I slept with the balcony door open with the screen door closed.
Came home tonight and it still smelled like smoke so I made stir fry in order to cover it up.
And it worked.
And I didn't burn it.
Which is new.
So yes, I guessing you never knew anyone who lit popcorn on fire in a microwave.
Congratulations, now you can all say that you do.
It takes a special amount of skills to do that.
And burn soup.
And slice your foot open when you're making grilled cheese.
Choosing your foot over your grilled cheese as you hop to the bathroom blood trail dragging behind you.
Go here: Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese
Based on a true story.
Just substitute my mother for Sketch, add in some worry for my health and subtract all those sarcastic remarks.
From then on Mom did all the making of grilled cheese sandwiches.
So you could say it was strategy move.
Anyway, I had all this stuff that I wanted to say about yesterday but it got cut short like how I love snarky Walmart employees who tell you not to combine the lighter fluid and donuts that you bought.
Well, the boyfriend bought.
And how UCLA dominated and won the College World Series! So my backup backup team dominated!
Actually would have been my first backup if I would have gone with my gut.
Oh well, still owe the Cool Aunt a round of jalapeno margaritas.
Speaking of the Cool Aunt we saw a preview - also yesterday - for House of Cards and I was like, what is this? It looks awesome! and then it said what it was called and I went, "oh, i have that checked out right now."
Cause the Cool Aunt recommended it and it just came in. But I had requested it purely on her recommendation without looking into it further.
I knew Kevin Spacey was in it.
And that she said to watch it.
But that was it.
So now I'm gonna watch it.
This weekend.
When I'm not working on that takehome test.
Today was good.
I like my job again, yay!
For a teen summer reading event we're making book board games so I'm making an example one and chose Harry Potter.
For which I get to read all the book summaries so I can remember all the places and people and all that to put on the game board.
It's a lot of fun.
Though I am artistically changed so the drawing part of it will be lax.
I also had another teen pick up an application form for TAB today. She seems pretty cool and very mature for her age.
She would make five new members in the past 3 months.
On to the music.
A continuation of She and Him week plus an additional indie song.
Colors - April Smith and the Great Picture Show
Which I love, these guys are fantastic. You should really watch this one. If you hate it you can yell at me later.
back to She and Him
You Really Got a Hold On Me
love it.
Dream a Little Dream of Me
one of my favorite songs of all time and she does it justice.
Wouldn't It Be Nice
another classic.
stoked to see them tomorrow.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
AND my homework is done.
AND i'm catching up on Major Crimes.
But that's cause of the chaos that was currently going on in the apartment at that time.
Let me give you the whole story.
Okay, so, I don't know what time it was that I wrote that but it was far after midnight and I decided that I wanted popcorn so I put some in the microwave and hit the "popcorn" button.
Or so I thought.
Then I started posting and watching baseball and got all distracted and like 10 minutes later I'm like, is that popcorn done yet? I can still hear the microwave but it's not popping.
So I look up and HOLY CRAP.
Like billows of smoke coming from the kitchen.
I ran to stop the microwave, grabbed a towel and waved it in front of the smoke detector for like 5 minutes.
Meanwhile Carter is just sitting there staring at me going, what the hell did you do now, you idiot?
I turn on like every fan in the apartment and open the doors so the smoke will filter out then go back to fanning the smoke detector cause the last thing I want to do is set that off and then all the neighbors will wake up.
So, anyway, I can barely breathe and give up like 5 minutes later and Carter and I escape to the balcony which is where that post ended.
Right after it ended I thought I heard knocking on my apartment door, so thinking it was a neighbor coming to check if everything is okay I get up to go inside and run straight into the screen door.
Cause you know, forgot that I closed that.
By the time I get to the door the person is gone.
So then I freaked out like, what if they called fire and rescue?
I have to change.
Can't have them showing up when I'm wearing this.
Cause you know, you're never supposed to wear anything you don't want emergency personnel to see.
Or anything that panics the cat.
Sometimes those two coincide.
So I change but it still smells like smoke so I slept with the balcony door open with the screen door closed.
Came home tonight and it still smelled like smoke so I made stir fry in order to cover it up.
And it worked.
And I didn't burn it.
Which is new.
So yes, I guessing you never knew anyone who lit popcorn on fire in a microwave.
Congratulations, now you can all say that you do.
It takes a special amount of skills to do that.
And burn soup.
And slice your foot open when you're making grilled cheese.
Choosing your foot over your grilled cheese as you hop to the bathroom blood trail dragging behind you.
Go here: Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese
Based on a true story.
Just substitute my mother for Sketch, add in some worry for my health and subtract all those sarcastic remarks.
From then on Mom did all the making of grilled cheese sandwiches.
So you could say it was strategy move.
Anyway, I had all this stuff that I wanted to say about yesterday but it got cut short like how I love snarky Walmart employees who tell you not to combine the lighter fluid and donuts that you bought.
Well, the boyfriend bought.
And how UCLA dominated and won the College World Series! So my backup backup team dominated!
Actually would have been my first backup if I would have gone with my gut.
Oh well, still owe the Cool Aunt a round of jalapeno margaritas.
Speaking of the Cool Aunt we saw a preview - also yesterday - for House of Cards and I was like, what is this? It looks awesome! and then it said what it was called and I went, "oh, i have that checked out right now."
Cause the Cool Aunt recommended it and it just came in. But I had requested it purely on her recommendation without looking into it further.
I knew Kevin Spacey was in it.
And that she said to watch it.
But that was it.
So now I'm gonna watch it.
This weekend.
When I'm not working on that takehome test.
Today was good.
I like my job again, yay!
For a teen summer reading event we're making book board games so I'm making an example one and chose Harry Potter.
For which I get to read all the book summaries so I can remember all the places and people and all that to put on the game board.
It's a lot of fun.
Though I am artistically changed so the drawing part of it will be lax.
I also had another teen pick up an application form for TAB today. She seems pretty cool and very mature for her age.
She would make five new members in the past 3 months.
On to the music.
A continuation of She and Him week plus an additional indie song.
Colors - April Smith and the Great Picture Show
Which I love, these guys are fantastic. You should really watch this one. If you hate it you can yell at me later.
back to She and Him
You Really Got a Hold On Me
love it.
Dream a Little Dream of Me
one of my favorite songs of all time and she does it justice.
Wouldn't It Be Nice
another classic.
stoked to see them tomorrow.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
AND my homework is done.
AND i'm catching up on Major Crimes.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Baby you couldn't find the button with both hands and a map.
So we watched The Call tonight.
Now the nightmares have gone from creepy old ladies with syringes to being scalped alive by a crazy med technician.
Oh yeah, spoiler alert.
The creepy old lady was from an Agatha Christie movie that Oldest Sister and I watched and became an ongoing joke.
This movie was intense. We kept trying to guess the ending but it had lots of twists and turns. Abigail Breslin and Halle Berry kicked ass though.
So creepy had to follow it up with a comedy.
My favorite of miss Angelina Jolie's movies - Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Followed closely by Tomb Raider.
sorry, just saw this commercial and holy crap!
i want that job.
other than that today was boring.
i did run up and down the stairs quite often.
aside from the fact that my apartment is filled with smoke cause i burned popcorn really bad.
so i'm out on my deck posting this cause you can't breathe in there.
though it's time to face the music, my neighbors are probably like, what the hell?
more She and Him in honor of She and Him week.
Keystar - Munchausen By Proxy
okay technically that wasn't She and Him but it was Zooey.
Now the nightmares have gone from creepy old ladies with syringes to being scalped alive by a crazy med technician.
Oh yeah, spoiler alert.
The creepy old lady was from an Agatha Christie movie that Oldest Sister and I watched and became an ongoing joke.
This movie was intense. We kept trying to guess the ending but it had lots of twists and turns. Abigail Breslin and Halle Berry kicked ass though.
So creepy had to follow it up with a comedy.
My favorite of miss Angelina Jolie's movies - Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Followed closely by Tomb Raider.
sorry, just saw this commercial and holy crap!
i want that job.
other than that today was boring.
i did run up and down the stairs quite often.
aside from the fact that my apartment is filled with smoke cause i burned popcorn really bad.
so i'm out on my deck posting this cause you can't breathe in there.
though it's time to face the music, my neighbors are probably like, what the hell?
more She and Him in honor of She and Him week.
Keystar - Munchausen By Proxy
okay technically that wasn't She and Him but it was Zooey.
Monday, June 24, 2013
oh easy mac, oh easy mac, of all the cheese most lovely...
Homework finished and posted with 10 minutes to spare.
Yes, 11:49PM.
But I made it!
However, the downfall to spending my entire night doing homework is that all of my creative genius is used up.
So you should stop reading now.
I could ramble to you about open source vs. proprietary software.
But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to read that.
Unless you're a librarian.
But probably not even then, that's the last thing we wanna read about after hours.
By the way that's like the 50th time I've spelled proprietary in a 6 hour period and I still spelled it wrong.
Have I mentioned how ready I am to be done?
Next assignment is a take home test due on the 3rd but we don't get it until Thursday.
So there goes my weekend.
Or Monday cause I think I'm off.
Speaking of Mondays, today was definitely one.
Go to work and it's fine until I go to get out of my car and there's a downpour.
Like literal downpour.
And me, underestimating the rain as usual, didn't bring a jacket so I was soaked for most of the morning.
The slow day was helpful though because I got a chance to upload my TAB master database and sort through my jars for the event on the 17th.
Which I shouldn't be worried about right now cause the book board game one comes first on the 3rd.
Though I'm guessing our numbers will be low because 1 it's the 3rd of July and 2 because teens don't use our branch as much as the others.
Cause we don't offer them anything.
I'm working on that though.
Seriously should stop reading now.
I would.
Night was boring aside from one massive moment of awesomeness.
No, not UCLA winning though I was thrilled.
Del she won tickets and invited me.
We were gonna go originally but we got distracted and then they were sold out.
But she won tickets so now we're back in the game.
In honor of the awesomeness that will be Thursday I now declare it to be She and Him week!
In which I will post my favorites by them throughout the week.
If you're not a fan then get over it.
And also, you're missing out on life cause they are just that awesome.
Okay, so my favorites in no particular order...
I Put a Spell on You
see how much of life you're missing out on?
for serious.
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here
this one is a bit morbid but i still love it. 1:02 still cracks me up.
yes, I know, I blew my whole going to bed early thing but we knew that was doomed from the start.
will soon.
after i eat my easy mac.
cause you don't really take time to eat when you're on a deadline.
i ate so much of that stuff in high school you could have called me "easy mac" and i would have answered.
whoa. mac and cheese. totally forgot - sketch and i went by "mac" and "cheese" for a while though i can't remember why.
3 guesses as to which one of us was the cheese.
if you can't get it in 3 you lack some deduction skills.
okay, now you really need to stop reading this post.
and she's out!
Yes, 11:49PM.
But I made it!
However, the downfall to spending my entire night doing homework is that all of my creative genius is used up.
So you should stop reading now.
I could ramble to you about open source vs. proprietary software.
But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to read that.
Unless you're a librarian.
But probably not even then, that's the last thing we wanna read about after hours.
By the way that's like the 50th time I've spelled proprietary in a 6 hour period and I still spelled it wrong.
Have I mentioned how ready I am to be done?
Next assignment is a take home test due on the 3rd but we don't get it until Thursday.
So there goes my weekend.
Or Monday cause I think I'm off.
Speaking of Mondays, today was definitely one.
Go to work and it's fine until I go to get out of my car and there's a downpour.
Like literal downpour.
And me, underestimating the rain as usual, didn't bring a jacket so I was soaked for most of the morning.
The slow day was helpful though because I got a chance to upload my TAB master database and sort through my jars for the event on the 17th.
Which I shouldn't be worried about right now cause the book board game one comes first on the 3rd.
Though I'm guessing our numbers will be low because 1 it's the 3rd of July and 2 because teens don't use our branch as much as the others.
Cause we don't offer them anything.
I'm working on that though.
Seriously should stop reading now.
I would.
Night was boring aside from one massive moment of awesomeness.
No, not UCLA winning though I was thrilled.
Del she won tickets and invited me.
We were gonna go originally but we got distracted and then they were sold out.
But she won tickets so now we're back in the game.
In honor of the awesomeness that will be Thursday I now declare it to be She and Him week!
In which I will post my favorites by them throughout the week.
If you're not a fan then get over it.
And also, you're missing out on life cause they are just that awesome.
Okay, so my favorites in no particular order...
I Put a Spell on You
see how much of life you're missing out on?
for serious.
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here
this one is a bit morbid but i still love it. 1:02 still cracks me up.
yes, I know, I blew my whole going to bed early thing but we knew that was doomed from the start.
will soon.
after i eat my easy mac.
cause you don't really take time to eat when you're on a deadline.
i ate so much of that stuff in high school you could have called me "easy mac" and i would have answered.
whoa. mac and cheese. totally forgot - sketch and i went by "mac" and "cheese" for a while though i can't remember why.
3 guesses as to which one of us was the cheese.
if you can't get it in 3 you lack some deduction skills.
okay, now you really need to stop reading this post.
and she's out!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
"But avoid the Super 8 there like the plague...unless you want the plague."
Guess what?
I had fun.
Worlds of it.
In case you weren't aware, the boyfriend and I went to Worlds of Fun this weekend.
It was packed, but we got fastlane passes so we were able to jump lines.
Ironically, the line for the fastlane passes was the longest line we stood in all day.
Got there at around 11AM and stayed until about 11:45PM.
Did my 17 roller coaster rides - he did more - for some reason I kept getting nauseous which confused me cause last year when we went I was fine the whole day.
Though last year we went in October so it wasn't 90 degrees.
Plus we actually ate stuff.
This year not so much.
But I did wear sunscreen so my mother will be proud.
It was a lot of fun.
When I wasn't having a panic attack and running all over the park retracing my steps.
Why is it that whenever we go somewhere I lose things?
We went to Vegas I lost my camera.
We went to Boone I lost my ring.
We go to Worlds of Fun and I lose my phone.
The nice man at the Mamba saved it for me.
Pretty sure my mom got called in the process.
The whole time the boyfriend was the picture of cool.
Same with the previous losses.
It's clear which one of us is the more sane.
Though was that really ever questioned?
Anyway, once it was found we went to the car and I left everything in it but the keys.
I did manage to take some pictures before I ditched it though.
We actually took some time to see shows since we had all day.

These guys were pretty good.

Country Junction.
Took a few videos, may upload them later.
AND the spyglasses worked.
So rock on.
Got some cool coaster and drummer videos from them.
Which I will hold off on posting as they are loud and long and I need to fix them first.
It was well worth the trip.
Afterward we were both zonked so we didn't want to drive all the way back.
Stopped at the Super 8 first cause it was right across the street but they were full.
However, their nightshift employee was highly entertaining.
Directing us to other hotels yet warning us to stay away from a different branch of their franchise.
See title of post.
Gotta love it when they're honest.
Ended up staying at a different Super 8 - not the one with the plague - and then came back this morning.
Stopped at a Waffle House along the way.
Awesome chocolate chip waffles.
And raisin toast.
Which reminds me that I need to eat something else today.
Anyway, right before we left Missouri we saw this mega fireworks stand.
And it was kind of like the mother ship was calling me home.

If I were to own a fireworks stand - which I dream about - this would be how I would do it.
Giant warehouse in their backyard.
Posters and figures all over the walls.

(love that paris is in jail with spock as the guard)
Awesome music playing in the background - I'm talking a mix of the best from all the decades.
Plus some awesome discounts - if you spend a certain amount of money you get so much stuff free, however it applies to your next visit.
The staff being as awesome as it was said to go to my car, unload my fireworks and then come back.
Cause that would count as a separate visit.
Did I mention how much I love awesome employees?
Needless to say I spent far too much on fireworks, though it was only certain stuff cause the rest I get from my Dorm Mom.
Who gives me free stuff cause she loves me.
Speaking of, gonna call her this weekend.
I love it, she knows my number so she answers the phone with "yes, we're open!"
Ah, how well she knows me.
Alright, it is getting late and I need to work more on the paper that's due tomorrow at midnight.
Which I have started but just barely.
I did read through all my sources and I have an outline planned.
Now it's just the whole typing thing and the sources thing and the you know, coming up with actual words to say thing.
So, the usual.
Will be glad to be done in December!
Okay, music.
Treasure - Bruno Mars
i'm still debating if i like this song or not. heard it first on the voice - this performance, love the retro jackson 5 approach - and then we heard it on the way back so i'm posting it.
Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas
another Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It - heard this one on the ride back as well. coincidence that it is also 70's style.
like them better as the Black Eyed Peas than I do separately as will.I.Am and Fergie.
Alright, back to the homework.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
I had fun.
Worlds of it.
In case you weren't aware, the boyfriend and I went to Worlds of Fun this weekend.
It was packed, but we got fastlane passes so we were able to jump lines.
Ironically, the line for the fastlane passes was the longest line we stood in all day.
Got there at around 11AM and stayed until about 11:45PM.
Did my 17 roller coaster rides - he did more - for some reason I kept getting nauseous which confused me cause last year when we went I was fine the whole day.
Though last year we went in October so it wasn't 90 degrees.
Plus we actually ate stuff.
This year not so much.
But I did wear sunscreen so my mother will be proud.
It was a lot of fun.
When I wasn't having a panic attack and running all over the park retracing my steps.
Why is it that whenever we go somewhere I lose things?
We went to Vegas I lost my camera.
We went to Boone I lost my ring.
We go to Worlds of Fun and I lose my phone.
The nice man at the Mamba saved it for me.
Pretty sure my mom got called in the process.
The whole time the boyfriend was the picture of cool.
Same with the previous losses.
It's clear which one of us is the more sane.
Though was that really ever questioned?
Anyway, once it was found we went to the car and I left everything in it but the keys.
I did manage to take some pictures before I ditched it though.
We actually took some time to see shows since we had all day.

These guys were pretty good.

Country Junction.
Took a few videos, may upload them later.
AND the spyglasses worked.
So rock on.
Got some cool coaster and drummer videos from them.
Which I will hold off on posting as they are loud and long and I need to fix them first.
It was well worth the trip.
Afterward we were both zonked so we didn't want to drive all the way back.
Stopped at the Super 8 first cause it was right across the street but they were full.
However, their nightshift employee was highly entertaining.
Directing us to other hotels yet warning us to stay away from a different branch of their franchise.
See title of post.
Gotta love it when they're honest.
Ended up staying at a different Super 8 - not the one with the plague - and then came back this morning.
Stopped at a Waffle House along the way.
Awesome chocolate chip waffles.
And raisin toast.
Which reminds me that I need to eat something else today.
Anyway, right before we left Missouri we saw this mega fireworks stand.
And it was kind of like the mother ship was calling me home.

If I were to own a fireworks stand - which I dream about - this would be how I would do it.
Giant warehouse in their backyard.
Posters and figures all over the walls.

(love that paris is in jail with spock as the guard)
Awesome music playing in the background - I'm talking a mix of the best from all the decades.
Plus some awesome discounts - if you spend a certain amount of money you get so much stuff free, however it applies to your next visit.
The staff being as awesome as it was said to go to my car, unload my fireworks and then come back.
Cause that would count as a separate visit.
Did I mention how much I love awesome employees?
Needless to say I spent far too much on fireworks, though it was only certain stuff cause the rest I get from my Dorm Mom.
Who gives me free stuff cause she loves me.
Speaking of, gonna call her this weekend.
I love it, she knows my number so she answers the phone with "yes, we're open!"
Ah, how well she knows me.
Alright, it is getting late and I need to work more on the paper that's due tomorrow at midnight.
Which I have started but just barely.
I did read through all my sources and I have an outline planned.
Now it's just the whole typing thing and the sources thing and the you know, coming up with actual words to say thing.
So, the usual.
Will be glad to be done in December!
Okay, music.
Treasure - Bruno Mars
i'm still debating if i like this song or not. heard it first on the voice - this performance, love the retro jackson 5 approach - and then we heard it on the way back so i'm posting it.
Don't Phunk With My Heart - Black Eyed Peas
another Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It - heard this one on the ride back as well. coincidence that it is also 70's style.
like them better as the Black Eyed Peas than I do separately as will.I.Am and Fergie.
Alright, back to the homework.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Wanna play dodgerock?
Beard growing contest and go!
While I usually hate these commercials - this one included - I enjoy the dodgerock.
Yes, I know, I didn't post yesterday.
Mostly because the 5 words to describe my day would have been negative (minus Volunteer and Hardware of course).
And I don't like posting when I'm like that cause it turns out like one of Meredith's whiny narratives on Grey's.
Even The Bosswomen have noticed I'm not happy.
And apparently they talk about it cause I had one check on me in the morning and the other check on me in the afternoon.
I'm in a slump of sorts.
It's more of a long story.
Lack of sleep probably isn't helping.
So, it's time for a weekend off.
Get out of my head and have fun.
Worlds of it.
Yes, we're headed to KC for more roller coasters.
And guessing from how it went last year it's gonna be 10AM to even later this year because I don't have to work the next day.
And, as previously mentioned, he is obsessive about roller coasters. Last year we rode like 17 times in a 10 hour period.
Go here for our adventures from last year: The Difference Between "If" and "When"
5 words for today
Library - the day flew by pretty quickly. Got to see one of my TAB kids and another future TAB kid. Two of my new adult volunteers came in to shelve. And three new aides are starting this week. We lost a few of our lifers, but that's more of a long story.
Laundry - you know how you think you're caught up with laundry so you don't do it for a few days and then you're like crap, where did this come from? I'm there. So load after load so I have clothes for this weekend.
Pack - the question is, what to wear tomorrow. It's gonna be hot, so not jeans. I'm debating t-shirts, it's down to Star Wars or Warehouse 13. Also, what do you do when you're not allowed to take pictures with your camera while riding roller coasters? Buy spy glasses with a camera in them of course! Stoked. Though I'm sure I'll lose them somewhere along the way. If not I'll hit you with some cool videos when I get back.
Camp - got a ton of application forms yesterday and today so I spent most of the night uploading those and sending out confirmation emails. Looking good so far though super short on teen help and female counselors.
Homework - I have a massive paper due on Monday at midnight. I've started on it sort of. Meaning I found sources but done nothing else. Oh, I did clear the topic with the professor. Does that count? I'm thinking of printing off the sources and reading them on the drive out there and back. Then writing up an outline so I can get it done on Sunday when we get back.
and that was my day.
Oh, I stopped for gas so we'd have enough for the trip there.
And I called the Little Shelver Boy my fake boyfriend. But again, that's a long story.
Oh yeah, and I'm watching CWS. Go UCLA!
And I talked to Obi Wan about camp stuff.
And at some point I worked with the new temp and we talked roller coasters. And my family being goofy.
Oh yeah, Wordie and I quoted Monty Python.
"what are you gonna do, bleed on me?" "your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."
There. That was my day.
Song of the day:
I Hope You're the End of My Story - Pistol Annies
love these girls.
last night I fell asleep at 11:30 - I know!! So early!! I was proud. Yet I was still space cadet in the morning.
tonight I'm posting early so I can print off those sources and then crash.
he says we're leaving at like 8 tomorrow morning.
i will probably sleep on the way there.
then it's fun in the sun. the hot hot sun. and then apparently a bigass moon, which is gonna be super cool whilst riding roller coasters.
go here: Supermoon 2013
sorry, worked reference most of today, it never ends.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
While I usually hate these commercials - this one included - I enjoy the dodgerock.
Yes, I know, I didn't post yesterday.
Mostly because the 5 words to describe my day would have been negative (minus Volunteer and Hardware of course).
And I don't like posting when I'm like that cause it turns out like one of Meredith's whiny narratives on Grey's.
Even The Bosswomen have noticed I'm not happy.
And apparently they talk about it cause I had one check on me in the morning and the other check on me in the afternoon.
I'm in a slump of sorts.
It's more of a long story.
Lack of sleep probably isn't helping.
So, it's time for a weekend off.
Get out of my head and have fun.
Worlds of it.
Yes, we're headed to KC for more roller coasters.
And guessing from how it went last year it's gonna be 10AM to even later this year because I don't have to work the next day.
And, as previously mentioned, he is obsessive about roller coasters. Last year we rode like 17 times in a 10 hour period.
Go here for our adventures from last year: The Difference Between "If" and "When"
5 words for today
Library - the day flew by pretty quickly. Got to see one of my TAB kids and another future TAB kid. Two of my new adult volunteers came in to shelve. And three new aides are starting this week. We lost a few of our lifers, but that's more of a long story.
Laundry - you know how you think you're caught up with laundry so you don't do it for a few days and then you're like crap, where did this come from? I'm there. So load after load so I have clothes for this weekend.
Pack - the question is, what to wear tomorrow. It's gonna be hot, so not jeans. I'm debating t-shirts, it's down to Star Wars or Warehouse 13. Also, what do you do when you're not allowed to take pictures with your camera while riding roller coasters? Buy spy glasses with a camera in them of course! Stoked. Though I'm sure I'll lose them somewhere along the way. If not I'll hit you with some cool videos when I get back.
Camp - got a ton of application forms yesterday and today so I spent most of the night uploading those and sending out confirmation emails. Looking good so far though super short on teen help and female counselors.
Homework - I have a massive paper due on Monday at midnight. I've started on it sort of. Meaning I found sources but done nothing else. Oh, I did clear the topic with the professor. Does that count? I'm thinking of printing off the sources and reading them on the drive out there and back. Then writing up an outline so I can get it done on Sunday when we get back.
and that was my day.
Oh, I stopped for gas so we'd have enough for the trip there.
And I called the Little Shelver Boy my fake boyfriend. But again, that's a long story.
Oh yeah, and I'm watching CWS. Go UCLA!
And I talked to Obi Wan about camp stuff.
And at some point I worked with the new temp and we talked roller coasters. And my family being goofy.
Oh yeah, Wordie and I quoted Monty Python.
"what are you gonna do, bleed on me?" "your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."
There. That was my day.
Song of the day:
I Hope You're the End of My Story - Pistol Annies
love these girls.
last night I fell asleep at 11:30 - I know!! So early!! I was proud. Yet I was still space cadet in the morning.
tonight I'm posting early so I can print off those sources and then crash.
he says we're leaving at like 8 tomorrow morning.
i will probably sleep on the way there.
then it's fun in the sun. the hot hot sun. and then apparently a bigass moon, which is gonna be super cool whilst riding roller coasters.
go here: Supermoon 2013
sorry, worked reference most of today, it never ends.
legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
capital one,
holy crap,
i hope you're the end of my story,
little shelver boy,
monty python,
my day in five words,
pistol annies,
the boyfriend,
worlds of fun
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
My day in five words.
A new blog segment for you.
Five words to summarize my day:
You have no idea how long it took for me to limit my day to five words.
As boring as it may have been.
You should try it and tell me if it's just difficult for rambly English majors or if it's hard for everyone.
So first there was cereal - which is the norm for my mornings.
Library of course - nine hours of library.
Baseball - watched Bubby play, he rocked it here's right before his line drive to left.

and then watched Indiana lose so I'm officially out now that my backup lost.
So go UCLA!
Post - obviously I'm here.
Crash - next stop.
and that's all I got.
Cause, as said, my day was boring, aside from all the baseball.
Here's your music, I'm gonna crash.
Cause, as predicted, I did not go to bed last night early as planned.
So I'm going to attempt it again.
And actually try this time.
One Day - Matisyahu
Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez
Levitate - Hadouken
very cool video.
and I'm out!
Five words to summarize my day:
You have no idea how long it took for me to limit my day to five words.
As boring as it may have been.
You should try it and tell me if it's just difficult for rambly English majors or if it's hard for everyone.
So first there was cereal - which is the norm for my mornings.
Library of course - nine hours of library.
Baseball - watched Bubby play, he rocked it here's right before his line drive to left.

and then watched Indiana lose so I'm officially out now that my backup lost.
So go UCLA!
Post - obviously I'm here.
Crash - next stop.
and that's all I got.
Cause, as said, my day was boring, aside from all the baseball.
Here's your music, I'm gonna crash.
Cause, as predicted, I did not go to bed last night early as planned.
So I'm going to attempt it again.
And actually try this time.
One Day - Matisyahu
Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez
Levitate - Hadouken
very cool video.
and I'm out!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Holy Frijoles!
Okay, so this is what happens when I watch Sports Nation.
I find clips like these:
Yay, Rob Dyrdek!
Which then leads to clips like this...
dude. watch it all the way through. the very last clip is my favorite. and got him a job in the NFL.
Which then leads to clips like this...
That's Husker football right there.
I still think that call was crap.
and then that leads me to looking up the fall schedule and if you know anything about me and Husker football its endless so I need to turn off Sports Nation right now.
I was zonked today.
I went to bed far too late so tonight I'm aiming for earlier, though you know as well as I do that won't happen.
Work was super busy, think I had like 40 some stats, though that's probably because I was on the front desk four hours in a row.
Was totally bummed cause they closed the Chinese joint next door.
I'm wounded man, I loved that place.
Granted it was usually just me there which explains their sudden closing, but still, that was killer food.
Not cool.
The new lab is up and running.
It's all fancy.
24 filtered computers plus 1 young adult and 2 unfiltered.
Means a lot less waiting than there was when we had 17 total.
It's massive and all open and stuff.
It freaks people out when they walk up the stairs.
No more claustrophobic walls.
Actual air circulation.
So tonight was big, of sorts, The Voice finale.
Called it.
Go Danielle!
Glad Michelle came in second.
Just not how I pictured the photo finish after the blind auditions?
From the start Judith was the clear leader and then she had to sing Bieber and there went that.
But Danielle deserved it.
She was a powerhouse. For 16 she was incredible.
The cool thing about the finale is that the whole top 16 comes back to perform.
The finalists get to choose who they sing with.
Michelle brought back Team Usher so that was cool - they sang We Can Work It Out - the Stevie Wonder version which I love and was my favorite song of the night.
We Can Work It Out - Team Usher - Vedo, Michelle, Cathia and Josiah
Danielle brought back Sarah, Caroline and Amber for a Carrie Underwood song, The Swon Brothers brought back Holly, Justin and Amber for something country but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.
The ones that didn't sing with the finalists sang in groups, though some doubled like Josiah, Vedo and Cathia.
These are my two favorites from the night:
Ain't Too Proud To Beg - Josiah, Vedo, Kris and Garrett
plus Holly on the sax, that was awesome. totally retro.
My Lovin' You're Never Gonna Get It - Cathia, Sasha, Karina and Judith
powerhouses. for serious.
Notice how I'm not posting Xtina and Pitbull?
As much as I love her, good god that was horrible live.
And Cher.
What the crap was on her head?

Was that alive?
Pretty sure I saw it move.
Okay, so now you can all cheer.
No more Voice ramblings until next season.
Anyway, after the Voice was homework, camp stuff, now I'm watching LSU boys lost today.
Which means, yes, you guessed it, I owe the Cool Aunt a round of jalapeno margaritas cause her North Carolina lasted longer than my LSU.
Now I'm cheering for my backup - Indiana.
Go Hoosiers!
And that was my day.
Out - whoa, legitimate pre-midnight post, haven't had one of those in a while.
Holy crap tag in use.
I find clips like these:
Yay, Rob Dyrdek!
Which then leads to clips like this...
dude. watch it all the way through. the very last clip is my favorite. and got him a job in the NFL.
Which then leads to clips like this...
That's Husker football right there.
I still think that call was crap.
and then that leads me to looking up the fall schedule and if you know anything about me and Husker football its endless so I need to turn off Sports Nation right now.
I was zonked today.
I went to bed far too late so tonight I'm aiming for earlier, though you know as well as I do that won't happen.
Work was super busy, think I had like 40 some stats, though that's probably because I was on the front desk four hours in a row.
Was totally bummed cause they closed the Chinese joint next door.
I'm wounded man, I loved that place.
Granted it was usually just me there which explains their sudden closing, but still, that was killer food.
Not cool.
The new lab is up and running.
It's all fancy.
24 filtered computers plus 1 young adult and 2 unfiltered.
Means a lot less waiting than there was when we had 17 total.
It's massive and all open and stuff.
It freaks people out when they walk up the stairs.
No more claustrophobic walls.
Actual air circulation.
So tonight was big, of sorts, The Voice finale.
Called it.
Go Danielle!
Glad Michelle came in second.
Just not how I pictured the photo finish after the blind auditions?
From the start Judith was the clear leader and then she had to sing Bieber and there went that.
But Danielle deserved it.
She was a powerhouse. For 16 she was incredible.
The cool thing about the finale is that the whole top 16 comes back to perform.
The finalists get to choose who they sing with.
Michelle brought back Team Usher so that was cool - they sang We Can Work It Out - the Stevie Wonder version which I love and was my favorite song of the night.
We Can Work It Out - Team Usher - Vedo, Michelle, Cathia and Josiah
Danielle brought back Sarah, Caroline and Amber for a Carrie Underwood song, The Swon Brothers brought back Holly, Justin and Amber for something country but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.
The ones that didn't sing with the finalists sang in groups, though some doubled like Josiah, Vedo and Cathia.
These are my two favorites from the night:
Ain't Too Proud To Beg - Josiah, Vedo, Kris and Garrett
plus Holly on the sax, that was awesome. totally retro.
My Lovin' You're Never Gonna Get It - Cathia, Sasha, Karina and Judith
powerhouses. for serious.
Notice how I'm not posting Xtina and Pitbull?
As much as I love her, good god that was horrible live.
And Cher.
What the crap was on her head?
Was that alive?
Pretty sure I saw it move.
Okay, so now you can all cheer.
No more Voice ramblings until next season.
Anyway, after the Voice was homework, camp stuff, now I'm watching LSU boys lost today.
Which means, yes, you guessed it, I owe the Cool Aunt a round of jalapeno margaritas cause her North Carolina lasted longer than my LSU.
Now I'm cheering for my backup - Indiana.
Go Hoosiers!
And that was my day.
Out - whoa, legitimate pre-midnight post, haven't had one of those in a while.
Holy crap tag in use.
Monday, June 17, 2013
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had.
Another season of American Ninja Warrior comes to NBC?
When was the first season?
And why?!
I know that you probably don't care, but this was epic.
And you should rejoice.
Because it's the finals, meaning after tomorrow you won't have to read my rambles on the Voice until next season!
When Xtina and Cee-Lo return!
I will miss Shakira though.
Maybe even Usher.
Okay, so here is my lineup for the last time.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Artists left:
Team Blake:
Danielle Bradbery
Swon Brothers
Team Usher:
Michelle Chamuel
Both Adam and Shakira are out.
Which is interesting because they had Judith, Sarah and Sasha. Who should have won this whole thing.
Now I'm guessing Danielle is gonna win it.
I haven't checked iTunes or Facebook and I'm not even halfway through the episode yet but I know she's gonna win.
I'm rooting for her or Michelle.
If the Swon Brothers I'm gonna be pissed.
I just don't get them apparently.
But I like Danielle because she and Blake are bringing back classic country music
Timber, I'm Falling In Love
and she's got the power vocals to do it.
And I like Michelle because she's the awesome nerdy underdog.
I Knew You Were Trouble
4 Eyes on the Prize yeah man.
Okay, sorry, I missed it tonight so I'm watching it now.
Slept in, did homework, went in for two hours, headed out to see the boyfriend, got dinner, watched a movie, and now I'm back.
Smo came in today.
Was fun getting to see her again.
She met Wordie.
Smo was my high school roommate.
Well, one of them.
I was sort of a serial roommate-er I guess.
Freshman year I had....2,1,3 so 6, and then Sophomore year was just me and Smo, Junior was Smo, Shel and Juwanna and then Senior year was me and Juwanna.
So like 7 roommates.
But that's leaving out all the girls that Smo and I got stuck with Sophomore year.
Every time somebody came to visit the school or started and then stopped or whatever, they lived with us cause we were the um I guess the most school spirited ones?
Mrs. Gotta called us bubbly I believe.
Or maybe that was one of the girls she stuck with us, I can't remember.
Anyway, so it would be 7 but there were 3 others that came and went during that year alone so that makes 10.
Meaning there were only 3 female classmates I didn't room with.
The joys of a dorm high school.
Interesting because in all of college I only had 1 roommate.
Though I requested it that way.
Myers and I had a lot of fun Freshman year but after she got her own place I was good on my own.
Sketch and I decided if we lived together we'd kill each other.
Why yes, we are the best of friends.
But that's the problem.
We wanted to remain best friends.
And you don't do that when you're trapped in a room with someone every day.
Though she did steal my extra mattress frequently.
I really don't remember anything else about today.
Was nice to sleep in since I was up 'til like 4.
I enjoy those 2 hour shifts, however gonna change and do half hour lunches on the weekends I work instead because then I'll have 2 whole days off. Instead of 1 day and 6 hours.
Okay, I know, I'm boring.
We watched Magic Mike tonight.
It was...interesting.
Didn't get all the way through it, but I do like the guys in it - Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey, etc.
Pretty sure his house is haunted though cause during the movie his pop like exploded all over the place.
So apparently the house is not a fan of exotic male dancing.
Which is fine with me.
And that's really I got for today.
Mad World - Gary Jules
I know some people prefer the original Tears for Fears version but I like this one much better.
Lyrics match up better with the tempo on this one than the funki-fied T4Fs version.
Plus the video is cooler.
I know that you probably don't care, but this was epic.
And you should rejoice.
Because it's the finals, meaning after tomorrow you won't have to read my rambles on the Voice until next season!
When Xtina and Cee-Lo return!
I will miss Shakira though.
Maybe even Usher.
Okay, so here is my lineup for the last time.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill
Jess Kellner
Midas Whale
Caroline Glaser
Monique Abbadie
Sasha Allen
Michelle Chamuel
Sarah Simmons
Christian Porter
Jessica Childress
Jeff Lewis
Jacqui Sandell
Karina Iglesius
Holly Tucker
Garrett Gardner
Danielle Bradbery
Amber Carrington
Savannah Berry
Josiah Hawley
Audrey Karrasch
Artists left:
Team Blake:
Danielle Bradbery
Swon Brothers
Team Usher:
Michelle Chamuel
Both Adam and Shakira are out.
Which is interesting because they had Judith, Sarah and Sasha. Who should have won this whole thing.
Now I'm guessing Danielle is gonna win it.
I haven't checked iTunes or Facebook and I'm not even halfway through the episode yet but I know she's gonna win.
I'm rooting for her or Michelle.
If the Swon Brothers I'm gonna be pissed.
I just don't get them apparently.
But I like Danielle because she and Blake are bringing back classic country music
Timber, I'm Falling In Love
and she's got the power vocals to do it.
And I like Michelle because she's the awesome nerdy underdog.
I Knew You Were Trouble
4 Eyes on the Prize yeah man.
Okay, sorry, I missed it tonight so I'm watching it now.
Slept in, did homework, went in for two hours, headed out to see the boyfriend, got dinner, watched a movie, and now I'm back.
Smo came in today.
Was fun getting to see her again.
She met Wordie.
Smo was my high school roommate.
Well, one of them.
I was sort of a serial roommate-er I guess.
Freshman year I had....2,1,3 so 6, and then Sophomore year was just me and Smo, Junior was Smo, Shel and Juwanna and then Senior year was me and Juwanna.
So like 7 roommates.
But that's leaving out all the girls that Smo and I got stuck with Sophomore year.
Every time somebody came to visit the school or started and then stopped or whatever, they lived with us cause we were the um I guess the most school spirited ones?
Mrs. Gotta called us bubbly I believe.
Or maybe that was one of the girls she stuck with us, I can't remember.
Anyway, so it would be 7 but there were 3 others that came and went during that year alone so that makes 10.
Meaning there were only 3 female classmates I didn't room with.
The joys of a dorm high school.
Interesting because in all of college I only had 1 roommate.
Though I requested it that way.
Myers and I had a lot of fun Freshman year but after she got her own place I was good on my own.
Sketch and I decided if we lived together we'd kill each other.
Why yes, we are the best of friends.
But that's the problem.
We wanted to remain best friends.
And you don't do that when you're trapped in a room with someone every day.
Though she did steal my extra mattress frequently.
I really don't remember anything else about today.
Was nice to sleep in since I was up 'til like 4.
I enjoy those 2 hour shifts, however gonna change and do half hour lunches on the weekends I work instead because then I'll have 2 whole days off. Instead of 1 day and 6 hours.
Okay, I know, I'm boring.
We watched Magic Mike tonight.
It was...interesting.
Didn't get all the way through it, but I do like the guys in it - Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey, etc.
Pretty sure his house is haunted though cause during the movie his pop like exploded all over the place.
So apparently the house is not a fan of exotic male dancing.
Which is fine with me.
And that's really I got for today.
Mad World - Gary Jules
I know some people prefer the original Tears for Fears version but I like this one much better.
Lyrics match up better with the tempo on this one than the funki-fied T4Fs version.
Plus the video is cooler.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Keep Calm and Drink Kale - Geaux Tigers!
Happy Father's Day!
Got crap for not calling my father until 6:30.
Some of us work during the day!
Got him something pretty cool.
Hoping he'll like it.
Now just have to figure out a time to go out to the farmhouse to give it to him.
Another empty Sunday at the library, yet the day seemed to fly by.
I'm sure iced coffee and a cinnamon roll helped with that.
Got to jam with some of my favorite coworkers so even though the day was slow we still had fun.
Making plans for when we win Powerball.
Yes when because Queen of the Known Universe is that determined so there's no if anymore.
So when we win, what am I gonna do with my share of the winnings?
Apparently I need to put more thought into my plan because they already have theirs nailed down.
Queen of the Known Universe wants a gulf-stream.
The Old New Guy wants a yacht.
Queen of the Known Universe told him that his servers have to wear chaps when she comes to visit.
There's more to their plans but those were the major factors.
For me, I totally drew a blank.
I could go with the cliche mansion, pool, nice car, sound systems.
But that's really not me.
So throughout the day I came up with a plan.
So far it includes:
- A casino of my own design
- With a golf course in the back
- And then my mansion on the other side of the golf course
- So I can drive a golf cart every day to work
The casino is just a fun thing cause you know, the house always wins, but like can you imagine designing your casino?
Like I could draw up my own blue prints, choose the restaurants, the entertainment, design the rooms - it just sounds fun.
The golf course is more of an inside joke.
Cause you know me and my lack of golfing skills.
But every time Homey G Wigger and I go out golfing - to practice for the tee it up for tuition tournament - we talk about building our own and what we would do with each hole.
"Take another little piece of my grass now baby."
We make a lot of divots.
And the mansions we would build surrounding it for all the rich people. And awesome restaurants.
Anyway, we'd build one here in Nebraska and then expand.
Cause ours would be just that awesome.
So, yes, casino, golf course, personalized golf cart with security system so people couldn't steal it.
And according to the Old New Guy it needs a helipad on the top so he'll have somewhere to land his helicopter.
And now apparently we need to come up with some sort of communication system for the three of us.
Like CB radios but more modern.
So that's my plan so far.
Any other suggestions?
Anyway, that's all I really remember about work today.
Afterwards I got to watch my LSU boys lose....
Cause of errors....
But that's okay, we're still in it and we're gonna dominate the losers bracket and make a comeback.
That kale juice is gonna do it man.
So that was my day.
Don't go in tomorrow until 4, woohoo!
Song of the Day:
Piece of My Heart - Janis Joplin
rocks it.
Got crap for not calling my father until 6:30.
Some of us work during the day!
Got him something pretty cool.
Hoping he'll like it.
Now just have to figure out a time to go out to the farmhouse to give it to him.
Another empty Sunday at the library, yet the day seemed to fly by.
I'm sure iced coffee and a cinnamon roll helped with that.
Got to jam with some of my favorite coworkers so even though the day was slow we still had fun.
Making plans for when we win Powerball.
Yes when because Queen of the Known Universe is that determined so there's no if anymore.
So when we win, what am I gonna do with my share of the winnings?
Apparently I need to put more thought into my plan because they already have theirs nailed down.
Queen of the Known Universe wants a gulf-stream.
The Old New Guy wants a yacht.
Queen of the Known Universe told him that his servers have to wear chaps when she comes to visit.
There's more to their plans but those were the major factors.
For me, I totally drew a blank.
I could go with the cliche mansion, pool, nice car, sound systems.
But that's really not me.
So throughout the day I came up with a plan.
So far it includes:
- A casino of my own design
- With a golf course in the back
- And then my mansion on the other side of the golf course
- So I can drive a golf cart every day to work
The casino is just a fun thing cause you know, the house always wins, but like can you imagine designing your casino?
Like I could draw up my own blue prints, choose the restaurants, the entertainment, design the rooms - it just sounds fun.
The golf course is more of an inside joke.
Cause you know me and my lack of golfing skills.
But every time Homey G Wigger and I go out golfing - to practice for the tee it up for tuition tournament - we talk about building our own and what we would do with each hole.
"Take another little piece of my grass now baby."
We make a lot of divots.
And the mansions we would build surrounding it for all the rich people. And awesome restaurants.
Anyway, we'd build one here in Nebraska and then expand.
Cause ours would be just that awesome.
So, yes, casino, golf course, personalized golf cart with security system so people couldn't steal it.
And according to the Old New Guy it needs a helipad on the top so he'll have somewhere to land his helicopter.
And now apparently we need to come up with some sort of communication system for the three of us.
Like CB radios but more modern.
So that's my plan so far.
Any other suggestions?
Anyway, that's all I really remember about work today.
Afterwards I got to watch my LSU boys lose....
Cause of errors....
But that's okay, we're still in it and we're gonna dominate the losers bracket and make a comeback.
That kale juice is gonna do it man.
So that was my day.
Don't go in tomorrow until 4, woohoo!
Song of the Day:
Piece of My Heart - Janis Joplin
rocks it.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
You and me are through though, watch me hit it solo, I'mma do it acapella.
Ah the joys of a busy Saturday.
Actually the day flew by fairly quickly.
Had a super busy morning in the lab, lunch from Amigos, afternoon checking in in the backroom and even though our system was wonky I got through 6 carts and then headed back out to the desk.
After work was the real fun.
My original plans fell through for the night so that meant it was College World Series time!
Missed the opening game cause I had to work so I recorded it.
Mom has picked her team - Oregon State - who lost but they're still in it.
The Wordsmith has also picked his teams - he always goes with North Carolina so I didn't really have to ask, however with him he and I always pick backups.
Mine is Indiana, his is Louisville.
Meaning my backup just kicked his backup's ass.
2-0 final score.
Take that!
I figured, Big Ten, plus Omaha has officially adopted them - we always go for the underdog, Cal State, Stony Brook, etc. etc.
Tomorrow LSU plays - my main team - so we'll see how well they can dominate UCLA.
Who I also like but couldn't pick as my backup since they play each other in the first round.
Anyway, tonight was good.
Love the College World Series.
And I did more work on camp stuff - so I don't feel guilty for taking a night off to watch baseball.
And my homework is done for the week.
Sent me a confirmation email in the middle of the night last night saying he got my paper.
Scared the crap out of me - you never want to get an email in the middle of the night from your instructor titled "Assignment #1" cause it makes you paranoid that something went wrong.
Apparently someone asked if he would send out confirmation emails so that explains it.
But I'm enjoying this weekend cause discussion boards don't resume until Monday and the next major assignment isn't due until the 24th.
Alright, I was supposed to be sleeping like 4 hours ago so I'm gonna crash and burn.
Here's some music for you.
My new favorite song.
Acapella - Karmin
All the harmony went fallin' out of key so now you gotta find another.
very cool lyric video...the real one comes out after the song is released - on the 25th! - so i'll post that one later.
and if you're not a fan of Karmin - though who isn't really, they're fantastic and from Nebraska so how can you beat that - go with this classic:
another Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
Let Your Love Flow - Bellamy Brothers
that crowd has no enthusiasm whatsoever.
Actually the day flew by fairly quickly.
Had a super busy morning in the lab, lunch from Amigos, afternoon checking in in the backroom and even though our system was wonky I got through 6 carts and then headed back out to the desk.
After work was the real fun.
My original plans fell through for the night so that meant it was College World Series time!
Missed the opening game cause I had to work so I recorded it.
Mom has picked her team - Oregon State - who lost but they're still in it.
The Wordsmith has also picked his teams - he always goes with North Carolina so I didn't really have to ask, however with him he and I always pick backups.
Mine is Indiana, his is Louisville.
Meaning my backup just kicked his backup's ass.
2-0 final score.
Take that!
I figured, Big Ten, plus Omaha has officially adopted them - we always go for the underdog, Cal State, Stony Brook, etc. etc.
Tomorrow LSU plays - my main team - so we'll see how well they can dominate UCLA.
Who I also like but couldn't pick as my backup since they play each other in the first round.
Anyway, tonight was good.
Love the College World Series.
And I did more work on camp stuff - so I don't feel guilty for taking a night off to watch baseball.
And my homework is done for the week.
Sent me a confirmation email in the middle of the night last night saying he got my paper.
Scared the crap out of me - you never want to get an email in the middle of the night from your instructor titled "Assignment #1" cause it makes you paranoid that something went wrong.
Apparently someone asked if he would send out confirmation emails so that explains it.
But I'm enjoying this weekend cause discussion boards don't resume until Monday and the next major assignment isn't due until the 24th.
Alright, I was supposed to be sleeping like 4 hours ago so I'm gonna crash and burn.
Here's some music for you.
My new favorite song.
Acapella - Karmin
All the harmony went fallin' out of key so now you gotta find another.
very cool lyric video...the real one comes out after the song is released - on the 25th! - so i'll post that one later.
and if you're not a fan of Karmin - though who isn't really, they're fantastic and from Nebraska so how can you beat that - go with this classic:
another Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It
Let Your Love Flow - Bellamy Brothers
that crowd has no enthusiasm whatsoever.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Let's order the tornado roll cause we're in a tornado watch.
So, today was much better.
Slept in.
Did homework all day.
Like all day.
From waking moment until dinner until now.
Taking a 30 minute break for lunch - Taco Bell - and then a dinner break with the Cool Aunt.
An entire day dedicated to SirsiDynix.
Its origin, external evaluations and possible directions for its future.
I know, you're all as enthused as I was all day.
But it's done!
And submitted!
Next major assignment due - aside from the constant discussion boards - is the 24th.
Dinner was awesome, as always.
Sushi. We've basically worked our way through the menu so now we're just picking at random.
Had some good ones and then green tea ice cream for desert.
Which we've never had so we're switching it up.
Talked about fun family stuff.
And school stuff.
And some not so fun stuff.
But it was cool to catch up, haven't seen her in a few months.
AND it is officially CWS season - that's the College World Series for those of you who aren't fans - it starts tomorrow so we've both picked our teams.
She picked North Carolina, I'm all for LSU.
She wouldn't let Grams get away with USA, so she went with UCLA.
Not sure who Mom is for - Mom and I used to have 3 dollars on each game. I think I was up 9 by the end of the series.
The Cool Aunt and I have a new deal - whoever's team gets knocked out of the series first has to buy the next round of jalapeno margaritas.
I love LSU, I always root for them when they're in it - they throw me beads - but I do recognize a lot of the players from NC.
Sadly Stony Brook and Vanderbilt didn't make it - that would have been awesome.
We're all for the Black/Gold and Seawolves.
Games start tomorrow afternoon so my DVR is set.
We usually go but this year we are both super swamped.
By things like homework, ugh.
I feel bad for not starting my other class's homework - I'm taking two, however the homework for the other class isn't due until July 31st.
And there's no class participation cause it's online with no discussion boards.
So my plan is finish this one and then do that one.
But it still feels weird putting it off.
Especially when I spend all day doing homework for this one.
Anyway, when we got outside from dinner it looked all stormy - as was predicted for this whole weekend - but no rain or thunder yet.
Yet being the keyword.
Alright, I'm off.
Finally up to the new episode of Major Crimes.
Actual Huzzah!
Song of the day:
Runaway - Del Shannon
whoa. paul had hair.
Off to bed. Work tomorrow.
Slept in.
Did homework all day.
Like all day.
From waking moment until dinner until now.
Taking a 30 minute break for lunch - Taco Bell - and then a dinner break with the Cool Aunt.
An entire day dedicated to SirsiDynix.
Its origin, external evaluations and possible directions for its future.
I know, you're all as enthused as I was all day.
But it's done!
And submitted!
Next major assignment due - aside from the constant discussion boards - is the 24th.
Dinner was awesome, as always.
Sushi. We've basically worked our way through the menu so now we're just picking at random.
Had some good ones and then green tea ice cream for desert.
Which we've never had so we're switching it up.
Talked about fun family stuff.
And school stuff.
And some not so fun stuff.
But it was cool to catch up, haven't seen her in a few months.
AND it is officially CWS season - that's the College World Series for those of you who aren't fans - it starts tomorrow so we've both picked our teams.
She picked North Carolina, I'm all for LSU.
She wouldn't let Grams get away with USA, so she went with UCLA.
Not sure who Mom is for - Mom and I used to have 3 dollars on each game. I think I was up 9 by the end of the series.
The Cool Aunt and I have a new deal - whoever's team gets knocked out of the series first has to buy the next round of jalapeno margaritas.
I love LSU, I always root for them when they're in it - they throw me beads - but I do recognize a lot of the players from NC.
Sadly Stony Brook and Vanderbilt didn't make it - that would have been awesome.
We're all for the Black/Gold and Seawolves.
Games start tomorrow afternoon so my DVR is set.
We usually go but this year we are both super swamped.
By things like homework, ugh.
I feel bad for not starting my other class's homework - I'm taking two, however the homework for the other class isn't due until July 31st.
And there's no class participation cause it's online with no discussion boards.
So my plan is finish this one and then do that one.
But it still feels weird putting it off.
Especially when I spend all day doing homework for this one.
Anyway, when we got outside from dinner it looked all stormy - as was predicted for this whole weekend - but no rain or thunder yet.
Yet being the keyword.
Alright, I'm off.
Finally up to the new episode of Major Crimes.
Actual Huzzah!
Song of the day:
Runaway - Del Shannon
whoa. paul had hair.
Off to bed. Work tomorrow.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
shot through the heart and you're to blame.
It was a night for retro music jamming out in the boyfriend's van.
Yes, he has a van.
A U-Haul-ish van to transport his motorcars.
And, as they're going on a run this weekend, I got the joy of going with him to fill up all his gas tanks.
We jammed to some classic rock.
My favorite was "I Don't Want To Wait" by Paula Cole cause he changed the lyrics...
"I don't want to wait for our lives to be over"
"I don't want to wait for my rice to get colder."
Think he was on a mission to fix my day.
After a very long day at work I went out to his place only to get a phone call about something horrible involving a very important person in my life who has been my inspiration for many years.
Which really makes all of my so-called problems seem irrelevant.
So I'm not even going to ramble about today, because really whatever problems made today a bad day before that phone call seem stupid now.
The boyfriend and I actually talked about that, when you think of average every day problems like:
OMG this traffic sucks.
OMG why does it take the barrista so long to get my coffee?
OMG this homework assignment sucks.
OMG they're out of my favorite lunch, I'll have to order something else.
OMG this person is obnoxious I wish they would go bother someone else.
OMG this is the longest day ever, I wish I could go home.
They're just so stupid, but in the moment they're completely frustrating.
But we're all able to go home and then it's over and done with so none of it matters, you know?
They're small problems that we'll forget about a day later.
Unless you have a blog, in which case they're here eternally.
I just have no words.
You know?
I knew it was coming, I just didn't want to think about it.
Then I came home with all this stuff spread out all over the floor of my apartment making it inescapable.
But again, my problems in comparison are nothing.
So I'm going to shut up, post some music and go to bed.
I Don't Want To Wait - Paula Cole
i'm sorry but this video is creepy.
You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
you think all that hair is real?
a bit of an excess on a couple of them.
okay, maybe all of them.
Sleep then homework then dinner with the Cool Aunt.
Yes, he has a van.
A U-Haul-ish van to transport his motorcars.
And, as they're going on a run this weekend, I got the joy of going with him to fill up all his gas tanks.
We jammed to some classic rock.
My favorite was "I Don't Want To Wait" by Paula Cole cause he changed the lyrics...
"I don't want to wait for our lives to be over"
"I don't want to wait for my rice to get colder."
Think he was on a mission to fix my day.
After a very long day at work I went out to his place only to get a phone call about something horrible involving a very important person in my life who has been my inspiration for many years.
Which really makes all of my so-called problems seem irrelevant.
So I'm not even going to ramble about today, because really whatever problems made today a bad day before that phone call seem stupid now.
The boyfriend and I actually talked about that, when you think of average every day problems like:
OMG this traffic sucks.
OMG why does it take the barrista so long to get my coffee?
OMG this homework assignment sucks.
OMG they're out of my favorite lunch, I'll have to order something else.
OMG this person is obnoxious I wish they would go bother someone else.
OMG this is the longest day ever, I wish I could go home.
They're just so stupid, but in the moment they're completely frustrating.
But we're all able to go home and then it's over and done with so none of it matters, you know?
They're small problems that we'll forget about a day later.
Unless you have a blog, in which case they're here eternally.
I just have no words.
You know?
I knew it was coming, I just didn't want to think about it.
Then I came home with all this stuff spread out all over the floor of my apartment making it inescapable.
But again, my problems in comparison are nothing.
So I'm going to shut up, post some music and go to bed.
I Don't Want To Wait - Paula Cole
i'm sorry but this video is creepy.
You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
you think all that hair is real?
a bit of an excess on a couple of them.
okay, maybe all of them.
Sleep then homework then dinner with the Cool Aunt.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
"They have great marinara."
Having a Major Crimes marathon.
My favorite scene in the series so far.
I love Rusty, but Flynn is my favorite in that specific moment.
I still have last season's on my DVR so I'm going through them before watching the season premiere from Monday.
Ah today.
Volunteer training, intern training, computer lab installation - tables are up, chairs are here, all that's left is the actual computers to be installed.
Which I think are somewhere in the building.
It's exciting.
Except for the awkward carpet.
It's awkward cause it's nice.
As is the new lab - no more claustrophobic walls, more air flow and plus it's more ADA capable, etc.
After work came home, did some homework, turned on Major Crimes and now I'm off to bed.
"it looks like an insurance office."
"we agree."
Another long day tomorrow and then Friday I'm off!
With an assignment due at midnight.
So ready to be done and graduated...countdown to December.
Though at the moment I am halfway done with one of my summer classes cause it only goes through the end of June. Thinking of it that way helps me get through the homework.
The other class I have until July 31st to turn in all the homework.
Thinking I'll dedicate a long weekend or two to it and be done with it.
After I'm done with the homework for this one.
Alright, back to Major Crimes and I'm out.
I know, I'm boring.
Here, read more useless information:
-Spam stands for Shoulder Pork and Ham
-The United States Postal Service assures its customers that they will not get fat licking stamps. There is no more than one-tenth of a calories worth of glue on every stamp.
-It's illegal in Alabama to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
-The oldest word in the English language is "town"
-The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start, excluding North and South in front of America.
All I got.
love the Judds.
My favorite scene in the series so far.
I love Rusty, but Flynn is my favorite in that specific moment.
I still have last season's on my DVR so I'm going through them before watching the season premiere from Monday.
Ah today.
Volunteer training, intern training, computer lab installation - tables are up, chairs are here, all that's left is the actual computers to be installed.
Which I think are somewhere in the building.
It's exciting.
Except for the awkward carpet.
It's awkward cause it's nice.
As is the new lab - no more claustrophobic walls, more air flow and plus it's more ADA capable, etc.
After work came home, did some homework, turned on Major Crimes and now I'm off to bed.
"it looks like an insurance office."
"we agree."
Another long day tomorrow and then Friday I'm off!
With an assignment due at midnight.
So ready to be done and graduated...countdown to December.
Though at the moment I am halfway done with one of my summer classes cause it only goes through the end of June. Thinking of it that way helps me get through the homework.
The other class I have until July 31st to turn in all the homework.
Thinking I'll dedicate a long weekend or two to it and be done with it.
After I'm done with the homework for this one.
Alright, back to Major Crimes and I'm out.
I know, I'm boring.
Here, read more useless information:
-Spam stands for Shoulder Pork and Ham
-The United States Postal Service assures its customers that they will not get fat licking stamps. There is no more than one-tenth of a calories worth of glue on every stamp.
-It's illegal in Alabama to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
-The oldest word in the English language is "town"
-The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start, excluding North and South in front of America.
All I got.
love the Judds.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Giving you all of my heart was a good start but it turns out you want my soul.
Carter killed the bug.
Remember the one from earlier this week that I whiffed when I attempted to kill it and then was horrified about when it would make a second appearance?
Was staring at the wall and suddenly pounced.
My hero.
Though it scared the crap out of me cause I had no idea what was going on.
Good cat.
For once his excess energy paid off.
So he got treats.
Today was fun.
Got to work at the home branch with two of my favorites - the Queen of Awesome and Space Cadet.
Plus a special guest appearance by Superwoman.
And my favorite volunteer who comes in every Tuesday and processes all the holds and new books.
Always gives me the glare when I find more in the tubs and put them on her cart.
"you about done?"
Was very busy the whole day, barely got to sit down all morning - which is good.
I signed up like 10 people for summer reading today alone.
Think I've signed up that many total since it started at the work branch.
But that's because we direct them to the volunteer table.
And of course they all had to sign up when I was alone on the desk trying to manage the constant phone calls and line of people.
But that's the norm.
I think they wait 'til we're alone to strike.
Like, oo, look! That one has been abandoned by the herd. Let's strike her while she's alone.
Anyway, went out for lunch with the Queen of Awesome. Freaky fast subs plus some chips and a pickle for her.
It was seriously the king of all pickles, like a gigantor mega pickle.
Gonna have to get one next time I go in.
After lunch I headed back and got to work with Space Cadet.
I love Space Cadet. We always have so much. She makes fun of me cause I can't cook, I make fun of her cause she doesn't know how to work her iPod, we debate things like who would win in a fight a sea cow or a snow leopard, you just never know what's gonna happen.
Though today I only had like 2 hours with her and like I said we were swamped so there was no debating.
A bit of making fun of, but no debates.
Came home, did some camp paperwork, watched the Swon Brothers again beat out 2 women that should have smoked them but they have all of Oklahoma behind them so they're safe.
No way they're better than Judith, Sarah and Sasha.
Now both Adam and Shakira are out.
It is cool they were all still in it up to this point. Last year Xtina was out way early with her all-pop team.
I was really pulling for Sasha to come through.
Now I'm rooting for Michelle and Danielle but guessing Danielle is gonna win it mostly because her iTunes downloads have been off the charts and they all count as part of the final tally.
After all that did homework, posted it, got on here and now I'm gonna crash cause I'm exhausted.
Song of the day:
Don't Know Nothing - Maroon 5 live version
cause it was stuck in my head all day.
like all day.
and yes i know i posted it earlier this year during Maroon 5 week, but it's still in my head.
you'll just have to deal as the obsession continues.
Remember the one from earlier this week that I whiffed when I attempted to kill it and then was horrified about when it would make a second appearance?
Was staring at the wall and suddenly pounced.
My hero.
Though it scared the crap out of me cause I had no idea what was going on.
Good cat.
For once his excess energy paid off.
So he got treats.
Today was fun.
Got to work at the home branch with two of my favorites - the Queen of Awesome and Space Cadet.
Plus a special guest appearance by Superwoman.
And my favorite volunteer who comes in every Tuesday and processes all the holds and new books.
Always gives me the glare when I find more in the tubs and put them on her cart.
"you about done?"
Was very busy the whole day, barely got to sit down all morning - which is good.
I signed up like 10 people for summer reading today alone.
Think I've signed up that many total since it started at the work branch.
But that's because we direct them to the volunteer table.
And of course they all had to sign up when I was alone on the desk trying to manage the constant phone calls and line of people.
But that's the norm.
I think they wait 'til we're alone to strike.
Like, oo, look! That one has been abandoned by the herd. Let's strike her while she's alone.
Anyway, went out for lunch with the Queen of Awesome. Freaky fast subs plus some chips and a pickle for her.
It was seriously the king of all pickles, like a gigantor mega pickle.
Gonna have to get one next time I go in.
After lunch I headed back and got to work with Space Cadet.
I love Space Cadet. We always have so much. She makes fun of me cause I can't cook, I make fun of her cause she doesn't know how to work her iPod, we debate things like who would win in a fight a sea cow or a snow leopard, you just never know what's gonna happen.
Though today I only had like 2 hours with her and like I said we were swamped so there was no debating.
A bit of making fun of, but no debates.
Came home, did some camp paperwork, watched the Swon Brothers again beat out 2 women that should have smoked them but they have all of Oklahoma behind them so they're safe.
No way they're better than Judith, Sarah and Sasha.
Now both Adam and Shakira are out.
It is cool they were all still in it up to this point. Last year Xtina was out way early with her all-pop team.
I was really pulling for Sasha to come through.
Now I'm rooting for Michelle and Danielle but guessing Danielle is gonna win it mostly because her iTunes downloads have been off the charts and they all count as part of the final tally.
After all that did homework, posted it, got on here and now I'm gonna crash cause I'm exhausted.
Song of the day:
Don't Know Nothing - Maroon 5 live version
cause it was stuck in my head all day.
like all day.
and yes i know i posted it earlier this year during Maroon 5 week, but it's still in my head.
you'll just have to deal as the obsession continues.
don't know nothing,
maroon 5,
space cadet,
the voice
Monday, June 10, 2013
"We say no to love, yes."
Another instance of "My boss is cooler than your boss" today as mine let me come in 2-4 instead of my regularly scheduled 4-6.
So, still got to sleep in, made lunch, watched a massive amount of Diners, Driveins and Dives because it's overloading my DVR, went in for two hours, then headed out to see the boyfriend.
We went to see "The Internship".
Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
Purely for the ending.
And for the real life Quidditch.
The boyfriend was like, "why do they have brooms?"
Most of the time I just wanted to smack them.
Stupid humor just irks me.
I mean, in some movies its okay, like Dodgeball or Austin Powers, but any Will Ferrell movie of any kind I cannot stand.
And of course he made an appearance in this one.
I don't know what happened, he was so great on SNL!
There were a lot of "smack them" moments, but it turned out okay in the end
Was nice though after the movie cause we just sat outside and talked for hours.
Decided to go back to Worlds of Fun in a couple weeks.
This time we'll have the whole weekend so we don't have to drive home in the middle of the night so I can work the next day.
That's all I got for today.
I know, I'm boring.
Song of the day:
Too Much - Spice Girls
ah, the 90's.
Watching The Voice.
Not all that impressed.
Which sucks as it's down to the top 5.
Two go home tomorrow leaving the top 3 for next week's finale.
Did Usher just use the word "amazeballs"?
Came home to even more on my DVR, totally forgot Major Crimes was back this week along with King & Maxwell.
Which I guess is based off of novels by David Baldacci.
Means I'll have to start reading them.
Even more on my list.
So, still got to sleep in, made lunch, watched a massive amount of Diners, Driveins and Dives because it's overloading my DVR, went in for two hours, then headed out to see the boyfriend.
We went to see "The Internship".
Scale of Awesome says 6/10.
Purely for the ending.
And for the real life Quidditch.
The boyfriend was like, "why do they have brooms?"
Most of the time I just wanted to smack them.
Stupid humor just irks me.
I mean, in some movies its okay, like Dodgeball or Austin Powers, but any Will Ferrell movie of any kind I cannot stand.
And of course he made an appearance in this one.
I don't know what happened, he was so great on SNL!
There were a lot of "smack them" moments, but it turned out okay in the end
Was nice though after the movie cause we just sat outside and talked for hours.
Decided to go back to Worlds of Fun in a couple weeks.
This time we'll have the whole weekend so we don't have to drive home in the middle of the night so I can work the next day.
That's all I got for today.
I know, I'm boring.
Song of the day:
Too Much - Spice Girls
ah, the 90's.
Watching The Voice.
Not all that impressed.
Which sucks as it's down to the top 5.
Two go home tomorrow leaving the top 3 for next week's finale.
Did Usher just use the word "amazeballs"?
Came home to even more on my DVR, totally forgot Major Crimes was back this week along with King & Maxwell.
Which I guess is based off of novels by David Baldacci.
Means I'll have to start reading them.
Even more on my list.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Life size Angry Birds anyone?
You know it's gonna be a weird day when you wake up to this conversation:
*talking about giving iPads to grandkids for Xmas*
Oldest Sister: "I just hope [CK] doesn't decide to pop one out so she gets an iPad."
Second Sister: "I hope she does."
Oldest Sister: "Me too, let's talk to [the boyfriend]."
Mom: "I'll get her one.....An iPad, not a kid."
Second Sister: "Tessa needs a cousin playmate. Whoever steps up to the plate will be my fave."
Mom: "Ain't gonna be me."
Oldest Sister: "I would love to be your fave but I'm too old to puke for 9 months."
Mom: "You are not too old though, I can tell you that for sure!"
she says cause she had me when she was older than Oldest Sister is now.
This is what you wake up to when you teach your mother how to text.
Ah, the joys of family.
I think I helped like 25 people today.
Sundays are slow, except for the computer lab. That was hopping.
It was mostly quiet, a screaming kid every couple hours or so but that was it.
Which makes it a good day for scheduling.
Drafting a schedule for next school year's TAB.
Any ideas throw them my way.
I'm size angry birds.
Okay, maybe for Camp J.
We have the space and resources.
No, I came up with a lot of ideas, whether the teens like them or not I guess I'll find out in the fall.
I'm very democratic when it comes to the schedule - the first meeting I present them with my ideas, they give me theirs and we debate as to what we want to do for that year. If there's a tie they make a case and then we vote again.
Last year we did:
the artwork project - decorating the young adult area, made our own bookmarks, etc.
world kindness day - apple juice and crafts hosted at the home branch
the holiday party - apples to apples, pizza, ice cream
scavenger hunt - my design, trivia about the library mixed in with physical scavenger hunt
read across america - dr. seuss celebration at the mall, local celebrities reading, tv crews all over
along with the regular paperback processing party, volunteer recognition, and the kickoff.
plus the hunger games and cosplay parties that the other branches hosted. think it's our turn to host, gonna have to come up with something good.
Upcoming year I'm thinking:
Game Day - board and video
Movie Night - something teen related
Poetry Slam - theirs or something published
Open Mic Night - karaoke, stand up
Holiday Party - they liked this and want it continued
Cupcake Decorating - book themed or otherwise
Pop Culture Trivia Night - just cause it sounds fun
amongst other things.
Tomorrow I go in 4-6.
But hopefully that will change to 2-4.
And then in future weeks I'll just take a half hour lunch.
We only work 6 hours on Sundays so we have to make up the 2 hours during the week.
Originally I set it up so I would be there for the 2 hours that Squirt volunteered but since she's busy and can't come in anymore now it's just obnoxious timing.
Cause you can't really do anything or go anywhere.
Half hour lunches will be easier.
Though less Wipeout will be watched.
But it's either that or going in early.
And you know me and mornings.
Anyway, 2 hours of work tomorrow afternoon.
Hoping to do something with the boyfriend tomorrow night.
Get dinner, see a movie, whatever.
Right now I'm exhausted so I'm gonna crash.
Songs of the day:
cause it was stuck in my head after hearing it on the way to work....
I Saw Her Again - the Mamas and the Papas
grew up listening to these guys and still love them.
i've always been curious about 2:43. was that intentional or did they just not have the time to re-record it?
cause i can't believe it's been almost 3 years and I haven't already posted it...
Black Velvet - Alannah Myles
i don't know how i have not already posted this as it is one of my favorite classic songs.
love the original music video.
think the guys in her band have longer hair than she does.
*talking about giving iPads to grandkids for Xmas*
Oldest Sister: "I just hope [CK] doesn't decide to pop one out so she gets an iPad."
Second Sister: "I hope she does."
Oldest Sister: "Me too, let's talk to [the boyfriend]."
Mom: "I'll get her one.....An iPad, not a kid."
Second Sister: "Tessa needs a cousin playmate. Whoever steps up to the plate will be my fave."
Mom: "Ain't gonna be me."
Oldest Sister: "I would love to be your fave but I'm too old to puke for 9 months."
Mom: "You are not too old though, I can tell you that for sure!"
she says cause she had me when she was older than Oldest Sister is now.
This is what you wake up to when you teach your mother how to text.
Ah, the joys of family.
I think I helped like 25 people today.
Sundays are slow, except for the computer lab. That was hopping.
It was mostly quiet, a screaming kid every couple hours or so but that was it.
Which makes it a good day for scheduling.
Drafting a schedule for next school year's TAB.
Any ideas throw them my way.
I'm size angry birds.
Okay, maybe for Camp J.
We have the space and resources.
No, I came up with a lot of ideas, whether the teens like them or not I guess I'll find out in the fall.
I'm very democratic when it comes to the schedule - the first meeting I present them with my ideas, they give me theirs and we debate as to what we want to do for that year. If there's a tie they make a case and then we vote again.
Last year we did:
the artwork project - decorating the young adult area, made our own bookmarks, etc.
world kindness day - apple juice and crafts hosted at the home branch
the holiday party - apples to apples, pizza, ice cream
scavenger hunt - my design, trivia about the library mixed in with physical scavenger hunt
read across america - dr. seuss celebration at the mall, local celebrities reading, tv crews all over
along with the regular paperback processing party, volunteer recognition, and the kickoff.
plus the hunger games and cosplay parties that the other branches hosted. think it's our turn to host, gonna have to come up with something good.
Upcoming year I'm thinking:
Game Day - board and video
Movie Night - something teen related
Poetry Slam - theirs or something published
Open Mic Night - karaoke, stand up
Holiday Party - they liked this and want it continued
Cupcake Decorating - book themed or otherwise
Pop Culture Trivia Night - just cause it sounds fun
amongst other things.
Tomorrow I go in 4-6.
But hopefully that will change to 2-4.
And then in future weeks I'll just take a half hour lunch.
We only work 6 hours on Sundays so we have to make up the 2 hours during the week.
Originally I set it up so I would be there for the 2 hours that Squirt volunteered but since she's busy and can't come in anymore now it's just obnoxious timing.
Cause you can't really do anything or go anywhere.
Half hour lunches will be easier.
Though less Wipeout will be watched.
But it's either that or going in early.
And you know me and mornings.
Anyway, 2 hours of work tomorrow afternoon.
Hoping to do something with the boyfriend tomorrow night.
Get dinner, see a movie, whatever.
Right now I'm exhausted so I'm gonna crash.
Songs of the day:
cause it was stuck in my head after hearing it on the way to work....
I Saw Her Again - the Mamas and the Papas
grew up listening to these guys and still love them.
i've always been curious about 2:43. was that intentional or did they just not have the time to re-record it?
cause i can't believe it's been almost 3 years and I haven't already posted it...
Black Velvet - Alannah Myles
i don't know how i have not already posted this as it is one of my favorite classic songs.
love the original music video.
think the guys in her band have longer hair than she does.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
"Thought he could blindside me with marinara, didn't he?"
I love it when my friends are like, you have a blog?!
2 and a half years, 833 posts and 59,000 views later...
Thanks for the support.
It is the longest non-family relationship I've ever had.
Minus perhaps the MxPx bag.
But you can read about that here: New Shoes, the Cheese Speech, Warped Tour and MxPx
Yes, I have a blog.
And yes, for once in my life I have the patience and persistence to follow through with something.
Even if it is just rambling on virtual paper.
I know that is shocking to some people, especially since I was such an introvert when it first started.
Though years of working in public service seems to have changed that.
Which I didn't realize until it was pointed out to me.
I don't even remember how it came up, and I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but I was talking to Joe Studley and I was like, "but I am shy!" and Glee-Loving Boss just appears out of nowhere and goes "since when?!"
Ha! I found it. Go here: "I'll meet you there, I'm gonna go jam out to Gwyneth Paltrow!"
Perfect timing.
But I guess he was right.
And that was 2010, it's only gotten worse now that I'm in charge of stuff.
Speaking of being in charge of stuff, sometimes that sucks.
I had 2 people call me yesterday about volunteer work and another 2 call me today.
Yes, things do pick up in the summer, but not that much.
I have one coming in to train on Tuesday, another on Wednesday and after that I am just out of space.
Cause I already got a new one started last week!
So the suckish part is having to turn people down. Though I usually just direct them to a different branch.
That's the joy about working in a library system.
Another joy about working for a library system?
Getting to go to fun library conferences.
I know, some of you think that's an oxymoron, but I'm actually excited about this next one.
And it has great timing and placement.
Big teen event put on by the SLJ - School Library Journal, it's a magazine - it's basically a big online thing with a bunch of Young Adult authors. They talk about their books and then there's Q&A with the authors.
Gonna be fun, and guess where our session is being hosted!
The boyfriend's library.
If he even has a card there, I don't know, I haven't asked.
I should ask.
How have I not asked?
Anyway, I'm going to the library that just happens to be in his town and it's an all day thing which means I can go out there the night before and bring my cat with me cause the week after that IS CAMP J!!
I'm sure my mother is thrilled to read about that.
She just loves watching my cat while I'm gone.
But he likes the farmhouse.
And he doesn't bite there cause dad will stick him outside with the mean outdoor cats.
Plus he loves his grandma.
She hates it when I call her that.
But then she gives him Christmas presents and signs them "from grandma" so she really brings it on herself.
I don't know where I was going with this post.
Home branch memories.
SummerTeen event.
None of those were my actual intention for this post, though frankly what was I've already forgotten.
Today was boring as the library was dead.
Came home and watched the rest of Doc Martin season two.
I'm liking it.
Mostly because it has Ash in it from Murder in Suburbia - Catherine Catz - but also because the doctor is just so rude and oblivious to all that's going on around him, it's highly entertaining.
"The Baker. The Colonel. Do these people have no names?!"
I have mentioned my amusement earlier right?
British show.
Created by Craig Ferguson.
I know, big surprise why I watch it. Watched his late show every night for like 3 years.
Anyway, grumpy doctor, used to be a successful surgeon suddenly can't stand the sight of blood, moves to a tiny town and becomes their general practitioner.
But it's hysterical, you should check it out.
Just finished season two, will have to request season three.
Think we have at least though season 5 at the library. At least I hope so.
Gotta love library DVD's.
Gonna put in another now as I fall asleep.
Though I'm exhausted - have been all day - so I won't last long.
Song of the day:
Love Jenny Lewis especially when its her and the Watson Twins.
I Met Him On A Sunday - Jenny Lewis & the Watson Twins / Cold Jordan - Jenny Lewis & Johnathan Rice
this is hysterical.
but my favorite by them is probably still...
You Are What You Love
pull another rabbit out of your hat.
she's quite good live.
i know, i'm sorry for overloading you with more of my indie music.
maybe tomorrow i'll go with something you'll recognize but you'll be missing out!!
2 and a half years, 833 posts and 59,000 views later...
Thanks for the support.
It is the longest non-family relationship I've ever had.
Minus perhaps the MxPx bag.
But you can read about that here: New Shoes, the Cheese Speech, Warped Tour and MxPx
Yes, I have a blog.
And yes, for once in my life I have the patience and persistence to follow through with something.
Even if it is just rambling on virtual paper.
I know that is shocking to some people, especially since I was such an introvert when it first started.
Though years of working in public service seems to have changed that.
Which I didn't realize until it was pointed out to me.
I don't even remember how it came up, and I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but I was talking to Joe Studley and I was like, "but I am shy!" and Glee-Loving Boss just appears out of nowhere and goes "since when?!"
Ha! I found it. Go here: "I'll meet you there, I'm gonna go jam out to Gwyneth Paltrow!"
Perfect timing.
But I guess he was right.
And that was 2010, it's only gotten worse now that I'm in charge of stuff.
Speaking of being in charge of stuff, sometimes that sucks.
I had 2 people call me yesterday about volunteer work and another 2 call me today.
Yes, things do pick up in the summer, but not that much.
I have one coming in to train on Tuesday, another on Wednesday and after that I am just out of space.
Cause I already got a new one started last week!
So the suckish part is having to turn people down. Though I usually just direct them to a different branch.
That's the joy about working in a library system.
Another joy about working for a library system?
Getting to go to fun library conferences.
I know, some of you think that's an oxymoron, but I'm actually excited about this next one.
And it has great timing and placement.
Big teen event put on by the SLJ - School Library Journal, it's a magazine - it's basically a big online thing with a bunch of Young Adult authors. They talk about their books and then there's Q&A with the authors.
Gonna be fun, and guess where our session is being hosted!
The boyfriend's library.
If he even has a card there, I don't know, I haven't asked.
I should ask.
How have I not asked?
Anyway, I'm going to the library that just happens to be in his town and it's an all day thing which means I can go out there the night before and bring my cat with me cause the week after that IS CAMP J!!
I'm sure my mother is thrilled to read about that.
She just loves watching my cat while I'm gone.
But he likes the farmhouse.
And he doesn't bite there cause dad will stick him outside with the mean outdoor cats.
Plus he loves his grandma.
She hates it when I call her that.
But then she gives him Christmas presents and signs them "from grandma" so she really brings it on herself.
I don't know where I was going with this post.
Home branch memories.
SummerTeen event.
None of those were my actual intention for this post, though frankly what was I've already forgotten.
Today was boring as the library was dead.
Came home and watched the rest of Doc Martin season two.
I'm liking it.
Mostly because it has Ash in it from Murder in Suburbia - Catherine Catz - but also because the doctor is just so rude and oblivious to all that's going on around him, it's highly entertaining.
"The Baker. The Colonel. Do these people have no names?!"
I have mentioned my amusement earlier right?
British show.
Created by Craig Ferguson.
I know, big surprise why I watch it. Watched his late show every night for like 3 years.
Anyway, grumpy doctor, used to be a successful surgeon suddenly can't stand the sight of blood, moves to a tiny town and becomes their general practitioner.
But it's hysterical, you should check it out.
Just finished season two, will have to request season three.
Think we have at least though season 5 at the library. At least I hope so.
Gotta love library DVD's.
Gonna put in another now as I fall asleep.
Though I'm exhausted - have been all day - so I won't last long.
Song of the day:
Love Jenny Lewis especially when its her and the Watson Twins.
I Met Him On A Sunday - Jenny Lewis & the Watson Twins / Cold Jordan - Jenny Lewis & Johnathan Rice
this is hysterical.
but my favorite by them is probably still...
You Are What You Love
pull another rabbit out of your hat.
she's quite good live.
i know, i'm sorry for overloading you with more of my indie music.
maybe tomorrow i'll go with something you'll recognize but you'll be missing out!!
catherine catz,
cold jordan,
craig ferguson,
doc martin,
i met him on a sunday,
jenny lewis,
joe studley,
watson twins,
you are what you love
Friday, June 7, 2013
"But bats are cute-ish!" "Bats have rabies." "That's why I said ish."
First off, old intern, no.
Bats are not cute.
They're fuzzy little rabies-infested things with beady eyes that follow you when you shelve DVDs.
So, yesterday, right before opening, I grab a stack of DVD's and take them to the display shelves.
I do this almost every day.
Normally, I don't look up at the ceiling, but for some reason I did.
And there was freakin' bat hanging there staring at me.
I panicked.
A bit.
I can still see its creepy little face as it followed me as I walked back and forth.
That's as close as I wanted to be to it.
And yes, I know I didn't post yesterday, but I was fall down, die in a corner miserable by the end of the night, and no one wants to read about that.
Besides those get deleted a day later and I find the bat story amusing.
At the time my girlish shriek and repeated yelling of my boss's name would suggest otherwise.
She thought he was cute too.
As did everyone else.
I, however, have bad experiences with winged creatures when it comes to libraries. Remember the damn bird from last year? If you missed it go here.
Bosslady called the assistant director who got the pleasure of calling animal control who showed up shortly after opening to catch the bat.
I'll have to celebrate by reading "Bats at the Library."
I was glad to have the day off today. But I got up at like 8 which is weird for me on an day off.
Went running.
I know, you had to read that line twice just to verify that I actually wrote it.
Got groceries.
Cleaned - scrubbed mirrors, sinks, litter box, not with the same cloth, vacuumed, did laundry and dishes, took out the trash.
Did homework.
After which I went out to see the boyfriend.
Got Taco Bell, I'm addicted to their Doritos tacos.
The nacho cheese.
Cool ranch chips are nasty.
Watched a movie and talked for a while.
As previously mentioned I've been a bit out of it this week but all is fixed now.
Anyway, it's late. Carter and I are gonna konk out.
Music and I'm off.
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
used to be my favorite song and i would sing it all the time, but the memory that stands out the most is one day, between games, my old softball team sang it.
nice team building exercise.
Bats are not cute.
They're fuzzy little rabies-infested things with beady eyes that follow you when you shelve DVDs.
So, yesterday, right before opening, I grab a stack of DVD's and take them to the display shelves.
I do this almost every day.
Normally, I don't look up at the ceiling, but for some reason I did.
And there was freakin' bat hanging there staring at me.
I panicked.
A bit.
I can still see its creepy little face as it followed me as I walked back and forth.

And yes, I know I didn't post yesterday, but I was fall down, die in a corner miserable by the end of the night, and no one wants to read about that.
Besides those get deleted a day later and I find the bat story amusing.
At the time my girlish shriek and repeated yelling of my boss's name would suggest otherwise.
She thought he was cute too.
As did everyone else.
I, however, have bad experiences with winged creatures when it comes to libraries. Remember the damn bird from last year? If you missed it go here.
Bosslady called the assistant director who got the pleasure of calling animal control who showed up shortly after opening to catch the bat.
I'll have to celebrate by reading "Bats at the Library."
I was glad to have the day off today. But I got up at like 8 which is weird for me on an day off.
Went running.
I know, you had to read that line twice just to verify that I actually wrote it.
Got groceries.
Cleaned - scrubbed mirrors, sinks, litter box, not with the same cloth, vacuumed, did laundry and dishes, took out the trash.
Did homework.
After which I went out to see the boyfriend.
Got Taco Bell, I'm addicted to their Doritos tacos.
The nacho cheese.
Cool ranch chips are nasty.
Watched a movie and talked for a while.
As previously mentioned I've been a bit out of it this week but all is fixed now.
Anyway, it's late. Carter and I are gonna konk out.
Music and I'm off.
Follow Me - Uncle Kracker
used to be my favorite song and i would sing it all the time, but the memory that stands out the most is one day, between games, my old softball team sang it.
nice team building exercise.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Library Golf, Popcorn Ceilings, Chuck, Churchill and Gin Blossoms...Fore!!
What's with popcorn ceilings?
Like, how did they originate?
Did someone one day decide that their plain flat ceiling was boring and then had a random hose full of popcorn lying around?
Wow, wouldn't this look great up there?
Yeah, let's spray it on the ceiling! My ceiling would look so much cooler if I covered it in tiny bumps...
And then it was all like keeping up with the Joneses.
Gotta have a bumpy ceiling cause smooth ones are out of style.
Or was it more like meant for eclectic people who couldn't tell the difference between the ceiling and the walls so they had to give them different textures just to clarify.
Insomniac question.
Library Golf went fantastic, in case you were wondering.
I know that's why you're all actually here, not to read my ceiling ramblings.

9 holes set up throughout the library.
Two up on fourth floors, ride the broken/get stuck inside elevator down to second floor for one in biographies, music, nonfiction, language and then it's down the back stairway to the bottom of the stairway and over to the adult nonfiction and ending in youth services.
Each of the TAB kids designing and leading their own holes.
Squirt's was Doctor Who themed.
Even made her boyfriend come in and golf, it was amusing.
Rock solid awesome man.
Except that multiple of my members had to leave early so we had some fun staff/volunteer coverage.
Anyway, pictures are being put up on the website, I may steal some of them tomorrow with permission from Info-man who took them. I was too busy running all over four floors to take really any of my own.
Plus he was officially assigned those hours to take pictures so he got plenty.
I know you're all jealous that you didn't get to host a library golf tournament.
For the whole like 20 people who took part.
Not that I was expecting more, with our location I was glad there were any.
Think if we do it again we're gonna open it up to all ages. The only teens that show up to stuff at my branch are the teens already in the advisory board.
But they made me proud today.
Showed up at one, finished their holes, helped out the kids that came through...
Then the new intern and I got to clean it all up.
I'm loving this new intern, today we talked Chuck.
"computer emergency..."
It's nice having someone there my age again.
We had fun, pushing around two flatbed trucks when our main elevator was busted.
The doors would get stuck and all that so instead of us riding in it with our flatbeds we stuck everything in it, sent it downstairs and then ran to meet it.
Highly entertaining.
Just not for the dude who came to fix it.
We were zonked by the end of the takedown you could tell, we were basically just chucking these magazine holders into a pile.
Calling it Queen of the Known Universe's land.
Filled with tiny little magazine people that worship her.
With their own newspaper.
The headlines include:
"Today on her break she read a book!"
Not really.
Those are our zonked out conversations.
So yes, I don't care that only 20 people participated, I would have called 5 a victory.
And even without those 5 my teens would have had fun.
And they did, designing their own holes, I know they were proud of them.
Alright, so that was the highlight of my day - aside from picking the clubs up this morning and dropping them off again.
And now doing homework.
Which is really more of a lowlight, I'm exhausted.
Music and I'm out!
a new one:
Change - Churchill
love it.
and an old one, here's another Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It:
Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
Back to Chuck.
Like, how did they originate?
Did someone one day decide that their plain flat ceiling was boring and then had a random hose full of popcorn lying around?
Wow, wouldn't this look great up there?
Yeah, let's spray it on the ceiling! My ceiling would look so much cooler if I covered it in tiny bumps...
And then it was all like keeping up with the Joneses.
Gotta have a bumpy ceiling cause smooth ones are out of style.
Or was it more like meant for eclectic people who couldn't tell the difference between the ceiling and the walls so they had to give them different textures just to clarify.
Insomniac question.
Library Golf went fantastic, in case you were wondering.
I know that's why you're all actually here, not to read my ceiling ramblings.

9 holes set up throughout the library.
Two up on fourth floors, ride the broken/get stuck inside elevator down to second floor for one in biographies, music, nonfiction, language and then it's down the back stairway to the bottom of the stairway and over to the adult nonfiction and ending in youth services.
Each of the TAB kids designing and leading their own holes.
Squirt's was Doctor Who themed.
Even made her boyfriend come in and golf, it was amusing.
Rock solid awesome man.
Except that multiple of my members had to leave early so we had some fun staff/volunteer coverage.
Anyway, pictures are being put up on the website, I may steal some of them tomorrow with permission from Info-man who took them. I was too busy running all over four floors to take really any of my own.
Plus he was officially assigned those hours to take pictures so he got plenty.
I know you're all jealous that you didn't get to host a library golf tournament.
For the whole like 20 people who took part.
Not that I was expecting more, with our location I was glad there were any.
Think if we do it again we're gonna open it up to all ages. The only teens that show up to stuff at my branch are the teens already in the advisory board.
But they made me proud today.
Showed up at one, finished their holes, helped out the kids that came through...
Then the new intern and I got to clean it all up.
I'm loving this new intern, today we talked Chuck.
"computer emergency..."
It's nice having someone there my age again.
We had fun, pushing around two flatbed trucks when our main elevator was busted.
The doors would get stuck and all that so instead of us riding in it with our flatbeds we stuck everything in it, sent it downstairs and then ran to meet it.
Highly entertaining.
Just not for the dude who came to fix it.
We were zonked by the end of the takedown you could tell, we were basically just chucking these magazine holders into a pile.
Calling it Queen of the Known Universe's land.
Filled with tiny little magazine people that worship her.
With their own newspaper.
The headlines include:
"Today on her break she read a book!"
Not really.
Those are our zonked out conversations.
So yes, I don't care that only 20 people participated, I would have called 5 a victory.
And even without those 5 my teens would have had fun.
And they did, designing their own holes, I know they were proud of them.
Alright, so that was the highlight of my day - aside from picking the clubs up this morning and dropping them off again.
And now doing homework.
Which is really more of a lowlight, I'm exhausted.
Music and I'm out!
a new one:
Change - Churchill
love it.
and an old one, here's another Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It:
Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
Back to Chuck.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
"Stay in the car." "My four favorite words."
See, people make fun of me for buying those gimic protection plans for headphones, but they don't realize how many pairs of earbuds I go through in a month.
Today I took in 2 broken sets after work and got them both replaced for free, huzzah!
I love Best Buy.
Though the Geek Squad's customer service is loathsome.
Like, I know you have lines of people and you're busy, but perhaps if you picked up the pace a bit or focused on your own customer instead of your coworkers 4 other customers you would get things done a little bit faster and in a more organized manner.
Was second in line, stood there for half an hour before anyone talked to me.
Makes me proud of our customer service skills at my library.
Which a lady mentioned to my supervisor today. Said I was much more patient and helpful than a different branch and that she was going to start coming to us instead.
Rock solid man.
So today...
Was good.
Flew by fast.
Did my final Library Golf preparations for tomorrow, now all that's left is to pick up the clubs, set up the holes and hope for the best.
I'm hoping that a lot of teens show up to participate.
But not like too many that will be overcrowded and overdramatic.
Or ones that think it's dumb and make fun of our arrangements.
I guess we shall see.
Other highlights include more training and special guest star visits from an old professor and the Authentically Amazing One and Only KB.
Whom I haven't seen in like months but we need a girls night.
And that's really all I remember about today. Oh, I uploaded my Summer Reading Kickoff pictures.
Yep, now that's all I remember about today.
Carter and I are jamming.
Watched Holly get eliminated on The Voice - called it, ugh Swon Brothers move on again.
Cassaddee Pope - my pick for last season's winner and actual winner - made a guest appearance unveiling her new single.
Is country.
And see, if she had any other coach things would be completely different.
Now we've moved on to Chuck season one.
Okay, more like moved back to Chuck season one.
Cause the boyfriend is having a bad day which means I'm having a bad day so naturally I flew back to a comedy - oh speaking of comedies, and anther thing I had forgotten about today...
BossLady and I think we should install a movie night for staff morale - ha!
We're thinking Emperor's New Groove.
It's classic.
The old intern and I were discussing our favorite animated movies, we're both fans of Robin Hood and Aladdin.
Then of course I had to ramble about the whole half of the Disney princes don't even have names let alone lines spiel, go here: Sketch and Edit Watch a Movie
But I think Emperor's New Groove is probably the funniest just because of Kronk and David Spade.
I have no idea what his actual name is, I just call him Kronk when I see him.
Though "Kronk's New Groove" was horrible. Don't watch it.
Where was I?
Oh right, Chuck.
Watched it while I did more homework.
I'm loving this whole one credit class thing. There are no due dates for the homework, it's all just "get it done by the last day of the semester" aka like the end of July.
Though I'll probably do it all on some weekend and get it over and done with.
Discussion Boards for my other class may kill me, especially this week as there are three, but I'm trying to keep up.
But that's it for tonight. I'm exhausted and calling it.
Carter and I are gonna crash.
Music and I'm out.
Here are some of my favorites from Chuck:
Fortunate Son - Jeffster
Jeffster rocks it.
Get Outta My Dreams - Billy Ocean
yep. that's all I got.
I found the bug.
But it's too high.
And all of my chairs move when I stand on them.
And you know me and movable chairs.
Dressers fall over.
I pass out.
Smash my foot.
They call the Dean and then the whole world knows.
And yesterday when I tried to reach and smash it I totally missed so it's gotta be watching out for me now.
stupid bugs.
Today I took in 2 broken sets after work and got them both replaced for free, huzzah!
I love Best Buy.
Though the Geek Squad's customer service is loathsome.
Like, I know you have lines of people and you're busy, but perhaps if you picked up the pace a bit or focused on your own customer instead of your coworkers 4 other customers you would get things done a little bit faster and in a more organized manner.
Was second in line, stood there for half an hour before anyone talked to me.
Makes me proud of our customer service skills at my library.
Which a lady mentioned to my supervisor today. Said I was much more patient and helpful than a different branch and that she was going to start coming to us instead.
Rock solid man.
So today...
Was good.
Flew by fast.
Did my final Library Golf preparations for tomorrow, now all that's left is to pick up the clubs, set up the holes and hope for the best.
I'm hoping that a lot of teens show up to participate.
But not like too many that will be overcrowded and overdramatic.
Or ones that think it's dumb and make fun of our arrangements.
I guess we shall see.
Other highlights include more training and special guest star visits from an old professor and the Authentically Amazing One and Only KB.
Whom I haven't seen in like months but we need a girls night.
And that's really all I remember about today. Oh, I uploaded my Summer Reading Kickoff pictures.
Yep, now that's all I remember about today.
Carter and I are jamming.
Watched Holly get eliminated on The Voice - called it, ugh Swon Brothers move on again.
Cassaddee Pope - my pick for last season's winner and actual winner - made a guest appearance unveiling her new single.
Is country.
And see, if she had any other coach things would be completely different.
Now we've moved on to Chuck season one.
Okay, more like moved back to Chuck season one.
Cause the boyfriend is having a bad day which means I'm having a bad day so naturally I flew back to a comedy - oh speaking of comedies, and anther thing I had forgotten about today...
BossLady and I think we should install a movie night for staff morale - ha!
We're thinking Emperor's New Groove.
It's classic.
The old intern and I were discussing our favorite animated movies, we're both fans of Robin Hood and Aladdin.
Then of course I had to ramble about the whole half of the Disney princes don't even have names let alone lines spiel, go here: Sketch and Edit Watch a Movie
But I think Emperor's New Groove is probably the funniest just because of Kronk and David Spade.
I have no idea what his actual name is, I just call him Kronk when I see him.
Though "Kronk's New Groove" was horrible. Don't watch it.
Where was I?
Oh right, Chuck.
Watched it while I did more homework.
I'm loving this whole one credit class thing. There are no due dates for the homework, it's all just "get it done by the last day of the semester" aka like the end of July.
Though I'll probably do it all on some weekend and get it over and done with.
Discussion Boards for my other class may kill me, especially this week as there are three, but I'm trying to keep up.
But that's it for tonight. I'm exhausted and calling it.
Carter and I are gonna crash.
Music and I'm out.
Here are some of my favorites from Chuck:
Fortunate Son - Jeffster
Jeffster rocks it.
Get Outta My Dreams - Billy Ocean
yep. that's all I got.
I found the bug.
But it's too high.
And all of my chairs move when I stand on them.
And you know me and movable chairs.
Dressers fall over.
I pass out.
Smash my foot.
They call the Dean and then the whole world knows.
And yesterday when I tried to reach and smash it I totally missed so it's gotta be watching out for me now.
stupid bugs.
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